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Oracle® Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10717-06
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A Cluster Verification Utility Reference

The Cluster Verification Utility (CVU) performs system checks in preparation for installation, patch updates, or other system changes. Using CVU ensures that you have completed the required system configuration and preinstallation steps so that your Oracle grid infrastructure or Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) installation, update, or patch operation completes successfully.

With Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2), Oracle Universal Installer is fully integrated with CVU, automating many CVU prerequisite checks. Oracle Universal Installer runs all prerequisite checks and associated fixup scripts when you run the installer.

See Also:

Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide and Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for information about how to manually install CVU


Check for and download updated versions of CVU on Oracle Technology Network at

This appendix describes CVU under the following topics:

About Cluster Verification Utility

This section includes topics which relate to using CVU.


CVU can verify the primary cluster components during an operational phase or stage. A component can be basic, such as free disk space, or it can be complex, such as checking Oracle Clusterware integrity. For example, CVU can verify multiple Oracle Clusterware subcomponents across Oracle Clusterware layers. Additionally, CVU can check disk space, memory, processes, and other important cluster components. A stage could be, for example, database installation, for which CVU can verify whether your system meets the criteria for an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) installation. Other stages include the initial hardware setup and the establishing of system requirements through the fully operational cluster setup.

Table A-1 lists verifications you can perform using CVU.

Table A-1 Performing Various CVU Verifications

Verification to Perform CVU Commands to Use

System requirements verification

cluvfy comp sys

Oracle ACFS verification

cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] cfs

Storage verifications

Network verification

cluvfy stage -post hwos

Connectivity verifications

Cluster Time Synchronization Services verification

cluvfy comp clocksync

User and Permissions verification

cluvfy comp admprv

Node comparison and verification

cluvfy comp peer

Installation verification

Deletion verification

cluvfy stage -post nodedel

Cluster Integrity verification

cluvfy comp clu

Oracle Clusterware and Oracle ASM Component verifications

Operational Notes

This section includes the following topics:

Installation Requirements

CVU installation requirements are:


When using CVU, the utility attempts to copy any needed information to the CVU work directory. It checks for the existence of the work directory on each node. If it does not find one, then it attempts to create one. Make sure that the CVU work directory either exists on all nodes in your cluster or proper permissions are established on each node for the user running CVU to create that directory. Set this directory using the CV_DESTLOC environment variable. If you do not set this variable, then CVU uses /tmp as the work directory on Linux and UNIX systems, and C:\temp on Windows systems.

Usage Information

CVU includes two scripts:, which you use before installing Oracle software, and cluvfy, located in the Grid_home/bin directory. The script contains temporary variable definitions which enable it to be run before installing Oracle grid infrastructure or Oracle Database. After you install Oracle grid infrastructure, use the cluvfy command to check prerequisites and perform other system readiness checks.


Oracle Universal Installer runs cluvfy to check all prerequisites during Oracle software installation.

Before installing Oracle software, run from the mountpoint path of the software media, as follows:

cd /mountpoint
./ options

In the preceding example, the options variable represents CVU command options that you select. For example:

$ cd /mnt/dvdrom
$ ./ comp nodereach -n node1,node2 -verbose

When you enter a CVU command, it provides a summary of the test. During preinstallation, Oracle recommends that you obtain detailed output by using the -verbose argument with the CVU command. The -verbose argument produces detailed output of individual checks. Where applicable, it shows results for each node in a tabular layout.

You can use the -fixup flag with certain CVU commands to generate fixup scripts before installation. Oracle Universal Installer can also generate fixup scripts during installation. The installer then prompts you to run the script as root in a separate terminal session. If you generate a fixup script from the command line, then you can run it as root after it is generated. When you run the script, it raises kernel values to required minimums, if necessary, and completes other operating system configuration.

Run the CVU command-line tool using the cluvfy command. Using cluvfy does not adversely affect your cluster environment or your installed software. You can run cluvfy commands at any time, even before the Oracle Clusterware installation. In fact, CVU is designed to assist you as soon as your hardware and operating system are operational. If you run a command that requires Oracle Clusterware on a node, then CVU reports an error if Oracle Clusterware is not yet installed on that node.

The node list that you use with CVU commands should be a comma-delimited list of host names without a domain. CVU ignores domains while processing node lists. If a CVU command entry has duplicate node entries after removing domain information, then CVU eliminates the duplicate node entries. Wherever supported, you can use the -n all option to verify all of your cluster nodes that are part of a specific Oracle RAC installation.

For network connectivity verification, CVU discovers all of the available network interfaces if you do not specify an interface on the CVU command line. For storage accessibility verification, CVU discovers shared storage for all of the supported storage types if you do not specify a particular storage identification on the command line. CVU also discovers the Oracle Clusterware home if one is available.

CVU Configuration File

You can use the CVU configuration file to define specific inputs for the execution of CVU. The path for the configuration file is CV_HOME/cv/admin/cvu_config. You can modify this using a text editor. The inputs to the tool are defined in the form of key entries. You must follow these rules when modifying the CVU configuration file:

The following is the list of keys supported by CVU:

If CVU does not find a key entry defined in the configuration file, then CVU searches for the environment variable that matches the name of the key. If the environment variable is set, then CVU uses its value, otherwise CVU uses a default value for that entity.

Privileges and Security

CVU assumes that the current user is the user that owns the Oracle software installation, for example, oracle. You do not have to be the root user to use CVU.

Using CVU Help

The cluvfy commands have context sensitive help that shows their usage based on the command-line arguments that you enter. For example, if you enter cluvfy, then CVU displays high-level generic usage text describing the stage and component syntax. The following is a list of context help commands:

You can also use the -help option with any CVU command. For example, cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd -help returns detailed information for that particular command.

If you enter an invalid CVU command, then CVU shows the correct usage for that command. For example, if you type cluvfy stage -pre dbinst, then CVU shows the correct syntax for the precheck commands for the dbinst stage. Enter the cluvfy -help command to see detailed CVU command information.


CVU only supports an English-based syntax and English online help.

Special Topics

This section includes the following topics:

Using CVU to Determine if Installation Prerequisites are Complete

You can use CVU to determine which system prerequisites for installation are completed. Use this option if you are installing Oracle 11g release 2 (11.2) software on a system with a pre-existing Oracle software installation. In using this option, note the following:

Use the following syntax to determine what preinstallation steps are completed, and what preinstallation steps you must perform; running the command with the -fixup flag generates a fixup script to complete kernel configuration tasks as needed:

$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -fixup -n node_list

In the preceding syntax example, replace the node_list variable with the names of the nodes in your cluster, separated by commas. On Windows, you must enclose the comma-delimited node list in double quotation marks ("").

For example, for a cluster with mountpoint /mnt/dvdrom/, and with nodes node1, node2, and node3, enter the following command:

$ cd /mnt/dvdrom/
$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -fixup -n node1,node2,node3

Review the CVU report, and complete additional steps as needed.

See Also:

Your platform-specific installation guide for more information about installing your product

Using CVU with Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or 2

You can use CVU on the Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) media to check system requirements for Oracle Database 10g Release 1 (10.1) and later installations. To use CVU to check 10. 2 installations, append the command -r 10gR2 flag to the standard CVU system check commands.

For example, to perform a verification check for a Cluster Ready Services 10. 2 installation, on a system where the media mountpoint is /mnt/dvdrom, and the cluster nodes are node1, node2, and node3, enter the following command:

$ cd /mnt/dvdrom
$ ./ stage -pre crsinst -n node1,node2,node3 -r 10gR2


If you do not specify a release version to check, then CVU checks for 11g release 2 (11.2) requirements.

Entry and Exit Criteria

When verifying stages, CVU uses entry and exit criteria. In other words, each stage has entry criteria that define a specific set of verification tasks to be performed before initiating that stage. This check prevents you from beginning a stage, such as installing Oracle Clusterware, unless you meet the Oracle Clusterware stage's prerequisites.

The exit criteria for a stage define another set of verification tasks that you must perform after the completion of the stage. Post-checks ensure that the activities for that stage have been completed. Post-checks identify stage-specific problems before they propagate to subsequent stages.

Verbose Mode and UNKNOWN Output

Although by default CVU reports in nonverbose mode by only reporting the summary of a test, you can obtain detailed output by using the -verbose argument. The -verbose argument produces detailed output of individual checks and where applicable shows results for each node in a tabular layout.

If a cluvfy command responds with UNKNOWN for a particular node, then this is because CVU cannot determine whether a check passed or failed. The cause of this could be a loss of reachability or the failure of user equivalence to that node. The cause could also be any system problem that was occurring on that node when CVU was performing a check.

If you run CVU using the -verbose argument and CVU responds with UNKNOWN for a particular node, then this is because CVU cannot determine whether a check passed or failed. The following is a list of possible causes for an UNKNOWN response:

CVU Node List Shortcuts

You can use the following node list shortcuts:

To provide CVU a list of all of the nodes of a cluster, enter -n all. CVU attempts to obtain the node list in the following order:

  1. If vendor clusterware is available, then CVU selects all of the configured nodes from the vendor clusterware using the lsnodes utility.

  2. If Oracle Clusterware is installed, then CVU selects all of the configured nodes from Oracle Clusterware using the olsnodes utility.

  3. If neither the vendor clusterware nor Oracle Clusterware is installed, then CVU searches for a value for the CV_NODE_ALL key in the configuration file.

  4. If vendor clusterware and Oracle Clusterware are not installed and no key named CV_NODE_ALL exists in the configuration file, then CVU searches for a value for the CV_NODE_ALL environmental variable.

If you have not set this variable, then CVU reports an error.

To provide a partial node list, you can set an environmental variable and use it in the CVU command. For example, on Linux or UNIX systems you can enter:

setenv MYNODES node1,node3,node5
cluvfy comp nodecon -n $MYNODES [-verbose]

Cluster Verification Utility Command Reference

This section lists and describes the following CVU commands:

cluvfy comp acfs

Use the cluvfy comp acfs component verification command to check the integrity of Oracle Cluster File System on all nodes in a cluster.


cluvfy comp acfs [-n [node_list] | [all]] [-f file_system] [-verbose]


Table A-2 cluvfy comp acfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.

-f file_system

The name of the file system to check.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp admprv

Use the cluvfy comp admprv command to verify user accounts and administrative permissions-related issues.


cluvfy comp admprv [-n node_list] [-verbose] | -o user_equiv [-sshonly] |
-o crs_inst [-orainv orainventory_group] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir] |]
-o db_inst [-osdba osdba_group] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir] |]
-o db_config -d oracle_home [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]]


Table A-3 cluvfy comp admprv Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

-o user_equiv

Checks user equivalence between the nodes.


Check user equivalence for ssh setup only.

-o crs_inst

Checks administrative privileges for installing Oracle Clusterware.

-orainv orainventory_group

The name of the Oracle inventory group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses oinstall as the inventory group.

-o db_inst

Checks administrative privileges for installing Oracle RAC.

-osdba osdba_group

The name of the OSDBA group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses dba as the OSDBA group.

-o db_config

Checks administrative privileges for creating or configuring a database.

-d oracle_home

The directory where the Oracle software is installed.

-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]

Specifies that if the verification fails, then CVU generates fixup instructions, if feasible. Use the -fixupdir option to specify a specific directory in which CVU generates the fixup instructions. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.

Usage Notes


Example 1: Verifying User Equivalence for All Nodes

You can verify user equivalence for all of the nodes by running the following command:

cluvfy comp admprv -n all -o user_equiv -verbose

cluvfy comp asm

Use the cluvfy comp asm component verification command to check the integrity of Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) on all nodes in the cluster.


cluvfy comp asm [-n node_list | all ] [-verbose]


Table A-4 cluvfy comp asm Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp cfs

Use the cluvfy comp cfs component verification command to check the integrity of the OCFS or OCFS2 file system you provide using the -f option. CVU checks the sharing of the file system from the nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp cfs [-n node_list | all] -f file_system [-verbose]


Table A-5 cluvfy comp cfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.

-f file_system

The name of the file system.


CVU prints detailed output.

Usage Notes


Example 1: Verifying the Integrity of a Cluster File System on All the Nodes

To verify the integrity of the cluster file system /oradbshare on all of the nodes, use the following command:

cluvfy comp cfs -f /oradbshare –n all -verbose

cluvfy comp clocksync

Use the cluvfy comp clocksync component verification command to check Oracle Cluster Time Synchronization Service (CTSS) on all nodes in the node list. If you specify the -noctss option, then CVU does not perform a check on CTSS. Instead, CVU checks the platform's native time synchronization service, such as NTP.


cluvfy comp clocksync [-noctss] [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-6 cluvfy comp clocksync Command Parameters

Parameter Description

Checks the integrity of a clock synchronization service native to the platform other than CTSS.

-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp clu

Use the cluvfy comp clu component verification command to check the integrity of the cluster on all the nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp clu [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-7 cluvfy comp clu Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp clumgr

Use the cluvfy comp clumgr component verification command to check the integrity of Oracle Cluster Synchronization Services (CSS) on all the nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp clumgr [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-8 cluvfy comp clumgr Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp crs

Run the cluvfy comp crs component verification command to check the integrity of all of Oracle Clusterware.


cluvfy comp crs [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-9 cluvfy comp crs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp gns

Use the cluvfy comp gns component verification command to verify the integrity of the Oracle Grid Naming Service (GNS) on the cluster.


cluvfy comp gns [-n node_list] [-verbose]


Table A-10 cluvfy comp gns Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp gpnp

Use the cluvfy comp gpnp component verification command to check the integrity of Grid Plug and Play on all of the nodes in a cluster.


cluvfy comp gpnp [-n node_list] [-verbose]


Table A-11 cluvfy comp gpnp Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list 

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp ha

Use the cluvfy comp ha component verification command to check the integrity of high availability on a local node.


cluvfy comp ha [-verbose]


Table A-12 cluvfy comp ha Command Parameters

Parameter Description

CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp nodeapp

Use the component cluvfy comp nodeapp command to check for the existence of node applications, namely VIP, ONS, and GSD, on all of the nodes.


cluvfy comp nodeapp [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-13 cluvfy comp nodeapp Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp nodecon

Use the cluvfy comp nodecon component verification command to check the connectivity among the nodes specified in the node list. If you provide an interface list, then CVU checks the connectivity using the given interfaces. If you do not provide an interface list, then CVU discovers available interfaces and checks connectivity using each of them.


cluvfy comp nodecon -n [node_list | all] [-i interface_list] [-verbose]


Table A-14 cluvfy comp nodecon Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

-i interface_list

The comma-delimited list of interface names.


CVU prints detailed output.

Usage Notes


Example 1: Verifying the connectivity between nodes through specific network interfaces:

You can verify the connectivity between the nodes node1,node2, and node3, through interface eth0 by running the following command:

cluvfy comp nodecon -n node1,node2,node3 –i eth0 -verbose

Example 2: Discovering all available network interfaces and verifying the connectivity between the nodes in the cluster through those network interfaces:

Use the nodecon command without the -i option and with -n set to all to use CVU to discover all of the network interfaces that are available on the cluster nodes. CVU then reviews the interfaces' corresponding IP addresses and subnets. Using this information, CVU obtains a list of interfaces that are suitable for use as VIPs and a list of interfaces to private interconnects. Finally, CVU verifies the connectivity between all of the nodes in the cluster through those interfaces.

cluvfy comp nodecon -n all -verbose

cluvfy comp nodereach

Use the cluvfy comp nodereach component verification command to check the reachability of specified nodes from a source node. Specify the source node with the -srcnode option. If you do not specify a source node, then the node on which you run the command is used as the source node.


cluvfy comp nodereach -n [node_list | all] [-srcnode node] [-verbose]


Table A-15 cluvfy comp nodereach Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.


The node from which CVU performs the reachability test.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp ocr

Use the cluvfy comp ocr component verification command to check the integrity of Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) on all the nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp ocr [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-16 cluvfy comp ocr Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all 

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.


Example 1: Verifying the integrity of the local OCR on the local node

To verify the integrity of the local OCR on a local node, run the following command:

cluvfy comp ocr

cluvfy comp ohasd

Use the cluvfy comp ohasd component verification command to check the integrity of the Oracle high availability service daemon.


cluvfy comp ohasd [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-17 cluvfy comp ohasd Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all 

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp olr

Use the cluvfy comp olr component verification command to check the integrity of Oracle Local Registry (OLR) on a local node.


cluvfy comp olr [-verbose]


Table A-18 cluvfu comp olr Command Parameters

Parameter Description

CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp peer

Use the cluvfy comp peer component verification command to check the compatibility of the nodes in the node list against the reference node you specify in the -refnode option. If you do not provide a reference node, then CVU reports values for all the nodes in the node list. If you do not specify an OSDBA group, then CVU uses dba. If you do not specify an Oracle inventory group, then CVU uses oinstall.


cluvfy comp peer [-refnode node] -n node_list | all
[-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 | 11gR2}] [-orainv orainventory_group]
[-osdba osdba_group [-verbose]


Table A-19 cluvfy comp peer Command Parameters

Parameter Description

The node that CVU uses as a reference for checking compatibility with other nodes.

-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 |

Specifies the Oracle Database release that CVU checks as required for installation of Oracle Clusterware or Oracle RAC. If you do not specify this option, then CVU assumes Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).

-orainv orainventory_group

The name of the Oracle inventory group. If you do not specify this option, then the utility uses oinstall as the inventory group.

-osdba osdba_group

The name of the OSDBA group. If you do not specify this option, then the utility uses dba as the OSDBA group.


CVU prints detailed output.

Usage Notes

You can also run the comp peer command with the -refnode argument to compare the properties of other nodes against the reference node. If you do not specify a value for -refnode, then CVU only reports the values from all the nodes in the node list.


Example 1: List the values of cluster configuration properties on different nodes:

The following command lists the values of several preselected properties on different nodes from Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2):

cluvfy comp peer -n node1,node2,node4,node7 -verbose

cluvfy comp scan

Use the cluvfy comp scan component verification command to check the Single Client Access Name (SCAN) configuration.


cluvfy comp scan [-verbose]


Table A-20 cluvfy comp scan Command Parameters

Parameter Description

CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp software

Use the cluvfy comp software component verification command to check the files distributed as part of the overall software distribution across nodes.


cluvfy comp software [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-21 cluvfy comp software Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy comp space

Use the cluvfy comp space component verification command to check for free disk space at the location you specify in the -l option on all the nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp space [-n node_list | all] -l storage_location -z disk_space
{B | K | M | G} [-verbose]


Table A-22 cluvfy comp space Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.

-l storage_location

The storage path.

-z disk_space

The required disk space, in units of bytes (B), kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), or gigabytes (G).


CVU prints detailed output.

Usage Notes


Example 1: Verifying the availability of free space on all nodes

You can verify the availability of at least 2 GB of free space at the location /home/dbadmin/products on all of the cluster nodes by running the following command:

cluvfy comp space -n all -l /home/dbadmin/products –z 2G -verbose

cluvfy comp ssa

Use the cluvfy comp ssa component verification command to check the sharing of the locations you specify in the -s option. CVU checks sharing for nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp ssa [-n node_list | all] [-s storageID_list]
[-t {software | data | ocr_vdisk}] [-verbose]


Table A-23 cluvfy comp ssa Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.

-s storageID_list

Checks the sharing of the given storage locations for supported storage types.

If you do not provide the -s option, then CVU discovers supported storage types and checks sharing for each of them.

-t {software | data | 

Checks the type of Oracle files stored on the storage device.

If you do not provide the -t option, then CVU discovers or checks the data type.


CVU prints detailed output.

Usage Notes


Example 1: Discovering All of the Available Shared Storage Systems on Your System

To discover all of the shared storage systems available on your system, run the following command:

cluvfy comp ssa -n all -verbose

Example 2: Verifying the Accessibility of a Specific Storage Location

You can verify the accessibility of a specific storage location, such as /dev/sda, across the cluster nodes by running the following command:

cluvfy comp ssa -n all -s /dev/sda

cluvfy comp sys

Use the cluvfy comp sys component verification command to check the minimum system requirement for the product specified in the -p option on all the nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp sys [-n node_list] -p {crs | ha | database} [-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 |
11gR1 | 11gR2}] [-osdba osdba_group] [-orainv orainventory_group]
[-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]] [-verbose]


Table A-24 cluvfy comp sys Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.

-p {crs | ha | database}

Specifies whether CVU checks the system requirements for Oracle Clusterware, Oracle Restart (HA), or Oracle RAC.

-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 |

Specifies the Oracle Database release that CVU checks as required for installation of Oracle Clusterware or Oracle RAC. If you do not specify this option, then CVU assumes Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).

-osdba osdba_group

The name of the OSDBA group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses dba as the OSDBA group.

-orainv orainventory_group

The name of the Oracle inventory group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses oinstall as the inventory group.

-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]

Specifies that if the verification fails, then CVU generates fixup instructions, if feasible. Use the -fixupdir option to specify a specific directory in which CVU generates the fixup instructions. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.


CVU prints detailed output.


Example 1: Verifying the System Requirements for Installing Oracle Clusterware

To verify the system requirements for installing Oracle Clusterware on the cluster nodes known as node1,node2 and node3, run the following command:

cluvfy comp sys -n node1,node2,node3 -p crs -verbose

cluvfy comp vdisk

Use the cluvfy comp vdisk component verification command to check the Udev settings for Oracle Clusterware voting disks on all nodes in the node list.


cluvfy comp vdisk [-n node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-25 cluvfy comp vdisk Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] cfs

Use the cluvfy stage -pre cfs stage verification command to perform checks on all nodes in a cluster before setting up the Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS).

Use the cluvfy stage -post cfs stage verification command to perform checks on all nodes in a cluster for the file system you specify with the -f option after setting up Oracle ACFS.


cluvfy stage -pre cfs -n [node_list | all] -s storageID_list [-verbose]

cluvfy stage -post cfs -n [node_list | all] -f file_system [-verbose]


Table A-26 cluvfy stage [-pre|-post] cfs Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

-s storageID_list

Checks a comma-delimited list of storage locations for supported storage types.

-f file_system

The name of the file system to check.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] crsinst

Use the cluvfy stage -pre crsinst command to check all the nodes in the node list before installing Oracle Clusterware. CVU performs additional checks on OCR and voting disks if you specify the -c and -q options.

Use the cluvfy stage -post crsinst command to check all nodes in the node list after installing Oracle Clusterware.


cluvfy stage -pre crsinst -n [node_list] [-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 | 11gR2}]
[-c ocr_location_list] [-q voting_disk_list] [-osdba osdba_group]
[-orainv orainventory_group] [-asm -asmgrp asmadmin_group]
[-asm -asmdev asm_device_list] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir] [-verbose]]

cluvfy stage -post crsinst -n node_list [-verbose]


Table A-27 cluvfy stage [-pre|-post] crsinst Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification.

-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 |

Specifies the Oracle Database release that CVU checks as required for installation of Oracle Clusterware. If you do not specify this option, then CVU assumes Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).

-c ocr_location_list

The directory or file system where the OCR is located.

-q voting_disk_list

The comma-delimited list of directory paths for voting disks.

-osdba osdba_group

The name of the OSDBA group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses dba as the OSDBA group.

-orainv orainventory_group

The name of the Oracle inventory group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses oinstall as the inventory group.

-asm -asmgrp asmadmin_group

The name of the Oracle ASM group.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses dba as the Oracle ASM group.

-asm -asmdev asm_device_list

The list of devices you plan for Oracle ASM to use.

If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses an internal operating system-dependent value.

-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]

Specifies that if the verification fails, then CVU generates fixup instructions, if feasible. Use the -fixupdir option to specify a specific directory in which CVU generates the fixup instructions. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg

Use the cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg command to check all the nodes in the node list before configuring an Oracle RAC database to verify whether your system meets all of the criteria for creating a database or for making a database configuration change.


cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg -n [node_list] -d Oracle_home [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]]


Table A-28 cluvfy stage -pre dbcfg Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification.

-d Oracle_home

The Oracle home location for the database that is being checked.

-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]

Specifies that if the verification fails, then CVU generates fixup instructions, if feasible. Use the -fixupdir option to specify a specific directory in which CVU generates the fixup instructions. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage -pre dbinst

Use the cluvfy stage -pre dbinst command to check the nodes in the node list before installing an Oracle RAC database to verify that your system meets all of the criteria for an Oracle RAC installation.


cluvfy stage -pre dbinst -n [node_list] [-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 | 11gR2}]
[-osdba osdba_group] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir] [-verbose]


Table A-29 cluvfy stage -pre dbinst Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list 

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification.

-r {10gR1 | 10gR2 | 11gR1 | 11gR2}

Specifies the Oracle Database release that CVU checks as required for installation of Oracle RAC. If you do not specify this option, then CVU assumes Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2).

-osdba osdba_group

The name of the OSDBA group. The name of the OSDBA group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses dba as the OSDBA group.

[-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir

The name of the Oracle inventory group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses oinstall as the inventory group. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] hacfg

Use the cluvfy stage -pre hacfg command to check a local node before configuring a high availability installation.


cluvfy stage -pre hacfg [-osdba osdba_group] [-orainv orainventory_group]
[-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]] [-verbose]

cluvfy stage -post hacfg [-verbose]


Table A-30 cluvfy stage [-pre|-post] hacfg Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-osdba osdba_group

The name of the OSDBA group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses dba as the OSDBA group.

-orainv orainventory_group

The name of the Oracle inventory group. If you do not specify this option, then CVU uses oinstall as the inventory group.

-fixup -fixupdir fixup_dir

Specifies that if the verification fails, then CVU generates fixup instructions, if feasible. Use the -fixupdir option to specify a specific directory in which CVU generates the fixup instructions. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage -post hwos

Use the cluvfy stage -post hwos stage verification command to perform network and storage verifications on all the nodes in the cluster.


cluvfy stage -post hwos -n [node_list | all] [-s storageID_list] [-verbose]


Table A-31 cluvfy stage -post hwos Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.

-s storageID_list

Checks a comma-delimited list of storage locations for supported storage types.

If you do not provide the -s option, then CVU discovers supported storage types and checks sharing for each of them.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] nodeadd

Use the cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd command to check the nodes that you want to add to an existing cluster, and to verify the integrity of the cluster before you add the nodes.

This command verifies that the system configuration, such as the operating system version, software patches, packages, and kernel parameters, for the nodes that you want to add, is compatible with the existing cluster nodes, and that the clusterware is successfully operating on the existing nodes. Run this node on any node of the existing cluster.

Use the cluvfy stage -post nodeadd command to verify that any number of specific nodes has been successfully added to the cluster at the network, shared storage, and clusterware levels.


cluvfy stage -pre nodeadd -n [node_list] [-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]] [-verbose]

cluvfy stage -post nodeadd -n [node_list] [-verbose]


Table A-32 cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] nodeadd Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

A comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. These are nodes you are adding to the cluster.

-fixup [-fixupdir fixup_dir]

Specifies that if the verification fails, then CVU generates fixup instructions, if feasible. Use the -fixupdir option to specify a specific directory in which CVU generates the fixup instructions. If you do not specify a directory, CVU uses its work directory.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage -post nodedel

Use the cluvfy stage -post nodedel command to verify that specific nodes have been successfully deleted from a cluster. Typically, this command verifies that the node-specific interface configuration details have been removed, the nodes are no longer a part of cluster configuration, and proper Oracle ASM cleanup has been performed.


cluvfy stage -post nodedel -n [node_list | all] [-verbose]


Table A-33 cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] nodedel Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list | all

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you specify all, then CVU checks all of the nodes in the cluster.


CVU prints detailed output.

cluvfy stage [-pre | -post] acfscfg

Use the cluvfy stage -pre acfscfg command to check an existing cluster before you configure Oracle ACFS.

Use the cluvfy stage -post acfscfg to check an existing cluster after you configure Oracle ACFS.


cluvfy stage -pre acfscfg [-n node_list] -asmdev asm_device_list [-verbose]

cluvfy stage -post acfscfg -n [node_list] [-verbose]


Table A-34 cluvfy stage [-pre|-post] acfscfg Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-n node_list

The comma-delimited list of nondomain qualified node names on which to conduct the verification. If you do not specify this option, then CVU checks only the local node.

-asmdev asm_device_list

The list of devices you plan for Oracle ASM to use.

-asmgroup asmadmin_group(s)

The comma-delimited list of Oracle ASM disk groups to be verified.


CVU prints detailed output.

Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Output for CVU

This section describes the following troubleshooting topics for CVU:

Enabling Tracing

You can enable tracing by setting the environment variable SRVM_TRACE to true. For example, in tcsh an entry such as setenv SRVM_TRACE true enables tracing. The CVU trace files are created in the CV_HOME/cv/log directory. Oracle Database automatically rotates the log files and the most recently created log file has the name cvutrace.log.0. You should remove unwanted log files or archive them to reclaim disk place if needed. CVU does not generate trace files unless you enable tracing.

To choose the location in which CVU generates the trace files, set the CV_TRACELOC environment variable to the absolute path of the desired trace directory.

Known Issues for the Cluster Verification Utility

This section describes the following known limitations for CVU:

Database Versions Supported by Cluster Verification Utility

The current CVU release supports only Oracle Database 10g or higher, Oracle RAC, and Oracle Clusterware and CVU is not backward compatible. In other words, CVU cannot check or verify Oracle Database products before Oracle Database 10g.

Linux Shared Storage Accessibility (ssa) Check Reports Limitations

The current release of cluvfy has the following limitations on Linux regarding shared storage accessibility check.

Shared Disk Discovery on Red Hat Linux

To perform discovery and shared storage accessibility checks for SCSI disks on Red Hat Linux 4.0 (or higher) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server, CVU requires the CVUQDISK package. If you attempt to use CVU and the CVUQDISK package is not installed on all of the nodes in your Oracle RAC environment, then CVU responds with an error.

Perform the following procedure to install the CVUQDISK package:

  1. Login as the root user.

  2. Copy the rpm, cvuqdisk-1.0.6-1.rpm, to a local directory. You can find this rpm in the rpm subdirectory of the top-most directory in the Oracle Clusterware installation media. For example, you can find cvuqdisk-1.0.6-1.rpm in the directory /mountpoint/clusterware/rpm/ where mountpoint is the mounting point for the disk on which the directory is located.

  3. Set the CVUQDISK_GRP environment variable to a group that should own the CVUQDISK package binaries. If CVUQDISK_GRP is not set, then, by default, the oinstall group is the owner's group.

  4. Determine whether previous versions of the CVUQDISK package are installed by running the command rpm -q cvuqdisk. If you find previous versions of the CVUQDISK package, then remove them by running the command rpm -e cvuqdisk previous_version where previous_version is the identifier of the previous CVUQDISK version.

  5. Install the latest CVUQDISK package by running the command rpm -iv cvuqdisk-1.0.6-1.rpm.