A Sample Schemas and Reports

Oracle Retail Data Model includes sample schemas and sample reports. The reports are samples that you can use for ideas about how to design your own reports.


The reports and dashboards that are used in examples and delivered with Oracle Retail Data Model are provided only for demonstration purposes. They are not supported by Oracle.

Installation of the sample schemas and reports is optional.

Oracle Retail Data Model includes the following sample schemas:


The sample schemas are the ORDM schema with sample data provided so you can run the sample reports and see what the reports look like out-of-the-box.

Oracle Retail Data Model installs the following files for sample reports:

Requirements for Sample Schemas and Reports Installation

Before you install the sample schemas and reports, check the following:

  • Ensure that you have enough space for the installation; you must have 310 MB of available space. In addition, the OLAP Sample needs additional storage as explained in OLAP for Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( or Higher) or OLAP for Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and Oracle Database 11g Release 2 .

  • Check that the Oracle Data Mining option is installed in your Oracle 10g Release 2 or Oracle 11g Release 1 Database. To check that Oracle Data Mining is installed, log in as SYS and enter the following query:


    If this query returns TRUE, Oracle Data Mining is installed.


    For Oracle 10g Release 2, you must have the Data Mining Option installed, not the Oracle Data Mining Scoring Engine. The Scoring Engine does not allow you to build models. For more information, see the Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide.
  • Check that the Oracle OLAP option is installed in your Oracle Database. To check that Oracle OLAP is installed, log in as SYS and use the query:


    If this query returns TRUE, OLAP is installed.

  • Check that the correct patches for your Oracle database are installed. An easy way to check if a patch is installed correctly is to start SQL*Plus and connect to the database. SQL*Plus displays the version of the database. (SQL*Plus also displays which options are installed.)

  • The sample reports require Oracle BI EE. Sample reports folders include

    • RBIAII.rpd, the repository.

    • res, the resource folder.

    • RBIAII, the folder containing the catalog

  • Copy the software that you plan to install to the computer where the software is installed.

Sample Schemas and Reports Installation Steps

Before you install the sample schemas and reports, verify that all hardware requirements are satisfied and that all required software is installed. See Hardware and Software Requirements for details.

Follow these steps to install the sample schemas and reports:

  1. Log in using the user id that you plan to use to run the installation. You should the same user id to install Oracle Retail Data Model as used to install the Oracle database and BI EE. The user id must user must be able to run SQL*Plus.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the location of the Database on which to install ORDM.

    For example, suppose that Oracle Home is in the directory /loc/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/

    In a Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, use these commands to set ORACLE_HOME:

    $ ORACLE_HOME=/loc/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/
    $ export ORACLE_HOME

    In a C shell, use this command to set ORACLE_HOME

    % setenv ORACLE_HOME /loc/app/oracle/product/10.1.0/
  3. Start the installer from the directory that contains the ORDM installation files:

    cd directory-containing-Oracle-Retail-Data_Motel_installation-files
  4. The Welcome page is displayed. Click Next.

  5. In the Specify Source Location page, click Next.

  6. Select the Sample Schemas and Reports installation type. Click Next.

  7. In the Specify Home Details page, verify that the Name and Path correspond to the Database in which you want to install ORDM.

    Click Next.

  8. Select the Oracle BI EE Home directory on your system. Click Next.

  9. Select the Oracle Database Home directory. Click Next.

  10. Provide the following information:

    • Host Name: Name of the system where the Oracle Database is installed

    • Oracle Service Name

    • System Identifier (SID)

    • Listener Port Number

    • Password for the system user

    Both service name an SID are required; the installation program uses both of these to connect to the database. Click Next.

  11. The installer summarizes the information that you specified. Check that the information is correct. If necessary, click Back to return to previous screens and make corrections. When you are satisfied with the information, click Install.

  12. The install installs the sample schemas and reports. If there are any problems, messages are displayed. After the installation finishes, the end of installation screen appears. Click Exit to end the installer.

  13. Define environment variables to help BI EE to find the proper Oracle home directory for the sample reports. These variable definitions can be copied from scripts in the Oracle user's Home directory.

    Add these lines to BIEE_HOME/setup/user.sh:

    export ORACLE_BASE
    export ORACLE_HOME
    export TNS_ADMIN
    ORACLE_SID=<Add your ORACLE Server SID here>
    export ORACLE_SID
    export PATH
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH


    Be careful to split these commands properly when you add them to the file; for example, do not add them as one long concatenated line of code.
  14. Add a definition for rbia_db for the Oracle Retail Data Model repository to uses when connecting to the database. Add this definition to the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora:

    rbia_db =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname.domain)(PORT = port-number))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = SID)   # Change your SID, Hostname, and Listener Port       Number


    Be careful to split these commands properly when you add them to the file; for example, do not add them as one long concatenated line of code.

    If you want to use another database name, you must change the tnsname in BI EE repository. See the BI EE documentation for directions for defining a database connection in repository.

  15. Start the BI EE Server service with the command:

    BIEE_HOME/setup/run-sa.sh start
  16. Start the BI EE Presentation service with the command:

     BIEE_HOME/setup/run-saw.sh start
  17. Before you can access the Reports, you must unlock the bia_rtl and bia_rtl_mining accounts. Use the following SQL statements to unlock the accounts:

    alter user bia_rtl account unlock identified by bia_rtl; 
    alter user bia_rtl_mining account unlock identified by bia_rtl_mining;
  18. If you plan to access the Oracle Retail Data Model OLAP Dashboard, install the OLAP sample, as described in OLAP for Oracle Database 10g Release 2 ( or Higher) or OLAP for Oracle Database 11g Release 1 and Oracle Database 11g Release 2 .

    For Oracle Database 10g Release 2, the OLAP Sample installation is done with a separate sample install script using an EIF file with pre-loaded data. For Oracle Database11g Release1, the Sample installation is performed the same way as OLAP Component installation (by building it from the beginning using the data present in the main schema bia_rtl).

  19. Open the following URL using the browser of your choice:


    9704 is default BI EE port; if you specified a different port when you installed BI EE, use that port. The Oracle Retail Data Model login window is displayed.

Sample Schemas and Reports Manual Installation Overview

Follow these steps to install the sample schemas and reports:

  1. Install the BI EE Repository and Catalog, as described in BI EE Repository and Catalog Manual Installation on page A-5.

  2. Verify that the requirements for the sample schemas and reports are satisfied; see Requirements for Sample Schemas and Reports Installation on page A-1.

  3. Install the sample reports and schemas as described in Sample Schemas and Reports Installation Steps on page A-2.

BI EE Repository and Catalog Manual Installation

Follow these steps to install Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition (BI EE) repository and catalog for Oracle Retail Data Model:

  1. BI EE Repository Configuration

  2. BI EE Catalog Installation

  3. BI EE Installation Test

You must install BI EE before you perform these steps. BI EE documentation is at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/bi-enterprise-edition/documentation/bi-ee-087853.html; installation information is on the Getting Started tab of the Library.

BI EE Repository Configuration

In these directions, replace BIEE_HOME with the name of the directory where BI EE is installed, and replace BIEE_DATA_HOME with the name of the directory where BI EE data is stored.


Any reports included with Oracle Retail Data Model are provided as samples to illustrate how you might construct reports; they are provided on an as-is basis.

Follow these steps to install the Repository:

  1. Stop the BI EE Server service using the following command:

    BIEE_HOME/setup/run-sa.sh stop
  2. Add the following lines to BIEE_HOME/setup/user.sh. These environment variables help BI EE find the correct Oracle home. The definitions can be copied from the startup scripts in the home directory of the user who installed Oracle Database; on Linux systems this script is usually /home/oracle/.bash_profile:

    export ORACLE_BASE=<Your Oracle Server home directory>
    export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/db_1
    export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    export ORACLE_SID=<Your Oracle Server SID>
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$HOME/bin:/sbin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin:$PATH
  3. Add the name rbia_db to the file ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. The Oracle Retail Data Model repository relies on this value to connect to the proper database. In the following sample, change HOST, SID, and PORT to the correct values for your installation:

      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = hostname.domain)(PORT = port-number))
        (SERVICE_NAME = Your-Oracle-Server-SID)

    If you want to use a different database name, you must change the value of tnsnames in the BI EE repository. See the BI EE Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide for how to define database connections in the repository.

  4. Copy the repository file to OBIEE_HOME/server/Repository/. In the Oracle Retail Data Model package, the repository file rbiaii_rpd.zip is in the directory ORACLE_HOME/ORDM/Report/Install.

  5. Update the configuration file BIEE_HOME/server/Config/NQSConfig.INI. Add the following new line to the [REPOSITORY] section of the file:

    Repos_Name = "repository.rpd",DEFAULT;

    Here is an example of a correct entry:

    //Star = paint.rpd, DEFAULT,
    RBIAII = rbiaii.rpd, DEFAULT;
  6. Start BI EE Server service with the following command:

    BIEE_HOME/setup/run-sa.sh start

BI EE Catalog Installation

Install the catalog as follows:

  1. Stop the BIEE Presentation services using the following command:

    BIEE_HOME/setup/run-saw.sh stop
  2. Copy the catalog files to BIEE_DATA_HOME/web/catalog. Then change the name to default. The catalog file is rbiaii_default.zip in the ORACLE_HOME/ORDM/Report/Install directory.

    Update BIEE_DATA_HOME/web/config/instanceconfig.xml, the configuration file:

    1. Change the catalog path to <CatalogPath>/oracle/OracleBIData/web/catalog/default </CatalogPath>

    2. Add a new line between </Alerts> and <AdvancedReporting>:


  3. Copy the resource files to the folder OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/applications/analytics/res/. The resource file is at ORACLE_HOME/ORDM/Report/Install/rbiaii_res.zip.

  4. Start the BI EE Presentation Services with the following command:

    OBIEE_HOME/setup/run-saw.sh start

BI EE Installation Test

Test the BI EE Installation by opening the following link in a browser:


9704 is default BI EE port; if you specified a different port when you installed BI EE, use that port. The Oracle Retail Data Model login window is displayed.

Use rbiaii for both the user name (ID) and the password. (There is no password for the id Administrator.)