

Used in: caching-schemes, local-scheme, distributed-scheme, replicated-scheme, optimistic-scheme, near-scheme, versioned-near-scheme, overflow-scheme, read-write-backing-map-scheme, versioned-backing-map-scheme, cachestore-scheme, listener


Class schemes provide a mechanism for instantiating an arbitrary Java object for use by other schemes. The scheme which contains this element will dictate what class or interface(s) must be extended. See the database cache sample for an example of using a class-scheme.

The class-scheme may be configured to either instantiate objects directly via their class-name, or indirectly via a class-factory-name and method-name. The class-scheme must be configured with either a class-name or class-factory-name and method-name.


The following table describes the elements you can define within the class-scheme element.

Element Required/Optional Description
<scheme-name> Optional Specifies the scheme's name. The name must be unique within a configuration file.
<scheme-ref> Optional Specifies the name of another scheme to inherit from.
<class-name> Optional Contains a fully specified Java class name to instantiate.

This class must extend an appropriate implementation class as dictated by the containing scheme and must declare the exact same set of public constructors as the superclass.
<class-factory-name> Optional Specifies a fully specified name of a Java class that will be used as a factory for object instantiation.
<method-name> Optional Specifies the name of a static factory method on the factory class which will perform object instantiation.
<init-params> Optional Specifies initialization parameters which are accessible by implementations which support the interface, or which include a public constructor with a matching signature.