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Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Installation Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users
Version 7.9.6

Part Number E14217-01
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4 Installing and Setting Up Oracle BI Applications


Some of the information about database platforms and source systems might not apply to this version of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. For up-to-date information about supported databases and source systems in this version of Oracle Business Intelligence Applications, make sure you read System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications. Make sure that you also read the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Release Notes. The most up-to-date versions of these documents are located on the Oracle Technology Network at To register for a free account on the Oracle Technology Network, go to

This section explains how to install and set up the Oracle BI Applications components. It contains the following main topics:

For information about supported Windows versions, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

4.1 About Oracle BI Applications Topologies

Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter can be deployed flexibly across a wide range of topologies on different platforms and combinations of platforms.

This section describes a typical topology for an Oracle BI Applications deployment, as illustrated in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 Typical Topology for an Oracle BI Applications Deployment

This diagram is described in surrounding text.

In Figure 4-1, note the following:

4.2 High-Level Installation and Configuration Task List

This section contains a high-level task list of the tasks you must complete to install Oracle BI Applications. You must complete these tasks in the order listed below.

  1. Before you start to install Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Services, do the following:

    1. Make sure that you satisfy the Informatica PowerCenter requirements that are specified in Section 4.3.2, "Informatica PowerCenter Requirements."

    2. Make sure that you satisfy the Code Page requirements that are specified in Section 4.3.3, "Code Page and Data Movement Requirements."

    3. Make sure that you perform the mandatory preinstallation tasks that are specified in Section 4.4, "Preinstallation Tasks." The preinstallation tasks are the following:

      - Section 4.4.1, "Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components"

      - Section 4.4.2, "Install and Configure Database Connectivity Software"

      - Section 4.4.3, "Perform Prerequisites for Informatica PowerCenter Installation"

  2. Run the Oracle BI Applications 7.9.6 installer on a Windows machine. For more information, see Section 4.5, "Running the Oracle BI Applications Installer on Windows."

    1. Make sure that a complete installation of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition is installed on the machine on which you want to install Oracle BI Applications. For more information, see Section 4.3.1, "Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Requirements."

      Note: This instance of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition does not need to be the functional version that you will use to deploy dashboards in your live system. This instance is only required to enable the Oracle BI Applications installer to install the Oracle BI Applications files on a machine.

  3. Install Informatica PowerCenter Services and Client Tools version 8.6 and Hotfix 4 software. For more information, see Section 4.6, "Installing Informatica PowerCenter."

  4. Restore the prebuilt Informatica Repository file provided with Oracle BI Applications. This file includes ETL repository objects, such as mappings, sessions, and workflows. For more information, see Section 4.7, "Restoring the Prebuilt Informatica Repository."

  5. Configure the Informatica PowerCenter components for use with Oracle BI Applications. For more information, see Section 4.8, "Configuring Informatica PowerCenter Components."

  6. Install the DAC Client and Server Platform. The DAC Platform is installed by the Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC) installer. For more information, see Section 4.9, "Installing the DAC Platform."

  7. Install the DAC metadata files. The DAC metadata files are installed by the Oracle BI Applications installer and must be copied to the machines hosting the DAC Client and Server. For more information, see Section 4.10, "Installing DAC Metadata Files."

  8. Log into DAC and Import Metadata into the DAC Repository. For more information, see Section 4.11, "Logging into DAC for the First Time and Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository."

  9. Create the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables. For more information, see Section 4.12, "Creating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Tables."

  10. Configure the DAC Server. For more information, see Section 4.13, "Configuring the DAC Server."

  11. Configure DAC Integration Settings. For more information, see Section 4.14, "Configuring DAC Integration Settings."

  12. Create Relational Connections in Informatica Workflow Manager, as specified in Section 4.15, "Configuring Relational Connections in Informatica Workflow Manager".

  13. Configure the SiebelUniCodeDB Custom Property, as specified in Section 4.16, "Configuring the SiebelUnicodeDB Custom Property."

  14. Set up DAC to receive email notification. For more information, see Section 4.17, "Setting Up DAC to Receive Email Notification."

  15. Perform required post-installation tasks. For more information, see Section 4.18, "Additional Configuration Tasks.".


After you have completed the above steps and completed any customizations that you need to make, you are ready to perform a full load of your OLTP data. For an example of performing a full load of OLTP data, see Section 4.19, "About Running A Full Load ETL." For detailed information about using DAC to perform ETL processes, see Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

4.3 Mandatory Requirements

This section includes mandatory requirements that you must satisfy before you can deploy Oracle BI Applications.

This section contains the following topics:

4.3.1 Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Requirements

The Oracle BI Applications installer requires that you have already installed Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition on a Windows machine. The instance of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition must be a complete installation; that is, you must install it using the Complete setup type option.

Note: This instance of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition does not need to be the functional version that you will use to deploy reports and dashboards in your live system. This instance is only required to enable the Oracle BI Applications installer to install the Oracle BI Applications files on a machine.

To determine the minimum version of Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition that is supported for this release of Oracle BI Applications, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

4.3.2 Informatica PowerCenter Requirements

Oracle BI Applications release 7.9.6 requires Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 with Hotfix 4. If you license Informatica PowerCenter with Oracle BI Applications, you install Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 and Hotfix 4 from the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

If you license Informatica PowerCenter separately and you do not have Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 and Hotfix 4, you must upgrade your Informatica PowerCenter license to 8.6 and Hotfix 4 before deploying Oracle BI Applications.

Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 has significant architecture changes from previous7.x versions. Before installing Oracle BI Applications, Oracle recommends that you do the following:

  • Read the Informatica PowerCenter documentation to familiarize yourself with the new architecture, components, and features. Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 documentation is included on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

  • Plan your topology carefully before installing Informatica PowerCenter Services.

Also, note the following about Informatica and DAC requirements:

  • Informatica PowerCenter Client Tools and the DAC Client must be co-located on the same machine.

  • PowerCenter Services and the DAC Server must be co-located on the same machine.

  • Informatica PowerCenter Services runs on 32-bit or 64-bit platforms. For more information about these two platforms, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

About Changes in Informatica Terminology

Review this section if you are upgrading from an Informatica 7.x version to PowerCenter 8.6.

Table 4-1 Changes in Informatica Terminology

Term used in 7.1.x versions of Informatica PowerCenter Term used in 8.x version of Informatica PowerCenter

Informatica Repository

Informatica Repository

The Informatica Repository is managed by the Repository Service.

Informatica Repository Server

Not applicable. This component does not exist in Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.

The Informatica Repository is managed by the Repository Service.

Informatica Server

Integration Services

Not applicable

Repository Service

4.3.3 Code Page and Data Movement Requirements

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse can be deployed in various code page environments and supports global deployments. Data movement in the following source database and data warehouse configuration modes are supported:

  • Unicode to Unicode

  • Code page (multi- or single-byte) to Unicode

  • Code page to code page (where the code pages are the same)

Oracle BI Applications uses Informatica PowerCenter to perform extract, transform and load routines to move data from source database(s) to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

During the installation and configuration procedures described in this chapter, you will make various settings to enable accurate data movement. Use the guidelines and references noted below to determine values for these settings that are appropriate for your environment:

  • Determining the source to target configuration mode. Consult your database administrator to determine the code page your source OLTP database uses. Based on the type of data that will be moved from one or more source databases to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, determine what code page you will need to use for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database. Consider future requirements for storing data when determining what code page to use for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

    For accurate data movement from source database to target, the code page of the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (target) must be a superset of the code page of the source database. Informatica considers a code page to be a superset of another code page when the code page contains all the characters encoded in the other code page and additional characters not encoded in the other code page.

    If your source to target configuration mode for data movement is Unicode to Unicode, you will set a custom property called SiebelUnicodeDB on the Integration Services. Configuration modes of code page to Unicode or code page to code page do not require this property to be set.

    Note: To enable data movement from source(s) to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, you will set relaxed Code Page Validation for the Integration Services. You must ensure that the target code page is a superset of the source code page for accurate data movement.

  • Determining the Data Movement Mode. Before you deploy Oracle BI Applications, you must determine what data movement mode to use (ASCII or Unicode) for the PowerCenter Integration Service. The Character Data Movement Mode is an Informatica PowerCenter Integration Service option that you choose based on whether you want to move single-byte or multi-byte data. Choose Unicode if non-ASCII characters have to be moved. Otherwise, choose ASCII. The Data Movement Mode option is configurable and can be reset after installation.

    To set the Data Movement Mode, log into Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Integration Service, then click the Properties tab, then display the General Properties tab, and set the DataMovementMode value.

  • Determining code pages for Informatica PowerCenter components. In addition to source and target code pages, Informatica PowerCenter uses code pages for PowerCenter Client, the Integration Service, the Informatica Repository, and PowerCenter command line programs (pmcmd and pmrep, which are used by DAC to communicate with PowerCenter Services). Carefully review the Informatica documentation on 'Understanding Globalization' in the PowerCenter Administration Guide, particularly if your environment requires Data Mode Movement mode to be set to UNICODE. The section discusses code page compatibility and code page requirements for the Informatica components.

  • Setting environment variables. The Informatica installer requires the appropriate locale to be set on UNIX machines. Use LANG, LC_CTYPE or LC_ALL to set the UNIX code page. For more information, see the topic titled "Configuring Environment Variables," in "Chapter 2: Before You Install," in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.

    If your environment uses Oracle or DB2 database, you need to set environment variables NLS_LANG or DB2CODEPAGE. For information on how to set these environment variables see Section, "How to Set the NLS_LANG Environment Variable for Oracle Databases" and Section, "How to Set the DB2CODEPAGE Environment Variable for DB2 Databases."

  • Configuring Relational Connections. When you configure relational connections in the Workflow Manager, choose a code page that is compatible with the code page of the database client. If you set a database environment variable to specify the language for the database, ensure the code page for the connection is compatible with the language set for the variable. For example, if you set the NLS_LANG environment variable for an Oracle database, ensure that the code page of the Oracle connection is identical to the value set in the NLS_LANG variable.

For more information about data movement modes, refer to the Informatica PowerCenter documentation. Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 documentation is included on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

4.4 Preinstallation Tasks

This section explains the mandatory preinstallation tasks that you must perform for an Oracle BI Applications deployment. It contains the following topics:

4.4.1 Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components

Before you install Oracle BI Applications, the Data Warehouse Administration Console (DAC), and Informatica PowerCenter, use your target database tool to create database instances to hold the following:

  • DAC Repository

  • Domain Configuration Database

  • Informatica Repository

  • Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse

Note the following points:

  • For efficient ETL, DAC and Informatica components utilize multiple connections to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database must allow for a minimum of 100 connections to be made by DAC and Informatica. In addition, ensure that these connections are not allowed to time out. Consult with your network administrator and DBA for information on how to ensure these requirements.

  • Make sure that the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse instance is granted the SSE_ROLE. For more information, see Section, "How to Create the SSE Role."

  • You can store the DAC Repository and the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse in separate databases or in the same database.

  • The DAC and Informatica repositories are not supported on all database platforms. For information about which database platforms are supported, see System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

  • For database requirements for the Informatica PowerCenter components, see the topic titled, "Verifying Prerequisites," in "Chapter 2: Before You Install," in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.

  • You must create the Informatica PowerCenter domain configuration database before you run the PowerCenter installer. For more information see the topic titled, "Creating the Domain Configuration Database," in "Chapter 2: Before You Install," in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.

    The Informatica documentation is included on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications. How to Create the SSE Role

Follow this procedure to create the SSE role for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database.

To create the SSE Role

  1. Create a database role named SSE_ROLE (SSEROLE for DB2/390 databases). Assign this role to the database user. For instructions on creating roles, see the documentation provided with your database.

    Note the following:

  • For an Oracle database, when you create the SSE_ROLE role, you need to grant the following privileges:



  • For an Oracle database, if the DAC Repository and the Informatica Repository are stored in a different database from the data warehouse database, the SSE_ROLE must have the following additional privileges:

    • READ

    • WRITE

    • UPDATE

    • DELETE

    • GRANT

  • If you are using a Teradata database, you do not need to create the SSE role.

  • If you are using a DB2/390 database, you can use the alternative SSE role name SSEROLE if required. To specify a different role name, modify the 'set GRANTEE="SSEROLE"' line in the OracleBI\dwrep\createwtables.bat file.

4.4.2 Install and Configure Database Connectivity Software


The Informatica documentation referred to in this section is available on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD that is provided with Oracle BI Applications.

You must install and configure the appropriate database connectivity software on the machines that host the Informatica PowerCenter Services, DAC Server, and DAC Client.

The machine that hosts the PowerCenter Integration Services requires connectivity to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (target) database and transactional (source) database(s). For information about installing and configuring native connectivity software for Integration Services, see the topic titled, "Integratioin Service Connectivity," in "Chapter 10: Integration Service Architecture," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide. Also see System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications for information on certified database connectivity software used by Integration Services to connect to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

The machine that hosts the PowerCenter Repository Service requires native connectivity to communicate with the Informatica Repository database. For information about installing and configuring the required software, see the topic titled, "Database Connect Strings," in the section, "Creating the Repository Service," in "Chapter 7: Creating and Configuring the Repository Service," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide.

For additional information about database connectivity for Integration Services and Repository Services, see the topic titled, "Install and Configure Database Client Software," in "Chapter 2: Before You Install," in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.

The machine or machines that host the DAC Client and DAC Server require connectivity to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (target) database, transactional (source) database(s), and the DAC Repository database. For instructions on configuring connectivity for DAC, see Section 4.9.3, "Installing JDBC Drivers for DAC Database Connectivity" and Section 4.9.4, "Creating ODBC Database Connections for the DAC Client"

Notes How to Set the NLS_LANG Environment Variable for Oracle Databases

Follow this procedure to set the NLS_LANG environment variable for Oracle databases.


You need to set the NLS_LANG environment variable on each machine that has the Oracle client installed.

To set the NLS_LANG environment variable for Oracle databases

  1. Determine the NLS_LANG value.

    1. In the data warehouse database, run the following command:


    2. Make a note of the NLS_LANG value, which is in the format [NLS_LANGUAGE]_[NLS_TERRITORY].[NLS_CHARACTERSET].

      For example: American_America.UTF8

  2. For Windows:

    1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and click the Advanced tab. Click Environment Variables.

    2. In System variables section, click New.

    3. In the Variable Name field, enter NLS_LANG.

    4. In the Variable Value field, enter the NLS_LANG value that was returned in Step 0.

      The format for the NLS_LANG value should be [NLS_LANGUAGE]_[NLS_TERRITORY].[NLS_CHARACTERSET].

      For example: American_America.UTF8.


      The NLS_LANG character set should reflect the setting of the operating system character set of the client. For example, if the database character set is AL32UTF8 and the client is running on a Windows operating system, then you should not set AL32UTF8 as the client character set in the NLS_LANG parameter because there are no UTF-8 WIN32 clients. Instead, the NLS_LANG setting should reflect the code page of the client. For example, on an English Windows client, the code page is 1252. An appropriate setting for NLS_LANG is AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252.

      Setting NLS_LANG correctly allows proper conversion from the client operating system character set to the database character set. When these settings are the same, Oracle assumes that the data being sent or received is encoded in the same character set as the database character set, so character set validation or conversion may not be performed. This can lead to corrupt data if the client code page and the database character set are different and conversions are necessary

  3. For UNIX and Linux, set the variable as shown below:

    setenv NLS_LANG <NLS_LANG>

    For example: setenv NLS_LANG American_America.UTF8.

    If your data is 7-bit or 8-bit ASCII and the Integration Service is running on UNIX or Linux, then set NLS_LANG <NLS_LANGUAGE>_<NLS_TERRITORY>.WE8ISO8859P1


    Make sure you set the NLS_LANG variable correctly, as stated in this procedure, or your data will not display correctly. How to Set the DB2CODEPAGE Environment Variable for DB2 Databases

Follow this procedure to set the DB2CODEPAGE environment variable for DB2 databases on machines that have the DB2 client installed.

To set the DB2CODEPAGE environment variable for DB2 databases

  1. Determine the DB2CODEPAGE value.

    1. Connect to the Source database, using the following command:

    2. Make a note of the result.

      For example: 1208

  2. For Windows:

    1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and click the Advanced tab. Click Environment Variables.

    2. In System variables section, click New.

    3. In the Variable Name field, DB2CODEPAGE.

    4. In the Variable Value field, enter the value that was returned in Step 0.

  3. For UNIX and Linux, set the variable as shown below:

    setenv DB2CODEPAGE <DB2CODEPAGE value>

    For example: setenv 1208.

4.4.3 Perform Prerequisites for Informatica PowerCenter Installation

Before you run the Informatica PowerCenter installer, you must perform the prerequisites that are described in the chapter, "Before You Install," in the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide.

4.5 Running the Oracle BI Applications Installer on Windows

The Oracle BI Applications installer runs on Windows and requires the Oracle Business Intelligence infrastructure to be installed. For more information on Oracle Business Intelligence infrastructure requirements, see Section 4.3.1, "Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Requirements."

This section explains how to install the Oracle BI Applications files using the Oracle BI Applications Installation Wizard. When you run the wizard, the Oracle BI Applications files are installed into the existing Oracle Business Intelligence infrastructure directory (for example, <DRIVE>:\OracleBI\).


If you have a previous release of Oracle BI Applications installed, you must uninstall this release before you run the installer for Oracle BI Applications release 7.9.6. If you do not uninstall the previous version, some release 7.9.6 directories will not be correctly installed. (Make a back-up of your Oracle BI Repository, Presentation Catalog, and DAC and dwrep directories before you uninstall the previous release.)

To install Oracle BI Applications on Windows

  1. Access the installation files on the installation DVD, and then run the program setup.exe to display the Welcome page.


    To run the installer in console (or text) mode, run the command setup.exe -console. You do not see the following screens in console installation mode. Instead, you enter input as plain text in the terminal window when prompted.
  2. In the Welcome page, click Next.

  3. Enter or browse for the location for the Oracle Business Intelligence infrastructure (for example, <DRIVE>:\OracleBI\) and for the Oracle Business Intelligence data (for example, <DRIVE>:\OracleBIData\). Click Next.

  4. Select the Oracle BI Applications that you want to install, and then click Next.

    To determine the applications you should install for the Oracle BI Applications licenses you have purchased, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Licensing and Packaging Guide. This guide is part of the Oracle Business Intelligence Media Pack.

    Once you have installed applications, you can deploy them for one or more source systems selectively when you create the DAC Repository in a later step. For more information, see Section 4.11.2, "Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository."

  5. At the summary page, review the summary information, and click Next to start the installation.

    The installer installs the Oracle BI Applications directories and files in the Oracle Business Intelligence infrastructure installation.


    Even when the progress bar on the installer reports 100% complete, you must wait until the Finish button is displayed.
  6. Click Finish.


    Look in the <DRIVE>:\OracleBI\Document\version_apps.txt file in the Oracle Business Intelligence infrastructure directory to check that you have installed the correct version of Oracle BI Applications.

When the installation is complete, verify that the following directories or files are installed:


4.6 Installing Informatica PowerCenter

This section contains the following topics:


4.6.1 Installing Informatica PowerCenter Client Tools (Windows)

This section explains how to install Informatica PowerCenter 8.6 Client Tools and Hotfix 4 for an Oracle BI Applications deployment. For detailed generic information about installing Informatica 8.6, refer to the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide, and related documentation.

To install Informatica PowerCenter Client Tools on Windows

  1. Run the program install.exe from the PowerCenter_8.6.0_SE_for_Windows_32bit on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

  2. Follow the instructions on the Informatica PowerCenter Client 8.6 installation wizard.

  3. Install Informatica PowerCenter Hotfix 4 from the PowerCenter_8.6.0_HotFix4_for_Windows_32bit folder on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

    For information about applying Hotfix 4, see PowerCenter Version 8.6.0 HotFix 4 Release Notes. This PDF is included with the Informatica documentation on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD and is also included with the Hotfix 4 installation files.

4.6.2 Installing Informatica PowerCenter Services

This section explains how to install Informatica PowerCenter Services 8.6 and Hotfix 4 for an Oracle BI Applications deployment. For detailed generic information about installing Informatica 8.6, refer to the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide and related documentation, which is included on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.


If you have purchased the 'Informatica OEM PowerCenter ETL Server and PowerConnect Adapters' license from Oracle, use the Oracle_All_OS_Prod.key license key file. This file is located in the DVD root directory of the Informatica PowerCenter DVD that is provided with Oracle BI Applications.


On Windows, do not install Informatica in a directory that has a space in the directory name. For example, do not install in D:\Program Files\INFA. If you install into a directory with a space in the name, you will cause errors in DAC.

To install Informatica PowerCenter Services 8.6 and Hotfix 4

  1. Start the Informatica PowerCenter Services installer.

    To start the installer on Windows, run the install.bat file from the PowerCenter_8.6.0_SE_for_Windows_<bit mode> folder on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD that is provided with Oracle BI Applications.

    To start the installer on UNIX or Linux, run at a shell command line. The PowerCenter 8.6 installation files are located in the folder PowerCenter_8.6.0_SE_<OS>_<bit mode> on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

    On UNIX or Linux, select the option to use the GUI mode installation.

  2. Follow the instructions on the Informatica PowerCenter Services installation wizard.

  3. Stop any Informatica services that are running.

  4. Install the Informatica PowerCenter Hotfix 4 from the PowerCenter_8.6.0_HotFix4_for_<OS>_<bit mode> folder.

    For information about applying Hotfix 4, see PowerCenter Version 8.6.0 HotFix 4 Release Notes. This PDF is included with the Informatica documentation on the DVD and is also included with the Hotfix 4 installation files.

4.6.3 Creating the Informatica Repository Service

Follow this procedure to create the Informatica Repository Service.

For detailed information about creating the Repository Service, see the topic titled, "Creating the Repository Service," in "Chapter 7: Creating and Configuring the Repository Service," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide, which is included on the Informatica DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

To create the Informatica Repository Service

  1. Open the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console.

  2. On the left side of the Administration Console, click Create, and then select Create Repository Service.

  3. In the Create New Repository Service dialog box, specify the appropriate values for the required properties. For a description of the required properties, see "Creating the Repository Service," in "Chapter 7: Creating and Configuring the Repository Service," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide.

    In particular, note the following properties:

    1. For the Code Page, select a code page that is compatible with the code page of the machine on which you installed Informatica PowerCenter. For more information, refer to the Informatica PowerCenter documentation and to Section 4.3.3, "Code Page and Data Movement Requirements."

      Note: The code page of the Repository Service cannot be changed once the Repository Service has been created.

    2. For the Creation Mode, make sure you select Create New Repository Content.

4.6.4 Creating the Informatica Integration Service

Follow this procedure to create the Informatica Integration Service.

For detailed information about creating the Integration Service, see the topic titled, "Creating an Integration Service," in "Chapter 9: Creating and Configuring the Integration Service," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide, which is included on the Informatica DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

To create the Informatica Integration Service

  1. Open the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console.

  2. On the left side of the Administration Console, click Create, and then select Create Integration Service.

  3. In the Create New Integration Service dialog box, specify the appropriate values for the required properties.

    For a description of the required properties, see the topic titled, "Creating an Integration Service," in "Chapter 9: Creating and Configuring the Integration Service," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide.

4.7 Restoring the Prebuilt Informatica Repository

An Informatica Repository file called Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep is installed into the OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\Repository directory during the Oracle BI Applications installation. For use with deployments where the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is on Teradata, a repository file called Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata.rep is installed.

This section includes the following topics:

4.7.1 Restoring the Prebuilt Informatica Repository for Environments in English

You use the Restore option in Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console to load the prebuilt Oracle_BI_DW_Base repository or Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata repository (in a Teradata environment).

To load the prebuilt Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep or Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata.rep repository into Informatica

  1. Copy the file Oracle_BI_DW_Base.rep (or Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata.rep if your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is on Teradata) from the OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\Repository directory on the machine where the Oracle BI Applications installer was run to the following folder on the machine where Informatica PowerCenter Services has been installed:

    • On Windows copy the file to the \Informatica PowerCenter8.6.0\server\infa_shared\Backup directory.

    • On UNIX or Linux copy the file to $Informatica/PowerCenter8.6.0/server/infa_shared/Backup directory.

  2. In Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Repository Service that was created in the procedure in Section 4.6.3, "Creating the Informatica Repository Service."

  3. In the Properties tab, click Edit in the General properties area.

  4. Make sure that the OperatingMode value is Exclusive.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Choose Actions, then Delete Contents.

  7. At the Delete contents for <repository name> dialog box, enter the repository username and password (for example, Administrator\Administrator), then click OK.

  8. Choose Actions > Restore Contents.

  9. At the Restore Contents dialog box, select Oracle_BI_DW_Base (or Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata for Teradata installations) from the Select backup file drop down list.

  10. Select the Restore as new check box.

  11. Click OK to start the restore process.

  12. When the restore process is complete, click Close (or click Save first to save the logging information).

    When the restore is complete (the process typically takes approximately ten to twenty minutes), you will see a 'Success' message.

    When a repository is restored, the repository becomes a standalone repository. After restoring the repository, you need to promote it to a global repository. For instructions, see the topic titled, "Promoting a Local Repository to a Global Repository," in "Chapter 8: Managing the Repository," in Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide.

  13. In the Properties tab, click Edit in the General properties area.

  14. Change the OperatingMode value to Normal.

  15. If prompted, enter the repository username and password.


The prebuilt Oracle_BI_DW_Base and Oracle_BI_DW_Teradata repository files are versioned from Oracle BI Applications release 7.9.3 and higher. For more information about the versioned repositories, see Appendix H, "About the Versioned Informatica Repository."

4.7.2 Restoring the Prebuilt Informatica Repository on a Non-English Operating System

If Informatica PowerCenter Services is installed on a non-English version of the operating system, you must use the command line to restore the prebuilt Informatica Repository provided with Oracle BI Applications.

To restore the prebuilt Informatica Repository on a non-English operating system

  1. Open a Command window.

  2. Enter the following command to connect to the repository:

    Pmrep connect -r <RepositoryName> -d <Domain> 
  3. Enter the following command to restore the repository:

    PmRep restore -u <domain_user_name> -p <domain_user_password> -i <input_file_name> -n

    where the input_file_name is the name of the prebuilt repository file.

4.8 Configuring Informatica PowerCenter Components

This section explains how to configure Informatica PowerCenter Services for use with Oracle BI Applications. It contains the following topics:

4.8.1 Copying Source Files and Lookup Files

You need to copy source files and lookup files from the Oracle BI Applications installation directory to the Informatica directory on the Informatica PowerCenter Services machine.

Note: The following instructions assume the Informatica default directory locations for source and lookup files.

To copy source files and lookup files to Informatica PowerCenter Services on Windows

  1. Copy the source files in \OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\SrcFiles on the machine where the Oracle BI Applications installer was run to \Informatica PowerCenter8.6.0\server\infa_shared\SrcFiles on the Informatica PowerCenter Services machine.

  2. Copy the lookup files in \OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\LkpFiles on the machine where the Oracle BI Applications installer was run to Informatica PowerCenter8.6.0\server\infa_shared\LkpFiles on the Informatica PowerCenter Services machine.

To copy source files and lookup files to Informatica PowerCenter Services on UNIX or Linux

  1. Copy the source files in \OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\SrcFiles on the Windows machine where the Oracle BI Applications installer was run to $Informatica/PowerCenter8.6.0/server/infa_shared/SrcFiles on the Informatica PowerCenter Services machine.

  2. Copy the lookup files in \OracleBI\dwrep\Informatica\LkpFiles on the Windows machine where the Oracle BI Applications installer was run to $Informatica/PowerCenter8.6.0/server/infa_shared/LkpFiles on the Informatica PowerCenter Services machine.

4.8.2 Setting PowerCenter Integration Services Relaxed Code Page Validation

PowerCenter Integration Services must be configured for relaxed code page validation.

To configure Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services for relaxed code page validation

  1. Log in to Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console.

  2. Select the Integration Service.

  3. Select the Properties tab, then Configuration Properties, and then Edit.

  4. Change the value for the property 'ValidateDataCodePages' from 'Yes' to 'No'.

4.8.3 Setting PowerCenter Integration Services Custom Properties

Follow this procedure to set PowerCenter Integration Services custom properties.

To set Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services Custom Properties

  1. In Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console, select the Integration Service.

    For example, on the machine where Informatica PowerCenter Services is installed, select Programs, then Informatica PowerCenter 8.6, then Services, then Launch Admin Console.

  2. Click the Properties tab.

  3. In the Custom Properties area, click Edit.

  4. Create a custom property by clicking Add to display new Name and Value fields.

  5. For each of the custom properties in the table below, click Add and add a new custom property with an appropriate value:

    • Table 4-2 Custom Properties for Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services

      Custom Properties Name Custom Properties Value Notes


      <Server Port Number>

      For <Server port number>, enter the number of an available port. For example, 4006.This custom property configures Informatica PowerCenter Services to listen on <Server port number>. DAC communicates with the PowerCenter Integration Services service using this port.



      Enables Informatica to evaluate parameters within mapplets.



      Add this custom property and set value to Yes if your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse is on a DB2/390 or a DB2 UDB database.

  6. Click OK to save the details.

  7. Make sure that the Integration Service and Repository Service that you created during the Informatica PowerCenter installation are running.

4.8.4 Creating the Repository Administrator User in the Native Security Domain

For DAC to be able to access Informatica and perform tasks in pmcmd and pmrep command line programs, DAC must log in to Informatica as an Informatica Repository Administrator user. This user must be configured in the native security domain.

You need to create such a Repository Administrator user, or , if your security policies allow, you can use the default Administrator user (whose privileges include Repository administration) for DAC connectivity to Informatica.

For more information on creating users and Informatica security domains, see "Chapter 4: Managing Users and Groups," in the Informatica PowerCenter Administrator Guide.

To create a Repository Administrator defined in the native security domain

  1. Log in to the PowerCenter Administration Console as Administrator.

  2. Navigate to the Security page by clicking the Configure Security icon.

  3. On the Security page, click Create User, or select an existing user defined in the native domain.

    Note: Do not create this user in an LDAP domain or select an existing user from an LDAP domain.

  4. On the Privileges tab of the new or existing user, click the appropriate Repository Service.

  5. In the Edit Roles and Privileges page, expand the Repository Service, and under System-defined Roles, select the Administrator role check box.

  6. Click OK.

4.9 Installing the DAC Platform

This section provides instructions for installing the DAC Client and Server as well as installing and creating the required database connections. For information about the version of the DAC platform supported with Oracle BI Applications, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Applications.

The DAC installer installs the DAC Client and Server on Windows and the DAC Server on Linux. Oracle does not provides an installer for DAC on UNIX.

To install a DAC Server on UNIX, you need to copy the \dac folder from the Windows machine on which the DAC Client is installed to a UNIX machine.

After you install the DAC platform, you then need to install JDBC drivers for DAC database connectivity and create ODBC database connections for the DAC Client.

This section includes the following topics:

4.9.1 Installing DAC Using the DAC Installer

You can run the DAC installer to install DAC in the following configurations:

  • DAC Client and Server on Windows

  • DAC Server on Linux


  • The DAC Client can only be installed on Windows.

  • The DAC Client must be installed on the machine where Informatica PowerCenter Client Tools was installed.

  • The DAC Server must be installed on the machine where Informatica PowerCenter Services was installed.

  • You must install Informatica before you install DAC.

  • The correct version of the JDK is installed by the DAC installer.

  • The DAC installer installs DAC in the \orahome\10g\bifoundation\dac directory.

To install DAC using the DAC installer

  1. Access the installation files on the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console DVD, and start the DAC installer by double-clicking the setup.exe file.

  2. Follow the instructions on the installation wizard, as described in the following table:

Page Your Action Notes
Welcome Click Next to proceed. None.
Specify Installation Location Enter the absolute path for the location where you want to install DAC or use the Browse button to select an existing location.

Click Next.

The installation directory path can contain alphanumeric, underscore (_), hyphen (-) or dot (.) characters and must begin with an alphanumeric character.

The directory in which you install DAC is referred to as the Oracle Home location.

Install Component Click Next. This screen is read only.

If you are running the installer on Windows, the DAC Client and Server will be installed.

If you are running the installer on Linux, the DAC Server will be installed.

Select Informatica Version Select Informatica version 8.x, and then click Next. Oracle BI Applications 7.9.6 requires Informatica version 8.6. Therefore, you must select the option Informatica version 8.x.
Select Informatica Location Enter or browse for the location of the following:
  • Informatica PowerCenter Services

  • Informatica PowerCenter domain file

Pre-requisite Checks If the checks pass, click Next to proceed with the installation The DAC installer automatically performs pre-requisite checks on your system. The Pre-requisite Checks screen indicates the progress of the checks.

If a check fails, you can click Retry to run the check again, or click Continue to proceed with the installation.

Installation Summary Click Install to begin the installation. None.
Installation Progress Click Next. None.
Installation Completed Click Finish. None.

DAC Configuration Handled by the DAC Installer

The DAC installer handles the following configuration:

4.9.2 Installing the DAC Server on UNIX

Oracle does not provide an installer for DAC on UNIX.

To install a DAC Server on UNIX, you need to copy the \dac folder from the Windows machine on which the DAC Client is installed to a UNIX machine, as described in the procedure below.


You can also use this procedure to install the DAC Server on Linux.

When installing a DAC Server, note the following prerequisites:

To install the DAC Server on a UNIX machine

  1. On the Windows machine on which the DAC Client is installed, create a temporary directory (for example, a directory named \OracleBI_UNIX\).

    You will use this temporary directory to create a zip file for the UNIX or Linux deployment.

  2. On the machine where the DAC Client is installed, copy the \dac directory (that is, the directory installed by the DAC installer in \orahome\10g\bifoundation) to the temporary directory (for example, \OracleBI_UNIX\).

  3. From the \dac directory in the temporary directory, remove the \export and \icons subfolders.

    These folders do not need to be copied to the machine hosting the DAC Server.

  4. Zip up the temporary directory (for example, \OracleBI_UNIX\).

  5. Copy the zip file to the target UNIX machine.

    Note: If you use FTP to copy the zip file, use binary mode.

  6. On the target UNIX machine, place the zip file in a directory where you want to install the DAC Server.

  7. On the target machine, unzip the zip file.

    Shell scripts are provided in the /dac directory. After copying these files to a UNIX machine and before using them, you might need to use a MS-DOS to UNIX conversion tool to convert the script files to UNIX format (that is, remove the carriage return and line feed characters). Alternatively, you can manually remove the carriage return and line feed characters from the script files. For more information, see Section A.7, "About the DAC Server Shell Scripts."

  8. Copy the contents of the /dac/unix_script_bkp directory into the /dac directory.

  9. Edit the file located in the /dac directory to point to the correct version of the JDK by setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

4.9.3 Installing JDBC Drivers for DAC Database Connectivity

To enable DAC database connectivity, you must install the appropriate JDBC driver in the dac\lib directory on the machines where the DAC Client and Server are installed.


This section applies to Windows, UNIX and Linux. The instructions in this section use the Windows folder path format.

To install JDBC drivers in the \dac\lib directory

  • Oracle. If you are using an Oracle database (other than 8.x), find the directory where Oracle is installed. Copy the file named ojdbc14.jar in the jdbc\lib directory and paste it in the \dac\lib directory.

    • If you are using Oracle 8.x, copy the file named and paste it in the OracleBI\DAC\lib directory. Also, edit the ORACLELIB setting in the config.bat file as follows:

      set ORACLELIB=%DAC_HOME%\lib\
  • DB2. If you are using a DB2 database, find the directory where DB2 is installed. In the Java subdirectory copy the file named and paste it in the \dac\lib directory.


    If your source or target database is DB2-UDB, you also need to create DB2-UDB stored procedures to be used during the ETL process. For instructions, see Section 4.18.2, "Creating Stored Procedures for DB2-UDB".
  • MSSQL. DAC is configured for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC drivers. If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server database, then download the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver file sqljdbc.jar and copy it to the \dac\lib\ directory.

    You can use the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC Driver files if you edit the \conf\connection_templates.xml file and un-comment the section that starts <!-- THIS SECTION IS FOR SQL SERVER 2000. Comment this section while using SQL Server 2005.-->.

    Download the SQL Server JDBC drivers for SQL Server 2000 from the Microsoft web site. Copy the Copy the files msbase.jar, mssqlserver.jar, and msutil.jar to the \dac\lib folder.


    You need the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 JDBC Driver 1.1 for SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005.
  • Teradata. If you are using a Teradata database, copy the files tdgssconfig.jar, TdgssUserConfigFile.xml, terajdbc4.jar, log4j.jar, and tdgssjava.jar from the Teradata installation directory to the \DAC\lib directory. Depending on the Teradata JDBC version, you might not have some of the above files.

4.9.4 Creating ODBC Database Connections for the DAC Client

The DAC Client uses an ODBC connection to create and alter tables in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. Create an ODBC connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database on the machine that hosts the DAC Client, as described below.

Additionally, if your source system is Siebel CRM, you must create an ODBC connection to the OLTP (source) database on the machine where you will install Oracle BI Applications software. This ODBC connection will be used by the ddlimp utility.

For the ODBC connections to Oracle databases, you must use the Oracle Merant ODBC Driver that is installed with the DAC platform installation. For all other databases, you should use ODBC drivers supplied by your database vendor.

Refer to the appropriate instructions for your database type: How to Create ODBC Connections for DB2 Databases

Follow these instructions for creating ODBC connections for DB2 databases on Windows. For instructions on creating ODBC connections for DB2 databases on UNIX or Linux, see the documentation provided with your database.

To create ODBC connections for DB2 databases

  1. Using the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant, create a database connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database on the machine that will host the DAC Client. If your source system is Siebel CRM, also create an ODBC connection to the transactional database on the machine where you will run the Oracle BI Applications installer.

    Note: If you use the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant to create database connections, you can omit step 2, because the DB2 Client Configuration Assistant automatically creates System DSNs (default behavior).

  2. If necessary, on Windows, in the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator, create an ODBC connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (and, if your source system is Siebel CRM, to the transactional database) using an ODBC driver.

  3. Test the connections to make sure they work. How to Create ODBC Connections for Oracle Databases

Follow these instructions for creating ODBC connections for Oracle databases on Windows. For instructions on creating ODBC connections for Oracle databases on UNIX or Linux, see the documentation provided with your database.

Note: You must use the Oracle Merant ODBC driver to create the ODBC connections. The Oracle Merant ODBC driver is installed by the Oracle BI Applications installer. Therefore, you will need to create the ODBC connections after you have run the Oracle BI Applications installer and have installed the DAC Client.

To create ODBC connections for Oracle databases

  1. On the Windows machine that will host the DAC Client, navigate to the ODBC Data Source Administrator.

    use the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create an ODBC connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database using the Oracle Merant ODBC driver that is supplied with Oracle BI Applications.

    For example, you might create a database connection called Connect_to_OLAP.

  2. Click the System DSN tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. In the list of drivers, select the Oracle Merant ODBC driver that is installed with DAC, for example, Oracle Merant ODBC Driver in DAC 10g_Oracle - OH1.

  5. In the ODBC Oracle Driver Setup dialog box, enter or select the following:

    Field Description
    Data Source Name Enter any meaningful name.
    Server Name Enter the tnsname for the database.
    Client Version Select 10gR1 for 10g and 11g databases.

  6. Click Test Connect to make sure the connection works.

  7. (If your source system is Siebel CRM) In Windows, in the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator, create an ODBC connection to the Siebel transactional database using the Oracle Merant Closed driver. How to Create ODBC Connections for SQL Server Databases

Follow these instructions for creating ODBC connections for SQL Server databases on Windows.

To create ODBC connections for SQL Server databases

  1. In Windows, in the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator, create the following:

    • An ODBC connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database on the machine that will host the DAC Client.

    • (If your source system is Siebel CRM) An ODBC connection to the transactional database on the machine where you will run the Oracle BI Applications installer.

    Note: Select SQL Server as the ODBC driver.

  2. Test the connections to make sure they work.

Note: When you use the ODBC Data Source Administrator to create a database connection, make sure that you select the SQL Server authentication option using a login ID and password entered by the user. How to Create ODBC Connections for Teradata Databases

Follow these instructions for creating ODBC connections for Teradata databases.

To create ODBC connections for Teradata databases on Windows

  1. On the Windows machine that will host the DAC Client, in the System DSN tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator, create an ODBC connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Teradata database.

  2. Set the following parameters:





  3. For Unicode environments, in the Teradata ODBC Driver Advanced Options dialog box, set the Character Set parameter to UTF8.

To create ODBC connections for Teradata databases on UNIX

  1. Using the Teradata ODBC driver, create an ODBC connection for the Teradata database.

  2. Set the following variables in the ODBC.INI file:

    • DateFormat=AAA

    • SessionMode=ANSI

    • NoScan=Yes

  3. For UNICODE environments, in the Teradata ODBC Driver Advanced Options dialog box, add the following:

    • CharacterSet=UTF8

4.10 Installing DAC Metadata Files

DAC metadata files are installed by the Oracle BI Applications installer (as described in Section 4.5, "Running the Oracle BI Applications Installer on Windows"). You need to copy these files to the machines hosting the DAC Client and Server.

Table 4-3 describes the location of the file or folder names in the Oracle BI Applications installation that you need to copy to the machine hosting the DAC Client.

Table 4-4 describes the location of the file names in the Oracle BI Applications installation that you need to copy to the machine hosting the DAC Server.

Table 4-3 DAC Metadata Files That Need to Be Copied to DAC Client Machine

File/Folder Name Location of File/Folder in BI Applications Installation File/Folder to Be Copied to Following Location

Export folder


Copy contents of the Export folder to the DAC\export folder on machine hosting the DAC Client.



Copy this file to the DAC\conf folder on the DAC Client machine.

Table 4-4 DAC Metadata Files That Need to Be Copied to DAC Server Machine

File/Folder Name Location of File/Folder in BI Applications Installation File to Be Copied to Following Location



Copy this file to the DAC\Informatica\parameters\input folder on the DAC Server machine.



Copy this file to the DAC\Informatica\parameters\input folder on the DAC Server machine.

4.11 Logging into DAC for the First Time and Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository

When you log into DAC for the first time, you create a set of stored login information. Also, as part of the first-time login process, DAC prompts you to create the DAC Repository schema. Once the schema is created, you can then import metadata into the DAC Repository.

This section contains the following topics:

4.11.1 Logging into DAC

When you log into DAC for the first time, you must first configure a connection to connect to the DAC Repository. DAC stores this connection information for subsequent logins.

After configuring a connection to the DAC Repository and logging in, the DAC will automatically prompt you to upgrade the repository schema.

DAC Repository Database Authentication File

When you configure a connection to the DAC Repository, the configuration process includes creating a new authentication file or selecting an existing authentication file. The authentication file authenticates the database in which the repository resides. If you create a new authentication file, you will specify the table owner and password for the database.

A user with the Administrator role must distribute the authentication file to any user account that needs to access the specified DAC Repository. For information about managing user accounts, see Section A.2, "About DAC User Account Management.".

To log into DAC for the first time and upgrade the repository schema

  1. Start the DAC Client by navigating to the $ORACLE_HOME\bifoundation\dac directory and double-clicking the startclient.bat file.

    The Login ... dialog box appears.

    This dialog box is described in the surrounding text.
  2. Click Configure.

  3. In the Configuring ... dialog box, select Create Connection, and then click Next.

  4. Enter the appropriate connection information:

    Field Required Value
    Name Enter a unique name for the connection to the DAC Repository.
    Connection type Select the type of database in which the DAC Repository will be stored.
    Connection String, or Database name, or TNS Name, or Instance Select the database name or database account name of the DAC Repository.

    If you are using:

    • Oracle (OCI8), use the tnsnames entry.

    • Oracle (Thin), use the instance name.

    • SQL Server, use the database name.

    • DB2-UDB, use the connect string as defined in the DB2 configuration.

    Database Host Enter the name of the machine where the DAC Repository will reside.
    Database Port Enter the port number on which the database listens. For example, for an Oracle database the default port is 1521, or for a SQL Server database the default port is 1433.
    Optional URL Can be used to override the standard URL for this connection.
    Optional Driver Can be used to override the standard driver for this connection.
    Authentication File Click in this field to do one of the following:
    • Select an existing authentication file.

    • Create a new authentication file.

    Proceed to the next step for detailed instructions.

  5. To select an existing authentication file, do the following:

    1. Click in the Authentication File field of the Configuring... dialog box.

    2. In the Authentication File dialog box, select Choose existing authentication file.

    3. Navigate to the appropriate folder, and select the authentication file. Click OK.

    4. In the Configuring... dialog box, click Test Connection to confirm the connection works.

    5. Click Apply, and then click Finish.


      You must distribute this authentication file to all user accounts that need to access this DAC Repository.
  6. To create a new authentication file, do the following:

    1. Click in the Authentication File field of the Configuring... dialog box.

    2. In the Authentication File dialog box, select Create authentication file.

    3. Navigate to the folder where you want to save the new authentication file, and click OK.

    4. In the Create Authentication File dialog box, enter a unique name for the authentication file, and click OK.

    5. Enter the Table Owner Name and Password for the database where the repository will reside.

    6. In the Configuring... dialog box, click Test Connection to confirm the connection works.

    7. Click Apply, and then click Finish.


      You must distribute this authentication file to all user accounts that need to access this DAC Repository.
  7. In the Login... dialog box, do the following:

    1. Select the appropriate Connection from the drop-down list.

    2. Enter Administrator as the User Name.

    3. Enter Administrator as the Password.

    4. Click Login.

  8. When prompted to create a repository, click Yes.

    This process creates DAC repository tables.

    Depending on your database type, you may have the option specify a tablespace.

    The Unicode check box is available for a repository on SQL Server or DB2 databases. Check the Unicode check box if your deployment requires a Unicode schema to be created.

4.11.2 Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository

This section explains how to import metadata into the DAC Repository.


The DAC Client can connect to only one DAC Repository at a time.

To import metadata into the DAC Repository

  1. In DAC, select Tools, then DAC Repository Management, then Import to display the Import dialog box.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.

    Make sure that the correct \DAC\export\ directory is displayed at the top of the dialog box (for example, <drive letter>:\OracleBI\DAC\export). If necessary, use the 'Change import/export directory' button to select the \DAC\export\ directory. If the wrong directory is selected, the Applications list will be empty

  2. Select the Logical check box, and the System check box.

  3. In the Applications List table, use the check boxes in the Selected column to specify the source system applications for which you will import the ETL metadata, as follows:

    1. Select the check box next to Universal.

      To avoid possible ETL errors in other applications (for example, missing tasks), you must import the Universal application.

    2. Select the check box for any other business applications that you want to deploy.


    Make a note of the Application names that you select. When you create data warehouse tables later in the configuration process, you might need to type in the names exactly as they are displayed here (for more information, see Section 4.12.1, "Creating Data Warehouse Tables").
  4. Select the Categories options as follows:

    Categories Options Description
    Logical Imports all information contained in the DAC Design view and the execution plan information for the DAC Execute view.
    Run Time Imports ETL Run History and the last refresh date information.
    System Imports all information contained in the DAC Setup view, except passwords for servers and database connections.

  5. Click OK to display the Importing tables dialog box.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  6. To confirm that you want to import the seed data selected, re-type the text in the text box and click Yes.

  7. If prompted to verify that you want to continue with the Import, click Yes.

    When the process is complete, the DAC displays a status box containing a success or failure message. If the process fails, use the \DAC\log\import.log file to diagnose errors.


    The import process typically takes between one and five hours, depending on the location of the database that stores the DAC Repository, the speed of the network, and the number of applications selected in the Applications list on the Import dialog box.
  8. Click OK.

  9. If your source or target database is a DB2/390 database, run DAC_DB2390_Source.sql or DAC_DB2390_Target.sql immediately after importing the seed data by connecting to the database where the DAC Repository resides. These files are stored in the \DAC directory.

4.12 Creating the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse Tables

This section explains how to create tables in the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database.

Note: Before you start this procedure, you need to create a database for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. For more information, see Section 4.4.1, "Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components."

The Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse tables are created by the DAC Client. The DAC Client uses ODBC connections to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database for this procedure. Ensure that you have created an ODBC connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database as described in Section 4.9.4, "Creating ODBC Database Connections for the DAC Client."

If your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database is Oracle, you must use the Oracle Merant ODBC driver to create the ODBC connection. This driver is installed by the Oracle BI Applications. The DAC Client must be installed by running the Oracle BI Applications installer so that the driver is installed on the machine. Create the ODBC DSN to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse as described in Section 4.9.4, "Creating ODBC Database Connections for the DAC Client."

Before you perform the procedures described in this section, make sure that the SSE role has been created for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse, and that the database user has been associated with the role (for more information, see Section, "How to Create the SSE Role").

If your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database is not Teradata, refer to Section 4.12.1, "Creating Data Warehouse Tables" to create the data warehouse tables.

If you are using a Teradata database as the Oracle Business Analytics database, the DAC creates a SQL file to create the schema tables, not the tables themselves. Follow the steps in Section 4.12.2, "Creating Data Warehouse Tables on a Teradata Database".

Note: Additional work by the database administrator is required if the data warehouse tables need to be moved to different tablespaces for performance or manageability reasons.

4.12.1 Creating Data Warehouse Tables

Use this procedure to create the data warehouse tables.

If the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database is Teradata, follow the steps in Section 4.12.2, "Creating Data Warehouse Tables on a Teradata Database."

To create data warehouse tables

  1. In DAC, select Tools, then ETL Management, then Configure.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

  2. In the Sources dialog box, select the database platform for the target data warehouse and source transactional database.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  3. Click OK to display the Data Warehouse Configuration Wizard.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  4. Select the Create Data Warehouse Tables check box, and click Next.

    The Data Warehouse tab is active.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  5. Enter the details of the database in which you want to store the data warehouse.

    The information that you need to enter is dependent on the type of target database that you are using to store the data warehouse.

    Field Description
    Database Type (Read only) Type of database, as specified by the 'Target data warehouse database platform' field on the Sources dialog box (see step 2).

    If the database type is DB2/390, then check the 390 Database check box.

    Container The name of the source business applications for which you want to create the data warehouse tables.

    Note: You must leave this field blank, unless told to specify a value by Oracle Support.

    If you leave the Container field blank, DAC creates a container by default for all of the following:

    • The source business applications that you selected when you imported the seed data into the DAC metadata repository earlier (for more information, see Section 4.11.2, "Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository").

    • Any copies of those source system applications.

    • Any additions made those source system applications.

    • Any new source system applications that you have custom built.

    For example, you might do the following:

    • Import the seed data for Oracle 11.5.9 and 11.5.10

    • Make a copy of Oracle 11.5.10 and call it 'My Oracle 11.5.10'.

    • Add two data warehouse tables to 'My Oracle 11.5.10'

    • Create a new source system application called 'My new source' and add 10 data warehouse tables to 'my New Source'.

    If you leave the Container field blank, DAC will create the following containers:

    • Oracle 11.5.9

    • Oracle 11.5.10

    • My Oracle 11.5.10

    • My new Source

    If there are tables that are common to these containers, then only one table will be created. For example, if there is a table called W_ORG_D in Oracle 11.5.9 and Oracle 11.5.10, then DAC will create only one table called W_ORG_D. If columns are different for the same table across containers, then DAC will create a table that has all the columns in the same table.

    If you only want to deploy a subset of the source business applications for which you imported seed data earlier, then use this field to specify a container name. When you specify a container name, you must enter the names of the applications exactly as they are displayed on the seed data Import dialog box.

    For example:

    • If you want to deploy Oracle 11.5.9, enter: 'Oracle 11.5.9'.

    • If you want to deploy Oracle 11.5.9 and 11.5.10, enter: 'Oracle 11.5.9,Oracle 11.5.10'.

    For more information about containers, see Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

    Table Owner Valid database owner, username, or account that you set up to hold the data warehouse (for more information, see Section 4.4.1, "Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components").
    Password Valid database user password for the database owner, username, or account that you specified in the Table Owner field (for more information, see Section 4.4.1, "Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components").
    ODBC Data Source Data Source Name (DSN) for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

    You must specify the name of the ODBC connection (for example, Connect_to_OLAP) that you created for the data warehouse. For more information, see Section 4.9.4, "Creating ODBC Database Connections for the DAC Client".

    Data Area (Optional) Tablespace where data warehouse tables are created.
    Index Area (Optional) Indexspace where data warehouse indexes are created (applicable only to Oracle and DB2 databases).
    Is Unicode Specifies whether the data warehouse database is Unicode. The database must be set to support the creation of a Unicode schema. For more information, see Section 4.3.3, "Code Page and Data Movement Requirements."

  6. Click Start.

The Run Status tab displays information about the process, as follows:

  • If a 'Success' message is displayed, the data warehouse tables have been created. If you want to see log information about the process, use the following log files.

    • \OracleBI\DAC\config\generate_ctl.log - A log of the schema definition process, including details of any conflicts between containers.

    • \OracleBI\DAC\config\createtables.log - A log of the ddlimp process.

  • If a 'Failure' message is displayed, the data warehouse tables have not been created. Use the log information in \OracleBI\DAC\config\generate_ctl.log to diagnose the error. The createtables.log is not generated.

4.12.2 Creating Data Warehouse Tables on a Teradata Database

This section explains how to create and delete data warehouse tables on a Teradata database. Before you start, make sure that the tables that you create are case specific by setting the session mode to ANSI in your Teradata ODBC configuration (for more information, see Section 3.5, "Teradata-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse").


For Unicode environments, perform these procedures using a login that has the default character set UTF-8.

To create data warehouse tables on a Teradata database

  1. In DAC, select Tools, then ETL Management, then Configure.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

  2. In the Sources dialog box, select 'Teradata' as the database platform for the source data warehouse, and select the appropriate database type for the target transactional database.

  3. Click OK to display the Data Warehouse Configuration Wizard.

  4. Click the 'Generate create statements for Data Warehouse Tables' check box, then click Next to display the Data Warehouse SQL tab.

  5. Use the Container field to specify individual containers, or leave blank to deploy all containers.

  6. Click Start.

    The Run Status tab displays information about the process, as follows:

    • If a 'Success' message is displayed, the data warehouse tables have been created. If you want to see log information about the process, use the following log files.

      \OracleBI\DAC\config\generate_ctl.log - A log of the schema definition process, including details of any conflicts between containers.

      \OracleBI\DAC\config\createtables.log - A log of the ddlimp process.

    • If a 'Failure' message is displayed, the data warehouse tables have not been created. Use the log information in \OracleBI\DAC\config\generate_ctl.log to diagnose the error. The createtables.log is not generated.

  7. Copy the SQL file created in step 6 from \conf\sqlgen\sql\Teradata into SQL Assistant and execute the SQL.

4.13 Configuring the DAC Server

This section contains instruction for configuring the DAC Server. It contains the following topics:

4.13.1 Configuring the Connection Between the DAC Server and DAC Repository

You must configure the connection between the DAC Server and the DAC Repository.

On Windows, you can use the DAC Client to configure a DAC Server that runs in the same \DAC folder. Optionally, or to configure a DAC Server installed in another folder or on another Windows machine, use the serverSetupPrompt.bat file to configure the repository connection.

On UNIX or Linux, use the script to configure the connection between the DAC Server and the DAC Repository, as follows: How to Configure the DAC Server Repository Connection Using the DAC Client (Windows)

If the DAC Server is co-located with a configured DAC Client in the same \DAC folder, you can set the connection between the DAC Server and DAC Repository using the DAC Client, as described below.

To configure the connection between the DAC Server and the DAC Repository using the DAC Client

  1. In DAC, select Tools, then DAC Server Management, then DAC Server Setup.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

    Note: The DAC Repository that you connect to using the DAC Client is the one that will store the DAC Server repository connection information that you will specify in this procedure.

    A confirmation dialog box asks you to confirm that you want to configure the DAC Repository connection.

  2. Click Yes to display the Server Configuration dialog box.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  3. In the Repository Connection Information tab, enter the appropriate information, as described in the table below.


    If the DAC Server is running on the same machine as the DAC Client, click Populate from preconfigured client connection to populate the fields with connection details from the DAC Client.
    Field Description
    Connection type Select the type of database that you are using to store the DAC metadata repository. Depending on what type you select, the connection details below change (see Connection fields below).
    Connection fields (for example, Instance, TNS Name, Connection string/Database name. Specify connection details for the database that stores the DAC metadata repository.
    • If you select Oracle (Thin), you are prompted below for the following information:

    • If you select Oracle (OCI8), you are prompted below for a TNS name (for example,

    • If you select DB2, you are prompted below for a Connection string.

    • If you select MS SQL Server, you are prompted below for a Database name (for example, mydacdatabase).

    Table owner name The database table name or instance (for example, DAC) that you created to store the DAC Repository (for more information, see Section 4.4.1, "Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components").
    Password The database or instance password (for example, DAC).


    The DAC Repository details that you specify here must match the DAC Repository details that you specified in the following tasks:

    - When you created a database to store the DAC Repository (for more information, see Section 4.4.1, "Create Databases for Oracle BI Applications and Informatica PowerCenter Components").

    - When you created a DAC connection (for more information, see Section 4.11.1, "Logging into DAC").

  4. Click Test Connection to make sure the DAC Repository connection works.

  5. Click Save. How to Configure the DAC Server Repository Connection Using serverSetupPrompt Scripts (Windows, UNIX or Linux)

Use the to configure the connection between the DAC Server and the DAC Repository when the DAC Server is installed on UNIX or Linux, as described below. For more information on the DAC Server scripts, see Section A.7, "About the DAC Server Shell Scripts."

Use the serverSetupPrompt.bat file to configure the connection between the DAC Server and the DAC Repository when the DAC Server is installed on Windows, as described below.

To configure the connection between the DAC Server and the DAC Repository using the serverSetupPrompt files:

  1. Run the serverSetupPrompt script, as follows:

    • On Windows, double-click the serverSetupPrompt.bat located in the \DAC directory.

    • On UNIX or Linux, run located in the /DAC directory.

  2. Enter 1 in the 'Please make your selection' prompt to enter repository connection information.

  3. Enter the number for the type of database storing the DAC Repository from the list of connection type choices.

  4. Enter the connection information as described in the Connection Information table in section Section, "How to Configure the DAC Server Repository Connection Using the DAC Client (Windows)".

  5. Enter 2 to test the DAC Repository connection.

  6. Enter 5 to save changes.

  7. Enter 6 to exit.

4.13.2 About DAC Server Communication with Informatica PowerCenter

The DAC Server uses the following command line programs to communicate with Informatica PowerCenter:

  • pmrep is used to communicate with PowerCenter Repository Services.

  • pmcmd is used to communicate with PowerCenter Integration Services to run the Informatica workflows.

The pmrep and pmcmd programs are installed during the PowerCenter Services installation in the bin folder of the server directory. Oracle recommends that you co-locate the PowerCenter Services with the DAC Server so that the pmrep and pmcmd programs are available on the machine for the DAC Server to use.

For the DAC Server to be able to communicate with PowerCenter Services using the pmrep and pmcmd, the path of the Informatica Domain file 'domains.infa' must be defined and certain environment variables must be set. When you install the DAC Server on Windows or Linux using the DAC installer, this configuration is done automatically.

4.13.3 Configuring Communication between the DAC Server on UNIX and Informatica

When you install the DAC Server on UNIX, you must define the path for the Informatica Domain file and set environment variables manually. For instructions, see Section A.6.2, "How to Set Environment Variables for DAC Server Communication on UNIX."

4.13.4 Starting the DAC Server

On Windows, start the DAC Server by double-clicking the \DAC\startserver.bat script.

On UNIX or Linux, start the DAC Server by executing

For more information on starting and stopping the DAC Server on Windows, UNIX or Linux, see Section A.4, "How to Start and Stop the DAC Server."

4.13.5 Activating Join Indexes for Teradata Databases

For Teradata databases, the preconfigured tasks for creating and dropping join indexes are inactive.

To activate join indexes for Teradata databases

  1. In DAC, create a new execution plan with the list of subject areas that you are interested for the ETL.

  2. Query for all tasks whose name starts with 'Teradata Drop' and add them as preceding tasks.

  3. Query for all tasks whose name start with 'Teradata Create' and add them as following tasks.

  4. Assemble the execution plan parameters in the Parameters tab and configure the parameters.

  5. Redesign the execution plans.

4.14 Configuring DAC Integration Settings

This section explains how to configure DAC integration settings. It contains the following topics:

You must start the DAC Server to complete certain steps in the procedures described below. For information on how to start the DAC Server, see Section A.4, "How to Start and Stop the DAC Server."

4.14.1 Setting DAC System Properties

This section describes the DAC System Properties to set to ensure proper integration between the DAC Client, the DAC Server and Informatica.

To set DAC System Properties

  1. Log in to DAC.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

  2. From the Views menu, select Setup, then DAC System Properties.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  3. Set values for the following properties:

    Property Value Required
    DAC Server Host Enter the name or IP address of the machine that hosts the DAC Server.
    DAC Server OS Enter the operating system of the machine that hosts the DAC Server. Possible values are Windows, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux (Case Sensitive).
    InformaticaParameterFileLocation Enter the path to the Informatica source file directory. For example, \Informatica\PowerCenter8.6.0\ server\infa_shared\SrcFiles.

Note: For a list of DAC System Properties and their descriptions, see Section A.3, "How to Set DAC System Properties."

4.14.2 Registering Informatica Services in DAC

This section explains how to register the Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services service and the Informatica PowerCenter Repository Service in DAC.

When you register Informatica Services in DAC, note the following:

  • You must register one or more Integration Services service in DAC.

  • You must register one Repository Service in DAC.


For details of the PowerCenter Services that you need to register, log into the Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console. For more information, see Section A.8, "How to Log Into Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console."

To register Informatica Services in DAC

  1. In DAC, navigate to the Setup view, and then click the Informatica Servers tab.

    For instructions on logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

    This screenshot is described in surrounding text.
  2. From the Views menu, select Setup, then Informatica Servers.

  3. For the Informatica Integration Service that you want to register, do the following:

    1. Register the Informatica Integration Services service by modifying the record with Name = Oracle_BI_DW_Server. To modify the record, enter the following information in the Edit subtab:

      Field Enter
      Name Logical name for the Integration Service (for example, Integration_Service).
      Type Select Informatica.
      Server Hostname Integration Service host name or IP address. For example,
      Server Port The port that DAC uses to communicate with the Integration Services service (for example, 4006).

      Specify the port number that you configured for the Integration Services service to listen on when setting the ServerPort custom property in Section 4.8.3, "Setting PowerCenter Integration Services Custom Properties".

      Login Informatica Repository user name who has appropriate privileges to execute workflows (for example, Administrator).

      Note: DAC must log in to Informatica as an Informatica Repository Administrator user that is configured in the native security domain. For instructions on how to create such a user, see Section 4.8.4, "Creating the Repository Administrator User in the Native Security Domain."

      For more information about Informatica security domains, see "Chapter4: Managing Users and Groups," in the PowerCenter Administrator Guide, which is included on the Informatica PowerCenter DVD provided with Oracle BI Applications.

      Password Informatica Repository user password.
      Maximum Sessions Maximum number of workflows that can be executed in parallel on the Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services service. If the number of sessions is zero or is not specified, the DAC Server assigns the default value of 10.
      Repository Name Name of the Repository Service.
      Inactive Indicates whether the PowerCenter Integration Services service will participate in the ETL process.

    2. Click Test Connection to make sure that the connection works.

      Note: Integration Services must be running.

    3. Click Save to save the details.

  4. For the Informatica Repository Service you want to register, do the following:

    1. Register the Informatica Repository Service by modifying the record with Name = Informatica_REP_Server. To modify the record, enter the following information in the Edit subtab:

      Field Enter
      Name Logical name for the Repository Service (for example, Repository_Service).
      Type Select Repository.
      Server Hostname Repository Service host name or IP address.
      Server Port Port where the Repository Service connects for requests. (The default port number is 6001.)
      Login Informatica Repository user name that has appropriate privileges to execute workflows (for example, Administrator).
      Password Informatica Repository user password (for example, Administrator).
      Maximum Sessions Maximum number of workflows that can be executed in parallel on the Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services service. If the number of sessions is zero or is not specified, the DAC Server assigns the default value of 10.
      Repository Name Name of the Repository Service.
      Inactive Indicates whether the Repository Service will participate in the ETL process.

    2. Click Test Connection to make sure that the connection works.

      Note: The Repository Service must be running.

    3. Click Save to save the details.

  5. Click Save to save the details.

4.14.3 Setting Physical Data Sources

Follow this procedure to specify the transactional and data warehouse data sources in DAC.


If you have a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne source system hosted on an iSeries DB2 database, see Section, "Specifying a Data Source Connection for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Hosted on a DB2 Database."

To specify transactional and data warehouse data sources

  1. Log into DAC.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

  2. From the Views menu, select Setup, then Physical Data Sources.

  3. This screenshot is described in surrounding text.

    The Physical Data Sources tab displays a precreated record for the data warehouse with the name DataWarehouse, and one or more records for the OLTP sources. The records that are created by DAC for the OLTP sources depend on the business application source systems you selected when importing the DAC metadata. For more information, see Section 4.11.2, "Importing Metadata into the DAC Repository."

  4. For each record, enter the following information in the Edit subtab:

    Field Description
    Name Logical name for the OLAP or OLTP database connection. Do not change the default values. For example, you must specify DataWarehouse as the name of the OLAP data source.

    Note: When you create an execution plan to perform an ETL, you need to use the OLAP and OLTP data source names that you specify here as the Parameter values for the execution plan parameters DBConnection_OLTP and DBConnection_OLAP. For more information about setting the Parameter values for an execution plan, see Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

    • 'Source' for the database connection for a transactional (OLTP) database.
    • 'Warehouse' for the database connection for a data warehouse (OLAP) database.

    Do not change the default values.

    Connection Type Type of database. Possible values are:
    • Oracle (OCI8)

    • Oracle (Thin)

    • DB2

    • DB2/390

    • MSSQL

    • Teradata

    • Flat File

    Select the Type based on your database.

    Instance or TNS Name or Connection String or Database Name (NOTE: The field name changes based on the Connection Type selection.) Enter the value appropriate for your database.

    For an Oracle database instance, enter the database SID (that is the SERVICE_NAME = value in the tnsnames.ora file in \network\admin\.

    For an Oracle TNS Name, enter the TNS entry name that is specified in the tnsnames.ora file in \network\admin\.

    Table Owner Valid database user.
    Table Owner Password Valid database user password.
    Max Num Connections Maximum number of database connections this connection pool can contain.
    DB Host Machine name or instance where the database resides. For example,
    Port Port number where the database listens (for example 1521 is the default for an Oracle database).
    Priority Number used to generate dependencies when designing execution plans.
    Data Source Number Unique number assigned to the data source category so that the data can be identified in the data warehouse. For example, the value '1' is used for Siebel data sources.

    If you are editing a data source template for a data source type, Oracle recommends that you do not change the default value. If you are specifying a data source without using a pre-defined template, you must use the correct value for that data source category. For example, if you specify an Oracle EBS R12 data source, you must specify the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID value '9'. For a complete list of supported data sources and DATASOURCE_NUM_ID values, see the section entitled, "How to Configure Data Source Num IDs," in Oracle Business Intelligence Applications Configuration Guide for Informatica PowerCenter Users.

    This value is passed as a parameter to the Informatica workflows. If you are using multiple sources, each data source has a unique number. Typically, all source dependent extracts will use this parameter to populate the DATASOURCE_NUM_ID column, and the source independent workflows will carry these values to the final dimension and fact tables.

    Default Index Space (Oracle specific) Specifies the table space in which DAC drops and creates indexes against this database connection

    To use the default table space, leave this field blank.

  5. Click Test Connection to make sure the connection works.

  6. Click Save. Specifying a Data Source Connection for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Hosted on a DB2 Database

If you have a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne source system hosted on an iSeries DB2 database, follow the steps in this section to specify the OLTP connection in DAC.

To specify a data source connection for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne hosted on DB2

  1. From the IBM site, select and download the appropriate driver based on the version of your iSeries DB2 database.

  2. Include the driver in the class path, for example, for IBM DB2 on iSeries V5R4M0, download jt400.jar copied from the iSeries server only.

  3. On a machine that hosts the DAC Server and an appropriate drive client access for iSeries, create a data source name (DSN) to connect to the source DB2 database (using an ODBC Connection).

  4. Log into DAC.

  5. From the Views menu, select Setup, then Physical Data Sources.

  6. Select the record for the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne source.

  7. In the Edit tab, complete the following fields:

    Field Description
    Name This is the logical name for the database connection. It must match the name in the OLTP record that you selected. Do not change the default value.
    Type Enter Source.
    Connection Type Enter DB2.
    Instance Or connection string. Enter the DSN that you created in step 3. You enter the DSN, or host name, because the JDBC driver and URL that you enter below are used to override the connection to the database.
    Table Owner Valid database user.
    Table Owner Password Valid database user password.
    Max Num Connections Maximum number of database connections this connection pool can contain.
    JDBC Driver The name of the driver. The driver that you enter will override the driver that connects to the iSeries database. The driver that you select must be applicable to the version of iSeries on which JD Edwards EnterpriseOne is hosted.

    For example, for IBM DB2 on iSeries V5R4M0, you would enter this driver:

    URL The URL for the driver. The URL that you enter will override the driver URL that connects to the iSeries database. The driver URL that you select must be applicable to the version of iSeries on which JDE source is hosted. For example, for IBM DB2 on iSeries V5R4M0, you would enter this URL:


  8. Click Test Connection to make sure the connection works.

  9. Click Save.

4.15 Configuring Relational Connections in Informatica Workflow Manager

This section explains how to log into Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager and define relational connections. It contains the following topics:

4.15.1 Logging Into Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager

Note: Before you log into Workflow Manager, start the Informatica services.

To log into Informatica Workflow Manager

  1. On the Informatica PowerCenter Client machine, start Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager.

  2. Choose Repository, then Add, to display the Add Repository dialog box.

  3. In the Add Repository dialog box:

    1. In the Repository field, specify Oracle_BI_DW_Base (or the appropriate Oracle BI Applications repository name).

    2. In the Username field, specify the Repository Administrator username (for example, Administrator).

  4. Choose Repository, then Connect, to display the Connect to Repository dialog box.

  5. In the Connect to Repository dialog box:

    1. In the Password field, specify the Administrator password (for example, Administrator).

    2. If the Connection Settings area is not displayed, click More.

    3. Click Add (next to the Domain drop down list) to display the Add Domain dialog box.

  6. In the Add Domain dialog box:

    1. Specify the name of the domain that was created when you installed Informatica PowerCenter Services (for example, Domain_<hostname>).

    2. Specify the fully qualified hostname for the gateway host (for example,

    3. Specify the port for the gateway port (for example, 6001).

    4. Click OK to save the details and close the Add Domain dialog box.

  7. Click Connect.

4.15.2 Configuring Relational Connections in Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager

You need to use Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager to configure the relational connections, as follows:

Note: The Informatica services must be running to perform these tasks. How to Configure Relational Connections

Follow this procedure to configure relational connections:

  1. In Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager, select Connections, then Relational to display the Relational Connection Browser.

    You need to create a connection for each transactional (OLTP) database, and a connection for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (OLAP) database.

  2. For each database connection that you need to create, do the following:

    1. Click New to display the Select Subtype dialog box, select the appropriate database type (for example, Oracle), then click OK.

    2. Click New to display the Connection Object Definition dialog box, and enter the details.

      This image is an example of the populated screen.
    3. Click OK to save the details.


    • If the target database is Oracle, DB2, or Teradata, use the settings as follows:

      • Click New and select the type as Oracle, DB2, then click OK.

      • Name: DataWarehouse, for connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

        You must specify 'DataWarehouse' exactly as it appears in the Physical Data Sources tab in the DAC Setup View. For the connection to the OLTP, specify the name exactly as it appears in the Physical Data Sources tab in the DAC Setup View. For example, if your source system is Siebel release 7.8.x, then you name this connection as SEBL_78. For more information, see Section 4.14.3, "Setting Physical Data Sources".

      • User Name: Database user name.

      • Password: Database user password.

      • Connect string: Connect string for the database (refer to the Informatica Help for information about specifying this value).

      • Code Page: Code page compatible with the code page of the database client. If NLS_LANG (for Oracle database) or DB2CODPAGE (for DB2 database) has been set, then the Code Page value should be a code page compatible with the language set by these variables. For more information, see Section 4.3.3, "Code Page and Data Movement Requirements".

    • If the target database is SQL Server, use the settings as follows:

      • Click New and select the type as ODBC, then click OK.

      • Name: DataWarehouse, for the connection to the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse. You must specify 'DataWarehouse' exactly as it appears in the Physical Data Sources tab in the DAC Setup View.For the connection to the OLTP, specify the name exactly as it appears in the Physical Data Sources tab in the DAC Setup View. (For example, if your source system is Siebel version 7.8.x then you name this connection as SEBL_78). For more information, see Section 4.14.3, "Setting Physical Data Sources".

      • User Name: Database user name.

      • Password: Database password.

      • Connect string: Connect string for the connecting to the database (refer to the Informatica Help for information about specifying this value).

      • Code Page: Code page compatible with the code page of the database client.

  3. Click Close to close the Relational Connection Browser. (Teradata specific) How to Configure the Informatica Repository for Teradata External Loader Connections

To configure the Informatica Repository for Teradata, you need to do the following: How to Specify Loader Connections for Teradata

Follow this procedure to configure the Informatica Repository in Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager for Teradata external loader connections.

  1. In Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager, select Connections, then Loader to display the Loader Connection Browser.

  2. In the Objects list, select Teradata_Tpump_Upsert, and then click Edit to display the Connection Object Definition dialog box.

  3. Edit the User Name, Password, TDPID, Database Name, Error Database, and Log Table Database, and other attributes as necessary.

  4. Repeat these steps for the following objects:

    • Teradata_Tpump_Update

    • Teradata_Tpump_Insert

    • Teradata_Tpump_Delete

    • Teradata_FastLoad

  5. For Unicode environments, append -c UTF8 to the value for the External Loader Executable attribute for each external loader.

    For example:

    • fastload -c UTF8

    • tpump -c UTF8

  6. Click Close to close the Loader Connection Browser. How to Specify Teradata Details at the Workflow Level

For each session, you need to specify Teradata details, as follows:

  1. In Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager, go to the workflow and open the session in the Task Developer pane.

  2. Double-click on the session to display the Edit Tasks dialog box.

  3. Display the Mapping tab.

    This image is an example of the Mapping tab.
  4. On the Targets node on the left navigator panel, select the Teradata table name.

  5. In the Writers area, select "File Writer" from the Writers drop down list for the target table.

  6. In the Connections area, select "Teradata_Tpump_Upset" or other "Teradata_Tpump_XXX" as the loader.

  7. Click on the edit icon (that is, the pencil icon) next to the Connections - Value field to display the Connection Object Definition dialog box.

    This image is an example of the populated screen.
  8. Enter the User Name and Password to log in to the Teradata database.

    Note: In the Attributes list, make sure that the following attributes are specified:

    • TDPID

    • Database name

    • Error Database

    • Log Table Database

    If the above attribute values are not inherited from the attributes defined at the connection level, you must specify them.

  9. In the Attributes list, specify values for Error Table and Log Table.

4.16 Configuring the SiebelUnicodeDB Custom Property


This procedure is not specific to the Siebel source system. It must be performed for all types of source systems.

If your source to target data movement configuration is Unicode to Unicode, you need to create a custom property called SiebelUnicodeDB on Integration Services. If your source to target data movement configuration is either Code Page to Code Page or Code Page to Unicode, you do not need to create this property. For more information on supported source to target configuration modes, and how to determine the source to target configuration for your environment, see Section 4.3.3, "Code Page and Data Movement Requirements."

To create and set the SiebelUnicodeDB custom property on Integration Services

  1. Log into Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console. For information on how to log into PowerCenter Administration Console, see Section A.8, "How to Log Into Informatica PowerCenter Administration Console."

  2. Select the Integration Service.

  3. In the Properties tab, scroll down to the Custom Properties area, and click Edit.

  4. In the Name field, enter the following:


  5. In the Value field, enter the following:

    [user_OLTP]@[connectString_OLTP] [user_OLAP]@[ConnectString_OLAP]


    [user_OLTP] is the database user for the OLTP source database. It must match exactly the value you entered for the User Name field when creating the relational connection for the OLTP in Informatica Workflow Manager.

    [ConnectString_OLTP] is the connect string for the OLTP. It must match exactly the value you entered for the Connect String field when creating the relational connection for the OLTP in Informatica Workflow Manager.

    [user_OLAP] is the database user for the Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse database. It must match exactly the value you entered for the User Name field when creating the relational connection for the data warehouse in Informatica Workflow Manager.

    [ConnectString_OLAP] is the connect string for the data warehouse. It must match exactly the value you entered for the Connect String field when creating the relational connection for the data warehouse in Informatica Workflow Manager.

    For example,

Note: Always leave a space between the strings for OLTP and OLAP. You must enter the user names and connection strings in the same case as you used for the relational connections in Informatica Workflow Manager.

For more information about Relational Connections, see Section 4.15.2, "Configuring Relational Connections in Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager".

4.17 Setting Up DAC to Receive Email Notification

This section describes how to set up DAC to receive email notification. It includes the following topics:

4.17.1 Configuring Email Recipients in DAC

Follow this procedure to configure email recipients.

To configure email recipients in DAC

  1. In DAC, navigate to the Setup view.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

  2. Click the Email Recipients tab.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Edit tab below, enter the following information:

    Field Description
    Name Logical name of the user to be notified.
    Email Address Email address where the notification is sent.
    Notification Level The notification levels are as follows:
    • 10 -- Notifies recipient of success or failure of each task.

    • 5 -- Notifies recipient of success of failure of the entire ETL process.

    • 1 -- Notifies recipient that ETL completed successfully.

    Inactive Indicates whether the selected email activation is active or inactive.
    Needs Authentication Read only value that specifies whether the corporate email server requires authentication (this value is set by choosing Tools, then DAC Server Setup).

4.17.2 Configuring Email in the DAC Server

Follow this procedure to configure the email administrator account in DAC, which enables the recipient to receive ETL status updates automatically. For example, the data warehousing administrator might want to be informed when an ETL routine has completed.

The DAC Server has a built-in login-authentication based email (SMTP) client, which connects to any SMTP login-authenticating server.


For the email functionality to work, you must be using an SMTP server in which the SMTP authentication mode LOGIN is enabled. For example, if you are using Microsoft Exchange Server, you must enable the SMTP module and enable authentication in the Basic Mode. The SMTP server outbound email authentication must be turned on for the DAC Server to be able to send email notifications.

To configure the email administrator account in the DAC Server

  1. In the DAC menu bar, select Tools, then DAC Server Management, then DAC Server Setup.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

    A confirmation dialog box asks you to confirm that you want to configure the DAC Repository connection.

  2. Click Yes.

    The Server Configuration dialog box appears.

  3. Display the Email Configuration tab, and enter the email details for the email address to which you want to send DAC Server information emails.

  4. Click Save.

Once the configuration has been completed, you can start the DAC Server.

4.18 Additional Configuration Tasks

This section provides configuration steps that may be required depending on your specific environment. All the sections may not be applicable for your environment.

For mandatory, Siebel-specific configuration tasks, see Section 4.18.3, "Siebel-Specific Configuration Tasks."

For mandatory, Teradata-specific configurations tasks, see Section 4.18.4, "Teradata-Specific Configuration Tasks."

This section contains the following topics:

4.18.1 Setting DAC Source System Parameters

You set source system parameters (also known as DAC ETL Preferences) in DAC to specify how the ETL routines process data for a container. For example, if operating in the United States, you might set the $$DLFT_COUNTRY to 'USA' to identify your data.


The following preferences are applied to all tasks within a container. If extracting data from more than one source, these preferences will need to be re-applied to each associated container. They can be overridden at the task level by adding the parameter to the specific task and assigning a value there.

To set DAC source system parameters

  1. In DAC, go to the Design view.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC."

  2. Make sure that you have selected the correct container from the containers drop down list. You cannot edit out-of-the box containers. Make a copy of an existing container in order to make edits.

  3. Display the Source System Parameters tab.

    This screenshot is described in surrounding text.


    For information about recommended settings for specific databases, see Chapter 3, "Preinstallation and Predeployment Requirements for Oracle BI Applications".
  4. Use the Edit tab below the list of Source System Parameters to change the value of parameters in the list.

  5. Click Save.

4.18.2 Creating Stored Procedures for DB2-UDB

DAC uses siebstat and siebtrun stored procedures when running ETL processes. Typically, these stored procedures are available in your transactional database; they might not be available on the data warehouse database.

If you need to install the DB2 stored procedures manually, they are located in the installation directory \OracleBI\dwrep\siebproc\db2udb\. There is a sub-directory for each platform. For example, stored procedures for the Windows platform are stored in the sub-directory \OracleBI\dwrep\siebproc\db2udb\win32\.

Each platform-specific directory contains the following sub-directories:

  • \siebproc\ (containing stored procedures for a 32-bit DB2 environment)

  • \siebproc64\ (containing stored procedures for a 64-bit DB2 environment)

These directories also contain the files siebproc.sql and sqlproc.ksh, which are used to create the function. For more information, see Section, "How to Create DB2 Stored Procedures"). How to Verify the Existence of Stored Procedures

This section describes how to verify the existence of stored procedures.

To verify the existence of the stored procedures

  • From a DB2 command prompt or control center, issue the following SQL scripts:

    db2 => create table test_siebproc(id int);
    DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
    db2 => insert into test_siebproc(id) values (1);
    DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
    db2 => call siebtrun('TEST_SIEBPROC');
    SQL0805N  Package "NULLID.SYSSH200" was not found.  SQLSTATE=51002


    If you get an error message, you do not have the required stored procedures.

Creating stored procedures must be performed by the database administrator (for more information, see Section, "How to Create DB2 Stored Procedures"). How to Create DB2 Stored Procedures

This section describes how to create DB2 stored procedures.

To create DB2 stored procedures

  1. Copy the DB2 stored procedure directory (i.e. \siebproc\ or \siebproc64\) from the appropriate platform-specific directory to a directory on the DB2 server side.

    For example, for a 32-bit DB2 environment on a Windows platform, you might copy the directory \OracleBI\dwrep\siebproc\db2udb\win32\siebproc\ to the directory d:\Program Files\SQLLIB\function\ on the DB2 server side.


    For more information about the location of DB2 stored procedures, see Section 4.18.2, "Creating Stored Procedures for DB2-UDB").
  2. If you copied stored procedures for a 64-bit DB2 environment, on the DB2 server side, rename the \siebproc64\ directory to \siebproc\.

    For example, if you copied stored procedures to d:\Program Files\SQLLIB\function\siebproc64\, rename this directory to d:\Program Files\SQLLIB\function\siebproc\.

Once these procedures are created, you can verify that they exist. After the test is complete, you can drop the table TEST_SIEBPROC.

4.18.3 Siebel-Specific Configuration Tasks

This section contains tasks you are required to complete if your source system is Siebel. This section contains the following topics: Migrating Seed Data from a Siebel Source System to the Oracle BI Repository

This section describes how to move localized string content from the S_MSG table in a Siebel OLTP database to the W_LOCALIZED_STRING_G table in the Business Analytics Warehouse database. Use the following steps:

  1. Export the customized localization data in the S_MSG table using the DATAEXP command from a command prompt, as shown in the following sample text:

    DATAEXP /U <Username for OLTP read access> /P <Password> /C <Siebel_OLTP odbc> /D <Table Owner> /F CUSTSTRINGS.DATA /W Y /L <EXPCUST.LOG>

  2. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    • When you are prompted for the TABLE_NAME to export, enter S_MSG and press ENTER.

    • When you are prompted for the WHERE CLAUSE for filtering records from the table, enter WHERE LAST_UPD > '1/1/1980' and press ENTER twice.

  3. A message is displayed that indicates the number of rows that were exported. Press ENTER to enter the Database Table Name and to end the process.

  4. Import the data into the W_LOCALIZED_STRING_G table using the data file that you generated in the previous step.

    Use the /R 1000000 argument in the DATAIMP command to insert the customized strings beyond Row Id 1000000.

    For information about importing localization data into the W_LOCALIZEDS-STRING_G table, see Section C.1.1, "Upgrading Oracle Business Intelligence Seed Data for Non-English Locales."

  5. Import the localization data into the W_LOCALIZED_STRING_G table. Updating Siebel Transactional Database Schema Definitions


The steps in this section are required if are using a Siebel source system.

This section explains how to update Siebel transactional database schema definitions. It contains the following sections: How to Run the DDLIMP Tool From The Command Line

When you use the DDLIMP utility from a command line to update schema definitions, refer to the following notes:

To run DDLIMP from command line, run the following command:

\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC_DSN> /GSSE_ROLE /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.CTL> /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.log>

NOTE: Where <ODBC_DSN> is the ODBC connection created as described in section Section 4.9.4, "Creating ODBC Database Connections for the DAC Client".

\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC_DSN> /GSSE_ROLE /W Y /Z Y /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.CTL> /L<..\oracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.log>

Additionally you can use the following commands:

/W Y (if the OLTP database is Unicode).

/Z Y (if the OTTP database is DB2 and Unicode).

/B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> if you want to create these table in a separate table space.

/X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> if you want to create the indexes in a separate table space.

/Y Storage File for DB2/390. How to Apply Siebel CRM Schema Changes For Oracle, DB2/UDB, MSSQL

To enable change capture for Oracle's Siebel adapters, you use the ddlimp control file to apply Siebel CRM schema changes, which updates the required image tables in the OLTP.


Using the ddlimp control file to apply schema changes replaces the use of SIF files in Siebel Tools in previous product releases.

To apply Siebel CRM schema changes for Oracle, DB2/UDB and MSSQL databases

  1. On the machine where Oracle BI Applications is installed, run the following command:

    ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC connect string> /G SSE_ROLE /F <..\OracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.CTL> /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.log>


    If you are applying schema changes to a Siebel CRM release 6.3, specify DDL_OLTP_63.CTL as the /F parameter instead of DDL_OLTP.CTL.

    For example:



    • /P <PASSWORD> - The password for Oracle's CRM OLTP.

    • /C <ODBC connect string> - The name of the ODBC connect string.

    • For Oracle databases, use the Oracle Merant ODBC Drivers (installed with Oracle BI Applications).

    • In addition, you can use the following commands:

      /W Y - (if the OLTP database is Unicode).

      /Z Y - (if the OLTP database is DB2 and Unicode or the OLTP database is MS SQL Server and Unicode).

      /B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create these table in a separate table space.

      /X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create the indexes in a separate table. space.

      /Y - Storage File for DB2/390.

  2. Restart all servers. How to Apply Siebel CRM Schema Changes for DB2 on OS/390 and z/OS
  1. Edit the following parameters in the Storage control files located in \OracleBI\dwrep\Storeage_DDL_OLTP.CTL:

    • %1 - Replace with a 2 character database name.

    • %indBufPool - Replace it with a index buffer pool name.

    • %4kBulfPool - Replace it with a 4k TBS buffer pool name.

    • %32kBufPool - Replace it with a 32K TBS Buffer Pool name.

  2. On the machine where Oracle BI Applications is installed, run the following command:

    ..\OracleBI\dwrep\bin\DDLIMP /U <USER> /P <PASSWORD> /C <ODBC_CSN> >>> /G SSE_ROLE /F \OracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP_DB2390.CTL> /L <..\oracleBI\dwrep\DDL_OLTP.log> /5 Y /A <SCHEMA_OWNER> /Y ..\OracleBI\dwrep\Storeage_DDL_OLTP.CTL


    • /P <PASSWORD> - The password for Oracle's CRM OLTP.

    • /C <ODBC connect string> - The name of the ODBC connect string.

    • For Oracle databases, use the Oracle Merant ODBC Drivers.

    • In addition, you can use the following commands:

      /W Y - (if the OLTP database is Unicode).

      /Z Y - (if the OLTP database is DB2 and Unicode or the OLTP database is MS SQL Server and Unicode).

      /B <TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create these table in a separate table space.

      /X <INDEX_TABLE_SPACE_NAME> - If you want to create the indexes in a separate table. space.

      /Y - Storage File for DB2/390.

  3. To create indexes for the tables created, run the following SQL Script from the DB2 command line utility connected to your OLTP Schema:

    \OracleBI\Dwrep\Create_OLTP_Db2390_index.sql How to Apply the Siebel CRM Image Table to a Siebel Transactional Database
  1. In DAC, select Design, then Tables, and query for tables where the Image Suffix value is not null.

    This screenshot is described in surrounding text.
  2. Right click over the returned tables, then select 'Change Capture scripts', then 'Generate image and trigger scripts' to display the Triggers And Image Tables dialog.

    select the appropriate Database type,
  3. At the Triggers And Image Tables dialog, do the following:

    • Select the All Tables In The List radio button.

    • Select the Generate Image Table Scripts check box.

    • Select the appropriate Database type.

  4. Click OK to generate the database scripts.

    DAC generates the scripts in a pop-up page.

  5. Execute the scripts in your OLTP database. About Delete Triggers


Delete triggers are only used with Siebel CRM databases.

Delete records in Siebel CRM sources are not propagated to the data warehouse tables. However the mechanism to identify the delete records is provided, as follows:

DAC can create delete triggers on source tables (refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User Guide). These triggers write the primary keys of deleted records with the flag D in the corresponding S_ETL_I_IMG table. You need to write a custom SDE extract to pull these deleted primary keys from the image table and take corresponding action on the data warehouse table. How to Verify Siebel (CRM) and Oracle E-Business Suite Schema Changes

After applying Siebel (CRM) and Oracle E-Business Suite schema changes, you need to verify that appropriate tables were created in the transactional database.

  1. Use a SQL tool to make sure that the following tables were created in the transactional database:

    • S_ETL_R_IMG_xxx

    • S_ETL_I_IMG_xxx

    • S_ETL_D_IMG_xxx




4.18.4 Teradata-Specific Configuration Tasks

This section contains tasks you are required to complete if you are using a Teradata database in your Oracle BI Applications environment.

This section contains the following topics: Setting Up the Code Page File Property for Unicode Environments on Teradata Databases

If you have a Unicode environment on a Teradata database, you need to set the code page file property of sessions that use the Teradata external loaders to use the code page UTF8. You need to follow this procedure to set the code page file property for each session that uses a Teradata external loader.

To set the code page file property for a Unicode environment on a Teradata database

  1. In Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager, drag a Workflow into the Workflow Designer pane.

  2. In the Workflow Designer pane, double click the Task (for example, SDE_PSFT_APTermsDimension) to display the Edit Tasks dialog box.

  3. Display the Mappings tab.

  4. Select Target in the left pane. In the Properties section, click on the Set File link.

  5. In the Flat Files - Targets dialog box, in the File Properties area, click Advanced.

  6. In the Fixed Width Properties - Targets dialog box, in the Code Page area, select UTF-8 encoding of Unicode. Setting Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on Windows

If you are using a Teradata database, you need to set the TDPID parameter on the machine where the Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services service is installed by adding an entry in the HOSTS file.

To set up the HOSTS file for Teradata installations on Windows

  1. On the machine where the Informatica PowerCenter Integration Services service is installed, go to the \<SystemRoot>\system32\drivers\etc directory and open the HOSTS file.

  2. In the HOSTS file, enter a line in the following format:

    <IP address of remote server> <remote server> <remote server>COP<n>

    For example: tdatsvr tdatsvrCOP1

    where tdatsvrCOP1 is the alias for the remote server. The alias must begin with an alphabetic string and end with the COP n suffix, where n is a number between 1 and the total number of applications processors that are associated with the Teradata communications processor.

  3. Save the HOSTS file.

For more information about setting the TDPID parameter, see the Teradata documentation. Setting Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on UNIX

If you are using a Teradata database, you need to set the TDPID parameter on the machine where the Informatica Server is installed by adding an entry in the HOSTS file.

To set up the HOSTS file for Teradata installations on UNIX

  1. How to Set Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on UNIX.

  2. In the HOSTS file, enter a line in the following format:

    <IP address of remote server> <remote server> <remote server>COP<n>

    For example: tdatsvr tdatsvrCOP1

    Where tdatsvrCOP1 is the alias for the remote server. The alias must begin with an alphabetic string and end with the COP<n> suffix, where <n> is a number between 1 and the total number of applications processors that are associated with the Teradata communications processor.

  3. Save the HOSTS file.

For more information about setting the TDPID parameter, refer to the Teradata documentation. Teradata-Specific Installation Checklist

Table 4-5 provides a list of Teradata-specific installation and configuration steps that are performed during the Oracle BI Applications installation and configuration process. You should review this list to make sure that you have performed all of the required Teradata-specific steps.

Table 4-5 Teradata-Specific Installation Checklist for Windows

Action Link to Topic

Review Teradata-specific database guidelines.

Section 3.5, "Teradata-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse".

Create or drop data warehouse tables.

Section 4.12.2, "Creating Data Warehouse Tables on a Teradata Database".

Create or restore the Informatica Repository using the Informatica Repository Manager. You cannot create or restore the Informatica Repository using DAC.

Section 4.7, "Restoring the Prebuilt Informatica Repository".

Configure the source and data warehouse database relational connections in Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager. You cannot use the DAC's Data Warehouse Configurator to configure relational connections.

Section 3.5, "Teradata-Specific Database Guidelines for Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse".

Set the Code Page File Property for Unicode Environments.

Section, "Setting Up the Code Page File Property for Unicode Environments on Teradata Databases"

Set up the HOSTS file.

Section, "Setting Up the HOSTS File for Teradata Installations on Windows"

4.19 About Running A Full Load ETL

After you have installed and configured Oracle BI Applications, your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse (OLAP) database is empty. You need to perform a full load ETL to populate your Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

The ETL processes for Oracle BI Applications are created and managed in DAC. For detailed information about running ETLs in DAC, see Oracle Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

For an example of using DAC to run a full load ETL, see Section 4.19.1, "An Example of Running a Full Load ETL."

4.19.1 An Example of Running a Full Load ETL

This section uses an example to show you how to get started quickly with running a full load ETL. In this example, you have installed Oracle Financial Analytics with an Oracle EBS OLTP data source, and you want to load OLTP data for the subject area Receivables, as follows:

  1. In the DAC menu bar, select File, then New Source System Container, to display the New Source System Container dialog box, and specify details of the new container.

    Note: You cannot make any changes to the preconfigured containers. You must make a copy of a container before you can make any changes to it.

    For more information about logging into DAC, see Section A.1, "How to Log into DAC." For more information about the source system container functionality in DAC, see Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console User's Guide.

  2. Select the Create as a Copy of Existing Container radio button, and select the appropriate container from the Existing Containers drop-down list, then click OK.

  3. In the Design view, display the Source System Parameters tab and set the parameters appropriately.

  4. In the Setup view, display the DAC System Properties tab and set the properties appropriately.

  5. Display the Execute view, and display the Execution Plan tab.

  6. Click New, display the Edit tab, and use the Name field to specify a name for the ETL process.

  7. Display the Subject Areas tab and click Add/Remove to display the Choose Subject Areas dialog box.

  8. Select the new container that you created in step 4 from the container drop down list at the top of the Choose Subject Areas dialog box.

  9. Select Financials - Receivables, click Add, then click OK.

  10. Display the Parameters tab, and click Generate.

  11. On the Parameters tab, edit the parameters as follows:

    • Edit the value of DBConnection_OLAP and set it to the same value as the name of the OLAP database that you specified in the Physical Data Source dialog box (for example, DataWarehouse).

    • Edit the value of DBConnection_OLTP and set it to the same value as the name of the OLTP database that you specified in the Physical Data Source dialog box (for example, ORA_11_5_8).

    • If there is a FlatFileConnection parameter, edit the value of FlatFileConnection and set it to the same value as the name of the flat file data source that is specified in the Physical Data Source dialog box (for example, ORA_11_5_8_Flatfile).

  12. On the Execution Plans tab, click Build.

  13. On the Execution Plans tab, click Run Now.

    DAC will perform a full load for Financials - Receivables.

  14. Use the Current Run tab to check the status of the ETL run.

    If the ETL run was successful, you will see 'Success' in the Run Status field, and the End Timestamp value will be set to the time and date when the ETL was completed.

    If the ETL run fails, use the information in the Description tab and the Audit Trail tab to diagnose the error that caused the failure.


    If an ETL run fails, you cannot re-run the ETL until the failed ETL has been cleared from the Current Run tab. To clear an ETL from the Current Run tab, right click on the ETL and select Mark As Completed.