3 Oracle Application Adapter for Siebel Best Practices

This chapter lists and describes best practices that are specific to the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3. It contains the following topics:

Best Practices for Siebel

This section lists and describes best practices for the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3.

  • If you are using the native Siebel Java Data Bean (JDB) API to connect with a Siebel system, then integration should be performed using Siebel Business Objects and Business Services. If the HTTP protocol is required, then you must use HTTP. As a best practice, it is recommended to use the Siebel JDB API for connectivity when possible.

  • If large amounts of transaction volumes need processing, then as a best practice, it is recommended to use connection pooling by configuring the siebel.properties file. For more information, see "Configuring Connection Pooling for Siebel".

  • For secure connectivity during outbound (services) processing only, it is recommended to enable RSA encryption using Application Explorer during the adapter target configuration stage.

  • As a best practice, it is recommended to use XML schemas (.xsd) files that are generated through Siebel for Integration Objects and Business Services nodes.

  • If any changes to the Siebel repository (.srf file) are made, then it is a best practice to recompile the .srf file and restart Siebel services to reflect the changes in the adapter.

  • Even though Siebel Versions 6.2 and lower (using COM connectivity) are still supported, as a best practice, it is recommended that your integration project use Siebel 6.3 or higher with the Siebel JDB API.

  • When sending an Insert, Update, or Query request, it is a best practice to include only the elements in the payload that has data to be inserted, updated, or retrieved. Any blank elements should be removed.

  • As a best practice, do not include any special characters in the name when creating an Integration Object or Business Services node.

Configuring Connection Pooling for Siebel

To configure connection pooling for Siebel, you must create a siebel.properties file for use with the Oracle Application Adapter for SAP R/3. This file can be used to provide default parameters for applications connecting to Siebel using the Java Data Bean (JDB) API. The siebel.properties file must be added to your system classpath.

The following table lists and describes the property values that can be added in the siebel.properties file.

Property Type Property Description
Request Timeout siebel.conmgr.txtimeout Indicates the transaction timeout in seconds on the server side.

The default is 2700 seconds.

Poolsize siebel.conmgr.poolsize Indicates the connection pool size. Connection pool maintains a set of connections to a specific server process.

The default is 2 with a maximum of 500.

Session Timeout siebel.conmgr.sesstimeout Indicates the transaction timeout in seconds on the client side.

The default is 600 seconds.

Encryption siebel.conmgr.jce Indicates the usage of Java Cryptography Extension (JCE).

Setting a value of 1 enables JCE and setting a value of 0 disables JCE.

Boolean siebel.user.encrypted Specifies whether the user name and the password is encrypted with com.siebel.extra.MangleString.