Administration API Run-Time Errors

In the Web services API, these errors are AdminRuntimeFault SOAP faults. They are unexpected or result from conditions encountered at run-time, such as an invalid user name or an unavailable database. In the Java client, these are unchecked exceptions.

EQA-15000: An unexpected error occurred during operation operationName.
Cause: An unexpected error occurred during an API operation.
Action: Inspect the underlying error message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15001: A connection to the database could not be established.
Cause: An attempt to connect to the database failed.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception in the log file.
EQA-15002: A connection to the Web Service URL wsURL could not be established.
Cause: An attempt to connect to the Web service URL failed.
Action: Verify that the Web service endpoint is running by opening http://host:port/search/api/admin/AdminService?WSDL in a browser. If it is running and the problem remains, then inspect the underlying exception in the log file.
EQA-15003: Invalid login credentials. Check your user name and password and try again.
Cause: An invalid user name, password, or both were provided.
Action: Enter the correct user name and password, and try again.
EQA-15004: The operation operationName can only be performed by logged in users.
Cause: A Web services operation was attempted without previously logging in for stateful mode or providing credentials for stateless mode.
Action: For stateful mode, call login first. For stateless mode, provide the Credentials argument for the operation.
EQA-15005: An unexpected error occurred while marshalling the XML document.
Cause: An error occurred while constructing the output XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15006: An unexpected error occurred while unmarshalling the XML document.
Cause: An error occurred while processing the input XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15007: The XML schema xsdName was not found.
Cause: A required XML schema was not found.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15008: An unexpected error occurred while reading the XML schema.
Cause: An error occurred while reading a required XML schema.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15009: An unexpected error occurred while reading from the database.
Cause: An error occurred while reading from the database.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15010: The plug-in manager raised an error while validating the plug-in parameters.
Cause: A plug-in manager class raised an error during validation of the plug-in parameters in the input XML.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15011: The plug-in manager raised an unexpected error.
Cause: A plug-in manager raised an unexpected error.
Action: Inspect the underlying exception message, the log files, or both.
EQA-15014: Operation operationName cannot proceed because the remote resource located at resourceURI cannot be contacted.
Cause: An operation was unable to contact a remote resource (such as a federated source), which was needed to continue.
Action: Ensure that the remote resource is available and try again.
EQA-15015: The external tool externalToolName raised an error.
Cause: The API invoked an external executable tool, which raised an error.
Action: Inspect the underlying error message, the log files, or both.