Oracle® Composite Application Monitor and Modeler

Release Notes



December 2009

These release notes contain important information available at the GA release of Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler (CAMM) (version Features, installation notes, known limitations, and other late-breaking issues are addressed here. Read this document prior to using CAMM.

This document contains the following sections:

1 What's New in CAMM

This release of CAMM includes the following features:

Features Description
Oracle WebCenter Suite 11g Support ADF Task Flows, JSF Pages, and Portlets are now supported for WebCenter Framework/Services 11g.
Oracle SOA Suite 11g Support Support for Oracle SOA Suite 11g Service Component Architecture (SCA) has been added.

2 Documentation

In addition to these release notes, Oracle also provides the following documentation:

  • Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler User's Guide

  • Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler Installation and Configuration Guide

3 Known Limitations and Issues

  • Patch needs to be applied on OSB prior to CAMM being able to model and monitor an OSB or ALSB application. See MetaLink note 804148.1.

    Because BEA SmartUpdate now takes MetaLink authentication, anyone who has access to the note, or has a MetaLink account, can also update using BEA SmartUpdate.

  • Functional views for Beehive page flow not currently supported

  • IBM Java Agents should be used based on supported JDK versions

  • WebSphere running on Solaris should use HotSpot Java Agent instead of IBMJagent

  • Data Export to File overrides data every 30 min when exporting more than 30 min

  • WebSphere Cluster will not show as cluster tree under resources

  • Architecture drill down for Axis web services implemented using EJB is not supported

  • JRockit MBean reports CPU above 100% - BEA Bug

  • Manager needs to be restarted if ConcurrentModificationException found in the Manager log - Rare Occurrence

  • Manager requires a restart after configuring a new resource before discovery can begin and server library retrieval can properly process

  • Page flow graph not visible from desktop structure view double click if it's used in File Portal

  • Dashboard status light will not reflect the SLO's configured for Processes if the SLO has Node or Server selected other than the default value ( '*')

  • JVM SLO Definition threshold should be configured in KB

  • Metrics for WSRP Producer portlets are not supported in cases when that portlet is out of context. For example, CAMM will not collect metrics for producer portlets in association with the producer server in cases where all traffic is directed through an unmonitored consumer portal. However, if the consumer portal is monitored, both consumer and producer portlet metrics will be displayed and provided in context.

  • Deployer - Disable and remove functionality does not work on cluster system and thus manual removal is required

  • The JVM graph does not show SLO thresholds because multiple metrics are shown and only one threshold can be displayed at a time.

  • CAMM does not collect JMX Metrics if the AdminServer is unavailable

  • CAMM does not automatically update its model to reflect changes made to streaming portals running in WebLogic Portal. To update CAMM's model, user must delete darchive directories associated with the changed applications and restart CAMM.

  • Metric data may be lost if application structure changes to exclude structures previously monitored. History will not provide the original structure.

  • SLO configuration will need to be re-entered for BEA WebLogic Portal if application node is modified that the SLO configuration was bound to.

  • WebSphere warnings show up in system out when connecting to WAS6 through Manager and Deployer - IBM known issue

  • When JavaMIP property "AggregateInsert" is disabled, server-level architecture view is unavailable. Currently, only resource-level architecture view can be rendered.

  • Entity not modeled by CAMM cannot support drill down functionality in architecture view.

  • ESB discovery will not work with HTTPS

  • If the CAMM Manager is installed on an HPUX Itanium Server, users should use the following JDK instead of the one shipped with CAMM for better performance

    • java version "" ; Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build;Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build jinteg:02.13.06-21:25 IA64, mixed mode)

  • CAMM does not process external files for html tags for layout information. Hence, for custom layouts, the layout shown in CAMM will differ from what is seen in Workshop and on the page.

  • Please note that application names listed below should not be used as a valid application name as they ALWAYS are excluded from static analysis for filtering reasons using the ComponentProvider.Application.Exclude property in

    • WLI System EJBs

    • WLI-AI Design-time

    • B2BDefaultWebAppApplication

    • WLI Worklist

    • JWSQueueTransport

    • Deployer


    • Acsera

    • Oracle

    • HttpDeployer

    • ServiceBus Console

  • In some cases, war files containing EJB jars might have their invocation modeling incorrect (war -> war) when Servlets utilize EJB 3.0 annotation to call invoke EJBs. This can be particularly misleading in applications where both non-EJB 3.0 and EJB 3.0 annotations are being utilized.

  • Every BPEL process which has .bpel file or .wsdl file will be modeled as Web service in CAMM. If there is no BPEL or WSDL descriptor file, CAMM will not model BPEL Process as Web Service

  • CAMM no longer supports the JRE plug-in version 1.4.x

  • Java Persistence API is not supported as part of EJB3 support. Annotation support on OC4J requires restart of application servers after model is complete.

  • WSRP 2.0 may not function fully. Customers experiencing problems should contact Oracle Support.

  • CAMM may fail in discovering J2EE applications developed with JDeveloper on Oracle Application Server and successfully deployed and running on Oracle WebLogic Server. Therefore, applications should be deployed from JDeveloper directly to WLS to avoid the modeling issues.

  • AIA node will not appear with just Foundation Pack; a PIP needs to be installed. Underlying application server should be an Oracle SOA Suite version that is supported by CAMM.

  • There are some Oracle Service Bus (OSB) metric issues when secure protocol like t3s is used by CAMM for connection.

  • Although an OSB proxy service can be invoked using HTTP, the CAMM URL Query feature is not supported as of yet for OSB.

  • In cases where the invocation to proxy service goes through miscellaneous frameworks resulting in the caller being set as N/A because of metrics issues, CAMM fails to resolve to the real caller. This results in a failure to model some relationships between OSB proxy services and the underlying components such as an EJB within the architecture view model.

  • Pipeline model views are not supported in ALSB 2.6 and ALSB 2.6 RP1

  • HTTPS on CAMM Manager UI running on AIX will not work


    Use HTTP only (http://cammmanager:5559/qvadmin)

  • Installation on RHEL 5 or Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 may fail with following error:

    awk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared
    object file: No such file or directory


    cat install.bin | sed "s/export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/#xport LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/" > 
    cp install.bin install.bin.orig 
    cp install.bin

    What this correction does is that it substitutes the old InstallAnywhere code's reference to LD_ASSUME_KERNEL that points to the wrong directory of libraries. As a result, install.bin can't find critical libraries. Also notice that in #xport substitution, absence of 'e' is mandatory here (to maintain same binary length of the executable, it is not a typo.

4 How to Report Problems & Obtain More Information

To report problems or obtain more information, access

5 Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible to all users, including users that are disabled. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

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This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing Access to Oracle Support Services

To reach Oracle Support Services, use a telecommunications relay service (TRS) to call Oracle Support at 1.800.223.1711. An Oracle Support Services engineer will handle technical issues and provide customer support according to the Oracle service request process. Information about TRS is available at, and a list of phone numbers is available at

Oracle Composite Application Monitor and Modeler Release Notes Release


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