

Used in: initiator-config.


The tcp-initiator element specifies the configuration info for a connection initiator that enables Coherence*Extend clients to connect to a remote cluster via TCP/IP.

For additional details and example configurations see Configuring and Using Coherence*Extend.


The following table describes the elements you can define within the tcp-initiator element.

Element Required/Optional Description
<local-address> Optional Specifies the local address (IP or DNS name) that the TCP/IP socket opened by the connection initiator will be bound to.

For example, the following will instruct the connection initiator to bind the TCP/IP socket to the IP address

<remote-addresses> Required Contains the <socket-address> of one or more TCP/IP connection acceptors. The TCP/IP connection initiator uses this information to establish a TCP/IP connection with a remote cluster. The TCP/IP connection initiator will attempt to connect to the addresses in a random order, until either the list is exhausted or a TCP/IP connection is established.

For example, the following will instruct the connection initiator to attempt to connect to and in a random order:

<keep-alive-enabled> Optional Indicates whether or not keep alive (SO_KEEPALIVE) is enabled on a TCP/IP socket.

Valid values are true and false.

Keep alive is enabled by default.
<tcp-delay-enabled> Optional Indicates whether or not TCP delay (Nagle's algorithm) is enabled on a TCP/IP socket.

Valid values are true and false.

TCP delay is disabled by default.
<receive-buffer-size> Optional Configures the size of the underlying TCP/IP socket network receive buffer.

Increasing the receive buffer size can increase the performance of network I/O for high-volume connections, while decreasing it can help reduce the backlog of incoming data.

The value of this element must be in the following format:

where the first non-digit (from left to right) indicates the factor with which the preceding decimal value should be multiplied:

  • K or k (kilo, 210)
  • M or m (mega, 220)
  • G or g (giga, 230)

If the value does not contain a factor, a factor of one is assumed.

Default value is O/S dependent.

<send-buffer-size> Optional Configures the size of the underlying TCP/IP socket network send buffer.

The value of this element must be in the following format:

where the first non-digit (from left to right) indicates the factor with which the preceding decimal value should be multiplied:

  • K or k (kilo, 210)
  • M or m (mega, 220)
  • G or g (giga, 230)

If the value does not contain a factor, a factor of one is assumed.

Default value is O/S dependent.

<connect-timeout> Optional Specifies the maximum amount of time to wait while establishing a connection with a connection acceptor.

The value of this element must be in the following format:


where the first non-digits (from left to right) indicate the unit of time duration:

  • MS or ms (milliseconds)
  • S or s (seconds)
  • M or m (minutes)
  • H or h (hours)
  • D or d (days)

If the value does not contain a unit, a unit of milliseconds is assumed.

Default value is an infinite timeout.

<linger-timeout> Optional Enables SO_LINGER on a TCP/IP socket with the specified linger time.

The value of this element must be in the following format:


where the first non-digits (from left to right) indicate the unit of time duration:

  • MS or ms (milliseconds)
  • S or s (seconds)
  • M or m (minutes)
  • H or h (hours)
  • D or d (days)

If the value does not contain a unit, a unit of milliseconds is assumed.

Linger is disabled by default.