B.5 Installer Command Line Parameters

Table (UNKNOWN STEP NUMBER) lists and describes supported Installer command line parameters:

Table B-1 Installer Command Line Parameters

Parameter Description

Installation Modes - Only One Mode Can be Specified

-i | -install

Launches the Installer in GUI mode. This is the default mode and is used if no mode is specified on the command line.


Install in silent mode. The Installer must be passed either a response file or command line variable value pairs.

-d | -deinstall

Launches the Installer in GUI mode for deinstallation.

-p | -prerequisite

Launches the Installer in GUI mode but only checks the prerequisites. No software is installed.

-v | -validate

Launches the Installer in GUI mode and performs all prerequisite and validation checking, but does not install any software.

-sv | -silentvalidate

Performs all prerequisite and validation checking in silent mode. You must pass the Installer either a response file or a series of command line variable value pairs.

Installation Options

-help | --help | --usage

Displays the usage parameters for the runInstaller command.

-invPtrLoc file

Pointer to the inventory location file. Replace file with the full path and name of the oraInst.loc file.

-response file | -responseFile file

Pointer to the response file. Replace file with the full path and name of the response file.

-jreLoc location

Pointer to the location where Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed. Replace location with the full path to the jre directory where your JRE is installed.

-logLevel level

Specify the level of logging performed by the Installer; all messages with a lower priority than the specified level will be recorded. Valid levels are:

  • severe

  • warning

  • info

  • config

  • fine

  • finer

  • finest


Obtain debug information from the Installer.


Allow the silent installation to proceed in a non-empty directory.


Log debugging information pertaining to disk usage.


Log debugging information pertaining to memory usage.


Log debugging information pertaining to time usage. This command causes the timeTakentimestamp.log file to be created.


Windows only - the Installer will wait for completion instead of spawning the Java engine and exiting.


Messages will not be displayed to the console window.


Ignore the results of the system prerequisite checks and continue with the installation.


Execute the system prerequisite checks only, then exit.

-paramFile file

Specify the full path to the oraparam.ini file. This file is the initialization file for the Installer. The default location of this file is Disk1/install/platform.


Disables all validation checking performed by the Installer.


For the GUI install, several screens have information or default values pre-populated. Specifying this option disables this behavior so that no information or values are pre-populated.

Command Line Variables

Installer Variables

Installer variables are specified using varName=value. For example:


Session Variables

Session variables are specified using session:varName=value