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1 Introduction and Roadmap

2 Top Tuning Recommendations for WebLogic Server

3 Performance Tuning Roadmap

4 Operating System Tuning

5 Tuning Java Virtual Machines (JVMs)

6 Tuning WebLogic Diagnostic Framework and JRockit Flight Recorder Integration

7 Tuning WebLogic Server

8 Tuning the WebLogic Persistent Store

9 DataBase Tuning

10 Tuning WebLogic Server EJBs

11 Tuning Message-Driven Beans

12 Tuning JDBC Applications

13 Tuning Logging Last Resource

14 Tuning WebLogic JMS

15 Tuning WebLogic JMS Store-and-Forward

16 Tuning WebLogic Message Bridge

17 Tuning Resource Adapters

18 Tuning Web Applications

19 Tuning Web Services

20 Tuning WebLogic Tuxedo Connector

A Using the WebLogic 8.1 Thread Pool Model

B Capacity Planning