createAll source

Creates all sources described in an XML file.

See Also

create source


createAll source --INPUT_FILE=xml_filename [--DUPE_METHOD=action] [--ENCRYPT_KEY=key]


createAll source -i xml_filename [-d action] [-e key]



Path to the XML document that contains the object descriptions. See source.


Action to take when an object already exists:

  • error: The createAll command fails with an error. (Default)

  • ignore: The existing object description is kept.

  • overwrite: The new description replaces the existing object description.


Encryption key for passwords in xml_filename. The key must be at least eight ASCII characters long and include at least one letter and one number. Multibyte characters are invalid. If you omit this option, you are prompted for the key.


This example creates one of the sources defined in sources.xml. The second source already exists.

SES>createAll source --INPUT_FILE=sources.xml --DUPE_METHOD=ignore --ENCRYPT_KEY=key2encrypt

createAll operation succeeded for type "source".
  1 object(s) with status CREATE_SUCCEEDED
  1 object(s) with status DUPLICATE_IGNORED