7 Patching Oracle Enterprise Content Management 11g ( with 11g (

This chapter is for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite users who installed and configured Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( It describes how to update your installation to the new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g (

This chapter contains the following sections:

7.1 Differences Between Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( and 11g (

Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( included the following Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite components:

  • Oracle Imaging and Process Management 11g (

  • Oracle Information Rights Management 11g (

Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( includes the following components:

  • Oracle Imaging and Process Management 11g (

  • Oracle Information Rights Management 11g (

  • Oracle Universal Content Management 11g (

  • Oracle Universal Records Management 11g (

  • Oracle Inbound Refinery 11g (

7.2 Starting Points for the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Update Procedure

The procedures described in this chapter assume you are starting from the following Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( configuration:

  • You have installed Oracle Imaging and Process Management (Oracle I/PM) and Oracle Information Rights Management (Oracle IRM) 11g ( in a single Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

  • You have optionally installed Oracle SOA Suite 11g ( in a separate Oracle WebLogic Server domain.

  • You have optionally configured Oracle Imaging and Process Management to use an existing Oracle Universal Content Management 10g repository.

7.3 Summary of the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Update Procedure

Table 7-1 provides an overview of the procedure for updating your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( environment.

Table 7-1 Summary of the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Update Procedure

Step # Step Section


Perform the required prerequisite tasks.

Section 7.3.1, "Before You Begin Updating Your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Environment"


Install Oracle WebLogic Server 11g ( and create a new Middleware home.

"Installing Oracle WebLogic Server in a Middleware Home" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite


Install Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( in the Middleware home.

"Installing Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite in Oracle Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite


Configure Oracle I/PM and Oracle IRM 11g ( in a new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite domain.

Optionally, configure Oracle UCM and Oracle URM 11g ( in the same domain.

Section 7.3.2, "Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Domain"


Perform the steps to move configuration settings from Oracle I/PM 11g ( to Oracle I/PM 11g (

Section 7.3.3, "Moving Configuration Information from Oracle I/PM 11g ( to 11g ("


Perform the steps to move configuration settings from Oracle IRM 11g ( to Oracle IRM 11g (

Section 7.3.4, "Moving Configuration Information from Oracle IRM 11g ( to 11g ("

7.3.1 Before You Begin Updating Your Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Environment

Before you start the upgrade process, be sure to review the following important prerequisites: Stopping the Input Agents in the 11g ( Environment

To stop the Oracle I/PM Input Agents:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control for the 11g ( domain.

  2. From the navigation pane, expand the farm, then expand WebLogic Domain.

  3. Expand the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite domain and select the Oracle I/PM managed server (called IPM_server1 by default).

  4. From the WebLogic Server menu, select System MBean Browser.

  5. In the MBean browser, navigate to oracle.imaging/Server:IPM_server1/config/config.

  6. Delete the userid in the AgentUserproperty. Ensuring That All Active Processes Have Completed

To ensure that all active processes have completed, you can use Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console to monitor the processes and identify when they are all complete:

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console for the 11g ( domain.

  2. Navigate to the JMS Servers page for the domain (Services > Messaging > JMS Servers).

  3. Select the Monitoring tab.

  4. Periodically refresh the display until the Messages Current and Messages Pending values have dropped to zero (0).

7.3.2 Configuring the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Domain

To configure the new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( domain, use the instructions in the chapter, "Configuring Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite.

However, be sure to note the following as you enter information on each screen of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard:

  • When you enter a name for the WebLogic Server administrator; be sure to use the same name that you used when configuring Oracle I/PM and Oracle IRM11g (

  • When you enter the information required to connect to the Oracle I/PM and Oracle IRM database connections, use the same connection information you used when configuring Oracle I/PM 11g (

  • When configuring the administration server, managed servers, cluster, and node managers, use the same settings that you used when you configured Oracle I/PM and Oracle IRM 11g ( You can change the physical identifiers, if necessary, but not the other configuration settings.

    In particular, be sure to use the same Oracle I/PM port to maintain the integrity of the document URLs.

7.3.3 Moving Configuration Information from Oracle I/PM 11g ( to 11g (

The following sections describe the steps you must perform to move your Oracle I/PM 11g ( configuration information to the new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( domain: Task 1: Start the Administration Server and Node Manager in the New Domain

To start the Administration Server and the node manager for the new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( domain, refer to the following sections of the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite: Task 2: Update the Security Settings in the New Domain

The procedure for updating the security settings in your new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( domain vary, depending on whether you are using the default Oracle WebLogic Server security provider or an external LDAP provider.

If you are using an external LDAP provider, see "Reassociating the Identity Store with an External LDAP Authentication Provider" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite for information on associating the new domain with your existing external LDAP provider.

If you are using the default Oracle WebLogic Server security provider, use the instructions see "Configure the embedded LDAP server" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console online help, and add the following accounts that are currently defined in the Oracle I/PM 11g ( domain:

  • The Oracle I/PM administrator account. This is the user that first signed in to the Oracle I/PM 11g ( system after it was installed.

  • At least one user or group corresponding to the users or groups that have the grant access document permission within each Application.

After entering all of the required users and groups in the embedded LDAP server, run the following WLST commands:

  1. Change directory to the ORACLE_HOME/common/bin directory.

  2. Start the Weblogic Scripting Tool (WLST):

    For example, on a UNIX operating system, enter ./wlst.sh.

  3. Enter the following WLST command:

    connect('AdminUser', 'AdminUser_Password', 't3://localhost:16000')
  4. Enter the following WLST command:



User preferences for local users are not retained. Users will need to reconfigure their settings. Preferences are retained for users in external provider. Task 3: Configure the Credentials and Create a Workflow Connection for the New Domain

If you configured Oracle I/PM 11g ( with an Oracle BPEL server, note that the workflow connection information is stored in the Oracle I/PM database. As a result, if you configured your new Oracle I/PM environment to use the same database, then these connections will work as they did in the original environment.

However, before Oracle I/PM can connect to the workflow server, you must configure your new Oracle I/PM installation with the required credentials.

For more information, see "Configuring a Workflow Connection CSF Credential" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management. Task 4: Configure the Policy Stores in the New Domain

Oracle Web Services Manager policies are configured using Oracle WebLogic Server deployment plans. If the Oracle I/PM 11g ( environment was configured to use deployment plans to apply policies to the Web services, then you must apply the same policies to the new 11g ( environment.

The steps you take depend on how the Oracle I/PM application was deployed.

  • If the Oracle I/PM application was deployed with only the default policies, then no further action is necessary, because the default policies were set up by the installation in the new environment.

  • If the Oracle I/PM application was deployed using one of the deployment plans packaged with Oracle I/PM, you must perform the same tasks you performed when deploying the application in the original environment.

    For more information, see "Setting Policies on Services" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management.

  • If the Oracle I/PM application was deployed using a custom set of policies, you must move the policies to the new environment, using the following steps:

    Copy the Plan.xml file that was created in the original environment, along with its associated directories, to the same location in the new environment.

    Update the Oracle I/PM application deployment to use this deployment plan, as described in the section, "Setting Policies on Services" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management. Task 5: Update the Input Agent Directories in the New Domain

When you are updating your configuration to use a new Oracle I/PM 11g ( environment, you must ensure that the input directories used by the Input Agent are properly configured for the new environment.

During the installation of Oracle I/PM 11g (, the default input directory used by the Input Agent is set to the following local file path:


This location is usually used for simpler, single-computer installations; however, you can also change it to an external location to better facilitate sharing by clustered Oracle I/PM instances and to simplify input file placement from external scanning solutions.

Depending upon whether or not you changed the default location in 11g (, note the following:

  • If you configured Oracle I/PM 11g ( to use a custom, central location for the input directories, then that location will be preserved for the new 11g ( instance, as long as you configured Oracle I/PM 11g ( to use the same Oracle I/PM database. This is because the input directories location is stored with the other Oracle I/PM configuration settings in the Oracle I/PM database.

    Note that if some aspect of that path has changed as part of the update to 11g (, then you must update the InputDirectories property of the Imaging config MBean, accordingly. For more information, see "Configuring MBeans" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management.

  • If you did not change the Oracle I/PM 11g ( default input directory configuration, then you must move any unfinished input activity to the new 11g ( Middleware home.

    To do this, copy the entire Input directory from the Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Middleware home to the same location in the new 11g ( Middleware home. You can find the default directory and all of its subdirectories in the following location of the 11g ( Middleware home:


    Note that input files often reference document images to be ingested, using a file path. These path references must remain valid after the update to 11g ( For example, if any of the document references include host names, or other physical identities that might change, you must update those references in the input files. Task 6: Update the Oracle I/PM Configuration Settings in the New Domain

The Oracle I/PM Mbean configuration settings are preserved within the Oracle I/PM database. As a result, as long as the new 11g ( environment has been configured to connect to the same Oracle I/PM database, then the same configuration will be available when the new environment is started.

However, you should review your MBean configuration settings to verify that they are still correct after the upgrade. If any MBean values need to be changed, see "Configuring MBeans" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Imaging and Process Management.

On the new system, set the Listen address for the managed server that contains Oracle Application Extension Framework (AXF):

  1. Log in to the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console for the new 11g ( domain.

  2. Navigate to the Oracle I/PM managed server (Environment > Servers > ipm_server1)

  3. In the Listen Address field, enter the same name as you used for the original 11g ( Oracle I/PM server. For example, enter the fully qualified domain name or the load balancer name.

  4. Restart the Oracle I/PM managed server. Task 7: Configure Oracle UCM for the New Oracle I/PM Instance

If you configured Oracle I/PM 11g ( with an Oracle Universal Content Management 10g instance, then note that the Oracle UCM connection information is stored in the Oracle I/PM database. As a result, if you configured your new Oracle I/PM environment to use the same database, then these connections will work as they did in the original environment.

However, you must update Oracle UCM with information about the new Oracle I/PM 11g ( instance:

  1. In a Web browser, log in to the Oracle UCM 10g Web client as a system administrator.

  2. Disable the Oracle I/PM 11g ( repository component:

    1. Under Administration, select Admin Server.

    2. Click idc.

    3. Select Component Manager from the navigation panel.

    4. Select IpmRepository from the enabled components list and disable it.

  3. Navigate to the Start/Stop Server page and restart the Content Server.

  4. Uninstall the Oracle I/PM 11g ( repository component:

    1. Navigate back to the Component Manager page.

    2. Select the IpmRepository component and select Uninstall.

    3. Click OK and return to Component Manager page.

  5. Install and enable the new Oracle I/PM 11g ( repository component:

    1. Click Browse and navigate to the following directory in the new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( Middleware home:

    2. Select the IpmRepository.zip file, and then click Install.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. Select the option to enable the component.

  6. Navigate to the Start/Stop Server page and restart the Content Server.

  7. Verify that Oracle I/PM 11g ( is connected successfully to the Oracle UCM 10g instance. Task 8: Upgrade Oracle UCM 10g to Oracle UCM 11g

After you have verified that Oracle I/PM 11g ( is connected successfully to your existing Oracle UCM 10g installation, you can then upgrade Oracle UCM 10g to Oracle UCM 11g (

For complete information about upgrading to Oracle UCM 11g (, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite. Task 9: Verify Any Oracle I/PM Integrations

Oracle I/PM 11g ( introduces minor changes to the Oracle I/PM application programming interface (API). As a result, you should verify that your Oracle I/PM applications work successfully with the new API.

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Oracle Imaging and Process Management Java API Reference.

7.3.4 Moving Configuration Information from Oracle IRM 11g ( to 11g (

The following sections describe the steps you must perform to move your Oracle IRM 11g ( configuration information to the new Oracle Enterprise Content Management Suite 11g ( domain: Task 1: Move the Oracle IRM Configuration File to the New Domain

To move your Oracle IRM configuration settings from the 11g ( domain to the new 11g ( domain:

  1. Locate the XML file that contains the Oracle IRM configuration settings in the 11g ( domain.

    The file is called irm-config.xml and it is located in the following directory inside the domain home:

  2. Copy the Oracle IRM 11g ( irm-config.xml file to the same location in the new 11g ( domain home:

    DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/irm-config.xml Task 2: Copy Oracle IRM Key Store to the New Domain

To copy the Oracle IRM 11g ( key store to the new 11g ( domain:

  1. Locate the Oracle IRM 11g ( key store file.

    The Oracle IRM 11g ( installation instructions suggest that you store the key store in the following location in the domain home; however, it can actually be stored in any location on the Oracle IRM host:


    The name of the file is usually irm.jks or irm.jceks, but there are no restrictions on the naming of the file.

    You can find the exact location and file name of the key store in one of two ways:

    • In Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control, navigate to the IRM home page and select Administration > General Settings from the IRM menu.

    • Use the getIRMKeyStore() WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) command. For more information, see "getIRMKeyStore" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware WebLogic Scripting Tool Command Reference.

  2. Copy the key store file to the equivalent location in the Oracle IRM 11g ( domain. Task 3: Copy the Oracle IRM Key Store Credentials to the New Domain

To copy the Oracle IRM key store credentials to the Oracle IRM 11g ( domain:

  1. Verify that the Administration server in the Oracle IRM 11g ( domain is up and running.

  2. Change directory to the following location in the Oracle IRM 11g ( domain:

  3. Start the WLST shell, connect to the Administration server, and use the createCred command to configure the credentials in the new Oracle IRM 11g ( domain.

    For example:

    connect("weblogic", "welcome1", "adminserver.example.com:7001")
    createCred("IRM", "keystore:irm.jceks", "user", "password")
    createCred("IRM", "key:irm.jceks:oracle.irm.wrap", "user", "password")

    In the previous example:

    • Replace irm.jceks with the actual name of the Oracle IRM key store.

    • Replace user and password with the key store username and password.

    For more information, see: