
Query configuration enables you to customize the query results and tune the search engine.

Object Type


State Properties


Supported Operations


Administration GUI Page

Global Settings - Query Configuration

XML Description

The <search:queryConfig> element sets the query configuration parameters:



<!-- Provide spelling suggestions -->

<!-- For exact count methods -->

<!-- For URL Submission --> 




Element Descriptions 


Describes query configuration parameters. It contains these elements:


Maximum number of search results returned by a query.


Describes the display URLs. It contains these elements:


URL used to display the retrieved data for a table source.


URL used to display the retrieved data for a file source.


URL used to display the retrieved data for a mailing list source.


URL used to display the retrieved data for an e-mail source.


Controls relevancy boosting.

Attribute Value
enabled Set to true to enable relevancy boosting, or set to false otherwise. Required.


Controls spelling correction. When enabled, this element contains these child elements:

Attribute Value
enabled Set to true to enable spelling correction, or set to false otherwise. Required.


Controls use of an English dictionary for spelling suggestions. Set to true to use an English dictionary, or set to false to derive spelling suggestions only from terms in indexed documents and the query log. Consider false if users typically search for non-English terms.


Contains a value of true or false to control use of terms from indexed documents and the query log for spelling suggestions. Terms that occur frequently are extracted to the Oracle SES dictionary. Set to true to use terms from these sources, or set to false to use only the English dictionary for suggestions. Consider false if suggestions from crawled documents to all search users may breach security.


Contains a <search:countMethod> element.


One of these hit count methods:

  • APPROX_COUNT: Displays an estimated number of matching documents. This method supports better performance than EXACT_COUNT. (Default)

  • EXACT_COUNT: Displays the exact number of matching documents.

  • EXACT_COUNT_QTA: Displays the exact number of matching documents adjusted for query-time filtering.


The maximum number of exact results. An estimated number is returned for a higher number of results.


Controls the collection of search statistics. SEt to true to collect statistics, or set to false otherwise. This operation degrades search performance, so you should disable it during peak hours.

Attribute Value
enabled Set to true to enable collection or set to false otherwise. Required.


Number of days the data is saved. Statistics are compiled for this number of days.


Controls the submission of URLs. When enabled, this element contains these child elements:

Attribute Value
enabled Set to true to enable URL submission, or set to false otherwise. Required.


A Web source to which user-suggested URLs are added.


Controls the enforcement of boundary rules for URLs submitted by users. Set to true to accept only URLs that match the rules, or set to false to ignore the boundary rules.


Describes the querying parameters of federated sources. It contains these child elements:


Contains the number of milliseconds for search results to be returned.


Contains the minimum number of processes to use for searching when demand is low.


Contains the maximum number of processes to use for searching when demand is high.


Describes authorization. It contains these optional child elements:


Controls document logging. Set to true to record all filtered documents in the query application log file, or set to false otherwise

Query-time filtering errors are always logged.


Describes secure search. It contains these child elements:


One of these log-in methods:

  • ALL_CONTENT: Users must log in to view any content, whether public or secure.

  • SECURE_CONTENT: Users must log in to view secure content.


Number of minutes a stored security filter is retained. Set to a value between 0 (no cache) and 526500 (one-year cache retention).


Number of milliseconds for authentication.


Number of milliseconds for authorization.


This XML document defines the query parameters:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<search:config productVersion="" xmlns:search="http://xmlns.oracle.com/search">
  <search:relevancyBoosting enabled="true"/>
  <search:spellingCorrection enabled="false"/>
  <search:queryStatistics enabled="true">
  <search:urlSubmission enabled="false"/>