
Returns the version number of the Oracle SES Administration API.

SOAP Message

<getAPIVersion xmlns="">
   <credentials xmlns="">
   <locale xmlns="">

Element Descriptions 

<getAPIVersion xmlns="">

Contains these elements:

<credentials xmlns="">

Provides the credentials for the Oracle SES administrator. Credentials are required only when the session is stateless. See "Providing Credentials".

This element contains these child elements:


Contains the password for <userName>.


Contains the user name of the Oracle SES administrator.

<locale xmlns="">

Sets the language for error messages. See Table 2-2, "Product Languages" for a list of valid codes.

If you omit this element or enter an invalid code, then Oracle SES uses the default locale of the system where it is running.

SOAP Faults



This example requests the version number of the API:

<getAPIVersion xmlns=""/>

The service response contains the version number:

<ns2:getAPIVersionResponse xmlns:ns2="">

<ns2:getAPIVersionResponse xmlns:ns2="">