39 Configuring Oracle BPMN Process Service Components and Engines

This chapter includes the following topics:

39.1 Introduction to Configuring Oracle BPMN Service Components and Engines

The properties you configure are used by the BPMN process service engine during processing of BPMN service components.

39.2 Configuring BPMN Process Service Engine Properties

To configure BPMN process service engine properties:

  1. Access this page through one of the following options:

    From the SOA Infrastructure Menu... From the SOA Folder in the Navigator...
    1. Select SOA Administration > BPMN Properties.
    1. Right-click soa-infra.
    2. Select SOA Administration > BPMN Properties.

    The BPMN Service Engine Properties page displays properties for setting audit trail and large document thresholds, setting dispatcher thread properties, validating payload schema, and setting the audit trail level.

    Description of this graphic follows.
    Description of the illustration soaadmin_bpmn_props.gif

  2. Make changes to the service engine properties that are appropriate to your environment.

    Property Description
    Audit Level Select one of the following options:
    • Off: Composite instance tracking and payload tracking information is not collected.

    • Inherit: Logging is equal to the SOA Infrastructure audit level. This setting enables the BPMN audit level to automatically change when the global setting is changed. Setting a different audit level tracking in this page overrides the tracking set at the SOA Infrastructure level.

    • Minimal: The BPMN service engine does not capture any audit details. Therefore, they are not available in the flow audit trails. All other events are logged.

    • Production: The BPMN service engine does not capture the payload. The payload details are not available in the flow audit trails. Payload details for other BPMN activities are collected. This level is optimal for most normal operations and testing.

    • Development: Allows both composite instance tracking and payload tracking. All events are logged. However, it may impact performance. This level is useful mostly for debugging purposes.

    Audit Trail Threshold Enter the maximum size in bytes of an instance audit trail before it is chunked and saved in a dehydration store table separate from the audit trail. If the threshold is exceeded, the View XML link is shown in the audit trail instead of the payload.
    Large Document Threshold Enter the maximum size of a generated document within a BPMN process component instance before it is stored in a separate table in the dehydration store.
    Dispatcher System Threads Specify the total number of threads allocated to process system dispatcher messages. System dispatcher messages are general clean-up tasks that are typically processed quickly by the server (for example, releasing stateful message beans back to the pool). Typically, only a small number of threads are required to handle the number of system dispatch messages generated during run time.

    The default value is 2 threads. Any value less than 1 thread is changed to the default.

    Dispatcher Invoke Threads Specify the total number of threads allocated to process invocation dispatcher messages. Invocation dispatcher messages are generated for each payload received and are meant to instantiate a new instance. If the majority of requests processed by the engine are instance invocations (as opposed to instance callbacks), greater performance may be achieved by increasing the number of invocation threads. Higher thread counts may cause greater CPU utilization due to higher context switching costs.

    The default value is 20 threads. Any value less than 1 thread is changed to the default.

    Dispatcher Engine Threads Specify the total number of threads allocated to process engine dispatcher messages. Engine dispatcher messages are generated whenever an activity must be processed asynchronously. If the majority of processes deployed are durable with a large number of dehydration points (midprocess receive, onMessage, onAlarm, and wait activities), greater performance may be achieved by increasing the number of engine threads. Note that higher thread counts can cause greater CPU utilization due to higher context switching costs.

    The default value is 30 threads. Any value less than 1 thread is changed to the default.

    Payload Validation Select to enable validation of inbound and outbound messages. Nonschema-compliant payload data is intercepted and displayed as a fault.

    Note: This setting is independent of the SOA composite application and SOA Infrastructure payload validation level settings. If payload validation is enabled at both the service engine and SOA Infrastructure levels, data is checked twice: once when it enters the SOA Infrastructure, and again when it enters the service engine.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. If you want to configure advanced BPMN properties in the System MBean Browser, click More BPMN Configuration Properties. Properties that display include the following. Descriptions are provided for each property.

    • AuditDetailThreshold—The maximum size (in bytes) an audit trail details string can be before it is stored separately from the audit trail

    • AuditLevel—Controls the amount of audit events logged by a process; currently supported logging levels are: "off": absolutely no logging performed whatsoever; may result in a slight performance boost for processing instances

    • BpelcClasspath—The extra classpath need to be included when compiling BPMN generated java sources.

    • ConfigMBean—If true, it indicates that this MBean is a Config MBean.

    • CubeInstanceExpiration—Cube instance expiration time in hours. The calculated information records which have been existing in cube schema for more than "cubeInstanceExpiration" time will be deleted.

    • CubeTimerMaxErrorCount—Maximum allowed number of consecutive errors during cube timer processing. Once number of errors reaches "CubeTimerMaxErrorCount", the cube timer skips processing

    • CubeTimerMaxSkipOnErrorCount—Specifies the number of times the timer skips processing once the number of errors reaches "CubeTimerMaxErrorCount"


      Once the cube timer errors out consecutively for "CubeTimerMaxErrorCout" times, the cube timer skips the timeout processing for "CubeTimerMaxSkipOnErrorCount" times. It then resumes the normal timeout processing. The calculated value is CubeTimerMaxErrorCount * CubeUpdateFrequency that is equal to 3000 seconds.

      If the lockout time needs to be less, you must either reduce the time to a lesser value or change the number of times to skip timeout processing.

    • CubeUpdateFrequency—Frequency in seconds at which cube action calculates the workload

    • DisableActions—Comma delimited list of disabled measurement actions (e.g. "CubeCommand, BAMCommand"). Also see PublishMaxTrackBackCount.

    • DisableProcessTracking—If set to "true" the audit will disable process tracking. The default value "false".

    • DisableSensors—If set to "true" the engine will disable all calls to sensors. The default value "false".

    • DispatcherEngineThreads—The total number of threads that will be allocated to process engine dispatcher messages

    • DispatcherInvokeThreads—The total number of threads that will be allocated to process invocation dispatcher messages

    • DispatcherMaxRequestDepth—Maximum number of internal messages the engine will process. If this number is exceeded, new messages won't be dispatched. The default value is 600.

    • DispatcherSystemThreads—The total number of threads that will be allocated to process system dispatcher messages

    • eventProvider—If true, it indicates that this MBean is an event provider as defined by JSR-77.

    • eventTypes—All the event's types emitted by this MBean.

    • ExpirationMaxRetry—The maximum number of times a failed expiration call (wait/onAlarm) will be retried before failing

    • ExpirationRetryDelay—The delay between the expiration retries. The default value is 120 seconds.

    • InstanceKeyBlockSize—The size of the block of instance ids to allocate from the dehydration store during each fetch

    • LargeDocumentThreshold—The maximum size (in bytes) a BPMN variable can be before it is stored in a separate location from the rest of the instance scope data

    • MaximumNumberOfInvokeMessagesInCache—specify the number of invoke messages that can be kept in the in-memory cache, once the engine hits this limit, it would push the message to dispatcher in-memory cache, instead it would save the message in the db and these saved messages can be recovered using recovery job, you can use value -1 to disable

    • objectName—The MBean's unique JMX name

    • OneWayDeliveryPolicy—Changes whether the one-way invocation messages are delivered

    • PeopleQueryTimeout—specify quartz cron expression People Query. People Query in Logical People Group is re-evaluated based on this cron expression

    • PublishMaxTrackBackCount—Maximum number of records traversed from last audit record, checked for measurement and action enabled and published if so

    • QualityOfService—flag to enable or disable coherence cache for BPMN service engine. use CacheEnabled for enabling coherence.

    • ReadOnly—If true, it indicates that this MBean is a read only MBean.

    • RestartNeeded—Indicates whether a restart is needed.

    • StatsLastN—The size of the "most recently processed" request list

    • SystemMBean—If true, it indicates that this MBean is a System MBean.

    • ValidateXML—If set to "true" the engine will apply schema validation for incoming and outgoing XML documents. The default value "false".

    • Version—version of the config file

    • WFOracleUcmUrl—Specify URL for Oracle UCM repository administration server