4 The owa_image Package

The owa_image package contains subprograms that get the coordinates of where the user clicked on an image. Use this package when you have any image map whose destination links invoke the PL/SQL Gateway. Your procedure would look something like:

create or replace procedure process_image
    (my_img in owa_image.point)
    x integer := owa_image.get_x(my_img);
    y integer := owa_image.get_y(my_img);
    /* process the coordinate */

4.1 Summary

owa_image.NULL_POINT package variable - variable of type point whose X and Y values are NULL.

owa_image.point data type - data type to contain the X and Y values of a coordinate.

owa_image.get_x function - gets the X value of a point type.

owa_image.get_y function - gets the Y value of a point type.

4.2 owa_image.NULL_POINT package variable

This package variable of type point is used to default point parameters. Both the X and the Y fields of this variable are NULL.

Table 4-1 describes the properties of the owa_image.NULL_POINT package variable.

Table 4-1 owa_image.NULL_POINT package variable

Properties Definitions


null_point - package variable


Not applicable.

4.3 owa_image.point data type

This data type provides the x and y coordinates of a user's click on an imagemap. It is defined as:

type point is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer.

Table 4-2 describes the properties of the owa_image.point data type.

Table 4-2 owa_image.point data type

Properties Definitions


point - data type


Not applicable.

4.4 owa_image.get_x function

This function returns the X coordinate of the point where the user clicked on an image map.

Table 4-3 describes the properties of the owa_image.get_x function.

Table 4-3 owa_image.get_x function

Properties Definitions


owa_image.get_x(p in point) return integer;


p - the point where the user clicked.


The X coordinate as an integer.

4.5 owa_image.get_y function

This function returns the Y coordinate of the point where the user clicked on an image map.

Table 4-4 describes the properties of the owa_image.get_y function.

Table 4-4 owa_image.get_y function

Properties Definitions


owa_image.get_y(p in point) return integer;


p - the point where the user clicked.


The Y coordinate as an integer.