64 SOA-00000 to SOA-31006

SOA-00000: Malformed WS Binding port. Missing # between namespace URI and service/port names.
Cause: Malformed webservice binding component port configuration
Action: Correct the port attribute for ws binding component in the composite configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00001: Malformed WS Binding port. Missing '/' between service and port name
Cause: Malformed webservice binding component port configuration
Action: Correct the port attribute for ws binding component in the composite configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00002: No service name found.
Cause: No service name found in webservice binding component configuration
Action: Add the service name attribute for ws binding component in the composite configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00003: Number of SOAP body elements and parts do not match in operation: {0}
Cause: Malformed SOAP request. Number of Parts in the soap body does not match with WSDL definition.
Action: Correct the SOAP message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00004: Response message does not match output defined in the WSDL: output of operation "{0}" is null, but response message contains payload.
Cause: SOAP response does not match WSDL definition.
Action: Correct the SOAP message.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00007: Unable to find service: {0}
Cause: Specified service is not found in the WSDL.
Action: Either correct the wsdl or the service name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00008: Unable to find port: {0}
Cause: Specified port is not found in the WSDL.
Action: Either correct the wsdl or the port name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00009: Unable to find operation: {0}
Cause: Specified operation is not found in the WSDL.
Action: Either correct the wsdl or the operation name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00010: Error in create Documentbuilder.
Cause: Failure to create a new DocumentBuilder class.
Action: Server configuration may have to be corrected.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00011: Problem in parsing componentType {0}.
Cause: Problem in parsing component type file.
Action: Correct the component type file configuraiton.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00012: Request message does not match input defined in the WSDL: input of operation "{0}" is null, but request message contains payload.
Cause: Request message does not match input defined in the WSDL. Input is not defined, but there is an input payload.
Action: Correct the wsdl.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00013: Malformed WSDL Interface attribute. Missing # between namespace URI and interface name.
Cause: Malformed WSDL Interface attribute. Missing # between namespace URI and interface name.
Action: Add # between namespace URI and interface name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00014: No interface name found.
Cause: Specified interface not found in the WSDL definition.
Action: Correct the input wsdl or interface name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00015: Error in getting XML input stream: {0}
Cause: Failure in processing XML document.
Action: Make sure the xml input is valid.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00016: Failed to concatanate the following 2 urls: home= "{0}" and relative="{1}".
Cause: Failure in creating urls from the given home url and relative url.
Action: Correct the home or the relative urls.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00018: Failed to find a component type file: compositeDN = "{0}" and component="{1}".
Cause: Failed to find component type file.
Action: Correct the component type file name.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00019: Missing "{0}" delimeter
Cause: Missing a delimiter.
Action: Add the missing delimiter.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00020: Unable to instantiate composite class loader due to exception {0}
Cause: Failure instantiating composite classloader.
Action: Check the exception for detailed messages.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00021: No reference "{0}" defined for service "{1}"
Cause: No Reference defined for the given service.
Action: Correct the composite configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00022: Error Loading XML Schema {0}
Cause: Failure to find the specified schema.
Action: Correct the schema location referenced.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00023: Incorrect config object type.
Cause: Incorrect Object Configuration type.
Action: Correct the configuration for the object.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00025: Unable to convert to SDO: {0}
Cause: Failed to convert xml input to SDO object.
Action: Check the exception message. You may have to correct the schema definition or configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00026: Error converting SDO to XML: {0}
Cause: Failure in converting sdo objects to xml messages.
Action: Check the exception message. You may have to correct the schema definition or configration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00027: Cannot remove property "{0}" that was defined in the componentType.
Cause: Unable to remove the property defined in the component type file.
Action: Correct the component type configuraiton file.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00028: Invalid value for mode. It should be either active or retired mode.
Cause: Invalid mode specified in the composite
Action: Provide valid mode such as active or retired.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00029: Invalid value for mode. It should be either on or off state.
Cause: Invalid state specified in the composite
Action: Provide valid state such as on or off.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00030: Could not use reflection to get properties from the bean of class: {0}. {1}
Cause: Failure in retrieving bean properties
Action: Check exception message for details.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00031: Binding Type {0} is unknown.
Cause: The type of binding is undefined.
Action: Please check document for valid binding types supported.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00033: An MBean of name "{0}" doesnt exist. Unable to update its state.
Cause: Specified mbean does not exist.
Action: Correct the mbean name used.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00034: Unable to load the "{0}" file from "{1}" directory.
Cause: Failed to load the file using mdm configuration.
Action: Correct the MDM configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00035: Variable "{0}" not defined in mdm-url-resolver.xml.
Cause: The variable is not defined in the mdm configuration file.
Action: Correct the mdm configration file.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00036: mdm-url-resolver.xml not loaded
Cause: MDM url resolver is not loaded.
Action: Check the server configuration for MDM setup.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00037: Malformed Java Binding port. Missing # between namespace URI and service/port names.
Cause: Port type in binding component is invalid.
Action: Check the port type attribute and correct the syntax used.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00038: Malformed Java Binding port. Missing name of the portType
Cause: Port type in binding component is invalid.
Action: Check the port type attribute and correct the syntax used.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00039: Invalid composite element name "{0}". Element names in a composite have to be unique.
Cause: Invalid composite file.
Action: Correct the element name used for the composite.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00040: Unable to convert sdo to xml, element name not found.
Cause: Failed to convert sdo objects to xml messages
Action: Check the schema definition referenced from the wsdl.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-00043: Unable to convert sdo to xml, missing sdo metadata.
Cause: Failed to convert sdo objects to xml messages. Metadata for the conversion is not found.
Action: Check the schema definition referenced from the wsdl.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-10000: Import type {0} is not currently defined. The only valid import types are "wsdl" and "edl". If you are attempting to import an xsd file, please do so through a WSDL document.
Cause: The import type specified for the composite import is unrecognized
Action: Make sure the import type is one of the currently recognized types (.edl, .wsdl)

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-10001: No binding node (e.g. <binding.ws>) found for {0}. Please make sure that the composite specifies a binding of a given type.
Cause: No bindings are configured for the given service or reference
Action: Check that the composite's services and references specify at least one binding.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-10002: Unable to add a code source to the composite classloader due to an exception. Please ensure that the proper resources are available in the SCA-INF/classes, SCA-INF/gen-classes, and SCA-INF/lib composite archive sub-directories.
Cause: Unable to add a code source to the composite's classloader due to an exception
Action: Ensure that resources are available in the SCA-INF/classes, SCA-INF/gen-classes, and SCA-INF/lib composite archive sub-directories.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-10003: Failed to retrieve the application topology node from the TopologyService using {0}.
Cause: Unable to retrieve a toplogy node from the Toplogy Service
Action: Please check whether the toplogy node path is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-10004: Failed to create MAS-enabled componentType lookup; {0}.
Cause: Unable to create a strategy that enables the lookup of .componentType files in a MAS environment
Action: Make sure the toplogy node path, composite home directory, and strategy class name are correct

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-10005: Failed to retrieve {0} document from topology node {1}.
Cause: Unable to retrieve a document from the topolgy node
Action: Make sure the toplogy node path, composite home directory, and the document name are correct

Level: 1


Impact: Other

SOA-10006: Error occurred while retrieving {0} document from topology node {1}. The underlying cause was a {2}.
Cause: An error occurred during the retrieval of a document from a topology node
Action: Make sure the resource path is valid and that the deployment succeeded

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-10007: Error occurred while attempting to retrieve message part {0} from a normalized message payload with elements {1}.
Cause: An attemp to retrieve a message part of a given name from a Normalized Message failed
Action: Make sure that there is no mismatch between the WSDL defined part name and a configured part name

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-10008: Error occurred during deployment of component: {0} to service engine: {1}, for composite: {2}
Cause: An error occurred during component deployment
Action: Please check the root cause of the failure

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-10009: Error occurred during creation of domain/instance noun: {0}
Cause: An error occurred during creating noun for domain/instance
Action: Please check the root cause of the failure

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-10010: Error occurred while getting portable mbean factory: {0}
Cause: An error occurred while getting portable mbean factory
Action: Please check the root cause of the failure

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20000: Message Router for {0} is null. Please validate that the composite deployment completed successfully by checking the server logs.
Cause: There is no message router found for the composite
Action: Check that the composite deployment completed successfully

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20001: Message Router for {0} is not able to process messages. The composite state is set to "off". The composite can be turned "on" by using the administrative consoles.
Cause: The composite state or mode do not allow processing of messages
Action: Use the management consoles to set the mode and state of the composite to enable processing

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20002: No path info set for provider invocation. Unable to determine composite and service for processing.
Cause: There is no path information in the inovcation URI that facilitates routing of the message to the composite service
Action: Make sure that the invoking URL is of the form http://host:port/soa-infra/services/applicationName/compositeName/serviceName

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20003: Unable to register service.
Cause: There was an issue during the attempt to create the endpoint for the composite service
Action: Make sure that the WSDL either has a service and port that correspond to the values specified in the composite file or that there is no empty service node in the WSDL

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20007: Cannot find binding component for service "{0}".
Cause: There is no binding component configured in the SOA Platform that can handle the given service binding type
Action: Make sure that the binding type specified for the composite's service is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20008: Cannot find binding component for reference "{0}".
Cause: There is no binding component configured in the SOA Platform that can handle the given reference binding type
Action: Make sure that the binding type specified for the composite's reference is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20009: Cannot find service engine for component "{0}" in composite "{1}".
Cause: There is no service engine configured in the SOA Platform that can handle the given component implmentation type
Action: Make sure that the implementation type specifed for the composite's component is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20010: Unable to find Binding Component for type "{0}".
Cause: No binding component found for the given type
Action: Make sure the configured type has a corresponding SOA Platform configured binding component

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20011: Unable to find Service Engine for type "{0}".
Cause: No service engine found for the given type
Action: Make sure the configured type has a corresponding SOA Platform configured service engine

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20012: Unable to find component or reference identified by "{0}".
Cause: Unable to find a component or reference of the given name in the composite
Action: Make sure the composite wires are properly formed and reference existing components and/or references

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20013: MDS Root mis-configuration.
Cause: The MDS root directory is misconfigured
Action: Make sure the composite directories specified in the deployed-composites.xml file are correct

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20018: Cannot read WSDL "{0}" from Metadata Manager.
Cause: There was a problem reading a WSDL document from the MDS repository
Action: Make sure the composite imports point to the valid WSDL paths

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20019: Object "{0}" does not exist in metadata repository.
Cause: The requested file or resource does not exist in the MDS repository
Action: Make sure the resource path is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20020: Deployment of composite "{0}" failed: {1}.
Cause: Unable to deploy the composite
Action: Check the associated exception for more information

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20021: Undeployment of composite "{0}" failed: {1}.
Cause: There was an error generated during the undeployment of a composite
Action: Check the associated exception for more information concerning the undeployment issue

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20027: Unable to create interceptors, InterceptorChainFactory may not be defined for "{0}".
Cause: There was a problem creating an interceptor chain associated with the composite
Action: Make sure that the interceptor chain factories are configured in the SOA platform's configuation file located in the fabric war's WEB-INF directory

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20028: Unable to create mbeans for the composite "{0}" because of error "{1}".
Cause: There was an error generated during the creation of the composite MBean
Action: Check the associated exception for the cause of the error

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20029: Unable to unregister mbean for the composite "{0}" because of error "{1}".
Cause: There was an error while attempting to unregister the composite MBean
Action: Check the associated exception for the cause of the error

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20030: Unable to unregister deployed composites runtime mbean because of error "{0}".
Cause: There was an error while attempting to unregister the deployed composites MBean
Action: Check the associated exception for the cause of the error

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20031: An active composite for "{0}" has already been registered. Only one active composite is allowed.
Cause: An attempt was made to deploy an active composite for an application that already has an active composite
Action: Make sure that only one active composite is associated with a given application. You can deactive/activate composites via the management consoles

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20032: The composite "{0}" is retired. New instances cannot be initiated.
Cause: An attempt was made to initiate a composite instance using a retired composite
Action: Make sure to create a new instance with an active composite. The composite mode can be configured via the management consoles

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20034: No composite found for application "{0}", composite name "{1}" and revision "{2}".
Cause: An attempt was made to reload a composite application for which resources can not be found in the metadata repository
Action: Make sure that the application name, composite name, revision, and label specify a valid metadata store

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20037: Composite home directory "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: The composite home directory specified is not valid
Action: Make sure the composite home directory specified in deployed-composites.xml is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20038: Composite "{0}" does not exist.
Cause: No composite message router was found for the specified composite
Action: Make sure the composite distinguished name specified is valid and that the composite application deployed successfully

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20039: Operation not supported.
Cause: An attempt was made to undeploy using the deployment update mechanism
Action: N/A

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20040: Message exchange pattern not currently supported.
Cause: The attempted message exchange pattern is not supported
Action: Make sure that the composite wiring is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20041: Deployment failure on rollback: {0}
Cause: An error was raised during an attempt to rollback a composite deployment
Action: Make sure that all composite resources have been removed

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20042: Not enough information to ascertain composite name from pathInfo "{0}".
Cause: The path information in the URI was not sufficient enough to identify a composite
Action: Make sure that the URL used to invoke the composite service has the proper application name, composite name, revision, and label

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20043: No deployed composite found for path "{0}".
Cause: The path information in the URI was not sufficient enough to identify a composite
Action: Make sure that the URL used to invoke the composite service has the proper application name, composite name, revision, and label

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20044: Unable to retrieve resource "{0}" associated with composite "{1}".
Cause: An attempt to retrive a composite application associated resource (e.g. a WSDL file) failed
Action: Make sure the URL specified is correct

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20045: No WSDL URL provided
Cause: No WSDL URI was specified for the composite associated WSDL
Action: Make sure the WSDL import in the composite file is valid and specifies a URI for the file

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20046: Deployment of MBEANS for composite "{0}" failed: {1}.
Cause: There was a problem deploying the composite MBeans
Action: Check the associated exception for more information. There may have been a problem deregistering the MBean during a previous undeployment.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20047: Unable to initialize composite parser: {0}.
Cause: Unable to initialize the composite parser
Action: Make sure that any parser providers registered in the fabric war web.xml file are valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20050: Binding components failed to create holder type for {0}.
Cause: The required holder class is not available on the classpath
Action: Make sure the holder class is available in the classpath

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20051: Return value from the Java Service method {0} is invalid.
Cause: The service returned a value of a different type than was expected
Action: Verify that the service and the WSDL correspond

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20052: Binding Component failed to access holder value for {0}.
Cause: Unable to call a setter/getter on the holder class instance
Action: Make sure the access method is public

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20053: Binding Component is unable to locate operation {0} for java service {1}.
Cause: The requested method does not exist on the target service class
Action: Verify that the target service implements all methods defined in the WSDL

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20054: Binding Component failed to invoke method {0}.
Cause: The requested method of the target service is not public
Action: Verify that the targets service's methods are public

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20055: Missing WebResult method annoation for java service {0}.
Cause: The @WebResult annotation is not defined for the service interface
Action: Make sure the @WebResult annotation is specified in the service interface

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

SOA-20056: Could not locate service for {0}.
Cause: The requested service is not registered
Action: Make sure the service is registered and named correctly

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20057: Could not find invocation context containing sdo metadata for component {0}.
Cause: The requested service is not registered
Action: Make sure the service is registered and named correctly

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20058: Could not find registry for {0}.
Cause: The requested service registry does not exist
Action: Make sure that the registry is available and named correctly

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20060: Partname metadata for the parameter {0} is missing.
Cause: A parameter of a method of the service interface is missing the @PartName annotation
Action: Make sure the @PartName annotation is specified for the parameters of the method

Level: 1


Impact: Programmatic

SOA-20061: Input argument {0} has a wrong parameter java type.
Cause: Unable to create an instance of a parameter value
Action: Make sure the parameter classes are available and have default constructors

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20097: Binding component is unable to load schema from this location: {0}
Cause: Could not load an imported schema
Action: Make sure the schema is available in the location specfied in the WSDL

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20098: Binding component failed to initialize.
Cause: There was an internal error during initialization
Action: Please contact support

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20099: WSDL port metadata in composite {0} not found
Cause: There was an internal error during load
Action: Please contact support

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20100: Binding component failed to register Metadata types with SDO provider.
Cause: There was an internal error during load
Action: Please contact support

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20101: Metadata for operation {0}, service {1} can not be found.
Cause: The operation was not defined in the service WSDL
Action: Make sure the operation is defined in the service WSDL

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20102: An error occurred while scheduling deployment. Exception reported is "{0}"
Cause: There was an error while attempting to schedule a deployment
Action: Check the associated exception for the cause of the error

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20104: The composite for model "{0}" is not found!
Cause: There was an error during retrieval of the service associated composite
Action: Make sure the composite is valid

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20106: Binding Component is unable to load schema at "{0}" due to missing system id in the referening source schema.
Cause: Unable to load schema due to missing system id in the referencing WSDL or schema
Action: Ensure the system id is defined in the WSDL

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20107: Configuration Error in Java Binding. Unable to find portType or interface.
Cause: Service or port names were not specified in the binding configuration
Action: Make sure the service and port name are available in the binding configuration

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20108: The resource "{0}" not found in the composite "{1}"
Cause: Unable to retrieve a resource from the composite's MDS repository
Action: Make sure the resource path specified, relative to composite URI, is correct

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20109: Invocation Exeption: {0}:
Cause: The service generated an error during invocation
Action: Ensure that the service is operating correctly

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20110: This {0} method is not implemented!
Cause: One way operations are not supported for SDO dynamic stubs
Action: Consider using an alternate message exchange pattern

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20111: Binding Component failed to create user defined faults.
Cause: A SOAP fault was generated by the service invocation
Action: Ensure that the service is operating properly. The fault may be expected.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20112: The called service raised a fault.
Cause: The service generated an exception
Action: Ensure that the service is operating properly

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20115: Illegal modification to existing composite {0}. Changes are not allowed to elements of the composite distinguished name (application name, composite name, revision, and label). If you are attempting a re-deployment of a failed deployment, please undeploy and then deploy the composite.
Cause: The attempted change of the deployed composite file was not valid
Action: Make sure the change you are making is allowed

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20117: The wire target URI {1}/{2} for composite {0} is not valid. No service {2} is defined for component {1} in its componentType file. Please check the componentType file for component {1} for valid service names.
Cause: The composite wire appears to be malformed since no such component/service pair exists
Action: Please check the componentType file for the component for valid service names.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20118: The wire source URI {1}/{2} for composite {0} is not valid. No reference {2} is defined for component {1} in its componentType file. Please check the componentType file for component {1} for valid reference names.
Cause: The composite wire appears to be malformed since no such component/reference pair exists
Action: Please check the componentType file for the component for valid reference names.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20119: Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition for service {0} and port {1}. Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace, service name, and port name. In addition, check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally, validate the HTTP proxy settings for the server.
Cause: Unable to find a WSDL that has a definition corresponding to the provided service and port names
Action: Please make sure that the port attribute for the binding defined in the composite file is correct by checking the namespace, service name, and port name. In addition, check that the WSDL associated with the binding namespace is imported and currently reachable (check the import nodes at the top of the composite file). Finally, validate the HTTP proxy settings for the server.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20125: Cannot create an XSLT transformer. Please ensure that your JAXP environmentis properly configured with an XSLT 1.0 transformer.
Cause: Unable to create the adf-config xml transformer
Action: Make sure the adf-config file is property formatted

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20129: Could not create a context header due to exception
Cause: Unable to create the context header
Action: Ensure that the context provider implementation is valid and working

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20139: Unable to find a registered server for pathInfo {0}. Please ensure that the given composite is deployed. If this is occurring during the processing of a callback, please make sure that the "#" delimeter in the callback URL is properly encoded.
Cause: The path provided in the invocation URI does not map to a deployed composite
Action: Make sure the URI is correct and references a deployed composite application

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20141: Schema validation failed for message part {0}. Please ensure at the message sender level that the data sent is schema compliant.
Cause: Validation of the message part against its schema failed.
Action: Please take actions at the message sender to ensure that the data is schema compliant.

Level: 1


Impact: Data

SOA-20143: Unable to register a service endpoint for a defined reference callback. Please ensure the WSDL and reference configuration are correct.
Cause: Unable to register a callback endpoint for the defined reference callback
Action: Make sure that the application configuration is correct. For example, ensure that the associated WSDL does not have any mis-spelled message names.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20144: Unable to find a target component or reference based on invocation context {0}. Plese check the composite file and make sure a wire exists for the specified reference or source URI.
Cause: Unable to find a wire for the reference
Action: Make sure that the service or component reference is actually wired to a target

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20145: The serviceName/serviceID attribute is missing.
Cause: Unable to find serviceName attribute for the binding
Action: Make sure that the serviceName is specified in the composite

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20146: Unable to deploy service {0} with multiple WS bindings. Please make sure there is only one WS binding for the given service in the composite file.
Cause: Unable to deploy a service with multiple WS bindings
Action: Make sure that the service has only one WS binding

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20147: javaInterface attribute for the binding is missing or the inteface class is not available.
Cause: Unable to find javaInterface attribute for the binding
Action: Make sure that javaInterface attribute is specified on the composite

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20148: null
Cause: Failure in looking up EJB
Action: Make sure JNDI properties, jndi name specified are correct.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20149: Caller is not in allowed role!
Cause: Failure in authenticating ejb invocation
Action: Make sure invocation client has the right role mapped.

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-20150: SOA EJB Invoker could not load bean interface class defined for service {0}.
Cause: Failure in loading ejb interface class
Action: Make sure interface class is included in the deployment package.

Level: 1


Impact: Deployment

SOA-20151: SOA EJB Invoker could not locate composite for service {0}.
Cause: Failure in locating composite
Action: Make sure the composite configuration is correct

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20152: SOA EJB Invoker could not locate method named {0] with {1} of arguments on interface class {2} for service.
Cause: Failure in locating method
Action: Make sure the composite configuration is correct

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20153: Failure in processing jps credential store properties, exception stack: {0} .
Cause: Failure in processing credential store properties
Action: Make sure the properties are specified correctly or permission to access the the store has been setup.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20154: The path "{0}" has already been used by another direct binding. Please select a different path override.
Cause: Illegal pathOverride used in composite configuration. The alias name has already been used for other another direct binding.
Action: Select a different path alias for the direct binding component.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20155: Expected protocol 'soadirect, got ' {0} + ' instead.
Cause: Illegal protocol used in direct binding composite configuration.
Action: Correct path should start with "soadirect"

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20156: Invalid service path "{0}".
Cause: Service Path used in the invocation is invalid.
Action: Correc the service path.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20157: Service not found for path "{0}".
Cause: Service not found for the path name used in the invocation.
Action: Check composite configuration to see if the path name used matches.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20158: Direct binding component failed to initialize.
Cause: Exception occured during the direct binding component initialization.
Action: Check the exception for detailed failure cause.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20159: Direct binding component not initialized.
Cause: Direct binding component has not been initialized.
Action: Check server startup log to see any detailed exception log.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20160: Could not obtain keystore location or password
Cause: Could not obtain the keystore location or password for setting up 2 Way SSL
Action: Make sure that the keystore is available in the default location or is specified in the SOA configuration. In addition, make sure the keystore password is configured in the credential store.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20161: Unable to create SSL Socket Factory
Cause: Could not create the SSLSocketFactory for supporting 2 Way SSL
Action: Check the associated exception for the cause of the failure.

Level: 1


Impact: Network

SOA-20168: Could not find a port for the dynamic reference given service name {0} and port type {1}
Cause: Could not find a port that matched the supplied service name and port type for the dynamic reference
Action: Check the dynamic reference configuration and the supplied WSDL to ensure proper configuration.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20169: Folder {0} is not able to process messages. The folder state is set to "off". The folder can be turned "on" by using the administrative consoles.
Cause: The folder state or mode do not allow processing of messages
Action: Use the management consoles to set the mode and state of the folder to enable processing

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20170: Partition {0} does not exist. Make sure the partition was created and exists.
Cause: The folder can not be found
Action: Check the folder name and make sure such a folder was created and exists

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20171: Cannot find port type {0} in the WSDL. Make sure the port type is defined in the WSDL
Cause: The port type cannot be found
Action: Check the WSDL and make sure the port type is defined in the WSDL

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-20172: No source URI specified for the given invocation or callback. Please make sure there is a wire specified for the context {0}.
Cause: No source URI for the wire
Action: Check the composite and make sure a wire is defined for the interaction.This is most likely an indication of an error in the wiring.

Level: 1


Impact: Configuration

SOA-30006: No processor registered for target {0}
Cause: No business event processor is registered for the target
Action: Make sure the service engine or event target supports business events

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses

SOA-31006: No processor registered for target {0}
Cause: No business event processor is registered for the target
Action: Make sure the service engine or event target supports business events

Level: 1


Impact: Requests/Responses