This figure shows the Revisions tab. It contains a table with columns: Rule, Action, User, Date, Change Record, and Description. The Rule column contains rows with values cacheProcessor, stockProcessor, and orderProcessor. The stockProcessor entry is expanded to show the following in the Rule column: bigTransaction and Tracking. The Tracking entry is selected. The Tracking entry is expanded to show the following in the Rule column: 1. This row has the following values: Action value Add, User value anonymous, Date value Wed Dec 23 2009 10:05:56 AM, Change Record value tr.1261580756726.10256, and Description value Added rule: Tracking Statement: select symbol, avg(price) as movingAvgPrice from bigTransaction [partition by symbol rows 2] group by symbol. Below the table are date fields Start Date and End Date. There is a date chooser button next to each field. Below this are buttons Refresh, Undo (greyed out), and Delete.