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Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users
Version 7.9.6

Part Number E14217-01
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B Configuring Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics

This appendix provides instructions for Configuring Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics, and contains the following topics:

B.1 What is Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics?

Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics enables you to extract data from CRM transactional applications for analysis, when pre-packaged business adapters for these sources are not available. Unlike the pre-packaged business adapters that can only be used for particular source systems, Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics can be used for any source systems as long as the source data can be presented in the specified flat file format.

The CRM source data could also reside in custom applications or legacy systems. Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics is shipped as part of any of the Oracle BI Applications CRM Analytics product and is not separately priced.

B.2 Data Format Requirements

To use Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics, source data should be presented in flat files according to the following specifications:

B.3 About the Sample Source Files Provided

Oracle BI Applications provides a sample source file for each supported source file type. Typically, each sample source files contain sample data rows. Sample source files are located in:

<OracleBI>\dwrep\Informatica\Sample Universal Source Files

For a list of sample source files, see Section B.5, "List of Sample Source Files for Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics".

The sample source file file_budget.csv is shown in the figure below:

Figure B-1 Sample Universal Adapter Source File

This screenshot is described in surrounding text.

B.4 How to Create Data Files for Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics

To create data files, Oracle recommends that you use the sample source files provided (for a list of sample source files, see Section B.5, "List of Sample Source Files for Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics").

To create data files for Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics:

  1. Copy the sample source files (file_xxx.csv) from the <OracleBI>\dwrep\Informatica\Sample Universal Source Files folder to the <Informatica PowerCenter>\Server\SrcFiles folder.

  2. Delete the sample data rows from every sample source file.

    You must have all of the empty files in the <Informatica PowerCenter>\Server\SrcFiles folder first for ETL execution plans to run without interruptions. Some ETL execution plans might contain tasks that you do not need but that would fail and cause interruption in your ETL run if source files expected by the tasks cannot be found in the <Informatica PowerCenter>\Server\SrcFiles folder.

  3. Populate the files that you need in the <Informatica PowerCenter>\Server\SrcFiles folder, making sure that the data starts at line six.

    For example, to load opportunity dimension data, you could populate the file_opty.ds.csv file.

  4. In DAC, create an execution plan to load the data from these files.

    For instructions on creating an execution plan, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

B.5 List of Sample Source Files for Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics

This section lists sample source files for Universal Adapter for CRM Analytics, and contains the following topics:

B.5.1 List of Source Files for Seed Data and Common Dimensions

This section lists source files for seed data and common dimensions. These source files are mandatory and should be populated when using the CRM Universal Adapter.

Table B-1 Seed Data and Common Dimension Source Files

CRM Subject Area Associated Source Files

Seed Data

  • file_codes_common

  • file_costlst_g

  • file_dual_g

  • file_exch_rate

  • file_lov_d

  • file_lst_of_val_g

Common Dimension

  • file_employee

  • file_geo_ds

  • file_int_org

  • file_int_org_dh

  • file_party_org_ds

  • file_party_per_ds

  • file_position_ds

  • file_product

  • file_user

B.5.2 List of Source Files for Specific Subject Areas

This section lists CRM subject areas and their related source files. Populate these source files selectively, depending on your business needs.

Table B-2 Subject Areas and Associated Source Files

CRM Subject Area Associated Source Files

CRM - Forecasting

  • file_dtl_fcst_fs

  • file_fcst_ser_ds

  • file_industry_ds

  • file_opty_ds

  • file_source

  • file_sum_fcst_fs

  • file_terr

CRM - Marketing

  • file_camp_hist_fs

  • file_camp_opty_fs

  • file_geo_region_ds

  • file_household_ds

  • file_household_fs

  • file_industry_ds

  • file_ld_wave_ds

  • file_mktg_cost_fs

  • file_mktg_goal_fs

  • file_mktg_lead_fs

  • file_mktg_lead_opty_h

  • file_mktg_lead_ds

  • file_offer_ds

  • file_ofr_prod_fs

  • file_opty_ds

  • file_period_ds

  • file_person_fs

  • file_regn_ds

  • file_resp_prod_fs

  • file_response_ds

  • file_response_fs

  • file_segment_ds

  • file_source

  • file_terr

  • file_vendor_ds

  • file_wave_ds

CRM - Sales

  • file_agree_ds

  • file_entlmnt_ds

  • file_geo_region_ds

  • file_industry_ds

  • file_invoice_fs

  • file_offer_ds

  • file_oiprdattr_ds

  • file_opty_cmpt_fs

  • file_opty_con_fs

  • file_opty_ds

  • file_opty_stg_fs

  • file_order_ds

  • file_orderitem_fs

  • file_person_fs

  • file_prdattrnm_ds

  • file_qiprdattr_ds

  • file_quote_ds

  • file_quoteitem_fs

  • file_regn_ds

  • file_revn_fs

  • file_segment_ds

  • file_source

  • file_srvreq_ds

  • file_sstage_ds

  • file_terr

CRM - Service

  • file_activity_fs

  • file_agree_ds

  • file_agreeitem_fs

  • file_assess_ds

  • file_asset_ds

  • file_asset_fs

  • file_claimelmnt_ds

  • file_entlmnt_ds

  • file_opty_ds

  • file_quote_ds

  • file_region_ds

  • file_source

  • file_srvreq_ds

  • file_srvreq_fs

  • file_survey_fs

CRM - Automotive Vehicle Sales

  • file_asset_ds

  • file_household_ds

  • file_vehicle_fs

CRM - Comm, Media and Energy - Quotes and Orders

  • file_agree_ds

  • file_entlmnt_ds

  • file_industry_ds

  • file_offer_ds

  • file_oiprdattr_ds

  • file_opty_ds

  • file_order_ds

  • file_orderitem_fs

  • file_prilstitem_ds

  • file_qiprdattr_ds

  • file_quote_ds

  • file_quoteitem_fs

  • file_regn_ds

  • file_segment_ds

  • file_source

  • file_srvreq_ds

  • file_sstage_ds

  • file_terr

CRM - Consumer Sector Fund

  • file_fndhdr_fs

  • file_fndtxn_fs

  • file_fund_ds

  • file_fund_fs

  • file_plan_promo_ds

  • file_terr

CRM - Consumer Sector - Performance

  • file_performance_fs

CRM - Consumer Sector - Promotion

  • file_plan_promo_ds

  • file_promotion_fs

CRM - Consumer Sector - Retail Audit

  • file_invloc_ds

  • file_plan_promo_ds

  • file_rtlaudit_fs

CRM - ePharma - Account Call

  • file_accnt_rnk_ds

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_call_accnt_fs

  • file_call_attnd_fs

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

CRM - ePharma - Contact Call

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_call_con_fs

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

CRM - ePharma - Direct Sales

  • file_accnt_rnk_ds

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_ins_plan_ds

  • file_syndd_ds_fs

CRM - ePharma - Indirect Sales

  • file_accnt_rnk_ds

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_ins_plan_ds

  • file_syndd_ids_fs

CRM - ePharma - Medical Education

  • file_area_ds

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_med_att_tmp

  • file_med_cst_tmp

  • file_med_ed_fs

  • file_med_evt_ds

  • file_med_plan_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

CRM - ePharma - Objective

  • file_accnt_rnk_ds

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_call_accnt_fs

  • file_call_con_fs

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_ins_plan_ds

  • file_objective_fs

  • file_plan_promo_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

  • file_syndd_ds_fs

  • file_syndd_ids_fs

  • file_syndd_rx_fs

CRM - ePharma - Physician Plan Prescription

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

  • file_syndd_xpt_fs

CRM - ePharma - Physician Prescription

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_ins_plan_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

  • file_syndd_rx_fs

CRM - ePharma - Plan Prescription

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_syndd_pt_fs

CRM - ePharma - Weekly Physician Prescription

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_alignmt_dhs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_ins_plan_ds

  • file_postn_con_ds

  • file_syndd_w_fs

CRM - ePharma - Profile Rank

  • file_accnt_rnk_ds

  • file_affl_aa_hs

  • file_affl_ac_hs

  • file_affl_ca_hs

  • file_affl_cc_hs

  • file_area_ds

  • file_con_rnk_ds

  • file_per_rank_fs

  • file_postn_con_ds

CRM - Financial Service - Accounts and Application

  • file_agree_ds

  • file_asset_ds

  • file_asset_fs

  • file_balhstry_fs

  • file_fn_holding_ds

  • file_fn_holding_fs

  • file_industry_ds

  • file_ins_claim_ds

  • file_offer_ds

  • file_opty_ds

  • file_region_ds

  • file_regn_ds

  • file_revn_fs

  • file_segment_ds

  • file_source

  • file_src_offr_hs

  • file_srvreq_ds

  • file_srvreq_fs

  • file_sstage_ds

  • file_terr

CRM - Financial Service - Accounts and Insurances

  • file_asset_ds

  • file_asset_fs

  • file_claimelmnt_ds

  • file_industry_ds

  • file_ins_claim_ds

  • file_ins_claim_fs

  • file_terr

CRM - Financial Service - Balance History

  • file_asset_ds

  • file_balhstry_fs

  • file_industry_ds

CRM - Public Sector - Benefit

  • file_case_ds

  • file_benefit_fs

  • file_bnft_plan_ds

CRM - Public Sector - Case

  • file_activity_fs

  • file_case_ds

  • file_case_fs

  • file_incident_ds

  • file_lead_ds

  • file_period_ds

  • file_region_ds

  • file_srvreq_ds

  • file_srvreq_fs

CRM - Public Sector - Incident

  • file_case_ds

  • file_incident_ds

  • file_incident_fs

  • file_period_ds

CRM - Public Sector - Lead

  • file_case_ds

  • file_lead_ds

  • file_lead_fs

  • file_period_ds