4 Exploring Configuration Tab

The Configuration tab is the upper-left pane with the "Configuration" tab selected.

The configurations explained in this chapter are:

4.1 Resource Configuration

Resource configuration is documented in the Oracle Composite Monitor and Modeler Installation and Configuration Guide.

4.2 User Configuration

Select the User Configuration node in the Configuration tree to manage user roles, create new users, and delete users.

CAMM uses a permissions-based user security model. This model allows administrators to specify data access rights and end-user's ability to configure CAMM. CAMM supports the following types of roles:

  • Admin

  • Operator

  • User

4.2.1 Admin Role

When installing CAMM, the Admin user role is created by default. This role allows administrators of CAMM to configure the application monitoring environment including the following:

  • Add and remove CAMM managed resources.

  • Specify domain administration server location.

  • Configure SLOs.

  • Define actions.

  • Customize views.

  • Create and maintain other user roles.

4.2.2 Operator Role

When installing CAMM, the Operator user role is also created by default. This role allows operators of CAMM to configure the application monitoring environment including the following:

  • Configure SLOs.

  • Define actions.

  • Customize views.

  • Create and maintain user roles.

4.2.3 User Role

This user role has read-only access to CAMM. The Configuration tab is not available to users with the user role.

  1. To modify the configuration of existing user accounts, double-click the user option. You will see a configuration screen.

  2. Select a user and double-click to change the configuration of an existing user account.

  3. You can force the user to change the password upon next login. Check the Must Change Password check box.

  4. Click Save.

CAMM supports highly complex password authentication policies. The following password word policy properties can be configured in the Acsera.properties file.

  • Password length check

  • Password complexity check

  • Password expiration check

For more information, see Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler Installation and Configuration Guide.

4.3 Service Level Objectives by Name

Service Level Objectives by Name node in the Configuration tree allows you to manage SLOs by SLO names.

In this window you can:

  • Double-click on a specific SLO to open the Service Level Objective Editor.

  • View or edit the selected SLO.

4.4 Service Level Objectives by Metrics

Service Level Objectives by Metrics node in the Configuration tree allows you to manage SLOs by performance metrics. The following are some examples of performance metrics:

  • BPEL Process Average Response Time

  • Portal Book Average Response Time

  • Portal Desktop Visit Count

  • JVM Heap Free Current

  • Process Node Aborts

  • Servlet Invocation Total Count

  • Servlet Execution Time Average

In the Service Level Objectives by Metrics window, you can:

  • Double-click on a specific performance metric to see all SLOs configured for the selected metric.

  • Double-click on a specific SLO to open the Service Level Objective Editor to view or edit the selected SLO.

4.5 Service Level Objectives by Entity Type

Service Level Objectives by Entity Type node in the Configuration tree allows you to manage SLOs by modeled entity type.

The following are examples of entity types:

  • Oracle BPEL Process

  • IBM Virtual Desktop

  • Oracle WebLogic Portal Book

  • Oracle WebLogic Portal Desktop

  • Oracle WebLogic Process Node

  • Oracle WebLogic Process Type

  • JVM

  • Stateless EJB

  • Message Driven EJB

In the Service Level Objectives by Entity Type window, you can:

  • Double-click on a specific entity type to see all SLOs configured for the selected entity type.

  • Double-click on a specific SLO to open the Service Level Objective Editor to view or edit the selected SLO.

4.6 Action Configuration

Action Configuration node in the Configuration tree allows you to manage actions for CAMM. Actions are triggered by a SLO violation event. CAMM supports the following actions:

  • Issue a SMNP trap

  • Send an e-mail

  • Execute a script

  • Log to a file

In the Action Configurations window you can:

  • Click Create Action to create a specific type of action.

In the Action Configuration window, double-click on a specific action to see its configuration information. You can edit and copy edit selected action. CAMM automatically enforces referential integrity during the deletion process.


You can include a set of SLO variables into e-mail, script, and log actions. This feature significantly increases the value of these actions by using real-time performance data. See Table 4-1 for a list of SLO variables.

Table 4-1 List of SLO Variables

SLO Variable Description Example Value


SLO event type (Violation or Cautionary)



Name of the SLO fired

CSR Portal Desktop Response Time Violation


Metric where SLO violation was observed



Value of metric when SLO threshold was exceeded



Threshold type (High or Low)



Name of the platform



Server node where SLO violation was observed



Domain in which SLO violation was observed



Cluster in which SLO violation was observed



Type of the entity in which the SLO violation was observed



Start time of the SLO violation



Stop time of the SLO violation



Customize your alert using SLO variables. The following is an example of a customized message for a Mail Action:
SLO Event:
SLO Name = $EventAttributes.SLOName;
Event Type = $EventType;
Trigger Domain = $Entity.DomainID;
Trigger Application = $Entity.ApplicationID;
Trigger SLO Type = $EventAttributes.SLOType;
Trigger Value = $EventAttributes.TriggerValue;
Trigger Threshold = $EventAttributes.TriggerThreshold;
Trigger Element = $Entity.ElementID;
Event ID = $EventID;