Installing Oracle Coherence

Downloading and Extracting Coherence

For Windows and any other OS supporting the .zip format, Coherence is downloadable as a .zip file. If prompted by your browser, choose to save the downloaded file. Once it has completed downloading, expand the .zip file (using WinZip or the unzip command-line utility) to the location of your choice. On Windows, you can expand it to your c:\ directory; on Unix, it is suggested that you expand it to the /opt directory. Expanding the .zip will create a coherence directory with several sub-directories.

Installing Coherence

If you are adding Coherence to an application server, you will need to make sure that tangosol.jar and coherence.jar libraries (found in coherence/lib/) are in the CLASSPATH (or the equivalent mechanism that your application server uses).

Alternatively, if your application server supports it, you can package the tangosol.jar and coherence.jar libraries into your application's .ear, .jar or .war file.

For purposes of compilation, you will need to make sure that tangosol.jar and coherence.jar libraries are in the CLASSPATH (or the equivalent mechanism that your compiler or IDE uses).

Verifying that multiple nodes and servers are able to form a cluster

Coherence includes a self-contained console application that can be used to verify that installation is successful and that all the servers that are meant to participate in the cluster are indeed capable of joining the cluster. We recommend that you perform this quick test when you first start using Coherence in a particular network and server environment, to verify that the nodes do indeed connect as expected. You can do that by repeating the following set of steps to start Coherence on each server (you can start multiple instances of Coherence on the same server as well):

You should see something like this after you start the first member:

c:\coherence\lib>java -jar coherence.jar
2007-05-23 10:48:16.546 Oracle Coherence 3.3/387  (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from
 resource "jar:file:/C:/coherence/lib/coherence.jar!/tangosol-coherence.xml"
2007-05-23 10:48:16.562 Oracle Coherence 3.3/387  (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from res
ource "jar:file:/C:/coherence/lib/coherence.jar!/tangosol-coherence-override-dev.xml"
2007-05-23 10:48:16.562 Oracle Coherence 3.3/387  (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override "/tango
sol-coherence-override.xml" is not specified

Oracle Coherence Version 3.3/387
 Grid Edition: Development mode
Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.

2007-05-23 10:48:17.203 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3/387  (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Service Cluster joined the cluste
r with senior service member n/a
2007-05-23 10:48:20.453 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3/387  (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Created a new cluster with Memb
er(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828, Location=process:3292@localhost,
Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development, CpuCount=2, SocketCount=1) UID=0xC0A800CC00000112B968DF6868CC1F98
SafeCluster: Name=n/a

Group{Address=, Port=33387, TTL=4}

  ThisMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  ActualMemberSet=MemberSet(Size=1, BitSetCount=2
    Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  RecycleSet=MemberSet(Size=0, BitSetCount=0

  TcpRing{TcpSocketAccepter{State=STATE_OPEN, ServerSocket=}, Connections=[]}
  ClusterService{Name=Cluster, State=(SERVICE_STARTED, STATE_JOINED), Id=0, Version=3.3, OldestMemberId=1}

Map (?):
2007-05-23 10:48:53.406 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3/387  (thread=Cluster, member=1): Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2007-05-23 1
0:48:53.218, Address=, MachineId=26828, Location=process:3356@localhost) joined Cluster with senior member 1

Map (?):

As you can see there is only one member listed in the ActualMemberSet. When the second member is started, you should see something similar to the following at its start up:

c:\coherence\lib>java -jar coherence.jar

2007-05-23 10:48:52.562 Oracle Coherence 3.3/387  (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational configuration from
resource "jar:file:/C:/coherence/lib/coherence.jar!/tangosol-coherence.xml"
2007-05-23 10:48:52.562 Oracle Coherence 3.3/387  (thread=main, member=n/a): Loaded operational overrides from
resource "jar:file:/C:/coherence/lib/coherence.jar!/tangosol-coherence-override-dev.xml"
2007-05-23 10:48:52.578 Oracle Coherence 3.3/387  (thread=main, member=n/a): Optional configuration override
"/tangosol-coherence-override.xml" is not specified

Oracle Coherence Version 3.3/387
 Grid Edition: Development mode
Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Oracle. All rights reserved.

2007-05-23 10:48:53.203 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3/387  (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): Service Cluster joined the cluste
r with senior service member n/a
2007-05-23 10:48:53.421 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3/387  (thread=Cluster, member=n/a): This Member(Id=2, Timestamp=200
7-05-23 10:48:53.218, Address=, MachineId=26828, Location=process:3356@localhost, Edition=Grid Edition,
Mode=Development, CpuCount=2, SocketCount=1) joined cluster with senior Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0,
Address=, MachineId=26828, Location=process:3292@localhost, Edition=Grid Edition, Mode=Development,
CpuCount=2, SocketCount=1)
SafeCluster: Name=n/a

Group{Address=, Port=33387, TTL=4}

  ThisMember=Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:53.218, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  ActualMemberSet=MemberSet(Size=2, BitSetCount=2
    Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
    Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:53.218, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  RecycleSet=MemberSet(Size=0, BitSetCount=0

  TcpRing{TcpSocketAccepter{State=STATE_OPEN, ServerSocket=}, Connections=[]}
  ClusterService{Name=Cluster, State=(SERVICE_STARTED, STATE_JOINED), Id=0, Version=3.3, OldestMemberId=1}

Map (?):
2007-05-23 10:48:54.453 Oracle Coherence GE 3.3/387  (thread=TcpRingListener, member=2): TcpRing: connecting to
member 1 using TcpSocket{State=STATE_OPEN, Socket=Socket[addr=/,port=1884,localport=8089]}

Map (?):

If you execute the who command at the Map(?): prompt of the first member after the second member is started, you should see the same two members:

Map (?): who
SafeCluster: Name=n/a

Group{Address=, Port=33387, TTL=4}

  ThisMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  OldestMember=Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  ActualMemberSet=MemberSet(Size=2, BitSetCount=2
    Member(Id=1, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:17.0, Address=, MachineId=26828)
    Member(Id=2, Timestamp=2007-05-23 10:48:53.218, Address=, MachineId=26828)
  RecycleSet=MemberSet(Size=0, BitSetCount=0

  TcpRing{TcpSocketAccepter{State=STATE_OPEN, ServerSocket=}, Connections=[2]}
  ClusterService{Name=Cluster, State=(SERVICE_STARTED, STATE_JOINED), Id=0, Version=3.3, OldestMemberId=1}

Map (?):

As more new members are started, you should see their addition reflected in the ActualMemberSet list. If you do not see new members being added, your network may not be properly configured for multicast traffic; you may use the Multicast Test to verify this.