Before you begin
Understand when you would want to migrate security data. See Overview of Security Data Migration.
Understand the concepts associated with importing and exporting security data. See Migration Concepts.
Understand which formats and constraints are supported by the WebLogic Security providers. See Formats and Constraints Supported by the WebLogic Security Providers.
Security data (authentication, authorization, credential map, and role data) from one security realm can be exported into a file and then imported into another security realm. This feature allows you to develop and test new security realms without recreating all the security data (for example, when moving a development security realm to production). Only information from the WebLogic security providers can be exported and imported. Two options are available:
Note: The directory and file into which you export the security data should be carefully protected with operating system security as they contain secure information about your deployment.
Note: Once the data is exported from the security provider, it can be imported at any time.