
Query-time clustering dynamically organizes search results into groups to provide end users with different views of the top results. Clustered documents within one group, called a cluster node, share the same common topics or property values. A cluster node for a large document set can be categorized into child cluster nodes, creating a hierarchy. Users can navigate directly to a specific cluster node. Effective real-time clustering balances clustering quality and clustering time.

Object Type


State Properties

Property Value

Supported Operations


Administration GUI Page

Global Settings - Query-Time Clustering Configuration

XML Description

The <search:clustering> element describes clustering:


Element Descriptions 


Contains all of the elements for clustering parameters, which are described in the following paragraphs.


Maximum number of levels in a cluster node hierarchy. (Optional)

A cluster node with a large document set can be categorized into child cluster nodes. A cluster hierarchy gives end users a quick overview of the results. They can navigate directly to a specific cluster node or refine their query by combining the original query and cluster results.


Maximum number of cluster nodes on each level.


Minimum number of documents in a cluster node.


Minimum occurrences of a word to be extracted for topic clustering.


Maximum number of words to be extracted for topic clustering.


Minimum occurrences of a phrase to be extracted for topic clustering.


Maximum number of phrases to be extracted for topic clustering.


Maximum word length of phrases to be extracted for topic clustering.


This XML document configures clustering:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<search:config productVersion="" xmlns:search="">