28 Import/Export

This section includes the following topics:

Section 28.1, "Importing Resources"

Section 28.2, "Exporting Resources"

28.1 Importing Resources

Use the Import Resources page to import a full project JAR file or a resource JAR file that has been previously exported from another Oracle Service Bus domain. You can choose to import only a subset of the exported data. If the resource already exists in the importing system, it will be updated. Otherwise, it will be created. Resources are only scheduled for deletion when the JAR being imported is a full project JAR and there are resources located in the same project in the importing system that are not present in the imported JAR file. It will not delete resources which are located in other projects.

You can import resources at the resource level even though they were exported at the project level. For example, even if system resources were exported in a full project JAR file, you can deselect them when importing.

You cannot export users, groups, roles, or certificates when you export a configuration. Therefore, you must create these objects again when you import an exported configuration.


For information on importing resources that are not part of an Oracle Service Bus configuration, see Section 3.15, "Loading Resources from a Zip File" and Section 3.17, "Loading Resources from a URL."
  1. If you have not already done so, click Create to create a new session or click Edit to enter an existing session. See Section 2.1, "Using the Change Center."

  2. Select System Administration > Import Resources.

  3. Select an exported project or resource JAR file.

    1. In the File Name field, click Browse to locate the directory where the JAR file is stored.

    2. Select the JAR file, then click Open.

  4. Click Next. Continue in Section 28.1.1, "Selecting Projects and Resources to Import."

28.1.1 Selecting Projects and Resources to Import

To select projects and resources to import:

  1. If you are importing a resource JAR file and want to ensure that all its associated resources are imported, select Include Dependencies.


    Include Dependencies cannot be selected if you are importing a full project JAR file or a pre-version 2.6 configuration file.
  2. Click the Open icon to display Advanced Settings for preserving values in the importing system.

  3. When you are re-importing a resource but desire to protect any customization made to the existing resource, select Preserve Environment Variables.


    Customizing any references within an existing resource cannot be preserved. See Section 31.2, "Creating Customization Files."
  4. When you are importing the Global Operational Settings resource or other resources like business or proxy services that contain associated service-level operational settings, and desire to preserve the operational values in the importing system, select Preserve Operational Values.

  5. To prevent overwriting of existing security-related configuration in resources which are being updated, select among the following options:

    1. Preserve Security and Policy Configuration—preserves the security configuration (excluding access control policies) and the references to the WS-Policies bound directly to the service (instead of bound to the WSDL).

      For more information, see "Security" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Service Bus.

    2. Preserve Credentials—preserves PKI credentials in service key providers, user name and passwords in service accounts, and user name and password credentials in SMTP Servers, Proxy Servers, JNDI Providers, and UDDI Registries.

    3. Preserve Access Control Policies—preserves access control policies.

    The resource summary information is shown in Table 28-1.

    Table 28-1 Resource Information

    Property Description


    The name of the project.

    Global resources, such as UDDI Registry information, SMTP Servers, Proxy Servers, JNDI Providers, and Global Operational Settings appear under the System project in their respective folders.


    The resource type, which is Project.

    Expand the Project folder to display and deselect resources.


    Displays --- or !Deletions!

    Expand the Project folder to display the operations (create, update, delete) that will be performed on the resources.

    To prevent resources from being deleted, deselect them. Resources are only scheduled for deletion when the JAR being imported is a full project JAR and there are project resources in the importing system that are not present in the imported JAR file.


    Expand the Project folder to display the number of objects that each resource references.

  6. Select the objects on which you want to operate (create, update, or delete).

    To display each object contained in the JAR file, expand the folder for the file. The check box associated with each object is selected.

    The following resource file details, displayed for each object, are shown in Table 28-2.

    Table 28-2 Resource File Details

    Property Description


    The name and path of the resource. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the resource resides.


    The Oracle Service Bus resource types.

    Note: If a resource has sensitive security data, an Encryption icon is displayed.

    Caution: If you select a service account or service key provider, you might overwrite existing security data unless you specify to preserve security settings during import. See Section 28.1.3, "Importing Service Accounts or Service Key Providers."


    Create, update, or delete.

    Resources are only scheduled for deletion when the JAR being imported is a full project JAR and there are project resources in the importing system that are not present in the imported JAR file.


    The number of objects that this resource references.

  7. Clear the check boxes next to the resources that you do not want to import.

  8. Click Import.

After you finish

If applicable, continue in Section 28.1.2, "Specifying the Importing Security Settings". Or, continue in Section 28.1.4, "Reviewing the Import Summary."

28.1.2 Specifying the Importing Security Settings

If the JAR file contains resources with user name and password data that were encrypted when it was exported, the Import Resources - Security Settings page is displayed.

  1. Enter the password that was used to encrypt the data (see Section 28.2, "Exporting Resources").

    If you do not know the password that was used to encrypt the resource data, click the Prev button and clear the check box that is next to the resource. You can import all other non-encrypted resources without knowing the password.

  2. Click Finish Import.

    The Processing Configuration Data pop-up window is displayed. You should wait until this window closes before you do anything else on the console. The window closes automatically when the system finishes importing the objects. The Import Resources page is displayed, which includes a message that you have successfully deployed the data.

After you finish

Continue in Section 28.1.4, "Reviewing the Import Summary."

28.1.3 Importing Service Accounts or Service Key Providers


In earlier Oracle Service Bus versions, service key providers were called proxy service providers.

If the JAR file was created by AquaLogic Service Bus 3.0 or later and contains service accounts or service key providers, you can import these resources along with the user names, passwords, local-user to remote-user mappings, and alias to key-pair bindings that they contain.

For each service key provider, Oracle Service Bus imports the alias to key-pair binding into the PKI credential mapping provider. If this data was encrypted during export, you must supply the password that was used to encrypt the data. If you do not know the password, you can import all other non-encrypted resources.

If you import a service account or service key provider and a corresponding resource of the same name already exists in your domain, the imported resource will overwrite the one already in your domain, even if the one already in your domain has been modified during the current session, unless you specify to preserve security settings during import, performed in Section 28.1.1, "Selecting Projects and Resources to Import."

28.1.4 Reviewing the Import Summary

The import summary information is shown in Table 28-3.

Table 28-3 Import Summary Information

Property Description


Whether or not the resource was imported successfully.

A WSDL may be temporarily marked as invalid until all of its dependencies are imported. When the import action is completed, however, the configuration service re-validates the files marked invalid.


The name of the resource.


The path of the resource. The path is the project name and the name of the folder in which the resource resides.


Displays the Oracle Service Bus resource types.

Diagnostic Message

Displays error or informational messages if they exist for this resource.

  1. Click Import Another.

    You can import another JAR file, or you can click View Changes under Change Center to view the import details. See Section 2.4, "Viewing Configuration Changes."

  2. When you have finished, click Activate under Change Center.

28.2 Exporting Resources

Use the Export Resources page to Export Projects or Export Resources. If you choose to export a full project, one or more projects can be selected for export. You can still expand the projects to see folders and resources but selection is only at the project level. Also, Include Dependencies cannot be selected.

You can export projects and resources whether you are working within a session or outside of a session. If you export within a session, the resources are session resources and the configuration may be incomplete or have conflicts. If you export outside of a session, the resources are activated core resources.

Oracle Service Bus cannot export the users, groups, or roles that you create in the Security Configuration module of the Oracle Service Bus Console. Neither can it export credential maps or other security-provider data that you create in the WebLogic Server Administration Console. Instead, use the WebLogic Server Administration Console to export this data. See "Migrating Security Data" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server.

  1. Select System Administration > Export Resources.

    The Export Resources page displays the list of objects in your configuration. The name, type, last modified time, and references for each object are displayed.

    For services, the last modified timestamp reflects the modifications made to the service definition, as well as to the service transport or pipeline configuration. It does not, however, reflect the changes made to the alerts defined for that service.

  2. Select whether to Export Projects or Export Resources.


    Exporting projects might cause resource deletion when you import the full project JAR file. For more information, see Section 28.1, "Importing Resources."
  3. Select the projects or resources you want to export. If you selected Export Projects, you cannot deselect the check boxes for individual resources.

    1. Expand the project folders. The name, type, last modified time, and references for each resource contained in the project are displayed.

    2. Select the check boxes associated with the projects or resources you want to export.

    3. Clear the check boxes associated with the projects or resources that you do not want to export.

  4. If you selected Export Resources, select or clear the Include Dependencies check box. Use this option to export any other resources that this resource references.

  5. Click Export to create a JAR file and export it.

After you finish

If applicable, continue in Section 28.2.1, "Specifying the Exporting Security Settings."

28.2.1 Specifying the Exporting Security Settings

If your export includes a service account or a service key provider, the Export Resources - Security Settings page is displayed.

For each service account, Oracle Service Bus exports the user name and password or the local-user to remote-user map (depending on which data was stored in the service account). For each service key provider, Oracle Service Bus exports the alias to key-pair binding from the PKI credential mapping provider; it does not export private keys, certificates, or other data from the key stores. Key store data must be exported using tools that the key store vendor provides.

If you want Oracle Service Bus to encrypt the user name and password data that is in the service account, service key provider, UDDI Registry, JNDI Provider, or SMTP provider resources before exporting it the to JAR file, do the following:

  1. Select the Protect Sensitive Data check box.

  2. Enter and confirm a password.

    When you or someone else attempts to import this JAR, Oracle Service Bus will not import the resources with encrypted user name and password data unless you specify this password. You can import all of the other non-encrypted resources in the JAR without specifying the password.

  3. Click Finish Export button.

  4. When you click Export or Finish Export, the Processing Configuration Data pop-up window is displayed. Wait until this window closes before you do anything else on the console. The window is closed automatically when the File Download dialog box is displayed.

  5. In the File Download dialog box, click Open to open the exported JAR file or click Save to save the JAR file to your desktop.