

Used in: packet-delivery.


The packet-bundling element contains configuration information related to the bundling of multiple small packets into a single larger packet in order to reduce the load on the network switching infrastructure.

Default Configuration

The default packet-bundling settings are minimally aggressive allowing for bundling to occur without adding a measurable delay. The benefits of more aggressive bundling will be based on the network infrastructure as well as the application object's typical data sizes and access patterns.


The following table describes the elements you can define within the packet-bundling element.

Element Required/Optional Description
<maximum-deferral-time> Optional The maximum amount of time to defer a packet while waiting for additional packets to bundle. A value of zero will result in the algorithm not waiting, and only bundling the readily accessible packets. A value greater than zero will cause some transmission deferral while waiting for additional packets to become available. This value is typically set below 250 microseconds to avoid a detrimental throughput impact. If the units are not specified, nanoseconds are assumed.

Default value is 1us (microsecond).
<aggression-factor> Optional Specifies the aggressiveness of the packet deferral algorithm. Where as the maximum-deferral-time element defines the upper limit on the deferral time, the aggression-factor influences the average deferral time. The higher the aggression value, the longer the Publisher may wait for additional packets. The factor may be expressed as a real number, and often times values between 0.0 and 1.0 will be allow for high packet utilization while keeping latency to a minimum.

Default value is zero.