21.2 Page Assembly Timeout

The page assembly timeout setting enables you to specify how long to delay displaying a page while it assembles the portlets.

This option is useful when the page is known to have a potentially slow portlet, perhaps one that is running remotely on a slow server far away. Instead of having that one portlet hold up the final page assembly, you can use the page assembly timeout option to specify a cut-off time. In place of any portlet that has not yet responded, the partially rendered page makes a new browser-based request for the portlet's content.


Page assembly timeout does not work in combination with browser script debugging. If you need to debug your page, disable page assembly timeout before turning on script debugging in your browser. After you have fixed any script issues you can turn off script debugging and enable page assembly timeout.

You will also need to recommend to your users that they turn off script debugging in their browsers for the portal to behave as expected.

To specify the page assembly timeout:

  1. Go to the page where you will change caching options.

    For information on locating a page, see Section 8.1, "Locating Pages in Oracle Portal".

  2. Switch to Edit mode.

  3. Click the Properties link next to Page in the page toolbar.

    Be sure to click the link for the page rather than the page group.

  4. Go to the Page Assembly Timeout section of the Main tab, and select a page assembly timeout option:

    • Wait For All Portlets to Return Before Displaying the Page (Default)

      Select this option to delay the display of a page until all portlets have been assembled on the server and are ready for delivery to a browser.

    • Limit Time Spent Fetching Portlets to [ ] Seconds

      Select this option to limit the amount of time the server will delay page display while it assembles portlets. Specify the time out in seconds. Any portlets not assembled before the time out will be rendered dynamically by the browser after the page is displayed.

  5. Click OK to save your changes.