Cumulative IR Tables for 6.0.13 and Higher

This document contains the published Fixed Issue tables from the Release Notes for the 6.0.13 and higher service packs. The tables are listed in ascending order, beginning with the first service pack and continuing to the most recent.

MSS 6.0.13


Fixed Issue


Application Server

Issue ID: CR00259765

Internal CR#: CR00259856

Problem: When the user runs the build nur.ear.file, several errors occur.

Resolution: The missing files _toolbar.jsp, _informationbarempty.jsp and _dockbarempty.jsp are added and now the user will be able to run the build nur.ear.file without an error.

Application Server

Issue ID: CR00259124

Internal CR#: CR00265768

Problem: On the Provisioning Plan window of a PSR Order, when the user assigns a Provisioning Plan and tries to initiate the gateway event associated with XML API, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the gateway event will accept a serv_item_id having a value greater than zero, so that when the user assigns a Provisioning Plan and initiates a gateway event associated with XML API, the application will not hang.


Issue ID: CR00259410

Internal CR#: CR00263814

Problem: The user right clicks on an ASR Order and selects New From. When right clicking on the new order and selecting the Confirmation Notice option, the Confirmation Notice Remarks section on the Form Remarks pop-up is not blank, instead it displays the remarks of the previous order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks and selects Confirmation Notice, the Confirmation Notice Remarks section on the Form Remarks pop-up will be blank.

Background Processor

Issue ID: CR00260875

Internal CR#: CR00262948

Problem: On the DLR-Reconciliation Background Processor, when the user tries to send a background process, it throws a ‘ran out of shared memory’ error.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to send a background process on the DLR-Reconciliation Background Processor
without an error

Background Processor

Issue ID: CR-00259960

Internal CR#: CR00261047

Problem: On running the Job Manager continuously, the following error occurs:“A database error has occured.The error message is: Error-No SQLCA defined”.

Resolution: On the Job Manager, under
Preferences>Refresh rate, the Refresh rate preference is set to 60 seconds. Now when the Job Manager is run continuously, the error will not occur.

Background Processor

Issue ID: CR00259486

Internal CR#: CR00261259

Problem: When an application is running on the Background Server, the user is not able to select more than one equipment successfully.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects more than one equipment on the Background Server, the following message will be
displayed: 'More than one equipment available to cross connect.', Exclamation!, Ok!, 1’.


Issue ID: CR00265007

Internal CR#: CR00265371

Problem: When the user upgrades the script in pfixSQL_Master.sql on the UNIX environment, a mismatch occurs between the entry in pfixSQL_Master.sql and the actual name of the script.

Resolution: The missing file, R250018.sql has been added to pfixSQL_Master.sql, and now the user will be able to upgrade the script successfully.


Issue ID: CR00263222

Internal CR#: CR00265345

Problem: On the Access Customer Account Search window, when the user clicks on Add New link and enters information under the General tab on the
Access Customer pop-up and then tries to navigate to another tab, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user navigates to another tab from the Access Customer pop-up, the application will not hang.


Issue ID: CR00265733

Internal CR#: CR00266675

Problem: When the user tries to install 6.0.12 on Oracle 10g, the scripts a_users.sql and app_users.sql fail due to the availability of quota on the temp tablespace clause in the scripts.

Resolution: The quota on the temp tablespace clause for creating the new user has been revised and now the user will be able to upgrade the scripts


Issue ID: CR00202780

Internal CR#: CR00206527

Problem: On the Circuit_Xref database table, under the Circuit_Xref_Type field, the values C, S and K are not available. 

Resolution: The new values C, S and K are now added under the Circuit_Xref_Type field on the
Circuit_Xref database table.


Issue ID: CR00257673

Internal CR#: CR00257797

Problem: On the Access Customer Terminal Locations/Gateway Search window, when the user presses F1 or selects Help F1 from the Help menu
to open the Help window, the following error occurs: Error 404 -- Not Found.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user presses F1 or selects Help F1 from the Help menu, the Help window will open without an error.


Issue ID: CR00260537

Internal CR#: CR00265191

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Connection Design>Connection Summary, the Notes section does not display the last line of the text.

Resolution: The code was modified and a scroll bar will now get activated when the user clicks on the Notes section. The complete text including the last line will be displayed.


Issue ID: CR00262773

Internal CR#: CR00266620

Problem: On the Network System Design>Managing a Component>Equipment Association, when the user double clicks on Add  Equipment Association to go to the Equipment Inventory window, the equipments are not displayed in the order in which they are associated.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to view the equipments in the order in which they are associated on the Equipment Inventory window.


Issue ID: CR00263327

Internal CR#: CR00263663

Problem: On the PSR Ordering window:
1.         The values selected in the Line Coding
and Framing drop downs do not get populated under Connection Design>Properties>General.
2.         The value selected in the Rate Code drop down does not get populated in the Clock SRC field under Connection Design>Properties>Custom Attributes.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the values selected in the Line Coding, Framing and Rate Code drop downs will get populated correctly under Connection Design>Properties.


Issue ID: CR00261371

Internal CR#: CR00262141

Problem: On Network System Design>Managing a Connection>Connection Positions, when the user changes the Rate Code of an existing connection and saves, a data-related error occurs followed by a message prompt: “Save of network system failed”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to change the Rate Code of an existing connection on the Network System successfully without an error.


Issue ID: CR00258507

Internal CR#: CR00258578

Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, the user searches for the connections present on two Network Locations from where a DLC Network was disconnected earlier. The connections between the Network Locations are displayed on the Connection Hierarchy window. However, the user is unable to assign a connection to a facility due to data-related errors.

Resolution: The code was modified and
now the user will be able to assign a
connection to a facility without an error.


Issue ID: CR00262021

Internal CR#: CR00265363

Problem: On Connection Design>
Connection Hierarchy>SONET Provisioning, the user assigns a T3 connection to a channel on a SONET Network having an Equipment association,
then right clicks the Equipment and
selects Modify Search to search
for all the available Equipments
on the Network Location. However,
in the search results, the Equipment
(associated to the SONET Network)
right clicked by the user for search
is not highlighted.

Resolution: The code was modified and
now the Equipment (associated to
the SONET Network) right clicked by the user for search will be highlighted.


Issue ID: CR00201597

Internal CR#: CR00187428

Problem: On Background Server>Work
Queue Manager, the user double clicks
on a task to open the Product Service
Request window of the order, then selects the Trunk Group on that order and clicks on the Translation button. The Tech Translation –Trunk Group Summary Report that opens, does not display correct values in the fields DSGCON, DSG TEL, NSP DSGCON, NSP TEL, Local Contact and Access TEL from the Administrative and End User Location sections.

Resolution: The fields DSGCON, DSG TEL, NSP DSGCON, NSP TEL, Local Contact and Access TEL from Administrative and End User Location sections are removed from the Tech Translation –Trunk Group Summary Report.


Issue ID: CR00259408

Internal CR#: CR00259542

Problem: The user creates a Trunk Group connection between two Network Locations specifying their Point Code values, and then under Trunk Group Information>TCIC, enters values in the TCIC fields.When creating another Trunk Group connection between the same Network Locations with different values in the Point Code fields, both the first and the second Point Code values are displayed under Trunk Group

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a second Trunk Group connection between the same two Network Locations with different Point Code values, only the second Point Code values will be displayed under Trunk
Group Information>TCIC.


Issue ID: CR00265598

Internal CR#: CR00266111

Problem: On the Connection Design
Search window, for fields with Set Criteria, when the user specifies Set Criteria with more than the characters allowed for the field, an error occurs. For example, when the user specifies LIKE 38% in the Identification field, the following error message occurs: “Item "Like 38%" in
column "Identification" does not pass
validation test”.

Resolution: The code was modified and
now the user will be able to specify Set Criteria with any number of characters.


Issue ID: CR00259776

Internal CR#: CR00267117

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user
assigns a T3 Connection to a DS3 port
of an Equipment, and a T1 Connection
to a DS1 port of the same Equipment
and disconnects the two connections
whose status becomes Pending
Disconnect. When again assigning
a new T3 Connection to the DS3 port,
the following error occurs: "Unable to
assign this circuit because an enabled
port address has a facility assigned".

Resolution: The code was modified
and now the user will be able to assign a new T3 Connection to a DS3 port of an Equipment having two Pending Disconnect connections, and an error will not occur.


Issue ID: CR00259771

Internal CR#: CR00259902

Problem: On the Tasks window of an
ISR Order, under the Task List tab, the
user modifies the dates for the tasks
in the Task Due Date column.However, when the user selects the Preview CLR option from Connection Design>Connection Summary>Output, the CLR Report does not display the new dates for the following tasks: DLRD, CDLRD, WOT, PTD, DD under the CLR Admin tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the modified dates of the tasks under the Task Due Date column will be saved and displayed on the Print Preview window for the following tasks: DLRD, CDLRD, WOT, PTD, DD under the CLR Admin tab. 


Issue ID: CR00259853

Internal CR#: CR00259918

Problem: On an ISR Order for a Facility
connection, the user assigns DD, DLRD and PTD tasks and completes the order, then subsequently creates a Disconnect Order for the same connection but assigns only the DD, and DLRD tasks, and not the PTD task. However, in Connection Design
>Provisioning>Additional Details of the Disconnect Order, the PTD field also gets populated with the PTD value of the first ISR Order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user assigns only the DD and DLRD tasks on a Disconnect Order, the PTD field in Connection Design>Provisioning>Additional
Details will not display any value.


Issue ID: CR00259393

Internal CR#: CR00267980

Problem: On the Connection Design window, the user selects the CLR/DLR Design option and clicks No on the message prompt that appears:
"There are disconnect lines on this
design.Remove disconnect lines?"
On opening the CLR/DLR Design
option again, the message prompt fails to reappear.

Resolution: The code was modified and
now when the user clicks No on the
message prompt the first time, and
opens the CLR/DLR Design option
again, the message prompt will reappear.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00244110

Problem: On the Cross Connect Report, when the user enters a value of 11 characters in the Location field, the Relay Rack drop down field takes time to get populated. Also, when the user clicks on the Printable Page tab on the Assembly Cross-Connect Report, the response time is very slow.

Resolution: The code was modified and the now the response time will be much faster in both the above situations.


Issue ID: CR00251419

Internal CR#: CR00255295

Problem: On a PSR Order having an OC3 Connection, the user creates a child order, and assigns this OC3 Connection to a port of an Equipment, and then subsequently assigns a new T3 Connection to the OC3 Connection upon which a Cascading Reconciliation process occurs. However, after the completion of the Reconciliation process, in Connection Design>Additional Details>Product Catalog, the product details of the child circuits are not displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Additional Details>Product Catalog, the product details of the child circuits will be displayed after a Cascading Reconciliation process.



Issue ID: CR00259959

Internal CR#: CR00260517

Problem: The user creates a Change Order of an ISR Trunk Order having sequential TCICs 25 to 48, and changes the values in the Address Signaling drop
down fields on the Connection Identification window from 7 to M. The TCIC tab on Connection Identification>Trunk Group Information now becomes disabled. When the user creates another ISR Trunk Order between the two same Network Locations as in the first order, and again assigns TCICs sequentially from 25 to 48, instead of the TCICs getting assigned, the following error occurs: “TCIC: 25 already exists for
this Point Code combination. Please begin sequential numbering with a different number or a number greater than 48”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign the same sequence of TCICs for the newly created Trunk between the same Network Locations, when the previous Trunk signalling is changed from SS7 to NON-SS7.


Issue ID: CR00262080

Internal CR#: CR00264821

Problem: On the Connection Design
window, under Provisioning>Connection
Summary>CLR/DLR Design, when the user clicks the Reconcile Assignments link to view the Connection Reconciliation pop-up, a java.lang.NullpointerException error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified
and now when the user clicks on the Reconcile Assignments link, the Connection Reconciliation pop-up
will open without an error.


Issue ID: CR00262955

Internal CR#: CR00265144

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user disconnects a connection having a Cross Reference whose status becomes Pending Disconnect. On the Work Queue window, the user then opens the DLRD task of a new T1 Connection to go to the Service Request Connections window, and clicks on Options>Group Disconnect to make the Pending Disconnect connection as In Progress. In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when copying the In Progress connection, the following error occurs: "The Circuit Xref represented by the selected block no longer exists".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user will be able to copy the Connection Reference from the Pending Disconnect connection through Copy Design when the Circuit status is In Progress, and also delete the Connection Cross Reference from the copied connection in the Connection Design window without an error.


Issue ID: CR00267085

Internal CR#: CR00267188

Problem: On an EWO, under the
Manage Connections window, when
the user removes Trunk Connections
with In Progress and Pending statuses,
the following error occurs: “Error Number 2. Error text = Null object reference. Window/Menu/Object = w_asr_
remove_trunk_number_range. Error Object/Control = w_asr_
remove_trunk_number_range. Script = of_chk_mpo_for_new_trunks. Line in Script = 16.”, and the application gets terminated.

Resolution: The code was modified and
now when the user removes Trunk
Connections with In Progress and
Pending statuses, the following warning message will be displayed: “You cannot delete a circuit for an order once the Design Lines have been drawn. The circuit(s) listed will not be deleted”. The application will also not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00201573

Internal CR#: CR00131901

Problem: On the Trunk Group Information
window, under the TGN and Member
Assignment tab, the Two Six Code
field is disabled.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Two Six Code field will be enabled under the TGN and Member Assignment tab.


Issue ID: CR00251780

Internal CR#: CR00251834

Problem: On Connection Design>
Provisioning>Schematic Design of a Virtual Connection, when the user selects all the nodes and connections, then right clicks and selects the Remove Connections option, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified
and now the user will be able to
successfully remove connections in Connection Design>Provisioning>
Schematic Design of a Virtual Connection,
and the application will also not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00248932

Internal CR#: CR00254565

Problem: The user supplements a PSR Order and then under Order Maintenance>Order Information,
right clicks on any of the tabs under the Contacts tab and selects a Customer Account to enter a value of  more than 15 characters in the Last Name field on the
Service Request Contact Information pop up. However, on the Work Queue window,
an exception error occurs when the user double clicks on a task to navigate to the Service Request Connections window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to supplement a PSR Order and enter a value in the Last Name field with more than15 characters
on the Service Request Contact Information pop up, since the length of the field was increased from 15 to 75 characters.


Issue ID: CR00252018

Internal CR#: CR00255754

Problem: Under My Preferences
>Inventory Management>Connection
Design, the user modifies the values
for the fields EC DSGCON, EC MCO EC OCO and EC TEL, and on the Internal Service Request window, selects C-Change from the Activity drop down and saves the same. However, these modified values do not get saved in Connection Design>Provisioning>Additional Detail.

Resolution: The code was modified and
now the modified values for the fields
EC DSGCON, EC MCO EC OCO and EC TEL will be saved in Connection Design>Provisioning>Additional Detail.


Issue ID: CR00262162

Internal CR#: CR00264404

Problem: On Inventory Management
Setup>Operating Company>General,
when the user unchecks the Active check box, the Circuit Reference of the Operating Company does not get displayed on Connection Design>Inventory>Ownership.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user unchecks the Active check box on Inventory Management Setup>Operating Company>General, the Circuit Reference of the Operating
Company will get displayed on Connection Design>Inventory>Ownership.


Issue ID: CR00258047

Internal CR#: CR00258294

Problem: For a Virtual connection, on Connection Design>Additional Detail>Admin, when the user modifies the values in the Notes, Design Contact and Design Contact Number fields and saves, the changes are not reflected on the Graphical Layout Report when the user clicks the GLR option under the Outputs menu.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user modifies the values in the Notes, Design Contact and Design Contact Number fields, the changes will
be reflected on the Graphical Layout Report.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00268314

Problem: On the Network System
Design window, the user selects a
Network Element to go to the Managing
an Element pop-up and then clicks
the Equipment Assoc. link to select
an Equipment. Subsequently, on the Equipment Inventory pop-up, when the user again right clicks on an Equipment to select the Associate to Element option
and clicks the OK button to save, the following error occurs:"sqlerror:1
ORA-00001: unique constraint
(ASAP.PK_DLR_NOTES) violated.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to associate an Element to an Equipment without an error. 


Issue ID: CR00268437

Internal CR#: CR00269192

Problem: While processing an optical groom, the user receives an error message stating "You may not use the Groom Tool to only make new assignments. You must select at least one assignment to replace."

This is a valid error, but the user would like to know this information while validating the groom workspace.

Resolution: New logic has been added to the validation that runs when validating a groom project that notifies the user when there are missing optical assignments. The groom tool may not be used to only add new optical assignments; at least one channel assignment per block must be replaced.

Whenever the validation finds that there are one or more "to" channel assignment(s) for a connection in an optical project and that connection does not contain any "from" channel assignments to the same network block, an error message is displayed. The user may not place this project on an order until this issue is resolved, either by adding the "from" data back into the workspace or by changing the assignment information.

A new text string has been added to the groom workspace for equipment port assignments that contain no port information. "*** No Port ID ***" will now display in the Unassign From Equip and Assign To Equip columns whenever an equipment port has no description information defined.


Issue ID: CR00263213

Internal CR#: CR00263232

Problem: On the Connection Identification window, when the user modifies the value in the Traffic Use Code Category drop down from AXXESS to EANT during Supplement - Correction on an ISR Trunk order, the Rate Code drop down on Connection Design>Connection Summary displays E0 instead of DS0.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Rate Code drop down on Connection Design>Connection Summary will display DS0, when the user modifies the Traffic Use Code from AXXESS
to EANT.


Issue ID: CR00262654

Internal CR#: CR00262774

Problem: On Inventory Management
>Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user clicks the Print CLR/DLR option under the Outputs tab and then selects the  Include CLR check box on
the Print window, a series of errors appears and the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to print the CLR/DLR Design window without any errors and the application will not


Issue ID: CR00259454

Internal CR#: CR00262971

Problem: On Connection Design>
CLR/DLR Design, when the user adds a new Foreign Info Design block and saves without checking the Foreign Info check box under the Print icon column, data related errors occur and a message pop up “Save Processing Failed” occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user adds a new Foreign Info Design block and saves without checking the Foreign Info check box under the Print icon column, the changes will get saved without any errors.


Issue ID: CR00247667

Internal CR#: CR00251249

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>Cable Pair, when the user navigates to the Cable Pair Connection Assignment pop up, the Network Location drop down fields are not enabled both on the A and Z Locations  under the Connection tab.

Resolution: The code was modified
and now the Network Location drop down fields will be enabled both on the A and Z Locations under the Connection tab of the
Cable Pair Connection Assignment
pop up.


Issue ID: CR00260653

Internal CR#: CR00263707

Problem: On a PSR Order having a
connection with more than 20 connection assignments, when the user clicks on the Copy Design option under Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the following error occurs: "Array for circuit position assignments exceeded 20 entries".

Resolution: The code was modified
and now the user will be able to
perform Copy Design for a PSR
Order having a connection with
more than 20, but less than 40
connection assignments.


Issue ID: CR00263972

Internal CR#: CR00264650

Problem: On an EWO under the
CLR/DLR Design window, a long
Equipment name entered by the user on Equipment Inventory>Name, does not get saved on the CLR/DLR Design window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now a long Equipment name entered by the user on Equipment Inventory>Name, will get saved on the CLR/DLR Design window.


Issue ID: CR00265064

Internal CR#: CR00266331

Problem: On Network System
Design>Managing a Connection, the user right clicks on a virtual connection and selects the Connection Maintenance option to view the Connection Design
window. Under Options>Design Mode, the user selects the Path Analysis by Hops radio button and enters the value ‘8’ in the Maximum Number of Hops field and clicks OK. However, in Connection Design>Schematic Design, the paths cannot be viewed, instead the following message appears: "No Paths could be found".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to view the paths in Connection Design>Schematic Design without an error.


Issue ID: CR00262207

Internal CR#: CR00260126

Problem: In Connection Design>Actions
>DLC Network, on the DLC System
Hierarchy for Circuit Design pop up, the user first right clicks on an existing
connection (for which the DLC Network
has been disconnected earlier) and selects the Unassign Circuit option.
When the Autoassign Circuit option is selected subsequently on the same pop-up, the Specify Serving Component pop-up opens for the user to select the component from the Component drop down. However, when the Next button is clicked, the following error occurs: "of_AutoAssign_DLC: Cannot perform auto-assignment because this circuit is already assigned to a DLC Network

Resolution: The code was modified
and now the user will be able to assign the connection by selecting the Autoassign Circuit option without an error.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00247024

Internal CR#: CR00252197

Problem: On Engineering Work Order-Summary>Actions, when the user clicks on the Cancel Order link to cancel an EWO without assigning tasks to the order, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to cancel an EWO even if tasks are not assigned to the order, and the application will also not hang.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00262210

Internal CR#: CR00264040

Problem: On an EWO, when the user clicks Bandwidth or Facility under Manage Connections>Actions, then subsequently
fills the required information on the Circuit Identification window, the application gives a prompt to alphabetize the current CLLI codes. However, after the codes are
alphabetized, the Circuit ID for the created connection is truncated and not displayed completely under Manage Connections>
Connection Identification.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Circuit ID for a created connection will be displayed completely after the current CLLI codes are alphabetized.


Issue ID: CR00261721

Internal CR#: CR00262538

Problem: On Connection Design>
CLR/DLR Design, when the user clicks on Actions>Assign>Facility to assign a connection to another connection for e.g. an OC3 to an OC48, the error message displays the wrong Network Location address.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the error message will display the correct Network Location address when the user assigns a connection to another connection.


Issue ID: CR00260660

Internal CR#: CR00261869

Problem: In Connection Design>
Provisioning>CLD/DLR Design>
Network, the Facilities assigned for the Network are displayed on the Provisioning Assistant window. When the user clicks on the channel Assign link of the selected FacDesg (Channel) to select a Connection and then clicks the Next button, the following exception error occurs: "java.lang.NullPointerException".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign a link to the Connection on the Provisioning Assistant window without an error.


Issue ID: CR00265257

Internal CR#: CR00266906

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory
window, when the user right clicks on an Equipment and selects the Edit option to modify the Port Address of the Equipment at the parent level, the changes are not reflected correctly in the child levels. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user modifies the Port Address at the parent level of the Equipment through the Edit option, the changes will get reflected correctly in the child levels.


Issue ID: CR00265840

Internal CR#: CR00113509

Problem: On Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user
double clicks on an installed Equipment to navigate to the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window to  unassign
and then assign a connection, an error occurs and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to successfully unassign and assign a connection on the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window without getting an error
and the application will also not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00259339

Internal CR#: CR00260259

Problem: On the Number Inventory
Reservation Search window, when an expired reserved telephone number is assigned to a new order, the status of the number is displayed as Pending on the Telephone Number Inventory window. When the user creates a Supplement of the order and then deletes the number from the order, the status is displayed as Unassigned instead of Reserved.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user deletes the number from the order, the status will go back to Reserved.


Issue ID: CR00263623

Internal CR#: CR00264641

Problem: On the Customer Account
Search Window of a PSR Order, the values in the State and City Name drop down fields do not clear when the user clicks the Clear button.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the values in the State and City Name drop down fields will clear when the user clicks the Clear button.


Issue ID: CR00259566

Internal CR#: CR00261046

Problem: On the Telephone Number
window of a PSR Order, the Category
Desc and Subcategory Desc columns
were not available under the Search tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Category Desc and Subcategory Desc columns will be available under the Search tab.


Issue ID: CR00260630

Internal CR#: CR00260631

Problem: In Inventory Management,
when the user right clicks and selects
the Connection User Data option on the Connection Hierarchy Search window,
duplication of user data fields occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified
and now when the user right clicks and selects the Connection User Data option on the Connection Hierarchy Search window, duplication of user data fields will not occur.


Issue ID: CR00267545

Internal CR#: CR00270031

Problem: The user is unable to install the MSS application in one physical machine having 4 managed servers, 1 proxy server and 1 admin server.

Resolution: The user will now be able to install the MSS application in one physical machine having 4 managed servers, 1 proxy server and 1 admin server. The Installer works in NIX/Windows
‘Thread mechanism’ in a cluster environment. The user needs to wait until all the four nodes are created, four start/stop scripts generated and the "Installation Completed" pop up is displayed, because the threads will be under process.


Issue ID: CR00260124

Internal CR#: CR00260241

Problem: Under the Administration tab of an ISR Order, when the user changes the value in the Billing Indicator drop down from N-None to E-End User (the corresponding value in the Request Type drop down being S-Special or X-Broadband Service), the following error message occurs:Sqlerror:1 Metasolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException:
JDSCStatementManager: A required parameter is null and must be specified.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to change the value in the Billing Indicator drop down
from N-None to E-End User without an error.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00113525

Problem: When the Required check box is checked on the Product Service Request User Data pop-up, and the user tries to transfer a Service Product from one customer to another on the Customer Product Transfer window, the following error message appears: "Transfer of items failed :ORA-01400:cannot insert NULL into ("ASAP"."PSR_

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the Required check box is checked on the Product Service Request User Data pop-up, the user will be able to transfer a Service Product from one customer to another without an error.


Issue ID: CR00259398

Internal CR#: CR00261298

Problem: On a PSR Order, when the user adds a product that has a character length of >20, a series of errors occurs since the character length set in Product Catalog
was <=20.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the errors will not occur, for the character length of a product is now set to 200 in Product Catalog.


Issue ID: CR00260404

Internal CR#: CR00261134

Problem: On a Service Request Search Window of a PSR Order, under the Product History tab, the same Service Location name is displayed for locations having different names and addresses.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the correct Service Location names will be displayed for all locations.


Issue ID: CR00261731

Internal CR#: CR00262852

Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order, the user tries to validate a new order without assigning
PRILOC/SECLOC and a validation error occurs. When the user clicks the Find button on the Validation Errors window to assign the same on the PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment pop-up, a series of errors occur and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign PRILOC/SECLOC on the PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment pop-up (from the Validation Errors window) without an error and the
application also will not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00261343

Internal CR#: CR00262596

Problem: On a PSR Order, in Service Request Search>Product History, the Trunk Numbers are not arranged in a numerical order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Trunk Numbers under the Product History tab are arranged in numerical order.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00113570

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user adds a Trunk Product with more than 2000 trunks and enters a value in the Two Six
Code field under the Trunk Info tab. When the user clicks 'Yes' on the prompt 'Do you want to save changes?', the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified
and now when the user clicks 'Yes' on the prompt 'Do you want to save changes?', the application will not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00256393

Internal CR#: CR00256393

Problem: On a PSR View Only Order, when navigating from one item to another,
the user gets a prompt message: "Do you want to save changes?"

Resolution: The code was modified, and now the user will not get a prompt message to save when navigating from one item to
another in a PSR View Only order.


Issue ID: CR00258355

Internal CR#: CR00258413

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user adds an IP Product without assigning an IP Address and then assigns a Provision
Plan with the IPASSIGN Task. However, when the user Supp Cancels the order, the following error message occurs: "The task cannot be complete until all IP Address items are assigned with IP Addresses."

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user can complete the Supp Cancel of an order without an error, where an IP Product is added without assigning an IP Address initially.


Issue ID: CR00259245

Internal CR#: CR00259592

Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy window, when the user tries to retrieve connections, the following error message occurs:"A LSR service item for the selected telephone number was not found".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will not get an error message when trying to retrieve circuits from the
Connection Hierarchy window.


Issue ID: CR00259314

Internal CR#: CR00260097

Problem: On the Network Area Search window in Inventory Management, the user double clicks on the Network Name
TOPEKA-KS and goes to the Network Area Definition window. When associating
the switch prefix to any Switch under the Network Items tab, the following
error messages occur:
1. "A data-related error occurred."
java.sql.SQLException:ORA-00001: unique
constraint (ASAP.PK_NA_NI_NBR_INV)violated".
2. "A duplicate item already exists. Item was not added."
"Database error code: 1
Database error message:ORA-00001: unique constraint
(ASAP.PK_NA_NI_NBR_INV) violated"

Resolution: The code was modified
and now the user will be able to associate the switch prefix to any Switch under the Network Items tab without an error.


Issue ID: CR00258633

Internal CR#: CR00260289

Problem: On the Provisioning Plan window of a PSR Order, under the NPA NXX tab, the user is able to view all the available NPA NXX Assignments only for a few and not for all organizations.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to view all the available NPA NXX Assignments under
the NPA NXX tab for all organizations.


Issue ID: CR00260250

Internal CR#: CR00260326

Problem: On a PSR Order, an Equipment product is added that has an Equipment
Spec drop down field under the General Info tab. When the user creates a change order
and copies the product using a "Copy Branch to Order" the Equipment Spec drop down field disappears.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a change order and copies the product using a "Copy Branch to Order" the Equipment Spec
drop down field will be available.


Issue ID: CR00261883

Internal CR#: CR00262098

Problem: In Customer Account>
Account Info>Tax Exempt, when double clicking on any PSR Order, the user is unable to enter more than 10 characters in the Certificate Number field of the Tax Exemption Type pop-up.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the character length of the Certificate Number field on the Tax Exemption Type
pop-up has been increased to 25.


Issue ID: CR00259474

Internal CR#: CR00262597

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Service Request Search>Product History, when the
user clicks on a Line Product and selects the Pricing and Billing option from the drop
down on the right pane, duplicate pricing values are displayed on the rows.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects the Pricing and Billing option, duplicate pricing values will
not be displayed.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00264631

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Service Request Search>Product History, when the user clicks on a Service Product and selects the Pricing and Billing option from the drop down on the right pane, the price value does not match the corresponding
value set in Product Catalog.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the price amount in the Pricing and Billing option will be the same as set
in Product Catalog.


Issue ID: CR00264403

Internal CR#: CR00264827

Problem: On the Number Inventory Reservation Maintenance window of a PSR Order, under Reservation Request, the values Telephone Number in the Type
drop down and International in the Subtype drop down are selected. The user then clicks on the New icon but is unable to
reserve the number. 

Resolution: The code was modified
and now on clicking the New icon, the user will be able to reserve the Telephone Number successfully.


Issue ID: CR00264861

Internal CR#: CR00264928

Problem: On the Service Request
Search window of a PSR View Only
Order, the user performs a supplement
without any Supplement Type and then clicks the Cancel option on the Service Request Supplement pop-up. Instead of the Service Request Search window, the user is taken to the Order Infomation window where the fields under the Order Info tab are enabled and the user is able to modify the values.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be taken to the Service Request Search window when the Cancel
option in Supplement Type is selected.


Issue ID: CR00265303

Internal CR#: CR00265446

Problem: On the Service Request window of a PSR Order, when the user tries
to select the values for the mandatory drop down fields under the Trunk Info tab, the
following validation error occurs: "Item ‘Ground w/guaranteed release’ does not pass validation test".

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user tries to select the values for the mandatory drop down fields under the Trunk Info tab, the validation error
will not occur.


Issue ID: CR00262542 / CR00270452

Internal CR#: CR00266249

Problem: When the user opens and closes a PSR View Only Order, the following validation error occurs: "Changes do not pass a validation test".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to open and close a PSR View Only Order without a validation error.


Issue ID: CR00249624

Internal CR#: CR00252330

Problem: On a PSR Order, when the user adds more than 12 values for a product under the Label and Value Info tab, the following data–related error occurs:
A data-related error occurred: "Sqlerror: 1
ORA-00001: unique constraint (ASAP.PK_SERV_REQ_SI_VALUE)

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to add more than 12 values for a product under the Label and Value Info tab.


Issue ID: CR00264742

Internal CR#: CR00264876

Problem: When the user copies a PSR Order with a product along with its price to another PSR Order, an entry is made in the
serv_req_si_price table through SF_COPY_PRICE. However, when a PSR Order with the product is copied for which the price is not available, the following error message occurs: "numeric or value error:
character string buffer too small".

Resolution: The code was modified and now when a PSR Order with a product is copied for which the price is not available,
the serv_req_si_price table skips the order and goes to the next order.


Issue ID: CR00259051

Internal CR#: CR00265352

Problem: The Print Preview window of a PSR Order is blank, when the user selects any option for printing from the Product Service Request Print pop-up.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Print Preview window will display the header information and/or data of the selected option from the Product Service Request Print pop-up.


Issue ID: CR00255190 / CR00263877

Internal CR#: CR00264807

Problem: When the user adds a product
on a new PSR Order, all the connections of the selected product do not get displayed under the Summary Info tab or the List of Connections link.

Resolution: The code was modified and now all the connections of the selected product will be displayed under the Summary Info tab or the List of Connections link when the user adds products on a new PSR Order.


Issue ID: CR00267569

Internal CR#: CR00267784

Problem: On a PSR Order, Trunk Group Information>TCIC Assignment, when the user right clicks on the TCIC column and selects the TCIC Number Sequentially option, the prompt message "Would you like to skip TCICs ending with 97,98,99,00?"
does not appear.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on the TCIC column and selects the TCIC Number Sequentially option, the prompt message will appear.


Issue ID: CR00245063

Internal CR#: CR00265355

Problem: In Inventory Management, on the Trunk Group Search window, when the user double clicks on any Trunk Group, the values displayed in Trunk Group Information>Trunk Group User Data>Trunk
Type are incorrect.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Trunk Type drop down under Trunk Group User Data will display correct values.


Issue ID: CR00259427

Internal CR#: CR00259727

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user enters a telephone number in the Ordered By Tel Nbr field under the Order Info tab. However, the telephone number does not convert to the required format, even though the
Preference "Enable NPA/NXX Contact
Telephone Nnmber Formatting" is
set to "Y".

Resolution: The code was modified and now a telephone number entered in the Ordered By Tel Nbr field will get converted to the required format when the Preference "Enable NPA/NXX Contact Telephone Number Formatting" is set to "Y".


Issue ID: CR00265084

Internal CR#: CR00266929

Problem: For customers using the Arbor Billing System, the plus (+) signs in the Product Catalog tree of a PSR Order do not expand.

Resolution: The code was modified to improve the performance and now the plus (+) signs in the Product Catalog tree will expand completely for customers using
the Arbor Billing System.


Issue ID: CR00263733

Internal CR#: CR00113628

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Service Request Search>Product History, when the user selects the Pricing and Billing option for the products from the drop down on the right pane, the price values are displayed only for some but not for all products.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects the Pricing and Billing option, price values for all products will be displayed. 


Issue ID: CR00265310

Internal CR#: CR00265351

Problem: When the user tries to delete a new Service Request Note of a PSR Order, the note does not get deleted from the
Service Request Notes list.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to successfully delete a new Service Note.


Issue ID: CR00259632

Internal CR#: CR00263078

Problem: In Product Catalog>
Availability>Effective Network Area Detail, the horizontal and vertical scroll bars are unavailable.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the horizontal and vertical scroll bars will be available in the Effective Network Area Detail section.


Issue ID: CR00266729

Internal CR#: CR00266734

Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order, the Disconnect option is selected for the first telephone Number. Subsequently, when the user
selects the same option for the remaining telephone numbers and clicks OK, a series of errors occurs and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the numbers will get disconnected when the user selects the Disconnect option for the first telephone number and subsequently for the remaining numbers without an error, and the application will
also not terminate.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: CR00257709

Internal CR#: CR00258412

Problem: On the XML API window, the user changes the task status of the Gateway event to Error. However, on Work
Queue Manager>Gateway Events, when the user right clicks on the Gateway Event
and selects the Error Status option, the complete error message is not displayed
and is limited to 255 characters.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on the Gateway Event and selects the Error Status option, the complete error message will be displayed, as the allowed length of the error message has been increased to 1000 characters.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: CR00244272

Internal CR#: CR00244342

Problem: On a PSR Order of an ATM/FR/FRATM PRODUCT, when the user clicks the Summary Info tab, and then tries to reduce the size of the window, the
horizontal scroll bar of the Summary Info tab disappears.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks the Summary Info tab and then tries to reduce the size of the window, the horizontal scroll bar will appear.


Issue ID: CR00258081

Internal CR#: CR00258118

Problem: On the MSS Application, when the user clicks on Find Links and then selects Return to Sign In, the Shutdown prompt message does not appear.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on Find Links and then selects Return to Sign In, the Shutdown prompt message will appear.


Issue ID: CR00263825

Internal CR#: CR00265615

Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, under the Notifications tab, when the user double clicks on any message under the Message column, the body of the (email) message notifying the automatic
escalation for the Ticket ID generates a different time from that displayed in the Date/Time Sent column of the Notifications tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user double clicks on any message, the body of the (email) message notifying the automatic escalation for the Ticket ID will generate the same time as displayed in Date/Time Sent column
of the Notifications tab.


Issue ID: CR00256595

Internal CR#: CR00256780

Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, under the Log Views tab, the scroll bar does not work and the user is unable to view the Event Details completely.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to move the scroll bar up and down to view the Event Details


Issue ID: CR00265107

Internal CR#: CR00266343

Problem: In Order Management>New Trouble Ticket, on the Ticket Template Search window, when the user clicks on the Create Ticket Without Template button,
the New Ticket ID is not generated in sequential order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Create Ticket Without Template button on the Ticket Template Search window, the New Ticket ID will be generated in sequential order.

User Setup

Issue ID: CR00202180

Internal CR#: CR00178202

Problem: On the IP Address Rules Maintenance window, under the IP Rule Criteria tab, the Network Area field is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Network Area field will be available
under the IP Rule Criteria tab.


Issue ID: CR00235257

Internal CR#: CR00260955

Problem: On an USO Order, under the Service & Equipment tab, when the user double clicks on any Location Type, the USO Location Maintenance pop-up opens,
but the CKLT field is disabled. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now the CKLT field will be enabled on the USO Location Maintenance pop-up. 


Issue ID: CR00265086

Internal CR#: CR00265552

Problem: On an USO Order, under the Identification tab, when the user selects Service Request Notes from the Options
menu to add a new service request note, the following error occurs: "Error retrieving from view in f_serv_req_title".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to add a new service request note on an USO Order without an error.


Issue ID: CR00265092

Internal CR#: CR00265205

Problem: On the Job Manager window,
the user is unable to set the security
permissions for the Popup Menus component.

 Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to set the security permissions for the Popup Menus component on the Job Manager window.


Issue ID: CR00260812

Internal CR#: CR00261256

Problem: On the Location And Routing Gateway Configuration window of the Background Server, under the Import Location and Routing Gateway Files tab, the LARG information is loaded into the
Staging Tables. When the user imports the LARG information into MSS and clicks ‘Yes’ on the Location and Routing Gateway
pop-up, the Audit Log window displays the following error: “Location and Routing Gateway Error adding rate centers to
MetaSolv Solution”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to import the LARG information from Staging Tables into MSS without an error. 


Issue ID: CR00262588

Internal CR#: CR00264154

Problem: On the Custom Attribute
window of the Background Server, the user is unable to enter a value greater than 999 in the Valid Value field of the Valid Values tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to successfully enter a value up to 999999 in the Valid Value field of the Valid Values tab on the
Custom Attribute window of the Background Server.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00260828

Internal CR#: CR00261208

Problem: On the Task Types window, the user selects the CKTID task and then selects File>New From to create a FIN ID Task Type and assigns a Provision Plan
for the same. A PSR Order with a Circuit Product is then created and validated.
On the Provisioning Plan Assignment window of the PSR Order, under the Task List tab, when the user selects the
FIN ID task and clicks on OK, the following error occurs: “This order contains new
products and the plan selected along with the available child plans does not contain a CKTID task. Please select a plan which
contains a CKTID task or has available child plans that contain CKITID task”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to select the FIN ID task on the Provisioning Plan Assignment window of the PSR Order without an error.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00262614

Internal CR#: CR00263265

Problem: On the Task Types window, when the user double clicks on the IPASSIGN Task, the System Task check box is not selected on the Task Type-IPASSIGN pop-up by default.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the System Task check box on the Task Type-IPASSIGN pop up will be selected by default.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00257917

Internal CR#: CR00259216

Problem: On the Report Manager
window of the Background Server,
the user selects the Task Complete
Performance option from the Selected Reports drop down and then selects the Task Type, From Date, Through Date and
the Parent Work Queue and Children radio button. However, when the Show Detail check box is checked, the Work Queues
under the Met and Not Met columns display incorrect values on the Task Completion Performance Report.

Resolution: The code was modified
and now when the Show Detail check box is checked, the Work Queues under the Met and Not Met columns will display correct values on the Task Completion
Performance Report.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00240403

Internal CR#: CR00246073

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window of a PSR Order, when the user selects ECDV from the Work Queue drop down and then clicks on an order with the
Task as E911SMRT, the E911 Extract window of the order opens but closes only after a delay of 25 seconds. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on an order with the Task as E911SMRT, the E911 Extract window of the order will close without any delay.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00252773

Internal CR#: CR00254357

Problem: On the MSS application, under Application Setup, the security permissions have not been created for the following components: Inventory Management Setup,
Location and Geography Setup,
Order Management Setup,
Organization Setup, and
Work Management Setup. 

Resolution: Security permissions have now been created for the following components: Inventory Management Setup, Location and Geography Setup, Order
Management Setup, Organization Setup, and Work Management Setup. 

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00260252

Internal CR#: CR00260269

Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order, when the user right clicks and selects Task Maintenance to
view the Tasks window of the order, a series of errors occurs and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user when the user right clicks and selects Task Maintenance, the Tasks window will be displayed successfully.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00260224

Internal CR#: CR00260287

Problem: When the user opens a PSR Order with Provision Plan assigned, and subsequently right clicks and selects the Service Request User Data option from
the Work Queue Manager window, the Product Service Request User Data pop-up opens, but with all the fields disabled.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks and selects the Service Request User Data option from the Work Queue Manager window, the
Product Service Request User Data pop-up will open with all the fields enabled.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00254322

Internal CR#: CR00262167

Problem: On the Provisioning Plan window, under the PERT Chart tab,
when the user right clicks and selects
Print Pert, only the visible tasks get printed.

Resolution: A new option, Print Pert
Page Setup has been added and now
when the user right clicks and selects Print Pert Page Setup, the Print Setup pop-up will open. The user can select one of the
following options: Current View on Single Page, Entire Drawing on Single Page and Entire Drawing on Multiple pages, and the tasks will get printed based on this selection.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00260130

Internal CR#: CR00262792

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager
window, the user selects ‘CID’ under
the Task column, then right clicks and selects the Release Task to
Billing option for the value ‘R’ to
be displayed under the Bill column.
However, the value ‘R’ is missing
when the CID task is reopened.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user reopens the CID task, the value ‘R’ will appear under the Bill column.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00249929

Internal CR#: CR00263326

Problem: On the Service Request
Search window of a PSR Order, when the user right clicks and selects the Supplement option, and then enters the new Desired Due Date on the PSR Supplement Order pop-up, the Jeopardy icon is not available on the Work
Queue Manager Window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters the new Desired Due Date on the PSR Supplement Order pop-up, the Jeopardy icon will be available
on the Work Queue Manager Window till the Jeopardy codes are closed.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00264555

Internal CR#: CR00264586

Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order, when the user clicks the Cancel option in Supplement Type from the Service Request Supplement
pop-up, and then subsequently clicks the OK button on the Tasks window of the order under the Task List tab, the following error occurs: “Tasks cannot be generated
until NPA/NXX is entered on the Plan Selection tab”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to cancel a Supplement without an error, when My Preferences>Work Management>Task Generation, NPA/NXX Option is set as 'Require NPA/NXX for Work Queue Scheduling'.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00263878

Internal CR#: CR00265196

Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order, when the user clicks the Correction radio button in Supplement Type from the Service Request Supplement pop-up to modify the details,
and then selects Options>Process
Supplement in the order, the check box for the DLRD Task/s under the ReOpen column of the Task List tab on the Tasks window is checked by default, and the
user is unable to uncheck the same.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects Options>Process Supplement in the order, the check box for the DLRD Task/s under the ReOpen column of the Task List tab on the Tasks window will not be checked by default.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00261254

Internal CR#: CR00265464

Problem: Under My Preferences>
Work Management>Task Completion,
the value ‘Perform Custom Validation=Before task completion window opens’ is set.On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user selects more than
one Task with Ready state and tries to complete the tasks, the custom stored procedure, SP_WM_CUSTOM_VALIDATION
does not get called for the other task/s except for the first task.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects more than one Task with Ready state and tries to complete the tasks, the custom stored procedure, SP_WM_CUSTOM_VALIDATION
will be called for every task and not only the first task.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00265149

Internal CR#: CR00265573

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects Task Maintenance, a series of errors occurs and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks and selects Task Maintenance on a PSR Order, the Tasks window will open without an error.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00260727

Internal CR#: CR00260794

Problem: On the Reports window, when the user selects the Task Due Not Complete option from the Selected Report drop down, then the Task Type, Work Queue and then selects the Parent Work Queue and Children radio button and clicks on OK, details of other work queues are displayed instead of the selected Work Queue.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects the Task Due Not Complete option from the Selected Report drop down, the details of the selected Work Queue will be displayed.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00263097

Internal CR#: CR00263478

Problem: On the Provisioning Plans
window of a PSR Order, the user selects File>New From. The NPA/NXX Assignments are not copied under the
NPA/NXX tab of the new order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects File>New From,
the NPA/NXX Assignments will be copied under the NPA/NXX tab of the new order.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00259758

Internal CR#: CR00263674

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on any Task and selects the Service Request
Notes option, on the Service Request Notes pop-up that opens:
1.All the Notes are not displayed.
2.When the Show (AUTO) Generated Notes check box is checked and the Print button
clicked, all Notes including Circuit Notes, Short Notes and Expanded Notes are printed.
3.When the Show (AUTO) Generated Notes check box is checked, the newly added
Notes do not get displayed at the bottom of the pop-up.
4.When both the Show (AUTO) Generated Notes and the Show Circuit Notes check boxes are unchecked, the Notes are

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on the Task and selects the Service Request Notes option, on the Service Request Notes pop-up that opens:
1.All the Notes will be displayed when the Show Expanded Notes radio button is selected.
2.When the Show (AUTO) Generated Notes check box is checked and the Print button
clicked, only the selected Notes will be printed.
3.When the Show (AUTO) Generated Notes check box is checked, the newly added
Notes will be displayed at the bottom of the pop-up.
4.When both the Show (AUTO) Generated Notes and the Show Circuit Notes check
boxes are unchecked, the Notes will be displayed.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00266004

Internal CR#: CR00267707

Problem: A PSR Parent Order with an ISR Child Order is created. On the Service Request Search window, when the user tries to cancel the Supplement of the Parent PSR Order, the ReOpen check box of the DLRD Task is checked by default
under the Task List tab of the Tasks window for the child orders.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user tries to cancel the
Supplement of the Parent PSR Order, the ReOpen check box of the DLRD task will not be checked by default under the Task List tab of the Tasks window for the child orders.

MSS 6.0.14


Fixed Issue


Application Server

Issue ID: CR00265730
Internal CR#: CR00268495

Problem: The user is not able to perform ZAC
(Zero Admin Client) installation in the French edition of MSS.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform ZAC installation in the French edition of MSS.

Application Server

Issue ID: CR00269912
Internal CR#: CR00270011

Problem: On the AppServer Runtime Information window, the following encrypted passwords and user names are displayed: MSLV_JNDI_ Password, MSLV_JNDI_User, MSLV_Session_Password, MSLV_Session_User, when they ought to be

Resolution: The code was modified and now the encrypted passwords and user names will be suppressed on the AppServer Runtime Information window.

Application Server

Issue ID: CR00263596
Internal CR#: CR00263705

Problem: On the ACI Form, the ECCKT values are entered for an ASR Trunking Order. However, there is a time delay when the user imports the order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now there will be no time delay when the user imports an ASR Trunking Order for which the ECCKT values are entered on the ACI Form.


Issue ID: CR00241724
Internal CR#: CR00242501

Problem: On an ASR Trunk Order, on the EOD Circuit ID Assignment window, the user selects an entry containing the Tandem/Host and End Office location details for assigning a connection, and then clicks on the Assign Circuit ID button to navigate to the Trunk Group Search for Access window. When the user enters values in the A CLLI and Z CLLI fields and clicks on the Search button, the following warning message occurs: ''No rows were found matching search criteria''.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters values in the A CLLI and Z CLLI fields and clicks on the Search button, the required connection to be assigned will be retrieved without a warning message.


Issue ID: CR00259394
Internal CR#: CR00263479

Problem: On the Cabs Billing Navigator window, under the Options tab, when the user selects the Print All Circuits on Order option, the following errors occur:
“Error text=Error accessing external object property object.”
“Error text=Bad runtime function reference.”
Also the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to select the Print All Circuits on Order option under the Options tab without an error.


Issue ID: CR00259396
Internal CR#: CR00263738

Problem: On the CABS Billing Navigator window, the Interface Errors option is disabled when the user clicks on the Options menu or right clicks on the order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Interface Errors option will be enabled when the user clicks on the Options menu or right clicks on the order.


Issue ID: CR00267826
Internal CR#: CR00268173

Problem: On the Service Request Search
window, when the user searches for ISR and ASR half-bar status orders (orders in which tasks and connections are not assigned), and then deletes one of the entries from the search results, both database and validation errors occur.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the when the user queries for ISR and ASR half-bar status orders, and then deletes one of the entries from the search results, the order will get deleted without an error.


Issue ID: CR00202272
Internal CR#: CR00180608

Problem: On an ASR Order, the user selects a connection which is IN SERVICE state and
creates a Change Order. However, when the user updates the ECCKT field in Access Service Request>Admin 4 and subsequently performs Supplement Cancel, the Activity (ECCKT) status does not get reset on the Connection Design Search window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Activity (ECCKT) will get reset on the Connection Design Search window when the user performs Supplement Cancel on a Change Order with an updated ECCKT field.

Background Processor

Issue ID: CR00260464
Internal CR#: CR00260582

Problem: On the Background Server, when the connection between the JMaster and the database is lost, the following warning message appears:
“Unable to communicate with application server”.
The connection is re-established only when the user clicks on the Retry button of the warning

Resolution: The code was modified and now
the connection between the JMaster and the
database, once lost, will get automatically
re-established once the physical server regains its connection with the database.


Issue ID: CR00266786
Internal CR#: CR00113766

Problem: On the graphical canvas of a selected network on the Network System Design window, the user right clicks on any connection between two network elements and selects Properties to open the Managing a Connection pop up. The user right clicks on Assignable Bandwidth Link under the Network Connection Spec column and selects the New Connection option. However, on the Connection Identification pop up, the Connection ID Type-OTS Format (Freeformat-Serial) does not display the Connection Type for the selected Connection.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Identification pop up, the Connection ID for the selected Connection Type-OTS Format (Freeformat-Serial) will display the Connection Type when the user selects the New Connection option on Assignable Bandwidth Link.


Issue ID: CR00268708
Internal CR#: CR00268747

Problem: In the asap.serv_req_gateway_event table, the time difference between the values in the LAST_MODIFIED_DATE column and the LAST_INVOKE_TIME column is more than 5 hours.

Resolution: The time difference has now been
rectified and now the values in the LAST_MODIFIED_DATE column and the LAST_INVOKE_TIME column in the asap.serv_req_gateway_event table will only show a marginal time difference of 1 or 2 seconds as is the norm.


Issue ID: CR00272430
Internal CR#: CR00273223

Problem: When the user upgrades the database from 6.0.10 b129 to 6.0.13 b91 in the staticupg_i.log, the following database errors occur: “ORA-00001: unique constraint (ASAP.UIDX_NST_COMPONENT
_TYPE) violated”

“ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ASAP.FK_NE_TY_NS_CO_TY_AS__NS_CO_TY) violated - parent key not found”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to upgrade the database from 6.0.10 b129 to 6.0.13 b91 in the staticupg_i.log without an error.


Issue ID: CR00272959
Internal CR#: CR00273259

Problem: On Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user is unable to enter either ‘A’ or ‘R’ as a valid Note Indicator under 'N' (the Notes Indicator field) and a message prompt to this effect is displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter either ‘A’ or ‘R’ as a valid Note Indicator under 'N' (the Notes Indicator field).


Issue ID: CR00266473
Internal CR#: CR00266903

Problem: The DST Data Conversion for Atlantic Time Zone (Canada) was not included in the DST Conversion script.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Atlantic Time Zone (Canada) is included in the DST Conversion script.


Issue ID: CR00274142
Internal CR#: CR00274265

Problem: On the Connection Design Properties View Help window, when the user clicks on ‘Telecom Service Priority’ under the Fields section, the vertical scroll bar on the Telecom Service Priority pop up is not available, thereby not allowing the user to view the entire information.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the vertical scroll bar will be available on the Telecom Service Priority Field pop up.


Issue ID: CR00268605
Internal CR#: CR00113783

Problem: On the Pending Order Details pop up, the current order numbers are displayed instead of pending order numbers when one or more connections of an order are riding another connection. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now the pending order numbers will be displayed when one or more connections of an order are riding another connection.


Internal CR#: CR00113774

Problem: In Network System Design>Network Template List>SONET/SDH (Rings, Point to Point etc.), the user right clicks on MetaSolv TM SONET/SDH Template and selects Add Network Design. Under Network Template Detail> MetaSolv TM SONET/SDH Template>Component Types, the user drags and drops the OADM component to the canvas to open the Node Properties pop up. However, when a value is entered in the TID field in the pop up and the user moves to the next field, the following error occurs: "PBPackageError:
Exception - xml parser error string index out of
range: 4".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a value in the TID field on the Node Properties pop up, and move on to the next field without an error.


Internal CR#: CR00113817

Problem: On Network Systems>Network List, the user right clicks and selects the Hierarchical View option on the SONET/SDH Network with an OC48 connection and subsequently right clicks to select the Hide Virtual Circuits option. Here, when
the user expands the connections in the
SONET/SDH Network with an OC48 connection, the following error message occurs:
Errortext = Error accessing external object
property primary.
Error Object/Control=tv_ns_networknavigator.
Script= of_getchildren,
and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to expand the connections in the SONET/SDH Network with an OC48 connection on the Hide Virtual Circuits option without an error, and the application also will not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00263899
Internal CR#: CR00113462

Problem: For a selected physical connection
product of a PSR Order, all the connections and locations do not get displayed under the Summary Info tab or on the List of Connections /List of Locations link.

Resolution: The code was modified and now all the connections and locations will get displayed under the Summary Info tab or on the List of Connections /List of Locations link.


Issue ID: CR00271523
Internal CR#: CR00114780

Problem: On the Network System Design window, the horizontal and vertical scroll bars on the graphical canvas are not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
the horizontal and vertical scroll bars on the
graphical canvas will be available on the Network System Design window.


Issue ID: CR00274175
Internal CR#: CR00115069

Problem: On the Network System Design window, when the user changes the Router name and saves, the following data related error occurs:
“The server encountered the following Exception: java sql.SQLE Exception ORA-00001 unique constraint
(ASAP. PK_NS_COMPONENT) violated”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to save the changes made to the Router name on the Network System Design window without an error.


Issue ID: CR00266062
Internal CR#: CR00266159

Problem: The PRILOC and SECLOC details for a connection are not available in Connection Design>Additional Details>Locations tab after
grooming it in an ISR Order created through the Facility Groom process, though the details are available for the connection on the parent order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the PRILOC and SECLOC details for a connection will be available in Connection Design>Additional Details>Locations tab after grooming it in an ISR Order created through the Facility Groom process.


Issue ID: CR00267239
Internal CR#: CR00268175

Problem: On a PSR Order with Physical and
Virtual Connection Products, in the Connection Design window, when the user clicks on the
Schematic Design link of the Virtual Connection Product, the following data related error occurs:
CA valid value has bad syntax = , CA column= CA_VALUE_16, CA_ID = 1288111, circuit id = {3}.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to open the Schematic Design link of the Virtual Connection Product on the Connection Design window of the PSR Order.


Issue ID: CR00269242
Internal CR#: CR00269252

Problem: On a PSR Order, in the Connection
Design window, when the user opens a connection and either deletes or modifies the 'Unknown' lines of the connection under the CLR/DLR Design view, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user opens a connection in the Connection Design window and either deletes or modifies the ‘Unknown’ lines of the connection under the CLR/DLR Design view, the application will not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00258919
Internal CR#: CR00269541

Problem: On a PSR Order, in Connection Design >Properties, the user modifies/deletes the fields under the Custom Attributes tab and saves it as a Current Issue. However, under Connection Summary , when the user associates a Terminating Location to an order by selecting a location in the Location Search pop up , and clicks ‘Yes’ on the Save prompt message, several errors occur. The prompt message "Save Processing Failed" also appears.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to associate and save a Terminating Location to an order without an error.


Issue ID: CR00267367 Internal CR#: CR00271336

Problem: The OC12 connection provisioned
between 2 nodes in a SONET/SDH Network gets split when the user right clicks on the connection between the 2 nodes and selects the Insert Node option.

 Resolution: The code was modified and now the OC12 connection provisioned between 2 nodes in a SONET/SDH Network will not split when the user selects the Insert Node option.


Issue ID: CR00265222
Internal CR#: CR00271710

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the SYS or SYSTEM option is selected in the Work Queue dropdown field, the CKTID task of a PSR Order with a DSL Product is still incomplete, though the DLS Automated option is selected in the Provisioning Plan drop down field in the Provisional Plan pop up. After refresh, the CKTID task moves to the Error Queue. When the user double clicks on the CKTID task in the Error Queue to manually generate the circuit ID, data-related errors occur. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now the CKTID task will get completed automatically, when the user selects a DLS Automated option in the Provisioning Plan drop down.


Issue ID: CR00270198
Internal CR#: CR00270690

Problem: On the Product Catalog window, for
each product under a Product bundle, the user
enters the value ‘1’ in the 'Min' Quantity field and does not specify a value in the 'Max' Quantity field, implying any quantity is applicable as maximum. However, on a new PSR Order, when configuring a VoIP Service Product and adding products from the Product bundle on the PSR Ordering window, the user is not allowed to enter a Quantity greater than 1.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a Quantity greater than 1, when a VoIP Service Product is configured on a new PSR Order, and products are added from the Product bundle on the PSR Ordering window.


Issue ID: CR00249677
Internal CR#: CR00268528

Problem: On an EWO, the user group-assigns multiple Trunk Connections to a Facility connection and modifies the remarks in Connection Design>Additional Detail>Remarks field. When the user unassigns the trunk connections, modifies the remarks in the Remarks field and again group-assigns the connections, the Remarks field in all the Trunk Connections is not updated.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user unassigns the trunk connections, modifies the remarks and again group-assigns the connections, the Remarks field in all the Trunk Connections will be updated.


Issue ID: CR00263797          CR00267825
Internal CR#: CR00266511


Problem: On the Connection Design window, under the Customer Information section, the Customer Name is not displayed when the Issue Status changes from 'Previous'.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Customer Name will be displayed when the Issue Status changes from 'Previous'.


Issue ID: CR00269763
Internal CR#: CR00270239

Problem: The user creates a Change Order to change the EC DSGCON value of an ISR Order with a Facility connection. However, in Connection Design>Additional Detail, the changed value is not reflected in the EC DSGCON field.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Additional Detail, the
changed value will be reflected in the EC DSGCON field on the ISR Change Order.


Issue ID: CR00267370
Internal CR#: CR00267390

Problem: The user group-assigns multiple T1
Connections to a T3 Connection assigned to a
Port of an Equipment present in the 'Other' location. When the user moves the Equipment from the 'Other' location to the A or Z location, the Equipment Information is not displayed in the CLR/DLR Design window for the T1 Child

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user moves the Equipment from the 'Other ' location to the A or Z location, the Equipment Information will be displayed in the CLR/DLR Design window for the T1 Child Connections.


Issue ID: CR00268848
Internal CR#: CR00268913

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window, when the user opens a Supplement Cancelled ISR Order, clicks on Options>Assignment Cancel, and clicks ‘Yes’ on the message to cancel the previously installed connections, a series of data-related errors occur and the cancellation process terminates with the following message: "An update error has occurred, the cancellation process will be stopped".

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects Options>Assignment Cancel, and clicks ‘Yes’ to the message to cancel the previously installed connections, the cancellation process will be successfully completed.


Issue ID: CR00269440
Internal CR#: CR00269568

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window, when the user selects a Disconnect Circuit and clicks the Group Disconnect option to disconnect the connection, several data related errors occur and the disconnect process is terminated. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to click the Group Disconnect option to disconnect the circuit without an error.


Issue ID: CR00270156
Internal CR#: CR00271152

Problem: On a Special Access ASR Order,
when the user performs group assignment for
a Trunk Connection to a Facility Connection,
the following error occurs: "inserted value too large for column".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform group assignment for a Trunk Connection to a Facility Connection on a Special Access ASR Order without an error.


Issue ID: CR00266294
Internal CR#: CR00113746

Problem: On the Circuit Identification window,
when the user creates multiple CLS connections through the CKTID task, the Serial Number does not get incremented automatically. Also the user is able to create different CLS connections with the same Serial Number, and with different combinations of Telco ID, Suffix and Prefix which should not be allowed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates multiple CLS connections through the CKTID task, the Serial Number will get incremented automatically. Also the user will not be allowed to create different CLS connections with the same Serial Number, and with different combinations of Telco ID, Suffix and Prefix.


Issue ID: CR00256828
Internal CR#: CR00266229

Problem: On an ISR Order, on the Service Request Connections window, the user group-assigns 28 T1 connections to a T3 connection. On the Connection Hierarchy Search window, when the user searches for the T3 connection and double clicks to expand that connection, only the first base T1 connection displays the connection positions but the remaining 27 T1 connections do not display the connection positions.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the T1 connection positions will be generated
automatically when a group assignment is made to the T3 connection, and will also be displayed on the Connection Hierarchy window.


Issue ID: CR00272919
Internal CR#: CR00273015

Problem: In View Connection Design, the user copies an order number using the Ctrl+C keys. However, on the Service Request Search window, the user is not able to paste the copied order number in the Order Number field by using the Ctrl+V keys.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to paste the copied order number in the Order Number field of the Service Request Search window by using the Ctrl+V keys.


Issue ID: CR00271970
Internal CR#: CR00273437

Problem: In Connection Design>Connection
Summary, when the user selects the Ownership of Inventory option from the Options menu for a Trunk connection, the following error occurs:
"Error text=Null object reference.
Window/Menu/Object = n_cst_prov_link_mgr.
Error Object/Control = n_cst_prov_link_mgr.
Script = of_open_owninventory.
Line in Script = 10",
and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
the Ownership of Inventory option will be displayed only for the CLF and CLS types of connections and not for the CLM and OTM types of Trunk connections in the Options menu. Also for the CLM and OTM types of Trunk connections, the 'Ownership of Inventory' link will not be displayed in Provisioning>Additional Details, and under the Options menu on the Connection Design window.


Issue ID: CR00249673
Internal CR#: CR00262864

Problem: On a Special Access ASR Order, in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the
Equipment assignment information of the Child connection appears only in the A Location
instead of both the A and Z Locations. This
occurs when the Parent Facility Connection has both A and Z CLLI codes in the same BLDG.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the
Equipment assignment information of the Child connection will appear both in A and Z Locations.


Internal CR#: CR00114824

Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy for
Connection Design window, when the user
searches for a SONET Network System and
assigns a connection to one of the Unassigned Channels in the SONET Network System, the
following error occurs: "Invalid DataWindow
row/column specified" and the application

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign a connection to one of the Unassigned Channels in the SONET Network System without an error and the
application will not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00263542
Internal CR#: CR00113695

Problem: On a PSR Order with the VCONDES task assigned, when the user clicks on the Schematic Design link on the Connection Design window, the Virtual Path between the Customer Site and the BRAS is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Virtual Path between the Customer Site and the BRAS will be available for a PSR Order having the VCONDES task assigned.


Internal CR#: CR00113907

Problem: On a PSR Order, when the user
changes the status of a Virtual connection from Pending to Record Issued and saves, the change does not updated. Also, the user is unable to complete the DD task and the following error occurs: 
''This order is not ready to be due date
completed. The status of some connections on the order does not match the order. This order is not the next to be due date completed for these connections''.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
when the user changes the status of a Virtual
connection from Pending to Record Issued and saves, the change will get updated. Also, the user will be able to complete the DD task without an error.


Issue ID: CR00265760 CR00269580               CR00269645
Internal CR#: CR00273219

Problem: On Network System Design>Network List, the response time is very slow when the user clicks on any Network under the SONET/SDH framework to open the Network.

Resolution: A new preference has been added
to Preferences under Inventory Management>
Network System. The preference with default Y is titled, "Retrieve Child connections riding
provisioned connections in Sonet Hierarchy".
When this preference is set to Y, the Child
connections riding the provisioned connections will be retrieved. When the preference is set to N, only the base, autobuilt and provisioned connections (and not the Child connections) will be retrieved, thereby resulting in faster response time for a Network to open.


Issue ID: CR00260937
Internal CR#: CR00269001

Problem: In Connection Design>Additional Detail>Locations, under both the Primary and
Secondary sections, the circuit values are not
displayed in the Assignment fields.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
the circuit values will be displayed in the
Assignment fields under the Primary and
Secondary sections on the Connection Design


Issue ID: CR00265064
Internal CR#: CR00113686

Problem: On Managing a Connection window, the user right clicks a Virtual Connection (that is between two elements in two different Embedded Networks with the Prioritized Path already set) to go to the View Connection Design window, and then navigates to Schematic Design>Options>Design Mode. On the Design mode pop up, when the user selects the Path Analysis by Hops radio button and enters a value in the Maximum Number of Hops field, the following error occurs: 
“No paths could be found”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Design Mode pop up, when the user selects the Path Analysis by Hops radio button and enters a value in the Maximum Number of Hops field, the available paths will be displayed.


Issue ID: CR00269199
Internal CR#: CR00113757

Problem: On an ISR Change Order, when the
user opens a Facility connection by double
clicking a DLRD task from the Work Queue 
window or opens the connection through the
Connection Design window, the following error
occurs: "Special Access was not found for
document number 41901". This indicates that
the Bandwidth connections are also getting
assigned to a facility based ISR Order, which
should not be the case.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
when the user opens a Facility connection, the connection will be retrieved without an error and Bandwidth will also be restricted from getting assigned in a facility based ISR order.


Issue ID: CR00269447
Internal CR#: CR00113764

Problem: During a PSR Ordering process, on
the List of Connections window, when the user
completes adding products to each connection and clicks on the Next button, the following Internet Explorer Script error occurs: ''Object doesn’t support this property or method''.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user completes adding products to each connection and clicks on the Next button, the PSR Ordering process will be completed without an error.


Internal CR#: CR00113902

Problem: On the Connection Design window,
under Options>Design Mode, when the user  enters a Path Analysis by Hops value to generate the Schematic Design, the Network Component images displayed on the window are different from the images displayed in Network Systems.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters a Path Analysis by Hops value to generate the Schematic Design, the Network Component images displayed on the Connection Design window will be the same as those displayed in Network Systems.


Issue ID: CR00271881
Internal CR#: CR00113932

Problem: On a PSR Order, in Connection Design>Properties>Custom Attributes tab, the
data entered in the newly created Custom
Attribute fields does not get saved correctly.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the data entered in the newly created Custom Attribute fields will get saved correctly.


Issue ID: CR00272694
Internal CR#: CR00114707

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window, when the user opens a Facility with Physical Type connection, the following error occurs:
"No CaUsageData found for buildingBlockId:
212. Custom attributes may no longer be active".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to open a Facility with Physical Type connection without an error.


Issue ID: CR00267116
Internal CR#: CR00267337

Problem: On Inventory Management>Network
Systems, a restricted user is able to click on the icon on the Network Template List tab and select the New Template option to open the Network Template Maintenance Window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now
in Security Permissions>Popup Menus> w_ngn_network_design.m_netdes_dockpanel_
popup.m_list, a new row having New Template
under the Description column has been added, thus enabling the user to set the Permissions.


Issue ID: CR00202442
Internal CR#: CR00267863

Problem: On a PSR Order, in Connection Design>Schematic Design>Options, under Design Mode, the user selects the Path Analysis by Hops radio button and enters the value in the Maximum Number of Hops field and clicks OK. However, when the user clicks on the View Available Paths link under the Actions section, a "Type mismatch" error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to view the available paths by clicking on the View Available Paths link under the Actions section.


Issue ID: CR00259625
Internal CR#: CR00268504

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>Connection Hierarchy, within an existing T1 Connection, the user assigns the same T1 Connection first to an Unassigned position, and then again to another Unassigned position using the Assign Range To option. However, on the CLR/DLR Design window, this assignment is displayed incorrectly within another assignment block.

Resolution: The code was modified and now within an existing T1 Connection, when the user assigns the same T1 Connection first to an Unassigned position, and then again to another Unassigned position using the Assign Range To option, the assignment will be displayed correctly on the CLR/DLR Design window.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00269132
Internal CR#: CR00115066

Problem: On a Supplement Corrected PSR Order, under Order Maintenance>Services link, when the user deletes a Bandwidth Access Circuit Product, the following error occurs: "Error in procedure: "SP_SO_DELETE: 280:ORA-02292:integrity constraint(ASAP.FK_SR_CA_VA_SE_RE_SI) violated - child record found".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete a Bandwidth Access Circuit Product from a Supplement Corrected PSR Order without an error.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00252254
Internal CR#: CR00252485

Problem: The user performs changes to multiple Trunk connections on an EWO and clicks Actions>Cancel Order link to initiate a Supplement Cancel process. However, the response time for the completion of the process is very slow.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the Supplement Cancel process is initiated, the response time for the completion of the process will be much faster.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00270824
Internal CR#: CR00271125

Problem: On an ISR Order, when the user group-assigns a few trunk connections to multiple parent connections several times, the following error occurs: ''Error executing ASAP.SP_CREATE_DLR Stored Procedure for Facility assignments! ORA-01403: no data found''.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to group-assign a few trunk connections to multiple parent connections several times without an error.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00269132
Internal CR#: CR00114576

Problem: On a PSR Order that is Supplement corrected, in Product Service Request>Order Maintenance>Services, when the user right clicks on a Bandwidth Access Circuit Product, selects the Delete This Item option and clicks 'Yes' on the Delete Prompt message, the following error occurs:
"SP_SO_DELETE:280.ORA-02292:integrity constraint{ASAP.FK_SR_CA_VA_SE_RE_SI} violated - child record found."

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete a Bandwidth Access Circuit Product without an error.


Issue ID: CR00264107
Internal CR#: CR00264378

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, when adding an Equipment Structure Type, the user is able to enter a value of 10 characters only in the Add an Equipment Structure Type pop up. Again, on the Add Structure Item pop up, the user is able to enter only 10 characters in the Identifier field.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a value up to 25 characters when adding an Equipment Structure Type in the Add an Equipment Structure Type pop up. Again, on the Add Structure Item pop up, the user will be able to enter a value up to 25 characters in the Identifier field.


Issue ID: CR00269015
Internal CR#: CR00269167

Problem: The user selects an equipment on the Equipment Spec Search window. However, on the Equipment Spec pop up, when the user updates the Mounting Positions and clicks the OK button, the changes are not updated.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user updates the Mounting Positions on the Equipment Spec pop up, the changes will get updated.


Issue ID: CR00273451
Internal CR#: CR00273511

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>Actions, the user clicks on Cross-Reference to go to the Connection Reference pop up and clicks the New Icon to open the CKR Reference pop up.  If the Cross Reference Type is CRK/Cust and the user enters a value in the Connection Reference field and clicks the Tab key, the following error occurs:
"Error Number 6.
Error text = Invalid DataWindow row/column specified.
Window/Menu/Object = w_circuit_xref_maint_response.
Error Object/Control = dw_1.
Script = uoe_validatecolumn.
Line in Script = 40"

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a value in the Connection Reference field in the CKR Reference pop up and click the Tab key without getting an error.


Issue ID: CR00266211
Internal CR#: CR00266222

Problem: On creating a new Equipment Spec, when the user adds a new link and clicks the Add button under the Links tab of the Equipment Spec pop up, the following error occurs:
“Key input parameter value 0 for the table name provided is not valid".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Links tab will be disabled when a new Equipment Spec is created, thereby preventing the user from adding a new link.


Issue ID: CR00273541
Internal CR#: CR00114794

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window, when the user right clicks on an installed Equipment not having mounting positions and selects Equipment Visualization, the following generic message is displayed: ''The Application Server did not run successfully'' instead of a valid message.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window, when the user right clicks on an installed Equipment not having mounting positions and selects Equipment Visualization, the following valid message will be displayed: ''Mounting Positions should be available to view the Equipment Visualization''.


Issue ID: CR00274034
Internal CR#: CR00274857

Problem: On a Change Order for an ISR Order having X-Broadband Services as Service Type, when the user double clicks to open an existing or a new Bandwidth Connection, the following error occurs: “Warning: No Connection Types Found. A Service Application must be set up and associated to a Service Type Category, Service Type Code, and Connection Type for values to appear here.  Service Applications are set up through Inventory Management Setup”.
This occurs even when all the details are entered in the connection.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to open an existing or a new Bandwidth Connection through an ISR Change Order without an error.


Issue ID: CR00249614
Internal CR#: CR00260932

Problem: In Background Server>Product Catalog>IP IA ISDN PRI Group, under the Availability tab, time delay occurs in the following cases:
1. When the user clicks on a Network Area, the Network Item appears under the Effective Network Item Detail column only after a time delay of 9 seconds. 

2. The user right clicks on a Network Area and selects Add Network Area Availability to open the Network Area Definition Query pop up. Under the Criteria tab of the pop up, when the user clicks the Set Criteria button, enters the criteria in the Set Selection Criteria pop up and clicks the OK button, the Network Area Definition Query pop up updated with the newly added Network Area Availability appears only after a time delay of 6 seconds.  

3. When the user selects the Network Item and moves it to the Effective Network Item Detail column, the changes get saved only after a time delay of 4 minutes and 9 seconds.

Resolution: The code was modified and now there will be less time delay when the user performs the specified actions in Background Server>Product Catalog>IP IA ISDN PRI Group.


Issue ID: CR00267656
Internal CR#: CR00267881

Problem: In MSS>My Desktop>My Links, when the user clicks on, a JSESSIONID error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to open the URL, without an error.


Issue ID: CR00267245
Internal CR#: CR00113791

Problem: In Order Management Setup>Interchange Customer Service Centers (ICSC), the user is unable to modify/delete the Telco ID of an ICSC associated to a connection.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to modify/delete the Telco ID of an ICSC even if associated to a connection.


Issue ID: CR00269754
Internal CR#: CR00113790

Problem: When the user applies the Mass Price Change for any selected product, the response time is very slow and a series of database errors occur.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user applies the Mass Price Change for any selected product, the response time is much faster and no error will occur.


Issue ID: CR00269859
Internal CR#: CR00270040

Problem: On a product on the Product Catalog window, for any entry under the Translation tab, when the user performs Mass Price Change, the Price Id column is not available in the Pending Mass Price Changes section on the Mass Price Changes pop up.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Price Id column will be available in the Pending Mass Price Changes section on the Mass Price Changes pop up.


Issue ID: CR00268582
Internal CR#: CR00113794

Problem: On the Inventory Management Setup window, under the Connection Design section, when the user clicks on the Transmission Rate Codes link, validation errors occur.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to open the Transmission Rate Codes link without an error.


Issue ID: CR00269637
Internal CR#: CR00113803

Problem: On the Internal Service Request window, under the Remarks tab, the user updates the remarks and processes the Supplement Correction. However, in Connection Design>Additional Detail>Admin tab, the updated remarks are not reflected in the connections for the respective issue status.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the updated remarks will be reflected in the connections for the respective issue status, when the user processes the Supplement Correction.


Issue ID: CR00271757
Internal CR#: CR00272719

Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window, when the user group-assigns a Trunk Connection to multiple ports of an Equipment, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the application will not hang when the user group-assigns a Trunk Connection to multiple ports of an Equipment.


Issue ID: CR00270253
Internal CR#: CR00113667

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user selects ANALOG from the Work Queue drop down and right clicks on the DD Task of an LSR Order to select the Complete Task(s) option. However, when the user clicks the Yes button under the Completion Info tab of the Task Completion window, the following error occurs:
“Error completing Related Info”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete the DD Task of an LSR Order without an error.


Issue ID: CR00259764
Internal CR#: CR00260391

Problem: On the gateway.ini file, when the user disables all the API servers and performs testing, the following message is displayed in the appserver.mss.log: “Processing the API”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user disables all the API servers and performs testing, the message “Processing the API” will not get displayed on the appserver.mss.log.


Issue ID: CR00252364
Internal CR#: CR00253739

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user right clicks on an LSR Order and selects the New From option to go to the LSOG Version Selection pop up, the CCNA and SC drop down fields do not get updated with the values from the Parent LSR Order, thereby requiring the user to select these values again from the drop down fields.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on an LSR Order and selects the New From option to go to the LSOG Version Selection pop up, the CCNA and SC drop down fields will get updated with the values from the Parent LSR Order.


Issue ID: CR00263841
Internal CR#: CR00113736

Problem: When the user imports new Labels for an Equipment on a PSR Order through the XML API, the values do not get updated, instead the default values are retained.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user imports new Labels for an Equipment through the XML API, the new values will get updated.


Issue ID: CR00269448
Internal CR#: CR00113755

Problem: When the user exports the switchActivation information of a PSR Order through the XML API GetServiceActivationData.jpd method, only the first label and value information and not all the labels and values get exported.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user exports the switchActivation information of a PSR Order through the XML API GetServiceActivationData.jpd method, all the labels and values will get exported.


Issue ID: CR00265621
Internal CR#: CR00266266

Problem: In GetEntityByKeySync.jpd Process>Test SOAP>SOAP body, when the user enters the circuit identification and clicks the getEntityByKeyRequest button to view the circuit details, the following error occurs in ‘External Service Response’: 
“DLR Data Not Found for CircuitDesignId = 1034621: Issue Number = 15Fail to convert to internal representation”

Resolution: The code was modified and the user will be able to view the circuit details in ‘External Service Response’ without an error.


Issue ID: CR00269760
Internal CR#: CR00113792

Problem: In Customer Account>Account Info>General tab, the user double clicks on the Address icon to navigate to the Address Maintenance pop up where the Country field in Address Format is not enabled.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Country field in Address Format will be enabled on the Address Maintenance pop up.


Issue ID: CR00276822
Internal CR#: CR00113808

Problem: On a PSR Order in Customer Account>Account Info>Address, the Sec. Bill Name field is not enabled on the Address pop up of the Primary Billing Address of a customer.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Sec. Bill Name field will be enabled on the Address pop up.


Issue ID: CR00270095
Internal CR#: CR00270321

Problem: On the Customer Summary window in the French environment, a java script error occurs when the user clicks the Telephone Numbers link.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to click the Telephone Numbers link in the French environment, without an error.


Issue ID: CR00259243
Internal CR#: CR00272091

Problem: On the Customer Summary window, the user performs transfer of an order. However, in Product Service Request>Order Info tab, the Responsible Party field does not display the Login Id of the user.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user performs transfer of an order, the Login Id of the user will be displayed in the Responsible Party field under the Order Info tab.


Issue ID: CR00266732
Internal CR#: CR00266795

Problem: On the Customer Summary window, under the Actions section, when a user with restricted security privileges clicks the Transfer link, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when a user with restricted security privileges clicks the Transfer link, the following alert message will appear:
"This area of the system is being secured, Please see the security administrator if you need access to this area”. Also, the application will not hang.


Issue ID: CR00266597
Internal CR#: CR00113756

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user right clicks on the Directory Request Product and selects Open Directory Maintenance to open the Directory Service Request pop up. On the Open Directory Type under the Delivery tab, when the user adds a Directory Type, the values do not get populated in the YPPA Code drop down on the Directory Type Assignment pop up.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user adds a Directory Type, the values will get populated in the YPPA Code drop down on the Directory Type Assignment pop up.


Issue ID: CR00270538
Internal CR#: CR00113752

Problem: On a PSR Order, in order to assign a Telephone Number to a Line Product, the user selects the Resale Telephone Numbers radio button on the Create tab of the Telephone Numbers pop up. On selecting the NPA and NXX numbers (having no LRNs) in the dropdowns and clicking the Create button, several errors occur and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to select the NPA and NXX numbers (having no LRNs) in the dropdowns and click the Create button without an error, and the application also will not terminate.


Issue ID: CR00201785
Internal CR#: CR00145970

Problem: On a PSR Order, when the user adds 600 to 700 line products and assigns telephone numbers to the same, there is a time delay of 1-3 minutes.
Also when the user adds more line products and assigns telephone numbers, and then clicks on the Assign TN button on the Telephone Number Assignment window, the Telephone Numbers pop up takes a longer time to open.

Resolution: The code was modified and now there will be no time delay when the user adds a large number of line products and assigns telephone numbers.


Issue ID: CR00267392
Internal CR#: CR00267587

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user searches for PSR Orders with the Expedite check box checked, and retrieves the orders. However, when clicking the Modify Search link, the user searches for orders without checking the Expedite check box, the following message pops up:
"No matches found for your search".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user can retrieve the PSR Orders even after clicking the Modify Search link and keeping the Expedite check box unchecked.


Issue ID: CR00269764
Internal CR#: CR00269952

Problem: In Preferences>System Information, the preference ‘Enable NPA/NXX Contact Telephone Number Formatting = Y’ is set. However, in Customer Summary>Contacts, the number in the Telephone Number field is displayed in free format.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the preference, ‘Enable NPA/NXX Contact Telephone Number Formatting = Y’ is set, the number in the Telephone Number field will be displayed in the NPA/NXX format in the Telephone Number field under Customer Summary>Contacts.


Issue ID: CR00271992
Internal CR#: CR00272053

Problem: On the Customer Account window, the user is not able to delete a row under the Contacts tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete a row under the Contacts tab successfully.


Issue ID: CR00269781
Internal CR#: CR00272101

Problem: On a PSR Order, for the Directory Request Service Product, when the user enters the first or last name in the fields under the Criteria tab on the Directory Listing – Header Search pop up and clicks the Search button, instead of retrieving the Headers for the given search criteria, all Headers are retrieved.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user performs a search on the Directory Listing – Header Search pop up, the Headers will get retrieved only for the given search criteria.


Issue ID: CR00275271
Internal CR#: CR00275378

Problem: In Product Service Request>Options>Service Request Notes, when the user closes the Service Request Notes pop up with or without updating the notes, the following data related error occurs:
MetaSolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException: JDSCStatementManager: A required parameter is null and must be specified.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to close the Service Request Notes pop up without an error.


Internal CR#: CR00113583

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Circuit Info, in the Service Type Code/Ext drop down field, the user has to enter the same alphabet twice (instead of once) to obtain all the Service Codes starting with that alphabet .

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will have to enter the alphabet just once in the Service Type Code/Ext drop down field to obtain all the Service Codes starting with that alphabet.


Issue ID: CR00263733
Internal CR#: CR00113629

Problem: On a PSR Order with a Non-Recurring Pricing Product, in Service Request Search> Product History, when the user selects the Pricing and Billing option from the drop down on the right pane, the Pricing and Billing data is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Pricing and Billing data will be available when the user selects the Pricing and Billing option for a PSR Order with a Non-Recurring Pricing Product.


Issue ID: CR00272413
Internal CR#: CR00114909

Problem: On the Product Catalog window, during processing of a large number of Service Items in a low configuration system, when the user performs Mass Price Change for the selected Service Items, the Memory usage and CPU utilization are found to be high. Also, the response time is slow and the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user performs Mass Price Change for the selected Service Items, the response time is much faster and the Memory usage and CPU utilization are found to be normal. Also, the application does not hang.


Issue ID: CR00265766
Internal CR#: CR00266385

Problem: In Customer Summary>Related Pages>Customer Account User data, when the user selects a value from the Market Segment drop down field, a number is incorrectly displayed instead of the selected Market Segment value.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects a value from the Market Segment drop down field under Customer Account User data, the selected value will display correctly.


Issue ID: CR00269666
Internal CR#: CR00269775

Problem: On the Customer Account Search window, when the user selects the Telephone Number option in the Search by drop down field and enters a value in lower case in the First Name field, the following message appears:
“No matches were found for your search”.
However, the user is able to enter a value in upper case.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a value both in upper and lower case in the First Name field on the Customer Account Search window.


Issue ID: CR00270659
Internal CR#: CR00271613

Problem: On the Service Request Search window or the Customer Account window, the user is not able to expand the tree view of Service items.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Navigate option has been added in three places - Service Request Search >Product History tab, Customer Account> Product History tab and the Customer Services window, thereby enabling the user to expand the tree view of Service items.


Issue ID: CR00264526
Internal CR#: CR00113811

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user adds a Special Bill Clg Card Product to which two child items Calling Card and Special Calling Card are added. To the Calling Card child item, a sub item Calling Card Pin is added. The user adds the authorizing information under the Auth Info tab for Calling Card and Special Calling Card, but omits to add the same for Calling Card Pin. However, the order still gets validated when the user clicks on the Validate Order link.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Validate Order link without adding the authorizing information to the sub item Calling Card Pin, the order will not get validated and a validation error will occur.


Issue ID: CR00267391
Internal CR#: CR00268598

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Add Item Selection>NRI- Install Field Connect>Line Connection, the user adds three Line connections. However in Product Catalog> NRI- Install Field Connect>Line Connection, only two Line connections are displayed under the Pricing tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now all the newly added Line connections will be displayed under the Pricing tab.


Issue ID: CR00271405
Internal CR#: CR00271441

Problem: In Product Service Request>Options> Service Request Notes, the user adds a new Service Request Note, which does not get updated in Order Maintenance>Services>Notes tab. However, the new note is visible when the user closes and reopens the order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the newly added Service Request Note will get updated in Order Maintenance>Services>Notes tab.


Issue ID: CR00270706
Internal CR#: CR00271780

Problem: On a PSR Order of a Line Product with ‘Call Forwarding Busy Fixed – New’ and ‘Call Forwarding No Answer Fixed – New’ containing Label and Value Info, when the user clicks on Validate Order under the Order Actions section, the following PSR Validation error occurs:
“This service item has required labels with no values. Please add values”.        

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to validate the order without an error.


Issue ID: CR00265452
Internal CR#: CR00265635

Problem: In Product Specifications>Values>Value Label of a PSR Order, the user right clicks and selects the Add Label option to open the Product Specifications Value Label-New pop up, where the Min Value Length and Max Value Length are mandatory fields, when they need not be so.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Product Specifications Value Label-New pop up, the Min Value Length and Max Value Length will not be mandatory fields.


Issue ID: CR00267369
Internal CR#: CR00267669

Problem: On a PSR Order having DL-Main Listing service items included under a Line Product, when the user clicks on the Directory Listing tab and modifies the values in the First and the Last name fields, the modified values do not get saved. As a result, the previous First and Last names continue to be displayed in the bottom pane of the Directory Listing section.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the modified First and Last Names will get saved, and will be displayed correctly in the bottom pane of the Directory Listing section.


Issue ID: CR00266727
Internal CR#: CR00267771

Problem: When an existing user upgrades the application from a previous version and selects a value in the Search By drop down field on the Service Request Search window, the following message appears:
“No matches were found for your search”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on upgrading the application from a previous version, the user will be able to search for records on the Service Request Search window.


Issue ID: CR00267385
Internal CR#: CR00268432

Problem: In Product Specifications> Authorization/Account/Pin Code Maintenance, the user defines an Auth Code as Unique, checks the Predefined Code check box and enters predefined code values under the Code section. However, in Product Service Request>Services>Auth Info tab, the Code dropdown field is not available in the Auth Code pop up.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Services>Auth Info tab, the Code dropdown field will be available in the Auth Code pop up.


Issue ID: CR00270162
Internal CR#: CR00270845

Problem: On a PSR Order, on the Tasks window, the user is able to right click the last task in the tasks list and set it to 'Not Required’, without adding a Due Date task first.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will not be able to set the last task to 'Not Required' without adding a Due Date task first and an appropriate validation message will get displayed.


Issue ID: CR00273009
Internal CR#: CR00115067

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user performs New From from an existing PSR Order. On the Connection Attributes window, the selected values in the drop down fields - Line Coding and Framing, and the existing values in the following fields - Orig VPI, Orig VCI, Orig DLCI, Term VPI, Term VCI, Term DLCI, INTL VPI, INTL VCI and INTL DLCI are not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Attributes window, the selected values in the drop down fields - Line Coding and Framing, and the existing values in the following fields - Orig VPI, Orig VCI, Orig DLCI, Term VPI, Term VCI, Term DLCI, INTL VPI, INTL VCI and INTL DLCI will be available, when the user performs New From from an existing PSR Order.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: CR00238514
Internal CR#: CR00244344

Problem: A user with Read Only access is able to create new PSR Orders.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user with Read Only access will not be able to create new PSR Orders.


Issue ID: CR00263619
Internal CR#: CR00263694

Problem: On the Equipment Spec Query window, when the user performs migration of an Equipment Spec with Port Addresses using Data Selection Tool Version 6.0 from one database to another database, the following error occurs:
“f_move_equipspec_port_address_rec_60 - source - error ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected”.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform migration of an Equipment Spec with Port Addresses using Data Selection Tool Version 6.0 from one database to another database without an error.


Issue ID: CR00268334
Internal CR#: CR00269518

Problem: In Trouble Ticket Queue>View tab>Format Fields, when the user moves a User Defined Field from the Available Fields section to the Visible Fields section, the format fields on the Trouble Ticket Queue window get jumbled.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user moves a User Defined Field from the Available Fields section to the Visible Fields section, the format fields on the Trouble Ticket Queue window will remain in the correct order.


Issue ID: CR00268327
Internal CR#: CR00268788

Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, the user right clicks on a Ticket ID with Circuit/Connection Service Item Type and selects the External Referrals option to open the External Referrals pop up. When the user double clicks on the Circuit Reference, the values are not populated in the Circuit Reference pop up as well as the Circuit Reference drop down under the Notes tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user double clicks on the Circuit Reference, the values will get populated in the Circuit Reference pop up as well as the Circuit Reference drop down under the Notes tab of the External Referrals pop up.

User Setup

Issue ID: CR00271244
Internal CR#: CR00271934

Problem: On the Security Users and Groups window, when an Administrator unassigns an User Id from a Group, the change is not reflected for the other users in their 'User lists' even after a refresh of the screen and the deleted User Id continues to appear.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when an Administrator unassigns an User Id from a Group, the change will be reflected for the other users in their 'User lists' and the deleted User Id will not appear on the Security Users and Groups window.

User Setup

Issue ID: CR00207417
Internal CR#: CR00272188

Problem: In Customer Account>Account Info, the user wants restricted access to the Address Maintenance pop up. 

Resolution: In Security Permissions>Windows and Controls> w_cust_address_dynamic, the option ‘No Access’ should be set under the Permission column, so that when a restricted user clicks on the Address icon under the Account Info tab, the message ‘Access Denied’ will appear.


Issue ID: CR00201533
Internal CR#: CR00130016

Problem: In an Outside Move USO Order>Service and Equipment tab, the user clicks the New Icon to go to the USO Location Maintenance pop up. When selecting the Locations option under the View dropdown, the user enters a value in the LSO drop down field. However, the corresponding LSO Location name related to the LSO value is not displayed on the Connection Design window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters a value in the LSO drop down field, the corresponding LSO Location name related to the LSO value will be displayed on the Connection Design window.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00262307
Internal CR#: CR00264196

Problem: In Background Report>File, the Print option is not enabled.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Print option will be enabled on the Background Report window. If not, in My Preferences>Inventory Management>Reconcile>Background Print Options, the preferences – ‘Print List of Circuits=Y’ and ‘Print List of Exceptions=Y’ should be set.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00271283
Internal CR#: CR00272183

Problem: On the Tasks window of an ISR Order, under the Plan Selection tab, the names in the Provisioning Plan drop down field are not completely displayed when the character length of a name is greater than 32.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the character length of a name in the Provisioning Plan drop down field has been increased to 35, and so all Provisioning Plan names not exceeding 35 characters, will be completely displayed.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00265094
Internal CR#: CR00265825

Problem: On the Background Server for a PSR Order, in Work Management>Provisioning Plans, the user double clicks on one of the Pre Order Provisioning plans to go to Provisioning Plan>Task Assignment Tab. Under the Available Tasks section, a few Smart Tasks (not allowed for a Pre Order plan) like E911SMRT are incorrectly listed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user double clicks on any of the Pre Order Provisioning plans to go to the Available Tasks section under Provisioning Plan>Task Assignment Tab, the Smart Tasks not allowed for a Pre Order plan will not be listed.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00266959
Internal CR#: CR00270240

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user right clicks on a Task and selects the Transfer Task option. However, the ‘OK’ button is disabled on the Task Transfer pop up, thereby preventing the user to select a Work Queue to transfer the task.

Resolution: The security permissions for the Task Transfer pop up are modified to ‘Not Set’ and now the ‘OK’ button will not be disabled thereby allowing the user to select a Work Queue to transfer a task.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00269226
nternal CR#: CR00269422

Problem: On the Sprocket 5214 window, the user selects the Work Management option from the API Server dropdown field, TaskViewingSubSession from the API Session dropdown field and selects the AddServReqNote option under the Methods section to edit the note. When the user enters and saves the Order Number and ServReqNotes in the addServReqNote – Notepad pop up and clicks the Run button to view the reports, the following error occurs:
"MetaSolv(v6.0) Error Code :10119 MetaSolv(v6.0) Message : The server encountered the following Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ASAP.IDX_DOC_SEQ) violated".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to view the reports on clicking the Run button without an error.


MSS 6.0.15


Bug ID



Bug ID: 6183626

Problem: In the WLI (XML) mode, the Application server fails to start as windows service, and the following error appears: "Unable to initialize the server".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the WLI (XML) mode, the Application server will start successfully as windows service without an error. This code will be effective for a full Install only.


Bug ID: 6182113

Problem: The jbroker.mss.log does not get created in the JBroker_Home directory in the Solaris environment.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the jbroker.mss.log will get created in the JBroker_Home directory. This code will be effective only for a full install in the Solaris Environment.


Bug ID: 6183606

Problem: In Customer Account Search>Options, when the user selects Customer Profile option to navigate to the Customer Summary window, a validation error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to navigate to the Customer Summary window after selecting the Customer Profile option, without an error.


Bug ID: 6499261

Problem: In Work Queue Manager>View menu, the user selects the F ormat F ields option. In Specify Visible Columns>Invisible Columns>Column Name, the asr_asr_number column is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Specify Visible Columns>Invisible Columns>Column Name, the asr_asr_number column will be available.


Bug ID: 6181551

Problem: On the CABS Billing Navigator window, a T3 connection is displayed incorrectly even though the first 8 bytes of the F ACTL or ACTL do not match the first 8 bytes of the A or Z CLLI of the T3 connection.

Resolution: The code was modified and now as per the rules, the T3 connection will not be displayed on the CABS Billing Navigator window, when the first 8 bytes of the F ACTL or ACTL matches the first 8 bytes of the A or Z CLLI of the T3 connection.


Bug ID: 6181683

Problem: On the Circuit Identification window, the user enters the circuit information of a F acility connection and then clicks on the Continuous Add button. When the user changes the F acility Designation Id and clicks on the OK button, a message prompt to select the ACI occurs. However, the selection does not occur even after clicking 'Yes' on the prompt.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user changes the F acility Designation Id and clicks on the OK button, a message prompt to select the ACI will be displayed, here when clicking 'Yes' a selection will occur.


Bug ID: 6183515

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user tries to complete a DLRD Task with IN BACK Activity, the following message is displayed: "This task has been sent to the Background Processor and cannot be sent again".

Resolution: The code was modified and when the DLRD Task has been cancelled in the Background processor, the status of the DLRD Task will be displayed as ERR instead of IN BACK on the Work Queue Manager window, and now the user will be able to complete the DLRD Task.


Bug ID: 6397413

Problem: CR268397.sql was created in the 6.0.15 branch. When CR113423.SQL is created, the details from CR268397.sql is copied into CR113423.SQL

Resolution: The code was modified and now the CR268397.sql is removed from the 6.0.15 branch.


Bug ID: 6183584

Problem: On the database, the Bulk Collects that had less numbers of rows compared to that specified in the Limit Class were not processed.

Resolution: The script has been modified and now the Bulk Collects that have less numbers of rows compared to that specified in the Limit Class will be processed.


Bug ID: 6601506

Problem: When the user assigns a F acility connection to an Optical Network, the Channel Positions of the Network do not get displayed in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user assigns a F acility connection to an Optical Network, the Channel Positions of the Network will get displayed in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.


Bug ID: 6184112

Problem: In Network System Design>Network Detail, when the user opens a Network with the Open without Graphics option, right clicks on a connection and selects the AutoBuild option, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Network System Design>Network Detail, the user will be able to auto build a connection and the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6311005

Problem: In MSS 5.2, on the View Connection Design window, the user is able to modify an order that has the CLRUPDAT task.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the View Connection Design window, the save button and the Actions link are disabled. Hence, the user will not be able to modify an order that has the CLRUPDAT task.


Bug ID: 6189902

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user clicks on the Network assignment link to navigate to the Provisioning Assistant pop up. However, when the user clicks on the Assign link on the pop up, the channels associated to the connection are not displayed in sequence.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Provisioning Assistant pop up, when the user clicks on the Assign link, the channels associated to the connection will be displayed in sequence.


Bug ID: 6190054

Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user right clicks on a component and selects the Properties option to navigate to the Managing a Component pop up. When the user tries to rename the component in the Name field and clicks the OK button, a data related error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Managing a Component pop up, the user will be able to rename the component in the Name field and click the OK button to save the name, without an error.


Bug ID: 6345940

Problem: On the Network System Design window, when the user clicks the Activation Summary Report icon, the Activation Report window is blank.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks the Activation Summary Report icon, the Activation Report will display the necessary information.


Bug ID: 6348733

Problem: In Connection Design>Properties>User Data tab, when the user selects a value from the Circuit User Data dropdown with a Category Type = 'Table' and clicks the Save menu, a data-related error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the User Data tab, the user will be able to select a value from the Circuit User Data dropdown with a Category Type = 'Table' and save without an error.


Bug ID: 6361574

Problem: F or a PSR Order with a NGN product, on the Network System Design window, when the user performs modifications on the graphical canvas and clicks the Save icon, a data related error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now for a PSR Order with a NGN product, on the Network System Design window, the user will be able to perform modifications on the canvas and save without an error.


Bug ID: 6405316

Problem: In Connection Design>Schematic Design, the user right clicks on an Assignable Bandwidth Link and selects the Specify Virtual Channel option to go to Virtual Channel Assignment pop up. When the user enters the values in the VPI and VCI fields and clicks the OK button, a data related error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up, the user will be able to enter the values in the VPI and VCI fields and save without an error.


Bug ID: 6414314

Problem: In Connection Design>Connection Summary>Schematic Design, the user right clicks on a physical connection and selects the Specify Virtual Channel option. On the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up, the user is able to enter duplicate values in the VPI and VCI fields.

Resolution: The code was modified and now for a physical connection, on the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up, when the user enters duplicate values in the VPI and VCI fields, an appropriate data-related error will occur.


Bug ID: 6417816

Problem: 1. In Connection Design> F acility>Connection Hierarchy Search, the user right clicks and selects the Route option to go to Connection Hierarchy Search pop up. When the user enters the network name in the F NI field, checks the SONET/SDH Route check box and clicks the Search button, all the paths are not displayed.

2. On the Network Provisioning Assistant window, the user right clicks and selects the Modify Search option to go to Equipment Inventory Search window. However, when clicking the Search button, the following error occurs: "Incorrect number of retrieval arguments for datawindow object d_equipinstall_equipbasebyfilterbynode. The retrieve expected 4 arguments, but only 3 were supplied."

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Hierarchy Search pop up, when the user enters the network name in the F NI field, checks the SONET/SDH Route check box and clicks the Search button, all the paths will be displayed.
Also, on the Equipment Inventory Search window, when the user clicks the Search button, all the equipments will be retrieved without an error.


Bug ID: 6512189

Problem: In Network System Design>Managing a Connection>Network Connection Specs section, the user right clicks on the Multilink spec and selects the New Group Connection option. In the Network Connection Specs section, the user right clicks on the created new group connection and selects the Maintain Group option to go to Connection Grouping pop up. Here, when the user creates new connections and clicks the 'Save' icon in the Network System Design window, a data related error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Connection Grouping pop up the user will be able to create new connections and click the 'Save' icon in the Network System Design window, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183124

Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, when the user opens some connections present in a Network Groom, there are no menus displayed in CLR/DLR Design>Actions tab, implying that the connections could not be edited.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in CLR/DLR Design>Actions tab, there will be menus displayed and the connections could be edited.


Bug ID: 6183308

Problem: In Connection Design>Properties>Custom Attributes tab, the user adds a value in the Related Connection Id field and clicks on the Save as Current Issue menu. However, when the user opens the same connection again the changes are not saved.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to save a newly added Related Connection Id in Connection Design>Properties>Custom Attributes tab.


Bug ID: 6183425

Problem: On the Network Channel Codes window, the user clicks on the Add New link to go to the Network Channel Codes - New pop up. Here, when the user enters values in all the required fields and clicks on the OK button to save the newly created code, the following data-related error occurs: "integrity constraint violated - child record found".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to save a newly created Network Channel Code without an error.


Bug ID: 6183618

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window, when the user double clicks on a PVC Circuit of a newly created PSR Order having a GLR_DGSN Task, the following message is displayed: "The Originating Element and Network could not be determined". The Connection Design window of the PVC Circuit does open, but only after a time delay of 7 minutes.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user double clicks on a PVC Circuit of a newly created PSR Order having a GLR_DGSN Task, the Connection Design window of the PVC Circuit will open without any time delay.


Bug ID: 6183669

Problem: On the Network System Design window for a NET DSGN Task, the user right clicks on a component and selects the Properties option. In Managing a Component>Component/Element Search pop up, when the user selects a value for the Component Type drop down and enters a value in the Name field and clicks the Search button, the following error occurs:"System error during copy of data to results. Please verify data objects are the same".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Component/Element Search pop up, on selecting a value for the Component Type drop down and entering a value in the Name field, the user will be able to search the Component/Element without an error.


Bug ID: 6183767

Problem: In SONET Maintenance>Network Drawing, the user right clicks and selects the Auto Build option to go to the Which Connection pop up, and checks a connection on the pop up. However, after the completion of the AutoBuild process, when the user validates and saves the SONET Network System by clicking the Save icon, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now after the completion of the AutoBuild process, when the user validates and saves the SONET Network System by clicking the Save icon, the application will not hang.


Bug ID: 6183783

Problem: In Network System Design>Managing a Connection>Connection Grouping pop up, the user right clicks and selects the Associate Connections option to navigate to the Connection Query window. However, under the Criteria tab, when the user enters values in few fields and clicks the Retrieve button, the number of connections retrieved and displayed is not equal to the number specified in the Retrieve tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Query window, under the Criteria tab, when the user enters values in few fields and clicks the Retrieve button, the number of connections retrieved and displayed will be equal to the number specified in the Retrieve tab.


Bug ID: 6184070

Problem: On the Network Location Search window, the user clicks the Add new link to go to the Network Location - New pop up. Here, when the user clicks on the Custom Attributes tab, an error occurs. Also, the user is unable to create a Network Location without adding Custom Attributes.

The code was modified and now on the Network Location - New pop up, when the user clicks on the Custom Attribute tab, no error will occur. Also, the user will be able to create a Network Location without adding Custom Attributes.


Bug ID: 6381853

Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user right clicks on a node of the SONET Network and selects the Properties option. In Node Properties>Equipment Assoc link, the user clicks on an equipment to navigate to the Node Equipment pop up. However, when right clicking on a port and selecting Open>Position Mappings, the position mappings of the special circuits associated to the port are not displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Node Equipment pop up, when the user right clicks on a port and selects Open>Position Mappings, the position mappings of the special circuits associated to the port will be displayed.


Bug ID: 6270663

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, when the user right clicks on an installed equipment, selects the Edit option, types any key and subsequently clicks the Enter key before the appearance of the Equipment pop up, the following error message appears: "Null object reference". And the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on an installed equipment, selects the Edit option, types any key and subsequently clicks the Enter key before the appearance of the Equipment pop up, the pop up will appear without an error and application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6405243

Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy Search window, the user selects the Bandwidth check box and clicks the search button. When the user right clicks on a connection on the Connection Hierarchy Result window and selects Open>Bandwidth Allocations, the following error occurs: "Unable to load Report because no virtual connection was found".
The same error also occurs when the user navigates through Connection Design>Outputs>Bandwidth Allocation Report.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on a connection on the Connection Hierarchy Result window and selects Open>Bandwidth Allocations, the Bandwidth Allocation report will open without an error. Also, the Bandwidth Allocation report will open without an error when the user navigates through Connection Design>Outputs>Bandwidth Allocation Report.


Bug ID: 6408127

Problem: F or a PSR Order with a NGN product, on the Connection Hierarchy Window, the VCI, VPI and DLCI allocation customer attributes of Bandwidth and Virtual connections are not displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Hierarchy Window, the VCI, VPI and DLCI allocation customer attributes of Bandwidth and Virtual connections will get displayed.


Bug ID: 6181020

Problem: On the Network System Design window, the Print option is not enabled under the F ile menu to print the Network List.

Resolution: The code was modified and in the Network System Design window, a new option 'Print Network List' is added in the Network Search icon. Now the user will be able to print the Network List by selecting this option.


Bug ID: 6181085

Problem: On the Network System Design window, for a hierarchical view of a SONET/SDH Network, the Print option is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on the graphical canvas the Print option will be available for a hierarchical view of a SONET/SDH Network on the Network System Design window.


Bug ID: 6182025

Problem: On the Network System Design window, when the user deletes a connection, auto builds the same connection to the unassigned port and saves the changes, the changes do not get saved and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Network System Design window, when the user deletes a connection, auto builds the same connection to the unassigned port and saves the changes, the changes will get saved. Also, the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6313860

Problem: On the Network Design window, the user creates a connection between two components and closes the window by clicking the Close button. In the Work Queue Manager window, the user opens the connection to navigate to the Connection Design window. However, under Options tab, when selecting the Connection Positions option, the following message appears:
"The positions for the connection cannot be edited because its owning network is currently open for edit. Please use the 'Circuit Properties' window from within Network Design to edit this connection's position or close the network".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Connection Design window, the user will be able to open the Connection Positions pop up, even when the Network Design window is closed using the Close button.


Bug ID: 6182341

Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window, when the user right clicks, selects View and clicks on the Available F acility Positions option, the correct number of F acility connections is displayed. However, when clicking the option again the number of available positions is not displayed and the number of F acility connections is reduced.
This happens even when the Preference "Show available Positions" under Preferences>Inventory management>Connection Hierarchy, is set to Y.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the correct number of available positions for connections will get displayed on the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window with respect to the preference "Show available Positions".


Bug ID: 6182498

Problem: On a PSR Order with a Circuit product and Telephone Numbers under Business Line product, the user assigns a T1 connection to a T3 F acility and then assigns the T3 connection to an equipment of both A and Z location. When the user then manually assigns the base DS0 connection to the T1 and group assigns the rest of the DS0 connections, the equipment information of the parent T3 connection is not updated to all the T0 F acilities in connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user group assigns the DS0 connection to the T1 F acility, the equipment information of the parent T3 connection will be updated in all the T0 F acilities in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.


Bug ID: 6381833

Problem: The user is not able to modify the CLR/DLR Designs through a task like QAREVIEW after the DD task is completed for a particular order.

Resolution: The Code was modified and now the user will be able to modify the CLR/DLR Designs through a task like QAREVIEW after the DD task is completed.


Bug ID: 6383613

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window, when the user Group Assigns the Trunk connections on an ASR Order to a F acility connection on another ASR/PSR/ISR Order, the following error occurs: "Error executing ASAP.SP_CREATE_DLR Stored Procedure for F acility assignments! ORA-01403: no data found".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Service Request Connections window, the user will be able to Group Assign the Trunk connections on an ASR Order to a F acility connection on another ASR/PSR/ISR Order without an error.


Bug ID: 6386878

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user double clicks on a connection. In Product Service pop up>Service Location, the user selects a connection under the Trunk Group and clicks on the Activation button. On the Activation Report, under the Line Service Detail section, the port number of a F acility block is incorrectly displayed instead of an Equipment block.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Activation Report, under the Line Service Detail section, the port number of the Equipment block will be displayed correctly.


Bug ID: 6633807

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, the user creates a cross connection between two equipments. F or a Port of a cross connected equipment, the user selects the Condition Codes in the Condition Code Assignment pop up. However, in the Hard-Wired Cross Connects window, duplicate ports equal to the number of the selected condition codes are created. Also, more than one cross connection can be created between the cross connected equipments.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Hard-Wired Cross Connects window, only one port will be created for a cross connected equipment irrespective of the number of condition codes assigned. Also, only one cross connection can be created between the cross connected equipments.


Bug ID: 6183028

Problem: On an ISR Order, in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user assigns a T3 connection to an Equipment. When the user group-assigns 28 T1 connections to the T3 connection, the equipment information is not reflected on all the T1 connections.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user assigns a T3 connection to an Equipment and then group-assigns 28 T1 connections to the T3 connection, the equipment information will get reflected on all the T1 connections.


Bug ID: 6473621

Problem: In the Connection Hierarchy or the Connection Design Search window, when the Pending Disconnect Trunk connections are removed from an Engineering work order, the status of the Trunk connections are not properly updated as 'Inservice'.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Connection Hierarchy or the Connection Design Search window, the status of the Pending Disconnect Trunk connections that are removed from an Engineering Work Order will get updated as 'In Service'.


Bug ID: 6183158

Problem: On a PSR Order having few disconnected Trunk connections, on the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window, when the user assigns a new Trunk connection to a Pending Disconnect circuit position of a F acility connection, the following warning message appears: " This order's due date proceeds the pending activity's due date. As a result, this assignment cannot be made".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign a new Trunk connection to a Pending Disconnect circuit position of a F acility connection, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183720

Problem: In Connection Design>Provisioning>CLR/DLR Design, the user clicks on the Save menu to save the Current/New Issue. However, the menu does not get closed even when the user navigates to other windows (e.g. Additional Details).

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Save menu will get closed when the user navigates to other windows from the Connection Design window.


Bug ID: 6183853

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user double clicks on a F acility block having an equipment assignment. In the Connection Hierarchy, the user right clicks and selects Equip F acility option to open the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window. However, when on right clicking and selecting the Position Mappings option, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window, when the user right clicks and selects the Position Mappings option to view the Position Mappings, the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6491953

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user right clicks on an order and selects the Print Circuit Design option to go to the Print pop up. Here the user checks the 'Include CLR' checkbox and clicks the Preview button. However, in Print Preview>CLR Admin tab, the Circuit dropdown is blank.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Work Queue Manager window when the user views the circuit through Print Circuit Design option, the valid entries will be available in Print Preview>CLR Admin>Circuit dropdown.


Bug ID: 6472043

Problem: In Connection Design>Schematic Design, the user right clicks on the Assignable Bandwidth link of a connection and selects the Specify Virtual Channel option. In the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up, when the user enters the VPI and VCI values of an existing connection and clicks OK, a validation error with incorrect details of the existing connection and its VPI and VCI codes is displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user enters the VPI and VCI values of an existing connection in the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up, a validation error with correct details of the existing connection and its VPI and VCI codes will be displayed.


Bug ID: 6472049

Problem: In Connection Design>Schematic Design, for an existing connection, the user clicks Redesign Connection link. Then, subsequently right clicks the Assignable Bandwidth link of the connection and selects the Specify Virtual Channel option. However, in the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up, the VPI/VCI values do not increase in a sequential manner automatically.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user clicks the Redesign Connection link for an existing connection, the VPI/VCI values in the Virtual Channel Assignment pop up will increase in a sequential manner automatically.


Bug ID: 6375392

Problem: On the Network Design window, the user right clicks on a component and selects the Properties option to navigate to the Managing a Component pop up. When the user clicks on the Customer Attributes link, the PSR Customer Attributes are not available in the Customer Owned/Rent dropdown field.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the PSR Customer Attributes will be available in the Customer Owned/Rent dropdown field when the user clicks on the Customer Attributes link in the Managing a Component pop up.


Bug ID: 6414448

Problem: On a new PSR Order that is created from an existing PSR Order having an IPVPN product and an Embedded Network, the user adds a Customer Edge Router, enters the Customer Attributes, validates and completes the new order. However, under Network System Design>Component Information, the user right clicks on the Customer Edge Router and selects Properties, when clicking on the Custom Attributes link on the Managing a Component pop up, a number is displayed in red color.

Resolution: The code was modified and now under Network System Design>Component Information, when the user right clicks on the Customer Edge Router and selects Properties to go the Managing a Component pop up and clicks the Custom Attributes link, a number will not be displayed in red color.


Bug ID: 6472752

Problem: On the Connection Design window, when the user clicks the Schematic Design link, the window is displayed blank.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design window, when the user clicks the Schematic Design link, the details in the window will be available.


Bug ID: 6183561

Problem: In MSS 6.0.10, on the Connection Design Search window, when the user right clicks and selects 'End User Location' as the search criteria, the following message is displayed: "No matches were found for your search".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design Search window, when the user right clicks and selects 'End User Location' as the search criteria, the connections will be retrieved.


Bug ID: 6183745

Problem: In MSS 6.0, on few Search windows, even when the user queries without providing any search criteria, results get retrieved automatically.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in MSS 6.0, the user will not be able to query without providing any search criteria on the Search windows.


Bug ID: 6183800

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user double clicks on an equipment to go to Equipment Inventory for Connection Design pop-up. When the user right clicks on an equipment and selects the Cross-Connect option, a confirmation prompt to view the cross-connects appears. However, when clicking 'Yes' on the prompt, all the circuit assignments associated to the equipment are not displayed in the Hard-Wired Cross-Connects pop up.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design pop-up, when the user clicks 'Yes' on the confirmation prompt to view the cross-connects, the circuit assignments associated to the equipment will be displayed in the Hard-Wired Cross-Connects pop up.


Bug ID: 6383420

Problem: In Service Request Connections>Options>Group Assignment, when the user group assigns the Trunk connections to a F acility through an ASR Order, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user group assigns the Trunk connections to a F acility through an ASR Order, the application will not hang.


Bug ID: 6322278

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, the user right clicks on a hard wired cross connected equipment and selects the Condition Codes option. On the Condition Codes Assignment pop up, when the user adds a condition code for a port of the Equipment, duplication of port addresses occur on the Hard-Wired Cross-Connects window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user adds a condition code for a port of the Equipment, duplication of port addresses will not occur on the Hard-Wired Cross-Connects window.


Bug ID: 6398126

Problem: In View Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>Outputs, the user selects the Preview CLR option to open the Print Preview window. Here, when the user double clicks, the Copy Window is displayed blank.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user double clicks on the Print Preview window, the Copy Window will display the relevant information.


Bug ID: 6501518

Problem: When the user assigns a F acility connection having child connections to an equipment with two EPA levels and Rate Codes as 'N/A', the equipment information of all the child connections are not displayed in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user assigns a F acility connection having child connections to an equipment with two EPA levels and Rate Codes as 'N/A', in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the equipment information of all the child connections will be displayed.


Bug ID: 6181872

Problem: When an Equipment is hard wired cross connected, in Special Circuit Design>Notes, the Port Alias of this Equipment is repeated for other equipments which do not have Port Aliases.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when an Equipment is hard wired cross connected, in Special Circuit Design>Notes, the Port Alias of this equipment will not be repeated for the other equipments which do not have Port Aliases.


Bug ID: 6182612

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window, when the user removes a connection from an ISR Order, without any modifications to the design lines, the following message is displayed: "You cannot delete a circuit for an order once Design Lines have been drawn. The circuit(s) will not be deleted".

Resolution: The code was modified and now when no modifications are done to the to the design lines, the user will be able to remove a connection from an ISR Order without an error.


Bug ID: 6433594

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user double clicks on an order with DLRD task. In the Service Request Connections window, the user opens, edits and closes a connection. However, the edited connection is not highlighted in the Service Request Connections window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Service Request Connections window, when the user opens, edits and closes a connection, the edited connection will be highlighted.


Bug ID: 6182456

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user adds a Wireless Residential product under 'Global' and adds a Service Location without any service items. When the user assigns a Provisioning Plan and completes the tasks to complete the order, a series of errors occur and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete an order having a Wireless Residential product and a Service Location having no service items, without an error. Also, the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6182441

Problem: On the Connection Design window, the user clicks on the Network link of a connection, to go to the Provisioning Assistant pop up where the facility associations for the connection is incorrectly displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Provisioning Assistant pop up, the facility associations for the connection will be displayed correctly.


Bug ID: 6381875

Problem: On an EWO, on the Equipment Inventory window, when the user adds an equipment with an Equipment Spec that has a Slot Name column specified with an inch symbol (e.g.1"), a series of error occurs and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory window, the user will be able to add an equipment with an Equipment Spec that has a Slot Name column specified with an inch symbol (e.g.1"), without an error. Also the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6507484

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, when the user right clicks on a virtual port, the Condition Codes option is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory window, when the user right clicks on a virtual port, the Condition Codes option will be available.


Bug ID: 6183342

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window, when the user first unassigns and then reassigns a connection from a port of an equipment and saves the design, the Reconciliation process does not get triggered.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design window, when the user first unassigns and then reassigns the connection from the port of an equipment and saves the design, the Reconciliation process will get triggered.


Bug ID: 6183519

Problem: In Engineering Work Order - Summary>Manage Connections>Change Trunk, the user clicks on a connection to go to the Trunk Group Search for Circuit ID Assignment pop up. Under the Criteria tab, when the user enters a value in the Two Six Code field, clicks on the Search button and opens a connection under the Results tab to change the TCIC Code of that connection, the following error occurs:
"Unable to change the TCIC code.
TCIC codes can be changed on circuits that have a statue of 'In Service' only on a record Activity or Change Order".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Trunk Group Search for Circuit ID Assignment pop up, the user will be able open a connection under the Results tab to change the TCIC Code of that connection, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183652

Problem: In MSS 6.0.12, in Security Permissions>Windows and Controls>w_prefix_query, the Permission dropdown appears disabled. However, the user is able to select a value in this field.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Security Permissions>Windows and Controls>w_prefix_query, the Permission dropdown will appear enabled or active.


Bug ID: 6191644

Problem: When the user imports a Customer Account or Service Location with a Non-US Address format through the XML API - CreateEntitySync.jpd and ImportCustomerAccountSync.jpd methods, an error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to import a Customer Account or Service Location with a Non-US Address format through the XML API -CreateEntitySync.jpd and ImportCustomerAccountSync.jpd methods, without an error.


Bug ID: 6182813

Problem: On the Product Catalog pop up, when the user adds a Product Specification having an '&' symbol in the character string, the following data related error occurs: "[ F atal Error]:1:1097: The reference to entity "Product" must end with the '.' delimiter".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Product Catalog pop up, the user will be able to add a Product Specification having an '&' symbol in the character string, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183332

Problem: In Network Area Definition>Number Inventory tab, under 'Telephone Number Inventory', the telephone numbers to be disassociated are checked. When the user right clicks on the checked telephone numbers and selects the Disassociate Selected Item or Disassociate Checked Item(s) option, the numbers get disassociated without displaying a warning message.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Network Area Definition>Number Inventory tab, under 'Telephone Number Inventory', when the user right clicks on the checked telephone numbers and selects the Disassociate Selected Item or Disassociate Checked Item(s) option, the following warning message will appear "Do you really want to Disassociate? Disassociating this switch might affect End User Location Configuration".


Bug ID: 6183575

Problem: On the Network System Design window, when the user creates a CLS format connection between two components, the Serial Number field on the Connection Identification - CLS format pop up does not get populated automatically. This happens even when the preference "Options for CLS-Serial Number Generation" is set to "Non-Adjustable System Wide Sequence".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Network System Design window, when the user creates a CLS format connection between two components, the Serial Number field on the Connection Identification - CLS format pop up will get populated automatically.


Bug ID: 6417520

Problem: On the Geographic Area tree view, when the user creates two parent products and creates a child product in each with the same abbreviation, the following message appears: "This abbreviation STAS already exists for this QUARTIER".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Geographic Area tree view when the user will be able to create two parent products and create a child product in each with the same abbreviation, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183560

Problem: On the Internet Service Search window, when the user tries to open an IP Address that has no Network Area associated to it, the following error message appears: "Invalid DataWindow row/column specified".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Internet Service Search window, the user will be able to open an IP Address that has no Network Area associated to it, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183787

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user opens a parent circuit of an Equipment without closing its child circuit. In the Equipment Inventory window, the user right clicks on an Equipment and selects the Unassign Connection option. However, on the Connection Design window, when closing the child circuit after subsequent saving and closing of the parent circuit, the following data related error occurs:
"Circuit 10655 issue 149 with DLR issue status 4 not valid for save or save as request". Also, the changes do not get saved.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design window, the user will be able to close the child circuit after subsequent saving and closing of the parent circuit, without an error. Also, the changes will get saved.


Bug ID: 6378568

Problem: On the IP Address - Internal window, when the user double clicks on an address assigned to an equipment, the following error message occurs: "Item 'COSCO, NI-2 OC3, 0 (Issue 1) - TARJ' in column "equipment_equipment_name" does not pass validation test".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the IP Address - Internal window, when the user double clicks on an address assigned to an equipment, the IP Address Properties pop up will open without an error.


Bug ID: 6381442

Problem: When the user assigns a Billing Telephone Number to a product through the CORBA API: MetaSolv.CORBA.WDIPSR.PSRSession. ProcessBillingTelephoneNumber_v2, the following error occurs:"Miscellaneous Error: Closed Statement: Next (BTN has not assigned for that product)".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign a Billing Telephone Number to a product through the CORBA API without an error.


Bug ID: 6414442

Problem: When the user imports a PSR Order through the CORBA API by entering abbreviation of 'MR.' with a dot, an error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to import a PSR Order through the CORBA API by entering abbreviation of 'MR.' with a dot in the nmTitleAbbrev field without an error.


Bug ID: 6414445

Problem: When the user creates a change order for a system product through the XML API, the following error occurs: "Message: CaValueValidateManager: CA value record being changed or deleted".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to create a change order for a system product through the XML API without an error.


Bug ID: 6175234

Problem: When the user exports the circuit design details using the GetDlrByKeySync.jpd process, the 'noteind' tag does not populate the same value as in the note_ind field in the dlr_circuit_design_line table.

Resolution: The code was modified and now, when the user exports the circuit design details using GetDlrByKeySync.jpd process, the 'noteind' tag will populate the same value as in the note_ind field in the dlr_circuit_design_line table.


Bug ID: 6383537

Problem: When the user creates a new Telephone Number Inventory Item through the CORBA API, an error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to create a new Telephone Number Inventory Item through the CORBA API, without an error.


Bug ID: 6181075

Problem: When the user updates a Customer Account through the XML API using ImportCustmerAccountSync.jpd process, the ASAP.NONORDER_NOTES.USER_ID field incorrectly displays the User Id as app_api instead of the User Id given in the XML structure.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user updates a Customer Account through the XML API using ImportCustmerAccountSync.jpd process, the ASAP.NONORDER_NOTES.USER_ID field will correctly display the User Id given in the XML structure.


Bug ID: 6183552

Problem: When the user tries to retrieve getProductCatalog information using QueryOrderManagementSync.jpd process, an exception error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now using QueryOrderManagementSync.jpd process, the user will be able to retrieve getProductCatalog information without an error.


Bug ID: 6183603

Problem: When the user exports the DLR values through the XML API GetEntityByKeySync.jpd Process, the following error occurs:"string exceeded bound exception".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to export the DLR values through the XML API GetEntityByKeySync.jpd Process without an error.


Bug ID: 6508615

Problem: When the user exports the Service Activation Data through the XML API GetServiceActivationData.jpd Process, the following error occurs:"Exception Exporting Service Activation Data".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to export the Service Activation Data through the XML API GetServiceActivationData.jpd Process without an error.


Bug ID: 6324408

Problem: On a Change PSR Order created through the 'Create PSR order sync' API, for a template based product, when the user changes the values for the labels under the serviceItemsValues, the values do not get updated.

Resolution: The code was modified and now for a template based product, the user will be able to change the values for the labels under the serviceItemsValues, and the values will also get updated.


Bug ID: 6442462

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user opens an equipment having the same Port Number assigned to three different channels. On the Activation Report, all the channels do not get displayed. Also, when the user retrieves the circuit information through the XML API GetServiceActivationData.jpd process, all the channels do not get displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Activation Report, all the channels will be displayed. Also, when the user retrieves the Circuit information through the XML API GetServiceActivationData.jpd process, all the channels will be displayed.


Bug ID: 6190081

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user selects a PSR Order and clicks on the Gateway Events tab, the status of the Gateway Event is displayed as error (GW ERR). However, when the user right clicks the order and selects Error Status option, the Gateway Event Error List pop up appears and the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects a PSR Order and clicks on the Gateway Events tab, and then right clicks the order and selects Error Status option, the Gateway Event Error List pop up appears and the application will not hang.


Bug ID: 6183732

Problem: In Telephone Numbers>Options>Schedule Recall, when the user presses F 1 on the Telephone Number Recall Scheduler pop up to open the Online Help window, the following error occurs: "about to set element value".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Telephone Numbers>Options>Schedule Recall, when the user presses F 1 on the Telephone Number Recall Scheduler pop up, the Online Help window will open without an error.


Bug ID: 6490360

Problem: In the Work Queue Manager window, the user double clicks on the TRANS task of an order. In the Service Location Category window, the user clicks the Translation button to navigate to the Tech Translation Sheet. Here, the values in the End User Location Address section are not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Tech Translation Sheet, the values in the End User Location Address section will be available.


Bug ID: 6383395

Problem: On the Network System Design window, on a newly created Optical Network System, the user creates a physical connection of rate code STM4 between two nodes and autobuilts the connection at the TUG3 level. However, the facility designations for the child virtual connections get generated with the first character of the parent designation.

Resolution: A new preference has been added to Preferences, under Inventory Management>Network System. The preference with default N is titled, "Prefix Last 2 digits of parent circuit for virtual facility designation in Optical Network". When this preference is set to Y, the last two digits of the parent connection will be prefixed with the designations created for the child connections.
When the preference is set to N, only the first digit of the parent connection will be retained with the designations created for the child connections.


Bug ID: 6184093

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user right clicks on the Telephone Single Line - Residential product and selects the Multi Disconnect option to go to the Disconnect pop up. However, when the user clicks the F 2 button to secure the pop up, the following error message appears: "Bad runtime function reference".
Also, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when selecting the Multi Disconnect option for the Telephone Single Line - Residential product and subsequently clicking the F 2 button on the Disconnect pop up, the user will be able to secure the pop up without an error. Also, the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6184107

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user assigns a pending disconnect number to a Port Number. However, the number continues to be as WTN instead of NPOUT. This happens when the preference 'Enable LNP Validation' is set to 'N'.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Product Service Request window, when an pending disconnect number is assigned to a Port Number, the number becomes the NPOUT number even when the preference 'Enable LNP Validation' is set to 'N' or 'Y'.


Bug ID: 6381377

Problem: F or an Order having a Trunk product and a Service Location, the user creates a Change Order having a new Service Location and moves the Trunk product to the new Service Location. When the user Supplement Cancels the change order, the Two Six code is getting deleted from both the first order and the Change Order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user Supplement Cancels the change order, the Two Six code will not get deleted from both the first order and the Change Order.


Bug ID: 6408944

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user right clicks on a Service Location product and selects the Add New Item option to navigate to the Add Item Selection window. Here, for a selected service item, under Pricing>Base Price>Amount, the price is displayed with only one decimal point.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Add Item Selection window, for a selected service item, under Pricing>Base Price>Amount, the price will be displayed with two decimal points.


Bug ID: 6183116

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user right clicks on an order and selects the Complete Task option. When the user clicks the 'Yes' button on the Task Completion pop up, the following error occurs: "Error in PSR Due Date. Contact your System Administration.
02290: check constraint

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Task Completion pop up, when the user clicks the 'Yes' button, the task will get completed without an error.


Bug ID: 6183854

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user opens a View Only PSR Order to go to the Product Service Request Search window. Here, the user is able to assign/remove a Billing Telephone Number to or from the order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Product Service Request window, the user will not be able to assign/remove a Billing Telephone Number to or from a View Only PSR Order.


Bug ID: 6191708

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user right clicks on the Directory Request Service - Bus Product and selects the Open Directory Maintenance option. In Directory Service Request>Listings>Directory Listing Service Item column, the Additional Listing appears above the Main Listing instead of appearing below.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Directory Service Request>Listings>Directory Listing Service Item column, the Additional Listing will appear below the Main Listing.


Bug ID: 6383475

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, when the user clicks on the Process Supplement link of a PSR Order to supplement with New Due Date option, the following error occurs: "Invalid Datawindow row/column specified" and the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to Process Supplement a PSR order with New Due Date option, without an error.


Bug ID: 6183702

Problem: On a new PSR Order, under Services link the user adds a Telephone Single Line Bus product and a Call Display Block (selective/line) label. When the user clicks on the label and then subsequently clicks on the Label and Value Info tab, incorrect valid values with respect to the Product Catalog window are displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now under Services link, when the user clicks on the Call Display Block (selective/line) label and then subsequently clicks on the Label and Value Info tab, correct valid values will be displayed.


Bug ID: 6183724

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, a time delay occurs when the user opens the Task Maintenance window for a PSR/LSR/ISR order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now there will be no time delay when the user opens the Task Maintenance window for a PSR/LSR/ISR order.


Bug ID: 6189853

Problem: On the Product Catalog window, the user completes the Translation process for a product and then enters a new pricing information for the product in the Base Price pop up. However, when performing the Translation process again, when the user enters a value in the Arbor Element Id field and clicks the ok button, the following error occurs:
"X Incomplete Translation Table Entries (where X is the number of incomplete entries).On reopening the Product Catalog window, here it displays that the translation table entries are incomplete".

Resolution: The code was modified and now after completing the Translation process once and entering a new pricing information, the user will be able to perform the Translation process again without an error.


Bug ID: 6189990

Problem: On a supplement corrected PSR Order, in Product Service Request>Services, when the user right clicks on a Telephone Line Item and selects Remove This Item option to remove that item, the following error occurs: "Procedure SP_CLEC_SO_DEL_ITEM F ailed".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Services, the user will be able to remove a Telephone Line Item without an error.


Bug ID: 6190057

Problem: On a PSR change order having a Directory Request Service Bus product, the Telephone numbers are not displayed beside the Dir - Additional Main Listings:
1. When the user clicks on the Copy Existing Services link to expand the Bus product.
2. On the Customer Accounts Search window, under Options>Customer Profile>Services.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Telephone numbers will get displayed beside the Dir - Additional Main Listings in both the cases.


Bug ID: 6190058

Problem: When the user performs Process Supplement of a supplement corrected PSR Order, a series of errors occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform Process Supplement of a supplement corrected PSR Order, without an error.


Bug ID: 6339362

Problem: On a View-Only PSR Order, in Product Service Request>Options tab, the user selects the Service Request User Data option to go to the Product Service Request User Data pop up. Here, since the fields appear disabled, the user is unable to modify the fields.

Resolution: A new preference has been added. The preference is titled "Always Enable User Data". When the preference is set to Y, the user will be able to modify and save the fields in the Product Service Request User Data pop up for all orders.


Bug ID: 6381798

Problem: On a PSR change order, under Order Maintenance>Services, the user suspends an item and eventually all the child items get suspended. After validating the order and completing the tasks, when the user restores all the Items by clicking on the Restore All button on the Restore/Disconnect Products for Account pop up, the child items do not get displayed under the Services link in the Restore Order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user restores all the Items by clicking on the Restore All button on the Restore/Disconnect Products for Account pop up, all the child items will get displayed under the Services link in the Restore Order.


Bug ID: 6179786

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, a time delay occurs:
1. F
or a New Order window to open, when the user right clicks on an order and selects the New F rom option.
2. When the user expands a Service Location on the New Order window.
3. When the user right clicks on the New Order window, selects the Copy Branch to Order option and clicks the OK button to copy the order.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Service Request Search window, there will no time delay:
1 .
F or a New Order window to open, when the user right clicks on an order and selects the New F rom option.
2. When the user expands a Service Location on the New Order window.
3. When the user right clicks on the New Order window, selects the Copy Branch to Order option and clicks the OK button to copy the order.


Bug ID: 6181633

Problem: In Product Catalog>Pricing, when the user changes the price for any product, duplicate entries of the prices are displayed under the Translation tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Catalog>Pricing, when the user changes the price for any product, duplicate entries of the prices will not be displayed under the Translation tab.


Bug ID: 6182737

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user selects PSR and Telephone Number in the Search By dropdown field. However, when clicking on any other field and subsequently returning to the Order Number field, the user has to click thrice to enter a value.

Resolution: The code was modified and now even after clicking on any other field and returning to the Order Number field, the user will not have to click thrice to enter a value.


Bug ID: 6183698

Problem: In Product Service Request window, when the user clicks on the '+' sign under 'Global' to expand the Service Location, a time delay occurs. This happens only for customers with a large database.

Resolution: The code was modified and now there will be no time delay when the user clicks on the '+' sign to expand the Service Location in the Product Service Request window, for customers with a large database.


Bug ID: 6191683

Problem: In Product Service Request>Services>Service Request Notes, when the user clicks the Close button of the Service Request Notes pop up, the following data related error occurs: "A required parameter is null and must be specified".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to close the Service Request Notes pop up without an error.


Bug ID: 6184068

Problem: In the Customer Account window, the user selects a new service provider for existing customer accounts. However, in the Customer Account Search window, when the user queries by giving the new service provider name in the Service Provider field, the customer accounts do not get retrieved.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Customer Account Search window, the user will be able to retrieve the customer accounts assigned with a new service provider.


Bug ID: 6184085

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user right clicks on 'Global' and selects the Add New Item option to navigate to the Add Item Selection window. The user selects a product, clicks 'Yes' in the configuration prompt to go to the Existing Locations window. However, after selecting more than one location and clicking the Next button, only one location is added and displayed in the List of Locations window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Existing Locations window, when the user selects more than one location and clicks the Next button, all the locations selected will be added and displayed in the List of Locations window.


Bug ID: 6381714

Problem: In Product Service Request>Services>Copy Existing Services, the Standard and Required items also get copied along with the selected items to a change order. Also, when the user deletes a service item, a time delay occurs.

Resolution: A new preference has been added to Preferences under Product Service Request-PSR>New F rom, the Preference with default value Y is titled, ''Enable Auto Copy of Required/Standard items''. When this preference is set to N, the Standard and Required items will not get copied along with the selected items to a change order.
Also, there will be no time delay when the user deletes a service item from the order.


Bug ID: 6375323

Problem: On a PSR Order with a Hunt product having more than one Hunt group, the user right clicks on an Extended Hunt group under 'Global' and clicks on the Disconnect option. However, when the order is completed, the disconnected Hunt group appears as Inservice.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on an Extended Hunt group under 'Global' and clicks on the Disconnect option, the disconnected Hunt group will not appear when the order is completed.


Bug ID: 6339567

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects the New F rom option to go to the New PSR Order pop up. Under the Order Info tab, the user modifies the value in the Responsible Party field and clicks the OK button. However, in Product Service Request>Order Information, the modified value does not get updated in the Responsible Party field.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the New PSR Order pop up, when the user modifies the value in the Responsible Party field and clicks the OK button, the modified value will get updated in the Responsible Party field in the Product Service Request window.


Bug ID: 6332294

Problem: On the Product Service Request View Only Order, under Services>Summary Info tab, the user clicks on the View list of connections link. However, in PSR Ordering>List of Connections>Connection Attributes, when the user clicks the Next button, the following error occurs: "Order must be locked for user ASAP".

Resolution: The code was modified and now in PSR Ordering>List of Connections>Connection attributes, the user will be able to view the Connection Attributes by clicking the Next button without an error.


Bug ID: 6183550

Problem: In Product Service Request>Services>PRILOC/SECLOC Info tab, the user deletes the SECLOC and clicks the Edit link of the PRILOC. In PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment>SECLOC>Address, when the user enters a new address and clicks the OK button, a series of data-related errors occur: "java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ASAP. F K_SR_LO_NE_LO_AD) violated - parent key not found".

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user deletes the SECLOC and clicks the Edit link of the PRILOC, the user will be able to enter a new address in PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment>SECLOC>Address, without an error.


Bug ID: 6450672

Problem: On a new PSR Order that was created from an existing order having a few disconnected Trunk connections, when the user assigns a disconnected telephone number to a telephone line, the following database error occurs: " ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign a disconnected telephone number to a telephone line on the new order, without an error.


Bug ID: 6190007

Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order for a non premise product, when the user right clicks on 'Global' and selects the Add New Item option, only the parent product gets displayed and not the child products.

Resolution: The code was modified and now for a Non Premise Product, when the user right clicks on 'Global' and selects the Add New Item option, both the parent and the child products will get displayed.


Bug ID: 6381478

Problem: In Product Service Request>Options, the user selects the Service Request Notes option to go to the Service Request Notes pop up. However, due to the presence of the string "<![CDATA["under the Notes Column, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and the string has been entered as "<![XDATA[" in the Notes Column. Now, in Product Service Request>Options, when the user selects the Service Request Notes option, the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6372119

Problem: In Telephone Numbers>Results>Status column, the status for a F rench format restored telephone number on a completed order is displayed as Pending instead of In-Service.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Telephone Numbers>Results>Status column, the status for a F rench format restored telephone number on a completed order is displayed as In-Service.


Bug ID: 6343557

Problem: Under My Preferences>Service Request>Product Service Request - PSR, the preference 'Enable LNP Validation = N' is set.
In Telephone Numbers>Search, when the user selects LNP (Ported In) in the Type drop down, a telephone number of type 'PORT' gets stored instead of 'NPIN'.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the preference 'Enable LNP Validation = N' is set, in Telephone Numbers>Search, when the user selects LNP (Ported In) in the Type drop down, a telephone number of type 'NPIN' will be stored.


Bug ID: 6381701

Problem: When the user clicks on Inventory Management>Telephone Numbers, the response time is slow for the Telephone Numbers window to open.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on Inventory Management>Telephone Numbers, the Telephone Numbers window will open without any delay.


Bug ID: 6430564

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user clicks the Update LIDB/CNAM link to go to the Telephone Numbers pop up. Here, when the user clicks the OK button, with or without any modifications to go back to the Product Service Request window, a time delay occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Telephone Numbers pop up, there will be no time delay when the user clicks the OK button with or without any modifications to go back to the Product Service Request window.


Bug ID: 6455786

Problem: In Network Area Definition>Number Inventory, the user is able to associate a telephone number which is not associated to a Switch under the Network Items tab.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Network Area Definition>Number Inventory, the user will not be able to associate a telephone number which is not associated to a Switch under the Network Items tab.


Bug ID: 6176418

Problem: On the SQL Navigator window, the 'Extract Trans code' and 'Delete' indicators are not set correctly in the cnam_extract and lidb_extract tables, when the Telephone Numbers are disconnected without disconnecting the Service Item.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the SQL Navigator window, the 'Extract Trans code' and 'Delete' indicators will be set correctly in the cnam_extract and lidb_extract tables, even when the Telephone Numbers are disconnected without disconnecting the Service Item.


Bug ID: 6183664

Problem: In Product Service Request>Order Maintenance>Services, when the user double clicks on a Child Product, a Save prompt appears.

Resolution: The code was modified and now a Save prompt will not appear when the user double clicks on a Child Product in the Product Service Request window.


Bug ID: 6184076

Problem: In Product Service Request>Order Maintenance>Services, the user clicks on a connection under the Summary Info tab to go to the Connection Attributes window. However, when the user clicks on the Connectivity Matrix link to navigate to the Connectivity Matrix window, a time delay occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now there will be no time delay when the user navigates from the Connection Attributes window to the Connectivity Matrix window.


Bug ID: 6191714

Problem: When adding PSR notes through the API, the user is incorrectly allowed to enter a value with more than 8 characters in the UserId field in the CORBA API. When the API entered notes are displayed on the Serv Req Query window, the following error occurs: "Item 'XXX' in column 'User' does not pass validation test".

Resolution: The code was modified to increase the size of the 'User' column in the datawindow of GUI and now the user is able to enter a value with more than 8 characters in the UserId field without an error.


Bug ID: 6191715

Problem: On a new PSR Order, in Address Maintenance>Street Suffix drop down, the entries do not get displayed along with their abbreviations. Also, an entry is displayed twice but with an incorrect abbreviation.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Address Maintenance>Street Suffix drop down, the entries will get displayed along with their abbreviations. Also, no entry will get displayed twice with an incorrect abbreviation.


Bug ID: 6253217

Problem: On the Service Request Connections window of a PSR Order, the user right clicks on a F acility and selects the Generate Circuit ID option to go to the Generate Circuit ID pop up. When the user clicks the OK button on the pop up, the Circuit IDs get displayed on the Product Service Request window. However, under the SERV_ITEM_DESC column on the SQL Navigator window, the Circuit IDs do not get displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks the OK button on the Generate Circuit ID pop up, the Circuit IDs get displayed on both the Product Service Request window and under the SERV_ITEM_DESC column on the SQL Navigator window.


Bug ID: 6328262

Problem: On the Service Request Notes pop up of a PSR Order, when the user clicks the Print button to print the circuits, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to print the circuits by clicking the Print button on the Service Request Notes pop up. Also, the application will not terminate.


Bug ID: 6182922

Problem: In Product Specifications>Authorization/Account/Pin Code Maintenance, the user checks the Predefined Code check box and enters predefined code values under the Code section. However, in Product Service Request>Services>Auth Info tab, a dropdown is not available in the Code User Description field in the Auth Code - New Code F or Type: CUST window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Services>Auth Info tab, a dropdown will be available in the Code User Description field in the Auth Code - New Code F or Type: CUST window.


Bug ID: 6183023

Problem: On the List of Circuits/Connections window, the user checks a Connection checkbox and clicks the OK button to go to the Create an Order window. Here, when the user enters more than 20 characters in the F irst Name field, more than 14 characters in the Telephone Number field and clicks the Submit button, an error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Create an Order window, the user will not be able to enter more than 20 characters in the F irst Name field and more than 14 characters in the Telephone Number field.


Bug ID: 6314878

Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user clicks the Add Service Location link to go to the End User Location Search pop up. When the user clicks Shift+Tab in the End User Loc Name field, the following error message appears: "Invalid DataWindow row/column specified".
Also, the application terminates.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the End User Location Search pop up, when clicking Shift+Tab in the End User Loc Name field, the user will be able to go to the Network Loc Name field.


Bug ID: 6358115

Problem: On the Service Request Hierarchy window, when the user searches for a child PSR Order to assign the order to a parent PSR Order, LSR Order bitmap is incorrectly displayed instead of the PSR Order bitmap.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user searches for a child PSR Order to assign the order to a parent PSR Order, PSR Order bitmap will be correctly displayed.


Bug ID: 6184062

Problem: On the Edit Ticket window, the Ticket Status dropdown displays a numerical value instead of a string value, when in Security Permissions>Assign Permissions, the permission for the w_ticket_maint window, is set as Disable.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Edit Ticket window, the Ticket Status dropdown will display a string value, when in Security Permissions>Assign Permissions, the permission for the w_ticket_maint window, is set as Disable.


Bug ID: 6257283

Problem: In Trouble Ticket Search>Log Views>Event Description, the user is unable to block an entry and press Ctrl+C for copying.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Trouble Ticket Search window, under the Event Description section, the user will be able to block an entry and press Ctrl+C for copying.


Bug ID: 6410343

Problem: On the Trouble Ticket window, the user right clicks on ticket and selects the Edit Ticket option. On the Edit Ticket window, when the user clicks on the Service Item tab, a data related error occurs.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Service Item tab on the Edit Ticket window, a data related error will not occur.


Bug ID: 6189972

Problem: In Security Permissions>Windows and Controls, the user sets Read only permission to w_jeopardy_type_list window and No Access permission to w_jeopardy_type_maint window and also sets invisible permissions for New, New F rom and Static Hypertext Add New. However, on the Jeopardy/Why Missed Types window, the user is able to create Jeopardy codes or Why Missed codes by clicking the Add New link.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Jeopardy/Why Missed Types window, the Add New link will be invisible, when invisible permissions are set for New, New F rom and Static Hypertext Add New.


Bug ID: 6372468

Problem: In Administration>Security Users and Groups, when the user clicks on the Users folder, the CPU usage is high and a time delay of more than 4 minutes occurs for the Contents of Users to be displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Users folder, the Contents of Users will be displayed with no time delay.


Bug ID: 6415708

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user right clicks on a supplemented order, the Reset Supplement Type option is not available.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Service Request Search window, when the user right clicks on a supplemented order, the Reset Supplement Type option will be available. This option will be available for only ASR/ISR/LSR orders that are not DD completed and F lag finished and not for supplement cancelled orders.


Bug ID: 6183428

Problem: In Security Users and Groups>Users>Contents of Users, the user right clicks on any entry and selects the Edit option to go the Edit User pop up. Here, the Password Expires On drop down displays an invalid date (e.g. 1/4/1900 ).

Resolution: In the database, the effective end date is set as 1/4/1900 .
The code was modified and now whenever the effective_start date is after the effective_end date, then the effective_end date will be set as effective _start date and will be reflected in the Password Expires On drop down.


Bug ID: 6455847

Problem: On the Network Location Search window, the user clicks on the Add New link to go to Network Location - New pop up. When the user enters values in all the fields and clicks the OK button, a new Network Location gets created even though the mandatory fields in the Network Location User Data pop up are not filled.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Network Location - New pop up when the user enters the values in all the fields and clicks the OK button, if there are mandatory fields in the Network Location User Data pop up, a prompt message will appear prompting the user to enter the values in the Network Location User Data pop up before a new Network Location is created.


Bug ID: 6183607

Problem: In Security Permissions>Windows and Controls>w_company, the security permission for a user to access the Operating Company window is set to Read Only. However, the user is able to add a new company and retrieve the added company in the Operating Companies (OCN) Search window.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the security permission for a user to access to w_company window is set to Read Only, the user will not be able to add any new Company.


Bug ID: 6361867

Problem: In Security Permission> w_company, even when the permission is set to 'Read Only' in the Permission column, the users were able to modify the window and save.

Resolution: The code was modified, and now in the Security Permission> w_company>Permission column, the permission 'Read Only' is set for the group and 'Not Set' is set for all the users in the group. Hence the users will not be able to modify and save the w_company window.


Bug ID: 6177500

Problem: In Equipment Inventory Search>Criteria>Location, the user clicks on the Magnifying icon. In Location Search>Criteria, when the user enters an End user location that is created through an USO as criteria in the Location Name field, the Network Locations are not retrieved.

Resolution: The code was modified and in Location Search>Criteria, a new check box 'Search for USO End User Location' was added. Now, when the user clicks on the check box and enters an End user location that is created through an USO as criteria in the Location Name field, the Network Locations will get retrieved.


Bug ID: 6178421

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user searches for USO Orders by specifying the search criteria in the City/State fields, the USO Orders are not retrieved.

Resolution: The code was modiifed and now on the Service Request Search window, when the user searches for USO Orders by specifying the search criteria in the City/State fields, the USO Orders will get retrieved.


Bug ID: 6381434

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on a DD task of a PSR Order and selects the Complete Task option, a series of errors appears and the task could not be completed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue Manager window. the user will be able to complete the DD task without an error.


Bug ID: 6372386

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager or the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on an Order and selects the Service Request Tasks option to navigate to the Tasks window. However, under the Task List tab, the Tasks are not displayed in the same order each time the user clicks on a Task.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Tasks will be displayed in the same order each time the user clicks on a Task in the Tasks window.


Bug ID: 6183078

Problem: In Work Queue Manager>Circuit ID column, the Circuit Ids for a few orders, are not displayed.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Work Queue Manager>Circuit ID column, the Circuit Ids for all the orders will be displayed.


Bug ID: 6517635

Problem: On an ISR Order having multiple DLRD and WOT tasks, when the user completes the DD task after completing the DLRD and WOT tasks, a data related error occurs: "sqlerror:1
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the ISR Order having multiple DLRD and WOT tasks, when the user completes the DD task after completing the DLRD and WOT tasks no error will occur.


Bug ID: 6182872

Problem: F or a PSR Order, in Provisioning Plan Assignment>Task List, when the user deletes the first task in the list, the time of the subsequent tasks in the Task Due Time column is displayed incorrectly.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in Plan Assignment>Task List, when the user deletes the first task, the time of the subsequent tasks will be displayed correctly.


Bug ID: 6183690

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user right clicks on a task and selects the Reject Task option to go to the Reject Task pop up. When the user enters a reason under the Service Request Note - Reject Reason section, selects a task under the Select Task To Reject section and clicks the OK button on the pop up, the following error occurs: "Unable to locate task's work queue id in lds_tf. Please contact your support group".

Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Reject Task pop up, the user will be able to reject a task after selecting a task under the Select Task To Reject section, without an error.


Bug ID: 6378770

Problem: On the Reports window, when the user selects the Task Jeopardy in the Selected Reports drop down and clicks the OK button, incorrect dates are displayed in the Late and Potentially Late Tasks section.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects the Task Jeopardy in the Selected Reports drop down and clicks the OK button, correct dates will be displayed in the Late and Potentially Late Tasks section.


Bug ID: 6496247

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on an expedite order and selects the Preview option. In the Product Service Request Print pop up, the user selects the Service Order Summary Report option. However, in Service Order Summary Report pop up, the Expedite column is not available under the Order Information section.

Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Service Order Summary Report pop up, the Expedite column will be available under the Order Information section.

 MSS 6.0.16



Fixed Issue



Bug ID: 6978855


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on an ASR Order and selects the New From option. In the Request New From pop up, when the user enters more than 16 characters in the PON filed and clicks the OK button, the following data related error occurs: sqlerror:1 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at ASAP.SP_CREATE_ASR_NEWFROM", line 4521 ORA-06512: at line 1”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Request New Form pop up, when the user enters more than 16 characters and clicks the OK button, only 16 characters will be accepted after truncating the remaining characters and a new from order will be created without an error.



Bug ID: 7033140


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user creates a new ASR order by using the New From option, the Translation Questionnaire form is not available for the order. However, when the order is exported using ASR SPROCKET 36, the details of the Translation Questionnaire form is displayed in the Output file.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a new ASR order by using the New From option, if the Translation Questionnaire form is not available, the details of the Translation Questionnaire form will not be displayed in the output file when the order is exported using ASR SPROCKET 36.



Bug ID: 6850321


Problem: When the user deletes an ASR Order that does not have any associated connections and tasks, an Integrity constraint sqlerror occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete an ASR Order that does not have any associated connections and tasks, without any error.



Bug ID: 7037550


Problem: On the Service Request window, the user right clicks on an ASR Order and selects the New From option. In the Request New From pop up, the details in the ICSC dropdown are not displayed completely.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Request New From pop up, the details in the ICSC dropdown will be displayed completely.



Bug ID: 6527709


Problem: When the user upgrades to 6.0.14b158, the prodfixsql script CR00272931.sql gets failed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user upgrades to 6.0.14, the prodfixsql script CR00272931.sql will run without getting failed.



Bug ID: 6511186


Problem: In Connection Design>Additional Detail>Admin tab, the user enters a value in the Remarks field and selects the Save New Issue option to save. However, when the user reopens the window, the Remarks field is blank.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user reopens the Connection Design window, the values saved in the Remarks field will get displayed.



Bug ID: 6863194


Problem: On the Managing a Connection pop up, under the Network Connection Specs section, the user right clicks on a connection, selects the Connection Maintenance option and copies the Virtual Connection associated to the physical connection.

In Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user right clicks on a connection and selects the Remove Connection option, the following error occurs:

"Error text=Invalid row range.

Window/Menu/Object = n_cst_glr_dbaccess.

Error Object/Control = n_cst_glr_dbaccess". Also, the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user right clicks on a connection and selects the Remove Connection option, the connection will get removed without an error. Also, the application will not get terminated.



Bug ID: 6935913


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on an order and selects the New from option and copies the T1 connection to the change order. On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on the DD Task and selects the Complete Task(s) option, the following error occurs:

“This order includes circuits which are not in the appropriate status for the circuit activity. Another order must be completed against these circuits to change them in to the appropriate status before this order can be due date completed”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now after copying the T1 connection to the change order, when the user right clicks on the DD Task and selects the Complete Task(s) option from the Work Queue Manager window, the DD Task will get completed without an error.



Bug ID: 6456419


Problem: On the Connection Design window, when the user double clicks on a connection, in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the equipment which is not on the originating or terminating location of the child DS3 connection gets displayed incorrectly.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the equipment which is not on the originating or terminating location of the child DS3 connection will not get displayed.




Bug ID: 7215156

Problem: On the Connection Design window, for a Virtual connection that has more than 1 DSLAM, when the user clicks the Outputs menu and selects the Activation Report option, the report does not get generated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design window, for a Virtual connection that has more than 1 DSLAM, when the user clicks Outputs menu and selects the Activation Report option, the report will get generated.



Bug ID: 7259109

Problem: On the Engineering Work Order window, for an order that has both Pending Disconnect and Pending TSCs associated to the same Trunk Group, when the user clicks the Complete link under Tasks>Complete column, the following error message appears: “The Two Six Code on this order is being reused from a Trunk Group that is pending disconnect. Please complete the Order: XXXX before completing this order”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Engineering Work Order window, for an order that has both Pending Disconnect and Pending TSCs associated to the same Trunk Group, the user will be able to complete the order without an error.



Bug ID: 6380737


Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user adds a new cross reference and clicks the Add To Design link. On the Connection Summary window, the user clicks Actions>Maintain Cross References to go the Cross References window. Here, when the user edits the name of the newly added cross reference, clicks OK and saves, the changes do not get updated in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Cross References window, when the user edits the name of the newly added cross reference, clicks OK and saves, the changes will get updated in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.



Bug ID: 7215130


Problem: When the user manually assigns a connection to the EPA of an equipment, the facility block of the parent connection cannot be deleted and the appropriate error message that gets displayed does not contain the information in which EPA the child connection is manually assigned.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user deletes the facility block of the parent connection, the appropriate error that gets displayed states that the facility has another facility at the EPA level and the error message will also contain the information in which EPA the child connection is manually assigned.



Bug ID: 6458699


Problem: On a PSR order, the user adds a service location and associates the service location with a switch network area. The user then changes the status of the associated network area to ‘Inactive’. When the user adds the same service location on another PSR order, a series of errors occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when a network area that is associated with the end user location is 'Inactive', the user will not be able to add the same network area.



Bug ID: 6798150


Problem: On an ASR Order, the user creates a Trunk connection on the Trunking Service Detail form and another Trunk connection on the Additional Circuit Information (ACI) form. The user enters values on the TCIC fields on both the forms and then opens the RID task to go to the Service Request Connections window. Here, when the user opens the trunk connection on the ACI form, a data-related error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Service Request Connections window, the user will be able to open the trunk connection on the ACI form with or without filling the TCIC values and no error will occur.



Bug ID: 6800913


Problem: In Connection Design>CLD/DLR Design, the user clicks on Equipment link. On the Equipment Inventory pop up, when the user right clicks on a port and selects the Assign Connection option, the following error occurs: “Error test = Error accessing external object property nbr_inv_id.”


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Equipment Inventory pop up, when the user right clicks on a port and selects the Assign Connection option, the connection will get assigned without an error.



Bug ID: 6822641


Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, under the Unit Channel column, for a Optical connection, the Facility Designation number is displayed instead of the Channel Position number.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, under the Unit Channel column, for an Optical connection, the Channel Position number will be displayed.



Bug ID: 6987202


Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user reconciles the SONET Assignment to a design line and selects Save>Save New Issue option, a data related error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user will be able to reconcile the SONET Assignment to a design line and save without an error.



Bug ID: 6991715


Problem: On the Connection Design window, after reconciling assignments, the CLLI values for a connection under the LOCN column and the Port values under the MICS column are incorrect.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design window, after reconciling assignments, the CLLI values for a connection under the LOCN column and the Port values under the MICS column will be correct.



Bug ID: 7046639


Problem: On a PSR Order with Special circuit, the user assigns connections to SONET segments and creates a New From order from the existing order. However on the new order, when the user disconnects the SONET assignment first and assigns a connection to the Pending Disconnect position on the SONET network, the Notes Indicator is incorrectly updated as "D" in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the new order, when the user disconnects the SONET assignment first and assigns a connection to the Pending Disconnect position on the SONET network, the Notes Indicator will not be updated as "D" in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.



Bug ID: 6924755


Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user right clicks on a MPLS Access Network template and selects the Add Network Design option and in the graphical canvas, right clicks on a connection and selects the Properties option. In the Managing a Connection pop up, the user drags the Multilink Connection spec from the Template Connection Specs column to the Network Connection Specs column, right clicks on the Multilink Connection spec and selects the New Group Connection option. In the Connection Identification pop up, after entering all the values, the user clicks the OK button. However, the Unassignable Bandwidth Link that gets created under the Multilink Connection spec does not have the Maintain Group option.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Managing a Connection pop up, the Unassignable Bandwidth Link that gets created under the Multilink Connection spec will have the Maintain Group option.



Bug ID: 7007431


Problem: On a PSR Order, in Network Location>Location Data tab, expired dates are available for selection in the To Effective Date drop down. On account of this, on the End User Location Maintenance window, the user is able to view the network location with expired "To Effective Date".


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Network Location>Location Data tab, expired dates will not be available for selection in the To Effective Date drop down, thus the user will not be able to view the network location with expired "To Effective Date" on the End User Location Maintenance window.



Bug ID: 7044754


Problem: On the Network Properties pop up of a Network System, the user checks the TSI Enabled checkbox and clicks the OK button.

On the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window, the user right clicks on a pending disconnect channel and selects the Assign Connection option and on the Select Channels pop up, right clicks on the same channel and selects the Assign Circuit option. However, when the Next button is clicked, the user is allowed to do the next equipment channel assignment.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Select Channels pop up when the user right clicks on the channel, selects the Assign Circuit option and clicks the Next button, a warning message appears indicating the user to assign channel to the next segment.



Bug ID: 6722246


Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user clicks on the Network link to go the Provisioning Assistant pop up. On subsequent selection of the Entry and Exit Network Elements and a Working Path the user navigates to the Provisioning Assistant: Edit Working Path window. Here, when the user clicks on the 'Assign' link under the Channel column, an Internet Explorer Script error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Provisioning Assistant: Edit Working Path window, when the user clicks on the 'Assign' link under the Channel column, no Internet Explorer Script error will occur.



Bug ID: 6885943


Problem: In Data Selection Tool>Provision Plan Imp/Exp, when the user selects a Provision Plan from the Source Database and clicks on the Migrate icon to migrate the plan to the Target Database, the following error occurs:

"Target Database Error during Migration Process. All changes for this operation will be cancelled".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Provision Plan Imp/Exp window, when the user clicks on the Migrate icon to migrate the Provision Plan from Source Database to the Target Database, Migration process will occur without an error.



Bug ID: 6436197


Problem: On the Connection Design window, for a change order, the user assigns a T3 connection to a DS3 Port having DS1 EPAs and assigns a T1 connection to the T3 connection. In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user clicks the Reconcile Assignments link to open the Connection Reconciliation pop up and clicks the Remove Assignment button to remove the assignment. However, on the Equipment Inventory window for Connection Design, when the user right clicks on the T1 connection, selects Open>Connection Design, the following error occurs:

“Error text=Null object reference.

Window/Menu/Object = w_circuit_reconciliation_maint.

Error Object/Control = w_circuit_reconciliation_maint.”


Resolution: The code was modified and now, on the Equipment Inventory window for Connection Design, when the user right clicks on the T1 connection, selects Open>Connection Design, the Connection Design window will get opened without an error.



Bug ID: 6892324


Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, when the user double clicks on a connection with a disconnected equipment, the equipment's information is not available in the child circuits although the preferences:

1. “Prompt to Remove, Automatically Remove or Do Not Print Disconnect Lines on DLR” is set to “Prompt to Remove Lines on DLR” and

2. “Process Cascade Reconciliation for Pending Assignments during” is set to "Design Task".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design window, the information on the disconnected equipment will be available.



Bug ID: 6904849


Problem: On a PSR Order, under the Contacts tab, the user adds a new Contact of Contact type “CLR Implementation contact” and enters a value of more than 20 characters in the Title/First Name/Initial and Last Name/Suffix fields, and validates the order. On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user double clicks the DLRD task to navigate to the Service Request Connections window and opens the connection a data related error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now after adding a new Contact of Contact type “CLR Implementation contact” and entering a value of more than 20 characters in the Title/First Name/Initial and Last Name/Suffix fields, when the user opens a connection on the Service Request Connections window, no error will occur.



Bug ID: 7001160


Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, the user cross connects two cards. On the Hard-Wired Cross-Connects window, when the user maps the ports through the port address place holders, the circuit information and the CKT indication do not get displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment inventory window, when the user cross connects two cards and maps the ports through the port address place holders on the Hard-Wired Cross-Connects window, the circuit information and the CKT indication will get displayed.



Bug ID: 7026303


Problem: In View Connection Design>Connection Summary>Outputs, when the user selects the Print CLR/DLR option, the following error occurs: “Error Number 36.

Error Text = Name not found accessing external object property tcogray.

Window/Menu/Object = w_circuitdesignprint.

Error Object/Control = w_circuitdesignprint.

Script = we_openprocess. Line in Script = 92”. Also, the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects the Print CLR/DLR option, the CLR/DLR Design page will get printed without an error. Also the application will not terminate.



Bug ID: 6602240


Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, when the user right clicks and selects the Move option to move an equipment from one port to another port, an error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Equipment Inventory window, the user will be able to move an equipment from one port to another port without an error.



Bug ID: 6659585


Problem: On the Background Server, in Special Circuit Design>Inventory pop up, under the Leased Circuit Association tab, when the user enters a digit after the decimal point in  the Facility Cost field, the number gets incremented by one.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Special Circuit Design>Inventory pop up, under the Leased Circuit Association tab, when the user enters a digit after the decimal point in  the Facility Cost field, the number will not get incremented by one.



Bug ID: 6863438


Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user creates Physical and Virtual connections between the same two components. When the user opens the Virtual connection through the Connection Design window and clicks on the Redesign link to redesign the Virtual connection created outside an order to ride the Physical connections available between the two components and saves, a data related error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to redesign the Virtual connection created outside an order to ride the Physical connections available between two components in the Network System Design without a data related error.



Bug ID: 6964451


Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy window, when the user right clicks and selects the View Available Facility Positions option, the number of available positions is incorrectly displayed.

This happens when the Preference titled "Show Available Positions" under Inventory Management>Connection Hierarchy, is set to 'Y'.


Resolution: The code was modified and now even when the Preference titled "Show Available Positions" is set to ‘Y’, on the Connection Hierarchy window, when the user right clicks and selects the View Available Facility Positions option, the number of available positions will be correctly displayed.



Bug ID: 6991156


Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, the user clicks the Virtual checkbox and clicks the Search button. However, in the Connection Design Search window, when the user tries to the open an order, the following error occurs: "Expression is not valid''.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Connection Design Search window, the user will be able to open an order, without an error.



Bug ID: 7005089


Problem: On the Connection Design window of a change order, the user clicks on the Copy Design link to copy the design information from a pending disconnect order. However, on the Connection Position Search window, when the user unchecks the circuit check boxes, enters the order number of the pending disconnect order and clicks the Search button, the application hangs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Position Search window, when the user enters the order number of the pending disconnect order and clicks the Search button, the pending disconnect order will be retrieved so as to copy the design information from the order. Also, the application will not hang.



Bug ID: 7007425


Problem: In the Service Request Connections window, the user selects a Pending Disconnect Virtual connection and under the Options menu, selects the Group Disconnect option. In the View Connection Design window, when the user clicks on an equipment, the connection in the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design pop up is displayed as “Unassigned”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Service Request Connections window, when the user selects the Group Disconnect option for a Pending Disconnect Virtual connection, the connection in the Equipment Inventory for Connection Design pop up will be displayed as “In Progress”.



Bug ID: 6850673


Problem: The equipment information of a Channel Bank which is associated to the equipment is not displayed under the connection position of a connection in the Connection Hierarchy window.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the equipment information of a Channel Bank which is associated to the equipment will be displayed under the connection position of a connection in the Connection Hierarchy window.



Bug ID: 6896143


Problem: On an ASR Order with Service Type Category CLCI-SS LATA ACCESS, when the user performs Group Assignment the following error occurs: "Error executing ASAP.SP_CREATE_DLR Stored Procedure for Facility assignments: Value too large for column "ASAP".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on an ASR Order with Service Type Category CLCI-SS LATA ACCESS, the user will be able to perform Group Assignment without an error.



Bug ID: 7004587


Problem: On the Hard Wired-Cross Connects window, when the user cross connects a circuit from one equipment to another, a warning message with the incorrect number of affected circuits is displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Hard Wired-Cross Connects window, when the user cross connects a circuit from one equipment to another, a warning message with the correct number of affected circuits will be displayed.



Bug ID: 6690456


Problem: In Utilities>Options>Customer Attributes option, the user selects the Create or Edit option. In the Customer Attributes Search window, the user clicks the New icon to go to Customer Attributes New window. Here, under the CA Rules tab, when the ‘Has Rules’ radio button is selected, the checkboxes for the rules are disabled.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Customer Attributes New>CA Rules tab, when the ‘Has Rules’ radio button is selected, the checkboxes for the rules will be enabled.



Bug ID: 6921442


Problem: In View Connection Design>Schematic Design, the user enters the same VPI/VCI values for two Bandwidth Links and saves the changes.

However, on the Service Request Connections window, when the user double clicks and opens the PVC connection, the changes are not updated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters the same VPI/VCI values for two Bandwidth Links and saves the changes, the changes will get updated on the Service Request Connections window.



Bug ID: 6609831


Problem: On the Service Request Search window of a PSR Order, the user creates a new order from an existing order and creates a new virtual connection between the existing physical ports and assigns the tasks. However, in Connection Design>Schematic Design, both the VPI and VCI values get incremented instead of only the VCI value. 


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Schematic Design, only the VCI value will get incremented. 



Bug ID: 6656212


Problem: On an Optical Network System, the user AutoBuilds a connection to create Virtual connections. When the user right clicks on a Virtual connection, the Open Connection Design option is inappropriately displayed. However, when clicking the option the following error occurs: "Could not find a design for XXX".


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on a Virtual connection, the Open Connection Design option will not be displayed.



Bug ID: 6656800


Problem: On the Network System window, when the user deletes a Network Element having Network and Customer connections, a data related error message occurs instead of displaying a warning message that the network element could not be deleted.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Network System window, when the user deletes a Network Element having Network and Customer connections, a warning message that the network element could not be deleted gets displayed.



Bug ID: 6689834


Problem: On the TBS utilities, in Options>Customer Attributes>Associate, when the user opens a connection and clicks the Preview button, an error occurs instead of the Customer Attributes pop up to appear.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user opens a connection and clicks the Preview button, the Customer Attributes pop up will appear without displaying an error.



Bug ID: 6737692


Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy Search window, the user checks the Virtual check box, selects the Up radio button, enters a connection ID in the Identification field and clicks the Search button. In the Connection Hierarchy window, when the user double clicks on a connection, the DLCI values for the parent physical circuit are duplicated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Connection Hierarchy window when the user double clicks on a connection, the DLCI values for the parent physical circuit are not duplicated.



Bug ID: 6804199


Problem: In Customer Attributes Usage>Allow Duplicates column, for an Ethernet Link, the user selects the No Duplicate for Path option from the dropdown. In Connection Design>Schematic Design link, when the user right clicks on a component, selects the Add Hard Connection option, selects the Ethernet Connection in the Available Connections pop up and clicks the OK button, a data related error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and when the No Duplicate for Path option is selected for an Ethernet Link, in Connection Design>Schematic Design link, when the user right clicks on a component and selects the Add Hard Connection option, a hard component will be added without an error.



Bug ID: 6806789


Problem: In Connection Design>Option, the user selects the Design Mode option. In the Design Mode pop up, the user selects the Path Analysis by Hops radio button, enters a value in the Maximum Number of Hops field and clicks the OK button. However, in Connection Design>Schematic Design, the paths between the components are not displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters the values in the Design Mode pop up, the paths between the components will be displayed in Connection Design>Schematic Design.



Bug ID: 6806991


Problem: In Network System Design>Network Template List, the user creates a new Network System from the SONET Template. In the graphical canvas, the user right clicks and selects the Share Node option to add more than one component from an existing network to the new Network System. However, after establishing connections and validating the network system and when saving the Network System, the following database error occurs: “sqlerror 1:

java.sql BatchUpdateException: ORA-00001: Unique Constraint (ASAP.PK_NS_COMP_REL) violated”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now after creating a new Network System with more than one component from an existing network, the user will be able to save without an error.



Bug ID: 6881441


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user creates a new PSR Order with NGN product. When the user opens the Physical Virtual Connection, in Connection Design>Actions, the Redesign link is not available.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Product Service Request window, when the user opens the Physical Virtual Connection, in Connection Design>Actions, the Redesign link will be available.



Bug ID: 6889628


Problem: On a PSR Order, the user group disconnects a Pending Disconnect Virtual connection, reuses the VPI/VCI values of the disconnected connection to a new Virtual connection and closes the order after saving. However, on reopening the new Virtual connection, the VPI/VCI values do not get updated correctly.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user reuses the VPI/VCI values of the disconnected connection to a new Virtual connection and saves, the

VPI/VCI values will get updated correctly.



Bug ID: 6921334


Problem: On a disconnect PSR Order, the user disconnects a Virtual connection, creates a new Virtual connection, assigns the pending disconnect VPI/VCI values in this new connection and saves. However, on reopening the new Virtual connection, the VPI/VCI values do not get updated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user disconnects a Virtual connection, creates a new Virtual connection, assigns the pending disconnect VPI/VCI values in the new connection and saves, the VPI/VCI will get updated.



Bug ID: 6976035


Problem: In Provisioning Assistant>Select Channels pop up, the user right clicks on the channel and selects the Assign Circuit option. On the Network Provisioning Assistant pop up, when the user clicks the Finish button, the assigned Connection Id does not get displayed in Provisioning Assistant>Channel column.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on the channel, selects the Assign Circuit option and clicks the Finish button on the Network Provisioning Assistant pop up, the assigned Connection Id will get displayed in Provisioning Assistant>Channel column.



Bug ID: 6991152


Problem: On a PSR Order, the user configures a DSL automation product bundle and assigns tasks including VCONDES task. When the user completes the VCONDES task on the order, the schematic design is not available.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user completes the VCONDES task in the PSR Order, the schematic design will be available.



Bug ID: 7032369


Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user double clicks on a bandwidth assignment, the bandwidth assignment gets displayed on the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window. However, in Connection Reconciliation>Bandwidth Assignments tab, the bandwidth assignment does not get displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Reconciliation>Bandwidth Assignments tab, the bandwidth assignment will get displayed.



Bug ID: 7117394


Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, the user checks the Virtual Circuits checkbox and clicks the Search button. However, in Connection Design>Schematic Design link, the schematic designs for a few virtual circuits are not displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design window, when the user clicks the Schematic Design link, the schematic designs will be displayed for all the virtual circuits.



Bug ID: 7117396


Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, the user clicks on an equipment and selects the Edit option. On the Equipment pop up, the user clicks on the Search icon adjacent to the Network Element field, and on the Network Element Search pop up, clicks the Add New link. However, on the Network Element Properties –New pop up, when the user enters the details and clicks the OK button, a data related error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Network Element Properties –New pop up, when the details are entered and the OK button is clicked, the user will be able to create and associate network element to an equipment.



Bug ID: 7154865


Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>MISC Column, the Equipment EPA (high speed information) details are not displayed for Optical Channel Assignments.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>MISC Column, the Equipment EPA (high speed information) details will be displayed for Optical Channel Assignments.



Bug ID: 6183656


Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user navigates to the Node Properties pop up. Here, the user changes the node name in the Name field and clicks the OK button.

However, in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the node name is not updated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Node Properties pop up, when the user changes the node name in the Name field and clicks the OK button, the node name will get updated in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.



Bug ID: 6402228


Problem: When the user group disconnects a SONET block from a PSR Order and completes the tasks the following error occurs: "The circuits for this service request are not complete". On the Connection Design window, the block is correctly displayed with a Note Indicator "D". However, when the user opens the SONET block, in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the status of the connection is displayed as In Service instead of Pending Disconnect.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user group disconnects a SONET block from a PSR Order and completes the tasks, no error will occur. Also, when the user opens the SONET block, in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the status of the connection will be displayed as Pending Disconnect.



Bug ID: 6630849


Problem: On the Execution Point Search window, when the user selects a building block from the Building Block Type drop down, clicks on the Search icon of the Name field, the relevant list of names are displayed. However, when the user selects another building block type and clicks the Search icon of the Name field, the same list of names relevant to the previous case are displayed.

Also, when the user clicks the Search button, an exceptional message gets displayed instead of displaying “No matches were found”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Execution Point Search window, when the user selects a building block from the Building Block Type drop down and clicks the Search icon of the Name field, the relevant list of names are displayed correctly.

Also, when the user clicks the Search button, the following message gets displayed “No matches were found”.



Bug ID: 6719384


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, the user right clicks on an NGN product and selects the Configure Product option. On the Network Attributes window, the user clicks the Existing Location link to go to the Existing Locations window and clicks on a location. In the New Location window, when the user enters a value in the Suite field and clicks the Next button, an Internal Server Error appears.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the New Location window, when the user enters a value in the Suite field and clicks the Next button, the Existing Locations window will be displayed without an error.  



Bug ID: 6806783


Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user right clicks on a virtual connection and selects the Connection Maintenance option. In Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user right clicks and selects the Add Hard Connection option, the parent Physical connection does not get displayed on the Available Connections pop up and instead the child Virtual connections are displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user right clicks and selects the Add Hard Connection option, only the parent Physical connection and not the child Virtual connection will get displayed.



Bug ID: 6944983


Problem: On a SONET network, the user inserts a new node between the existing nodes and associates the equipment to the new node. However, when the user assigns the new segment created between the new node and the existing node to the equipments and saves, the application crashes.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign the new segment created between the new node and the existing node to equipments and save. Also, the application will not crash.



Bug ID: 6991158


Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, for a newly created Virtual connection, in the Issues section, the Request Activity column displays the ‘Change’ status.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design Search window, for a newly created Virtual connection, in the Issues section, the Request Activity column will display the ‘New’ status.



Bug ID: 7040867


Problem: In Network Template window, the user right clicks on a template relationship and selects the Properties option. In Managing a Template Relationship>Connection Specs, the user clicks on a connection spec. In Managing a Template Connection>Outside Assignments dropdown, the user selects the Do Not Allow option and clicks the OK button. However, on the Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window, when the user right clicks on a connection and selects the Auto-Assign Circuit option, the circuits get assigned to the connection.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in  Managing a Template Connection>Outside Assignments dropdown, the user selects the Do Not Allow option, and in Connection Hierarchy for Connection Design window when the user right clicks on a connection and selects the Auto-Assign Circuit option, an error message will occur.



Bug ID: 7231871


Problem: On an ISR Order, the user creates a new trunk group and enters a Pending Disconnect TSC existing on an ISR Disconnect Order to the new trunk group. When the user group assigns the trunk group to the T1 connection and removes the Trunk connections from the disconnect order, the following warning message gets displayed: “Cannot Delete this Trunk Group since the Two Six Code is being reused on a different order. Please change the Two Six Code XXXX on Order: N1455586”.

However, the warning message incorrectly displays characters XXXX instead of displaying the correct TSC.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user group assigns the trunk group to the T1 connection and removes the Trunk connections from the ISR Disconnect Order, a warning message with the correct TSC will get displayed.



Bug ID: 6737609


Problem: In Trunk Group Search>Trunk Group Name/Description field, when the user enters the name in lower case and clicks the Search button, the trunk groups do not get retrieved.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Trunk Group Search>Trunk Group Name/Description field, when the user enters the name in lower case and clicks the Search button, the trunk groups will get retrieved.



Bug ID: 6816526


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user creates a change order, disconnects a Virtual connection and then right clicks on the order and selects the Configure option to add a new Virtual connection. The user then group disconnects the pending disconnect connection and opens the Virtual connection. In Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user opens the Virtual connection, adds a Hard connection and enters the VPI/VCI values of the disconnected Virtual connection, an Integrity Constraint Error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user opens the Virtual connection, adds a Hard connection and enters the VPI/VCI values of the disconnected Virtual connection, no error will occur.



Bug ID: 7011085


Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user opens an Optical Network and on the graphical canvas right clicks and selects the AutoBuild option. In the AutoBuild Wizard pop up, when the user clicks the Finish button, the following error message occurs: “Step 12: Getting the Larger Value error”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the AutoBuild Wizard pop up, when the user clicks the Finish button, the Network System connection will get auto built without an error.



Bug ID: 6895021


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user double clicks on the NETDSGN Task.

In Network Systems>Managing a Template Component Type pop up, the user enters the required information and without checking the Location Required check box clicks the OK button and associates a PSR Order to the network system. However, in Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user provisions a Virtual connection in the PSR Order with the component, a series of errors occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Managing a Template Component Type pop up, when the user enters the required information without checking the Location Required check box clicks the OK button to associate the PSR Order to the network system, in Connection Design>Schematic Design, the user will be able to provision the Virtual connection with the component without an error.



Bug ID: 6926233


Problem: On the Network System Design window, the user right clicks on a network template and selects the Add Network Design option and in the graphical canvas, right clicks and selects the Properties option. In the Managing a Network System pop up, the user enters all the values, selects the In Service option in the Status drop down, clicks the OK button and then clicks the Save icon in the Network System Design window. However, when the pop up is reopened, the value in the Date In Service field is showing an earlier time compared to the value in the Date Created field.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Managing a Network System pop up, the value in the Date In Service field will be showing a later time compared to the value in the Date Created field.



Bug ID: 7034496


Problem: 1. In the Connection Design Search window, when the user checks all the connection checkboxes and clicks the Search button, the following error occurs: “Expression is not valid”.


2. In the Connection Design Search window, when the user checks all the connection checkboxes and clicks the Search button, the issues under the Issue Status column are duplicated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now,

1. In the Connection Design Search window, when the user checks all the connection checkboxes and clicks the Search button, the connection will be available.


2. In the Connection Design Search window, when the user checks all the connection checkboxes and clicks the Search button, the issues in the Issue Status column will not be duplicated.



Bug ID: 6528922


Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy window, the user opens a Virtual connection in Record Issued Status. In Connection Design>Connection Summary, the user is unable to edit the contents in the Notes section.


Resolution: The code was modified and now for a Virtual connection in Record Issued Status, the user will be able to edit the contents in the Notes section under Connection Design>Connection Summary.



Bug ID: 6921435


Problem: On the change order for an existing PSR Order, the user disconnects a physical connection, validates and supplement corrects the order. On the Connection Attributes pop up for the disconnected connection, the user modifies some values and clicks on the 'Close' button. However, after process supplementing and validating the order, when the user reopens the Connection Attributes pop up, the PE Assignment value do not get displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now after modifying some values on the Connection Attributes pop up, when the user process supplements and validates the order and then reopens the pop up, the PE Assignment value will get displayed.



Bug ID: 7007328


Problem: On the Connection Design window, when the user unassigns a Virtual connection from a new installation order, the following error message is displayed: "A Port address assignment that is In Service may not be removed from a New Installation order".


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to unassign a Virtual connection from a new installation order on the Connection Design window, without an error.



Bug ID: 6858126


Problem: On the Equipment Install window, when the user right clicks on an equipment in a Network Location, selects the Move option to move an equipment (Channel bank) to an equipment port on another location or in the same location, the equipment does not get moved to the new location and the following message gets displayed: "Could not unmount equipment where equipment_id = 301973".


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to move an equipment from one Network Location to an equipment port on another location or in the same location without an error.



Bug ID: 6743450


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, when the user assigns a Pending Disconnect IP Address to an order and then deletes the IP Address from the order, the status of the IP Address does not updated in the IP Addresses-Internal window as Pending Disconnect .


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user assigns a Pending Disconnect IP Address to an order and then deletes the IP Address from the order, the status of the IP Address will get updated as Pending Disconnect in the IP Addresses-Internal window.



Bug ID: 6826477


Problem: On the Internet Services Search window, when the user selects ‘IP Address’ in the Search By dropdown, ‘Name Server’ in the Type dropdown and ‘Domain Name Server’ in the Subtype dropdown and clicks the Search button, the following message appears: “No Search Results Found”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Internet Services Search window, when the user enters the values and clicks the Search button, the search results will be displayed.



Bug ID: 6790700


Problem: On the IP Address Internal window, an IP Address is added to an order which is then DD completed. The same IP Address is added to another order and disconnected. When the Pending Disconnected IP Address is reassigned to another service item in the same order or when added to a new order, data corruption occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified, now on the IP Address Internal window, when an IP Address in a DD completed is added to another order and disconnected can now be reassigned to another service item in the same order or added to a new order without the occurrence of data corruption.



Bug ID: 6953620


Problem: On any window, the abbreviation for a city is not available in the City Name dropdown.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on any window, the abbreviation for a city will be available in the City Name dropdown.



Bug ID: 7001796


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user right clicks on an order and selects the Reject Task option. On the Reject Task pop up, when the user presses Ctrl+Shift keys and right clicks on the Task Reject Reason field, the following error occurs:

"Error text =Cannot assign object of type w_task_reject_resp_maint to variable of type w_master". Also, the application gets terminated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Reject Task pop up, when the user presses Ctrl+Shift keys and right clicks on the Task Reject Reason field, no error will occur. Also, the application will not get terminated.



Bug ID: 7007494


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user clicks the F2 button. In Security Permissions>Assign Permissions pop up, the user sets the permission as Disable for a few menu options under the Descriptions column and clicks the Close button. However, when the user reopens the Service Request Search window, the menu options are not disabled.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Security Permissions>Assign Permissions pop up, when the user sets the permission as Disable for a few menu options under the Descriptions column, the options will be disabled in the Service Request Search window.



Bug ID: 7113314


Problem: On the Security Permissions window, the permission for the w_query_monster_sheet window cannot be set to Disabled for a VIEW_ONLY User/Group. On account of this, under Service Request Search>Options menu, the Repair Task Statuses option remains enabled.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Security Permissions window, the permission for the w_query_monster_sheet window can be set to Disabled for a VIEW_ONLY User/Group. Hence, under Service Request Search>Options menu, the Repair Task Statuses option will become disabled.



Bug ID: 6338767


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user selects the Work Group radio button, clicks on a work queue and selects the Print option under the File menu, the My Desktop window appears.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Work Queue Manager window when the user selects the Print option for a work queue, the work queue will get printed.



Bug ID: 6383301


Problem: When the user creates a new Logic Extension and enters a value containing "Spaces" and characters other than letters in the Name field, the following generic message is displayed: "Name contains characters other than letters. The name for a logic extension can only contain letters".


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a new Logic Extension and enters a value containing "Spaces" and characters other than letters in the Name field, the following appropriate message will be displayed: “Name contains characters other than letters. The name for a logic extension should not contain space or any other characters other than letters”.



Bug ID: 6801744


Problem: In MSS, when the user loads LERG for any State, the Audit Log report displays the following message: ‘75% of the Load LERG process is completed’.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in MSS, when the user loads LERG for any State, the Audit Log report will display the following message: ‘100% of the Load LERG process is completed’.



Bug ID: 6819567


Problem: In Inventory Management>IP Address - Internal, when the user expands an IP Address, right clicks on a Subnet and selects the Delete IP Address option to delete the Subnet, the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Inventory Management>IP Address – Internal, the user will be able to delete a Subnet and the application will not terminate.



Bug ID: 6822635


Problem: On the Network Location Search window, the user right clicks on a Network Location and Selects Assign NPA NXXs option. On the Associated NPA NXXs with Network Location window, the user selects Protect from the Block Use drop down and sets the Block Status as Pooled. After loading the LERG data and importing to the MSS application, when the user again logs into the application and searches for the Network Location, the LERG data is incorrectly updated as Unprotect and the Block status is displayed as Assigned.


Resolution: The code was modified and now after loading the LERG data and importing to the MSS application, when the user again logs into the application and searches for the Network Location, the LERG data will be correctly displayed as Unprotect and the Block status will be displayed as Pooled.



Bug ID: 6676173


Problem: The user performs installation of pointing to QA1PL7 and completes the deployment. However, when the user stops the server using the Stop script, an error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user performs installation of pointing to QA1PL7, completes the deployment and stops the server using the Stop script, no error will occur.



Bug ID: 6955365


Problem: When the user upgrades the Appserver from 6.0.10.X to 6.0.16.X, warning messages get displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Weblogic Console, the default value of Severity Threshold Level will be set to error and the warning messages will not get displayed after the 6.0.10.X to 6.0.16.X upgrade.



Bug ID: 6939621


Problem: When the user upgrades from 6.0.10 b224 to 6.0.16 b68 using MSS installer, the Stop Script is not available in the Metasolv domain directory to shut down the Server and needs manual intervention.


Resolution: The code was modified and now Stop Scripts will be generated automatically to shut down the Server after the completion of the upgradation.



Bug ID: 6953656


Problem: On a new Trunk ISR Order, the user creates a Trunk connection and under the ISR/Trunk Circuits tab, clicks on the Delete icon. However, on the Trunk Group Query Search window, when the user queries by giving the Two Six Code of the deleted trunk group as the search criteria, the deleted Trunk Group gets retrieved.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Delete icon under the ISR/Trunk Circuits tab, and subsequently on the Trunk Group Query Search window, queries by giving the Two Six Code of the deleted trunk group as the search criteria, the deleted Trunk Group will not get retrieved.



Bug ID: 7037469


Problem: The user is unable to perform PSR/LSR mapping for stand alone directory Listing request type without adding a service location in the PSR order.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform PSR/LSR mapping for stand alone directory Listing request type without adding a service location in the PSR order.



Bug ID: 6925255


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on a PSR order with ported telephone numbers and selects the Complete Task(s) option, the following error occurs: “There are some telephone numbers in this order that are not in the right svsstatus in order to complete the SOA task”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on a PSR order with ported telephone numbers and selects the Complete Task(s) option, the order will get DD completed without an error.



Bug ID: 7129630


Problem: When the user reassigns/replaces a BTN for an In-Service telephone number through the CORBA API, the following message occurs: "Miscellaneous Error: BTN already assigned. Unassign BTN: before assigning new BTN". This scenario happens for Disconnected BTN also.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to reassign/replace a BTN for an In-Service telephone number through the CORBA API without an error.



Bug ID: 6716199


Problem: On a PSR Order with line products, when the user adds a Hunt Group through Createorderbyvaluerequest.jpd process, an exceptional error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on a PSR Order with line products, the user will be able to add a Hunt Group through Createorderbyvaluerequest.jpd process without an error.



Bug ID: 6743020


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, for a PSR Order, under Tasks>Actual Completion Date column, the completion time is different from the completion time displayed under the Notes tab.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Service Request Search window, for a PSR Order, under Tasks>Actual Completion Date column, the completion time will be the same as the completion time displayed under the Notes tab.



Bug ID: 6784843


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user right clicks on a directory request product and selects the Open Directory Maintenance option. When the user imports the order through XML API, without filling the non mandatory fields on the Directory Service Request pop up, the following error occurs: “Unable to process item Wisor Stand Alone Directory Request Product group 3830. Error Code 39990:Miscellaneous Error: null.

Error Code 30766:Unable to process item Wisor Stand Alone Directory Request Product group 3830”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to import the order through XML API, without filling the non mandatory fields on the Directory Service Request pop up without an error.



Bug ID: 6809417


Problem: On the XML API, all the tasks on an order are in ‘Ready’ status and the status for all the Gateway events associated to the tasks are in ‘Pending’ status.


Resolution: The code was modified in the XML API, and the tag for the tasks is set to True, hence all the tasks will move to ‘Ready’ status.  When the first task is rejected, the first task will remain in the ‘Ready’ status and all the other tasks will move to ‘Pending’ status.

Also, when the autosignal for the Gateway event is ready, every time the task to which the Gateway event is associated goes to ‘Ready’ status, the Gateway event’s status will get updated automatically.



Bug ID: 6809418


Problem: When the user supplement cancels a PSR Order through the XML API using api processSuppOrderRequest.jpd, the status of the outbound Gateway Event does not get updated to ‘Ready’ with respect to 'Auto Signaling' of the Gateway



Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user supplement cancels a PSR Order through the XML API using api processSuppOrderRequest.jpd, the status of the outbound Gateway Event will get updated to ‘Ready’ with respect to 'Auto Signaling' of the Gateway Event.



Bug ID: 6715739


Problem: On a PSR Order having Telephone Line products, each assigned with many telephone numbers, the user runs JPD StartOrderSync process to update and finish the order. However, on the Service Request Search window, the telephone numbers are getting updated as null-null-null under the circuits tab.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user runs JPD StartOrderSync process to update and finish the order, the telephone numbers on the order will not get updated as null-null-null under the circuits tab on the Service Request Search window.



Bug ID: 6758906


Problem: When the user creates a change order from an existing PSR Order having a Business Telephone Number, disconnects the telephone number and runs ExecuteFinishOrder API to finish the order, the following error occurs:

“Error: Telephone number 2010071001 being disconnected on this order is an In-Service BTN for this Customer”. 


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to run ExecuteFinishOrder API to finish the order after disconnecting the Business Telephone Number from the change order.



Bug ID: 6921593


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user creates a PSR Order and exports the order through GetPSROrderSync.jpd. The user then creates a new order from the previous order and supplement cancels the new order through ProcessSuppOrder.jpd. However, on the sr_supp_history table, the value of the supplement cancelled order does not get updated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a new order and supplement cancels the order through ProcessSuppOrder.jpd, the value of the supplement cancelled order will get updated on the sr_supp_history table.



Bug ID: 7010251


Problem: When the user creates a new order using ImportPSR_V3 structure through Corba, a null pointer exception error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to create a new order using ImportPSR_V3 structure through Corba and XML API without an error.



Bug ID: 7037775


Problem: When the JPDs are run in the getDLRByKeyResponse JPD, the derived XML responses are not intelligible to the user.


Resolution: New annotations are created; hence the user can cross verify the annotation for each XML response.



Bug ID: 6807549


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user double clicks on the RID Task to go to the Service Request Connections window and double clicks on a Virtual connection. In Connection Design>Outputs, when the user selects the Activation Reports option, the Activation Report is displayed blank. Also, on invoking through the GetServiceActivationData.jpd, the following  error occurs:

‘Internal activation error: non-unique collection of network

elements.Error Code 63610:Internal activation error: non-unique collection of

network elements‘.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Outputs, when the user selects the Activation Reports option, the Activation Report will get displayed with the required data. Also, the user will be able to invoke through the GetServiceActivationData.jpd, without an error.



Bug ID: 6819706


Problem: On the XML API, when the user creates a change order, the following error occurs if the existing order has any Customer Attributes: “CaValueValidateManager: CA value record being changed or deleted is not found. CA: CE Manager; CaUsageId: 94;”


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the XML API, when the user creates a change order, no error will occur even if the existing order has any Customer Attributes.



Bug ID: 6822121


Problem: When the user imports a new PSR Order for an In service customer account using

CreatePSROrderSync.jpd, an error occurs. Also, on the PSR Ordering window, all the Customer Attributes values do not get populated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the new PSR Order will get created when the user imports a new PSR Order using CreatePSROrderSync.jpd without an error.

Also, on the PSR Ordering window, all the Customer Attributes values will get populated.



Bug ID: 6958328


Problem: When the user imports new PSR Orders for a Customer Account having NGN product/Circuit Product/Line Product, with 'externalServiceKey' tag and using 'CreatePSROrderSync.jpd', the 'externalServiceKey' tag is not stored in the Data Base. Also, when the user exports the orders using the same process, the 'externalServiceKey' tag is not retrieved in the export structure.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user imports new PSR Orders for a Customer Account having NGN product/Circuit Product/Line Product, with 'externalServiceKey' tag and using 'CreatePSROrderSync.jpd', the 'externalServiceKey' tag will be stored in the Data Base. Also, when the user exports the orders using the same process, the 'externalServiceKey' tag will be retrieved in the export structure.



Bug ID: 7215169


Problem: When the user imports an order having NGN products through the XML API using CreateOrderByValueRequest, the label values do not get updated in the database.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user imports an order having NGN products through the XML API using CreateOrderByValueRequest, the label values will get updated in the database.



Bug ID: 6644426


Problem: In Connection Design>Additional Detail link, the ISI-DLR tab is not displayed, when the user does not enter a value in the PON field in Product Service Request New Order>Order Information link before saving.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Additional Detail link, the ISI-DLR tab will be displayed, even though a value is not entered in the PON field in Product Service Request New Order>Order Information link.



Bug ID: 6641019


Problem: On the Connection Design Search window, when the user searches for a connection, both the Current and Latest issues are displayed under the Issue Status column.

This happens even when the preference ‘View current or latest issue’ under My Preferences>Inventory Management>Connection Design, is set as Current.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Connection Design Search window, when the user searches for a connection, only the Current issue will be displayed under the Issue Status column, when the preference ‘View current or latest issue’ is set as Current.



Bug ID: 6817444


Problem: In Utilities>Option>Structured Formats option, the user clicks the Structured Formats option. In the Structured Formats pop up, when the user clicks the F1 button, the Help window is not displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Structured Formats pop up, when the user clicks the F1 button, the Help window will get displayed.



Bug ID: 6974958


Problem: On the Translation String Extraction window, the user selects an application in the Application field and clicks the Extract button. When the Translation SQL files that get extracted for the application are run multiple times, duplication of statements get generated in the Translation Table.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the Translation SQL files for the selected application are run multiple times, duplication of statements will not appear in the Translation Table.



Bug ID: 6257019


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, the user right clicks on a Business Line Product and selects the Assign Telephone Numbers option to open the Telephone Numbers pop up. In Telephone Numbers>Inventory and Assign tab, when the user assigns the LNP Ported In Type Telephone number by clicking the right arrow button, the following error occurs: “This product is missing assignable items. Check application setup telephone number indicators for this product”.

Also, the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Telephone Numbers>Inventory and Assign tab, the user will be able to assign the LNP Ported In Type Telephone number by clicking the right arrow button without an error. Also, the application will not terminate.



Bug ID: 7185059


Problem: In a change PSR Order, when the user disconnects a telephone number and again reconnects the number, all the products disappear and the application hangs. Also, when the user closes the order and reopens again, in the Telephone Number Inventory window, the telephone number is incorrectly displayed as Disconnected.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in a change PSR Order, the products will not disappear when the user disconnects a telephone number and again reconnects the number. Also, in the Telephone Number Inventory window, the telephone number will be correctly displayed as Inservice.



Bug ID: 7215161


Problem: In Product Service Request>Circuit Info tab, when the user selects a value in the Service Type Code/Ext: dropdown, the value in the Service Type Category field remains as none. Hence, when the order is validated, the following error message appears: “Service Type Category can’t be Null”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Circuit Info tab, when the user selects a value in the Service Type Code/Ext: dropdown, the value in the Service Type Category field will get selected consecutively. Hence, the order will get validated, without an error.



Bug ID: 7215165


Problem: In Product Service Request>Service Location, the user adds a BTN number. Through a Change Order, the user copies the BTN number and adds it under Global and disconnects the number. A new instance gets created with NPOUT as the number. However, when the order is validated, the following error occurs: “Telephone Number 2016210500 being disconnected on this order is an I-service BTN for this customer. Please assign some other telephone number as BTN before disconnecting this BTN”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user disconnects a BTN number, and validates the order, the order will get validated d without an error.



Bug ID: 7215174


Problem: On the Telephone Number window, on a number that has a category description and subcategory description, the user right clicks and selects the Recall this Number option. However, the new instance of the number that is created does not have a category description and subcategory description.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Telephone Numbers window, on a number that has a category description and subcategory description, when the user right clicks and selects the Recall this Number option, the new instance of the number that is created will have a category description and subcategory description.



Bug ID: 6608332


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services>Label and Value Info tab, the user enters a value for the bit rate Label and saves the order. In Connection Design>Additional Detail>Product Catalog, the updated bit rate value does not get displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Connection Design>Additional Detail>Product Catalog, the bit rate value updated in Product Service Request>Services>Label and Value Info tab, will be displayed.



Bug ID: 6676483


Problem: In Product Service Request>Order Actions, the user clicks the Copy Existing Services link to open the PSR Order window. Here, under the Criteria tab, when the user enters the necessary values and clicks the Set Criteria button, a series of errors occurs and the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in PSR Order>Criteria tab, when the user enters the required values and clicks the Set Criteria button, error will not occur. Also, the application will not terminate.



Bug ID: 6708425


Problem: When the user creates a change order for a PSR Order and completes the DD task for the change order without completing the DD task for the initial order, an appropriate message prompt appears: "One or more circuits for this order are riding another circuit that is scheduled to be due-date completed after the due date of this order? Would you like to view the blocking circuits?”. When clicking Yes on the message prompt the Pending Order Details window gets displayed, however, the Order Number and the Due Date information are incorrectly reflected.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Pending Order Details window the Order Number and the Due Date information of the PSR Order will be correctly reflected.



Bug ID: 6816521


Problem: On a PSR Order having Service_Request_Status as 0, when the user completes the DD task which is not the last task on the order, the Service_Request_Status gets updated on the SQL window. However, the last_modified_userid and last_modified_date values do not get updated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user completes the DD task which is not the last task on a PSR Order, the last_modified_userid and last_modified_date values will get updated on the SQL window.



Bug ID: 6904647


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user right clicks on a Service Location under Global and selects the Assign Telephone Number option. In Telephone Numbers>Search tab, when the user selects a telephone number under the Telephone Number column, a  line under the Assignment column and clicks the single right arrow button, the following error occurs: “Unable to update the telephone number status”.

This happens when the Regional Language in the Control Panel is set to any language other than English.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Telephone Numbers>Search tab, the user selects the telephone number under the Telephone Number column, a  line under the Assignment column and clicks the single right arrow button, the telephone number will get assigned to the line without an error. This is irrespective of the Regional Language set in the Control Panel.



Bug ID: 7037472


Problem: On the Product Catalog window, when the user clicks the Availability tab, there is a time delay, followed by data related errors and the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Product Catalog window, the user will be able to click the Availability tab and view the details without an error. Also the application will not terminate.



Bug ID: 6183651


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, the user right clicks on a RCF Line Product and selects the Assign Telephone Numbers option to open the Telephone Numbers pop up. In Telephone Numbers>Inventory and Assign tab, when the user assigns the LNP Ported In Type Telephone number to the RCF Item by clicking the right arrow button, the following error occurs:


: ORA-02290:check constraint

 (ASAP.CK_FK_TE_NU_IN_LRN) violated”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Telephone Numbers>Inventory and Assign tab, the user will be able to assign the LNP Ported In Type Telephone number to the RCF Item by clicking the right arrow button without an error.



Bug ID: 6329243


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, the user right clicks on a Directory Request Service Product and selects Open Directory Maintenance option. On the Directory Service Request window, when the user clicks on the Listings tab, enters value in all the required fields, selects Caption Indent from the Style Code drop down, the Main Directory Listing is not displayed under the Listing Appearance section.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Directory Service Request window, when the user clicks on the Listings tab, enters value in all the required fields, selects Caption Indent from the Style Code drop down, the Main Directory Listing will be displayed under the Listing Appearance section.



Bug ID: 6645997


Problem: On a new PSR Order created from an existing order, the user adds a Dune Line Product, Lines and Features underneath a service location. When the user right clicks ‘Features’ and selects the Add New Items option to add child items, only some of the expired items get displayed in the list of selection items.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks ‘Features’ and selects the Add New Items option to add child items, all the expired items will get displayed in the list of selection items.



Bug ID: 6700716


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, when the user right clicks on a line under a line product that has more than 2000 lines and selects the Disconnect This Item option, the hour glass appears for a few seconds and the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Product Service Request window, when the user right clicks on a line under a line product that has more than 2000 lines and selects the Disconnect This Item option, the line will get disconnected and the application will not terminate.



Bug ID: 6819159


Problem: On a View Only PSR Order, on the PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment window, the user is incorrectly able to edit the values in the fields and save. This also happens on a completed order.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on a View Only PSR Order, on the PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment window, the user will not be able to edit the values in the fields and save.



Bug ID: 6921966


Problem: For a Supplement Order, in Product Service Request>Services>PRILOC/SECLOC Info tab, when the user clicks the Edit link to correct an address information, the Location Maintenance window appears blank. Also, when the user clicks the Delete link, the following error occurs: "Error deleting the PRILOC/SECLOC. Contact your System Administrator". 


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Services>PRILOC/SECLOC Info tab, when the user clicks the Edit link to correct an address information, the Location Maintenance window will not appear blank. Also, when the user clicks the Delete link, the PRILOC/SECLOC Info will get deleted without an error.



Bug ID: 6943588


Problem: On a PSR Order, a service location with a Line Directory Request Service item is added and DD completed. The user creates a change order for the existing order and adds another service location. When the service item is moved from the existing service location to the new service location, the details of the service item do not get displayed under the Directory Listing tab. Also, the user is unable to create a suspend order for the customer account.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when a service item is moved from an existing service location to a new service location, the details of the service item will get displayed under the Directory Listing tab. Also, the user will be able to create a suspend order for the customer account.



Bug ID: 7169003


Problem: On a PSR Order, in End User Location Maintenance>Location Name field, the user enters a value of 50 characters. However, in Product Service Request – Order>General Info>Location Name field, the 50 characters do not get displayed completely.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request – Order>General Info>Location Name field, the 50 characters will get displayed completely.



Bug ID: 6667109


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user enters Responsible Party as the search criteria, all the orders do not get retrieved.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters Responsible Party as the search criteria in the Service Request Search window, all the orders will be retrieved.



Bug ID: 6492645


Problem: In Network Area Definition>Network Items tab, the user clicks on a switch and under the Switch Prefix Inventory tab, right clicks on the Switch Prefix Inventory folder and selects the Associate option. In Associate Switch Prefix Search>Results tab, the user selects all the numbers and clicks the OK button. However, after associating all the numbers to the switch, when the user clicks on another switch, the following error message occurs: "sqlerror: 1 java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ASAP.FK_NA_NE_IT_NI_NB_IN__NANINBIN) violated - parent key not found".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on Network Area Definition>Network Items tab, after associating the numbers to a switch, when the user on another switch, no error will occur.



Bug ID: 6645928


Problem: On the Trunk Group Search window, the user right clicks and selects the Special Trunk option. In Trunk Group Search>Trunk Group Name/Description field, when the user enters the name in lower case and clicks the Search button, the trunk groups do not get retrieved.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Trunk Group Search>Trunk Group Name/Description field, when the user enters the name in lower case and clicks the Search button, the trunk groups will get retrieved.



Bug ID: 6795621


Problem: On the Customer Account Search window, when the user selects Telephone number from the Search By drop down and clicks the Search button, the customer accounts are not retrieved.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Customer Account Search window, when the user selects Telephone number from the Search By drop down and clicks the Search button, the customer accounts will be retrieved.



Bug ID: 6813984


Problem: In the Customer Summary window, the user clicks the Circuits/Connections link and in the Circuits/Connections window selects a connection and clicks the Next button. In the Create an Order window, the user selects the Change option in the dropdown, checks the check box and clicks the Next button. However, after entering the values in all the fields and clicking the Submit button, the Create an Order window is displayed instead of a new order window.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Create an Order window when the user enters the values in all the fields and clicks the Submit button, a new order window will be displayed.



Bug ID: 6816525


Problem: On the Tasks window of a PSR Order, the user right clicks on the last task, unchecks the Task Required check box and completes the DD Task. However, on the SQL window, the value under the ORDER_COMPL_DT column does not get updated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now, when the user right clicks on the last task, unchecks the Task Required check box .and completes the DD Task, the value under the ORDER_COMPL_DT column will get updated on the SQL window.



Bug ID: 6816863


Problem: On the Service Request Search window that has all the search results displayed, when the user clicks the Modify Search link, the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Service Request Search window that has all the search results displayed, when the user clicks the Modify Search link, the initial Service Request Search window appears.



Bug ID: 6383223


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user enters a new telephone number under a Service Location and closes the window without DD completing the order. In the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on the order and selects the New From option to go to the New PSR Order pop up, where, after copying the existing services the OK button is clicked. However, in the Product Service Request window, the telephone number is displayed in ‘In Service’ status.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Product Service Request window, the status of the telephone number will be in ‘Pending’ status if the order is not DD completed.



Bug ID: 6745614


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services link, when the user right clicks on a DID Block product under a Service Location and selects the Remove This Item option, the following error occurs: “Procedure SP_CLEC_SO_DEL_ITEM Failed”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Services link, when the user right clicks on a DID Block product under a Service Location product and selects the Remove This Item option, the product will get deleted without an error.



Bug ID: 6776278


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects the Order Split option, a series of errors occurs. 


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Service Request Search window, when the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects the Order Split option, the PSR Order Split Selection pop up will appear without an error.



Bug ID: 6817223


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects the Order Split option. On the PSR Order Split Selection pop up, when the user clicks the OK button without selecting any service item, the following warning message appears: “There are no Service Items selected. Do you wish to generate the new Order without Service Items?”. However, when the NO button is clicked, the following error occurs: “Error copying the order info”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the PSR Order Split Selection pop up, when the user clicks the NO button in the warning message, the pop up will get closed without an error.



Bug ID: 6866707


Problem: On the Control Panel, the user selects ‘French’ from the Regional and Language Options. In Customer Summary>List Of Customer Orders>Order Summary, the Due Date is incorrectly displayed in US Format.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Control Panel, when the user selects ‘French’ from the Regional and Language Options, in Customer Summary>List Of Customer Orders>Order Summary, the Due Date will be displayed correctly in French Format.



Bug ID: 6921680


Problem: On a few DD completed PSR Orders, the status of the Service Items are displayed as "Pending" instead of being displayed as "InService".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on a few DD completed PSR Orders, the status of the Service Items will be displayed as "InService".



Bug ID: 6943599


Problem: On the Service Request Search window, the user creates a Change order, disconnects a telephone number, adds a Ported Out Product to the order and then assigns the disconnected telephone number. On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user double clicks on the E911 task, the NPOUT product is listed with incorrect function code.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue Manager window, when the user double clicks on the E911 task, the NPOUT product will get listed out with correct function code.



Bug ID: 6995340


Problem: In Product Service Request>IP Address Info tab, the user clicks the Assign IP Address button. On the Number Inventory Search pop up, when the user selects the Host Number IP Address in the Subtype dropdown, PendDisc in the Status dropdown and clicks the Search button, the results are not retrieved. 


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Number Inventory Search pop up, when the user selects the Host Number IP Address in the Subtype dropdown, PendDisc in the Status dropdown and clicks the Search button, the results were will be retrieved under the Results tab.



Bug ID: 6997687


Problem: The Edit link is not enabled on the Order Summary window.


Resolution: The code was modified and now the Edit link will be enabled in the Order Summary window.



Bug ID: 6804499


Problem: On the Directory Service Request window, the values in the Listing Appearance section are not sorted according to the ALI Code.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Directory Service Request window, the values in the Listing Appearance section will be sorted according to the ALI Code.



Bug ID: 6857202


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, the user right clicks on the parent Service item  and selects the Move This Item option to move the lines from the location to another Service Location and completes the order. However, when the user creates a change order and clicks on the Copy Existing Services link, the pending items are displayed. Also, on the SQL Navigator window, under the Document_Number column, the Service Items are displayed without document number and duplication of service items occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a change order and clicks on the Copy Existing Services link after moving the lines from one Service Location to another Service Location, the pending items will not get displayed. Also, on the SQL Navigator window, under the Document_Number column, the Service Items will get displayed with document number and duplication of Service Items will not occur.



Bug ID: 6889622


Problem: On the Product Service Request User Data window, the user selects the Data Type field as DROPDOWN, clicks on the Required check box, enters the User Data Default Input and clicks on the OK button. When the user creates a new PSR Order, in Product Service Request>Order Information>Order Info tab, NONE is displayed in the following default fields: DISCONNECT_REASON, Wisdom Notification Desc, Customer Delays, Why Miss Code and Wisdom Mac Code.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates a new PSR Order after entering the User Data Default Input on the Product Service Request User Data window, in Product Service Request>Order Information>Order Info tab, the default values will be displayed in the following fields: DISCONNECT_REASON, Wisdom Notification Desc, Customer Delays, Why Miss Code and Wisdom Mac Code.



Bug ID: 6786937


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the user double clicks on a non-smart task to go to Work Queue Manager – Service Request Search window. Under Order Management, the user clicks the Service Request link to go to the Service Request Search window. Here, after querying for any order and then closing the window, when the user clicks on File>New From option on the Work Queue Manager – Service Request Search window, an error occurs. Also the application terminates.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue Manager – Service Request Search window, when the user clicks on File>New From option, the New PSR Order window will open without an error.



Bug ID: 6746380

Internal CR#: CR00118327

Problem: On the XML API:

1. The status of the Gateway event does not change from ‘Waiting’ to ‘In Progress’ when the GetCnam/ GetLidb.jpd is run.


2. The status of the Gateway event does not change from ‘Waiting’ to ‘Complete’

when the updateCnam/UpdateLidb.jpd is run.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the XML API:

1. The status of the Gateway event will change from ‘Waiting’ to ‘In Progress’ when the GetCnam/GetLidb.jpd is run.


2. The status of the Gateway event will change from "Waiting" to "Complete", when the updateCnam/UpdateLidb.jpd is run.



Bug ID: 6768109


Problem: On the Search Locations window, when the user enters a network location in the Network Location field and clicks the Search Now button, all the CLLI Networks do not get retrieved.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Search Locations window, when the user enters a network location in the Network Location field and clicks the Search Now button, all the CLLI Networks will get retrieved.



Bug ID: 6915660


Problem: In Order Management>Trouble Tickets, the user creates a Ticket with Service Item Type as "Telephone Number". In the Security Permissions window, the user sets the permission for the Customer Address field under the Trouble Information tab as Disabled. However, when the user opens the Trouble Tickets window, the Customer Address does not get displayed correctly.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Security Permissions window, when the user sets the permission for the Customer Address field under the Trouble Information tab as Disabled and then opens the Trouble Tickets window, the Customer Address will get displayed correctly.



Bug ID: 6415260


Problem: On the Work Queue window, when the user right clicks on a work queue and selects the Delete option, a data related error occurs after a time delay of 15-20 minutes.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue window, when the user right clicks on a work queue and selects the Delete option, the work queue will get deleted without an error and without a time delay.



Bug ID: 6904854


Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, the user clicks the F2 button. On the Assign Permissions window, the user selects a group in the User/ Group dropdown, the Controls radio button under the Display column, the Disable/Invisible option under the Permissions column for a few windows and clicks the Close button. However, when the user reopens the application with the selected group, the Add New link is not disabled for the selected windows.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Assign Permissions window, after the Disable/Invisible option is selected in the Permission column for a few windows, when the user reopens the application, the Add New link for the selected windows will be disabled.



Bug ID: 6779884


Problem: In Connection Design>Properties>User Data tab, a few fields do not get disabled even when the user sets the permission for the fields as "Disabled" on the Security window.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Security window, when the user sets the permission for a few fields as “Disabled", the fields will remain disabled in Connection Design>Properties>User Data tab.



Bug ID: 6921332


Problem: On the View Equipment Specs window, the user selects an equipment in the Source database and clicks the Pick Spec(s) button on the Data Selection Tool window. In Equipment Spec Query>Criteria>Type dropdown, the user selects an equipment type and clicks the Retrieve button on the Data Selection Tool window. Here, under the Results tab, if any equipment is selected and the Migr Spec(s) button on the Data Selection Tool window is clicked, the following error occurs: “f_move_equipspec_port_address_rec_60 - source - error ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in  Equipment Spec Query>Results tab, if any equipment is selected and the Migr Spec(s) button on the Data Selection Tool window is clicked, the equipment will get migrated to the relevant database.



Bug ID: 6732071


Problem: On the Group Assignment window, the user selects the Circuit ID, checks the Process in Background and clicks the OK button to initiate group processing of the selected circuit in the Back Ground Processor. However, on the Background Job Queue Manager window, the Group Assignment does not get completed and an error occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Group Assignment window, the user selects the Circuit ID, checks the Process in Background and clicks the OK button to initiate group processing of the selected circuits in the Back Ground Processor.

However, on the Background Job Queue Manager, the Group Assignment will get completed without an error.



Bug ID: 6867588


Problem: In Application Setup>Work Management Setup>Gateway Events, when the user changes the name of a Gateway and the name of a Gateway Event under it and saves, the changes do not get updated correctly. Also, the application gets terminated.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Application Setup>Work Management Setup>Gateway Events, when the user changes the name of a Gateway and the name of a Gateway Event under it and saves, the changes will get updated correctly. Also, the application will get terminated.



Bug ID: 6790629


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects the Complete Task(s) option, the following warning message: “This task cannot be completed since the same IP Address is open on order 4280. Please complete or remove IP from order 4280”.

This happens for PSR Orders that have an IP Address that was disconnected from one order and then added to another order which was supp cancelled.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on a PSR Order and selects the Complete Task(s) option, the order will get completed without an error.



Bug ID: 6608152


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user creates an Order with ‘Desired Due Date’ same as the ‘Plan Start Date’ and assigns a Parent Plan with NEW TASK. On the Work Queue Manager window, the user completes all the Tasks except the NEW TASK and double clicks on this task to open the Tasks window. However, on the Tasks window, under the Plan Selection tab, when the user assigns a new child Provisioning Plan and clicks on the Task List tab, the following message occurs: "Cannot set the complete date earlier than 10/26/2007 - the completion date of the parent task on the parent provisioning plan".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue Manager window, when the user double clicks on the NEW TASK to open the Tasks window and under the Plan Selection tab, assigns a new child provisioning plan and clicks on the Task List tab, all the tasks predecessor to the DD Task will display the dates same as the parent Task Due Date.



Bug ID: 7015795


Problem: In Utilities>File>Security, when the user selects the Security Reports option, the application hangs. This happens when the user has no access to the Security Reports.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Utilities>File>Security, when the user selects the Security Reports option, a warning message will appear if the user has no access to the Security Reports window.



Bug ID: 6755011


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user right clicks on the DD Task and selects the Complete Task(s) option, the following error occurs: "Parent connections for this service request have other connections riding it".


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete the DD Task by selecting the Complete Task(s) option, without an error.



Bug ID: 6769057


Problem: On the Reports window, when the user selects Task Jeopardy from the Selected Report drop down, incorrect date format is displayed in the From Date and Through Date fields.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Reports window, when the user selects Task Jeopardy from the Selected Report drop down, correct date format will be displayed in the From Date and Through Date fields.



Bug ID: 6786931


Problem: On the Product Service Request window, the user clicks the Options menu and selects the Task Generation option. In  Provisioning Plan Assignment>Plan Selection>Provisioning Plan dropdown, when the user selects an entry related to an item level gateway event associated to any of the tasks, the following database error occurs: “Database error code:  -1

Database error message:

Database transaction information not available.

Call SetTrans or SetTransObject function.”


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Provisioning Plan Assignment>Plan Selection>Provisioning Plan dropdown, when the user selects an entry related to an item level gateway event associated to any of the tasks, the item will be displayed without an error.



Bug ID: 6798868


Problem: In Service Request Connections>Options, when the user selects the Group Assignment option, the Group Assignment window does not get opened and the following error occurs:

“Error Number is ORA-06550.  Insufficient Privilege to access object ASAP.PKG_CIR_CANCEL”.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Service Request Connections>Options, when the user selects the Group Assignment option, the Group Assignment window will get opened without an error.



Bug ID: 7215140


Problem: When the user generates the 'Task Jeopardy' Reports, the 'Through date' on the generated report is a day ahead than the day given by the user.  Also if the month and date given in the 'From date' or 'Through date' is less than 10, then the number 0 is displayed between the date and the time on the

generated report.


Resolution: Code has been modified , now jeopardy reports will show correct Through & From date on the Task Jeopardy Report Page.



Bug ID: 6600179


Problem: In Internal Service Request>Administration>, the user selects an organization (that is associated to one plan) from the Organization drop down. When the user selects Options>Task Generation/Maintenance, the Tasks window gets opened and disappears immediately.


Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects Options>Task Generation/Maintenance, the Tasks window will remain open to enable the user to make changes.



Bug ID: 6646664


Problem: In Preferences>System Information, under the preference "Who Am I", the user is unable to select a Customer Name Abbreviation (CCNA) except ACT as only that entry is displayed in the drop down menu.

Also, in PSR to ASR Mapping window, the user is unable to map the PSR Items to an ASR Order.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Preferences>System Information, under the preference "Who Am I", all the default Customer Name Abbreviation (CCNA) will be displayed in the drop down menu for selection. Also, in PSR to ASR Mapping window, the user is able to map the PSR Items to an ASR Order.



Bug ID: 7215148


Problem: In Tasks>Plan Selection tab, the user selects a Provisioning Plan having more than six tasks in the Provisioning Plan dropdown. When the user clicks the Queues button under the Task List tab and clicks the OK button to save the plan, a time delay occurs.

This happens when there are more than six tasks assigned to a provision plan in Provision Plan>Task Assignment tab.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in the Tasks window, when the user clicks the Queues button and then the OK button a time delay will not occur even when there are more than six tasks assigned to a provision plan.



Bug ID: 6918920


Problem: In Product Service Request>Services, when the user adds an Internet Circuit product to an order, validates and clicks the Finish Order link, a series of errors occurs.


Resolution: The code was modified and now in Product Service Request>Services, when the user adds an Internet Circuit product, validates and clicks the Finish Order link, the order will get completed without an error.



Bug ID: 7113566


Problem: On a PSR Order, in the Work Queue Manager window, when the user completes the DD task, the following error occurs: 

"A parent connection for this service request has other connections riding it, which are still in service.  All child connections must be disconnected from a parent connection before the order disconnecting the parent can have its Due Date completed".


Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete the DD task in the Work Queue Manager window without an error.



Bug ID: 6891595


Problem: In Application Setup>Work Management Setup, the user double clicks on the Jeopardy/Why Missed Codes. On the Jeopardy/Why Missed Types window, when the user right clicks on an entry and selects the Delete option, the following inappropriate error occurs: "sqlerror:1 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02292: integrity constraint

(ASAP.TJW_JEOPTYPE) violated - child record found".


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Jeopardy/Why Missed Types window, when the user right clicks on an entry and selects the Delete option, an error will not occur and when there are child records associated with the entry to be deleted, a pop up message will be displayed: "Cannot delete this JeopardyType record because there are record(s) that depend on it".



Bug ID: 7007419


Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window of an EWO, the user completes the assigned task. On the Work Order window, when the user completes the same task on the Engineering, an irrelevant error message gets displayed.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Work Queue Manager window, when the user completes the assigned task and on the EWO window completes the same task, a valid error message stating that the task is already completed and indicating the user to refresh the window will get displayed.



Bug ID: 6838128


Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Search window, the user right clicks on a ticket with ‘Deferred’ State and selects the Edit Ticket option. In Edit Closed/Canceled Ticket>Trouble Information, the user presses F2 key. On the Assign Permissions window, the user selects the w_ticket_maint_closed window and selects the user name from the User/Group drop down and sets ‘Disabled’ status under the Permission column.

However, in Edit Closed/Canceled Ticket>Trouble Information, the Name field is not disabled and the user is able to enter a name.


Resolution: The code was modified and now on the Assign Permissions window, the user selects the w_ticket_maint_closed window and selects the user name from the User/Group drop down and sets ‘Disabled’ status under the Permission column. As a result, in Edit Closed/Canceled Ticket>Trouble Information, the Name field will be disabled and the user will not be able to enter a name.