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Oracle® Real Application Clusters Installation Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2) for Microsoft Windows

Part Number E10818-02
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6 Configuring Server Pools and Enterprise Manager Database Control

This chapter describes server pool and Enterprise Manager Database Control configuration in Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environments.

This chapter contains the following topics:

6.1 Understanding Server Pools

Server pools are logical divisions of a cluster into pools of servers, which are allocated to host databases or other applications. Server pools are managed using crsctl and srvctl commands.

Each server pool name must be unique within the cluster. You cannot have two server pools using the same name.

There are two styles of server pool management:

6.1.1 Policy-based Cluster and Capacity Management

Using policy-based server pool management, database administrators define resource requirements for the workload, including the following:

  • Defining the number of servers or instances preferred for the application. Oracle Clusterware automatically allocates resources up to the number specified, so long as they are physically available, and relocates a resource to another node as necessary.

  • Defining the number of instances required to support the application.

Resources are no longer defined as belonging to a specific instance or node. Instead, the priority of resource requirements is defined.

See Also:

Oracle Real Application Clusters Administration and Deployment Guide for more information about policy-based management and server pools

6.2 Configuring Enterprise Manager Database Control

You can use DBCA, which provides a graphical user interface to configure your Oracle RAC database. However, if you want to use a command line interface to configure your database to use Database Control, then you can use the Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant (EMCA) utility.

The following sections describe how Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control can be configured after installation:

6.2.1 Understanding EMCA with Oracle RAC

When you use EMCA to configure Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Control for Oracle RAC, you configure Database Control for each instance in the cluster. However, by default, the Database Control console starts only on the local node. On every other node of the cluster, only the Enterprise Manager agent starts. This is because the Database Control console opens a number of connections to the database. If an instance of the console is running on every host in the cluster, then you may easily exceed the maximum number of permitted open connections on a 32-node or 64-node environment.

When Database Control console is started on the local node, on every other node, the commands emctl start dbconsole and emctl stop dbconsole start and stop only the EM agent. Each of the remote agents upload their respective data to the Database Control console running on the local node, where you can monitor and manage all the targets in the cluster.

6.2.2 Using DBCA to Configuring an Existing Database to Use Database Control

The primary method for configuring an existing Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) database to be managed with Enterprise Manager Database Control is to use DBCA. You can use DBCA to create a new database or to reconfigure an existing database.

See Also:

"Installing Oracle Software and Building the Database" in Oracle Database 2 Day DBA for more information about using DBCA to create a new database instance, and Oracle Database 2 Day + Real Application Clusters Guide for Oracle RAC examples using DBCA

To use DBCA to reconfigure your database so it can be managed with Database Control:

  1. Log into the database host as an Administrator user.

  2. Click Start, and select Programs, then Oracle - Oracle_home name. In the Configuration and Migration Tools, folder select Database Configuration Assistant.

    The DBCA Welcome page appears.

  3. Advance to the Operations page and select Configure Database Options.

  4. Advance to the Database page and select the database you want to configure.

  5. Advance to the Management Options page and select the following options:

    • Configure the Database with Enterprise Manager

    • Use Database Control for Database Management

  6. Optionally, select the options for enabling e-mail notifications and enabling daily backups.

    For more information about Enterprise Manager notifications and daily backups, click Help on the Management Options page.

  7. Advance until the Finish button is available.

  8. Click Finish to reconfigure the database so it uses Database Control.

    After DBCA reconfigures the database, a new subdirectory appears in the Oracle home. This directory contains Database Control configuration and state files specific to the database you just configured. For Oracle RAC databases, this directory is named using the following format:


    For example, node node1 in the Oracle RAC database myNewDB appears as follows:


6.2.3 Configuring Database Control After Installation Using EMCA

Enterprise Manager Configuration Assistant (EMCA) provides a command line interface for configuring Database Control.


During configuration of Database Control using EMCA, the database may become unavailable and users may not be able to connect to the database or perform operations on the database.

To configure Database Control with EMCA:

  1. Set the default Oracle home to the location of the home directory for the database you are modifying. See "Working with Multiple Oracle Home Directories on Windows" for details.

  2. Change directory to the Oracle_home\bin directory.

  3. Start EMCA by entering the following command with any of the optional command-line arguments shown in Table G-1 in Appendix G:

    Oracle_home\bin> emca.bat

    Depending upon the arguments you include on the EMCA command line, EMCA prompts you for additional information required to configure Database Control.

    For example, enter the following command to configure Database Control so it will perform automatic daily backups of your database:

    Oracle_home\bin> emca.bat -config dbcontrol db -backup


To configure Database Console for single instance database using Oracle ASM, you do not need to include extra parameters in the EMCA command. Simply run the following command to configure the Database Console and EMCA automatically detects the Oracle ASM instance:
emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create

6.2.4 Reconfiguring Existing Database Control Configurations on Remote Nodes

If you upgrade an existing Oracle RAC database configured with Database Control to the current release, then the existing Database Control configuration is retained. For example, if you have an Oracle RAC 10g release 1 database, then the existing Database Control configuration has a Database Console running on each cluster node. If you upgrade this database to Oracle Database 11g release 2, then the Database Control console will still be started on each individual node.

If you want to modify the Database Control configuration on all the nodes in the cluster, then use the following command:

emca -reconfig dbcontrol –cluster –EM_NODE nodename -EM_NODE_LIST NODE_list

where nodename is the public name of the node where the console runs and NODE_list is a comma-delimited list of nodes. This command reconfigures the current Database Control setup and performs the following actions in sequence:

  1. Starts a Database Control Console on nodename, if one has not been started yet.

  2. Redirects the agents monitoring the database instances on the nodes specified by NODE_list so that they upload their data to the console running on nodename. Also, agents monitoring database instances on nodename will also upload their data to the local console. Note that if you do not enter the command options -EM_NODE or -EM_NODE_LIST at the command line, then you are prompted for them.

-EM_NODE defaults to the local node if not specified when prompted. -EM_NODE_LIST defaults to all nodes where the database is configured.


If you use the command emca -reconfig dbcontrol -cluster to configure Database Control for Oracle RAC, then check the TNS_ADMIN environment variable on all cluster nodes. If you have a different TNS_ADMIN set for each node, then the listener for the target cannot be configured correctly. In this case, set the same TNS_ADMIN on all cluster nodes before running the emca -reconfig dbcontrol -cluster command.

You can use this command to start the console on more than one node. For example, on an 8-node cluster with nodes node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7, and node8, you can run the following commands in succession:

emca -reconfig dbcontrol –cluster –EM_NODE node1 -EM_NODE_LIST node2,node3,node4
emca -reconfig dbcontrol –cluster –EM_NODE node5 -EM_NODE_LIST node6,node7,node8

In this scenario, two Database Control consoles started: one on node1 and the other on node5. You can manage and monitor all targets in the cluster from either of these two consoles.

For information on the current cluster configuration, you can run the following command:

emca -displayConfig dbcontrol -cluster

This command prompts for the database unique name for the cluster database. It prints the current configuration to the screen, indicating the nodes that have consoles running on them and the consoles where each agent is uploading.

6.2.5 Updating Database Control Configuration When Adding and Removing Nodes

On cluster policy managed databases, another common operation is the addition and deletion of cluster nodes. After you add a new node, you can run EMCA to configure Database Control or central agent management for that node using the command emca -addNode db. Running EMCA only configures Enterprise Manager so that you can manage the instance in a way consistent with the rest of the cluster database instances.

When configuring Enterprise Manager for a new node, run the EMCA command only after you have added the node. Also, run the command from a node in the cluster that already has Enterprise Manager configured for it, because the Enterprise Manager configuration settings on the existing node are propagated to the new node when you run the command. Because the -addNode option can be used only in an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, you do not need to use the -cluster option on the command line.

After running the command emca -addNode db, enter the node name and database unique name for the node and database. For example:

Node name: node2
Database Unique Name: EM102

To deconfigure Enterprise Manager for a specific node you are deleting from the cluster, log into a different node from the one you plan to delete, and use the command emca -deleteNode db. Running this command removes the Enterprise Manager configuration so that you will no longer be able to manage the instance with Enterprise Manager on that node. Ensure that you run the EMCA command before you delete the actual cluster node. Because this option can be used only in an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, you do not need to use the -cluster option on the command line.

6.2.6 Using an Input File for EMCA Parameters

Instead of answering a series of prompts when you run EMCA, you can use the -respFile argument to specify an input file. The input file you create must be in a format similar to the following example:


After you create an EMCA input file, you can use it on the command line as follows:

Oracle_home\bin> emca -config dbcontrol db -respFile input_file_path

For example, to configure Database Control to perform daily backups and create the Database Control Management Repository, create an input file similar to the one shown in the following example:


When you have created the input file, then enter the following command at the operating system prompt:

Oracle_home\bin> emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create -backup -respFile

6.2.7 Specifying the Ports Used By Database Control

When you initially install Oracle RAC 11g release 2 (11.2) or configure Database Control with EMCA, Database Control uses a set of default system ports. For example, by default, you access Database Control using port 1158 in Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2), as in:


This is the default port assigned to Database Control by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). Likewise, the default Database Control Agent port, as assigned by the IANA, is 3938.

To use ports other than the default ports, use the following EMCA command-line arguments when you initially configure Database Control with EMCA.


You can also use the following EMCA command-line arguments to configure Database Control after you have installed and configured Oracle RAC 11g release 2 (11.2).

The following list summarizes the EMCA command-line arguments that control the standard Database Control port assignments:

  • -DBCONTROL_HTTP_PORT port_number

    This port number is used in the Database Control Console URL. For example, if you set this port to 5570, then you can then display the Database Control Console using the following URL:

  • -RMI_PORT port_number

    This port number is used by the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) system, which is part of the J2EE software required by Database Control. The default port can be changed if the user wants to configure a specific port for Database Console. When a port other than the default port (1521) is used, use the -RMI_PORT or -JMS_PORT options along with the emca reconfig command.

  • -JMS_PORT port_number

    This port is used by the OC4J Java Message Service (JMS), which is part of the J2EE software required by Database Control. The default port can be changed if the user wants to configure a specific port for Database Console. When a port other than the default port (1521) is used, use the -RMI_PORT or -JMS_PORT options along with the emca reconfig command.

  • -AGENT_PORT port_number

    This port is used by the Database Control Management Agent, which is monitoring and administering the database for the Database Control.

Alternatively, you can explicitly assign ports after configuring Database Control using the following command, where arguments refers to the command-line arguments listed previously for specifying the ports:

emca -reconfig ports [-cluster] [arguments]

6.2.8 EMCA Troubleshooting Tips

The following section describes some troubleshooting tips to consider when using EMCA to configure the Database Control: Using EMCA After Changing the Database Listener Port

If you change the listener port of the database after you have configured Database Control, then the database status will appear as down. To reconfigure Database Control to use the new listener port, run the EMCA command using the -config dbcontrol db [-cluster] command-line arguments. Upgrading Grid Control Agents for Oracle Database 11g Release 2

When upgrading an Oracle Database 10g release 1 database instance that was configured for Oracle Enterprise Manager (either Database Control or a Grid Control central agent) to an Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) database, all Enterprise Manager targets for the upgraded instances are updated automatically. This is because the upgrade involves altering the Oracle Home for the instance, the port numbers, or other target-associated properties.

If an upgraded target is managed by a Grid Control Agent, then it might not be updated successfully during the upgrade. To update these targets, perform the following steps:

  1. Use Grid Control to access the Home page of the upgraded target.

  2. On the Home page for the upgraded target, select Monitoring Configuration.

  3. On the Monitoring Configuration page, update the properties to the correct values as needed, for example, Oracle Home, listener port and so on. Using EMCA After Changing the Database Host Name or IP Address

After changing the database host name (including the domain name) or the IP address for a node, you must deconfigure Database Console for that database and then reconfigure it using EMCA with the -repos create flag. For example:

emca -deconfig dbcontrol db -repos drop
emca -config dbcontrol db -repos create


emca -deconfig dbcontrol db
emca -config dbcontrol db -repos recreate Using EMCA When the TNS Configuration Is Changed

When the TNS configuration is changed, set the environment variable and then run the following command:

emca -config dbcontrol db