1 Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching and Upgrade Overview

This book describes the tools available for you to patch your existing Oracle Fusion Middleware or upgrade your existing Oracle Application Server environment.

The following topics are covered:

1.1 Patching and Upgrade Terminology

This section describes various terms that you should be familiar with before you continue.

1.1.1 Patching

Patching involves copying a small collection of files over an existing installation. A patch is normally associated with a particular version of an Oracle product and involves updating from one minor version of the product to a newer minor version of the same product (for example, from version to version

A patch set is a single patch that contains a collection of patches designed to be applied together.

1.1.2 Migration

Migration typically involves moving from a third-party (non-Oracle) product to an Oracle product.

It can also be used to refer to moving an existing set of software parameters (for example, an existing configuration or existing domain) from one release to another. For this release, instructions for migrating your configuration from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( to Release 1 ( are provided in Chapter 3, "Using Patch Assistant to Migrate from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( to Release 1 (".

1.1.3 Upgrade

Upgrade involves moving from a previous major version to a new major version. For example, an upgrade would be required to move from Oracle Application Server 10g to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. Similarly, an upgrade is required to move from Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Release 1 ( to 11g Release 2 (

For this release, instructions for upgrading from Oracle Application Server 10g to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g are provided.

1.1.4 Installation

Installation is when new software is copied onto your system for use. After the new software is installed, you can patch it or upgrade it as necessary.

1.2 Patching and Upgrade Tools

Table 1-1 provides a brief summary of the patching and upgrade tools, and provides pointers to more detailed information.

Table 1-1 Summary of Patching, Migration, and Upgrade Tools

Tool Description More Information


OPatch is typically used to patch the software on your system by copying a small collection of files over your existing installation.

In Oracle Fusion Middleware, OPatch is used to patch an existing Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g installation.

Chapter 2, "Patching Oracle Fusion Middleware with Oracle OPatch"

Smart Update

Smart Update is used to patch your existing Oracle WebLogic Server installation.

Oracle Fusion Middleware products require the presence of Oracle WebLogic Server and its directory structure on your system. When you update your Oracle Fusion Middleware software, you must also update the version of Oracle WebLogic Server on your system using the Smart Update tool.

Oracle Smart Update Installing Patches and Maintenance Packs

Patch Set Installer

The Patch Set Installer is used to update your existing Fusion Middleware product to the latest version. At the time of publication, the latest version is 11g ( The Patch Set Installer updates the software in the product's Oracle home directory; when you run the Patch Set Installer you will need to provide the location of your existing Middleware home and Oracle home directories.

The Patch Set Installer does not provide any mechanisms for configuring your product, so after the installation is complete, you must run the Configuration Wizard for your product before you can start using your product.

Chapter 4, "Applying the Latest Oracle Fusion Middleware Patch Set"

Patch Set Assistant

Patch Set Assistant is used to update your database schemas to prepare them for use with the latest version of Oracle Fusion Middleware software.

This tool is used with Patch Set updates only; Repository Creation Utility (RCU) should always be used to create and drop schemas.

Chapter 5, "Updating Your Schemas with Patch Set Assistant"

Upgrade Assistant

The Upgrade Assistant is used to upgrade from Oracle Application Server 10g to Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Planning Guide