50 User Preferences

Oracle Service Bus allows you to customize your home page and other settings in the Oracle Service Bus Console. The home page is the page you wish to access first when you log into the Oracle Service Bus Console. To set your preferences for the home page, click User Preferences in the Configuration module of the Operations navigator bar. Your user preferences are preserved across different sessions.

Table 50-1 describes the preferences you can set from the User Preferences page.

Table 50-1 User Preferences

User Preference Description

Home Page

You can set the home page to one of the following options:

  • Operations: Choose this option to set one of the following pages as your home page:


    Smart Search

    Global Settings

    User Preferences

    Message Reports

Home Page

  • Resource Browser: Choose this option to set one of the following pages as your home page:

    Proxy Services

    Business Services



    XML Schemas


    JCA Bindings




    Service Account

    Service Key Providers


    Alert Destinations

Home Page

Project Explorer: Choose this option to view the list of projects in the Oracle Service Bus Console.

Home Page

Security Configuration: Choose this option to set one of the following pages as your home page:




Home Page

System Administration: Choose this option to set one of the following pages as your home page:

Import Resources

Export Resources

UDDI Registries

Import From UDDI

Auto Import Status

Publish to UDDI

Auto-Publish Status

JNDI Providers

SMTP Servers

Proxy Servers

Find and Replace

Create Customization File

Execute Customization File

Note: The pages that can be set for these options and the default setting for these options vary depending on the role assigned to the user.

Display Search Filters

Select Yes to display all search filters in the Oracle Service Bus Console. The default setting is No.

Display Stage Comments

Set this to display stage annotations or not. The default setting is No.

Display Resource Metadata

Set this to display resource metadata or not. The default setting is Yes.

Dashboard Refresh Rate

Use this to set the refresh rate of the dashboard. You can set this to No refresh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, or 60 minutes. The default value for this is No refresh. For more information about Refresh Rate of the Dashboard, see Section 44.2.1, "The Refresh Rate of Monitoring Data."

Alert History Duration

You can set the alert history duration to 30 minutes, 1, 2, 3, or 6 hours. The default value is 30 minutes. For more information about Alert History, see Section, "Viewing the Alert History for SLA Alerts" and Section, "Viewing the Alert History for Pipeline Alerts."