Cumulative IR Tables for 6.0.1 - 6.0.12

This document contains the published Fixed Issue tables from the Release Notes for the 6.0.1 through 6.0.12 service packs. The tables are listed in ascending order, beginning with the first service pack and continuing to the most recent.

MSS 6.0.1

Component Issue ID Problem Resolution
ASR 50745 You are unable to add trunk range of 0 * 0 (per the ASOG). Altered the trunk number range window so that a range of 0 to 0 is allowed.
ASR 69068 On BHMS order, you are unable to select EOD button on Non-company owned ASR. The trunk circuit identification window was being improperly closed following cancel of the query. The circuit ID page is now available following the query cancel. The EOD button and window can then be accessed for the BHMS change order.
ASR 69782 Not all of the Billing Information is being carried over to the Billing Window in CABS Bill Prep from the Access Customer Table. A view, v_acna_addr, was inappropriately changed with an earlier CR. The view is used in the retrieval of the billing address information in CABS bill prep. The view has been altered to correct the problem.
ASR 71096 CFA validation is not working as expected. CFA is being padded with spaces when the Pad Spaces preference is turned off and the CFA is also being truncated when its length exceeds 42 characters. An error message should be sent back instead of putting incorrect data into the database. CFA will not get Truncated. The error message will be logged when the CFA length exceeds the limit.

CFA will not be padded with spaces when the Pad Spaces preference is turned off.
Engineering 41526 The disconnected lines for a Disconnected order that was Due Date completed would be automatically removed at DD completion if the preference was set to automatically remove.  Disconnected orders should always keep the disconnected lines since it is a disconnected order. Therefore, if the preference is set to 'Remove', when Due Date completing a Disconnect order, the disconnected lines will not be automatically removed. The preference will not take into account Disconnect orders.
Engineering 68553 1. The SECNCI field on an ASR order of request type E, S, V, W, X or R is not transferred to the Design tab in Circuit Design.
2. When the value of SECNCI is changed after supplementing an ASR order, the changes are not reflected on the Design tab.
3. The NC and NCI fields on an ASR order of request type R are not transfered to the Design tab.
1. The SECNCI field on an ASR order of request type E, S, V, W, X or R will be transferred to the Design tab.
2. When the value of SECNCI is changed after supplementing an ASR order, the changes will be reflected on the Design tab.
3. The NC and NCI fields on an ASR order of request type R will be transferred to the Design tab.
Engineering 69256 An error is received when trying to access the CLR for a circuit in customer profile. If a circuit has been deleted and its CLR is trying to be accessed from customer profile, a message will be displayed stating that the necessary information no longer exists.
Engineering 69938 When supplement canceling a change order that has an equipment block that has been manually disconnected and the equipment has been cross-connected, the supplement cancel process is halted. When supplement canceling a change order that has an equipment block that has been manually disconnected and the equipment has been cross-connected, the supplement cancel process will complete successfully.
Engineering 70238 Reconciliation and Mass Reconciliation are not bringing FTPC parameters. Added support to the reconcile process to also copy the Flow Through Provisioning Data when reconciling an Equipment or EPA block.
Engineering 70484 When there are multiple circuits present on a D order, the CLR preview and print show the correct order number for the first circuit. The remainder of the circuits show some other order number on the print and preview.  Before tasks are created, the ISR order will be automatically saved in order to capture any modifications made to the order number. The CLR will display the modified order number without having to save for each disconnected circuit on the order.
Engineering 70647 Response time on Eng*Conn Design when searching by TGN is too long. Querying for a trunk group by the TGN performance is tuned.
Engineering 70682 Group Assign is assigning equipment that is disconnected. If the block is disconnected on the base circuit, it should not be copied to other circuits.
Engineering 70982 An oracle error, "ORA-02292:integrity constraint (ASAP.FK_DE_NS_ RE_CA_VA _NS_CO_RE_CA) violated -child record found ", occurs when trying to delete a physical connection through PSR. The reason for the error occurring is because there are virtual connections still associated to the physical connection. For this reason, the error message is correct in popping up, but the message isn't really helpful to the user. Now, a new error message box will appear which will inform the user that there are still virtual connections associated to the physical connection, and the user will be given a list of the virtual connections.
Engineering 70997 The exception report generated when the Mass Reconcile is initiated at the spec level includes disconnected circuits. Disconnected circuits will not be included in the Mass DLR Reconcile process. Therefore, when initiating the reconcile process at the spec level, disconnected circuits will not be included and therefore will not display on the Exception Report.
Engineering 71164 The Rate Code field on bandwidth circuits is too small to display more than 6 character rate codes. Rate codes of up to 10 characters are allowed. Rate Code Field width has been increased to display 10 character rate codes.
Engineering 71302 If a PSR order has a PON greater than 16 characters, the PON was being truncated to 16 characters in the Circuit Design window on the Admin tab. Also, the PON displayed in the CLR and DLR was being truncated to 16 characters. Since the PON is now on the ISI-DLR tab on the connection summary, the PON for a PSR will still display as only 16 characters since that is the OBF industry standard for regulated ordering. The PSR PON will only display more than 16 characters in the CLR.
Engineering 71437 When the Cross Connect Report is saved, the html is wrapping the text in the report. When the customer imports the report into Excel, they have to do a lot of copy/paste to get it back to the way it was in the application.
The Cross Connect Report save functionality was modified to save the report as displayed rather than saving the printable version. The displayed report that is saved will open in Excel and look much the way it did in the application. Additionally, the save file type now defaults to HTML with a default file name of CCReport.html.
Engineering 71450 For previous designs of circuits, the software does not allow navigation to all of the necessary Inventory fields (Ownership/Assignment Control/Circuit Reference Association/Leased Circuit Information). For previous designs of circuits, the Ownership tab and assignment control tabs have been modified to allow users to choose selected rows. Modification is still not allowed. In addition, the User Data section on the Leased Circuit Information tab is now scrollable when it is disabled.
Engineering 71494 When a circuit has a coded location for either the Priloc or Secloc, the location is not displaying in the CLR preview. When a circuit has a coded location for either the Priloc or Secloc, the location will display in the CLR preview.
Engineering 71497 Circuits created in PSR using the 'Generate Circuit IDs' appear in the Service Request Connections window with an 'In Progress' status. They should be 'Pending' as their designs have not yet been worked. Circuits created in PSR using the 'Generate Circuit IDs' will appear in the Service Request Connections window as 'Pending' when no design work has been done.
Engineering 71909 The year is not visible on the connection Notes window. The column is now wide enough to display the entire date.
Engineering 71919 The Misc. Info section of a circuit design is cut off. To see the entire design, the user must Hide the Navbar, then reduce the size of the tool area using the bar. If the tool area were made smaller but still readable, the user would not have to move this bar. Several columns with two line column headings were wider than they needed to be. The size of these columns was reduced to be the correct size and the additional space allows all columns to be displayed, especially when the Navbar is hidden.
Engineering 71920 The grey blocks on the DLR for a Faciity only include the LOCN, EQPT TYPE, RELAY RACK, and UNIT columns. Now the grey blocks in design extended across the page.
Engineering 71925 When you assign or remove an equipment block from a facility, you are not always asked if you would like to reconcile the child circuits. When you assign or remove a equipment block from a facility, you will be asked if they would like to reconcile the child circuits.
Engineering 71962 If you are sitting in the middle of a block on the design and adds Foreign Info, the line is inserted in the middle of the block, if you do the same for Misc Info, it is inserted below the line group. The foreign info block is now added below the selected block. You still have the ability to move the block inside of another block and embed it.
Engineering 72035 When you search on the Connection Design Window for a specific end user location, the search returns more circuits than the location selected. The new changes will retrieve correctly in the Connection Design Window for a specific end user location.
Engineering 72063 On the Connection Design Query window, if you search for an element name it works the first time. If you do not close the window and modify the search to search for a different element name, you get a No Rows Returned message when there are rows that should be displayed. Now the Connection Design Query by Element Name is working properly.
Equipment 71653 When the node address is changed at the spec level, equipment install is updated, but no reconcile prompt window is received and the impacted drop ports are not reconciled. The problem when a user changes the node address of the physical port (the top level) was fixed. It reconciles the assignments.

When a user changes the node address of the enabled port address, it needs to reconcile the mappings. Modified code to look for mappings when equipment spec has been modified.
Equipment 71985 A oracle error occurs when trying to: A) add a card on a relay rack outside of a shelf B) move a shelf to another location or C) add a new shelf inside a relay rack. It appears that after hitting okay, the equpment is installed/moved correctly, but it's unknown what underlying problems might occur because of the error. Corrected code that was causing the error. The error involved SQL that verifies that there is enough room for the equipment being added or moved. Validation now occurs without error.
ISR 71020 Fields dropped from circuit window when it is reopened. When initially introduced, the fields in question were only supposed to be used by CLS or OTS type circuits. Therefore, when the window opened it was hiding the fields if the user was on a CLF type circuit. This restriction has been removed and the fields now can be used for any type of circuit. Therefore they will always be visible.
ISR 71023 New From does not populate Framing, Line Coding, Framing ANSI, Customer Circuit Reference, and Circuit Description. Fixed so that on New From, values are defaulted for Framing, Line Coding, Framing ANSI, Customer Circuit Reference, and Circuit Description.
ISR 71062 Framing and Line Coding fields need a "None" option like the Framing ANSI field "None" option added for Framing and Line Coding fields like the Framing ANSI field
PSR 63821 When querying for numbers to assign to a ported out product in PSR, the system should not bring back anything that is not local company-owned. Added validation that will stop the assignment of a TN for Porting Out if not Company Owned or Foreign.
PSR 64300 Connection IDs are not consistently appearing. There are in-service serv_items that are not showing an ecckt. Circuits can be deleted. There is not a matching circuit record nor a serv_item description. To resolve this issue, the code that shows circuits, was changed so that if there is not a circuit in the circuit table to match the in-service serv_item, then the verbiage shows 'Unknown' rather than 'In-service'.
PSR 70031 I created a new PSR order and put a line product with one line on it. I assigned the TN. I finished the order and assigned tasks. I opened the E911 smart task and highlighted the row and clicked send. The extract data was created. I then went and supp cancelled the PSR order. The extract data is still out there. It should be deleted.
I never ran the extract method.
Also, if you supp cancel an order before creating the extract row, if the user opens the E911 smart task and try to create the extract on a supp cancelled order, then it should stop them.
Supp-Cancel processing is now supported for E911. Regarding the problem description, if extract data has been generated before the order is cancelled, the row is deleted if it has not be sent. If it HAS been sent, it is marked for a resend as a delete.

If you cancel an order BEFORE creating the extract row, the extract row cannot be created. The line will not even appear on the extract window. In this scenario, only rows that have been created prior to the supp cancel will appear on the window, typically marked for a resend as a change or delete.

Processing has also been added so deal with a cancelled move scenario, as well as to reset service item level usage information if it was changed on the cancelled order. (i.e., if an inservice line is copied to the order, and usage info is changed, and then the order is cancelled, the extract reverts to the previous usage information).
PSR 70280 When you  attempt to Supp Cancel a PSR with a completed DLRD task,  reopen the DLRD task and click Canc Chg for the circuit in question, the related cable pair still shows as In Service and cannot be reused. This is a Prod Fix SQL that Cancels circuits where the service item has been canceled. The code in PSR Due Date has already been fixed. 
PSR 70354 The time stamp on the customer notes is not accurate when imported via the PSR API. The Date Entered field on the customer notes is supposed to be stored in GMT time zone and converted when it is displayed to the user's local time zone. The date was not being stored in GMT, but it was being converted to local time as if it was. The API was modified to store the date in GMT, so new notes entered will now display correctly in the user's local time zone.
PSR 70469 When searching for a specific facility using the copy from feature, it returns an error stating that "The Search Criteria did not Produce any Matches" even though there are matching values depending of if you put a space between the 'LIKE' and '%'. In oracle version or higher, an oracle error (ORA - 24347) also occurs saying that null cannot be entered into the aggregate function. The criteria for LIKE clauses was being calculated incorrectly. This has been corrected.
PSR 70678 There is no way to uncheck the E911 extract indicator. A menu option was added to the E911 Smart Task window that will now allow the user to select one or more rows that have the e911 extract indicator set to 'Y' and update the extract_ind to 'N' for those rows. The sub menu option is called "Uncheck Extract Ind." and is located under the Options menu list and in the right click pop up menu.
PSR 70851 Initiate a Send Bill Ord (SBO) gateway event and receive the following error message "Gateway server errored: Trunk Product Billing Service Instance with Usage Guide Key of Telephone Number has no number associated with it, when one is required.". This same product configured the same way in the Product Catalog did not cause this error when the SBO gateway event initiates.
The placement of the code that calls BTN was incorrect. The problem has been corrected.
PSR 71112 Customer needs the Customer Class to be either ISP or non*ISP to Validate orders with IP Addresses (IPADDR type products). They do not need the Cust Class to validate order with IP Addresses. The validation error message "The Customer Class is null for an order with an IPADDR item, and customer's primary billing address country is in North America, South America, Central America, or the Caribbean." will no longer be received if an IPADDR item is on a PSR and the Customer Class for the customer account is set to 'None'. The user will now be able to validate and finish any orders they were previously receiving this validation error message on successfully.
PSR 71160 Default date entered for User Data fields are not appearing in the PSR Order. The Default date set up for the user data field in Infrastructure will now display when entering the user data for a PSR.
PSR 71453 Customer reports getting the following error upon DD completion for a disconnect PSR. " Error in PSR Due Date. Please contact your system administrator.
of_get_current_or_parent_loc: 10:ORA-01422: exact fetch
returns more than requested number of rows"
An error in the SQL in the PSR due date logic has been corrected.
PSR 71504 Customer reports that some TNs are cut off in Print Preview. The column was widened.
PSR 71510 The reservation number field in Telephone Numbers window can support only 6 digits. The criteria input field for Reservation Number on the Telephone Numbers query window was expanded to support 9 digits. This window may be accessed from a PSR order or from Infrastructure (List => Number Inventory => Telephone Number Inventory...).
PSR 71598 Execute importPSR for a product that has a value/label that has a default value of space " ". In the api importPSR call, try to delete the default value/label for the space and add a new value/label but receive the following error message:
[0] Field: code = 30782
[0] Field: reason = This order has labels with null values, null values are not allowed.
[1] Field: code = 39990
[1] Field: reason = Miscellaneous Error: This order has labels with null values, null values are not allowed..
[2] Field: code = 30766
[2] Field: reason = Unable to process item B COMM SWITCHED 1+ (specId 3336, product group 1) due to errors listed.
The importPSR API was returning an error if the input value/label being deleted was spaces or null. This validation was modified to check only for a null value if the value is being deleted. Note that the input value to be deleted must exactly match what is in the database, including the case where the value is spaces. For example, if the value in the database is five spaces, the value input to the importAPI must also be five spaces.
PSR 71698 Item Info tab is not displaying the Hunt Groups in line number order. Changed order history to display hunt groups in line number order on Product History tab of Customer Account window and on Item Info tab of PSR Order window.
PSR 71704 Customer reports the following error when attempting to add a value to a label in Product Catalog:
Please add an Upstream bit rate on the Default Values tab.
(This value is required when the Transport Type label is populated.)
Corrected validation so error message no longer displays when values exist.
PSR 71808 When the user Supp Cancels an Order that is in a MPO scenario, and other orders are stacked up after it, the user does not receive a warning message telling them there are other open orders.
Modified application so Supp Cancel Alert window displays when Supp Cancel is performed on order with items that exist on another open order. The alert window displays each item on another order along with the other order number(s) and their activity code and due date. After alert window displays, the user has the option to cancel or continue with the Supp Cancel.
PSR 71811 Execute importPSR API operation and enter PSROrderNotes, view the PSR order in the GUI and the Created By date is 6 hours off. The API is not storing the time in GMT and the GUI is converting the time so it is off by 6 hours. If you create a PSR order note via the MetaSolv Solution, the time is correct. Changed importPSR to store Notes date_entered value in GMT time zone.
PSR 71823 Customer reports that TN status is not updating from Unassigned to Reserved status when adding to a new reservation group. The logic has been corrected so that numbers do change to Reserved status when the reservation is saved. Numbers should appear on the reservation list as Unassigned when they are first queried for, and then will change to Reserved when the reservation is actually saved.
PSR 71899 Your not able to double click to select the customer from the customer account search screen for a new PSR. Double clicking one of the results rows will select that customer account and return with it.
PSR 71907 Customer reports that the PSR Supp New Due Date function is not updating properly. Updated changes are not reflected on the Order Info tab. Modified the logic to retrieve the Order Info after the processing of the supp due date.
Technical Framework 71828 Null Object Reference error message encountered upon clicking tbs.exe after install. Error message is ambiguous. Need to get a specific error message in order to determine root cause of issue. An appropriate and specific error message is displayed telling the user to at least install IE 6.0 SP1.
Technical Framework 72044 When you add a custom link to a group when customizing the Nav bar to open a file that needs another program, the Nav bar went away completely and when they try to add a group to try to correct it, a java exception occurs. If you add a custom link to the Nav bar that contains one or more double quotes, the Nav bar will not disappear.
Technical Framework 72088 If you set your pc to use large fonts, you are not able to see all of the necessary information within the application. Also, customer reports that when using "Large Fonts" the Nav Bar text is cut off.
This is a partial fix. A change in the framework was made to better accommodate the "Large Fonts" display setting. However, because many of the descendent windows override the framework behavior, users will still see problems when they use large fonts. Some windows can be fixed manually. Also, as the Nav Bar is not resizable, the user should be able to see the entire text by hovering their cursor over the link in question.
Work Management 63724 Not all tasks for an order go to Jeopardy Status when you select "Apply to all tasks for an order". Now the Jeopardy status was copied to all the task when "Apply to all tasks for an order" check box was selected
Work Management 70327 Dates for tasks on a provisioning plan are automatically defaulting to non-work days by not adjusting the task dates to leave out these days. The "Allow user to schedule tasks on non-workdays" preference has been fixed to not ignore workdays when tasks are being scheduled. Before the fix, when the preference was turned on tasks were scheduled 7 days a week regardless of the organization calendar having non-workdays defined. Now, the non-workdays will be used when the provisioning plan is selected. The user will have the ability to schedule tasks to complete on a non-workday on a task by task basis.


MSS 6.0.2

Component Issue ID Problem Resolution
ASR 69370 ISR does not allow reuse of existing Trunk Group circuit or Two Six Code to add new trunks.

ASR creates a New Trunk Group in the database when trunks are added to an existing Trunk Group. It should reuse the existing data within the database, not create new rows.
The issue of reuse of the two-six code was corrected in an earlier service pack. It is entirely accurate to create a new trunk_group_design_id for the new trunk that is reusing the ECCKT from a previously disconnected trunk group. However, the code needed to be corrected so that that ECCKT is removed from the old TRUNK_GROUP table entry.
ASR 70522 If a user has the USOC entered but accidentally deletes the quantity, the validation does not catch the missing value. Added validation to check that the USOC quantity and amount are both greater than 0 if added for the circuit and location in ASR CABS Bill prep.
ASR 71933 Users are unable to create ASRs using the New/From functionality Corrected the stored procedure used in the "new-from" action so that when the CCNA data is retrieved it looks for only the "active" entry that matches the customer name abbreviation supplied. Also added code to properly set the "sent_recv_cd" of the new order based on the new combination of CCNA and ICSC.
ASR 72016 Problems with CFA on ASR coming forward to Bill Prep. Altered the CABS prep process so that if an ACI is associated to the facility circuit, the CFA info for CABS will be retrieved from the ACI data on the order.
Engineering 34428 The Misc. Info section of a circuit design is cut off. To see the entire design, the user must Hide the Navbar, then reduce the size of the tool area using the bar. If the tool area were made smaller but still readable, the user would not have to move this bar. The width of multi-line column headings were appropriately reduced, providing a more appropriate layout that now shows almost all of the information in all of the columns. When necessary the navigation bar can be closed and all the data in all the columns will be displayed.
Engineering 46998 Need separate security functionality for Cascading Reconciliation. Currently it uses the same security permissions and users as Mass Equipment Edit/Move Reconcile. Separate security functionality exists for Cascading Reconciliation.
Engineering 65304 User may be unable to Due Date complete an order for a Virtual Connection as a result of an Oracle Fetch error. User will be able to successfully Due Date complete an order for a Virtual Connection.
Engineering 65486 The DD task on Supp-Cancel cannot be completed. This particular issue only occurs if there is a DESIGN task that follows the DD task. The validation has been altered for a Supp Cancel process to complete a DD task even if there is an additional design task that follows the DD task. Additionally, the design task that follows the DD task will only open up in Read-Only mode.
Engineering 65672 Not all information is contained from ISR on the Tech Translations sheet. Tech Translation Sheet issues are corrected.
Engineering 69042 When a user assigns a circuit to a Sonet route that is Path Switched without TSI and the circuit's rate code exists at multiple levels in the Sonet hierarchy, the circuit does not always get assigned all the way around the ring on the same position. This is a problem during Auto-Assign and manual assign. This makes for an invalid Sonet system. Now when a user assigns a circuit to a Path Switched Sonet without TSI and the circuit's rate code exists at multiple levels in the Sonet hierarchy, both the auto and manual assignment process will verify that the same channel is being selected all the way around the ring.
Engineering 69310 Cross connect has been removed but the mapping did not release the position The code to find the original assignment indicator does not loop all the way to the top level. Because of this problem the mappings did not get removed, so this port could not be reused.
Engineering 69551 When you perform a product transfer, Cascading Reconcile is triggered. You get the error message "Unsuccessful retrieval of circuit product data for Administration section of DLR ..." for each child circuit that the system is attempting to reconcile. When Due Date completing a Transfer order, Cascading Reconcile will not be initiated. The Due Date task will complete successfully.
Engineering 69971 When some background processor reconcile jobs are restarted, their status is left in Executing even though the worker has completed. The background processor reconcile jobs that are restarted will finish with a status of Completed.
Engineering 69987 Some orders have been sup-cancelled and any engineering work reversed, but the service_request_status.circuit_status was not correctly updated. This prevents the order, or other orders containing the affected circuits, to be completed. The script cr26224.sql will update the status with order field on the circuit design window for circuits that have been through the sup-cancel process but are not in a Cancelled or Inservice status. The open orders these circuits are on should then be able to complete successfully. If there are any lingering circuit status or issue status problems due to the circuit not finishing the sup-cancel process, the connections.sql script should correct them.
Engineering 70000 The application is allowing the user to DD complete an order that has a physical circuit associated to a network element, even though the network is not yet In Service and it's not on the current order. Added a validation for physical connections on Due date completion logic.
Engineering 70484 When there are multiple circuits present on a D order, the CLR preview and print show the correct order number for the first circuit. The remainder of the circuits show some other order number on the print and preview.
Before tasks are created, the ISR order will be automatically saved in order to capture any modifications made to the order number. The CLR will display the modified Order number without having to save for each disconnected circuit on the order.
Engineering 70508 When viewing the details for a PSR order using the CLR or the Prod Cat Details tab in connections design, there is no way to determine the type of activity for a data label and value. When viewing the details for a PSR order using the CLR or the Prod Cat Details tab in connections design, the activity column was added to determine the type of activity for a data label and value.
Engineering 70541 There are circuits that have been on a order to create them, but no issue was ever created for that circuit with the order. This means there are missing issues for the circuit and a problem can arise if another order is entered against the circuit and the order is sup-cancelled since often there is no current issue for the circuit. Running CR33106.sql creates an issue for the circuit to match the order that created the circuit. If any issues currently exist for orders after the new activity, they will be bumped up by one issue. Any corresponding information, such as notes, will be bumped up as well.
Engineering 70631 TID is being placed at the Bay level Now, the TID will appear at the correct location on the design lines.
Engineering 70634, 70927 After some orders are cancelled, the circuit activity (seen on the service request connections window when a dlrd or rid type task is opened) for the circuits on the order gets set to "A". If the Cancel Change button is used, the activity gets correctly updated to "K" for cancelled, but the circuit status with order gets set to null. This prevents the order from being completed. This script will fix the bad data and will allow the user to successfully complete the supp canceled orders. Following the successful completion of this script, for further data integrity, it is suggested to also run the connections.sql script available to customers on the portal.
Engineering 70647 The response time on Eng*Conn Design when searching by TGN is taking too long. Improved performance of TGN search in connection design.
Engineering 70805 When performing Auto Provision for a virtual connection, an Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException error is returned. Added logic to check for null objects within the initialization class when performing Auto-provisioning.
Engineering 70928, 64941, 68481 If a virtual circuit once rode a bandwidth circuit, but has since been redesigned to ride a different one, when a disconnect order is put in for the original bandwidth circuit, the previous assignment is still seen by the validation and the order cannot complete. The validation has been changed so that only bandwidth circuits pending and current issues are looked at when verifying all assignments have removed. Any assignments from previous or overridden issues will no longer be taken into account. This will allow a bandwidth circuit to be disconnected after it's virtual circuits have been moved to another circuit.
Engineering 71388 On a Transfer order, the IC field of the CLR (for CLS ckts) is being correctly updated with the new Customer Account name after a successful Transfer order, but the IC/Cust field in the CLR Print Preview does NOT get updated.
When the new issue is created on Due Date, also update the customer information for the new order.
Engineering 71660 The copy design functionality does not make facility or equipment assignments for disconnected connections, even though the blocks appear on the design lines tab.
The copy design functionality is not allowed if the destination connection is disconnected. This is because disconnected connections cannot have active assignments; therefore, nothing but the blocks would be copied. Using the copy design functionality while the source connection is still in pending disconnect will copy its assignments.
Engineering 71783 In Connection Hierarchy, when querying for a Facility circuit that has a Physical Connection assigned to it, you will not be able to drill down into the Physical Connection to see any Virtual Connections allocated to the Physical Connection. You will now be able to drive down into a Physical Connection to see any Virtual Connections allocated to it.
Engineering 71846 User is unable to disassociate bandwidths from the network design. All of the virtuals riding the bandwidth have been redesigned and no longer appear in connection hierarchy. But when they try to unassociate in the network, they get a message saying that the circuit has been provisioned to. Since this is not an extension, they cannot manually delete the network association in the BW design. When validating whether the bandwidth has been provisioned check the design with issue status "Current" or "Pending" only and exclude disconnected and canceled circuits
Engineering 71909 Customer reports that the year is not visible on the connection Notes window. The column is now wide enough to display the entire date.
Engineering 71919 The Misc. Info section of a circuit design is cut off. To see the entire design, the user must Hide the Navbar, then reduce the size of the tool area using the bar. If the tool area were made smaller but still readable, the user would not have to move this bar. The width of multi-line column headings were appropriately reduced, providing a more appropriate layout that now shows almost all of the information in all of the columns. When necessary the navigation bar can be closed and all the data in all the columns will be displayed.
Engineering 71925 When you assign or remove a equipment block from a facility, the user is not always asked if they would like to reconcile the child circuits. When you assign or remove an equipment block from a facility, the user will be asked if they would like to reconcile the child circuits.
Engineering 71962 If a user is sitting in the middle of a block on the design and adds Foreign Info, the line is inserted in the middle of the block, if they do the same for Misc Info, it is inserted below the line group. The foreign info block is now added below the selected block. The user still has the ability to move the block inside of another block and embed it.
Engineering 71971 Customer getting booted from system during CANCEL CHANGE process under RID task. Fixed the SQL that caused the error. User needs to Cancel Change again, so that the activity indicator will be set to 'Cancel', circuit status kept in service. Now the task can be completed.
Engineering 71980 DLCI information does not appear for all circuits on the Connection Hierarchy window. Corrected the SQL that builds the allocations. The allocations now display correctly in the Connection Hierarchy treeview.
Engineering 71986 Cascading reconcile job cannot get to the background processor Error was being encountered when the "Default Background Server" preference was set to "FIRST AVAILABLE" and the "Suppress Confirm Background Server Window" preference was set to 'Y'. Modified Background Processor logic to correctly handle this preference combination.
Engineering 71992 When dragging and dropping an available position in the Group Assignment window and the available position is dropped in the circuit list window area with no row, Error Number 6 message will display then application terminates. When dragging and dropping an available position in the Group Assignment window and the available position is dropped in the circuit list window area with no row, error message will not display.
Engineering 72035 When you perform a search on the Connection Design window for a specific end user location the search returns more circuits than the location selected. The new changes will retrieve correctly in the Connection Design window for a specific end user location.
Engineering 72063 On the Connection Design Query window if you search for an element name it works the first time. If you do not close the window and modify the search to search for a different element name you get a No Rows Returned message when there are rows that should be displayed. Now the Connection Design Query by Element Name is working properly.
Engineering 72181 An Oracle error was received while doing a Group Assign on 5 facility circuits when the rate code of the equipment is N/A. The problem occurred because the next port available for group assign was cross-connected to an empty placeholder. The cross-connect logic in the stored procedure has been changed to account for an empty placeholder in the cross-connect chain. The user will now be able to group assign this particular scenario without getting an error. The other solution is for the user to install an appropriate card in the placeholder's mounting position.
Engineering 72361 When a query is done from the Connection References Search window and a like is used, the records returned are not being limited to the search criteria. Also, items in the Type drop-down on the search window do not match items in the drop down when creating a cross reference, Now the search results are limited by the search criteria and the items in the Type drop- down match the items in the drop down when creating a cross reference.
Engineering 72363 When one connection reference is deleted from the design, all connection references are being removed. The problem was that, when the customer responded that he/she wanted to delete the underlying connection reference, the software was deleting all the connection references for the circuit rather than just the one on the design. Now, the software will delete only the connection reference that is highlighted on the design.
Engineering 72430 Some connection IDs are not showing for in service connections on the customer profile. There were some facility circuits which were showing blank IDs in the customer profile. Changed sql to use the connection id from the circuit table if the serv_item_desc is blank.
Engineering 72484 Issue updating information on the Circuit table, but not updating the LAST_MODIFIED_DATE. The last_modified_userid and last_ modified_ date will be updated when updating the circuit status.
Engineering 72487 Oracle Error whenever we use the Connection Hierarchy query window. We're trying to query for a Vendor Circuit ID, but when we enter the value and click 'OK', we receive the error below. The user will now be able to query for and retrieve Leased Circuits from the Connection Hierarchy query window for Leased Circuits without receiving a database error message. The Leased Circuits will be retrieved successfully.
Engineering 72502 Received a prompt that a cascade reconcile would occur after disconnecting an equipment block from the DLR. The reconcile does not occur though when the design is saved. Cascade reconcile was not getting kicked off on a save if the circuit only had one issue. Added code to handle the case where only one issue exists for the given circuit. As a result, cascade reconcile will be initiated when the design is saved.
Engineering 72600 If a change order for a NGN circuit is entered, the DLRD task cannot be completed if the circuit status with order is DLR issued. The DLRD task for a NGN circuit change order can be completed if the circuit status is set to DLR Issued.
Engineering Internal CR# 32184 After making a change that results in a mass reconciliation and choosing to run the reconciliation in the background, the user is presented with the Design Print Specifications window. This window displays the printer where reports will be sent, and defaults to the user's default printer The 'Printer...' button on this window presents a list of printers set up on the user's PC and the user should be able to select a printer other than their default printer to send any reports to. When a different printer is selected, the background printer is not changing on the Design Print Specifications window. Made Changes, similar to that was handled in the connection design print. Now the user can select his desirable printer.
Engineering Internal CR# 32983 There is a known issue that when a new node is inserted into a Unidirectional Path Switched Ring without TSI and that ring contains child circuits, the child circuits are reconciled but the CLR does not update correctly. Generally, when assigning to a UPSR without TSI enabled, assignments are made to the two drop nodes in both directions so that two card or enabled port assignments display for each node. When the new node is inserted and the child circuits are reconciled, one of the enabled port assignments is removed from each direction and will not be displayed on the CLR; however, the enabled port assignments are being updated in the database. Made a code change in the reconcile code to detect the affected child circuits when a non-TSI path-switched ring is involved. In the screenshots there is a question about whether or not the pass thru nodes should appear on the design lines. The answer is no. For path-switched non-TSI rings the software only places the drop nodes on the design and displays the channel. The reason is because the circuit is riding the same channel on each segment and therefore only one is needed for display on the the design. This applies to the schematic view also as it is derived directly from the design lines.
Engineering Internal CR# 34755 Null pointer exception appears at the top of the Network Element Types search page when you first open it. You can still do the search. The null pointer exception will no longer show on the top of the page. Also, the list will no longer automatically retrieve when returning from the maintenance page. The search criteria for the last search so the user can hit the search button again if they want to re-retrieve.
Engineering Internal CR# 37736 Mass DLR Reconcile needs to be corrected to only exclude blocks whose underlying assignments have actually been disconnected or unassigned. This means that a pending disconnect block should still be reconciled. Mass DLR Reconcile will include all pending disconnected assignment blocks and exclude all disconnected assignment blocks.
Engineering Work Order Internal CR# 33181 When using the Engineering Work Order, rules and behavior for user data, and a default work plan, the rules does not get executed when the order is created. The reason is that the rule executes when the plan is created, but the user data can not be entered until after the initial save of the order. To get the rule to execute the user data needed to be input and the plan regenerated. This enhancement changes how user data works with EWO in the following way:

1. The user data is now entered, viewed and changed on the maintain engineering work order window. This window is presented when the user wants to create a new engineering work order, or when the user select edit from the engineering work order summary field. The maintain engineering work order window will enforce all the rules of user data including mandatory field checking, content checking, and valid values.
2. When a new engineering work order is saved by pressing save and close, the user data will be saved. If rules and behaviors are defined for an EWO, when the default plan is generated and the rule is true, the actions defined by the rule and behavior will occur.
2. The change engineering work order link has been removed from the engineering work order summary page. To change user data for an engineering work order use the edit option located by the Work Order information title on the EWO Summary page.
Equipment 71856 Position Mapping not being displayed when opening from the equipment install screen

Position Mapping information will be displayed when opening from the equipment install screen.
Equipment 71877 Circuits are showing on ports where they should have been disconnected. CR35050.sql cleans up bad data. When a circuit is disconnected, there should not be data in asap.port_address table with the circuit assigned to or mapped to a port address.
Equipment 71941 The customer has approximately 250 instances of a card part number which has incorrect port addresses within the concatenated node address. This cannot be alleviated by changing the card specs. This means the customer would have to manually modify each instance to affect the concatenated node address. It is not known where the STM16 card port address is coming from in the installed instance. The SQL that calculates the node address has been corrected by another CR. However if user noticed the node address are not updated correctly after they modified the equipment specification. Following steps can clean up the data:

1. Clean up the equipment which can build the node address longer than 30.
one example below
rack node address as: 008-001
shelf node address as: 007 slot LEA
card node address as: 001-002
the top node address TX
enabled port address and enabled port address
It can be 008-001-007-LEA-001-002-TX-16-63. This is more than 30.
2. Since some of the node address might have been built up wrong before they modified the node address, they need to clean up the equipment spec node address to null, EVERY LEVEL. This will clean up all the bad node addresses.
3. Add node address on the top level, add all the sequence as before for the enabled ports as before.
Equipment 71978 After making changes to an existing SPEC, the changes are saved and the cursor stays on the SPEC but the window jumps to the top. If you need to open the changed SPEC back up you have to scroll down to the SPEC again. You now do not need to scroll back down to the SPEC again after changing any row.
Equipment 71985 An Oracle error occurs when trying to: A) add a card on a relay rack outside of a shelf B) move a shelf to another location or C) add a new shelf inside a relay rack. It appears that after hitting okay, the equipment is installed/moved correctly, but it's unknown what underlying problems might occur because of the error. Corrected code that was causing the error. The error involved SQL that verifies that there is enough room for the equipment being added or moved. Validation now occurs without error.
Equipment 72161 The wrong information appears on the design lines after changes have been made to the ring the circuit rides. The correct information will appear on the design lines after changes have been made to the ring the circuit rides. For example, a circuit assigned to the A path and the B path of a Line-Switched ring, when inserting or deleting nodes on the network, the affected assignment block will be updated correctly to show the correct network information.
Equipment 72637 Execute the getHardwiredCrossConnects_v2 and/or getSoftwareCrossConnects_v2 API operations and the transaction objects are not getting destroyed thus leaving the database connections open.
Added the Destroy transaction call for following API operations.
ISR 72375 If an order is opened using the right-click Service Request wizard off the Queue Manager, and that order is later refreshed, a slew of orders are returned instead of just the retrieve order. Now the refresh will bring back one order.
ISR Internal CR# 34635 On a new ISR Trunk Change order, if a new trunk circuit is added, it cannot be deleted unless you exit the order and open it again. On attempting the delete, an error message appears indicating that the delete is not allowed because tasks have been generated, even though no tasks have been generated. Fixed code to not display the error message when attempting delete of trunk circuit on a new ISR change order.
LSR 70423 The RT and RTR field valid values are hard coded and need to be changed to allow the user to add new valid values.

The API edits need to be relaxed to allow the new valid values to be passed across the interface and into MSS.

No validation for new values added in SF and received across APIs.
The user can now enter user-defined values in the RT field as well all other fields listed in the LSOG.LSOG_VALUES structured format. Duplicate valid values can be entered as long as they have a unique value name and do not exist on a ADDRESS structured format. The validation for the RT field has been removed so that a Local Response can be imported with a user-defined value in the RT field.
PSR 63712 User receives MPO Desired Due Date Alert when trying to Due Date complete several Supp Canceled MPO Change Orders. The MPO Desired Due Date Alert was generated by the application because these Supp Canceled MPO Change Orders had a Desired Due Date that was greater than the New MPO Order that these pending service items were copied from and also the New MPO orders was still in an Open status. To change this design logic the MPO code that triggers the MPO Desired Due Date Alert was modified to ignore Supp Canceled MPO orders in which a User is trying to complete the Due Date Task. Therefore, a User should be able to Due Date complete Supp Canceled MPO Change Orders that have service items that still exist with a New Activity or in a Pending status on other Open/Non Due Date completed Orders.
PSR 63821 When querying for numbers to assign to a ported out product in PSR, the system should not bring back anything that is not local company-owned. Changed logic on the Assign Telephone Numbers window so that if it is opened for a global, ported number product, then the user will only be able to assign a Locally Owned or Foreign number.
PSR 65929 Error Message received when trying to Disconnect Order with hunt groups when one of the numbers on the hunt group was already disconnected on a previous order (prior to the implementation of new validation logic). The validation was modified so it would not pick up a line that was already disconnected or cancelled when searching for lines that are not on the order but are part of a hunt group being disconnected.
PSR 70014 When a location has been modified and the location is selected to open in a PSR order , a null pointer exception will display. When a location has been modified and the location is selected to open in a PSR order , a null pointer exception will not display. The location information will display. Based on what information has been changed for the location, the application will create a new row for the location and set it as active. The primary indicator is not used anymore to get the current address but the logic was still using the primary indicator.
PSR 70280 Customer reports that when they attempted to Supp Cancel a PSR with a completed DLRD task, they reopened the DLRD task and clicked Canc Chg for the circuit in question, but the related cable pair still shows as In Service and cannot be reused. This is a Prod Fix SQL that Cancels circuits where the service item has been canceled. The code in PSR Due Date has already been fixed. This CR just cleans up some bad data.
PSR 70280 When trying to Due Date complete a supp canceled PSR order for a New physical connection, an oracle error occurs. The error is: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (ASAP.FK_DE_NS_RE_CA_VA__NS_ CO_RE_CA) violated - child record found The reason the errors occurs is because the New Physical Connection has been allocated to a Virtual Connection that is already In Service or on another order. In this case, we do not want to delete the Physical Connection at due date completion of its supp canceled order so that it will still appear on the GLR for history purposes.
PSR 70381 When updating the address for an End User Location, the user receives a database error telling them that duplicate rows exist on the eul_lso table. This error occurs when the end user location being updated has the data switch and the tn switch populated. The logic tried to update the data switch row with the tn switch data. This did not work because the tn switch data was already on a different row. This violated the database constraint of the primary key for the eul_lso table.
PSR 70476 User is unable to complete a Due Date Task for PSR order. Application generates a unique constraint database error in the of_jack_info function of PSR Due Date. This issue was corrected by a minor modification to a function in the PSR Due Date stored procedure that processes jack information. The modification involved updating a sequence that was referenced when the application attempted to insert a row into the ASAP.SI_JACK_INFO table.

With the correction to the sequence, this error should no longer occur and our client's users should be able to successfully Due Date complete their PSR orders without encountering the unique constraint database in the of_jack_info function.
PSR 70564 Set the "Require Billing Activation Date for PSR on DD" preference and the behavior for the creation of a PSR via GUI and API not consistent for the Bill Activation Date. The API has been corrected to be consistent with the GUI. If the preference is ON, the date is not auto-populated on the PSR. If the preference is OFF, the date is auto-populated to match the Desired Due Date.
PSR 71124 Unable to query orders based off of the last modified date from the Service Request Search window. You can now query orders off of the last modified date.
PSR 71364 Customer is seeing 'B' displayed in the Orders Pending Due Date Completion window. This is not very intuitive and the customer does not know what the B stands for. Changed the decode statement in the datawindow so that 'Restore' is displayed.
PSR 71428 When choosing Copy Attributes in the ordering dialog, one of the CA's is not saving correctly. Because the CA isn't saving, you get an error when you click the Finish button.
When Choosing Copy Attributes in the ordering dialogue the CA's will save correctly.
PSR 71467 Customer reports that the Services window in Customer Profile does not display the products in the correct numerical order. Products in the Customer Profile Services window will display products in correct numerical order.
PSR 71504 A space was missing between two pieces of data. Customer reports that some TNs are cut off in Print Preview. The missing space was added. The column was widened.
PSR 71524 User can create Duplicate short names for Network systems. Validation has been added that checks for Network System Short Name uniqueness when creating the Network System on a PSR order.
PSR 71548 When using a transfer order to transfer FRATM products, the CA's are not copying over to the design. They appear on the design initially during the GLR_DSGN task, but they disappear after DD of the transfer order. The Custom Attributes will now copy from the previous issue to the new issue generated by the transfer order. This fix only applies to physical connections.
PSR 71571 Error in PSR Due Date. Bandwidth Circuit not found. Due date proc was changed. The serv_item status was already disconnected and should not have been included in the items_cursor.
PSR 71594 YP Heading Verb and Code field sizes not correct. Changed the datawindow so that

YP Header Verb now allows 200 characters to be entered.

YP Header Code only allows 8 characters
PSR 71599 Execute importPSR api operation for a product and try to import the PSROrderItemPrice2 structure price information and receive the following error:
[0] Field: code = 39990 [0] Field: reason = Miscellaneous Error: SP_PSRAPI_UPDATE_PRICE: Not a Valid Price. [1] Field: code = 30766 [1] Field: reason = Unable to process item LD US TO INTERNATIONAL (specId 4409, product group 1) due to errors listed.
The error message is valid, but for customers that use Recurring and Non-Recurring prices. This customer only has Usage prices. The message is not applicable and the code is bypassed if the customer does not use Recurring or Non-Recurring prices.
PSR 71634 Errors received when disconnecting TN items. Previously disconnected items appearing on the PSR. Changed the sp_clec_so_del_item proc so that items that are already disconnected or canceled are not retrieved. Because these items are retrieved, they are getting reset.
PSR 71652 When you create a change PSR order to change an InService MPT telephone number to ALT and an ALT to MPTN, the activity code does not get updated to change correctly.
When the TN is changed from ALT to MPTN or MPTN to ALT and the TN is In Service, the activity code will be chnaged from 'I' to 'C'.
PSR 71652 When you create a change PSR order to change an InService MPT telephone number to ALT and an ALT to MPTN, the activity code does not get updated to change correctly.
When the TN is changed from ALT to MPTN or MPTN to ALT and the TN is In Service, the activity code will be chnaged from 'I' to 'C'.
PSR 71688 The Address Change Impact window does not make it clear which TNs are tied to which location being impacted, and the text of the window is a little confusing. Additionally, it would be helpful if the End User Location Maintenance window offered a way to tell which customer accounts the location has been use on, to help identify situations where a location has been tied to the wrong customer account. The Address Change Impact window has been modified in several ways:
1. The text of the window has been rewritten somewhat to make it clearer that the decision being made concerns the way in which address changes will be applied.
2. The address as it currently exists (prior to the changes you are about to make) is displayed on the window.
3. E911 impacts (telephone numbers) now include the telephone number suffix, the status, and the location name.

The End User Location Maintenance window was changed to include a new tab called "Customer Accounts". This tab will show each customer account the location has been used with on an order, the customer account number, and the status of the customer account.
PSR 71791 Add User Data capability to the customer account module. A new User Data toolbar option is now available while on the customer account window. In addition, a Customer Account User Data link appears on the Customer Profile window. Customer Account User Data fields can be defined via the User Data menu in Infrastructure the same way it is done for other modules. The new user data window can also be secured like other windows.

Note: Prodfix SQL CR33683.sql must be run to create the shell user data table before any of this will work.
PSR 71808 When the user Supp Cancels an Order that is in an MPO scenario, and other orders are stacked up after it, the user does not receive a warning message telling them there are other open orders.
Modified application so Supp Cancel Alert window displays when Supp Cancel is performed on order with items that exist on another open order. The alert window displays each item on another order along with the other order number(s) and their activity code and due date. After alert window displays, the user has the option to cancel or continue with the Supp Cancel.
PSR 71864 Addresses are not being updated with correct information. Changed the code so that the update to customer address occurs.
PSR 71899 User is not able to double click to select the customer from the customer account search screen for a new PSR. Double clicking one of the results rows will select that customer account and return with it.
PSR 71907 Customer reports that the PSR Supp New Due Date function is not updating properly. Updated changes are not reflected on the Order Info tab. Modified the logic to re-retrieve the Order Info after the processing of the supp due date.
PSR 71918 User is getting dropped from the system after attempting to recall an unavailable telephone number. This problem occurred when attempting to recall an international telephone number. Corrected logic error that was causing system to crash. If attempting to recall an UNAVAILABLE telephone number, user now receives error message "The number is not available for recall".
PSR 72003 In the Service Request Search window, users with a 'scroll' mouse can move the form underneath the 'Search By' dropdown on the 'Criteria' tab to an unreadable position. This happens for both forms (Service Request and Telephone Number). You can also click on the 'Status' icon and make it disappear by scrolling the mouse wheel. The datawindows had a lot of unnecessary space which caused the scrolling. The space was eliminated.
PSR 72134 The application will not allow you to add a new service location. Another code change somehow affected this functionality. The original code was restored and tweaked so that the problem is resolved.
PSR 72190 Customer reports that when they query for TNs they type in the NPA, but the NXX field remains grayed out until they click on the Line field. Now, the NXX field is activated immediately after they type in the

PSR 72190 Customer reports that when they query for TNs they type in the NPA, but the NXX field remains grayed out until they click on the Line field. Now, the NXX field is activated immediately after they type in the

PSR 72263 Customer reports that they are unable to use the Set Criteria functionality when searching for a PSR using the Telephone Number selection criteria. When they attempt to use Set Criteria for the Line field, the information is incorrectly populated in the Order Number field.

Customer reports that this works properly in 4.5.13.x, but does not work in 5.2.10 and above.
The fact that the Set Criteria option was enabled on TN criteria fields was actually an oversight. These fields are driven by structure formats, and only accept the values defined in the format. The criteria option has been disabled on these fields to be consistent with the rest of the application.
PSR 72463 In the M6 stream, account name was added to the header. When the order first goes to View Only, the words "View Only" appear after the account name. On long accounts, they are not visible. If the order is later retrieved, the words "View Only" are placed before the account name making them visible for all order types. Now the "View Only" text will appear before the account name immediately after assigning the provisioning plan.
PSR 72504 Once the Title of Lineage/Address 1 (Dr, Mr, Mrs, etc) column is populated, it cannot be removed. A 'None' option was added to the Lineage/Address column. Selecting it will remove the currently selected value.
PSR 72732 On a PSR order, after you assign an authorization code to Calling Card, it does not display on the service item for that calling card. Authorization Code will now be displayed in the service item description for the service item, so it will now display in the treeview next to the service item. If multiple authorization codes exist then it will display the first one off of the authorization tab and it will have a ",..." to signify that multiple authorization codes exist.
PSR Internal CR# 32748 When adding a telephone number to a LINE that has a child LINEDIR item, the Main and Listing TN for the LINEDIR are not defaulting. Now TN is defaulting to LINEDIR
Technical Framework 72044 When a user adds a custom link to a group when customizing their navbar to open a file that needs another program, the navbar went away completely and when they try to add a group to try to correct it, a java exception occurs. Now user can add the custom link with double quotes.
Technical Framework 72088 If the user sets their pc to use large fonts they are not able to see all of the necessary information within the application.
This is partially fixed. A random retest of windows indicates the large font (at 110%) allows the user to access the windows.
Technical Framework 72163 Customer reports the following error when attempting to change the user password through Preferences:

A database error has occurred. The error message is: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges.

The SQL statement that caused this error is: ALTER USER CRUTCHFJ IDENTIFIED BY FURN2SH

The user got out then got back in and successfully changed their password, but when accessing Preferences, they got the following error eight times before they were able to access preferences:

You have entered an invalid User ID and Password combination.

ORA-01017: invalid username/password; login denied.
Modified code to temporarily grant and then revoke the appropriate roles necessary for the user to change their password.
Technical Framework Internal CR# 36120 Needed an easy way to download the prodfixsql to a windows machine. Added a new link to the ZAC homepage that will let users download prodfixsql to their pc.
Technical Framework Internal CR# 36268 Certain roles were defaulted in the database that, under certain conditions, might produce security concerns. The default role was removed from the database and roles are explicitly granted at the time a connection is made. In this way, the admin_role is no longer assigned to every connection.
Trouble 71009 The active ticket queue takes too long to open. A join was removed from the Active Ticket Queue sql and was replaced by a stored function call. 

Also, a prod fix sql is being supplied with this CR. The prod fix sql will reset the version on the trouble views -- so when the user accesses the Active Ticket Queue, the views will be upgraded with the new SQL.
Trouble 71880 Notes on the parent event log of a child ticket report are not displayed chronologically. Notes now appear chronologically on the parent event log of a child ticket report.
Trouble 72225 Trouble description notes are being deleted Now the trouble description will not delete when closing the window by using 'X' button.
Trouble 72447 Notes not appearing in the log view Now copy and paste functionality works fine
Utilities 70988 The LERG utility is placing "+" in the NXX column on the NPA_NXX table thus causing downstream ORA-01722: invalid number errors. Fixed the import to the staging tables so that it will not load the invalid rows that contain a "+" for the NXX value.

Also provided a prodfixsql script to remove the "+" values from the database that already existed.
Utilities 72427 Customer reports the following error when loading LERG data for 4/2004:

Location and Routing Gateway error importing BRHMALOUDS0: No
Network Areas were found for Rate Center Abbrev GARDENDALE. Verify
that Network Areas were loaded correctly.

The LERG load stops at this point.
The rate center network area 'GARDENDALE - AL' existed in the database, but it did not have a rate center abbreviation populated in the database. When the import was adding the rate centers, it updated this row, but it did not contain the abbreviation in the update. This has been fixed to update the abbreviation as well. This column is needed when importing the 'BRHMALOUDS0' and 'ANTNAL070MD' locations, and because it was not populated, the error was logged. With the fix in place to populate the abbreviation if it did not previously exist, those locations will import properly.
Work Management 65323 The generateAndSaveTasks WM API method is allowing the provisioning plan to be assigned twice to a document number thus causing data corruption on the TASK table and the MetaSolv GUI to be unable to open the Tasks for that PSR order.
Modified the internal logic of the generateAndSaveTasks WM API method to lock the appropriate row (on serv_req) while performing the save tasks process. This prevents two concurrent requests for the same document number to duplicate the task data.
Work Management 70145 Performance of the Server Log List window in Work Management is slow. Many records in the log contain a 'Description' of 'Unable to obtain task with lock since task changed, task: documentNumber=XXXXXX,taskNumber= XXXXXXX'. User is unsure what this 'Description' message means. The system task server will not log the messages like

"Unable to obtain task with lock since task changed, task: documentNumber=XXXXXX,taskNumber= XXXXXXX".
"Transfering task to exception queue, task:XXXXXXXX"

This makes sure that there aren't any unnecessary rows in the server_log table.

Work Management 70145 The application hangs in the Server Log List window. When you highlight several records in the Server Log List window, the application hangs. This appears to happen only after you sort a column, scroll down the window and then highlight the records. When the application hangs, the tbs.exe process consumes all CPU resources as seen in the Windows Task Manager. Once this has happened, you must end the process.
When opening the window for the first time with a large number of data, it will be slow. The user can right-click and purge all the rows. This process should take 1-2 min.
From this point on, the window should perform well, since the unnecessary rows aren't written to the server_log table anymore which is fixed under a different IR.

The new functionality added to the right click menu option is 'Clear All', 'Purge All' and
'Restore All'

The datawindow control on the window couldn't handle large number of rows and so the shift click option is disabled. Instead the user can control click and select multiple rows.
Work Management 71135 When you execute the generateAndSaveTasks WM API method for a PSR order that does not have a DD, the API call hangs and does not return failed notification. Modified the internal logic of the generateAndSaveTasks WM API to return an exception if the Desired Due Date has not been set and the Provisioning Plan that is being used is not a Pre-Order Provisioning Plan.
Work Management 71247 DD task changed from Backward Dating Indicator to Forward Dating Indicator. The DD task Indicator will not change from Backward Dating Indicator to Forward Dating Indicator when a new task is added to the provisioning plan.
Work Management 71512 The value '?????????' appears in the Work Queue dropdown list of the task maintenance window. This behavior occurs when assigning work queues for tasks by clicking on the 'Queues' button of the task maintenance window. This happen when the size of the work queue is very large. Now the correct Work Queue value sets in the work queue field
Work Management 71858 Not able to complete disconnect order D36961 for 672 trunks Order N34569 that put the trunk back in service was not picked up in the query because it had never been supped. It was instead picking up order D28206 which disconnected the trunks which confused the DD validation. The SQL is now fixed so that it picks up the correct previous order.
Work Management 71973 The notes field on the Supp History tab in Work Queue Manager is used more often than the supp-reason field and will need to be looked at often. It has been requested that we try to modify that window to minimize the amount of scrolling necessary when text is entered in the notes section. The notes field in Supp History tab in Work Queue Manager is made visible completely.
Work Management 72479 Using Windows XP, the drop-down does not work correctly when trying to add a Why Miss code. Now the drop-down datawindows work fine in both windows 2000 and windows XP.
Work Management 72511 When you Supp cancel a PSR order that has been provisioned with tasks that have gateway events, there is no way to "Bypass" ("Not Require") the gateway event(s). This functionality exists at the time you provision the order by clicking on the Gateway Event tab and right mouse click on the gateway event to select "Not Require". This same functionality should exist when you Supp cancel the order. Also, if you have the gateway events set to AutoSignal set to "Ready", then as soon as the WM windows is displayed during the PSR Supp cancel dialog, all tasks go to "Ready" thus all gateway events go to "Sending" so this does not even allow for a manual solution to "Not Require" or "Bypass" the gateway event.
Two new preferences have been added for this CR and can be accessed from the Work Management -> Work Queue Management section:

1) Bypass Pending Gateway Events on a Process Supp Cancel - if this is set to 'Y', then when supp canceling an order, all of the Gateway Events in 'Pending' status will be updated to 'Bypassed'. This functionality will work for ISR and PSR.

2) Send System Tasks to the Exception Queue on a Process Supp Cancel - if this is set to 'Y', when supp canceling an order, all of the System Tasks will be transferred to the Exception work queue. This functionality will work for ISR and PSR.

Note that if the first task contains a gateway event, upon initial task generation, that task will go into a 'Ready' status, and its Gateway Event will go into a 'Sending' status. If this order is supp cancelled before that task is completed, then that Gateway Event will not be bypassed. Only Gateway Events with a status of 'Pending' will be bypassed.
Work Management 72541 Rules and Behaviors: User data selection list showing database values instead of dropdown values Now when you click the dropdown for the IXC_Carrier2 field, the dropdown lists all values that are set up in the User Data Categories window.
Work Management 9999 DD task completion validation is slow. The delay is between the time right-click the DD task in the queue manager and choose complete task to the time the task completion window opens.
Improved performance for completing DD tasks with large numbers of circuits.


MSS 6.0.3

Component Issue ID Problem Resolution
ASR 74064 Serv Req Detail for an ASR MSL order prompts for Location Type even though the information is on the order and the field is disabled. Now the SALI maintenance window is shown as view-only with all the information retrieved.
ASR 74453 User gets a validation error after adding USOCs to Bill because the USOC Amount field is set to .00. The validation error will not occur for the USOC Amount.
ASR 74456 Unable to delete and rebuild the Bill Prep record. Corrected the object that retrieves the billing circuit information for deletion of CABS bill prep data. The datawindow is not used for updates so the update specification was removed. Simplified the SQL statement used in that datawindow.
DB 73321 When creating a PSR, it takes 14 seconds after you click the Finish button to get the window that prompts you to click Yes or No to assign a provisioning plan.

When you click Yes to assign a provisioning plan, it takes 19 seconds to get to the Provisioning Plan Assignment window.
The code that creates the Provisioning Plan Assignment window has been modified. The SQL that is executed before this window appears has been tuned and the duplicate SQL has been removed. The window displays in less than five seconds.
DB 73322 When you click the Trunk Groups link, it takes at least 10 seconds to retrieve the Trunk Group Search window. The performance issues on the Trunk Group Search window are caused by the large amount of Trunk Group User Data columns setup. The User Data object that creates the User Data visual columns at run time has been optimized. All SQL needed to populate the User Data dropdowns will occur in a Bundle and duplicate pieces of SQL will only be executed once. The Trunk Group Search window will appear in under 5 seconds.
DB 73413 There is a performance issue in which it takes 11 minutes to complete a Supp Cancel for an In Progress PSR with the CKTID task completed. Optimized SQL was added to check if a Multiple Pending(MPO) situation exists on the Order. If there is no MPO then 2 complicated pieces of SQLwill not be run. These pieces of SQL are specific to the MPO situations. The time to finish the Supp Cancel process is reduced to under 10 seconds.
DB 73553 There is a performance issue in Equipment Assignment in Connection Design. The equipment window is taking 30-plus seconds to open. Performance when expanding a piece of equipment in Equipment Inventory via the Connection Summary is improved.
Engineering 68699 When a user goes into the cross connect report and clicks the magnifying glass for equipment type, it takes over 2 minutes to bring back any data. Also when the user clicks the magnifying glass for relay racks, it takes over 2 minutes to bring back any data The sql queries performing the above operations were tuned. An index hint is now used on the equipment table. The above operations are much faster now.
Engineering 70799 Available options, (for example, Reconcile, Pos Map, and so on), were visible no matter which tab you selected in previous versions. This has been resolved by adding the options as menu items under the 'Options' menu.
Engineering 70984 Customer is trying to reuse the TCIC that are on a Disconnect Order. They do not want to DD complete the disconnect order before the reuse the TCIC on the new add order. The application will not allow the reuse of TCIC's until the disconnect order is DD complete. A new preference has been added,"Method of TCIC validation". When PointCode is chosen, all TCIC validation is performed using only the point codes. The second option, PointCode/Validation, performs all TCIC validation based on the point codes as well as the A and Z location of the trunk group. If at least one location of the new trunk group is different from the locations on the pending disconnect trunk group, the TCICs can be reused.
Engineering 71778 Auto Building STS1 to DS3 to DS1 for SONET OC192 rings is taking a few hours in some rings. Also opening some networks takes a really long time. The performance when opening and autobuilding large networks has been improved.
Engineering 71925 When you assign or remove an equipment block from a facility, the user is not always prompted to reconcile the child circuits. When you assign or remove an equipment block from a facility, you will be prompted to reconcile the child circuits.
Engineering 71946 The location information on the printout of the Service Request Details for a circuit is blank. Now the location information for a facility circuit is displayed in the Circuits section of the Service Request Detail report.
Engineering 71953 It takes too long to delete and save a node in 6.0. Performance for deleting and saving a node has been improved.
Engineering 72038 The application allows printing of a BLANK PAGE when deselecting the defaulted checkmarks on the design lines and using PRINT CLR/DLR instead. Also, an error message appears when they preview the CLR. Error message when previewing a CLR was fixed in release 6.0.2. The user will get a message before proceeding to print if no printable lines were selected. You can see the basic circuit information as well if you deselect all the printable lines and preview with the option 'Printable Lines'.
Engineering 72062 Users are able to create two circuit IDs for the same circuit spot on an order in the database if two users open the same circuit at the same time.  You cannot create two circuit IDs for the same circuit using two sessions.
Engineering 72343 When adding a large number of trunks to a record activity order, the application takes approximately four times longer to process than it did in version 5.2. The reason for the decrease in performance is the introduction of the n-tier framework. When adding a large number of trunks to a record activity order, the application will have processing times closer to the 5.2 version. The reason for the decrease in performance is the introduction of the n-tier framework. The resolution required SQL bundling, and removing unnecessary database SQL calls.
Engineering 72364 There are some performance problems with the cross connect report.

1. If a 11-character CLLI is used, hitting the magnifying glass to pull up relay rack information takes a long time. If a 8-character CLLI is used, this search is much faster.

2. If the user selects multiple relay racks and then hits OK to see the report, if they try to save or print the report it takes a long time for the save or print window to open.
The first problem is fixed under Issue ID 68699. For the second problem, save or print the Cross Connect Report performance improved reasonably.
Engineering 73191 When searching by TGN in Connection Design search, user searches (select criteria) by TGN, and receives TGN result. User returns to the search window, clicks the Clear button, then selects a facility and a valid Network Location. Search does not return any records. Now the user can modify a search in Connection Design query when additional search fields have been used.
Engineering 73356 The status field on the Trunk Group Information window does not have a scrollbar in the drop-down. Users are unable to see a complete list of statuses. The status field on the Trunk Group Information window will now have a scrollbar and the user can view all the available statuses.
Engineering 73357 Create an order for a T3. Work the order through RID and completed RID, but not DD. Create an order to add 3 T1s to the T3. Assign the T1s to the T3, but leave them pending and do not complete RID. Supplement the T3 order to cancel and reopen RID. In RID, when you select to Cancel Change the T3, you receive a notice that there are underlying facilities riding the T3. The circuit cancellation process appears to continue and Cascading Reconcile is triggered. At this point there is an error and the T3 order is put in Problem status. In this scenario, processing will stop after the message stating that underlying riders exist. A second message will be displayed stating that the circuit will be put in a Problem status.
Engineering 73381 When running a group assign using the background processor, and the Service Request Connections window is not refreshed, when the background job ends, the circuit statuses will not get updated correctly when marking as RID or DLR issued from the Print window. When running a group assign using the background processor, and the Service Request Connections window is not refreshed when the background job ends, the circuit statuses will get updated correctly when marking as RID or DLR issued from the Print window.
Engineering 73389 When the user prints reservations, any data appearing on a line beyond a certain limit is truncated and not printed at all. When the user prints reservations, the data appearing up the right margin will be printed.
Engineering 73417 Queries on the Connection Reference window are returning records that do not match the query criteria. Already fixed with IR 72361in release 6.0.2 .
Engineering 73435 Original design contact information is being deleted and updated with the field techs design preference. If the Connection Design window is read-only, then the design contact information shows the original design contact information.
Engineering 73442 When performing the Group Print for 672 ordered trunks, the application appears to hang. You have to Ctrl-Alt-Del to get out of it. Combined code to loop all of the trunks, and also modified certain embedded SQLs to reduce the traffic to the server. Now, the Print window will display in 1-2 minutes after clicking Group Print.
Engineering 73647 When embedding a SONET network in a Network System using OPTICAL/TDM Network template, you receive the error, "Unable to Update Drawing with SONET/SDH Connections", then another error saying "Error retrieving SONET network system". The problem was caused because the SONET that the user was trying to embed had shared nodes. Previously, shared nodes were only allowed if the SONET network was a point-to-point or if it was a ring and was virtual, dual-homed, or subtended. The code that was causing the problem was only retrieving shared nodes in these cases and when it tried to update the canvas with the appropriate drawing, it couldn't find the shared nodes to do so. Now, any SONET type can have shared nodes and code in Network Systems was changed to handle this.
Engineering 73658 CKTID task has lost functionality to sequentially build connection IDs. In previous versions, users would generate the first connection ID using the CKTID task, then right-click and choose GENERATE IDs. That functionality is no longer there. It is still available in the PSR, just not on the CKTID task. The 'Generate Circuit Ids' in the 'Service Request Connections' window is working fine in R5.2 code stream. Code has been included in R6.0 code stream so that 'Generate Circuit Ids' will work in 'Service Request Connections' window as well.
Engineering 73688 When assigning TCICs sequentially on a Trunk Group that has 2016 trunk circuits, it takes more than three minutes to complete. When assigning TCICs sequentially on a Trunk Group that has 2016 trunk circuits, it will take a few seconds to complete.
Engineering 73688 When you click the Trunk Group Info button on the Circuit Identification window, it takes several minutes for the next window to be accessible. The window displays within a few seconds, but it takes a several minutes for the hour glass to go away in order to start entering data. When you click the Trunk Group Info button on the Circuit Identification window, the next window will be accessible within a few seconds. One of the windows displaying the trunk group information was retrieving all rows for the trunk group.
Engineering 73713 User tries to create a new Freeformat facility. User retrieves a coded Network Location to populate the first Network Location field. A Location Name longer than 11 characters cannot be selected. The following prompt displays, "A Network Location for CLF cannot be more than 11 characters." System does not allow the 12 character selection. Choosing Freeformat for the coded locations will allow up to 20 characters.
Engineering 73731 The trunk group information window becomes difficult to read after you clear the trunk group members.
The issue has been solved by introducing a horizontal scroll bar on the window.
Engineering 73894 When entering an order regarding an existing circuit and subsequently canceling the order before creating a provisioning plan, the system is indicating the incorrect number of orders opened against the particular circuit that was involved. The number of opened orders against the circuit is showing correctly in connection design.
Engineering 73951 User has a UPSR OC48 ring with 3 nodes, and the customer had enabled TSI on this network. The channelization for the 3 OC48 segments are done differently - they want to assign different speed circuits on different timeslots around the ring. When the customer puts ring IN SERVICE, the application validates that all the OC48 segments should be channelized identically, and will not let the user save the ring. Per request, if the network is TSI Enabled, then hierarchy equivalency validation will not occur. This will allow the ring to be placed In Service when the network channels are not exact matches around the ring.
Engineering 73987 When querying by Designation on the Connection Design Query, the result set includes connections which do not belong to the queried designation. Also, incorrect facility designations are being stored on design lines. The wrong facility designation is being stored in the transmission_facility_circuit (TFC) table. The script will get the designation off of the ECCKT in the circuit table and compare it to what's stored in the TFC table. If they are different, then the TFC table will be updated to match the designation on the circuit table. Also, if the circuit is showing up with the wrong designation on a child circuit's design lines, the designation will be corrected in that situation as well.
Engineering 74022 User cannot open a circuit because of the following error: " No Circuit Layout Report found for circuit design id xxxxx issue #xx". There were missing circuit layout report entries in the database for corresponding design layout report entries. Script CR139906.sql will insert these missing circuit layout report entries, therefore allowing the user to successfully open up a circuit without error.
Engineering 74029 When setting up capacity management for the GR-303 Group, the application is giving a database error. The user tries to save the Range From and Range To port ranges and encounters the database error. You can now successfully set up and save the capacity management for the GR-303 group.
Engineering 74177 Customer reports the following errors when attempting to search for Connections using Connection Design:

A database error has occurred. The error message is: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis

A database error has occurred. The error message is: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended:

This only affects two specific user IDs.
The DB error that occurred due SQL parsing while retrieving Connections has been rectified and users can view results with out any interruption.
Engineering 74237 When creating an EWO, the Service Type Category field doesn't default to "CLFI" when CLF Format (Structured) is selected in the Connection Format field. When creating an EWO, the Service Type Category field is now defaulted to "CLFI" when CLF Format (Structured) is selected in the Connection Format field.
Engineering 74238 Unable to remove circuits from an ISR after the Connection Design window has been opened for any of the circuits.
If a circuit is opened and just closed, the status of the circuits will be updated as 'In Progress'. So, its not possible to delete circuits which are in 'In Progress' status. The new changes will allow the user to delete circuits which had not opened.
Engineering 74268 Orders that contain circuits in a Problem status can have their tasks completed without actually fixing the associated problem or by only fixing part of the root problem.  The DLRD/RID task validation will now prevent the completion of these tasks if the circuit is in a "Problem" status and the issue which caused the circuit to be in a Problem status has not been resolved and the cancel processing has not been rerun.
Engineering 74484 In the circuit design area where the circuit list is present, the status is not displaying. This appears to be the case only for change orders. The new changes will update the circuit status properly.
Engineering 74839 A SONET node shared with another SONET node, can not be also shared between TWO optical networks This is illustrated when the user embeds a SONET network with a shared node into an optical network, then attempts to share that same node with the second optical network. The original design of the software was not intended to allow Optical Components to be shared with a SONET node. Code changes have been made to support this. When a SONET node is shared with an Optical Component, any changes made in the Managing an Element window to either the Name or the Network Element ID will be kept in sync with the Name and Target Identifier fields found on the Node Properties window which is accessed from SONET and vise versa.

In the Managing an Element window, the Status field will not be editable if the component is shared with a SONET node. A warning message will appear if the user tries to edit the field.

Furthermore, validation in SONET will prevent a node from being deleted (or removed if the SONET network shares the node) if it is shared with an Optical component and connections in the Optical network terminate at the node.
Engineering 75102 Getting "Database Error" when attempting DLC Group Assign. The DLC Group Assign now processes without any errors after syncing the window column sizes to the table column sizes.
Equipment 72643 In a multiple pending order scenario, if there is a pending disconnect assignment for order B under order A and order B is sup-cancelled, the cancel change process does not remove the pending disconnect assignment for order B. Changes needed to be modified. Pending disconnect port assignments will now be removed when the user processes a supp canceled order.
Equipment 73530 Window refreshes and does not return to the same spot on the Cross Connect window. After the Cross Connect window refreshes, it will not scroll to the first row. It will stay where it is.
Equipment 74499 When user tries to assign any T3 to a specific type of equipment, system locks up. Assigning to any other piece of equipment takes only a few seconds. Modified code to handle mapping mixed rate code of N/A and matching rate code, so that it did not stop fetching the next port address or next circuit position.
ISR 72375 If an order is opened using the right-click Service Request Wizard off of the Queue Manger, and that order is later refreshed, a number of orders are returned instead of just the retrieve order. Now the refresh will bring back one order.
ISR 72909 Trunks are getting deleted out of the trunk number range. It is not possible to delete a circuit in 'in-service' from ISR for record activity type.
ISR 72937 When a ISR is supplemented with a new due date, but the new due date window is cancelled, the order goes to view-only, but the process supplement option is still available even though choosing it again causes an error.
Now the ISR does not go to view-only, while processing a supplement on the order.
ISR 73694 The Responsible Party field for the Order Query window for ASRs and ISRs is limited to 8 characters, but not for PSRs. The change will not limit the user to 8 characters for ASR, ISR and USO datawindows. Changes made to the following query criteria screens:

1. ASR - Service Request
3. ASR - Circuit
4. ISR - Service Request
5. ISR - Circuit
6. USO - Circuit
7. USO - Service Request
ISR 73695 Trunks are not sequentially numbered from the right-click action. There are 3 problems that have been fixed:

1. Nothing happens when choosing "Member (A or Z) Number Sequentially ".
--The application does not populate the Member (Aor Z) number sequentially, if already there is a member number entered. So, choosing the menu option does not have any impact on the member number columns. This has been solved by populating with the Member (A or Z) number eventhough there is a number already entered. This Sequential number is based on the newly entered value in the column.

2. Trunk number gets off in the top section, no scroll bar to help correct this.
--This problem has already been solved by introducing scroll bar.

3. There is a scrolling problem where things move back to the top when they should not.
--This is because a filter is being applied on the window and this forces the window to changes its focus. Now this has been corrected to set the focus to the original row and column.
ISR 73704 When disconnecting trunk ranges in an ISR order, the TRUNK NUMBER TO field of 5th line of ranges displays behind the New Entry button obstructing the view of the last entry. The New button doesn't hide any information, and the scroll bar is used to view the Trunk Number Ranges.
ISR 74120 When querying by ISR>Location, results took five minutes to appear. ISR - location search performance has been improved.
ISR 74378 When Refresh is done after supp to cancel, the order is not showing as cancelled. When Refresh is done after supp to cancel, the order is refreshed.
ISR 74527 Getting TGN / Location error on ISR for DID trunks. After making the changes to the code, the window displays without any error and the "Unassigned Trunk Circuits" section in the "TGN and Member number assignment" tab also populated with the list of circuits.
PSR 72685 When you use the Copy Attributes function to update a circuits A location from a coded location to a CLLI. Right-click on a circuit and select Open Circuit, you receive the error message "No rows found matching search criteria for Network Location Search". The circuit still opens but the A location is deleted except for the first letter of the location. You can now use the Copy Attributes functionality to update a coded location with a CLLI without receiving an error message.
PSR 72731 Customer reports that they cannot query by authorization code when copying existing service items to a PSR. You can now query for a customer order by Authorization codes when copying existing items to a PSR.
PSR 72732 On a PSR order, after you have assigned a authorization code to Calling Card, it does not display on the service item for that calling card.
Authorization Code will now be displayed in the service item description for the service item, so it will now display in the treeview next to the service item. If multiple authorization codes exist then it will display the first one off of the authorization tab and it will have a ",..." to signify that multiple authorization codes exist.
PSR 73736 Create a PSR Facility product and five circuits as child products, then add circuit information and PRILOC/SECLOC information to the first child circuit and assign the circuit ID.

When you select Generate Circuit ID after assigning the circuit, the Generate Circuit ID window is empty.
The problem reported in the CR is actually 'Working as Designed'.

The originator of the CR tried to apply 'Generate Circuit IDs' without using the 'Copy Attributes' option, for example, without copying the PRILOC/SECLOC information to the other child circuits, which would not display the remaining circuits. So, if the 'Copy Attributes' is applied to the other remaining four child circuits, then the remaining four child circuits should be available.

The following steps would display the remaining 4 child circuits available:
1. Create a PSR Facility Product with 5 circuit as child products.
2. Add Circuit info and PRILOC/SECLOC info to the first child.
3. Assign the Circuit ID.
4. Right click the first child circuit and Copy Attributes.
5. Copy the attributes [PRILOC/SECLOC is sufficient] of the first child to all others.
6. Now select Generate Circuit ID.
7. The remaining 4 child circuits are available.

In the above steps, the originator had missed the 'Copy Attributes' (Step 5) before 'Generate Circuit IDs'.

Also, to avoid the empty window display, a message will display to the user as 'There are no items eligible for circuit ID generation'.
PSR 73775 When using the signaling type of M-M on a trunk, the application requires a point code for the Z location, when it shouldn't. Point code fields are optional in the PSR Message Trunk Info tab.
PSR 73878 When entering values on the valid values tab of a PSR order, the wrong values are populated in the combo boxes when tabbing from field to field and using up and down arrow keys. When entering values on the valid values tab of a PSR order, the values are correctly populated in the combo boxes when tabbing from field to field, and using the up and down arrow keys, and mouse clicks.
PSR 73966 When you delete information from a NOT REQUIRED valid value, the application displays an error message upon validation that a field is missing and needs to have a value. If the field is not required in the Valid Value values, there should be no error.

PSR 74613 A data problem occurs for the valid value of a given value label in the PSR module whenever more than one distinct value label exists on the PSR order. Therefore, whenever the valid value is deleted from the value label on one product the valid value data is also deleted from another value label that is associated with a different product. The delete process was not using the ID for the service item that the user was deleting the valid value from, so the delete actually deleted other values off of labels with the same name from other service items.
The code in the delete process was changed to include the ID for the service item that the user is deleting the value from. Now when the user deletes a value from a value label only that one specific value will be deleted from the application.
PSR 74639 When we insert a date in a valid value, it saves correctly but when we return to the order item the date changes to the incorrect format and causes validation errors. The date value was being formatted before it was being saved to the database. The formatting was removed. Now the date string will be saved in whatever Regional Setting the workstation is set at.
PSR 74648 Customer reports that the scroll bars under the Labels and Values tab do not work when opening a PSR in View Only mode. Now the user can use the scroll bars with the columns disabled.
PSR 74722 Cannot scroll to the bottom of the Order Information Tab for PSR orders after opening existing orders. Now we can scroll to the bottom of the Order Information Tab for PSR orders after opening existing orders.
PSR 74893 Customer reports that when they add a value to a label on a PSR, then erase that value and click Yes to save changes, the application adds a row for that label with a null valid value.

As a result, they are now required to enter a value for the label and are unable to successfully validate the PSR without it.
The application has inserted a row for that label with a null valid value, when the user adds a value to a label then clears that value and save the changes. Code has been added to check if the label has no value then it won't insert any row.
Technical Framework 73237 If a user loses their password it is necessary to reset that user's password from the security users and groups window in the application. However, after the user password has been changed by ASAP, the user receives a database error when attempting to create their own password when prompted. The error is:

A database error has occurred. The error message is: ORA 01031: insufficient privileges

The SQL statement that caused this error is: ALTER USER XXXX IDENTIFIED BY XXXX
The Change Password window, which appears at logon, now works correctly.
Technical Infrastructure 73540 User data columns of type DROPDOWN cannot have their default value removed once it is set. It can be changed to another value but not removed. Drop-down user data columns now have '(None)' as an option for the data default.
Technical Infrastructure 73930 When updating a network location address (especially when it is changed to the same address as a previously existing net loc address) the network location can no longer be queried in the database. The application was inactivating the address associated to the network location, which is why the location could no longer be retrieved. The address now remains active when it is updated, and the network location can be retrieved. A script has also been provided to cleanup existing network locations that do not have active addresses.
Technical Infrastructure 74107 When you set the preference for Minimum Software Version to a specific EFix level, the you can still log on successfully using an EFix version lower than the Minimum Version defined by the preference. This preference is not needed anymore. Version checking makes sure the client code is the same version as the appserver code. This preference will be removed.
User Setup 71701 Although permissions are set to disable for the User button on the new reservations window, when the User button is selected, the user's User ID is defaulted and the user can then make reservations under the users name. Now the User button on the reservation window is disabled when the user is made disabled in the Security Permissions window.
User Setup 73544 Password changed via ASAP to 1 letter and 9 numbers. Message states that password was changed successfully, yet unable to log in to application when applying new password. Per MetaSolv, passwords must be between 4 and 8 characters long. Message displaying password changed successfully is incorrect. Updated the note in the field definition to say: "Passwords must begin with a letter, contain only letters and numbers (no spaces), and must be between 4 and 30 characters long."
User Setup 73909 Once the password has been changed the user can no longer access the application The code has been modified to allow a numeric in the second character of a password.
User Setup 74380 When Admin tries to scan (F2) the New EWO Order for setting security permissions, the scan function does not occur. In order to set security permissions for the EWO - JSP page, Admin user need to use F12 key, which brings the security permission page. Using F2 key, Admin user can set security permissions to the non JSP, PB windows.
Utilities 73728 CA preview is requiring tbsctrl.ocx to be installed (registered) on the machine. TBSctrl.ocx is now part of the install process and will automatically be registered when using ZAC.
Work Management 70818 In 5.x, the DD task opens the circuit design window when double clicked from work management. You are also able to change the task behavior for smart tasks. The task behavior for the DD task type can now be set to behave like the RID task type so that double clicking a DD task from the work queue manager window will open the service requests circuit window rather than the order search window.
Work Management 72541 In Rules and Behaviors, the user data selection list is showing database values instead of drop-down values. Now when an expression is added, the Values drop-down displays the actual value and not the database value.
Work Management 73416 The application crashes when a custom report that contains retrieval arguments is accessed. Custom reports with retrieval arguments can now be accessed.
Work Management 74007 PSR TN query will not retrieve TNs in NPA/NXXs loaded by LERG. The LERG will now insert/update the status of the prefixes to be in unassigned status instead of in service.
Work Management 74027 Create two new task types based on the functionality of IPASSIGN and E911SMRT. When you attach a provisioning plan to a PSR where these tasks are needed, the system does not recognize the new tasks as being equivalent to IPASSIGN and E911SMRT.
The validation was not looking at the 'related area' of the new task types, which is what specifies that the new task type behaves as a different task type. The validation now looks at the related area, and the new task types can be used in place of IPASSIGN or E911SMRT. The API's have also been updated to include the related area.
Work Management 74102 When you assign a provisioning plan on a PSR, the Desired Due Date and Start Date fields overlap on the Plan Selection tab of the Provisioning Plan Assignment window. The two date fields, "Desired Due Date" and "Start Date", are not overlapped.
Work Management 74321 Customer reports that Search Criteria is not working properly in Work Management. When the user sets a specific criteria for tasks to query for, the tasks displayed are not showing what the Search Criteria was set for. 1. A new preference was added that will allow the user to determine the maximum number of rows that will be retrieved in the queue manager at all times. The new preference will default to 1000 but it can be changed by going to the new preference under Work Management / Work Queue Manager. If the maximum number of rows is reached when doing a retrieval in the queue manager, then the current text that displays the number of rows found will have the text " - Limit Reached" attached to the end of it to let the user know that there are more rows in the work queue that are not currently being displayed. If the maximum limit is reached for a work queue the user can either move the limit up by changing the preference which has a max of 99999 or they can add some selection criteria that will bring the number of rows retrieved within the current maximum limit.
2. Code was fixed so that when the search criteria is set up, the search criteria will always be saved and used in the retrieval of the data for the work queue.
Work Management 9999 DD task completion validation is very slow. It was taking 12 seconds for a 672 trunk order in the 5.2.7 release. The same order is now taking over an hour. The delay is between the time to right-click the DD task in the queue manager and choose complete task to the time the task completion window opens. Improved performance for completing DD tasks with large numbers of circuits.


MSS 6.0.4


Fixed Issue



Issue ID: 74117

Internal CR#: 140019

Problem: On an ASR MSL order, the ILAM task is not accessing the End User Information on the order.  Also, for an MSL leg/circuit where the SECLOC is a CLLI, the ILAM window is displaying the wrong CLLI code. 

Resolution: Altered the ILAM task window so that, for ASR MSL orders, it will display the SECLOC end-user location name and address when an end-user location is used for the MSL leg SECLOC.  Also modified it so that the proper CLLI code is displayed if the MSL location is a CLLI.


Issue ID: 75459

Internal CR#: 144635

Problem: Problem with the 6.0.3 database upgrade. The Setup Guide states that the prodfix SQL Master script starts with a Capital M but code that was delivered, it was a lower case 'm'. 

Resolution: The file has been renamed with a capital 'M.'


Issue ID: 73553

Internal CR#: 140563

Problem: Customer is experiencing performance issues in Equipment Assignment in Connection Design. The equipment window is taking more than 30 seconds to open. 

Resolution: Expanding a piece of equipment in Equipment Inventory via the Connection Summary will now be faster.


Issue ID: 75821

Internal CR#: 169901

Problem: In existing embedded optical networks, some of the connections are not appearing on the canvas. Also, when you try to embed an optical network into a new optical network, none of the connections display.  

Resolution: When an optical or SONET network is embedded in Optical, the connections are now displayed.  The user will now see all the connection drawings in the embedded networks.  If the user tries to embed an optical network into a new optical network, the new network must be saved, closed, and reopened for the connections to display correctly. 


Issue ID: 74254

Internal CR#: 137776

Problem: For a physical connection, when trying to associate to a network in Connection Design, the application gives a java.sql.SQLException error. 

Resolution: User will no longer get a java exception error when trying to associate to a network in Connection Design.  If an element cannot be found, the user will now get a descriptive error message stating so.


Issue ID: 75102

Internal CR#: 142412

Problem: Getting "Database Error" when attempting DLC Group Assign. 

Resolution: The DLC Group Assign now processes without any errors after syncing the window column sizes to the table column sizes.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 174571

Problem: Unable to generate DLC Capacity Management Report. 

Resolution: DLC Capacity Management Report will now be generated successfully


Issue ID: 75702

Internal CR#: 169957

Problem: When autobuilding optical facilities, user receives an Out Of Memory error message. 

Resolution: Made another change to how the data is being saved when Finish is clicked in the Autobuild wizard.  The data will still be saved incrementally, but the amount of data kept in memory is now further reduced.


Issue ID: 73784

Internal CR#: 133008

Problem: Groom jobs are not completing. 

Resolution: The library list for groom jobs has been corrected. Now you can post the groom jobs to the background without any error.


Issue ID: 74839

Internal CR#: 140961

Problem: A SONET node shared with another SONET node, cannot be also shared between TWO optical networks This is illustrated when the user embeds a SONET network with a shared node into an optical network, then attempts to share that same node with the second optical network. 

Resolution: The original design of the software was not intended to allow Optical Components to be shared with a SONET node. Code changes have been made to support this. When a SONET node is shared with an Optical Component, any changes made in the Managing an Element window to either the Name or the Network Element ID will be kept in sync with the Name and Target Identifier fields found on the Node Properties window which is accessed from SONET and vice versa. 

In the Managing an Element window, the Status field will not be editable if the component is shared with a SONET node. A warning message will appear if the user tries to edit the field. 

Furthermore, validation in SONET will prevent a node from being deleted (or removed if the SONET network shares the node) if it is shared with an Optical component and connections in the Optical network terminate at the node.


Issue ID: 75260

Internal CR#: 143904

Problem: The groom tool allowed circuits associated to a network to be used for a groom project. 

Resolution: Equipment assignments made through the SONET provisioning assistant can no longer be pulled into the groom tool.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 032889

Problem: Using 'LIKE' (or Contains) for the criteria on the two-six code secondary search fields has a performance issue. 

Resolution: Connection Design - using 'LIKE' (or Contains) on two-six code performance has been improved.


Issue ID: 74970

Internal CR#: 141143

Problem: Cancelled facilities are appearing on the facility utilization report with channels listed as spare. 

Resolution: Channels of canceled facilities will no longer appear on the facility utilization report as spare capacity.


Issue ID: 73357

Internal CR#: 141846

Problem: Create an order for a T3 and work the order through RID and completed RID but not DD. Create an order to add 3 T1s to the T3, and assign the T1s to the T3 but leave them pending and do not complete RID. Supp the T3 order to cancel and reopen RID. In RID, select to Cancel Change the T3. You receive notice that there are underlying facilities riding the T3. The circuit cancellation process appears to continue and Cascading Reconcile is triggered. At this point there is an error and the T3 order is put in Problem status. 

Resolution: In the scenario above, processing will stop after the message stating that underlying riders exist.  A second message will be displayed stating that the circuit will be put in Problem status.


Issue ID: 75302

Internal CR#: 143708

Problem: When a user enters a contact, via the PSR, for the PRIOLOC/SECLOC that exceeds 15 characters an error appears when trying to open the design for the circuit. 

Resolution: When a user enters a contact, via the PSR, for the PRIOLOC/SECLOC that exceeds 15 characters no error will appear and the end user contact will be truncated to 15 characters.


Issue ID: 72466

Internal CR#: 143942

Problem: You cannot cancel Trunk Assignment. 

Resolution: The user will now have the option to send the Assignment Cancel, the Change Cancel, and the Disconnect Cancel processes to the Background Processor if the Background Processor is enabled.


Issue ID: 74947

Internal CR#: 141801

Problem: When making a change order for a large trunk group (around 1500 trunks), hitting the trunk group info button can take approximately 7 minutes to open the Trunk Group Information window the first time. 

Resolution: Selecting the trunk group info button after a change order has been put in for a large trunk group, will take approximately 25% less time than in previous versions.  Please keep in mind that a large amount of conditional validation is being done.


Issue ID: 74805

Internal CR#: 170097

Problem: Network Design for a large optical network takes too long to open. 

Resolution: Modified the way Optical networks open so that not all the data for the system and its connections are retrieved when the system is opened. The data will now be retrieved as it is needed.


Issue ID: 76236

Internal CR#: 173332

Problem: The Grooming Preference "Maximum Number to Process in the Foreground" is a SYSTEM preference, but the online Help states that it is a USER preference.  

Resolution: Online Help was corrected to match the software.


Issue ID: 75454

Internal CR#: 144587

Problem: Customer receives error "unable to open file". The file was removed, so the call needs to be removed. 

Resolution: Removed call to script cr34203.sql from pfixsql_master.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 144641

Problem: When creating a new Component Type and you do not enter a Component Type or Component Type Name, the error message displays using the incorrect term, Element, instead of using the term, Component. 

Resolution: The error message will display using the correct term, which is "Component".


Issue ID: 75260

Internal CR#: 144527

Problem: The groom tool allowed circuits associated to a network to be used for a groom project. 

Resolution: Equipment assignments made through the SONET provisioning assistant can no longer be pulled into the groom tool.


Issue ID: 74693

Internal CR#: 141063

Problem: The Capacity Management report is not handling facility assignments.

Resolution: The Capacity Management report now handles facility assignments.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 142356

Problem: On the Network Area Definition window, the Network Area Type cannot be saved. 

Resolution: This problem only occurred if the Network Area Type was first set to 'None', saved, and then set to another value.  The new value would not save.  The save logic has been corrected, and the Network Area Type can be successfully saved.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 144200

Problem: This is a known issue that was found in the Standalone Network Elements w/o Equipment section of the Network Element Migration (NEM). This is the final section in the NEM, which is a part of the Next Gen Migration.  

Network Elements in this section of the NEM appear here because they were unable to be processed in previous sections of the NEM up this point. These are pre-M6 Network Elements (created via Equipment > Network Element) that do not have an association to Equipment or Network Systems.  

When a record is saved in this section, a blank Error Text window will appear and the row will not be able to be processed. Please refer to the workaround for a solution to correct this error.

Resolution: PMAT is now showing the results for all of the queries.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 144293

Problem: This problem is specific to the Pre-Migration Analysis Tool that is used in conjunction with the Next Generation Migration. The tool is referred to as PMAT and it is a separate .exe file that is used to analyze some of the data in your current production database that will be affected by the Next Generation Migration. In the Order section of the PMAT, there is a query to display the number of Service Items that with no Connection ID. This query is not displaying the results as it should. 

Resolution: This problem will be fixed in the next release of PMAT.


Issue ID: 75859

Internal CR#: 171112

Problem: For a DLC Network, the user is allowed to delete an equipment association to an element even if the equipment's ports or its installed equipment's ports have been used in the DLC provisioning assistant. 

Resolution: For a DLC network, you will not be able to delete an equipment association to an element if the equipment's ports or its installed equipment's ports have been used in the DLC provisioning assistant.   To delete the association, you must first remove all provisioned DLC assignments to that equipment and element.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 054444

Problem: The DLC Network link in Connection Design was enabled for non-ordered PSR Special Circuits (i.e. Telephone Numbers).   If the user clicked on the DLC Network link in this scenario, the application would freeze, and the user would have to shut down the application via the Windows Task Manager. 

Resolution: The DLC Network link will only appear in Connection Design for PSR ordered Special Circuits (i.e. Telephone Numbers) and will work properly when selected.


Issue ID: 75299

Internal CR#: 143962

Problem: When trying to autobuild a connection created between an embedded optical and SONET network, the application crashes. 

Resolution: When autobuilding optical connections CLLI code should be used to build the ecckt, corrected code where it passes the network location name in the ecckt. It caused the application to crash when name was longer than 20.


Issue ID: 74575

Internal CR#: 138750

Problem: Performance problems when adding facilities to the Group Assignment window. 

Resolution: If the selected facilities are assigned to port address, the chain of cross-connected ports will be also checked to make sure all the ports are available, so that the circuit position can be displayed as available ones. So, for adding some facilities it will take longer than ones not assigned to a port.  

Code has been modified to bundle SQLs together to reduce traffic to the server.


Issue ID: 74637

Internal CR#: 139770

Problem: When auto-building an optical connection, the autobuilt assignments are not mapping to the equipment correctly.

Resolution: When the connection has been auto-built, the connection is assigned to a port and the mapping call is issued.


Issue ID: 73627

Internal CR#: 142246

Problem: Changing the designations of a facility in an SDH ring, the system automatically modifies the rate code. 

Resolution: Changing the designation of a facility in an SDH ring will not change the rate code of the selected facility.


Issue ID: 74903

Internal CR#: 142871

Problem: When a large Trunk Group Range has been defined for a service type group used in a Trunk connection, an error message will display for SP_CALCULATE_TGN_NUMBER and trunk group information will not save. 

Resolution: When a large Trunk Group Range has been defined for a service type group used in a Trunk connection, the trunk group information will save without giving an error message.


Issue ID: 74814

Internal CR#: 143910

Problem: When using multiple pending orders, if the user is going in to create a new issue for a circuit and they get the Design Issues window, choosing Create New will not correctly change any previous issue for that circuit and order to overridden. It leaves it as Pending, which makes it hard to tell which issue is the correct Pending issue. 

Resolution: On the Design Issues window, the Create New option should only be enabled if the circuit is of a New activity.  Also, if an issue has already been created for the particular order the user is currently working on, and it is determined the Design Issues response window should show to pick an issue to create from. It should only list the issue already created for this order and nothing else.


Issue ID: 75108

Internal CR#: 144162

Problem: A new and a change order are created for a connection.  The disconnect order is used to access the design of the connection before the new order is.  As a result, the issue for the disconnect order appears before the new one. 

Resolution: A new and a change order are created for a connection.  The user cannot access the design of the connection from the disconnect order until an issue is created for it from the new.


Issue ID: 39883

Internal CR#: 145789

Problem: When SUPP Correcting an order to reduce trunk qty and trunks are in the 'In Progress' status (known as a partial cancel), the system will not allow it. Reduction in trunk quantity requires a SUP to Cancel the entire order. (PSR has a cancel preference). Window will prompt with message stating that circuits cannot be deleted once design lines have been drawn. 

Resolution: When SUP Correcting an order to reduce trunk qty and trunks are in the 'In Progress' status (known as a partial cancel) the system will allow it. Reduction in trunk quantity will take place even if designs have been drawn for the trunk circuit.


Issue ID: 75600

Internal CR#: 170244

Problem: In a multiple pending order scenario, if there is a pending disconnect assignment for order B under order A and order B is sup-cancelled, the cancel change process does not remove the pending disconnect assignment for order B. 

Resolution: In a multiple pending order scenario, if there is a pending disconnect assignment for order B under order A and order B is sup-cancelled, the cancel change process will now remove the pending disconnect assignment for order B.


Issue ID: 73765

Internal CR#: 133009

Problem: ISR End User Location Access telephone number is not showing on circuit design. 

Resolution: ISR End User Location Access telephone number will show on circuit design.


Issue ID: 74177

Internal CR#: 140076

Problem: Customer reports the following errors when attempting to search for Connections using Connection Design: 

A database error has occurred. The error message is: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis 

A database error has occurred. The error message is: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended: 

This only affects two specific user IDs. 

Resolution: The DB error that occured due to SQL parsing while retrieving connections was fixed and users can view results with out any interruption.


Issue ID: 73705

Internal CR#: 132144

Problem: Optical Provisioning Assistant is not finding a path when shared nodes are used. 

Resolution: The code that retrieves connection information did not handle shared SONET Node. Added new code to handle the shared node.


Issue ID: 75294

Internal CR#: 146291

Problem: In a big network (networks which contains embedded networks and rings) make a connection between nodes of an embedded SONET ring with a node in embedded optical network.  After saving (with networks compressed) on reopening the parent network, the link goes invisible in graphical view of the parent network, but the connection ID appears in the component relationships of the Network details.  Also the same connection ID can be found in the hierarchical view of the network. 

Resolution: This fix is considered a partial fix. The scenario of embedding two networks into the same network where those two embedded networks have a common shared node is not currently graphically supported. This situation causes the canvas to become 'confused' as to which instance of the element to connect the lines to. 

This fix corrects a problem with lines disappearing that are connected to a SONET node in an embedded SONET network (minus the scenario mentioned above). This fix does make all of the 'missing' connections from the common node scenario to appear but most of them only appear inside the expanded clouds. But, they can now be autobuilt as desired. The canvas still does not know which instance of the element on the canvas to use, so it uses the first one it finds.  

The fix also takes care of the following:

1. Deleting an Optical Element that has been shared with a SONET node:

Validation has been added to prevent the Optical Element from being deleted. A message will inform the user that the element must be deleted from within the SONET network. Instead the user will now have a new popup menu option to 'Remove From Drawing'.  This option will remove the element from the from the network drawing without deleting the Optical Element. 

2. The user could not successfully delete the shared SONET nodes from the SONET networks under a certain scenario. That scenario was to first share the SONET node with an Optical Element and then to subsequently embed the SONET network of that node into another Optical Network. Code was added in the delete logic of the SONET node to support this scenario. 

3. The action of sharing a SONET node with an Optical Element and then subsequently embedding that SONET network into an Optical Network was causing data corruption. A prod fix sql file called CR143751.sql has been included to fix the data and all code surrounding this scenario has been fixed to prevent further data corruption.


Issue ID: 74585

Internal CR#: 138779

Problem: Users are not always presented with same error message when they are trying to DD complete a circuit that has blocking circuits that must be completed before the current order. 

Resolution: Users will be presented with the option to view the blocking orders when the order being DD completed has connections riding facilities that are also on open orders with a DD before that of the current order.


Issue ID: 74307

Internal CR#: 142030

Problem: User receives an error during provisioning that says all segments have to be assigned. However, the SONET assistant is not displaying the unassigned segment when the link for that segment is clicked. 

Resolution: Corrected the code error where the optical page did not send the correct SONET route ID to the SONET provisioning assistant.


Issue ID: 75208

Internal CR#: 142949

Problem: Placement of entry field for "Constant For Freeformat Circuit ID" is outside the boundaries of the System Preference window. 

Resolution: Placement of entry field for "Constant For Freeformat Circuit ID" is not outside the boundaries of the System Preference window.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: 74238

Internal CR#: 136873

Problem: Connections cannot be removed from a new Engineering Work Order after the Connection Design window has been opened for any of the circuits. 

Resolution: Connections without design lines can be removed from a new Engineering Work Order after the Connection Design window has been opened for any of the circuits. The connections with design lines will not be removed from the order even if it is selected to be removed.


Issue ID: 75817

Internal CR#: 148955

Problem: Cannot print the cross connect assembly report. 

Resolution: Enabled the ability to print the cross connect assembly report in pdf format.


Issue ID: 73988

Internal CR#: 136383

Problem: When adding a new piece of equipment using an Engineering Work Order on a location that does not have any equipment installed, the Equipment Install window will not save changes if slot name is selected as a column to display in the Equipment Description Preference. 

Resolution: When adding a new piece of equipment using an Engineering Work Order on a location that does not have any equipment installed, the Equipment Install window will save changes if slot name is selected as a column to display in the Equipment Description Preference. When the slot name was not found in the database, the code assumed there was an error and the equipment was not installed.


Issue ID: 74692

Internal CR#: 141229

Problem: The remove functionality does not allow for the removal of supp canceled EWO that has never had equipment, connections, or tasks. 

Resolution: Supp canceled EWOs that have no equipment, connections or tasks can now be removed.


Issue ID: 73530

Internal CR#: 145630

Problem: Cross-connect completes and refreshes back to the top. 

Resolution: The right section index has been recorded before the redraw section, so that after cross connect, it will not redraw to the top.


Issue ID: 75604

Internal CR#: 172234

Problem: If the user changes the ecckt of an existing trunk group on an order for a large number of trunks, it takes a long time to add the trunks to the order.  In one example, 3000 trunks took 20 minutes to be added to the order.  For comparison, creating a new order for 3000 trunks took just 2 minutes. 

Resolution: Moved the code for validation for trunk circuits to a package and stored procedures.  This eliminates the network latency involved in transmitting large results sets to the client machine for processing.


Issue ID: 74273

Internal CR#: 137086

Problem: When you open the LSO NPA/NXX at the Circuit Identification window and then tab, you receive an error. 

Resolution: Now the LSO NPA/NXX at the Circuit Identification window can be entered without any error.


Issue ID: 75599

Internal CR#: 146584

Problem: ISR circuit ID creation for CLF does not use 11 byte CLLI when provided. 

Resolution: Now the 11 byte CLLI code populates in the Location A and Z columns.


Issue ID: 74120

Internal CR#: 141017

Problem: When querying by ISR>Location, results took 5 minutes to display. 

Resolution: Now ISR location search performance has been improved.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 145500

Problem: Persistent changes for MLSR8 DB changes. 

Resolution: Persistent classes are generated for the tables affected with DB changes for MLSR8.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 147322

Problem: Query Telephone Number Inventory and Pre Assign Telephone number where not implemented in the prior release of the XML integration APIs. 

Resolution: Implement the Query Telephone Number functionality in the queryInventoryManagementRequest XML API method on the InventoryManagement Control.  Also implement the pre Assign Telephone Number functionality in the updateEntityByValueRequest XML API method in the InventoryManagement Control.


Issue ID: 74722

Internal CR#: 140999

Problem: You cannot scroll to the bottom of the Order Information Tab for PSR orders after opening existing orders. 

Resolution: You can scroll to the bottom of the Order Information Tab for PSR orders after opening existing orders.


Issue ID: 75553

Internal CR#: 147610

Problem: You cannot leave a field null after a value has been inadvertently entered in a User Data drop-down field. 

Resolution: Now you can change the User data value to '(None)' - NULL after it has been selected from some value in the non-required columns.


Issue ID: 73814

Internal CR#: 138557

Problem: The application allows duplication calling card numbers and PIN number (Auth Codes) to be entered for multiple calling card products that exist in a pending status. 

Resolution: Now in the Authorization/Account/PIN Code Maintenance window, the column 'Unique' has been modified to a drop-down list. The list shows the following values: 

            Not Unique
Single Use Only
By Customer
By Customer & Catalog Item 

a) Not Unique: System will allow the duplicate values. 

b) Single Use Only: System will check the Auth Code, whether it is used on any customer and any catalog item. 

c) By Customer : System will check the Auth Code, whether it is used on Any Catalog items for that Customer 

d) By Customer & Catalog Item : System will check the Auth Code, whether it is used on Same Catalog item for that Customer.

 If the Auth code is used already, system will show the alert message.


Issue ID: 75977

Internal CR#: 171001

Problem: There are two problems. 1. When you change the price for a product, the value is not displaying correctly in the application. You have to add it again for it to actually show correctly. 2. When adding a new base price, the default value of 0.00 is not accepted unless it's manually typed.  

Resolution: 1) Code is added to show the price correctly for the first time as well.

2) In the pricing window, the column will accept the default value of 0.00.


Issue ID: 74639

Internal CR#: 143698

Problem: When you insert a date in a valid value, it saves correctly but when you return to the order item the date changes to the incorrect format and causes validation errors. 

Resolution: The date value was being formatted before it was being saved to the database. The formatting was removed. Now the date string will be saved in the Regional Setting the workstation is set at.


Issue ID: 74297

Internal CR#: 137348

Problem: Customer reports that the correct statuses of all services items are not being reflected after a multi disconnect.  Some of the products still show as In Service. 

Resolution: When you perform a multi disconnect, all products designated to be disconnected show the disconnected status.


Issue ID: 74893

Internal CR#: 141155

Problem: Customer reports that when they add a value to a label on a PSR, then erase that value and click Yes to save changes, the application adds a row for that label with a null valid value. 

As a result, they are now required to enter a value for the label and are unable to successfully validate the PSR without it.

Resolution: When the user added a value to a label, then cleared that value and saved the changes, the application would insert a row for the label with a null valid value Code has been added to check the label.  If the label has no value then a row will not be inserted.


Issue ID: 75172

Internal CR#: 142947

Problem: If a valid value has a length limitation (between 1 and 22 characters), if you try to enter a word up to 22 characters, it gives a validation message, but if you join spaces in the valid values, the validation doesn't count them. 

Resolution: Spaces will be counted as valid data when entered as valid values.


Issue ID: 75296

Internal CR#: 143709

Problem: When entering values into the User Data Category window there is enough room to enter values up to 51 characters.  When entering PSR User Data approximately 30 characters are visible in the combo box.  As a result, we are not able to see the entire user data value if it has more than 30 characters. 

Resolution: To fix this issue, the width of the drop-down column has been increased based on the max number of characters in the list.  A horizontal scroll bar has been included to the drop-down column.


Issue ID: 74584

Internal CR#: 139764

Problem: Customer reports that the names for their Next Gen products disappear when a change order is placed against them then later that change order is Supp Cancelled. 

Resolution: When supp canceling a PSR order with an NGN product,  the auth code delete functionality was executed even though the product has no auth code.  This functionality caused the item to display without the product name. 

A condition has been added to check the auth code for each product. If it exists, it will execute the auth code delete functionality. Now the name of the product shows without any problem.


Issue ID: 76093

Internal CR#: 171530

Problem: Customer reports the following error when they create a new PSR for a Next Gen product, give it a specific Short Name, supp cancel the PSR prior to provisioning plan assignment and try to create another Next Gen order using the same Short Name: 

"The Short Name XXXXXXXX is not unique. Short Names must be unique on all network systems". 

Resolution: Corrected the code to allow the reuse of a disconnected/cancelled short name.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 141281

Problem: Customer would like a stored procedure exit that runs BEFORE validation. It should work just like PSR Custom Validation, but rather than running at the end of validations, run before any begin. 

Resolution: A new stored procedure, SP_PSR_CUSTOM_PRE_VALIDATION has been added. This procedure is called immediately before the rest of the java validations run. The procedure receives the document number as an argument.


Issue ID: 75248

Internal CR#: 143606

Problem: Customer reports that when you click "Copy Existing Services" then select a parent item to be copied, if you right-click to bring up the pop-up window, then click on the white space without selecting an option, the application will freeze, then shut down shortly thereafter. 

Resolution: Due to recursive call, the system was being halted when the user clicked in the white space after right-clicking on an item. Now new logic is implemented to avoid this error.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 143745

Problem: A preference was added in 5.2.14 to allow the user to determine what the function code should be when disconnecting an LNP number for an E911 record.

"Function Code to Set for LNP Disconnects"
U (Unlock)
D (Disconnect)
Disconnect should actually say Delete. 

Resolution: The wording has been changed to read "Delete".


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 146554

Problem: PSR API: When exporting an order that has an IP Address on it, the number inventory ID for that IP Address exports as 0. 


Resolution: The number inventory id will now export for IP Addresses when any of the four methods are executed.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 148393

Problem: The email name doesn't get exported.  The domain and domain suffix gets exported correctly, but not the email name. 

Resolution: The email name was being queried for using the wrong activity code. This has been corrected and the name should populate correctly in exportPSR_v3, exportServItem_v3, exportNGNPSR, and exportNGNServItem.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 143755

Problem: The default sort on the E911 smart task is descending when it should be ascending.  So, the user sees


It should be the opposite. 

Resolution: The sort on the E911 smart task has been corrected to sort by service item, then by telephone number.


Issue ID: 74962

Internal CR#: 141090

Problem: When attempting to perform a Service Request Search using Search By: All Customer,  and if the user sets criteria in the Customer Name field using the LIKE operator, the user sometimes gets an error indicating that the value in "customer_name does not pass validation test".  When the error message is closed, the search returns a list of results with the Customer Name field blank on all rows. 

Resolution: Fixed window to eliminate the error.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 74620

Internal CR#: 148405

Problem: Error message keeps appearing due to sql not being properly generated for sql. 

Resolution: Modified the appserver code to correct the improperly generated sql.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 74971

Internal CR#: 145475

Problem: Under Read Only Security role, the user had the right-click options enabled for "Copy" and "NewFrom" for groups and users. 

Resolution: Rows were added to base data through prodfixsql to address the new popup menu options that were added to the right-click menu in maintaining users and groups. To take advantage of this new data, security admin will need to navigate to Permissions, select Popup Menus, and then select the RO_Security role. Under Popup Menus, select the window "w_pfcsecurity_usermgmt.m_lv_menu.m_groupgroup". Two new rows will appear on the right window pane with Permission set to "Not Set". Change these to "Disabled". Do the same thing for window "w_pfcsecurity_usermgmt.m_lv_menu.m_usergroup".

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 75295

Internal CR#: 143748

Problem: Customer reports that when a user logs into the application and changes their password (through Preferences > User Info > Password) and they do not close out the application (i.e. they allow the app to time out), they get the following message: 

"You have reached this message because you have either not logged on through MetaSolv Solution or your session has timed out." 

They click the link that allows them to re-login, and they get an error that says:  

You entered an invalid User ID and Password combination. 

ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Resolution: Modified application code in preferences to prevent the problem when the re-login screen appears.

Technical Infrastructure

Issue ID: 74358

Internal CR#: 137425

Problem: The user is unable to disable the links for New Product Service Request,  New Internal Service Request, New Access Service Request, New Local Service Request and New Trouble Ticket - all of these are pointing to w_neworder if you right-click and look at the properties of the links.  This window is not accessible from security in order to lock it down. The only other way to actually remove the links is disabling the software option, but that is not an option because all users will be affected by that.  

Resolution: Added a row to the security_templates table for w_neworder (which is not a real window). The name "w_neworder" is tied to the navbar items for New ISR, ASR, LSR, PSR, USO, Trouble Ticket. So, now the system administrator can go into security and lock out these navbar items via the w_neworder object. In addition, the "new" menu item on w_query_monster_sheet will also have to be disabled to prevent users from creating a new order from the link on the main order query window. This object is to be used only for removing the objects from the navbar. Setting w_neworder to "READ ONLY" will have no effect on whether users can create a new order.

User Setup

Issue ID: 75692

Internal CR#: 147308

Problem: Add a mailto: link when customizing My Navbar and the link does not work. 

Resolution: Modified framework code to allow mailto: links.

User Setup

Issue ID: 75197

Internal CR#: 143139

Problem: Inconsistent behavior in assigning permissions within Security.  If the security administrator highlights a user account, right-clicks, and chooses to Assign Permissions, the Assign Permissions window, User/Group drop-down automatically defaults to the User previously selected as expected.  However, if a Group is highlighted for permissions to be set, the window defaults to the DEFAULT user group. 

Resolution: Modify the IF block to work properly by using a unique keyword 'ASGN-PERMNS'.  Now the IF block will work effectively to process respective values being passed and the User/Group drop-down automatically selects the User/Group name for whom the Assign Permission options was selected.

User Setup

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 147196

Problem: Incorrect message on length of user id in security administration. 

Resolution: Modified message to match up with edit mask on security window.

User Setup

Issue ID: 74754

Internal CR#: 139415

Problem: Customer reports that the open to print in Work Queue Manager is disabled and cannot be enabled in Security. 

Resolution: The Print menu option is now enabled for the Work Queue Manager window for any selected task and can be maintained in Security. 


Issue ID: 75490

Internal CR#: 145168

Problem: Once a CA is created, it cannot be deleted.  There is no delete functionality working including the Delete Icon, Edit/Delete from the toolbar menu, and the highlight, right-click, delete procedure.  It should be noted that all of these procedures are enabled within the application and user can perform them with no warning messages.  However, they have no affect on the data. 

Resolution: Enabled the delete functionality for CAs.  Unit tested for the following cases :

1. Retrieve a CA, highlight, click the delete icon, Yes to the message. The CA is deleted.

2. Retrieve a CA, highlight, right click, select delete, Yes to the message. The CA is deleted.

3. Retrieve a CA, highlight, Click on Edit from toolbar menu, select delete, Yes to the message. The CA is deleted.


Issue ID: 75487

Internal CR#: 145170

Problem: Within Utilities, when working with CAs, the user cannot use the Control C or Control V hot key functionality.  Also, from the toolbar Edit menu, the copy and paste items are greyed out.  

Resolution: Now the toolbar Edit menu items Cut, Copy and Paste were Enabled and the user now able to use the Ctl+X, Ctl + C and Ctl + V hot key functionalities to cut, copy and paste the text.


Issue ID: 75488

Internal CR#: 145174

Problem: When creating a new CA within the Utilities module, if a cursor left in Max Value Length field with no text entered and user tries to go to another application, a warning message regarding required fields is given. 

Resolution: Now the error message is not thrown when moving within/across application.  Anyway all the columns will be validated while saving the "Custom Attributes".   So, we can remove the validation check from the "itemerror" event, which is a redundant process.


Issue ID: 75496

Internal CR#: 145190

Problem: within the Custom Attributes Rules window, under the CA Dependent Valid Values tab, there is a problem with the row selection.  Rows selected are held and won't release so they stay selected.   

Resolution: Now, only the selected rows will be highlighted. 


Issue ID: 75489

Internal CR#: 145192

Problem: When creating CAs and adding dependencies, the screen does not update with the proper data when dependencies are selected.  In order to see the updates, the user must back out of CAs and come back into the specific CA being edited.  Once this is done once, the data is always displayed. 

Resolution: The screen will update with the proper data when dependencies are selected when creating CAs and adding dependencies.

Work Management

Issue ID: 74027

Internal CR#: 141162

Problem: When you create two new task types based on the functionality of IPASSIGN and E911SMRT, then attach a provisioning plan to a PSR where these tasks are needed, the system does not recognize the new tasks as being equivalent to IPASSIGN and E911SMRT.  

Resolution: The validation was not looking at the 'related area' of the new task types, which is what specifies that the new task type behaves as a different task type.  The validation now looks at the related area, and the new task types can be used in place of IPASSIGN or E911SMRT.  The API's have also been updated to include related area.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75109

Internal CR#: 142220

Problem: User is able to assign provisioning plan without CKT ID task and without assigning CKT ID inside PSR. Error message does not occur like it does in 5.2.x. Other tasks, like the NET_DSGN and E911 task, may also have this problem. 

Resolution: Application would not allow a circuit product to be provisioned without a CKTID task when user has not assigned a circuit ID in the PSR previously. The validation is true with NET_DSGN and E911 task as well.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75776

Internal CR#: 169572

Problem: Customer can't launch TRANS task for EWO orders. 

Resolution: The SQL used in opening the TRANS task was altered so that if the order is not ASR or ISR that data will still be returned.  This prevents the "Error 6" and the application crash.

Work Management

Issue ID: 74973

Internal CR#: 141265

Problem: User receives errror: "multiple drawings exist". 

Resolution: Added code to allow the users to correct a PERT chart drawing that may have become invalid.  The user can now right-click from within the PERT chart and choose the "Rebuild Drawing" and the PERT chart will be rebuilt.

Work Management

Issue ID: 74664

Internal CR#: 140957

Problem: User receives error when saving binding information. 

Resolution: Now, the Binding Location and Service Name information are saved correctly.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75189

Internal CR#: 142866

Problem: Users receive an informational message requiring an IPASSGN task on a Pre Order Prov Plan.  A pre order plan cannot be attached to a PSR if the plan does not have an IPASSIGN task.  This occurs if the order contains IP Address items.  When these actions have occurred and the user opens the Tasks window to assign the pre order plan, the message is received after clicking OK. 

Resolution: The new changes will not require IPASSIGN task for a pre order plan.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75654

Internal CR#: 146738

Problem: Need New/From functionality for Rules and Behaviors. 

Resolution: Added a New From link to the Rules and Behaviors window. You can click this link to copy and create a new rule.


MSS 6.0.5


Fixed Issue



Issue ID: 77301

Internal CR#: 183532

Problem: ASRStartup.init() failed in *.mss.log file after deploying ASR30.2 on with the XML APIs.

Resolution: You can now install ASR30.2 on an M6 application server with the XML API option.


Issue ID: 76062

Internal CR#: 171174

Problem: An error message appears when saving the Circuit ID on a Bandwidth ASR where the PSPEED field option is set to four characters.   

Resolution: Database changes were made in the table "bandwidth_ckt_bit_rate". The "bit_rate_quantity" column width was increased to NUMBER(11,5). 


Issue ID: 76151

Internal CR#: 172099

Problem: The CABS Extract Date is not populated when the Billing record has successfully interfaced with CABS. 

Resolution: At completion of the CAD task, the CABS Extract Date is updated in addition to the CABS Extract Ind being set to 'Y'.


Issue ID: 76434

Internal CR#: 175112

Problem: You are unable to change the A LSO on the Circuit Identification window for an End User Special ASR with ACI forms. 

Resolution: When the PRILOC type is set to "end-user", the "LSO A" fields on the Circuit Identification window will be enabled. This will be effective for ASR orders with or without ACI forms, where the Priloc may be an end-user. When the order is "special access", the Priloc must be an ACTL; thus, editing of the LSO is not allowed on the order.


Issue ID: 75459

Internal CR#: 171201

Problem: For a 6.0.3 database upgrade, the Setup Guide states that the prodfix SQL master script starts with a capital 'M', but the code that was delivered contained a lower case 'm'. 

Resolution: The file was renamed with a capital 'M.'


Issue ID:  

Internal CR#: 171388


Problem: The IP Technology Module software option was not functioning correctly. The IP network templates were available to all customers, regardless of whether or not they purchased the technology module. 

Resolution: Now, only customers who purchased the IP Technology Module will have access to the IP templates.


Issue ID: 75791

Internal CR#: 148111

Problem: When trying to provision a circuit to ride a network, a variety of errors can occur.  Out of memory, null pointer exception, and array index out of bounds errors have all been seen after picking the entry and exit nodes and clicking Next to find available routes. 

Resolution: Path Analysis can now handle much larger networks without errors. However, it can still take a long time to provision when the hops allowed exceed 35 hops.


Issue ID: 75821

Internal CR#: 171330

Problem: In existing embedded optical networks, some of the connections are not appearing on the canvas. Also, when you try to embed an optical network into a new optical network, none of the connections appear.  

Resolution: When an optical or SONET network is embedded in Optical, the connections are now displayed. The user now sees all the connection drawings in the embedded networks. If the user tries to embed an optical network into a new optical network, the new network must be saved, closed, and reopened for the connections to display correctly.


Issue ID: 74533

Internal CR#: 172769

Problem: Circuits are not appearing in Equipment Inventory, but they do have an equipment assignment block on their design lines. 

Resolution: Logic in the Group Assignment process was changed to correctly filter out equipment that circuits have already been assigned to. This prevents the equipment assignments from being overlaid, which resulted in the difference between what was shown in the design lines and what was in Equipment Inventory.


Issue ID: 76043

Internal CR#: 174627

Problem: In the SONET module in Network Systems, two users can open the same SONET ring without receiving a message that the system is locked by another user.  

Resolution: A lock will occur when a SONET ring is opened.  Other users will have the option to open the ring in 'View only' mode.


Issue ID: 75420

Internal CR#: 177205

Problem: When viewing the connection properties for a connection that's in an embedded optical network, the hierarchy is missing. The connection should have circuit positions below it in the hierarchy, but they are not displaying on the properties window. 

Resolution: The optical hierarchy is loaded with data when the optical network is embedded.


Issue ID: 76649

Internal CR#: 177342

Problem: The system is not allowing the reuse of an A or Z TGN from a disconnected or cancelled circuit. 

Resolution: You will now be able to reuse an A or Z TGN that was previously on a disconnected or cancelled circuit.


Issue ID: 76409

Internal CR#: 177571

Problem: If you create an EWO with one new circuit and close the EWO, there are two issues for the completed order. Issue 2 shows to be Pending for the completed order. 

Resolution: The Engineering Work Order logic was modified to stop the creation of a new issue when the order is Due Date Complete or Order Complete.


Issue ID: 76871

Internal CR#: 179701

Problem: When printing the TCO Report from within an ASR or from the Trunk Group Information window, you receive an error message and the application shuts down. 

Resolution: When printing the TCO Report from within an ASR or from the Trunk Group Information window, the report will print without displaying the error message and causing the application to crash.


Issue ID: 76746

Internal CR#: 179970

Problem: When network assignments are removed, circuits are getting marked as Pending Disconnect on optical networks when there is no open order associated with the circuit. 

Resolution: If an order is already Due Date completed, the block can be deleted. You can now go back to delete these pending disconnect blocks and the assignments.


Issue ID: 76881

Internal CR#: 180491

Problem: You receive an error message when you click the "Go To" button during the auto-build process for a connection. After the error, the application crashes. 

Resolution: The code was modified to resolve the null object reference. The 'GoTo' window can now be used as designed.


Issue ID: 76405

Internal CR#: 175743

Problem: The EWO summary does not refresh when changing circuit status, but automatically refreshes when other data is changed. 

Resolution: The Engineering Work Order logic was modified to refresh when the Connection Design window closes.


Issue ID: 76827

Internal CR#: 179179

Problem: There are inconsistencies in the way the A and Z Point Code drop-downs for an Engineering Trunk Group function. 

Resolution: The point codes were changed to smart drop-downs to resolve another reported issue regarding performance. The A and Z point code drop-downs (in Engineering Trunk Group) are now more consistent in their selections and functionality.


Issue ID: 73844

Internal CR#: 172766

Problem: A two-six code was entered on a PSR order, but it did not appear on the CLR. 

Resolution: Now, the two-six code is populated on the Properties tab of the Connection Design window.


Issue ID: 76389

Internal CR#: 174853

Problem: You received Java errors when attempting to open the design for disconnected trunks. 

Resolution: The trunks being opened no longer had an associated trunk group. The remedy for this is two fold.  A script will delete all cancelled or disconnected trunks that do not have a corresponding trunk group.  In addition, all related circuits will be removed when deleting a trunk group from the trunk group query window.


Issue ID: 76289

Internal CR#: 175572

Problem: When looking at a Trunk Group on the Trunk Group Information window, TCICs are being re-sequenced on the Trunk Group Information TCIC tab, even though the TCICs are stored correctly in the database. 

Resolution: When looking at a Trunk Group on the Trunk Group Information window, TCICs will no longer be re-sequenced on the Trunk Group Information TCIC tab when the window is not updateable (read-only).


Issue ID: 76027

Internal CR#: 177757

Problem: Trunks that were added to an order and given TCIC and A/Z member numbers before being removed and re-added to the order, show up under the assigned trunk circuit list and the unassigned trunk circuit list (TGN and Member Assignment tab on the Trunk Group Info window).  It appears that when the trunks were removed from the order, they were not totally removed or that when they were added again, the code did not see that some of the needed information already existed. 

Resolution: The TGN and Member Assignment tab on the Trunk Group Information window will not display duplicate trunk circuits when the trunk group deleted contained TGN information and the trunk circuits are re-added to the same order. The "Assigned Trunk Circuit "data window will no longer display disconnected or canceled circuits.


Issue ID: 76002

Internal CR#: 170251

Problem: A user with Read Only security permissions to the w_networkspec_maint window is able to create duplicate network templates as well as a reference template for an existing network template. 

Resolution: The system was not checking access permissions when populating the popup menu for the Search/Hierarchy Option for Network Templates. This has been corrected. Users with Read Only access to this window will not be able to create duplicate templates and reference templates, or delete templates.


Issue ID: 76004

Internal CR#: 170362

Problem: Even though the Network Template Maintenance window is set to Read Only, the user can add new Component Types or Connection Specs. 

Resolution: Users with Read Only access can no longer add or delete component types or connection specs.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 175461

Problem: When creating a new Component Type and you do not enter a Component Type or Component Type Name, an error message displays using the incorrect term, Element, instead of using the term, Component. 

Resolution: The error message will display using the correct term, which is "Component".


Issue ID: 75859

Internal CR#: 171186

Problem: In a DLC Network, the user is allowed to delete an equipment association to an element even if the equipment's ports or its installed equipment's ports have been used in the DLC provisioning assistant.  

Resolution: In a DLC network, you are no longer able to delete an equipment association to an element if the equipment's ports or its installed equipment's ports have been used in the DLC provisioning assistant. To delete the association, you must first remove all provisioned DLC assignments to that equipment and element.


Issue ID: 75740

Internal CR#: 149016

Problem: The user navigates to Network Locations and on the Network Location Search window, right-clicks the mouse to bring up the popup menu options. One of the menu options (that is disabled) is "User Data."  The user highlights this grayed out (disabled) option with the mouse. Immediately, the application displays three fatal error messages and the application terminates. 

Resolution: The code was changed so that clicking a disabled menu option does not cause the application to terminate.


Issue ID: 75798

Internal CR#: 172094

Problem: The circuit status does not change from 'In Progress' to 'DLR Issued' when using the Connection Design Print window from within Connection Design. 

Resolution: The circuit status now updates appropriately.


Issue ID: 76900

Internal CR#: 181003

Problem: In 5.2, when you right-click the Element Info/Name field, the Set Criteria option is available. This option is not available in 6.0.4. 

Resolution: Now, the Set Criteria pop-up menu will appear.


Issue ID: 75297

Internal CR#: 175019

Problem: When trying to auto-build a circuit on a network system from a STM16 - VC4 - TUG - VC12 - EC1, an error occurs on the auto-build of the VC12s saying that "More than one circuit has been defaulted to " xxxx ecckt.  This is working correctly as the path around the network needs the same name. The validation should allow for this. 

Resolution: Modified the code to handle mixed service types of VC and TUG.


Issue ID: 76598

Internal CR#: 179972

Problem: The application is allowing circuits to be mapped to a port that has been reserved/blocked. 

Resolution: When a port in the cross-connect chain is blocked and reserved, circuit position mapping should not be allowed. You will receive a message box when you make an assignment and the enabled ports are cross-connected to blocked ports or reserved ports. Validation will also occur when trying to add a cross-connect from enabled ports to blocked or reserved physical ports.


Issue ID: 75703

Internal CR#: 181494

Problem: You are allowed to provision to a Pending optical network, and Pending optical elements. 

Resolution: You will only be able to provision to In Service optical networks and In Service optical elements.


Issue ID: 74975

Internal CR#: 143582

Problem: It takes too long for the Group Print window to open for large trunk groups. 

Resolution: To decrease the time it takes the Group Print window to open from the Service Request Connections window, the method used to pass data to the print window was changed. An order containing 576 trunk circuits that previously took over a minute to open the print window, now takes only seven to eight seconds to perform the same action.


Issue ID: 74978

Internal CR#: 148700

Problem: Need to improve the performance of the group assignment functionality. 

Resolution: The main scenario affecting the performance of group assignment involved group assigning trunks with facility assignments and equipment embedded within the facility blocks. The code was changed to call a stored procedure to build the facility blocks and thereby reduce the number of calls to the database from the client. This results in a major improvement for the facility group assignment scenario.


Issue ID: 75701

Internal CR#: 171002

Problem: When working the CKTID task, the user selects OTS circuit format. Once that is selected, the "A" location is grayed out and unavailable for selection. 

Resolution: The LSO drop-downs will always be enabled. They will be defaulted if possible, but they will always be enabled so the user can change them.


Issue ID: 75701

Internal CR#: 172010

Problem: When on the CKTID task, the user selects an OTS circuit format. Once that is selected, the "A" location is grayed out and unavailable for selection. 

Resolution: The LSO drop-down lists are now always enabled. They are defaulted if possible, but are enabled so the user can change them.


Issue ID: 75600

Internal CR#: 173957

Problem: In a multiple pending order scenario, if there is a pending disconnect assignment for order B under order A and order B is sup-cancelled, the cancel change process does not remove the pending disconnect assignment for order B. 

To recreate:  Create order A for a circuit and assign it to a piece of equipment, but don't complete RID task. Then, create order B from order A and disconnect the equipment from order A and assign the circuit to a different piece of equipment, but don't complete RID task. The equipment must be cross-connected for this problem to occur. 

Resolution: In a multiple pending order scenario, if there is a pending disconnect assignment for order B under order A and order B is sup-cancelled, the cancel change process will now remove the pending disconnect assignment for order B.


Issue ID: 74814

Internal CR#: 173958

Problem: When using multiple pending orders, if you go in to create a new issue for a circuit and get to the Design Issues window, choosing Create New does not correctly change any previous issue for that circuit.  It leaves it as Pending, which makes it difficult to determine which issue is the correct Pending issue. 

Resolution: On the Design Issues window, the Create New option will only be enabled if the circuit is of a New activity.  Also, if an issue has already been created for the particular order you are currently working on, the Design Issues response window will only list the issue already created for this order and nothing else. Also, the Create New button will be disabled. If you select Create From, a new Pending Issue will be created for this order, and the old Pending issue will now be overridden.


Issue ID: 76668

Internal CR#: 177439

Problem: Once a group assign job is completed in the background processor, the DLRD/RID group print functionality will not work. The task is not released back to the user's work queue. 

Resolution: The background processor will release the task back to the user after the group assignment logic has been completed.


Issue ID: 76157

Internal CR#: 179874

Problem: Occasionally, the application shuts down after adding a second entry to the Ownership tab in Ownership of Inventory prior to saving. 

Resolution: The application will no longer shut down when saving after modifying the second entry on the Ownership tab of Ownership of Inventory.


Issue ID: 71617

Internal CR#: 180465

Problem: The reconciliation process will not start after the circuit ID has been changed at the order entry level for supp corrected orders. 

Resolution: Saving a circuit after its circuit ID has been changed on a supplement, excluding cancel, to a new order will cause the reconciliation process to execute.


Issue ID: 73317

Internal CR#: 182254

Problem: While using the SONET network provisioning assistant for provisioning a SONET network, an error was encountered. 

Resolution: To avoid the null pointer exception error, added appropriate checking to ensure a working path was found before continuing.


Issue ID: 76936

Internal CR#: 187620

Problem: It appears that jobs run through the Background Processor are missing commit logic. The Background Processor should not cause database locking issues. 

Resolution: Added necessary commits to the Background Processor logic.


Issue ID: 76442

Internal CR#: 176433

Problem: The Group Assign window doesn't display CLT circuits in order, so the user cannot use the Sequential Assign process. 

Resolution: The Group Assign window will now display CLT circuits in order.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 173306

Problem: When you create a new circuit on an EWO and click OK, you get the following database error: 1400: ORA-01400 cannot insert NULL into (ASAP; SRSI_SR_LOC,SERV_ITEM_ID).  This error only occurs for non-US customers. 

Resolution: You can now create a circuit via an EWO without a database error occurring.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: 76412

Internal CR#: 176456

Problem: Group Assignments and Group Disconnects can be made on an EWO after the EWO is completed. This is inconsistent behavior considering this is not an option in ISR, PSR, or ASR orders. 

Resolution: The Group Assignment and Group Disconnect links will not be visible for view-only or read-only EWO orders. This encompasses completed EWOs.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: 76395

Internal CR#: 176881

Problem: There is nothing in the application that indicates to the user that an EWO order is In Progress. 

Resolution: The Work Queue Task List was modified to display 'EWO' (in column 'cf_type_of_sr_txt') for tasks belonging to an Engineering Work Order. In addition, the bitmap field was modified to display a blue notepad bitmap to indicate tasks belonging to an Engineering Work Order.


Issue ID: 76468

Internal CR#: 177194

Problem: Equipment installed differently using an EWO appears differently in the Equipment Inventory. If the user chooses to install from equipment specs, the equipment does not appear on the EWO. 

Resolution: The Engineering Work Order logic was corrected to properly add the equipment to the EWO when the user chooses to install from equipment specs (method 1 - using the "Equipment Specs" right-click option from the Equipment Inventory Search window).  

The "inconsistency" between the copy of equipment (method 2) versus adding new equipment (method 3 - using the "add..." right-click functionality on the "Installed Equipment" treeview window) is due to the "Name" and "Net Loc (Equipment)" values being copied over when the copy method was performed. When the add method was performed, the "Name" and "Net Loc (Equipment)" values were not entered in by the user.


Issue ID: 75817

Internal CR#: 180097

Problem: The Assembly Report does not open up in PDF format so that users can print it out. 

Resolution: The logic in the Assembly Report that was preventing it from displaying the PDF report was corrected.


Issue ID: 75389

Internal CR#: 055828

Problem: The Geographical Area drop-down menu does not consistently appear on the Location Search window. 

Resolution: The Country, Geographical Area, and City column label names were not set appropriately to match with the corresponding columns. This was corrected by naming each column with the appropriate name. 


Issue ID: 76598

Internal CR#: 179975

Problem: There seems to be a problem with Equipment Reservations in M6. Equipment that is mapped to a circuit position can be reserved, and the circuit position can be mapped to a circuit in spite of the reservation. 

Resolution: When a port in the cross-connect chain is blocked and reserved, mapping should not be allowed. You will receive messages when you make assignments but the enabled ports are cross-connected to blocked ports or reserved ports. Validation will also occur when trying to cross-connect enabled ports to blocked or reserved physical ports.

 Added a filter in the reservation query window. When physical ports are mapped due to a cross-connection to enabled ports, these ports cannot be reserved.


Issue ID: 76045

Internal CR#: 173230

Problem: When copying 'Under Construction' equipment, the application asks if you want the Install Date to be today's date or the original date. The install date should always be blank for equipment under construction. The message is misleading since the Install Date should be blank. 

Resolution: When copying 'Under Construction' equipment, the Install Date will be Null and no message will be displayed.


Issue ID: 76604

Internal CR#: 176622

Problem: The Notes section on the order printout is too big.  If you print the Auto notes, it takes up too much blank space on the printout. 

Resolution: Now the Auto Notes do not take up too much space on the printout.


Issue ID: 76605

Internal CR#: 176624

Problem: Some fields on an ISR Trunk order printout need to be widened because data is getting cut off. 

Resolution: The width of the columns 'Associated Provider Order Number' and 'Trunk Circuit Id Code' have been increased to resolve this issue.


Issue ID: 76623

Internal CR#: 176745

Problem: You receive a database error when you use the full End User field on the ISR Multipoint Service Leg tab. 

Resolution: The End User field has been changed to accept 25 characters.


Issue ID: 76715

Internal CR#: 178080

Problem: If you enter an ISR where the PRILOC and SECLOC CLLIs are the same, deleting one of the locations removes both from the order. 

Resolution: Now, the deletion of locations functions correctly.


Issue ID: 76716

Internal CR#: 178186

Problem: The Billing Indicator field on an ISR is disabled when you choose X-Broadband Services as the Request Type, and then save, close, and reopen the ISR. 

Resolution: The existing code was written to disable the Billing Indicator field when opening the Broadband ISR. The new code changes will enable the Billing Indicator field when opening the Broadband ISR.


Issue ID: 76751

Internal CR#: 178343

Problem: On an ISR, the Activity field is disabled as soon as you save the Administration tab.  You must close and reopen the order to enable the field. 

Resolution: Now, the Activity field remains enabled even though the Administration tab is saved. The field will not be disabled until circuits are assigned.


Issue ID: 76744

Internal CR#: 178274

Problem: When you create a new Special ISR and add CLLI locations, you receive an error message. 

Resolution: You no longer receive an error when creating a Special ISR and adding CLLIs.


Issue ID: 76969

Internal CR#: 180483

Problem: When you enter TCIC numbers on the Trunk Group Information of an ISR, the 'skip 4' message occurs intermittently.  

Resolution: You now consistently receive the 'skip 4' message when you enter TCIC numbers.


Issue ID: 76767

Internal CR#: 178443

Problem: The Order Complete Date is not being populated for orders that are supplement canceled. 

Resolution: Now, the Order Complete Date will be populated for supp canceled orders.


Issue ID: 75536

Internal CR#: 169612

Problem: The customer created a trunk group and assigned it to an ISR order, and then cancelled out of the window. The window is not refreshing and the customer is under the impression that the assignments were not created. 

Resolution: Added a "re-retrieve" of the circuit information for the order following the close/cancel of the trunk circuit identification window.  The trunk group on which the action was taken will be immediately displayed.


Issue ID: 75604

Internal CR#: 170509

Problem: If you change the ECCKT of an existing trunk group on a order for a large number of trunks, it takes a very long time to add the trunks to the order.  In one example, 3,000 trunks took 20 minutes to be added to the order. By comparison, creating a new order for 3,000 trunks took just 2 minutes. 

Resolution: Moved the code for the validation for trunk circuits to a package and stored procedures.  This eliminates the network latency involved in transmitting large results sets to the client machine for processing.


Issue ID: 75453

Internal CR#: 181018

Problem: Trunk augment information is not deleting correctly when canceling the augment order.  

Resolution: A correction was made for ISR so that when you do a trunk augmentation and/or change with a "new" activity order, you can properly supp-cancel the order by:

- Deleting the trunk group from the order via the Trunk Circuit tab. This action will reset values for the trunk group properly as long as no multiple pending order (MPO) situation exists.

- Supp-canceling the order.

- If in an MPO situation, you will be informed and notified that you must reset the trunk group values (ECCKT, location, TCICS, point-codes, etc.) manually (via that order) or another order. You can choose to continue the deletion, or cancel that action. Even if MPO, you do not need to remove any "new" trunks added. The "delete" action via the circuit list will take care of that.


Issue ID: 75960

Internal CR#: 169940

Problem: Trunk ranges are not displaying properly on ISR orders. 

Resolution: The data window that is used for the trunk range selection was altered so the From and To range columns are fully visible when the scrollbar appears. This prevents the columns from shifting when tabbing between columns.


Issue ID: 76050

Internal CR#: 170958

Problem: The ISR Billing Indicator field no longer defaults to None for Request Types of Specials. 

Resolution: The code was changed so when a user selects a Request Type of Special or Broadband Services, the Billing Indicator field defaults to None.


Issue ID: 76064

Internal CR#: 171205

Problem: When you modify ISR MSL information, the address information is blanked out. 

Resolution: When changing the 'end user' column information in the "Multipoint Service Leg Maintenance" window, the existing script was resetting the address information.  Code changes were made to resolve this issue.


Issue ID: 76683

Internal CR#: 177599

Problem: On a trunk order, user received the message 'Would you like to skip TCICs ending in 97,98,99,00?', when the TCICs created only went up to 96.  This message should appear for the next TCIC assignment for the given point codes. 

Resolution: Changes were made in the code so the system will not display the error message at the incorrect time.


Issue ID: 76971

Internal CR#: 180245

Problem: The LSO CLLI on an ISR is pulling from the City field rather than the NPA/NXX. 

Resolution: Changes were made to satisfy the following conditions:

1) Keep the default of the LSO NPA/NXX and CLLI as is

2) If the defaulted LSO CLLI is not what would have resulted if the default LSO NPA/NXX were used to determine the CLLI, display a message such as

"The LSO CLLI was defaulted based on the value established by a previous order.  However, this CLLI does not match the ACTEL/WKTEL that is used on this order.  Do you want to set the LSO based on this order's values?" --> "Yes" or "No"

3) If user replies "Yes", set the LSO CLLI to what would have resulted by using the NPA/NXX determined.  Otherwise, keep the LSO as initially defaulted.


Issue ID: 77319

Internal CR#: 185044

Problem: The user uncommented the LSRSERVER entry in the gateway.ini file to have the LSRSERVER.ior file created, but the file did not get created. 

Resolution: Altered the MSS core API startup so the LSRSERVER entry in the gateway.ini is recognized (not ignored) for M6.  It was previously bypassed.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 176310

Problem: The Customer Profile does not show circuits that are In Service, but that were never on an order. 

Resolution: The SQL has been modified and circuits (In Service) that have never been on an order will now be shown in the Customer Profile.


Issue ID: 76152

Internal CR#: 172142

Problem: You receive an error message and are booted out of the system when attempting to print notes from the Notes tab of the Order Information section of a PSR. 

Resolution: This problem was caused by a wrong column name being mentioned in the print object. The code was changed to specify the correct column name for the print object.


Issue ID: 74349

Internal CR#: 179412

Problem: Some incorrect text (&#39) is appearing on the Customer Profile title bar. 

Resolution: The thin client page was modified to filter out the control characters before displaying the page to the user. The control characters will not appear in the title.


Issue ID: 76895

Internal CR#: 179959

Problem: When you retrieve a customer, open Customer Profile, and click the Network Systems link, you receive an extensive error message. The first part of this error message is: 'The server encountered the following Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA*01652: unable to extend temp segment by 128 in tablespace TEMP at oracle.jdbc.driver.' 

Resolution: The SQL query causing the Oracle error was tuned. The Network Systems will now be displayed and the Oracle error will not appear.


Issue ID: 75733

Internal CR#: 169247

Problem: The following error appears when attempting to view All In Service Values for a Trunk product on a PSR:
SP_TGUD ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error occurred do you wish to continue retrieving History Data?

Resolution: The dynamic SQL built for Trunk Group User Data had a limit of 1,000 bytes. The limit was increased to 2,000. Now there is no error when viewing the Service Item History.


Issue ID: 76893

Internal CR#: 180138

Problem: Alphanumeric or numeric valid value fields on a PSR do not stop you from entering more than the maximum number of characters in the field. 

Resolution: Logic was added to monitor the data as it is entered and disallow entry after the character limit is reached.


Issue ID: 76859

Internal CR#: 180441

Problem: A user created a new PSR. The first time they clicked the drop-down for Business Type (User Data Information), the system populated a value of "3178" in the field. This value is not even a part of the drop-down list.  The user then clicked off this field, and the value changed to "NONE". The user was able to go back to the drop-down and make a selection. The "3178" value was not in the list. 

Resolution: The drop-downs in PSR User Data Information will now display the values correctly. 


Issue ID: 76678

Internal CR#: 181442

Problem: When creating a new PSR, the user selected a customer, entered a desired due date and organization under Order Information, and clicked on 'Services'. An error message appeared - 'Required value missing for 'Order Activity'. Please enter a value.' The user clicked OK on the error message box, and all of the order information was then blanked out.  

Resolution: You no longer receive the error message.


Issue ID: 75952

Internal CR#: 170240

Problem: Users granted Read Only access to the Customer Account Search window can make updates to the window.  

Resolution: The code was changed to prevent users with Read Only access from updating the window.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 145525

Problem: PSRAPI exportPSR_v3, exportNGNPSR, exportServItem_v3 and exportNGNServitem:
Execute one of the above APIs for an order with a service location and service items below the service location. The location ID is not exported for the service items, but the address ID is for the following two scenarios:

1. If an existing service location of type 'PRILOC' or 'SECLOC' is added to the order as the service location.

 2. If the service item is a circuit with end user locations as the PRILOC or SECLOC. 

Resolution: 1. For the first scenario, the correct location ID and address ID are now exported.  

2. For the second scenario, the location ID and address ID will be blank. These fields are only populated for the parent that is directly below the service location. These fields are blank for all children except for children that are strictly PREMISE products and have location information stored in the MetaSolv database (e.g., Line).


Issue ID: 76981

Internal CR#: 183190

Problem: When using multiple pending orders (MPO), you are able to complete the Due Date task of subsequent change orders before the new order. 

Resolution: The logic to complete a task has been modified to make sure the MPO validation at Due Date is run. This validation will not allow you to complete the DD task if a service item is on another open PSR order as New.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 176462

Problem: When the calendar control is used, the control pops up a separate window (from the application) that causes some security-related script errors while working in EWO. 

Resolution: Instead of popping up a separate window for the calendar, the control was rewritten so that the calendar now shows up in an IFrame that is part of the parent document and should avoid the java script/security errors caused by the popup window.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 175471

Problem: URLNaming service was not properly registering the servers from different applications.

Resolution: Modified the framework to allow the applications to properly register their servers.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 76726

Internal CR#: 179011

Problem: The startup script for the Proxy Server uses the console and does not run as a background process. 

Resolution: Instructions were added to the Proxy Server appendix in the Setup Guide for editing the startup script to run in background mode.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 75559

Internal CR#: 177494

Problem: You cannot replace the generic MetaSolv Software corporate logo with your own company's logo. This is caused by a defect with BEA 8.1. 

Resolution: To get around this defect, the weblogic.xml file in the nur.ear was changed. Additionally, the start scripts used to start the application server now reference a patch file CR183350_810sp3.jar from BEA.  Also, the images directory under the domain directory is now logo/images instead of just images. As a result, your company logo will now display properly in the application for Windows and Unix installations.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:  

Internal CR#: 186612  


Problem: The default for the Oracle DB connections was set to 10. 

Resolution: The default for the minimum Oracle connections has been set to 1. This will need to be adjusted to the appropriate value for your environment. The maximum value is set to 100. This should also be adjusted for your environment.

Technical Infrastructure

Issue ID: 75801

Internal CR#: 169935

Problem: The customer was unable to query for a network location when the street name contained lower case letters. The Query field currently defaults to upper case. However, even if lower case letters were allowed, users would not always be able to find a location because they might not know the case of the address. 

Resolution: Network location addresses now contain all upper case letters.


Issue ID: 77161

Internal CR#: 187178

Problem: When attempting to transfer or refer a trouble ticket, the Assigned To drop-down does not show any names contained in the selected organization. The originally chosen name is displayed as the numeric ID instead of the text representation. The drop-downs work fine on a new ticket, but do not work on the transfer/refer windows. 

Resolution: The problem occurred when the Responsible Organization Assigned To and Administrative Organization Assigned To fields were changed to be required fields in Trouble setup (Required Ticket Fields).  When this happened, the drop-downs for Admin Org Assigned To and Resp Org Assigned To on the New/Edit ticket and Transfer Administration/Internal Referral windows would show up empty, which would cause the number to display.  The code was changed so that the drop-down is not empty when setting either of these fields to required.  This eliminates the number showing up in these fields.


Issue ID: 76137

Internal CR#: 177667

Problem: Externally Referred tickets can be canceled, cleared, and closed without verifying the external referrals. 

Resolution: Now, a ticket's external references will be verified while canceling the ticket, similar to the clear ticket option.


Issue ID: 76875

Internal CR#: 180690

Problem: Some user-defined views are not retrieving tickets into the Ticket Queue window.   

Resolution: Now, the Ticket Queue view filters and sort work for hidden columns too. The query performance has also been improved for the view.

User Setup

Issue ID: 75781

Internal CR#: 169424

Problem: The Telephone Number Threshold Percentage Report seems inaccurate.  When the user generates the NPA NXX Utilization Report with different percentages in the Threshold Percentage field, the results do not change. Also, the report only displays a blank space where the % threshold should appear. 

Resolution: The application was not using the data entered by the user as a parameter to populate the report. This was corrected by modifying the data window's SQL and modifying the report to show the Threshold percentage on the header.

User Setup

Issue ID: 75078

Internal CR#: 145457

Problem: When a user or group is given Read Only access to the Transmission Bit Rates window, they are able to add or modify data on the window. 

Resolution: The code was changed so users with Read Only access can no longer add or modify data.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76150

Internal CR#: 171991

Problem: When permissions for the  IP Addresses-External window are set to No Access, the user cannot select the 'Select Customer on New Product Service Request (PSR)' link. 

Resolution: The 'Select Customer' and 'IP Addresses - External' links bring up the same window (w_customer_account_query_response). Assigning permissions for the window through one link will affect the other, since security permissions are associated with the "w_customer_account_query_response" window rather than the link (area) from where it is called. If the window "w_customer_account_query_response" is set to "No Access" through security, then both links are affected the same way.  

You will now be able to set up check points --and access the External IP address window from a New PSR (choosing Select Customer) and as well as establish security for accessing this window from the Navigation bar (using a password).   You should not set 'No Access' to the window, if you want to use the checkpoint functionality.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76123

Internal CR#: 172407

Problem: There are inconsistencies between the New and New From options to create a new Security group. There are two inconsistencies:  

1. The number of characters allowed. (Between 4 - 8 characters allowed using the New From option.)  (Between 1 - 16 characters allowed using the New option.)  

2. The type of characters allowed. (Spaces are not allowed using the New From option.)  (Spaces are allowed using the New option.) 

Resolution: Now the restriction of the New From option matches that of the New option when creating a new Security group.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76003

Internal CR#: 170257

Problem: A user with Read Only access is able to Remove a Lock for a circuit via Network Templates even though the user permissions are set to Read Only for the 'w_nst_row_in_use' window. 

Resolution: Now, a user with No Access to this window is unable to remove locks. Instead, a message appears. For users with Read Only access, it will appear as though the lock was removed, but it was not. When you reopen the window, the lock reappears.

User Setup

Issue ID: 75919

Internal CR#: 171393

Problem: When in Security, you cannot print the entire permissions list for a user or group. Instead, you must scroll through the list and print each screen. The Security Admin would need to print many screens to capture all the data in hardcopy.  This is inconsistent with the way the rest of the system operates for printing on-screen data. 

Resolution: You can now print the entire list of permissions for a group or user in the Security Permissions window.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76279

Internal CR#: 173965

Problem: When Security is set as Read Only for certain windows and a user accesses the windows, the READ ONLY message appears at the top of the windows twice. 

Resolution: Now the READ ONLY title appears only once on a window. 

User Setup

Issue ID: 76377

Internal CR#: 176469

Problem: When you access Security for Rules and Behaviors, the window name is the same (w_rulesandbehaviors) when you query for existing rules and behaviors as when you attempt to create a new rule. This behavior is inconsistent. 

Resolution: All Web-based windows show the same name along with the name of the jsp next to it. The problem was that the list window was not showing the name of the jsp as the ole object did not have focus. So, only the name of the window was being shown. Now for the list window, you will see the name of the window as w_ rulesandbehaviors and the jsp as rulelist.jsp. 
Note: The properties of a link will show the action as coded- it cannot show the .jsp.


Issue ID: 76080

Internal CR#: 188103

Problem: When you add a USO order, then add information on the MSL and press OK, the information doesn't appear on the Multipoint Service Legs view. 

Resolution: During MSL entry, if the option is End User location, the system did not update the end user location ID in the location_id_2 field in the multipoint_service_leg table. If it is a CLLI code, the system was populating the CLLI code in the location_id_2 field.  The code was changed to update the location_id_2 field when the MSL entry is an End User location, as well as to update it when the  CLLI option is selected.


Issue ID: 76055

Internal CR#: 170964

Problem: When you query by USO / CCNA, the results window appears to be cutoff. 

Resolution: Now when you query by USO/ CCNA, the Order Detail and Tasks appear on the results window properly.


Issue ID: 76057

Internal CR#: 171110

Problem: When you copy a USO where the ACNA is set to ZZZ, the BN2 information doesn't copy. 

Resolution: When performing a New From on a USO, the code was checking the CCNA value. It was corrected to check the ACNA value.


Issue ID: 76077

Internal CR#: 172245

Problem: On the ILAM for USO orders, the Exchange field is populated by the Telephone Number, not the LSO. 

Resolution: The existing code had the value of 'End User Location Access Tel Number' in the 'Exchange' field in the 'Loop Assignment and Makeup Request' window.  Changes were made to display the 'LSO' in the 'Exchange' field instead of the 'Access Tel Number'.


Issue ID: 76465

Internal CR#: 175623

Problem: You are unable to select BN2 on the USO Billing Tab when the ACNA = ZZZ. This happens when the Access Customer Address is missing the secondary name. 

Resolution: If you want to populate the Billing Name2 field on the Billing tab, you must enter the ACNA as well as the ACNA Name. According to the ACNA Name, the BN2 field is getting populated. This is working as designed.

After you enter a valid ACNA that is an access customer name abbreviation, the system will retrieve and validate the access customer name in the ACNA Name field. If the record count is 1, it will retrieve the ACNA name and it will disable the ACNA Name column. If the record count is more than 1, it will enable the ACNA Name column and allow you to select the ACNA Name. Here, you must select the ACNA Name from the drop-down list by populating any search criteria. Only then will the system enable and populate the BN2 field.


Issue ID: 76624

Internal CR#: 176774

Problem: You get an error message when you enter the full length of the BN1 field on a USO. The error message doesn't clearly explain what the problem is. 

Resolution: Now the BN1 field does not allow more than 25 characters. You can enter all 25 characters in the BN1 field and populate all the related billing information without getting an error.


Issue ID: 76443

Internal CR#: 177471

Problem: The ILAM Remarks are being copied when you use New From on an existing order with existing remarks. 

Resolution: The code in the ASR New From stored procedure is now changed to exclude the remarks for the ILAM task.


Issue ID: 76765

Internal CR#: 178467

Problem: When entering a USO, the system is performing a validation on the first character of the Order Number, and you are unable to proceed. This is no longer a valid validation. 

Resolution: When entering a new USO, the first letter validation of the Order Number will no longer occur.


Issue ID: 77095

Internal CR#: 181817

Problem: When you attempt to copy an existing USO order using the New From function, the system displays a Stored Procedure error. This is currently happening on orders where the PRILOC and SECLOC are set to CLLI.   

Resolution: You no longer receive a Stored Procedure error when using the New From functionality.


Issue ID: 76345

Internal CR#: 174709

Problem: When you supp cancel a USO that has circuits attached, you cannot remove the circuit or add tasks if you close the order for any reason. 

Resolution: You can now remove (delete) the circuits from a SUP Cancel USO request.

Work Management

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 180998

Problem: New functionality needs to be added to gateway events to support a new table that will house work order detail data that will be linked to gateway events. 

Resolution: New logic was added to WDI API to support the getting and setting of work order details to the new table Integration_Event_Status that will be linked to the gateway event tables.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76235

Internal CR#: 173179

Problem: (None) is not an available option in the Rules and Behaviors drop-downs. 

Resolution: Is_NULL and IS_NOT_NULL are two new operators added to the Rules and Behaviors drop-downs.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75654

Internal CR#: 178894

Problem: When rules are created using "New From", the Before/After property in the Insert Task for behaviors is not being copied. 

Resolution: The code was changed so this property and the checklist items will be copied.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76936

Internal CR#: 185563

Problem: When you work in Work Management, the application becomes unresponsive, the Oracle connections grow and do not shrink, and locks are held on the Oracle database. 

Resolution: When you work in Work Management, after copying service request notes to a customer, the Oracle lock will be released.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75846

Internal CR#: 148976

Problem: If you double-click a column heading in the Work Queue Manager, the action associated with double-clicking the first task in the list is executed. The expectation is that the task list will be sorted, based on the column selected. 

Resolution: Code was added to enable you to double-click a column heading in the Work Queue Manager to sort the tasks based on the column data. You also still have the ability to single-click a heading to sort.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76065

Internal CR#: 171328

Problem: During task generation, if you select multiple tasks and right-click the first task, all other tasks are deselected. 

Resolution: The code was changed to avoid the de-selection of selected rows when you right-click.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76071

Internal CR#: 171352

Problem: When you remove a task that you just added to a new provisioning plan, you receive an error message. 

Resolution: You no longer receive an error when removing a task that you just added to a plan.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76125

Internal CR#: 171867

Problem: When you change the due date on a provisioning plan to be forward-dated, the arrow indicator doesn't immediately change to forward. 

Resolution: When you change the due date on a provisioning plan to forward-dated, the arrow indicator now immediately changes to forward.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76153

Internal CR#: 172410

Problem: When an order is canceled, most of the tasks that were still open have the queue status removed. 

Resolution: The queue status was getting removed only for tasks on canceled ASR orders. For other order types, the queue status of all the tasks is set to S(SUP). Similar changes have now been made to ASR. Now when an ASR is supplemented, all tasks on that order will get a queue status of S.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76352

Internal CR#: 174716

Problem: The LAM Request form that is printed with the ILAM task, cuts off the ISR Order Number if it is more than five characters. 

Resolution: Now the Order Number is fully displayed without any cut off in the printout.


Issue ID: 76481

Internal CR#: 175869

Problem: When writing Rules and Behaviors, the list of Before/After tasks available is limited to the tasks in the provisioning plan selected as part of the criteria in the expression section. 

Resolution: When writing Rules and Behaviors, the list of Before/After tasks available will now have all the tasks in the provisioning plan selected as part of the criteria in the expression section along with any other tasks that are being inserted as behaviors. (These tasks are the only ones that make sense for being candidates for Before/After tasks.)

Work Management

Issue ID: 76413

Internal CR#: 176715

Problem: The Assign Tasks link still appears after an EWO is completed.   

Resolution: The Assign Tasks link will not be visible for a completed EWO.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76755

Internal CR#: 178283

Problem: User was in Trouble Management and was not set up as a work force employee. The message "Signed on user must be set up as a Workforce Employee to edit trouble ticket templatess."  The word Templates is misspelled. 

Resolution: The typo was corrected.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76110

Internal CR#: 172124

Problem: The user is able to open the CABS billing on the CAD task when the task is in a pending status. 

Resolution: Changes were made for the CAD task such that it behaves the same as the CID task with respect to when the task is allowed to be processed.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76092

Internal CR#: 174712

Problem: You received an error message when generating tasks for an ASR Trunking Disconnect order. 

Resolution: The problem was in the code, while building the sql expression. Code changes were made to correct the error.

MSS 6.0.6


Fixed Issue



Issue ID: 71409

Internal CR#: 180503

Problem: ASR: ILAM task - the printed LAM request does not reflect the revised due date.

Resolution: Now the printed LAM request will show the correct dates for LAM, RID and DD as entered in the ASR order or from the assigned task date.


Issue ID: 74276

Internal CR#: 182390

Problem: Unable to change and save a ECCKT on ASR Change order (or Inside Move).

Resolution: Previously, the Circuit Identification window uses the same object to display the circuit detail for order and non-order circuits. Created a separate object for a non-order circuit, this object will open only for a non-order circuit.  Now the user can change and save the ECCKT on an ASR order.


Issue ID: 77018

Internal CR#: 180988

Problem: The Service Request Search by tasks cuts off the display of the tabs and the Show checkboxes.

Resolution: Now the Service Request search by task window displays all of the column titles and the result page displays completely without any cut off to the tabs and Show checkboxes.  Also, all the views are listed.  


Issue ID: 77137

Internal CR#: 182392

Problem: Unable to determine which fields relate to the LAM task and which fields relate to the CONF task when adding columns to the Service Request Search.

Resolution: In the existing code, the reason for the duplication of fields in the 'Available Fields' in the objects, there is no difference in the column alias names for (CONF TASK_TYPE  and LAM TASK_TYPE ) and (CONF WORK_QUEUE_ID  and LAM WORK_QUEUE_ID). Now, made changes all the fields to understand the field as LAM_CONF_TASK_TYPE, LAM_CONF_WORK_QUEUE_ID and CONF_TASK_TYPE , CONF_WORK_QUEUE_ID. In the new code change, if we click the View > Format Fields, it is easier to differentiate the fields. The alias name change has been handled for the following cases :

    1. ASR - Service Request  
2. ASR - CCNA  
3. ASR - Circuit  
4. ASR - Location


Issue ID: 77193

Internal CR#: 183463

Problem: When you open an order in View Only mode, you are still able to edit the Location, MSL and Circuit windows.

Resolution: Now the Location, MSL and Circuit windows will open in view only mode when the order is view only.  


Issue ID: 72391

Internal CR#: 186279

Problem: Need to validate the presence of a Surcharge USOC.  

Resolution: Now Cabs billing will validate successfully for a Surcharge USOC based on the SURCH category.


Issue ID: 76089

Internal CR#: 171537

Problem: Bill Prep Validation error messages continue to appear even after the error is corrected.

Resolution: This has been corrected by resetting the validation error report before doing the validation process. Now, the Bill Prep validation error messages do not continue to appear after correcting the errors.


Issue ID: 77141

Internal CR#: 182419

Problem: Unable to sort by the Circuit ID (Foreign) column at the ASR / Circuit search results window. Unable to sort by the Circuit ID (Foreign).

Resolution: The name of the column header 'Circuit ID (Foreign)' was not named in MetaSolv's standard -- this is the reason the sort was not worked.  New changes made in the object, now the sort works fine for 'Circuit ID (Foreign)' as well.


Issue ID: 77143

Internal CR#: 182534

Problem: Service Request Search of ASR / Location is not finding orders with an ACTL using the City query.

Resolution: Because of the SQL query it was not working properly. In SQL, where clause SERV_LOC_USE field has checked only with PRILOC condition, it may have ACTL also. The SQL has been modified so that it is working correctly.


Issue ID: 77144

Internal CR#: 182591

Problem: Query at Service Request Search by ASR / Location retrieves no rows found when you search by the Request Type = V - Broadband Services.

Resolution: Query at Service Request Search by ASR / Location retrieves no rows found when you search by the Request Type = V - Broadband. When you click the 'Search' button, data is getting retrieved, based on the input criteria. But in the retrieval screen, filter criteria are restricting the data where request type is ('A', 'E', 'M', 'S', 'X'). Now the filter criteria have been removed and it is working for all the request types.


Issue ID: 77106

Internal CR#: 184042

Problem: Service Request Detail for ASR MSL order prints the SECLOC information for the legs and runs into the General Detail section.

Resolution: Now the SECLOC information will be printed in the SECLOC area itself and it will not be carried over to any other section.


Issue ID: 68785

Internal CR#: 183240

Problem: Unable to select trunks for Disc when SECLOC is blank

Resolution: Previously the application was not checking the company-owned trunk group location to enable the Trunk Nbr's button. It checked company-owned primary and secondary location. Now, the application looks at the TSC field and checks the trunk group location whether it is company-owned or not. The  Trunk Nbr button will be enabled.


Issue ID: 202548

Internal CR#: 206741

Problem: Help is not displaying for Service Request Search window.

Resolution: The online Help displays correctly when you click F1 on the Service Request Search window.


Issue ID: 74121

Internal CR#: 139328

Problem: After creating a Broadband ASR - The LAM task in Work Management is missing the ECCKT.

Resolution: After creating a Broadband ASR - The LAM task in Work Management is not missing the ECCKT.


Issue ID: 76676

Internal CR#: 183231

Problem: Duplicate assignments are appearing on the DLR.

Resolution: The DLR will not show duplicate assignments within a facility block.


Issue ID: 76047

Internal CR#: 176328

Problem: When viewing the properties of the schematic design, the hyperlinks are not consistent. The General link is not underlined initially, and clicking on equipment, the link then goes away once the new window appears.

Resolution: All hyperlinks function correctly now.


Issue ID: 74967

Internal CR#: 142017

Problem: When multiple virtual connections exist on one order, there is no way to distinguish between them in the CKTID task.

Resolution: For connections, the service item alias will now display in place of the category if there is not a circuit ID assigned.  Once the circuit ID is assigned, the display will show the category as before. This is only for Connections.


Issue ID: 77543

Internal CR#: 187022

Problem: The Virtual Connection Status does not change to Record Issued on the Service Request Connections window until after it is closed and re-opened.

Resolution: If the status for a Virtual Connection is changed to Record Issued, when the Connection Design window is closed, the Service Request Connections window will be refreshed with the updated status.


Issue ID: 76917

Internal CR#: 190218

Problem: Customer is getting a misleading message about CA values when trying to design first (schematic design).

Resolution: The user will receive a message indicating the custom attributes must be verified and saved before the connection can be designed and the system will take the user to the Custom Attributes window.


Issue ID: 76896

Internal CR#: 198895

Problem: Sometimes when adding a hard connection to the virtual circuit design, it can take more than 15 seconds to process.  Other times, it adds the connection within a few seconds.

Resolution: When adding a hard connection to the virtual circuit design, the time that it takes to place the connection on the drawing canvas will be significantly reduced. The validation that was checking if any CA's were modified has been changed to check a Boolean variable rather than looping through every value that is on the CA page.


Issue ID: 77271

Internal CR#: 189416

Problem: Provisioning assistant doesn't filter the channels available based on the connection chosen. Shows all the eligible or matching channels available for all connections exists between the nodes in context.

Resolution: Only loads the channels for the base connection that is selected.


Issue ID: 72364

Internal CR#: 148680

Problem: Reporting-Cross Connect Report: User selects multiple relay racks and then clicks OK to see the report. When they try to save or print the report, the windows take a long time to display.

Resolution: A sql query has been tuned. The response time is now less than half the previously reported time.


Issue ID: 76325

Internal CR#: 179714

Problem: Physical connections are allowed to be added in an equipment groom.  Physical connections are not groomable and should not be allowed to be placed in the groom project and order.  Currently grooming allows physical connections into the groom project, but the Process Groom option is disabled in the design task.

Resolution: Physical connections will not be pulled into a groom project.  Should a user select one, a message will be displayed.


Issue ID: 77116

Internal CR#: 181784

Problem: When creating a Network Location Alias (as a Coded Location) from an End User Location, the Located in Building should not be required.  This being a required field forces the user to specify in which Network Location building the End User Location is located.  This is not valid.

Resolution: The column, Located in Building, will not be visible/required when creating a network location alias from an end user location.


Issue ID: 76157

Internal CR#: 183227

Problem: Ownership of Inventory:  After updating/changing information on the Leased Circuit Association tab, received error message "with an ownership code of "other", at least one of the two network locations must not be owned by your company. "  

Resolution: The message stating that at least one of the locations must not be owned will not manifest itself when one of the locations is an end user location (which is not owned).


Issue ID: 77078

Internal CR#: 184492

Problem: When running a Mass DLR reconcile in the background processor from a equipment move or equipment edit it sometimes dies without any reason.  They fall to a 'Not Responding' state, and no combination of canceling and restarting will cause them to proceed beyond the last reported % complete.  Running the same job in the foreground gave the following error: Array Boundary exceeded in of_adddlrlines.

Resolution: The logic responsible for adding the equipment information to the DLR was re-using an index variable instead of using a new variable. This led to an array index out-of-bounds exception for certain equipment configurations. A new variable is now used where appropriate. The Mass DLR reconcile in the background processor will not die or fall into a 'Not Responding' state.


Issue ID: 77281

Internal CR#: 185201

Problem: Cancel Assign function shows IN BACK, but job has been completed. Background processor didn't release it back to the work queue and the task cannot be completed.

Resolution: The transaction that is responsible for updating the task status was not being committed. The task status is now updated and may be completed.


Issue ID: 77117

Internal CR#: 185394

Problem: When trying to add premise equipment on a circuit design for an end user location, a network location is currently required for the equipment to be added.  Since they are using video equipment, a network location is not available and should not be required to add premise equipment to circuit

Resolution: The user will be able to add premise equipment for an end user location.  The Premise Equipment block will use the end user location name instead of the CLLI Code on the outside of the block. This is the same as an end user equipment assignment.


Issue ID: 77372

Internal CR#: 188451

Problem: SONET Provisioning Assistant - Channel selection window takes more time to display the available channels in the network route chosen.

Resolution: The response time for the channel selection window in the SONET provisioning assistant has been improved.


Issue ID: 76602

Internal CR#: 189633

Problem: Updating the Serial Number on an STM64 card is taking longer than expected. It appears that the code is looping through the port address table when no changes are being made to the port addresses. Since there are several thousand ports on this card, this is very time consuming.

Resolution: Tuned the code for updating datawindows, so that unnecessary calls are avoided.


Issue ID: 75757

Internal CR#: 203166

Problem: A change order exists for a facility in which there are child trunks riding it.  Only the facility is on the order but a disconnect order exists for the child circuits.  A change is made to the design of the circuit so that a cascading reconcile creates a design issue for the child circuit.  If that child circuit is being disconnected on another order and the disconnect order is completed before the change order, then when the change order is completed, the pending issue from the cascading reconcile does not get updated and remains in a pending status.

Resolution: When the Change order for the parent circuit is due date complete, the issue for the child circuits will be updated to 'Overriden'. The DD complete process could not find the children that were riding on the parent circuit since they were already disconnected. Additional logic was added in the Due Date logic to find the disconnected children.


Issue ID: 76936

Internal CR#: 203979

Problem: If there are any circuit assignments reconciled during an Equipment edit or move, the background processor gets a syntax error, "No SQLCA defined". Once this occurs, it locks the database.

Resolution: Jobs through the background processor were missing commit logic. Fixed the syntax error for committing the change to the database.


Issue ID: 77023

Internal CR#: 181886

Problem: The user cannot do a swap group assign in the Group Assign window.

Resolution:  Pending Disconnect circuit positions are now available as group assignment candidates


Issue ID: 76458

Internal CR#: 185200

Problem: The Remarks from a USO are not coming forward to the connection design.

Resolution: The remarks from the USO will display in the Connection Design window.


Issue ID: 74065

Internal CR#: 187294

Problem: End User location information that is entered via a USO is not pulled over onto the Locations tab in circuit design.

Resolution: End User location information that is entered via a USO displays in the Locations tab of the circuit design.


Issue ID: 74065

Internal CR#: 204804

Problem: End User location information that is entered via a USO is not pulled over onto the Locations tab in circuit design.

Resolution: End User location information that is entered via a USO is displayed in the Locations tab of circuit design.


Issue ID: 77383

Internal CR#: 187470

Problem: In Network Systems, the user is unable to delete the multi-value CAs for a network component.

Resolution: In Network Systems, you can delete multi-value CAs for a network component.


Issue ID: 77507

Internal CR#: 188153

Problem: The user is unable to select EUL for OTS or CLS type circuits when creating EWO.


Resolution: New functionality was added to the Connection Identification window within the application to allow the user to select an End User Location as a terminating point for new connections that are not in CLF or CLM format.  

A new field and "search" picture button have been added below the Network Location fields to display the location name when an End User Location is selected. This is the same functionality currently available in the Equipment Inventory Search window.  

This functionality is available when creating new connections with or without an order. Because a user may now select an End User Location as a termination point of a connection, the Connection Design Query Results window has been slightly modified. The A and Z Network Locations (now titled Originating and Terminating Locations, respectively) will now display the Location Name when a CLLI code is not available.  

To query for a connection by End User Location, select "End User Location" from the right-click menu in both Connection Design Search and Connection Hierarchy.


Issue ID: 75983

Internal CR#: 200504

Problem: The application locks up when you click on the View button in equipment spec.

Resolution: When the window opens, after the data is retrieved, it is not locked. The user can use the scrollbar to view data and close the window after they finish reviewing.


Issue ID: 76000

Internal CR#: 170250

Problem: Customer reports that even though the w_equipinstall_query, w_equipinstall_maint, and w_equip_structure_types windows are set to Read Only, that the user can still access Equipment Structure Types

Resolution: The Structure Types window to maintain Read Only permissions and not allow a Read Only user to add new structure types.


Issue ID: 76691

Internal CR#: 177754

Problem: Unable to move the bar on the Equipment tab of Reconcile Assignments window off the design.

Resolution: The bar on the Equipment tab of the Reconcile Assignments window can now be moved.


Issue ID: 77575

Internal CR#: 187446

Problem: The Install At option is not available for structures when trying to install base equipment.

Resolution: The Install At option is available for structures when trying to install base equipment with 0 mounting positions.


Issue ID: 71778

Internal CR#: 189708

Problem: SONET STS1 in OC192 taking too long to process.  Auto Building STS1 to DS3 for SONET OC192 rings is taking an unacceptable amount of time.

Resolution: The time required to autobuild and save the OC192 network has been dramatically reduced.  All large networks will take less time to autobuild and save when compared to previous releases; however, the ratio for the time reduction recognized for this network cannot be applied to all networks.  The number of segments, autobuild connections and provisioned connections all play a part in the time it takes to autobuild and save.  The greater the number of segments and autobuilt connections (autobuilt in the current network), the longer the autobuild and save process will take.


Issue ID: 75982

Internal CR#: 170510

Problem: When using the find function in the Equipment Install window at design time, equipment with blocked ports are offered as option.

Resolution: A new drop-down of condition code has been added to the Equipment Search window.

ALL: Include condition code.

None: Exclude condition code. If all the ports on a card have condition code, then the card will be excluded in the result set.

Blocked: Only cards that have blocked condition code ports will be included.

Informational Only: Only cards that have informational condition code ports will be included.


Issue ID: 76857

Internal CR#: 179307

Problem: The Connection Design Search window doesn't work when trying to query using LIKE on Trunk Group Number columns when querying for Trunk Connections.

Resolution: When running a Connection design query using LIKE on Trunk Group Number column for Trunk Connections, Oracle was returning a ORA-0600 error. This error was not visible. The SQL generated by the window was modified so that rows will return when using LIKE on the Trunk Group Number column.


Issue ID: 76864

Internal CR#: 190383

Problem: User states it takes 9-10 minutes to open the NET_DSGN task. After waiting 10 minutes, a error occurs.  

Resolution: The code was modified to improve performance. The network maintenance window will now open in a reasonable time for new and existing network systems.


Issue ID: 77417

Internal CR#: 186095

Problem: The Network Location drop-down in Connection Hierarchy Search, Connection Design Search and Trunk Group Search windows is not wide enough.

Resolution: The Network Location drop-down is wider in the Connection Hierarchy Search, Connection Design Search and Trunk Group Search windows.


Issue ID: 40998

Internal CR#: 187271

Problem: An inaccessible preference in 6.0.4 seems to be causing a problem with the Connection Design query. User receives a sql error if this preference is set to 'Y' instead of 'N'.

Resolution: The concept of Warn When Retrieve Exceeds"in the Properties tab of Connection Design Query is available in R5.2.x code stream.  The same code is available in M6 as well.  So, the application tries to frame a SQL to calculate the maximum number of rows -- results in framing an invalid SQL. This is the reason for the SQL error.  To resolve this issue, a code change was made so that the SQL error would not appear anymore.


Issue ID: 77378

Internal CR#: 188698

Problem: When users print CLR, they are getting an extra page at the end with just the Trunk Group User Data header on it.

Resolution: You will not receive the extra page at the end, if the trunk group user data is not available.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 207236

Problem: The GLR is displaying the Originating Element as the Terminating Element when the virtual circuit is opened initially for the Service Request Circuits window. When the user selects Schematic Design, the error 'The Terminating Element has not been Selected' appears.

Resolution: When the GLR opens, only the Originating Element will be selected if there are multiple terminating elements to select and the user will be able to design the virtual.


Issue ID: 76918

Internal CR#: 189705

Problem: The user opens the PVC (Virtual) circuit first before designing the Port (Physical) connections. After receiving the correct warning, the Originating/Terminating connection could not be determined, and the user goes back and designs the Ports. After the user designs the PORTs and re-opens the PVC ,the Originating and Terminating Element names still show 'NONE'.  In 5.2 for this scenario, after re-opening the PVC, the Originating and Terminating would be appear; no further work was needed. But in 6.0.4, the user now needs to click NONE and select each. This is an extra step that user should not have to complete

Resolution: After re-opening the PVC, the Originating and Terminating element names will appear and no further work is needed as long as only 1 originating and 1 terminating element is found.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: 75888

Internal CR#: 171503

Problem: Cannot get to security screen in Engineering Work Order when you hit F2.

Resolution: Modified framework tag to trigger the permissions security window from F12 to F2 to be consistent with the rest of the framework.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 188465

Problem: Users cannot remove an Engineering Work Order when User Data is present.

Resolution: User will now be able to remove an Engineering Work Order when User Data is present.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 204070

Problem: The Allow Lower Rates functions in the cross connect window, but not in the connection design equipment install, assign circuit function.

Resolution: When assigning a connection and validating the port' rate code whether it matches the connections, or whether it is 'N/A', a check was added to see whether the allow lower rates indicator is on, and if so, whether the rate code is higher than the connections' rate code, so that the assignment can be made.


Issue ID: 75741

Internal CR#: 148698

Problem: filters are not applied correctly to search criteria in query

Resolution: In d_equipsearch_user_data_results data object sql was not correct. And we are adding field in d_equipsearch_user_data_query data object dynamically. The dynamically added columns were not added in d_equipsearch_user_data_results  data object dynamically. Because of this our system retrieved all the rows irrespective of search criteria.Now I added that new fields which has been added dynamically in d_equipsearch_user_data_query  object.Now Its working fine. 

Now the Equipment user data columns can be used as search criteria to find equipment.


Issue ID: 77198

Internal CR#: 183470

Problem: Cannot get an accurate retrieve out of Equipment Inventory Search when the location has a name with an "&" in it such as "PLANTXX01    AB & C".

Resolution: The framework was changed to allow for these special characters and now prevents the application server from generating the xml parser errors.


Issue ID: 77798

Internal CR#: 193120

Problem: Options grayed out when you right-click.

Resolution: When deleting items in optical network systems, remove mappings if there are any so that network systems will be successfully saved.


Issue ID: 76670

Internal CR#: 200502

Problem: Equipment assignments are being removed by the reconcile process when a card is moved from one position to another.

Resolution: When moving a piece of equipment that has placeholders cross-connected to a mounting position that does not have placeholders defined, the enabled ports mappings will still have the correct A_Z_OTHER identifier so that the parent equipment information is displayed on the DLR correctly.


Issue ID: xxx

Internal CR#: 203098

Problem: Add a Links tab to the Equipment and Equipment Spec windows. The Links tab should enable the user to add, edit and delete links. Further the Equipment window should also display links created in the Equipment Spec window.

Resolution: A Links tab has been added to the Equipment and Equipment Spec windows. The user will be able to view the Equipment Spec links in the Equipment window. However they will have to go to the Equipment Spec window to perform any edits on these links.


Issue ID: 71198

Internal CR#: 187276

Problem: When the equipment spec contains a set of quotes in the acronym field, the application crashes when trying to view the report for the cross-connected equipment.

Resolution: The equipment cross-connect report will display without error when the equipment spec acronym field contains double quotes.


Issue ID: 77454

Internal CR#: 187953

Problem: The equipment specification usage report is adding more pages each time it prints.

Resolution: The equipment spec usage report will print only what is expected.  Extra pages will no longer be printed.


Issue ID: 75362

Internal CR#: 200618

Problem: Changes to Node Address of installed equipment removes the address of the next lower rate port.

Resolution: Changing the node address on installed equipment will not remove the addresses defined on the enabled ports.  Changing the node address of a port will cause its children to reflect the change, unless the child does not contain the original node address of the parent or it has a hard override.


Issue ID: 75741

Internal CR#: 148698

Problem: If the User Data field is used as search criteria, all equipment appears in the display field regardless of the filter criteria used.

Resolution: Now the Equipment user data columns can be used as search criteria to find equipment and returns the correct results.


Issue ID: 75468

Internal CR#: 170082

Problem: A new order for a circuit or trunk exists and a change or record order is entered for the same circuit before the new order is completed.  If the new order is then sup-cancelled there are no messages telling the user completing the change or record order that the order may not be valid anymore.  Completing the change or record order can also cause the circuit to go to an incorrect Inservice status.

Resolution: Now the message occurs which prevents the new order from being supplement cancelled prior to canceling the change order, since it has the same circuit association. Once the change order is cancelled, the new order is allowed to proceed with the supplement cancel.


Issue ID: 76969

Internal CR#: 182822

Problem: A TCIC 'skip 4' message occurs intermittently in the ISR for trunk group information.

Resolution: In the ISR,  for the trunk group information, when you enter TCIC numbers, the 'skip 4' message did not prompt in some cases. Made few code changes to resolve the issue.


Issue ID: 76214

Internal CR#: 183778

Problem: The customer still has issues after running the CR174999.sql and CR172744.sql scripts.  After deleting the trunks and re-adding them, an error occurs saying the TCICs already exist.  When the user tries changing the ecckt to get around the error, another error stops them saying that a incorrect number of trunks already exist.  

Resolution: This script is a data cleanup for Trunk circuit rows that have been cancelled but still have trunk_circuit rows that have a TCIC assignment. This script will look for all cancelled trunk circuits that have been cancelled that still have a TCIC assignment and it will delete the circuit. The procedure SP_DELETE_CIRCUIT is called so that all the appropriate tables are updated and processed.


Issue ID: 75453

Internal CR#: 189619

Problem: The CLM window is enabled on ISR view-only.

Resolution: In the View-Only ISR the CLM window and Trunk Number Assignment window are disabled.


Issue ID: 76968

Internal CR#: 180232

Problem: When processing a Trunk Change order, a prompt displays that makes it look like trunks are being deleted.

Resolution: In the script there was no checking for the condition for a change order. Now the condition has been applied that resolves this issue.


Issue ID: 71407

Internal CR#: 180435

Problem: When application bar has two rows at the bottom of the screen, the Number of Circuits Requested text is overlapping the bottom row on the list making it impossible to see all of the trunks.

Resolution: When the application bar has two rows at the bottom of the window, the Number of Circuits text will not overlap the bottom row so that you can view all of the trunks.


Issue ID: 77219

Internal CR#: 182888

Problem: When printing TCO from the trunk ordering process, two extra fields appear on the Circuits tab of the Print window.

Resolution: The two extra fields will not appear on the Circuits tab of the Print window.


Issue ID: 76604

Internal CR#: 187400

Problem: The Notes section on the order printout is too big.  If you print the notes, there is too much blank space on the printout.

Resolution: The blank space has been removed from the notes on the printout.


Issue ID: 77330

Internal CR#: 188671

Problem: When previewing an order (Internal Service Request View), the control window button in the upper-right corner of the window does not close the window for individual reports.

Resolution: In the object properties, the 'controlmenu' property was not included. Now the control button property has been included, and the Close Window button will be enabled.


Issue ID: 76862

Internal CR#: 188127

Problem: Continuous Add doesn't work when adding multiple facilities to an ISR.

Resolution: While clicking the OK button in the multiple facilities to an ISR, there is no condition for generating the Facility Designation numbers automatically for CLF format. Now the condition has been included and the Facility Designation number is generating automatically.


Issue ID: 77319

Internal CR#: 185107

Problem: Uncomment the LSRSERVER entry in the gateway.ini file to have the LSRSERVER.ior file created but the file does not get created.

Resolution: Added code needed for the URLNaming service initialization.  The fix for the LSRServer (pre-LSR6) initialization is actually needed in "core" appserver.jar class.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 203424

Problem: An error message is received when running the updateServiceLocation routine is called from the XML-API.  The error message states that an End User Location ID is required.  This error is received despite having an End User Location Id on the input XML.

Resolution: The XQuery that mapped the XML data into a java bean did not map the End User Location Id field correctly.  The transformation was updated to map the End User Location Id field to the correct field in the XQuery before being sent to the API logic.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 203820

Problem: The createOrder request goes into infinite loop when importing an NGN order with Connection information.  The issue arises only when there are validation error messages encountered during the API process.  For example, when the jurisdiction code is set to 0, the validation error message is seen repeatedly in the appserver_log.xml file.

Resolution: The problem arises because of the way the API manages error messages.  The API keeps error messages in two different ErrorHandler instances.  Within the code, there is logic to copy errors from handler A to the handler B.  However, the issue was happening because the XML-API EJB was copying errors from handler B to A.  The resolution was to remove the redundant code in the XML-API EJB to copy errors from one error handler to another.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 204050

Problem: If a connection has logical port assignments on another connection rather than direct port assignments on a piece of equipment, the connection assignment data exposed via the Activation API will not include custom attributes associated with the connection.

Resolution: The Activation API was fixed to include custom attribute data for a connection with logical port assignments.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 205368


Problem: Appserver does not have the ability to accept multiple integration events even though the schema allows it.

Resolution: Modified the appserver logic and UpdateIntegrationEvent workflows to allow multiple instances of integration events to be sent for a single MSS event.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 205727


Problem: Incorrect CA's are displaying when making the activation API call. The logic is checking for In Service issues first before checking for Pending issues on both physical and virtual connections.

Resolution: Fixed logic so that if the document number is entered then it will check the Pending issue first instead of the In Service issue for both physical and virtual connections.


Issue ID: 77521

Internal CR#: 198883

Problem: You should be able to save a Dedicated Plant canvas containing NW Loc with a name more than eight characters.

Resolution: Now you can create a dedicated plant with equipment chosen from a Network Location that has CLLI code more than 11 characters.  After adding the equipment you can go to the "Details" Tab without getting any import error.


Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 185543

Problem: Execute the executeFinishOrder API for any document number  and you get the following error:  

Field: [LMetaSolv.CORBA.WDI.WDIError; = Array (values following)

                        [0]        Field: code = 39990

                        [0]        Field: reason = Miscellaneous Error: Closed Statement: next.

Resolution: The executeFinishOrder API will now execute correctly without throwing the error.


Issue ID: 77764

Internal CR#: 198958

Problem: Customer reports that the Value Labels are not defaulting correctly.

Resolution: Now these values will be defaulted on the products when creating a PSR.


Issue ID: 77909

Internal CR#: 202962

Problem: You are unable to associate international geographic area hierarchy to Network Area.

Resolution: Now the State drop-down will display region information and the City drop-down will display the State information.


Issue ID: 75979

Internal CR#: 171877

Problem: User is receiving a scripting error when adding links to the PSR order, because the file name contains an apostrophe.

Resolution: Code was changed to allow you to add links that have an apostrophe.


Issue ID: 76919

Internal CR#: 180458

Problem: When adding a new location on an ATM/FRAME relay order, the street suffix drop-down displays Z to A, instead of A to Z.

Resolution: The Street suffix values will be displayed in  A to Z order.


Issue ID: 76748

Internal CR#: 183198

Problem: When using the arrow key(s) to move around in PSR valid values, operation is erratic.

Resolution: Code is added so that you can now arrow up and down in PSR valid values


Issue ID: 77109

Internal CR#: 185873

Problem: Users are not able to associate a connection spec to a product specification that was converted as part of the broadband migration.  The product specification is related to a product bundle spec and has been used to build product catalog items.

Resolution: The logic in the Product Specification has been changed. Now the users will be able to associate connection specs created from the Broadband Migration.


Issue ID: 77370

Internal CR#: 190386

Problem: The DD task is failing in the background processor with an E911 extract error.  Nothing has changed on the customer account.

Resolution: A section of code was not comparing SVC values correctly.  This caused the customer account changed message even though the data had not changed.  The code was changed so that the values being compared are compared correctly.  Another issue occurred in the due date logic.  The due date code was calling the e911 processing code when the e911 task had already been completed.  The best practice for e911 smart tasks is to place them after the due date task to prevent data issues, but there are rare instances where the e911 smart task is placed before due date.  The due date code should not be calling e911 processor code when the e911 smart task is completed.


Issue ID: 76981

Internal CR#: 185080

Problem: PSR MPO:  The customer is able to complete the DD task of subsequent change orders before the new order.

Resolution: The MPO validation will be executed when trying to complete the Due Date Task.


Issue ID: 76262

Internal CR#: 177209

Problem: In the Connection Design window, on the Customer Information tab, the Contact Name and Contact Number does not display.

Resolution: In Connection Design window the Contact name and number information will be displayed.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 77874

Internal CR#: 199000

Problem: The user receives a runtime error, and the application crashes when you try to assign a provisioning plan to a PSR.

Resolution: The SQL parser on the client was not processing extended ASCII characters, which caused the error. The SQL parser has been modified to accept extended ASCII characters.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 182886

Problem: There is currently no way to see which MSS end user is currently accessing the database on an APP_MSLV connection due to the connection pools used by the application server.

Resolution: Added ability to modify V$Session view with a client identifier (userid) as each user logs in.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 74937

Internal CR#: 190004

Problem: JMaster.exe freezes on * A database error has occurred: Error * no SQLCA defined

Resolution: The root cause is a series of socket exceptions on the application server when the Background Processor is polling for information with the result being that an empty xml package arrives back at the client. At that point the client tries to process the results and finds it empty and issues a message with an Ok button. If the button isn't pressed the Background Processor just gets locked up. This fix will suppress the error message and the Background Processor should be able to proceed normally.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 73614

Internal CR#: 184192

Problem: The application cannot be started as a Windows service.  BEA provides a script to start up the server as a windows service. However, this script does include startup parameters, nor does it start the ORB.  Hence, the application will not start properly.

Resolution: After running the installer, Windows customers must create a service for the WebLogic server as well as jBroker. Two scripts are provided to enable creating and deleting the WebLogic service. The procedure is documented in the Setup Guide (M6.0.5+).

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 76720

Internal CR#: 178354

Problem: Installation of a 6.0.4 cluster causes an error message while trying to copy the WebLogic Config source files.

Resolution: During the installation process, if encounter permission or disk space issue, the install will pop up an error message and then a Cancel dialog box. The cancel dialog will ask if the user wants to exit the installation or not. The user should exit the installation, correct the permission or space problem, and then restart the installer.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 76726

Internal CR#: 179009

Problem: M6.0 cluster: Scripts to start the Admin server are not included in the installation.

Resolution: Scripts were added to start admin and proxy servers. Scripts are provided as a model and must be modified for customer's environment. Scripts are added to domain directory: startAdminServer, startAdminServer_wli, startProxyServer.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 77605

Internal CR#: 188216

Problem: The Upgrade option in the application server installation does not copy over the procs or prodfixsql files

Resolution: The application server Iinstaller will no longer add procs and prodfixsql folders. Only the DBINSTALLER will do that.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: 199503

Problem: There is no Jbroker Corba implementation for the AIX platform and this was causing several Jbroker related error messages to appear in the log files when the application was started up on an AIX platform.

Resolution: Changes were implemented to bypass Corba related code if the server platform is AIX.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 74937

Internal CR#: 190004

Problem: JMaster.exe freezes on the * A database error has occurred: Error * no SQLCA defined.

Resolution: The root cause is a series of socket exceptions on the application server when the Background Processor is polling for information with the result being that an empty xml package arrives back at the client. At that point, the client tries to process the results and finds it empty and issues a message with an OK button. If the button isn't pressed the Background Processor just gets locked up. This fix will suppress the error message and the Background Processor should be able to proceed normally.


Issue ID: 76879

Internal CR#: 205594

Problem: Business Unit user data column is displaying in numeric format on trouble tickets.

Resolution: The display value is now shown instead of the numeric key.

User Setup

Issue ID: 74413

Internal CR#: 137516

Problem: Attempts to customize the navigation bar in 6.0.x render the application non-functional.  The left side menu goes completely blank.

Resolution: The code was modified to take the data stored in the database for the custom navbar and do an intermediate conversion to a character array before doing the transform, which renders the xml based on the xsl file being used.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76907

Internal CR#: 182573

Problem: The timeout preference does not work.  In previous releases, the application was closed after the timeout period was passed and there was no activity by the user.  The user is logged in indefinitely in 6.0.4.

Resolution: The timeout preference was removed.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76907

Internal CR#: 184485

Problem: The timeout preference does not work.  In previous releases, the application was closed after the timeout period was passed and there was no activity by the user.  The user is logged in indefinitely in 6.0.4.

Resolution: The timeout preference was removed.

User Setup

Issue ID: 77185

Internal CR#: 190535

Problem: You cannot secure the delete functionality without making the window read only first.

Resolution: we can see if the "w_ngn_network_design" window is read-only then the delete option is made invisible in the code.  This is done to support the read-only functionality, because if a screen is read-only then we should not allow modify/deletion activity in it.   Hence this behavior is not from the user security permissions.  No matter if the user security permission set or not, the above code will make the "Delete" popup menu item invisible if the network system is in read-only mode.  

Basically the customer is trying to secure a Popup Menu in the Network Systems, but they are assigning permissions for the standard "View --> delete" menu on the top of the window.  The above process makes the customer think that the security is behaving improperly.  But the user security permission is working as designed.

To secure a Popup Menu, we have to assign permissions for the respective popup menu in "Popup Menus" section of the "Assign Permissions' security screen.  To do this we have to insert the details of the popup menu into the "Security_template" tables.  This should be supported through a prodfix sql.   

The above has been introduced by inserting rows in "ASAP.SECURITY_TEMPLATE" for the popup menu items.   Now the customer can secure these popup menu items in network systems. There are no Client-side (PB) code changes involved in this resolution.  

How to secure the popup menu options in security?

1.  Open the Notes window  
2.  Click F2, Assign Permissions window will be displayed.  
3.  Select the appropriate User/Group for which the menu options should be secured.  
4.  Expand the Popup Menus branch in the left side of the window and select the notes window "w_ngn_network_design.m_netdes_dockpanel_popup.m_list".  
5.  After selecting the Notes window, the menu options will be shown in the right side of the Assign Permissions window.  
6.  Set permission as needed for the respective menu options.  
7.  Close the Assign Permissions window.  
8.  Now open the Notes window again after restarting the application to see the Notes window with menus secured.

Note: Changes do not appear to the user until the user's next log-on to the application.

User Setup

Issue ID: 75150

Internal CR#: 054898

Problem: In the Security Users and Groups window, menus do not function as expected.

Resolution: When right-clicked on the left hand pane, New -> User or Group option will display.

User Setup

Issue ID: 71701

Internal CR#: 180469

Problem: Although permissions are set to disable the User button on the new reservations window, when the user button is selected, the user's User ID is defaulted and the user can then make reservations under the user's name.

Resolution: Condition has been included to set the user ID if the column is not protected.

User Setup

Issue ID: 76127

Internal CR#: 172436

Problem: Application Set Up/Security:

User with READ ONLY permissions can still add and delete Network Element Types.

Resolution: The user will not be able to add and delete Network Element Types when the permission is READ ONLY. To prevent adding and updating Network Element Types the networkElementType.jsp page should be set to Read Only. To prevent deleting the Network Element Types, the searchNetworkElementTypes.jsp page should be secured. Code changes were made to the application server and a sql script has been written to provide base data for implementing security


Issue ID: 45066

Internal CR#: 182773

Problem: After you enter a USO MSL order, access the work queue and choose Service Request Detail, the application crashes with you click the Multipoint button and try to open the locations.

Resolution: The application will not crash when you click the Multipoint button from Service Request Detail and try to open the locations.


Issue ID: 76054

Internal CR#: 170961

Problem: You are unable to delete a partially entered USO.

Resolution: You can delete a partially entered USO.


Issue ID: 41014

Internal CR#: 182753

Problem: USO Service Request Search Results window does not have a Circuits Tab.

Resolution: Now the Circuits Tab will be available for USO Service Request Search Results.


Issue ID: 41331

Internal CR#: 182842

Problem: When you enter a USO Multipoint order, the NSL fields determines how many MSL forms you will enter.  If you increase the number in the NSL field, the application does not enable the New button at the Multipoint View.

Resolution: Now the New button at the Multipoint view is enabled/disabled as needed.


Issue ID: 71413

Internal CR#: 182872

Problem: Issue with USO MSL order - SECLOC information on Loop Assignment and Makeup.

Resolution: There is no provision to show the SECLOC MSL information while doing a loop assignment makeup for a MSL USO order. And the SECLOC radio button is also in disabled state, so you can't see the SECLOC information. Added a provision to show the SECLOC information for MSL USO order as well. Created 2 new dataobjects to print the SECLOC MSL information for USO orders.


Issue ID: 76080

Internal CR#: 184555

Problem: When entering a USO MSL, the saved MSL form doesn't appear at the Multipoint view.

Resolution: The saved MSL form will appear at the Multipoint view.


Issue ID: 77505

Internal CR#: 187060

Problem: When you add a large City name in GEO Areas that is longer than 25 letters, it causes the City list in USO Location window to be cut off at that city.

Resolution: The code has been changed to only display the first 25 letters of the city in the City drop-down in the USO Location Maintenance window.  The drop-down list will now show all cities that are set up for a particular state, truncating any city names that are longer than 25 letters down to 25.


Issue ID: 77095

Internal CR#: 187233

Problem: User receives a Stored Procedure Error on a USO New From order.

Resolution: For copying the order through NEWFROM option, if the PRILOC and SECLOC are CLLIs, the saald_location_type table will have two records. But in the procedure, only the record type is used to copy the record from saald_location_type to itself, not a cursor. So the record type cannot support more than one record. Because of that, you received an error message when copying the USO order. Change was made to that cursor to get more than one record.


Issue ID: 77516

Internal CR#: 187424

Problem: Circuit Identification MSL form rows are partially hidden.

Resolution: Now the static text does not hide the MSL information.


Issue ID: 77464

Internal CR#: 185916

Problem: PRILOC CLLI information is not on multiple Circuits at Billing Navigator for USO.

Resolution: Now the PRILOC CLLI information will be populated on multiple circuits at Billing Navigator for USO.


Issue ID: 77259

Internal CR#: 184174

Problem: The purge job schedule to run in the background processor hangs up at 30 percent and never finishes.

Resolution: The application is trying to delete the file system and related tables. After reaching 30 percent of deleting the purge job, then it is trying to delete the files. When the files is not having permission to delete, then it will hang to 30 percent. Some code changes have been made to resolve the issue.


Issue ID: 77645

Internal CR#: 189372

Problem: Background processor jobs are stuck in 'NEW' status and are not being picked up for execution.

Resolution: Jobs now go to 'REA' status and will be picked up by the background processor.

Work Management

Issue ID: 77451

Internal CR#: 186443

Problem: Display at Service Request Detail for ASR Special or End User Special with PRILOC or SECLOC of CLLI, cuts off the display.

Resolution: Now the display on the Service Request Detail for ASR Special or End User Special with PRILOC or SECLOC of CLLI does not cut off the display.

Work Management

Issue ID: 77402

Internal CR#: 186507

Problem: When you select a PSR with a premise product, with an end user location, the rule doesn't work. Apply the same rule with the same provisioning plan to a non premise product and it works (the rule condition occurs in the two cases).There may be an error in the sql query for the rules and behaviors: ASAP.SRSI_SR_LOC.SERV_LOC_USE IN ('PRILOC','SECLOC') OR ASAP.SRSI_SR_LOC.SERV_LOC_USE IS NULL . In the PSR premise product, the value is ASAP.SRSI_SR_LOC.SERV_LOC_USE= PREMISE

Resolution: Now, Rules and Behaviors is working for the PSR that has an end user location (type PREMISE). The SQL query has been modified to include PREMISE.

Work Management

Issue ID: 75585

Internal CR#: 148427

Problem: Rules and Behaviors are not working properly with a pre-order provisioning plan.

Resolution: Condition has been included for a single provisioning plan for the organization.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76936

Internal CR#: 185981

Problem: User works in Work Management and the application becomes unresponsive, the Oracle connections grow and do not shrink and locks are held on the Oracle database.

Resolution: When user works with work management, after copying service request notes to customers, the Oracle lock will be released.

Work Management

Issue ID: 77346

Internal CR#: 188352

Problem: On the DD task, a Why Miss code appears when customer manipulates the dates on the calendar even though the completion date is within the grace period.  The flag indicator is set to Y for the grace period.

Resolution: Condition included to check the hours also for displaying Why Miss code.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76921

Internal CR#: 200576

Problem: The Net DSGN task is not being inserted into the provisioning plan even though rules and behaviors have been created for inserting of this task.

Resolution: The Net DSGN task is now being inserted into the provision plan as defined in the Rules and Behaviors.

Work Management

Issue ID: 202227

Internal CR#: 206296

Problem: Ticket Template display Business Unit in numeric format.

Resolution: In Trouble ticket search criteria, for some tickets, in the log views tab page, the data Business unit displays with a number. While analyzing, there is no code for updating the display value instead of number, when you edit the ticket. Few code changes have been made to update this issue.

Work Management

Issue ID: 76674

Internal CR#: 177495

Problem: User is trying to make CID and CAD tasks Required (after they were made not required), but the application prevents it after DD

Resolution: New changes made such that if the order is in 'DD complete' and the task is not a predecessor of the DD task, allow it to be opened.

Work Management

Issue ID: 72450

Internal CR#: 180479

Problem: A database error occurs when you try to apply a jeopardy code to a newly inserted task after the existing tasks already have a jeopardy code applied and deleted.

Resolution: Condition included for a newly inserted task to enter the jeopardy.

Work Management

Issue ID: 77081

Internal CR#: 181607

Problem: User is unable to backdate a DD task when the task is due on Friday and completed on Monday.  The Grace Day of 1 is not working.

Resolution: Condition included to check the weekend/holidays.

Work Management

Issue ID: 71348

Internal CR#: 182705

Problem: Filter in work queue search criteria screen works, but the "status display" of what you are viewing is incorrect.

Resolution: Condition was modified to display the Criteria status.

Work Management

Issue ID: 71349

Internal CR#: 182711

Problem: The task late indicator and the status column show duplicate information in the task completion window.  For example, if a task is late so the little red dot displays and it is also new to the queue so "new" shows up, when the user goes to complete it, 2 red dots and 2 sets of the word "new" display in the window.

Resolution: Duplicate information regarding status and late task is disabled.

Work Management

Issue ID: 69347

Internal CR#: 186077

Problem: Why Miss code disabled even if you don't backdate a grace task.

Resolution: Condition included to work as expected.

Work Management

Issue ID: 77519

Internal CR#: 189441

Problem: Making the LAM task not required and then supp canceling causes the LAM to be reopened.

Resolution: Condition is included not to reopen the task when required status is set to N.

MSS 6.0.7


Fixed Issue



Issue ID: 207633

Internal CR#: 208971

Problem: Application throws java exceptions (MetaSolv.persistent.jdbc.
JDSCException) when the Rule Name field exceeds the 50 character length in Rules and Behavior window.

Now Java exceptions should not be displayed when it exceeds the 50 character length in Rule Name field in Rules and Behavior window.


Issue ID: 202464

Internal CR#: 187582

Problem: When you use Adobe Read 7.0 on the client machine, the MSS application crashes when you attempt to print (print preview) an ASR order, either from the Service Request Search window or while editing the ASR order.  The PDF file displays momentarily, but then the user receives a message box and the application crashes.

The code has been fixed so that the application no longer crashes when you use  Adobe Reader 7.0 when printing (print previewing) ASR orders, as long as the ASR31.1 or a higher service pack is installed.  The problem still exists, even with this fix, if you are running ASR30 or with a service pack of ASR31 prior to ASR31.1.
In addition, this fix corrected a crash problem while previewing LSR orders on Adobe Reader 7.0.


Issue ID: 201290

Internal CR#: 185513

Problem: CABS Billing menu option not available for all USO and ASR orders (even if DD complete) from the service request search.

For non-trunking orders, the CABS Billing menu option will be enabled if circuits are attached to the order.  For trunking orders with circuits, it will be enabled when the DLRD task is completed.  For any orders without circuits, the DD task must be complete.  For all ASR and USO orders, the billing indicator must be set to either 'A' or 'B', in order for the menu option to be enabled.


Issue ID: 202501

Internal CR#: 187255

Problem: You get error 36 when you try to use Shared View.

After an investigation of the upgrade views code, the version was changed in a database table whose view caused a problem in the service request search screen. This has been corrected. The upgrade views code that executes when you select a view that has been version changed. The syntax of the data object is now getting updated properly, and the version is also getting updated.


Issue ID: 206355

Internal CR#: 206586

Problem: CR34221.sql fails when attempting to delete a circuit with flow-through provisioning information attached to it.

Resolution: The stored procedure that deletes circuits was modified to delete the flow-through provisioning data associated with the circuit. This will allow the deletion of a circuit to complete successfully without an Oracle error. A script was created that identifies and deletes circuits that encountered this error.


Issue ID: 207254

Internal CR#: 207378

Problem: In the upgrade to, the DBA found an error when running the pfixSQL_Master.sql.
11:16:29 tsdbld01@mtsv_06>@@cr140522.sql SP2-0310: unable to open file "tbsu/prodfixsql/cr140522.sql"
11:16:29 tsdbld01@mtsv_06>@@CR38943.sql
The correct file name is CR140522.sql. This is another occurrence of the same CASE problem we have had in the past.

This file name has been changed and now CR140522.sql file can be opened.


Issue ID: 202519

Internal CR#: 187235

Problem: When a hard connection is added (for which the Process Allocation Thresholds is set to NO in custom attributes), the Allocation Threshold Validation Error is displayed with the threshold error messages for the previous connections (part of PVC for which Process Allocation Threshold is set to YES ).

Now when a hard connection is added, only that circuit added will be edited for the Allocation Threshold Validation. The previous connections are not be edited.  If the user has set the Process Allocation Threshold to NO for the added Hard connection, no message appears.  If the Process Allocation Threshold is set to Yes, a validation error message appears only for the newly added connection.  When the user selects Save from the Design menu, all the connections are edited, and all the circuits that fail the validation appear in the Allocation Threshold Validation Error window.


Issue ID: 207063

Internal CR#: 229165

Problem: Template-based products on orders are not showing the product name in the category column for the circuit type at the Service Request Connections window.  This occurs when you double-click the CKTID task. This information readily shows for non-template based products.

This problem has a partial fix. For new connections of template-based products, the problem has been corrected. When you double-click the CKT ID task, the Category field displays the product name. 
However, when you modify an existing template-based product connection using the copy-branch-to-order functionality, the software displays the product type (for example,  PVC or Bandwidth) in the Category field.
This fix was also tested for non-template-based product connections. In both scenarios, creating a new connection or modifying an existing connection, the Category field displays the product name.


Issue ID: 202218

Internal CR#: 182714

Problem: When you try to autobuild facilities in the Optical module, where multiple facilities are under one relationship, the autobuild tool is not picking up all the connections that are available.

Autobuild previously loaded available connections for only one connection specification. Now, if a user indicates more than one connection specification, it loads connections for all.


Issue ID: 202146

Internal CR#: 183630

Problem: Incorrect naming in the GLR. When a connection is being built, the circuit clearly shows the switches to be BB1 and BB2, but the names of the switches both end in BB1.  Although the problem corrects itself later, the individual that provisions, gets confused.

The GLR now correctly shows the CLLI Code (Component Network Location) of the switch in cases where the Component Name is the same for each component added to the graphic canvas.


Issue ID: 201182

Internal CR#: 186423

Problem: Incorrect NCI coming from Broadband ASR to Circuit Design.

Incorrect NCI is no longer forwarded from Broadband ASR to Circuit Design.


Issue ID: 201733

Internal CR#: 147215

Problem: When doing a group disconnect on a large number of trunks, the application takes longer than expected to disconnect the trunks.

The time required to perform a group disconnect has been reduced by approximately 10 percent. Note: Performance can also be affected by network and other user environment factors.


Issue ID: 201557

Internal CR#: 169956

Problem: When there are dependencies on a circuit and you cancel it, processing on the cascading reconcile may kick off. For example, If you create an order for a T3 in which the only task on the order is a DD task with a double-click action of RID, you can work the order by assigning the T3 to a piece of equipment without completing the RID. Create another order to assign three T1s to the T3 but leave them pending and do not complete the RID task. Supp the T3 order to cancel. Go into the DD task and Cancel/Change the T3 line. You will receive a notice that there are underlying facilities riding the T3. The circuit cancellation appears to continue and Cascading Reconcile is triggered. At this point there is an error and the T3 order is put in order status.

Resolution: When a problem status is incurred during circuit cancellation, processing will continue with the other circuits, but reconcile will not be triggered.  All circuits must be successfully processed before circuit reconciliation, if necessary, will occur.


Issue ID: 202229

Internal CR#: 180643

Problem: The association of a network element to a physical connection during the design process is taking 30+ sec to return the requested name. The same performance is received when either 'Begins With' or 'Contains' is used as the set criteria.

Queries were combined to reduce server roundtrips and improve performance.


Issue ID: 202818

Internal CR#: 190016

Problem: In Connection Design, you are unable to reconcile  the DLR.  Error Number 3 is received.  Error text = Array boundary exceeded.

The logic responsible for adding the equipment information to the DLR was re-using an index variable instead of using a new variable. This led to an array index out-of-bounds exception for certain equipment configurations. A new variable is now used where appropriate. After a DLR is added, the "Add to Design" is disabled.


Issue ID: 207393

Internal CR#: 208890

Problem: A slow response was noted when a customer added 28 T1s to the group assign window.  The T1s were already assigned to a T3 equipped with DS3 to 28 enabled DS1 ports. Each DS1 is equipped to 24 DS0 ports.

The time required to add facilities to the group assign window has been substantially improved.


Issue ID: 201673

Internal CR#: 208890

Problem: A slow response was noted when a customer added 28 T1s to the group assign window.  The T1s were already assigned to a T3 equipped with DS3 to 28 enabled DS1 ports. Each DS1 is equipped to 24 DS0 ports.

The time required to add facilities to the group assign window has been substantially improved.


Issue ID: 205624

Internal CR#: 209063

Problem: Extra design issues are being created when you group design a change order with disconnected assignments.

A minor code change to a function signature was needed to make this work correctly. A variable needed to be passed by reference instead of by value. The extra design issues will no longer be created. Only one issue will be created for each group designed circuit on the change order as expected.


Issue ID: 201334

Internal CR#: 174097

Problem: In previous versions, the circuit design options available to you (for example, Reconcile, Position Mapping, Separation Routes, and so on) were visible no matter which tab you selected.  In 6.0, you have to know which view to choose to see the options available.
The Options menu in 6.0 is still missing several options including Reconcile and Position Mapping.  The Mapping window should be available even if the equipment is not mapped.  This allows the user to research why the riding circuits don't show the equipment.

The  following selections were added to the Options Menu so that they can be available from any tab: Connection Positions, Cross References, Ownership of Inventory, and Service Request Detail.
Cross References and Ownership of Inventory always display.  Service Request Detail displays for ordered circuits, and  Connection Positions displays for channelized specials and facilities.
Reconcile was not added to the Options menu.  For performance reasons and because of the addition of the schematic design,  a reconcile must be done on either the CLR Design or the Schematic Design windows.


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 174890

Problem: Customer would like the system preference, Grooming Preference Maximum Number to Process in the Foreground, to be changed to a user preference.

The Grooming Preference Maximum Number to Process in the Foreground has been changed to a user preference.


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 204874

Problem: End user location information entered through a USO is not pulled over onto the Locations tab in Circuit Design.

Resolution: End user location information entered through a USO is now displayed on the Locations tab in Circuit Design .


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 207930

Problem: The Grooming Preference "Maximum Number to Process in the Foreground" is a SYSTEM preference, but the online Help states that it is a USER preference.
Resolution: Online Help was changed to say USER preference.


Issue ID: 204033

Internal CR#: 205619

Problem: When you use both the CLLI and the TGN to query on Connection Design, the wrong results are returned.  It appears that the system is honoring the CLLI and ignoring the TGN.

Resolution: The expected results are now returned when querying Connection Design using both the CLLI and TGN.


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 231381

Problem: First, the user could not select assignable connection specs or add connection specs to a template relationship when using the space bar to select the treeview checkboxes.
Second, the user could not delete a component from a template due to database constraint errors. The reason was that the component made up part of a prioritized path.

Resolution: Code changes now make the space bar trigger the same actions as the mouse button to select the treeview check boxes. The user can use the space bar to select assignable connection specs or to associate connection specs to a template relationship.
Validation was added to prevent deletion of component relationships until all prioritized paths that use the relationship are deleted. The validation lists the path name, the owning relationship, and the owning template of the path. Once these paths are deleted, the relationship can be deleted also. Once the relationships are deleted, the component can be deleted without error.


Issue ID: 201857

Internal CR#: 148220

Problem: When you  create Circuit User Data  with a data type of DROPDOWN and view the user data on the connection design, the column displays as a numeric value instead of the appropriate display value you created. It should display the value selected as the default  when you created the data type DROPDOWN.

Resolution: The column now shows the display value and not a numeric value. The sequence required to populate the dropdown was changed so the display value syncs with the data value.


Issue ID: 202199

Internal CR#: 182710

Problem: Designer information appears to be overwritten by a user with read-only privileges.

Resolution: Now the EC DSCON information should not be over written when the user views the circuit from a task.


Issue ID: 202607

Internal CR#: 189678

Problem: When you create multiple CLF facility connections with different service types through an EWO, the service type codes used in the latest facility connection appears in the previously created connections.

Resolution: The service type codes of CLF connections in EWOs are no longer updated to the service type code of the last connection created.


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 205746

Problem: You are unable to create a bandwidth connection on an engineering work order in a CLF format that will allow locations greater than 11 characters.

Resolution: You can now create a bandwidth connection on an engineering work order in a CLF format that will allow locations greater than 11 characters.


Issue ID: 201402

Internal CR#: 187091

Problem: On the Connection Position Search window the "Facilities Must Have" entry fields should be blank if you enter from Copy Design. Currently, the fields have default values assigned that are confusing and cause error messages to appear.

Resolution: If the Connection Position Search window is opened from Copy Design, the two "Facilities Must Have" fields are set to null.


Issue ID: 202709

Internal CR#: 204139

Problem: Within the print preview of the connection design, the telephone number format is not consistent with user interface display and the actual printout.

The telephone number format for the print preview is now consistent with the telephone format for the user interface display and the actual printout.


Issue ID: 203026

Internal CR#: 204228

Problem: When set to Yes, the Show Available Positions preference does not allow you to see the available positions. The preference is located in the Preferences window in the following location: Preferences>Inventory Management>Connection Hierarchy>Show Available Positions.

The logic that was called by enabling this functionality was not building the SQL correctly. This has been addressed, and the results now show the available positions when applicable.


Issue ID: 202802

Internal CR#: 206058

Problem: You cannot group assign to pending disconnect channels.

This problem was corrected. You can now group assign to pending disconnect channels.


Issue ID: 201283

Internal CR#: 187286

Problem: The Line Code, Framing, and Framing ANSI Indicator fields are blank when viewed on the CLR preview.

The information for all three fields now displays on the CLR preview.


Issue ID: 200926

Internal CR#: 188264

Problem: Requested Date, Desired Due Date and DD date are skewed on several screens and reports compared to the original ISR trunk order. 

Due Date displays one day more in the  Additional Details Admin tab of the Connection Design screen. 

In the CLR and DLR reports/preview the DD displays showing one day more.
The TCO report/preview displays the Desired Due Date as one day less.

Requested Date shows all zeroes, even though the Date/Time received column is populated on the ISR Administration tab.  

Resolution: Requested Date, Desired Due Date and DD date display the correct date when compared to the original ISR trunk order. 

Due Date displays correctly in the  Additional Details Admin tab of the Connection Design screen.  

On CLR and DLR reports/preview, the DD displays correctly. 

The TCO report/preview displays the Desired Due Date correctly.

Requested Date displays correctly what is in the Date/Time received column of the ISR Administration tab.


Issue ID: 202705

Internal CR#: 193134

Problem: When you try to use a TGN for a trunk group where one of the CLLIs matches another trunk group, the application prevents you from using the TGN.

The application now allows you to use the same TGN. The problem was due to the window referring to the A location when performing the validation.


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 204594

Problem: You are unable to select an end user location for OTS or CLS type circuits when creating  an EWO.

New functionality was added to the Connection Identification window to allow you to select an end user location as a terminating point for new connections that are not in CLF or CLM format.
A new field and "search" picture button have been added below the Network Location fields to display the location name when an End User Location is selected. This is the same functionality currently available in the Equipment Inventory Search window.
This functionality is available when creating new connections with or without an order. Because a user may now select an end user location as a termination point of a connection, the Connection Design Query Results window has been slightly modified. The A and Z network locations (now titled Originating and Terminating Locations, respectively) now display the location name when a CLLI code is not available. 
To query for a connection by end user location, select "End User Location" from the right-click menu in both Connection Design Search and Connection Hierarchy.


Issue ID: 201820

Internal CR#: 148391

Problem: It takes over 3 minutes to sequentially number 2016 TCIC's.  In 5.2.12, this scenario takes about 8 seconds.

Two possibilities exist when sequentially numbering TCICs:  
One, one or more TCICs already exist for the point code combination.  This requires more processing time because unique TCICs must be used.  The time required to sequentially assign TCICs for this scenario has been reduced by approximately 75 percent.  
Two, no TCICs exist for the point code combination.  This scenario typically takes substantially less time than scenario one to process.


Issue ID: 202222

Internal CR#: 179416

Problem: Comments added to the TCO Summary do not appear on the Printout/Preview.
Comments added to the TCO Summary now appear in the Printout/Preview.


Issue ID: 202719

Internal CR#: 203104

Problem: Remarks from ASR orders are displayed upon Group Disconnect; however, this does not happen when a trunk group disconnect is initiated from an ISR order.

This has been corrected. Remarks from an ISR Disconnect Trunk order now come forward to the Design when you use Group Disconnect.

Engineering Issue ID: 232415

Internal CR#: 234265

Problem: The user cannot remove a 'hairpin' connection from the GLR.

Resolution: The remove option now shows up when there is more than one connection between the same two endpoints. (The same rules of behavior still apply though. You can't remove the connection if it has been allocated, if the design is completed from end to end, or if both of the connection's endpoints have other connections to them.)

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: 206767

Internal CR#: 231784

Problem: The application crashes when the Create EWO menu option is selected from the Groom Query window.

Resolution: Logic on the Groom EWO window was being triggered by the empty calendar control on the window that caused the error. This logic is not needed for the calendar,  and it  is no longer executed. 
The Groom EWO window now appears in the center of the user's screen. Prior to this fix, it appeared in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: 208896

Internal CR#: 209047

Problem: EWO does not have a way to search for undesigned circuits. If you create a circuit in EWO without completing  a design and then search for the circuit (using the circuit ID), there is no way to tie the circuit back to an order in the software.

Resolution: The Circuit Details window opened from Connection Hierarchy was modified to display the order number and order type.


Issue ID: 206473

Internal CR#: 230370

Problem: Some virtual port information does not display on the Equipment window.

Resolution: This has been corrected. The parent node address was added to the virtual port's node address. This is as how the physical node address works when dynamically autobuilding virtual port addresses. 
As long as the equipment specification for the shelf has the appropriate group and slot node address for the mounting positions, the software applies the parent configuration to the virtual port node address correctly.


Issue ID: 202385

Internal CR#: 187467

Problem: The application allows you to associate the same piece of equipment to two different SONET nodes.

Resolution: The application no longer allows you to associate the same piece of equipment to two separate SONET nodes.


Issue ID: 201896

Internal CR#: 170977

Problem: Moving equipment to a new structure item in a network location, the user received error messages as designs were being reconciled and was kicked out of the application.  When the user got back into the application, the equipment was under the structure item.  User was dissatisfied that equipment not sorted by equipment name. The equipment appears to be sorted in the order it was moved under the structure item.

Resolution: Logic was added to sort the equipment by name under structure items. The logic that was causing the application to crash has already been fixed in 6.0.4+ by CR 182859.


Issue ID: 202826

Internal CR#: 190501

Problem: When you add enabled ports to an equipment spec with installed equipment, a database error occurs when you save.  This error occurs only when the installed equipment has node addresses that are close to 30 characters in length.

Resolution: If you save an equipment spec after enabled port addresses have been added, processing occurs without error as long as the new node address length of the installed equipment is less than 30 characters.  An informational message is displayed if any of the node addresses surpass this threshold.


Issue ID: 202675

Internal CR#: 207075

Problem: When a shelf is cross-connected through port address placeholders,  MetaSolv Solution 6.x lets you delete the shelf but does not remove the x.

Resolution: The function that monitors port addresses only checked whether port addresses were cross connected. A check for placeholders has been added. When placeholders are cross connected, equipment cannot be uninstalled or deleted.


Issue ID: 208558

Internal CR#: 229385


Problem: The file cr00172794.sql is listed incorrectly in the pfixSQL_Master.sql file as cr00172974.sql.

Resolution: The pfixSQL_Master.sql file has been updated with the correct prodfix sql file name (CR00172794.sql).


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 229374

Problem: DispCache startup class caused perform problems when starting the XML API application server.

Resolution: The DispCache startup class has been removed for any configured application servers. To verify its removal, log on to the BEA management console. Go to domain_name>Deployments>Startup & Shutdown. You should not see DispCache Startup Class in the list of startup classes.


Issue ID: 201963

Internal CR#: 172923

Problem: No multipoint service leg information is available on the service request detail for an ISR multipoint order.

Resolution: A multipoint button now appears on the Service Request Detail screen. The button allows you to view all legs of a multipoint circuit.  When you click the button, the detail appears.


Issue ID: 201947

Internal CR#: 180506

Problem: When using the New From option for an ISR, the Desired Due Date is not being set the same as the date you entered at the New From window.  It is set to one day previous.  The date on the task window is correct, but the date on the administration tab is not right.

Resolution: When you use the New From option on an ISR, the Desired Due Date is set correctly.


Issue ID: 207380

Internal CR#: 207605

Problem: Message  " Would you like to skip TCICs ending with 97,98,99,00? " appeared at incorrect time.

Resolution: New code changes have been implemented for the Skip message to correct this problem. For the TCIC number skip, the Skip message was not popping up. The code has been revamped and generalized code implemented for TCICs ending with 97, 98, 99, 00.


Issue ID: 205087

Internal CR#: 205612

Problem: You are unable to use the NEW FROM feature on resale orders.

Resolution: NEW FROM option is now enabled for LSR resale orders.


Issue ID: 202500

Internal CR#: 189731

Problem: If you create an ISR and leave the Access Tel Number field blank, when you generate and open the ILAM, the  Exchange fields contain the word TEXT. 

Resolution: The ILAM Exchange field is now blank when the order Access Tel Number is blank on an ISR order.


Issue ID: 202668

Internal CR#: 205573

Problem: Application does not support the User Quantity field in the Product Specifications for template-based products to control the number of connections to be ordered.

Resolution: Application now supports the User Quantity field in the Product Specifications for template- based products to control the number of connections to be ordered.


Issue ID: 202712

Internal CR#: 206675

Problem: You cannot finish order to restore suspended service with required PSR user data fields.

Resolution: You are now able to finish the restore suspended order and to enter the mandatory user data fields.


Issue ID: 204778

Internal CR#: 229190

Problem: When attempting to complete a DD task in PSR, a customer receives a database error. The task completes, but the customer is not sure why the error appears.  This happens sporadically, not every time a DD task completes.

This error stemmed from an invalid retrieve statement in the code. The problem has been fixed, and the DD task now completes without a DB error.


Issue ID: 207569

Internal CR#: 230261

Problem: The network migration converts any product that contains a BWCKT, VIRTCKT or INTRNTCKT.  Because INTRNTCKTs are optional to be converted to NGN, this leads to some products getting created as Product Bundle, without having any CONNECTOR children with migrated circuits.  Because there are no circuits, the CONNECTOR items do not have any connection specs associated and the product is not available in PSR.
Resolution: Now, the conversion will check to see any of the INTRNTCKT children are marked for the circuit conversion.  If a circuit is marked for conversion, the product will be converted.  If the product does not have any children marked for conversion, then the product is left as-is (CKTPROD-INTRNTCKT).


Issue ID: 204061

Internal CR#: 208645

Problem: An error appeared while a user was selecting a disconnect reason for disconnecting a circuit.

Now the disconnect reason can be selected without any error appearing.


Issue ID: 202540

Internal CR#: 190249

Problem: You are unable to create a Supplement Reason Code in valid values.  The "Reason the order was supplemented" category is not available from the Category dropdown field on the Valid Values Maintenance window.

Resolution: The Valid Value "Reason the order was supplemented" is now available in the Category dropdown.


Issue ID: 202816

Internal CR#: 190338

Problem: When you search Customer Accounts using the Customer Accounts Search window,  selecting the reset button causes the application to crash. 

When you search Customer Accounts using the Customer Accounts Search window,  the reset button functions correctly.  The problem was occurring when there were more columns defined for address information than columns defined for customer information. The code was not resetting the array used for dynamic data windows.


Issue ID: 203819

Internal CR#: 204591

Problem: When you attempt to recall a disconnected telephone number, you receive an  Error 65, and the application shuts down.

New code was added to the TN inventory result window. You can now do the recall function for a disconnected telephone number without receiving an error.


Issue ID: 202429

Internal CR#: 204970

Problem: When attempting to suspend a customer account with in-service NGN services (Product Bundles, Connection, Network Systems, and so on), the following error message is generated when the Suspend order activity on the PSR order is selected:   " Accounts Containing Network Systems of Stand Alone Connections cannot be suspended for this release."

Resolution: Customer accounts with NGN connections can now be suspended through a PSR.  In addition the user can choose to suspend specific NGN connections on a PSR without suspending the entire customer account.


Issue ID: 203369

Internal CR#: 203853

Problem: The Service Request Notes drop-down menu DELETE function does not work. Initially it appears that you can delete a note from the window.  But if the you close and reopen the window, the deleted note reappears.  If another user looks at the same note after it has been deleted, it is still in the system.  The note is not deleted at all.  

Notes deleted from the notes list are now permanently deleted.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 201911

Internal CR#: 170248

Problem: Customer has secured (disabled) the options to 'Customize My Desktop' and 'Customize My NavBar'; however, when you click Options from the top menu, neither of these options is disabled.

Resolution: The application  does not allow security to be applied to the My Desktop window.  The My Desktop area is secured by a system  preference named "Allow Users to Customize My Desktop" (default=Yes).  When you set the system preference, you can see the grayed menu options when the Desktop is secured.

Technical Framework

Issue ID: 202169

Internal CR#: 178578

Problem: Install screen for the Metasolv Solution application server says to start the administration  server. A customer could be confused about which application servers to start in a cluster.

Resolution: The line that indicates the user should start the admin server has been removed. For a clustered environment, the installer displays a list of scripts to be run to start the managed servers in the Finish Panel. It does not show the line "If you are running a cluster, start your admin server using the startWeblogic". This is fine, as it shows the list of all managed servers. 

Technical Framework

Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 229907

Problem: The Upgrade option in the application server installation does not copy over the procs or prodfixsql files.

Resolution: The application server installer will no longer add procs and prodfixsql folders. Only the DBINSTALLER will do that.


Issue ID: 204905

Internal CR#: 207715

Problem: When you create a ticket for a TN or circuit in the Customer Summary section, it does not pull in the TN/Circuit ID for a trouble ticket.

Resolution: Telephone number and customer address now show up on the trouble ticket.


Issue ID: None

Internal CR#: 229811

Problem: When you upgrade from 5.2 to the 6.0.x code stream, trouble ticket views are becoming corrupted.  Certain views have many of the columns deleted after an upgrade.  Filter and sort criteria are also removed.

Resolution: The code has been changed so that the views are not affected when the Trouble Ticket views in the Active Ticket Queue are upgraded when moving from 5.2.x to the 6.0.x release stream. The main cause of the problem was that Trouble user data fields were being deleted out of the views when the customer upgraded.  If the customer was displaying user data in their views or sorting or filtering on user data, the user data was being removed by the upgrade code.  After the code fix, this problem will no longer occur.
NOTE:  If a customer has already upgraded to 6.0 prior to having this code fix and has run the upgrade view process, this fix will not fix problems with views that were already corrupted.  This code fix code fix prevents the corruption from occurring during the initial upgrade of views when a customer upgrades to 6.0.


Issue ID: 204302

Internal CR#: 205240

Problem: MetaSolv Solution is not starting with ticket number of 00001 each day.

Resolution: This problem has been fixed. Each day the trouble ticket number now starts at 00001.


Issue ID: 202716

Internal CR#: 199085

Problem: The geographic structure in the application can be modified to enter province names for the country of Canada and then associate cities to these provinces.  The proper city/province structure can then be built within the application.  Once this was completed, a user still could not select the province and city on the USO billing window.  The dropdown was limited to just states within the United States . 

Resolution: The USO Billing window now operates correctly. If the geographic structure is set up and the city/province structure is created, the dropdown has the appropriate selections.


Issue ID: 202357

Internal CR#: 200692

Problem: Printing problems for ILAM:
1. A blank page is getting adding to the printout.
2. The order number field is being cut off on the printout.

1. An alignment error was causing page skipping which added a blank page. This has been corrected.
2. The datawindow fields were realigned to accommodate the full length of the order number field. 

Work Management

Issue ID: 200884

Internal CR#: 186596

Problem: Customer reports that in the past supp canceling an order (ASR) would cause the DLR to automatically reopen.

DLRD task has been included for automatically  reopening the task during a supp-cancel.

Work Management

Issue ID: 202694

Internal CR#: 199381

Problem: A change in the DD task due date does not change the due date of backward-dated tasks.

Changed the code to change the task due date for backdated and forward dated tasks.

Work Management

Issue ID: 204792

Internal CR#: 208163

Problem: You cannot record issue or print a PVC disconnect order after performing a group disconnect.

Resolution: This problem has been corrected. You can now do a record issue or print a PVC disconnect order after performing a group disconnect.

Work Management

Issue ID: 201945

Internal CR#: 180496

Problem: There is a order in which the DD task has completed and there are two follower tasks that are still open.  The user marks the first one as not required and the second one gets updated with a date that is prior to the DD task completion date.  It also matches up with due dates of some of the first tasks on the order, which doesn't seem correct.

Resolution: Now tasks are getting set to the proper date when the predecessor task is marked as not required.

Work Management

Issue ID: 202541

Internal CR#: 189598

Problem: When you adjust the dependencies on a provisioning plan, the view changes from Days to Hours.

Resolution: When dependencies on a provisioning plan are adjusted, the view is displayed in hours in the following instances: if the total plan length is less than three days and one or more of the tasks has a duration that is not in full workdays.

Work Management

Issue ID: 202787

Internal CR#: 209038

Problem: After upgrading the user's database from 5.2.14.X to 6.0.5.b119, the Task Behavior actions are missing on all smart tasks.

Resolution: Changed prodfix sql CR36504.sql to be re-runnable.  It sets task behavior action for smart tasks that do not have it assigned.  The task type behavior actions will no longer be blanked out after the database is upgraded to 6.0.

Work Management

Issue ID: 203210

Internal CR#: 207606

Problem: Tasks on the PERT chart tab in the Provisioning Plan window are not displaying the task label. The preference Task Generation --> Label for Pert Chart --> Task Type is unchecked and user is not allowed to check it. Hence the task label is not visible.

Resolution: You can now set the Task Generation preference to include Task Type in the Preference section of the application and view the task label on the PERT chart.

Work Management

Issue ID: 208593

Internal CR#: 230017

Problem: The Jurisdiction drop-down on the Task Generation window is only displaying a number with no text description in certain cases when the Task Generation window is opened to generate tasks. The jurisdiction displayed has no associated provisioning plans.

Resolution: The Task Generation window no longer defaults to a jurisdiction for which no provisioning plans are defined.

Work Management

Issue ID: 230396

Internal CR#: 230592

Problem: This is a failed fix for 188352. 
One of the resolutions provided was the following:
If the preference Allow Editing of Task Completion Date within Grace Period and the Grace Interval, is set to Y, then a Why Miss code is required if the completion date is after the due date (even if it is within the grace period).  However, the user has the option to edit the task completion date so that it is not late, and then a Why Miss code will not be necessary.

Resolution: This problem has been fixed. The event that makes the Why Missed code required is triggered when the user changes the completion date. The Why Missed code is not required when a user changes the completion time. The application has been fixed to also call the appropriate code when the completion time is changed.

Work Management

Issue ID: 201394

Internal CR#: 181759

Problem: When you complete the CID task on a canceled order, the CAD task is automatically completed; this is correct.  However, if the CAD task is the last task on the order, the order status is not being set to final completed (checkered flag). The auto completion routine that completes the CAD task does not check to see if there are anymore tasks open for the current order, and therefore the order remains in its current status (non checkered flag).
Resolution: This has been resolved by removing the CAD task update statement and calling the function of_complete_task to complete and change the status of the order to Finished if there is no other task in pending status.

Work Management

Issue ID: 202349

Internal CR#: 182703

Problem: Tasks that are viewed from the task list tab on the Service Request Search Results window appear in a different sequence from the one viewed from the task list on the Task Assignment window. This happens if you insert/add tasks after the Task window is saved.

Resolution: The tasks listed on the Tasks tab of the Service Request Search window now appear in the same order as they do on the Task Maintenance window.

Work Management

Issue ID: 202706

Internal CR#: 198876

Problem: When you have multiple CID and CAD tasks, and you try to process the CID, all the fields are disabled.

Resolution: When you have multiple CID and CAD tasks and try to process the CID, the appropriate fields are now enabled.


MSS 6.0.8


Fixed Issue



Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR242220


Problem: Customers are receiving the error "Publish For input string: null" when the UrlNamingService was commented out in the gateway.ini file for one of the clustered servers. This error appeared in the servername.mss.log.  Another error was discovered after fixing the MalformedUrlException. For example, if the PSERSERVER was enabled on both clustered servers, a naming conflict would arise as Weblogic tried to replicate the information to all clustered servers.

Resolution: The code was modified to handle the MalformedUrlException situation without generating an error.  Additionally, changes were made so the API server information would not be replicated to all clustered servers at the time the server names were bound to Weblogic's JNDI tree. This allows a customer to run the same M6 API's on all clustered machines without a naming conflict.

Issue ID: 201662

Internal CR#: CR138087


Problem: After printing the Bill Prep information for a Message Trunk ASR, the application closes.

Resolution: An incorrect condition check was found in the code. The condition check was changed, and the application will no longer close after printing the Bill Prep Information for Message Trunk ASR orders.

Issue ID: 201964

Internal CR#: CR174622


Problem: The ILAM form is using the ACTEL field to determine the exchange, even if the WKTEL is populated.

Resolution: The ILAM 'circuit display' will now show the 'LSO' location instead of the exchange NPA/NXX.  Additionally, for the end-user location, both the ACTEL and WKTEL numbers will be displayed if entered on the order.

Issue ID: 202557

Internal CR#: CR188529


Problem: CABS Bill Prep mileage is not being calculated between PRILOC/ACTL and the SECLOC when both are company owned locations USO, ASR.

Resolution: The MSS code was not calculating mileage for company owned locations, and it was decided that the code should be enhanced to do so. Therefore, the code was modified to calculate the CABS Bill mileage between PRILOC/ACTL and the SECLOC when both are company owned locations USO, ASR.

Issue ID: 202720

Internal CR#: CR198956

Problem: The SCFA on the ASR is not coming forward to the Bill Prep.

Resolution: The code has been modified such that the SCFA on the ASR is now coming forward to the Bill Prep.

Issue ID: 232366

Internal CR#: CR232404


Problem: On the ASR Search window, searching for an ASR based on "ASR Order Number" is not working.  

Resolution: The user entered the order number in the "ASR Order Number" text box and tried to search for the ASR, and the ASR was not returned.  However, the "ASR Order Number" text box actually takes ASR number as a input, not order number.  To address this problem, the "ASR Order Number" label has been changed to "ASR No" on ASR search window.  This will help the user to enter the correct data in this field.

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR234952


Problem: CABS Bill Prep mileage is not being calculated between PRILOC/ACTL and the SECLOC when both are company owned locations USO, ASR.  

Resolution:The MSS code was not calculating mileage for company owned locations, and it was decided that the code should be enhanced to do so. Therefore, the code was modified to calculate the CABS Bill mileage between PRILOC/ACTL and the SECLOC when both are company owned locations USO, ASR.


Issue ID: 234320

Internal CR#: CR239454

Problem: The "Service Request Search by Task" results window is cutting off the display of the tabs, and the display of the "Show" checkboxes.  

Resolution: The code was modified such that the "Service Request Search by Task" results window now displays properly.


Issue ID: 239322

Internal CR#: CR241736


Problem: The customer is getting an error when building the Bill Prep.  This seems to be happening on every order when the CID task is clicked.

Resolution: The code was modified and the Bill Prep Navigator Screen now opens without encountering an  error.


Issue ID: 229800

Internal CR#: CR231121


Problem: The Work Queue Productivity Report and Task Complete Report totals do not match, even though the report criteria is equal.  

Resolution: The Task Complete Performance report logic was fixed.  It was incorrectly counting tasks that were completed late but happened to be completed on the same day as the task's due date, as "on time". 

Issue ID: 236055

Internal CR#: CR236668


Problem: Several queries have been identified within the application that do not have a limit on the number of rows returned.

Resolution: The identified queries now have limits.  All identified queries (48 of them) are documented in the internal CR "Attachments" tab.  The attachment is an excel spreadsheet that contains information regarding window name, navigation to the window, Power Builder object name, and comments.  If further details are desired, a copy of the spreadsheet can be made available by contacting a CCAM.

Issue ID: 238436

Internal CR#: CR238525


Problem: The Connection Design Query doesn't work properly.

Resolution: The Connection Design Query window will return results:

1). With both the TSC and CLLI fields populated.

2). With only the TSC field populated.

3). With only the CLLI field populated.

4). Without etiher the TSC or CLLI field populated.


Issue ID: 234459

Internal CR#: CR235307


Problem: Unable to build the schematic design using Path Analysis by hops if there are more than 5 hops, and cascaded with similar types of equipment present in the connection.  

Resolution: The customer is now able to build the schematic design using Path Analysis by hops if there are more than 5 hops, and cascaded with similar types of equipment present in the connection.

Issue ID: 202009

Internal CR#: CR176297


Problem: When an embedded sonet network is expanded, the 'Locate in Drawing' functionality is not identifying the component on the canvas.The component information list looks like it might be listing some components twice.

Resolution: The 'Locate In Drawing' logic was modified to work for embedded SONET networks. The SONET nodes and connections will now flash and center-up (if off the screen) in the same way that it currently works for non-SONET elements and relationships.

Issue ID: 235833

Internal CR#: CR235919


Problem: Connection Hierarchy deletes optical connections, even though 'No' is selected on the Delete Confirmation window.

Resolution: The Connection Hierarchy delete logic was checking for the wrong return value from the message box, and therefore deleting the circuits regardless what the user selected on the Delete Confirmation window.  The code was modified to correct this problem.

Issue ID: 203112

Internal CR#: CR206841


Problem: First, users need the ability to control the orientation of the a/z cllis for reserved channels used in group assignment.  Second, there is no logic centered upon how reserved channels appear in the sequence of assignments.

Resolution: The second issue mentioned above will be addressed in release 6.0.10.  For this release, code was modified to address the first issue mentioned above. In group assignment, in the reserved channels view, the channels will now be shown under their parent circuit. Therefore, the reserved channel view now funcitons like the normal facility view in that the user can right-click the parent circuit and flip the a-z indicator. Also, when selecting a reserved channel or parent circuit, the available channels that show up on the right-side of the window will be sequenced in order of how they were individually reserved in the reservations module. 

Issue ID: 205826

Internal CR#: CR233212


Problem: A stored procedure error is occurring when group assigning using a base circuit that has either equipment or faciilty assignments where the parent circuit is assigned to equipment that is cross-connected to one or more ports, and one or more of those ports do not have any enabled ports for mappings. The error is from stored procedure SP_CREATE_DLR, and the message states that an exact fetch is returning more than one row.

Resolution: Made sql modifications to group assignment. The stored procedure error will no longer occur when group assigning circuits with either equipment or facility assignments where cross-connected equipment is involved. The error is thrown by SP_CREATE_DLR, and the message states that an exact fetch that is returning more than one row.

Issue ID: 235079

Internal CR#: CR235389


Problem: When canceling a trunk circuit that was added to an existing trunk group that has "In-Service" trunk circuits, the application will remove the Point Codes and Point Code Types for the entire trunk group.  

Resolution: When canceling a trunk circuit that was added to an existing trunk group that has "In-Service" trunk circuits, the application no longer removes the Point Codes and Point Code Types for the entire trunk group. Also, the system will now check to see if there are any existing circuits on the trunk group that are 'In-Service'.  If any are found, then the trunk group will not be updated.


Issue ID: 234766

Internal CR#: CR236129


Problem: When processing a Groom, the reconcile of assignments does not cascade below the first child level.  

Resolution: During the n-tier conversion, a variable that controls the collection of all child circuits was not being updated during each pass. This logic has been corrected, and the reconcile will now correctly collect all child circuits of all affected circuits.

Issue ID: 236787

Internal CR#: CR237268


Problem: Group Disconnect processing is taking a long time for orders that are disconnecting a large number of circuits.  

Resolution: Group Disconnect processing performance was analyzed and improved. 

Issue ID: 237961

Internal CR#: CR238245


Problem: The error "Update of N&SP server failed" occurs when attempting to delete a network location with no ties.  Specifically, the network locaiton has not been used on another order, had equipment installed on it, etc.

Resolution: The code was modified so that the error "Update of N&SP server failed" will no longer appear when trying to delete a network location that has no ties.

Issue ID: 241249

Internal CR#: CR238245


Problem: The error "Update of N&SP server failed" occurs when attempting to delete a network location with no ties.  Specifically, the network locaiton has not been used on another order, had equipment installed on it, etc.

Resolution: The code was modified so that the error "Update of N&SP server failed" will no longer appear when trying to delete a network location that has no ties.

Issue ID: 202665

Internal CR#: CR204470


Problem: A circuit was created with Connection Type as "Special" and Connection Format as "Facility (FreeFormat)".  However, this circuit is not returned by a query that is searching for Connection Types of "Special". 

Resolution: When creating a special non-ordered circuit, the circuit type should be Special even if the user chooses CLF as the ECCKT type.  When creating a special non-ordered circuit, the circuit type should be "Special" even if the user chooses CLF as the ECCKT type. The user will be able to retrieve the non-ordered Special Circuit (CLF freeformat) by selecting "Special" as the Connection Type on the Connection Design Query window.

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR236039


Problem: The user cannot remove a "hairpin" connection from the GLR.

Resolution: This problem was fixed in 5.2 under CR14702. The fixed code was moved forward to this release.  The "Remove" option will now be enabled when there is more than one connection between the same two endpoints.  

The "Remove Connection" option will be disabled in the following instances ( this applies to both single and double connections):

1).  If the design is completed from end to end.

2).  If both of the connection's endpoints have other connections to them.

3).  The user cannot remove the connection if it's been Allocated.

3a).  If the design is incomplete, and the connection belongs to an ending (not terminating) component, the "Remove" option is available, but the user will get a message prompt that Allocation has been made and removal is not allowed.

3b).  If the design is complete, the "Remove Connection" option is disabled.

Issue ID: 201918

Internal CR#: CR172411


Problem: A connection was created between two elements, and the network system was saved.  The connection was re-opened, edited to blank out the connection label, and saved.  When the network system was closed and re-opened, the original connection label was displayed.  It appears that a null value is not being saved to the database for the connection label .

Resolution: When the connection label is nulled out, it will be saved to the database.

Issue ID: 202285

Internal CR#: CR183524


Problem: There are a few network systems that have "Default Label" appearing instead of the actual connection name. Also, the connection properties information is missing.

Resolution: The Default Labels were occurring because the drawing logic was getting confused with the fact that there are connections between embedded networks that have the same embedded network within them.  

For example: Take a look at the NEN NETWORK/STLSMOG2W03 connection from the 520 NEN ATM atm switch to the New Edge Network component. The 520 NEN ATM atm switch is in the network.  

The 520 LATA MO network is embedded in both the MISSOURI and ASI MOKA DOMAIN networks.  

The MISSOURI and ASI MOKA DOMAIN networks are both embedded in the SBCLD Internal Network.

This means a line for the NEN NETWORK/STLSMOG2W03 connection must be drawn from the MISSOURI cloud to the NEN Network Cloud and from the ASI MOKA DOMAIN cloud to the NEN Network Cloud. These two lines represent the same connection and the drawing logic was not fully supporting this scenario.  

This problem is now fixed, but the user must first perform a 'Delete and Rebuild Graphics' for the SBCLD Internal Network. This will redraw the canvas from scratch using the current data, and the code fix will take care of the rest.  

To rebuild the graphics, open the network and right-click on the network name in the  Network Detail panel treeview. Choose 'Delete and Rebuild Graphics' from the pop-up menu.

Issue ID: 236813

Internal CR#: CR236939


Problem: A supp-cancel order left two circuits in an incomplete status.

Resolution: A SQL script was provided to correct the statuses for the two circuits.

Issue ID: 235827

Internal CR#: CR237241


Problem: After selecting the base circuit(s) for an optical groom, the user must select the location of the equipment to groom for every connection provisioned to that base circuit that has equipment assignments at multiple locations. For a fully provisioned STM16, the user might be required to select the location for 1,008 connections. This would be a very tedious process.

Resolution: The logic that controls the selection of equipment locations has been enhanced to better facilitate multiple circuits that have equipment assignments at the same location(s).   A checkbox labled "Use same location for all equipment" has been added to the Select Equipment Groom Location window. When this checkbox is checked, and the user selects an equipment location, that location will be used for the other provisioned connections who have equipment assignments at that location. The window will be re-opened and the user must select a new location for circuits that do not have equipment assignments at the previously selected location.

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR238321


Problem: The customer has requested the ability to groom facilities and equipment in optical networks when inserting or deleting network elements.

Resolution: Modifications were made to the Groom Tool within MSS to provide the ability to groom connections that are provisioned to an optical network. Before using the Groom Tool to perform this work, the user must first prepare the network for the pending changes. For example, to perform the add node function within the grooming workspace, the user must first build the new node and the connectors to and from the node within the Network Systems canvas. These connectors must also be fully auto-built out to the exact hierarchy as the connector they will be replacing.  

To groom these provisioned connections, the user simply selects the BASE CONNECTION(s) in the New Groom Facility window. When these base connections are selected to be added to the workspace, new logic is triggered that will bring all of the channels, and equipment port assignments of the provisioned connection(s) riding the base connection(s), into the Groom workspace.  

These connections may only be added to a workspace if, and only if, all connections in the workspace are part of the same optical network. Further, the provisioned connections may only be groomed to other base connections within the same network system.  

To facilitate the possibility of grooming a large number of provisioned connections per base connection, a new menu option, "Groom Optical Hierarchy To", has been added to the connection hierarchy tree-views right-click menu within the Grooming workspace. This functionality will allow the user to move all of the channel assignments from one base connection to another. However, in order to user this functionality the base connections must have the same hierarchy. The new base connection should also not have any connections provisioned to it's hierarchy. The user will simply select the rows in the workspace that represent the assignments to be replaced and select the new menu option.  

The software will then compare the hierarchies of the from and to base connections. When the hierarchies pass validation, the assignments will be mapped one-for-one from the existing base connection to the new base connection.  

The user will utilize existing functionality to modify the equipment port assignments of the provisioned connections.

Issue ID: 233518

Internal CR#: CR239891


Problem: A customer is unable to group assign trunks to a bandwidth circuit because the application is locking. The customer noted that is new functionality that was covered in the "What's New" document.  

Resolution: The code was modified so the customer can now group assign trunks to bandwidth circuits.  The problem was that the bandwidth circuit was wrapping to the next line of the design block, which was causing the block to be built incorrectly (the last line of the block should have been the next-to-last line of the block).  This was causing the group assign logic to loop.

Issue ID: 201934

Internal CR#: CR173213


Problem: When assigning a circuit to a SONET network that has an FNI larger than 10 characters, an error occurs at Save time, preventing a successful save.

Resolution: Assigning a circuit to a SONET network that has an FNI larger than 10 characters will now save without error.

Issue ID: 237827

Internal CR#: CR238441


Problem: An error is encountered when trying access the "CLR Preview" drop-down on the Circuit Design window. The error message states "MetaSolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException: JDSCManager: A required parameter is null and must be specified."

Resolution: The CLR can now be previewed without encountering an error.

Issue ID: 202198

Internal CR#: CR181356


Problem: When modifying an existing conenction reference in the connection reference window, the changes do not update to the design.

Resolution: The application allows for modification of the connection reference, and it updates the changes in the connection design.  The changes are now shown in the design block. 


Issue ID: 202333

Internal CR#: CR185212


Problem: When reconciling a DLR, no matter what equipment is selected to be placed in the DLR, the application always places the same piece of equipment in the DLR over and over.

Resolution: The code was modified and now retrieves the correct ID for the selected row, so that the equipment block can be correctly added or removed.

Issue ID: 229355

Internal CR#: CR231302


Problem: When a user creates a new circuit in EWO, then assigns a Provisioning Plan, and later changes that plan (before any task are assigned), the user is kicked out of MSS.

Resolution: The application no longer shuts down when changing the provisioning plan on an EWO after a plan has already been assigned.

Issue ID: 237885

Internal CR#: CR237944


Problem: After upgrading to M6, the user no longer has the ability to "Assign Connection" when querying by User Data during Connection Design. This option is not available on the right-click menu on Connection Hierarchy.

Resolution: Logic was added to Connection Hierarchy to show the "Assign Connection" menu item when the user has queried by User Data when designing a connection.

Issue ID: 236313

Internal CR#: CR238598


Problem: In the Connection Design window, there is no Copy/Paste provision for copying network locations.  This functionality was available in 5.2 when the fields were editable, not links.

Resolution: Right-click functionality on the following fields within the Connection Design Window/ Connection Summary tab is now available.  The information will be copied to the clipboard, allowing the user to quickly add this information to external documents.  The fields include:  

Connection Id

Originating Location

Originating Location Address

Terminating Location

Terminating Location Address

Rate Code, Status

Connection Positions

Connection Specification

Network System Name

Network System Elements

Customer Name

Contact Name

Contact Number

Issue ID: 241191

Internal CR#: CR241348


Problem: On the Trunk Group Information window's Circuit List tab, users are unable to scroll to view circuits.  

Resolution: The code behind the Circuit List tab was modified and users can now scroll without a problem. 

Issue ID: 240128

Internal CR#: CR241472


Problem: When opening theTrunk Group Information window for a trunk group that was created on an order via the Navbar--> Inventory Management- --> Trunk Group, all columns are non-editable. Prior to release 6.0.6, there were some columns that were editable regardless of how the trunk group was created.

Resolution: When opening theTrunk Group Information window for a trunk group that was created on an order via the Navbar--> Inventory Management--> Trunk Group,  the window will behave as it did in release 6.0.6, where some of the data columns were editable.

Issue ID: 241523

Internal CR#: CR241809


Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy window, when searching using specific User Data for a circuit, the circuit was not found as was expected.  

Resolution: The application will retrieve all information and display it in the Connection Hierarchy window when searching by User Data, which is similar to the way data is retrieved on the Connection Design window.

Issue ID: 235320

Internal CR#: CR235359


Problem: After editing a peice of equipment that has circuits assigned to it and running Mass Reconcile, the resulting exception report incorrectly includes disconnected circuits.

Resolution: The SQL that determines which lines on the DLR get reconciled was modified to now exclude any lines that have been disconnected.

Issue ID: 201258

Internal CR#: CR148422


Problem: When a user goes into the Cross Connect Report and clicks the magnifying glass for equipment type, it takes over 2 minutes to bring back any data. Also, when the user clicks the magnifying glass for Relay Racks, it takes over 2 minutes to bring back any data.  An 8-byte clli doesn't take too long, but an 11-byte clli takes a long time.  

Resolution: The SQL was modified to retrieve the relay racks for 11-byte CLLIs faster. With this fix in place, the relay racks were returned in less than 3 seconds for the given location and equipment type, mentioned in the CR. After a prior fix CR32478, the equipment type was retrieved in less than 3 seconds. Also, changes were made in CR148680 for improving processing times for retrieving cross connect information for a given location, equipment type, and relay rack combination.


Issue ID: 239193

Internal CR#: CR239221


Problem: The user is unable to populate decimal data in User Data fields within Circuit User Data.  When the field is defined as a decimal, the data related error "Value 1.00 in User Data must be numeric." is encountered.

Resolution: The code was modified such that the user is now able to populate decimal data in User Data fields within Circuit User Data without encountering an error.

Issue ID: 238295

Internal CR#: CR239647


Problem: When attempting to print the TCO, an error is occuring.  However, the report can still be printed.  The same error is occuring when attempting to Print Preview the TCO, but it can still be previewed.  

Resolution: The code was modified such that the TCO summary report can now be printed or Print Previewed successfully, without encountering an error.

Issue ID: 202139

Internal CR#: CR177454


Problem: There is no edit place to prevent a user from changing an equipment spec port address rate code, even though the installed equipment has a circuit.

Resolution: A validation was added to check whether installed equipment has an assignment on the rate code modified port. If there is an assignment, a warning message will be displayed. The message is a warning, rather than error, because there may be users who use rate code as a work around.

Issue ID: 202457

Internal CR#: CR186200


Problem: There are two problems with DLR Notes:  

1. DLR Notes Print even though marked NOT to Print.  At the Circuit Design Notes tab, there is an option to uncheck a note so that it doesn't print.  However, even if the note is unmarked, it will still print.  

2. When opting to print just the Printable Lines, the Preview is missing the most of the info on the CLR Notes pages (e.g. Contacts section).

Resolution: Code was modified such that the CLR Notes now print properly.
Work Order

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR232529


Problem: The application crashes when the Create EWO menu option is selected from the Groom Query window.

Resolution: The error was being caused by some logic on the Groom EWO window, which was incorrectly being triggered by the empty calendar control on the window.  The logic is not needed for the calendar and therefore is no longer executed.  The Groom EWO window will now show up in the center of the user's screen.  Prior to this fix, the window would appear in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.
Work Order

Issue ID: 236896

Internal CR#: CR237861


Problem: When creating multiple Facility circuits in Engineering Work Order using the "Number of Circuits" option, duplicate issues are being displayed for the circuits when viewed from the Connection Design Query.

Resolution: Duplicate issues will no longer display on the Connection Design Query window for EWO created Facilities.
Work Order

Issue ID: 237663

Internal CR#: CR237813


Problem: In EWO, the Manage Connection window is blank after creating the first design in the Connection Design window.  

Resolution: In EWO, the Manage Connection window will now refresh correctly.

Issue ID: 209153

Internal CR#: CR230581


Problem: The equipment node address does not cascade changes.

Resolution: If the node address from the spec is null , the parent node is now appended (if there is one).

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR235148


Problem: When moving equipment to a new structure item in a Network Location, the user received an error messages as designs were being reconciled, and was kicked out of application.  When the user got back into the application, the equipment was under the structure item.  However, the user was dissatisfied that the equipment was not sorted by equipment name.  It appeared to be sorted in the order the equipment was moved under the structure item.

Resolution: Logic was added to sort equipment by name under structure items. The logic that was causing the application to crash was fixed previously in 6.0.4+ by CR182859.

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR241308


Problem: The Maintenance view in the Groom Tool needs to be enhanced for usability purposes.  Specifically, the user should be allowed to use the keyboard to select, copy, and delete rows from the workspace.

Resolution: Logic was added to enhance the usability of the Groom Tool.  Within the Maintenance view, the user may now use <CTRL><C> to copy selected rows, and use the <DELETE> button to delete selected rows from the workspace. Within both the Maintenance view and the Current view, the user may use <CTRL><A> to select all the rows.  (The ability to use <SHIFT> and <CTRL> along with a mouse-click to select/deselect rows is already provided, as is using <CTRL><S> to save the workspace.)

Issue ID: 202669

Internal CR#: CR190453


Problem: The field "Exchange Area SWC Network Location" is limited to 8 characters for Coded Locations.

Resolution: The field "Exchange Area SWC Network Location" has been extended to 20 characters for Coded Location. This change should be reflected throughout the application.

Issue ID: 234381

Internal CR#: CR234434


Problem: The Network Location Query window is not working correctly.  Specifically, when selecting User Data from the pop up menu, and then selecting Network Location from Pop up menu, the query will not display correct query results if there is criteria entered in the Network Location column or other query columns.

Resolution: The Network Location Query window is now working correctly.  The window was not being re-initialized correctly after the User Data window was swapped in and out.

Issue ID: 202575

Internal CR#: CR189035


Problem: Unable to Disassociate Trunks from Disconnect ISR once the Tasks are generated.

Resolution: For ISR trunking orders, if design action has not been taken, the trunk group can be removed from the order even if tasks are generated.  This will allow the user to change the trunk circuits to be disconnected without supp-cancelling the order.

Issue ID: 203829

Internal CR#: CR205398


Problem: Incorrect circuit statuses and certain discrepancies occure when circuits are modified before the original DD has been completed.

Resolution: A validation is now included on the DD task completion, which interrupts completing the DD task for the Record activity order until all pending orders are completed.

Issue ID: 233835

Internal CR#: CR235202


Problem: When re-numbering a TCIC range for a trunk group, if a number is manually entered as the starting number, the application ignores the number and starts with the next available TCIC number.  

Resolution: When renumbering a TCIC range for a trunk group, if a number is manually entered as the starting number, the application will now use this number as the starting TCIC number.

Issue ID: 230417

Internal CR#: CR231558


Problem: When performing a tranfer order, the number of open issues and the issue stack are not correct after completing the order.  

Resolution: When the DD task completes on a transfer order, the number of open orders will be updated.  If the DD task is defined such that it can be opened as a RID or a DLRD task, the ability to open it as a RID or a DLRD task is disabled for the transfer order since a transfer order does not require any design. This will avoid the issue stack and issue status from being incorrect.

Issue ID: 202635

Internal CR#: CR232224


Problem: MDLs are allowed to be deleted from a Product Specification, which should not be allowed to happen.

Resolution: The Product Specification logic was modified such that the delete option is now disabled for MDL items.

Issue ID: 208577

Internal CR#: CR232694


Problem: An order was created via the Customer Profile. In this example, the user selected Network Systems and COPY ITEM. The user then proceeded to configure the product and add a location from within the Ordering Dialogue. Next, the order was closed.  The user then went back into Order screen that appeared in Customer Profile and  Selected Supplement and Cancel.  At this point, a Supp Cancel Alert window displayed, which stated 'Items on the order exist on another order.'.

Resolution: The Supp Cancel Alert window was requested by another customer.  Since not all customers wish to have this window displayed, a user preference was added and defaulted to 'N'.  The preference must be changed to 'Y' in order for this window to display.


Issue ID: 236759

Internal CR#: CR237824


Problem: The user is unable to make a correction to a PVC Circuit ID for a new service item during order supp, unless an A Loc LSO value is falsified.  

Resolution: The user is now able to make a correction to PVC Circuit ID for a new service item during order supp.  The LSO values are now disabled, as they are when the user "Assigns Circuit".

Issue ID: 237809

Internal CR#: CR238363


Problem: The application errors when trying to associate an ASR to a PSR within the Service Request Hierarchy.

Resolution: The code was fixed and it is now possible to associate an ASR to a PSR successfully. 

Issue ID: 237318

Internal CR#: CR238670


Problem: The User Preference "Default Organization for PSR" is not defaulting correctly.

Resolution: The User Preference "Default Organization for PSR" is now defaulting correctly.

Issue ID: 241058

Internal CR#: CR241352


Problem: The Customer Account Search window is not working correctly.  The window is not clearing the House Number and Street Name fields when the Clear button is clicked.   

Resolution: The code was modifed and the user is now able to clear all of the fields when Clear button in clicked on the Customer Account Search window.

Issue ID: 234021

Internal CR#: CR234042


Problem: In MSS 5.2, users can go to the Values Tab containing the Special Provisioning Instructions, highlight the notes, and right click to open the notes to see text that was entered.  In MSS 6.0, there is no way to view the text entered.  Expected Behavior:  Provide a way to view the entire text entered when the amount of text exceeds the amount shown in the value field.

Resolution: The ability to open up another window that shows the value has been added as a right mouse click menu option. If the value if editable on the Value tabpage, then it will be editable in this popup window.

Issue ID: 234523

Internal CR#: CR235308


Problem: Price tags appear on disconnected items.

Resolution: Prices tags will no longer be displayed for product level items, or child items, that have been disconnected.

Issue ID: 209043

Internal CR#: CR230334


Problem: A change order was created for a PSR Product with a NGN physical connection, and then a change was made to a customized attribute . After the order was provisioned, the change did not flow through to Engineering.

Resolution: After a change order is created for a PSR Product with a NGN physical connection, and a change is made to a customized attribute, the change now flows to engineering.

Issue ID: 232614

Internal CR#: CR232662


Problem: When assigning a provisioning plan, if an error occurs on the database, the AppServer does not return. This causes the client to wait until a timeout occurs.

Resolution: Logic was added that requires the AppServer to return the database error to the client. The error will then be presented to the client for action. The client will no longer lock up in a waiting state.

Issue ID: 232720

Internal CR#: CR233071


Problem: When creating a new PSR and selecting PRICLOC/SECLOC, the "Network Location" drop-down data is not readable. The drop down is not wide enough to show the entire Network Location name for any names that are longer.

Resolution: Logic has been added that will set the width of the Network Location drop-down to the length of the longest Network Location name that will display in the drop-down.


Issue ID: 204967

Internal CR#: CR234419


Problem: Unable to choose an Effective Network Item Detail, because whatever was displayed previously carries over to the next selection.   

Resolution: The Effective Network Item Detail is now showing  the correct items for the Network Area.

Issue ID: 235474

Internal CR#: CR235593


Problem: In PSR ordering, the user clicks "Add Service Location" to add a new location. The user then clicks "New Location", enters the required information, and clicks "OK".  The application incorrectly populates "Preloaded End User" as the End User Location Name instead of defaulting it to the Company Name.

Resolution: The code was modified such that when the customer type is Residential, the End User Location name is defaulted to "LastName, FirstName".  Otherwise, the End User Location Name is defaulted to "Company Name".

Issue ID: 237760

Internal CR#: CR238361


Problem: A SQL error is encountered when using "Copy Existing Services" and searching by Auth Code. The error message states "MetaSolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException: JDSCManager: A required parameter is null and must be specified."

Resolution: When copying existing services to a PSR, the SQL error is no longer encountered if the existing services are searched by auth code.


Issue ID: 238066

Internal CR#: CR238371


Problem: The application is allowing an 8 digit value to be entered, even though the data characteristic is defined as 9 numeric digits (min/max) in the Product Catalog for this label.

This problem is occuring when the user Cuts and Pastes the value from another app and then selects the Process Supp link. The validation is not performed in this scenario.

Resolution: In the Process Supp logic, the validation for Labels and Values is now performed.  Therefore, invalid data will be not be saved, and the user will have to correct the data to continue with the Process Supp.

Issue ID: 240528

Internal CR#: CR240580


Problem: On the Service Request Notes window, the following errors are being encountered: "Error text = Array boundary exceeded. Window/Menu/Object = n_cst_string. Error Object/Control = n_cst_string. Script = of_insertcarriagereturn. Line in Script = 28" and "Database error message: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (ASAP.NOTES.NOTE_TEXT)".

Resolution: The user is entering blanks without text, and pressing the enter key without text, which is creating wasteful data that is added to the database. The code has been changed so that when a user enters all blanks, or presses the enter key without any data, and then tries to save it, a message will appear informing the user that text needs to be added.

Issue ID: 206167

Internal CR#: CR208869


Problem: On the NGN Ordering window, the user is unable to select any values for the "Region" field.  This is preventing the user from proceeding with the NGN order because "Region" is set as a mandatory field in the Address Structure Format.

Resolution: The code was fixed such that values can now be selected and set for the "Region" field on the NGN Ordering window.

Issue ID: 202525

Internal CR#: CR233158


Problem: The data rows in certain jsp pages within the customer profile section do not properly scroll down when the "How To" link is clicked.

Resolution: The jsp pages were modified so that the data rows float down on the page to make room for the "How To" text to be displayed.

Issue ID: 204689

Internal CR#: CR239749


Problem: Multi Disconnect is not offered consistently.  For example, when an order has like items, and the user tries to disconnect when there is only one item under the product, the Multi Diconnect option is not available.  However, when the user tries to disconnect from a product with multiple items, the Multi Disconnect option is available.

Resolution: The multi disconnect option is now provided as a separate menu option. The multi disconnect option that was previously offered through the single disconnect has been removed.

Issue ID: 233840

Internal CR#: CR233964


Problem: In the MSAG Address Range window, when the user selects Indiana in the State/Prov dropdown, no results are retrieved, but entries for Indiana exist in the database. This is an error on selecting Indiana only.  The expected behavior is that the search should retrieve address results for all states, including Indiana .

Resolution: The code modified to fix this problem.  The MSAG Address Range window now will retrieve all states, including Indiana .

Issue ID: 235267

Internal CR#: CR236846


Problem: The "Override Indicator" is not working correctly for pricing.

Resolution: After re-pricing the service item at the product level and having the "Override Indicator" checked, the Price Info tab is now being updated correctly.

Issue ID: 229549

Internal CR#: CR230021


Problem: A PSR order, with new circuits that have not had circuit IDs created yet, got assigned a provisioning plan that had a NET DSGN task but no CKTID task.  The warning message indicating that you must add a CKTID task did not appear, as it was expected.

Resolution: The proper warning message will now appear if you attempt to order new circuits on a PSR order, and do not have a CKTID task in a provisioning plan that has a NET DSGN task.

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR241170


Problem: The application server's stability is impacted when unbounded query results are handled.  

Resolution: The following changes were made to address this issue:

Two new parameters were added to the loggingconfig.xml:  

a).  query-results-row-limit, which will default to zero if not specified.  This parameter sets a ceiling on how many rows can to be returned as a result of a query initiated in the appserver logic. This affects PowerBuilder client, thin client pages,  API servers, and all thread procs.  

b).  too-many-rows-alert-threshold, which will default to zero if not specified.  This parameter specifies a threshold (preferrably lower than the value specified in query-results-row-limit discussed above).  When the number of rows retrieved in a single query reach this threshold value, an alert message is logged in the AppServer. Again, this affects PowerBuilder client, thin client pages,  API servers, and all thread procs.  

a and b).  A zero value for either of the above values means the functionality is disabled.  This can happen if these entries are either missing or specified as -ve numbers or incorrectly formatted (not a number).  

For a) it means no ceiling is imposed on query results (all you can eat approach).

For b) it means no logging of threshold crossings is done.  

Consult latest loggingconfig.xml checked in with this to see where to find thesevariables. For an upgraded installation, add the following two lines in <jdbc-trace> element and save the loggingconfig.xml file to see the effect.  After the editing the changes will look like the following:  


    <param name="debug" value="off"/>

    <param name="query-results-row-limit" value="100000"/>

    <param name="too-many-rows-alert-threshold" value="50000"/>


The values 100000 and 50000 have been chosen as reasonable values. They canbe changed dynamically at runtime by editing the loggingconfig.xml file.


Issue ID: 234805

Internal CR#: CR234871


Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, the user does not have the ability to restrict access to the pop-up menu choices of FIELDS MOVING and REMOVE THIS FIELD.

Resolution: Prodfixsql was created to add the Trouble Ticket Queue pop-up menu data to the security table, so they will display in the Assign Permission window. The user is now able to secure FIELDS MOVING and REMOVE THIS FIELD. 

Issue ID: 236311

Internal CR#: CR236848


Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Search window, "Set Criteria" is not an available option when right-clicking on the Service Item field.  

Resolution: The Trouble Ticket Search window code was modified to enable the "Set Criteria" menu option to appear when right-clicking on the Service item field. 

Issue ID: 236750

Internal CR#: CR236852


Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, the Ticket Detail tab is not calculating or displaying the "Total Working Time" field.

Resolution: The code was modified to correctly calculate the "Total Working Time" on the Ticket Detail Tab of the Trouble Ticket Queue window.  The user is now able to see the calculated data displayed in the "Total Working Time" field.


Issue ID: 236810

Internal CR#: CR236862


Problem: On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, if the service item is a telephone number, it is not displaying other tickets for the same service item that show on the Related Tickets tab for that service item. On the Ticket view window, it displays the related tickets with the same service items.  All related tickets with the same service item should appear on the Tickets window with the same service item view on the Related Ticket tab.

Resolution: The code was modified to set the proper service item description on the Related Tickets tab of Trouble Ticket Queue and the Trouble Ticket Search window.  Now, tickets with the same service item are appearing in the View Tickets with the same service item on the Related Ticket tab.

Issue ID: 236677

Internal CR#: CR237666


Problem: The "Trouble Ticket Found" field is repeating values when opening a ticket for editing.

Resolution: The code was modified to suppress the repeating values of the "Trouble Ticket Found".  The user is now able to see the correct values in the "Trouble Ticket Found" field when opening a ticket for editing.

Issue ID: 237883

Internal CR#: CR238137


Problem: The "Trouble Found" column on the Clear/Close section of the Ticket Report is displaying a number instead of text.  

Resolution: The code was modified to display text for the "Trouble Found" column on the Clear/Close section of the Ticket Report.  The "Trouble Found" column now correctly displays text data, as opposed to numeric data.
User Setup

Issue ID: 204782

Internal CR#: CR205529


Problem: Users do not have the ability to restrict access to the Organization Setup page using the Assign information window.

Resolution: A prodfixsql was created to add the Organization Setup page to the security table so that this page would display in the Assign Permission window. Users are now able to secure the Organization Setup page in the security window.

Issue ID: 202474

Internal CR#: CR185542


Problem: Bill Prep Mileage and BIP are not being calculated on USO.

Resolution: Code was added to calculate the mileage as well as BIP correctly. Now the Bill Prep mileage and BIP are being calculated on USO.


Issue ID: 202558

Internal CR#: CR188660


Problem: The calculated mileage incorrect on USO MSL.

Resolution: There was no code to calculate the mileage between PRILOC and BRIDGE, so code was added to do so. Also, the code now assigns the proper value to MSL and BRIDGE variable in the is_miles structure. MSS now calculates the mileage and the BIP correctly.


Issue ID: 202724

Internal CR#: CR199058


Problem: Regarding USO MSL Move Activity, Bill Prep should be A, C or T, but not M.

Resolution: The code was modified such that for USO MSL Move Activity, Bill Prep is now A,C or T.

Issue ID: 234369

Internal CR#: CR235150


Problem: When processing a supplement for a USO, the Supplement History Notes window does not appear.

Resolution: This functionality has now been implemented for USO.  The Supplement History Notes window for a USO now appears in the same manner that it does for ISR.

Issue ID: 235257

Internal CR#: CR235417


Problem: On a USO, after the CKLT is entered on the Location window, the user is unable to remove it. 

Resolution: The code was modified such that the CKLT on the Location window can now be removed when it is deleted.

Issue ID: 235807

Internal CR#: CR235972


Problem: The Contact Telephone Number on the USO is not coming forward to the Service Request Detail.

Resolution: The code was modified such that the Contact Telephone Number now displays on the Service Request Detail window.

Issue ID: 238439

Internal CR#: CR238454


Problem: USO MSL:  Unable to adjust the "NSL" field.

Resolution: The code was fixed such that the user can now adjust the "NSL" field.

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR234742


Problem: Previoulsy, users were able to supp-cancel an order (ASR), and the DLR would automatically reopen.  This no longer happens.

Resolution: The DLRD task is now included in the auto reopening functionality for a supp-cancel.

Issue ID: 234578

Internal CR#: CR234754


Problem: Deleting multiple tasks from a Provisioning Plan shuts down MSS.  This is occuring in release 6.0.6.

Resolution: The code that performs multiple task deletion was fixed such that multiple tasks can now be successfully deleted, and MSS will no longer shut down during the process.

Issue ID: 202288

Internal CR#: CR181371


Problem: Task dependencies are not being removed after a task has been set to 'Not Required', or has been deleted.

Resolution: The last parent task found was being used as the start date for a task when a predecessor task was deleted or made not required.  If the last parent task found was not the latest parent, the task would be scheduled too early causing the dependency error.  The latest dated parent task is now used instead of the last parent task found.

Issue ID: 230314

Internal CR#: CR231213


Problem: Pending Order Details window displays only one blocking circuit, even when more are actually blocking.

Resolution: The behavior of the Pending Order Details window has been changed to display all blocking circuits, regardless of order, so the user has the opportunity to fix all problems at once. This will alleviate the problem of correcting one circuit and attempting to close the DD task, then get another blocking circuit, and repeating this cycle until all blocking circuits have been corrected.

Issue ID: 234539

Internal CR#: CR234902


Problem: On the Rules and Behaviors window, when selecting a field to use in a rule, the data in the drop-down field is not alphabetic.  

Resolution: The Rules and Behaviors window was fixed to sort the drop-down data offered when selecting a field to use in a rule.

Issue ID: 234537

Internal CR#: CR234904


Problem: When editing a Rule in Work Management, it is not possible to 'Add Condition' anywhere other than at the bottom of the rule.  This makes editing rules difficult.

Resolution: The 'Add Condition' link on the Rules and Behavior Expressions window will now insert a condition before each checked row.  If no rows are checked, it will add the condition at the bottom of the list as it did before this fix. 

Issue ID: 234548

Internal CR#: CR235351


Problem: The Rules and Behaviors "Condition" for a PSR Service Request can be set up based on any service item on the order, even if it is not a Level 1 service item.  This can be done by selecting "Level 1 Product" in the "Condition" option, and typing the service item name in the "Value".  Currently, only Level 1 products in the product catalog are displayed in the "Value" column.

Resolution: Following fixes has been done to resolve the problem:

1). A script was written to update the label from "Level 1 Product" to Product", so that the "Condition" drop-down, while building expression during Rules and Behavior set up, would show the same.

2). The "Value" column on the same screen will now show all of the service items in the drop-down, rather than showing only Level 1 product items.  This prevents the user from typing in other items.


Issue ID: 238322

Internal CR#: CR238549


Problem: Within Task Generation, when a task is set to "Not Required", and then a new task is inserted, the Task List display shows duplicates of the tasks

Resolution: The code was modified to suppress duplicates of the tasks in the Task List display window.  Now the user is able to see single tasks, even though the same tasks are inserted by marking present tasks as "Not Required".

Issue ID: 238923

Internal CR#: CR239147


Problem: On the Task Assignment window, the PERT chart is not displaying task depedencies between related plans. 

Resolution: The code was modified to display task depedencies between related plans on the PERT Chart of the Task Assignment window.  Task dependencies between related plans are now correctly being displayed on PERT charts.


MSS 6.0.10


Fixed Issue     


Application Server

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: Appendix E of the 6.0.3 Setup Guide mentions turning off the Web Component Reload parameter. However, this parameter is missing. (Domain>Deployments>servername>Web Application Modules). 

Resolution: The Web Component Reload parameter was removed from Weblogic SP5, so it does not appear in 6.0.8 and higher service packs. The 6.0.8 Setup Guide is correct in that it does not refer to the removal of the parameter.

Application Server   

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user experienced problems deploying the MSLV_6.08.109_AppServerInstaller.jar package. The installation successfully completed. After installing, the user bounced the appserver in preparation of deploying the application. The problem is that after the appserver was shut down, the user was unable to restart it.

The following error appeared:

./[54]: syntax error at line 65 : `"' unmatched

Resolution: A quotation mark was missing from the end of a line in the startup script. The script has been corrected.

Application Server

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  After installing MSS 6.08 b109, the Runtime Info page displays two different versions of BEA: sp3 and sp5.

Resolution:  BEA WebLogic must be upgraded to 8.1 sp5 prior to upgrading MSS to 6.0.8.  The Runtime Info page displays the correct version of BEA when these actions are taken in the correct sequence.  


Issue ID:

Internal CR:

Problem:  On the Service Request search window, when  searching for an ASR order by PON and selecting the CCNA option in the Search By field, no matches are returned when one is expected. 

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the search by PON used in conjunction with the Search By CCNA option now works correctly.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Update Circuit CLLI Locations window in ASR displays partial fields.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the fields on the Update Circuit CLLI Locations window now display properly.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When performing an ASR New From on a trunk order, the data in the FDT field on the original order does not carry forward to the new order.        

Resolution:  The stored procedure that handles ASR New From functionality was modified, and the FDT data now carries forward to the new order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: Several errors were incurred when running pfixSQL_Master.sql to upgrade a database to 6.0.8 b109. These errors were caused by file name entries in the pfixSQL_Master.sql file not matching the actual SQL file names, and by the presence of an unused command.  

Resolution: The file name entries have been changed in the pfixSQL_Master.sql file to exactly match the SQL files. Unnecessary words were also removed.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  After manually assigning a facility to a Line Switched Ring (without TSI) to the same channel on each segment, the system generates the following invalid error message, “Equivalent Channels must be selected when assigning to a line-switched ring without TSI.  Please select an equivalent channel on each segment.”  This occurs only for rings where parent OC48 segments are assigned to a higher facility.

Resolution:  The application will now correctly recognize that the same channels were assigned to at each segment of the Line Switched (without TSI) Ring, and the invalid error will no longer be displayed.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The CLR report for ASR disconnect trunk orders  incorrectly displays the DSGCON and IMPCON contact information when these fields are altered from the original order. Specifically, the CLR report for the disconnect trunk order displays the original order's DSGCON and IMPCON contact information.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the CLR report now displays the the correct DSGCON and IMPCON contact information for ASR disconnect trunk orders that have had this information altered from the original order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When manually designing a Virtual Connection to ride a Wireless Network (in the Schematic Design section of Connection Design), after selecting an Available Connection to make a hard assignment, the application does not recognize the selection. It prompts the user to first select an available row. The user then cannot design the virtual connection properly.

Resolution:  The application will recognize that an Available Connection has been selected and will make the hard assignment, so that the user is able to complete the Virtual Connection’s design.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The user had an End of Business Day time set to 11:45 PM , and tasks were due at that time. With a provisioning including the PTD, DLRD and DD tasks, the due date of those tasks differed from the work queue and the information displayed in Connection Design. For example, the PTD and DD dates are one day later in the Connection Design > Additional Detail > Admin window. The DLRD date shows one day later in the Connection Design > Additional Detail > ISI-DLR window.

Resolution:  The due dates for each of the tasks will now display correctly in Connection Design with the same date as shown in the Work Queue Manager.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The application will not allow the user to delete a Network Location immediately after it is created. The new Network Location has no association to any items, so the application should allow its deletion.

Resolution:  The application will allow deletion of a Network Location if it does not have any associations.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The user is able to create a PSR and add an NGN Customer Site Element with an activity of disconnect to the order. The problem is that the connections are still In Service and the system is allowing the connecting element to be disconnected.

Resolution:  This has been resolved by adding validation so that the Customer Site Network Element (or other element) cannot be added to a PSR with a disconnect activity if the associated connections are not also included on the order.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  For an Optical Network designed with multiple facility instances associated under one connection spec instance, when the user selects one of the facility instances to groom (Network Groom) the application would retrieve all the riding connections.  The user would then have to manually remove circuits which are not relevant to the selected facility for grooming. This may be a tedious task as the number of circuits increases.

Resolution:  Network grooming of facilities will retrieve only relevant facilities of the Optical circuit being groomed.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  For an Optical Network designed with multiple facility instances associated under one connection spec instance, when the user selects one of the facility instances to groom (Network Groom) the application would retrieve all the riding connections.  The user would then have to manually remove circuits which are not relevant to the selected facility for grooming. This may be a tedious task as the number of circuits increases.

Resolution:  Network grooming of facilities will retrieve only relevant facilities of the Optical circuit being groomed.   


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When printing the CLR of a Connection that has a Schematic Design, the user is unable to turn off printing of the Schematic Design Section of the CLR.

Resolution:  Printing the Schematic Design Section with the CLR design is now facilitated with a User Preference setting, in addition to providing a checkbox in the print window for individual control.

If the preference "Automatically Include Schematic Design when printing the CLR" is set to 'Y,’ then in the Print window (when the Include CLR checkbox is checked) the Include Schematic checkbox would be enabled and checked.  The user is able to uncheck this box if desired.

If the preference "Automatically Include Schematic Design when printing the CLR" is set to 'N,’ then in the Print window (when the Include CLR checkbox is checked) the Include Schematic checkbox would be enabled but NOT checked.  The user is able to check this box if desired.

In the Print window, if the Include CLR checkbox is not checked then the Include Schematic checkbox will be disabled.

In other preview windows other than the Print window, printing of the Schematic Section within the CLR section would depend on the preference settings.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Schematic Design view in Connection Design includes a terminating location for connection x-ref assignment blocks from the CLR/DLR page and this should not be the case.

Resolution:  The Schematic Design view will now only display a cloud connecting to the next assignment block (i.e. equipment block) and will include a label indicating the connection x-ref ID.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user was having a problem when trying to open the Connection Design for a template-based virtual connection from a PSR order. There were two instances where messages were returned when the connection design was opened but the correct location information was not found correctly. The first message indicated “Unable to determine the Originating Element.” The second message received was, “The Terminating Network could not be determined based on the selected originating port.” Neither of these messages should have occurred after reviewing the data.

Resolution: The data was corrected where the messages were occurring and they should not be returned any longer.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  On the Connection Design page, USO location details are not displayed for existing orders. 

Resolution:  The code has been modified and the Connection Design page now displays USO location details for existing orders. The information is displayed by clicking the Additional Details link on the Locations tab.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  In Network Systems on the network canvas, the right-click menu options do not appear consistently the first time the network system opens.

Resolution:  The code has been modified, and the right-click menu options on the network canvas now appear consistently the first time the network system opens.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  In Connection Design, for a New Virtual or Physical Connection in which the Virtual/Broadband Service Category has already been populated from Ordering or is set as default in Connection Design, the user is prompted to enter that data, after completing the Connection Summary section and then moving past the Properties section (e.g., to the CLR/DLR Design or Schematic Design sections).

Resolution:  Since the data has already been populated in the Custom Attributes section (and assuming no more data in that section is required to be filled out), the application will not prompt the user to enter that data, process the save, and display the area that the user had selected to move to. 


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When a user group's permission is set to Read-Only, the Hierarchical View option is disabled on the network canvas right-click menu for SONET/SDH systems.   

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Hierarchical View option is now enabled on the network canvas right-click menu for SONET/SDH systems, even when permissions are Read-Only.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The TCO option gets disabled when the DLRD is being processed for the trunks assigned to an ISR Facility order.

The TCO option is now enabled when the DLRD is being processed for the trunks assigned to an ISR Facility order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  Initial remarks entered on a USO are retained, but later changes to the remarks are not reflected on the Connection Design page.

Resolution:  On the Connection Design page, the "Refresh Remarks from Order" link has been made visible on the Additional Details for the USO order. When the " Refresh Remarks from Order" link is clicked, the changes made in the Remarks of the order will be refreshed on the Connection Design page.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  CLO information in Connection Design is not saved.  After opening a connection’s design from Connection Hierarchy, entering the Circuit Layout Order (CLO) information in the Additional DetailàAdmin section, and then saving the connection (SaveàCurrent Issue), closing the connection and then reopening—the CLO field is blank.

Resolution:  CLO information will save correctly now.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When there are multiple open orders for a circuit, and the orders are completed without accessing the design, the number of open orders in the properties is not properly updated.  

Resolution:  The stored procedure that calculates the number of open orders has been modified to fix this problem. The number of open orders is now reduced when an order is completed.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The user entered data in the Identification field of the Connection Design Search and Connection Hierarchy Search windows using the Set Criteria option and two Network Locations. When the search results were returned, the connections retrieved did not match the criteria entered.

Resolution:  The Connection Design Search and Connection Hierarchy Search windows will now retrieve the correct results based on all criteria fields that are entered.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When Processing Group Assign (sequential) for 24 trunks (assigned to a T1) in the foreground, the application hangs, and Group Assign is not completed.

Resolution:  Processing Group Assign will complete without a problem.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The user created a T1 connection and assigned it to equipment. Then, a T0 was created and in the assignment to the T1, multiple channel assignments were made on the T1, which prompted a message box asking to create one assignment block for all channel assignments or separate assignment blocks. The user selected to create one assignment block and the application crashed. When the connection design for the T0 was opened, there are no design lines displayed. The Connection Hierarchy for the T1 connection does show the T0 assignments.

Resolution:  Multiple channel assignments can now be made to a facility for a single connection and the design lines can show the data as one assignment block.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Connection Summary page is being locked by users that have Read-Only permissions in MSS Security. Users that need to make connection changes are forced to wait until the connection is released by Read-Only users.

Resolution: The code has been modified to open the Connection Summary window as "View Only" for users that have Read-Only permissions. Therefore, users with Read-Only permissions will no longer lock the connection. Another user with full access that tries to access the same connection will now be able to open and edit the connection.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The user sent a group assignment of connections to the background processor from an EWO prior to tasks being assigned to the order. An error was returned indicating, "Error retrieving original task status!" However, the job does get submitted into the background processor queue as New Job.

Resolution:  When sending a group assignment of connections to the background processor on an EWO prior to tasks being assigned to the order, a message will now display indicating, "A design task must exist in order to send group assignments to the background processor." In addition, the EWO must have at least one design task (i.e.  DLRD, RID) in order to send the group assignment of connections to the background processor.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: When trying to create a CLS circuit ID on an EWO, the user selected the Telco ID from the Telco ID drop-down field and this information pre-populates the Telco ID in the connection ID string. When the user tries to save the new connection, an error message is returned indicating "The Telco ID for Circuit Identification is not valid. Please change your entry or select from Telco ID dropdown."

Resolution: The application now allows users to create CLS circuits on an EWO when the Telco ID is selected from the drop-down field and manually input in the connection ID string.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  From the Equipment Inventory window, right-click and select Find. Then, right-click the Find Equipment window and select Circuit. Enter search criteria for a connection that you know does not exist. No message is returned indicating the connection was not found.

Resolution:  A message is now returned when the search criteria for Circuit or User Data was not met while querying on the Equipment Inventory window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  After selecting telephone number circuits to be groomed, the user receives a message stating that only WTN and NPOUT type OTT circuits are supported, and not all selected circuits were brought into the workspace. However, there are NPIN OTT circuits in the workspace.

Also, when one of the NPIN OTT circuits is selected and a new parent facility is selected to groom to, the application does not groom the circuit and no message is displayed to the user.

Resolution:  The Groom Tool does not support OTT circuits of type NPIN; only WTN and NPOUT type OTTs are currently supported. However, due to some incorrect logic and missing validation, some NPINs are currently allowed into the workspace by mistake.

The incorrect logic has been fixed and the missing validation has been added into the codestream, where applicable. However, logic has now been added to support the grooming of OTT circuits of type NPIN, in addition to the types WTN and NPOUT.

Whenever any other type of OTT circuit is selected to be brought into the workspace, the user will receive an informational message box stating this fact.

The "Groom To" function that did nothing was a result of the application not displaying a message box stating the the user may not perform this action due to some validation. This issue has also been addressed and the message box will now display as designed.

The Groom Tool supports OTT NPINs when selecting the circuits to be brought into the workspace by using the tool itself as well as when using the Change Switch or OCN for NPA/NXX window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user was trying to update node addresses for enabled port addresses that were three levels down and had a very large amount of installed instances of the equipment. The application server timed out after a period of time and returned the following errors, “Unable to Communicate with the Application Server” and then “A Database error has Occurred. No SQLCA defined.”

Resolution: The logic that updates the node addresses for equipment was re-written for better performance. For this particular equipment spec edit, this logic was responsible for updating approximately half a million rows of data. This logic is in a stored procedure and after one hour without a response, the application server severed the connection. This is what caused the No SQLCA defined error. With the improved performance of the stored procedure, the application will no longer time out for this issue.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When attempting to view User Data in Equipment Inventory, the save confirmation message appears even though no equipment changes were made.  The message states, "You must save changes before continuing.  Do you want to continue?"  This message should only appear when any equipment was actually changed.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the save confirmation message no longer appears in the Equipment Inventory window when User Data is selected, and no equipment changes were made.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: Even though the security for the Bandwidth Allocation Report is set to ‘Invisible’ or ‘Disabled’, the user is still able to run it via the Outputs menu on the Connection Design window.

Resolution: The Bandwidth Allocation Report option on the Outputs menu of the Connection Design window is now secured for users whose permissions are set to ‘Invisible’ or ‘Disabled’.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user (a Security Administrator) is unable to access Security Reports and Users and Groups from the File>Security menu in Utilities.  In addition, Utilities contains an Application Server preference that points to the Appserver URL. The preference doesn't appear to be used by the application any longer.

Resolution: The code was modified to enable the user to access Security Reports and Users and Groups from Utilities, if the individual's security settings allow such access. Also, the Application Server preference was removed.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  On the Service Request search window, the Search By field lists a choice of "Circuit" in the dropdown.  This should be changed to "Connection" to be consistent with the rest of the application.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and word "Circuit" was changed to "Connection" in the Search By field dropdown list.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user is receiving the message "An LSO was defaulted based on the value established by a previous order..." on the Connection Identification window on ISR and ASR orders entered for new installations. This message should not appear, because no previous orders exist. 

Resolution: The user will not receive an LSO prompt on the Connection Identification window on ISR and ASR orders for new installations. The user will be prompted only if the LSO already exists (EUL_LSO) for the locations entered on the current order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  There were two issues found while processing the ILAM task on an ISR MSL order. The first issue is the Secloc information is not coming forward correctly on the Loop Assignment and Makeup Request window. The second issue is the user is getting an Error 6 when they select the Priloc radio button on the same window.

Resolution:  The application has been modified to correct the Secloc information to be carried forward correctly and to eliminate the Error 6 when the Priloc radio button is selected from the Loop Assignment and Makeup Request window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The XML API method startOrderByKeyRequest, which initiates the Finish Order logic, is throwing the following error:  "Exception Thrown Execute Finnish Order: 1392908. Message: nullMiscellaneous Error: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ASAP.FK_CKT_NETWORK_LOCATION_Z_CLLI) violated - parent key not found." 

This error occurs only on trunk orders. The same order successfully completes Finish Order processing when initiated from the GUI. Also, note that the word "Finish" is spelled incorrectly in the error message.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the XML API method startOrderByKeyRequest will now execute correctly for PSR trunk orders.  Also, the word "Finish" is now spelled correctly in the error message.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The XML API method getPSROrder does not export delivery information for Directory Request / Directory Listing products.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the XML API method getPSROrder now exports delivery information for Directory Request / Directory Listing products.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The XML API export method getPSROrder has several issues regarding address information on orders containing Directory Request / Directory Listing  products.

1. The field names houseNbrPref and houseNbrSuf are inconsistent with the corresponding fields defined in the GUI (consider fixing if possible).

2. The houseNbrPref exports the suffix instead of the prefix.

3. The streetName exports "0001" instead of the actual street name.

4. The streetNmSuf exports the correct data only when it is set to "Aero" in the GUI.

5. The stateCd exports " AL " when it is set to "TX" in the GUI.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the XML API method getPSROrder now exports the address information correctly.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user was trying to add a cable pair assignment block on the CLR/DLR page of Connection Design. When they queried for the cable pair by a terminal location, several errors were returned.

Resolution: The error messages have been eliminated by correcting the search query based on the terminal location.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The PSR query by telephone number response time is very slow.  

Resolution:  The query was modified for performance improvement, and it now executes very fast.


Issue ID:
CR00235474, CR00250650
Internal CR:

Problem:  In PSR, the End User Location name does not default to the customer name.

Resolution:  The code was modified and the End User Location name now defaults based on Account Type if it is not manually entered.  For Business Customer Accounts, the End User Location name defaults to Company Name, and for Residential Customer Accounts, the End User Location name defaults to a combination of the First Name and Last Name.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  Response time was slow when accessing the Telephone Numbers window by clicking Inventory Management>Telephone Numbers. Response time was also slow when accessing available prefixes by clicking the Telephone Numbers prefix drop-down on the Telephone Numbers window.

Resolution: The code was modified to improve system performance in these two areas.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The XML API method updateCustomerAccountByValue, which is also used to import a customer, is throwing the following error when attempting to import a new customer:  "0 is not a valid GA instance for a country.  PSRCustomerContact has invalid GaInstance data."  The gaInstance values should be optional fields on the PSRCustomerContact structure.

Resolution:  The XML API method updateCustomerAccountByValue has been modified, and gaInstance data is now optional when importing a new customer.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user is unable to create a new PSR for an existing customer even though all required information is populated.

Resolution: For certain customer accounts within the application, more than one row existed in the customer account address table which is what was preventing new orders from being created.  The code now only looks at rows in the customer account address table that do not have the 'to effective date' set.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  On the Telephone Number Inventory page Create tab, the Responsible Organization dropdown lists both active and inactive OCNs.  Because Responsible Organization indicates that the company owns the telephone number, the dropdown list should only include active OCNs.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Responsible Organization dropdown on the Create tab of the Telephone Number Inventory page now lists only active OCNs.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The application prompts for an E911 task to be added in the provision plan, when it is not needed in the order.

Resolution: If there are service items on a PSR with a status of In-Service then the user will now be able to choose if they want the E911 task to be mandatory.  When assigning a Provisioning Plan to the order a message will appear asking the user if they want to add the E911 task to the order or not, this message box will appear if any In Service, E911 items are found on the order.


Issue ID:
CR00243252, CR00248765
Internal CR:

Problem:  On the Service Request search window, no matches are found when the Search By option is set to All.  

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Service Request search window now works correctly when the Search By option is set to All.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  After selecting an order from a disconnected or pending disconnect customer account, the following expected response message appears: "Cannot create a New Order from a Disconnected or Pending Disconnected Account."  The problem is that when OK button is clicked, a null object reference error is thrown and then application terminates.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the application will no longer terminate when the OK button clicked on the expected response message.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  Canceling out of the Add New USOC Codes window results in the error message "No matches were found."

Resolution:  The code was modified, and canceling out of the Add New USOC Codes window no longer results in this error.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  In the PSR Ordering Dialogue, under the Connectivity Matrix, when the user hovers the mouse over a cell to view its termination point information, the tool tip dialog does not display all relevant information, and it is also not formatted to properly wrap data.

Resolution:  The Tool Tip dialog now displays all relevant termination point information and is properly formatted for wrapping text.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Service Request Notes filter functionality has the following issues:  

1). The dropdown list of values is empty on the New Filter Criteria field.

2). When the Value field is populated with lower case letters, no rows are returned.

3). Filters with multiple criteria do not work. No rows are returned. 

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Service Request Notes filter now works for scenarios listed above. 


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: User data is not displayed properly on the Product History tab of the Customer Account window. The user created user data drop-down fields to appear on the Trunk Group Information window. The data selected in the fields on the Trunk Group Information window displays correctly. However, the values for the user data fields do not appear correctly on the Product History tab.

Resolution: The code was modified to correctly display the values in user data fields on the Product History tab of the Customer Account window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When attempting to view the Translations Report from the CMPLXTRNS task, the following three error messages display, and the application shuts down.                                                              "Array Boundary exceeded."                                 "Null object reference."                             "Application terminated." 

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Translations Report can now be viewed successfully.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The user entered a PSR to add child items to an in-service product. Before completing this order, the user entered a second PSR and copied the newly added child items to it. Both orders were then supplement-canceled and completed, so the child items were never placed in-service. Next, the user created a PSR to disconnect the in-service product. After right-clicking the product and selecting Disconnect This Item, the following message appeared: "There are In Service children that are not on the order. The item cannot be disconnected."

Resolution: The user is now able to disconnect the product. The SQL that searches for in-service child items not on the current order was changed to exclude child items that are never really placed in-service, as in the above scenario.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  In Order Management, on the Create or Select a Customer for a New Product Service Request page, the error below displays, and then application closes. The error occurs when creating a new customer, not when selecting an existing customer.  The error displays when the Bill Cycle is selected from the drop down. 

"Error text = Null object reference. Window/Menu/Object = uo_psr_augment_customer_info. Error Object/Control = uo_psr_augment_customer_info.  Script = of_update_address. Line in script = 11."  

Resolution:  The Bill Cycle is the last field to be populated on the this page, and the selection of the Bill Cycle initiates the attempt to create the new Customer Account.  However, an address is required for the creation of a new Customer Account, and the page did not require an address to be entered. Therefore, the code was modified, and the page now has an edit that requires an address to be entered.  This edit will prevent the error from occurring.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The price is rounded off on the PSR Preview but not on the PSR.  

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the PSR Preview no longer displays the rounded off price.  Therefore, both the PSR Preview and the PSR display the same price, which is not rounded-off.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When attempting to change the Group Name for a Hunting sequence on a PSR change order or on a PSR supplement change order, the following error is displayed:  "A group type must be entered before this hunt group definition can be saved."  Note that the Type field is already populated; only the Group Name is being changed.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Group Name can now be changed for a Hunting sequence on a change order or on a supplement change order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  CAs are overriding previously assigned values.

Resolution:  The code was modified and CAs no longer override previously assigned values.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  Customer Name information is missing from the Customer Information section on the Order Info tab, and from the Customer Header.  However, it does show up for some customers, so the problem is inconsistent.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Customer Name now displays correctly and consistently on the Order Info tab and on the Customer Header.   


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The application closes with an error on disconnecting a Circuit when an order with a virtual circuit is opened and the user tries to disconnect the items and open the DLRD task. When the user selects Options->Group Disconnect, the application closes with errors.

Resolution:  The user will now be able to successfully Group Disconnect virtual circuits as well as physical circuits when trying to work the DLRD task of the order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: An extra word appears in the title of the Order Detail pane of the PSR Order Summary window. The user found this error by creating a PSR using Customer Profile>Circuits/Connections. After clicking Submit, the Order Detail pane displays the wrong title.

Resolution: The title of the Order Detail pane of the Order Summary window was corrected.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:
CR00202364, CR00202365
Internal CR:

Problem: Modify the script to make the script more manageable.

Resolution:  The script has been cleaned up and modified.  Variables are set once within the script and then are referenced in other areas of the script.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Ticket Sequence Id does not get restarted every day.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Trouble Ticket counter can now be restarted every day.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: For  a few Trouble Tickets in the Edit window, the application does not enable the Service Item tab. The equipment description is also blanked out. The two items work fine in the List window preview and View window.

Resolution: The descending size of the service item has been increased to solve this problem. Now the user will be able to close the ticket without any errors and also see the Service Item tab and equipment description.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  There are several processes in Trouble Management that have been become very slow with the 6.0.5 b200 upgrade. For example, the Edit Ticket window takes several minutes to save and close. Also, when clearing or closing a parent ticket, and at the same time clearing the child ticket, it takes 4 - 8 minutes to complete.

Resolution:  There were several "select for update” SQL statements in the save logic for creating, editing, clearing, closing, linking, and unlinking tickets.  These statements caused the save logic to lock itself because the ‘select for update’ statements were using a different connection than the prior update statements that had already been processed.  The "select for update" statements were removed from the trouble logic because they are not needed.  Therefore, the save processes no longer lock  themselves and now these operations can now be performed in just a few seconds.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  A user in trouble management has a personal view called 'my view'. When the user’s personal view is active, the Customer Profile is grayed out under Options in the Trouble Ticket Queue.

Resolution:  If a personal view did not contain the customer name, the Customer Profile menu option was disabled unconditionally. Changes have been made to obtain the customer name associated with the ticket. The Customer Profile menu option is enabled if a customer exists and disabled otherwise.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: A trouble ticket with the state of Externally Referred and a ticket status of Customer Time gets accumulated in the Total Working Time calculation.

Resolution: The SQL has been modified in the Data window in d_ticket_view_details_1 so that a trouble ticket with the state of Externally Referred and a ticket status of Customer Time does not accumulate in the Total Working Time.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When the Set Criteria button is clicked on the Trouble Customer search window, the application crashes.     

Resolution:  The code was modified and the Set Criteria functionality on the Trouble Customer search window now works without crashing the application.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The word "Edit" is misspelled as "Edi" on the menu bar of the Edit Ticket window.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the word "Edit" is now spelled correctly on the menu bar of the  Edit Ticket window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: When choosing Edit Ticket or Clear Ticket on certain trouble tickets from the Active Ticket Queue, it takes more than one minute to bring up the window.

Resolution: Code was changed to improve the overall performance of displaying the Edit Ticket and Clear Ticket windows for tickets where the last name of the Trouble Ticket Contact, Reported By Contact, and Close Contact where blank but where a first name was entered.  The customer's business process was to hit the space bar in the Last Name field and then enter only the first name.  The code was pulling up all contacts whose last name was a space and was returning more than 20,000 records into the drop-down which was the cause of the performance issue.

The code was changed to not retrieve all of these when the last name field is blank.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  On the Edit/New Ticket window, there is a problem with the action taken when the Enter key is hit while in the Trouble Description field.  Specifically, when the Enter key is hit while in this field, the cursor should move down to the next line to allow for more text to be entered for the Trouble Description.  Instead, when the Enter key is hit while in this field, the ticket is saved.  

Resolution:  The code was to correct the action taken by the Enter key while in the Trouble Description field.  Now when the Enter key is hit while in Trouble Description field, the cursor moves down to the line.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Edit Ticket window displays the following error message when attempting to click Save: "A data-related error occurred. (Fatal Error): 15:239: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1c) was found in the CDATA section."

Resolution:  The code was modified to truncate the non-printable characters, and to allow the extended ACSII characters.  Also, an additional step was added to the customer SQL to clean up the corrupted data caused by this problem.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Trouble Ticket Status Report, the Trouble Ticket Summary Report, and the Trouble Ticket List Report all print one ticket per page, which wastes paper.  

Resolution:  The code was modified to print multiple tickets per page for these reports.  

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When attempting to log on to the system, the user receives an error saying 'Unable to set date-time info'. The problem was caused by opening the client time zone user preference and clicking OK without picking a time zone.

Resolution: The user is no longer locked out of the application after clicking OK on the user time zone preference window without selecting a time zone.

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Internet Services query does not appear to be working.  An order was entered with multiple email addresses and domain names, and then due date completed.  Attempts to retrieve this order through the Internet Services query result in no matches found.  

Resolution:  The code was modified to retrieve the Internet Service Item types of IPADDR, EMAIL, WEBHOST and DOMAIN. Now, Internet Service Order(s) associated to the Customer are returned by the Internet Services query.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: After the initial Save and Close of a USO change order, when the user tries to associate the circuit to a MSL leg, the application throws an error message, although the provisioning plan has not been associated.

Resolution: Changes have been made to allow the user to associate the circuit to any MSL leg after reopening a USO change order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When the user performs a New From on a USO, the Stored Procedure SP_CREATE_ASR_NEWFROM throws an integrity constraint error when the CCCNA or ACNA field contains undefined codes such as CUS or ZZZ.

Resolution:  The cursor was modified in asrnewfr.sql and the condition check for CCNA was removed. The user can now successfully perform a New From on USO orders even though the CCCNA or ACNA field contains undefined codes such as CUS or ZZZ.  


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The NE Migration Equipment NEID/TID field is not long enough.  The field should be able to handle 25 characters but it only handles 14.

Resolution:  The code was modified and the NEID/TID field will now handle 25 characters.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  In Rules and Behaviors, the response time is very long when generating a large number of tasks. 

Resolution:  The code was modified to improve response time performance. 

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  When tasks are inserted through Rules and Behavior, the tasks are not listed in a sorted order based on task Due Date in the Task list.

Resolution: The code has been modified to sort the tasks on the task list in the date time order, when the Due Date column in the task list is clicked. The user will now be able to see all the tasks in the list sorted by both date and time.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: Work Queue Manager randomly does not display the Circuit ID for ISR orders.

Resolution: A new Refresh Circuit ID menu item has been added under the Options menu and also on the right-click popup menu of the Work Queue Manager. This menu item is only enabled when the Circuit ID is blank. Selecting this menu item causes the first circuit on the order to show up in the Circuit ID column.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The following error displays when attempting to complete the DD task for a PSR order with a locally owned telephone number:  "Error encountered on the APPServer: Update failed for E911 Extract for telephone number 303-577-11760-0."

Resolution:  This problem was encountered whenever a DD task was followed by an E911SMRT task.  The code was modified to allow an E911SMRT task to follow a DD task such the DD task will now complete complete successfully in such scenarios.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem: The selection of the ‘Next’ task takes a long time in the Work Queue manager.

Resolution: The code behind the selection of the ‘Next’ task was modified for performance improvement and it now executes much more quickly.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Type field does not display on the printout version of the Circuit Information ASR Form.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the Type field now correctly displays on the printout version of the Circuit Information ASR Form.  

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Problem:  The Why Missed Code Occurrence report does not print out the complete footer.

Resolution:  The code was modified, and the report now prints out the complete footer. 

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:


Problem:  On PSR supplement orders, the Plan Selection window grays out the NPA-NXX field, but the field is still mandatory. When the user clicks OK, the message "Tasks cannot be generated until the NPA/NXX is entered on the Plan Selection Tab." appears.  Therefore, the only action the user can take is to cancel out of the Plan Selection window.  The result is that provision plan/tasks cannot be modified.

Resolution:  The code was modified to suppress the message.  Now provision plan/tasks can be modified.


                                                        MSS 6.0.11


Fixed Issue


Application Server Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When deploying the LSR in a clustered environment, the user is unable to create LSR logs for managed servers in the /managedserver/appserver/logs directory.
o create LSR logs in the /managedserver/appserver/logs directory, the user has to perform the following :

  • Locate the loggingconfig_LSR6.xml file located in the /managedserver/appserver/config directory.

  • Update the file name to         loggingconfig_cluster-LSR6.xml to match the name of the .ear file deployed (i.e. cluster-LSR6.ear).
  • Deploy cluster-LSR6.ear to the cluster.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Circuit Identification window of an ISR order, under the Circuits tab, when entering a numeric character in the Service Type Code field, the user receives a prompt message to enter an alphabetic character. On clicking OK, the same prompt message reappears.
The code was modified and now when the user enters a numeric character in the Service Type Code field on the Circuit Identification window, the prompt message will appear only once.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

After deleting the MUXLOC from an ASR order, and viewing the ASR order through the CABS Billing Navigator window, the user finds that the SECLOC is displayed twice, though MUXLOC gets deleted.
The code was modified and now when the user deletes the MUXLOC from an ASR order, the SECLOC will be displayed only once.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Service Request Search window, when a search by ASR/CCNA is performed, and the CUS option is entered for the CCNA field, the user is not able to enter a letter in the Customer Name field to enable the listing of Customer Names associated to the CUS in the dropdown.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a letter in the Customer Name field, thereby enabling the listing of Customer Names associated to the CUS in the dropdown.

Background Processor

Issue ID:

Internal CR:

The Job Manager creates the job server which stores the host name in upper case in the database, while the Job Master retrieves the computer name in lower case, resulting in a case mismatch. As a result, the Job Master does not get started.
The code was modified and now the Job Master will get started even when the host name is stored in lower case in the database.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When upgrading to 6.0.10, the prodfixsql script CR185916.SQL fails and the following exception error occurs:
''ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
ORA-06512: at ''ASAP.SP_CR185916'', line 143
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 1''.
The prodfixsql script CR185916.SQL was modified and now the upgrade to 6.0.10 can be performed successfully without an exception error.


Issue ID:
CR00241405 CR00242758
Internal CR:

When upgrading from 6.0.2 to 6.0.7, the prodfixsql scripts CR172794.sql and CR35240a.sql fail, and the upgrade cannot be performed successfully.
The prodfixsql scripts CR172794.sql and CR35240a.sql have been modified and now the upgrade from 6.0.2 to 6.0.7 can be performed successfully.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user opens a PVC circuit from a design task on the Work Queue window, an error message appears: ''Unable to determine originating element, the design cannot be processed.''
Also, the PVC circuit gets incorrectly displayed on the account port of another user, instead of the account port of the user who opens the PVC circuit.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to open a PVC circuit from a design task on the Work Queue window without getting an error. The PVC circuit will also be correctly displayed on the account port of the user.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Service Address Location Information Maintenance window of an ASR order, when the user enters values in the SPOT fields for PRILOC and SECLOC, the Termination field on the Connection Design window does not display the SPOT value for PRILOC, and incorrectly displays the End User Name instead of the SPOT value for SECLOC.
The code was modified and now the SPOT values will be displayed correctly for both PRILOC and SECLOC on the Connection Design window.


Issue ID:

Internal CR:

On the Connection Design window, under Connection Summary, the Options link is not displayed in the Actions section.
The code was modified and now the Options link will be displayed in the Actions section under Connection Summary.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On an ASR order, the City and State field information entered in
Connection Design>Additional Detail>PRILOC and SECLOC Locations are not displayed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window.
The code was modified and now the City and State field information entered in the PRILOC and SECLOC Locations can be viewed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On an ASR Supplement Order>End User Special Access (EUSA) - Location Maintenance, when the user enters values in the CFA fields for both PRILOC and SECLOC, the CFA value for SECLOC does not get updated under Connection Design> Locations.
The code was modified and now the CFA value will be updated for SECLOC under Connection Design>Locations.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user with full access for the Connection Summary window is unable to modify a connection, as the connection gets locked when already opened by a user with Read only permission.
The code was modified and now the connection will not get locked when a user with Read only access opens the Connection Summary window, thereby enabling the user with full access to modify a connection.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, when viewing the Activation Report of a specific task, the Port Address of the facility gets displayed on the report instead of the Port Address of the equipment.
The code was modified and now the Port Address of the equipment will be displayed correctly on the Activation Report.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Managing a Connection window, when the user creates a new facility from an existing base connection for a sub-network connection, the Connection Loc A and the Connection Loc B fields on the Connection Identification window do not display any values.
The code was modified and now the Connection Loc A and the Connection Loc B fields on the Connection Identification window will display the values.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Under Network Systems>Network Detail, when trying to retrieve components and connections through the Find Component and Find Connection options, the user has to provide the exact name of the component or connection to be retrieved. This process is very tedious, particularly for a large Network opened without graphics.
The code was modified and now when the user just clicks on the Retrieve button on both the Find Component and Find Connection options, all the components and connections will be retrieved.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to complete a DD task with Cascade Reconciliation process, the Print window appears, but the application hangs.
After the DD task with Cascade Reconciliation process is complete, the application will prompt the user to use the Print option. If the user clicks 'Yes', the Print window will appear. If 'No', the Print window will not appear. The application will not hang.


Issue ID:

Internal CR:

When the prodfixsql script ''delckt.sql'' is called by the pfixSQL_Master.sql, the following error occurs: SP2-0310: unable to open file ''delckt.sql''.
The prodfixsql script ''delckt.sql'' was added in the pfixSQL_Master.sql and now the script can be called and executed correctly without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When trunk connections are group assigned on a PSR order through the Group Assign link, the application hangs.
The code was modified and the user will now be able to group assign the trunk connections successfully and the application will not hang.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The Connection Hierarchy window does not retrieve connections from the Connection Design window.
The code was modified and now the Connection Hierarchy window will retrieve connections from the Connection Design window, when the Preference 'Show Available Positions' under My Preferences>Connection Hierarchy is set to Y.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a USO, the initial remarks entered in the Remarks column under the Remarks/Assignment tab are retained even after supplementing the order. The changes made in the Remarks column after supplement are not refreshed on the Connection Design window.
The code was modified to make the "Refresh Remarks for order" link visible in the Connection Design window, and now the changes made in the Remarks column after supplement can be refreshed by clicking on this link.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to copy a Cable Pair through a PSR order in Design Lines>Actions> Copy Design, the cable pair does not get displayed on the Cable Pair Connection Assignment window.
The code was modified and now the Cable Pair copied in Design Lines>Actions>Copy Design will get displayed on the Cable Pair Connection Assignment window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user enters decimal data (e.g. 2.00) in the Dollartest field under Connection Design>Properties> User Data, the following error message appears: ''Value 2.00 in user data must be numeric for column DOLLAR TEST''.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter decimal data in the Dollartest field under Connection Design>Properties>User Data.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to retrieve User Data values by giving the search criteria on the Connection User Data window, the values get retrieved only on the Connection Hierarchy window, instead of retrieving on both the Connection Design and Connection Hierarchy windows.
The code was modified and now when the user enters search criteria for User Data values on the Connection User Data window, the values will be retrieved on both the Connection Design and Connection Hierarchy windows.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The notes entered by the user, in the Notes field under Connection Summary for a Bandwidth circuit do not get displayed in the CLR Notes tab on the Print Preview window.
The code was modified, and now the notes entered in the Notes field under Connection Summary for a Bandwidth connection will get displayed in the CLR Notes tab on the Print Preview window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Equipment Inventory window, when the user enters a value of more than 16 characters in the Node Address field, the MISC column on the Connection Design window displays the Node Address truncated to 16 characters.
The code was modified and now when the user enters a Node Address value of more than 16 characters, the Node Address will get wrapped to the next line.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On an ASR order, in the column Remarks>DESIGN_LAYOUT_REPORT>REMARKS_LINE_3, when the user enters remarks more than/ equal to 168 alphanumeric characters, an error message appears stating that the entered remarks exceed the maximum length allowed.
The code was modified to increase the size of the column REMARKS_LINE_3, and now the application will allow the user to enter remarks more than/ equal to 168 alphanumeric characters without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

In MSS 6.0.8, in  Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>Design Notes, the user is unable to enter the letter A in the N (notes indicator) column.
The code was modified and now the user can enter the letter A in the N (notes indicator) column in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>Design Notes.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On moving a connection in Connection Design>Connection Hierarchy, when the user tries to save the connection by clicking the Save New Issue option, the following error occurs: ''Circuit 1243510 issue 17 with DLR issue status 3 not valid for save or save as request.''
The code was modified and now the moved connection will be saved in the Connection Design window without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When group assigning child circuits, the Shelf and Card (Equipment) names, and the Node Address are not displayed under CLR/DLR Design>MISC of the Connection Design window.
The code was modified and now the Shelf and Card (Equipment) names, and the Node Address will be displayed under the MISC column when group assigning child circuits. However, the Equipment name should be different from its acronym.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When there are multiple open orders for a connection, and the user completes an order without accessing the design lines, the number of open orders in the Open Orders field under Connection Design>Properties is not correctly updated.
The code was modified and now when there are multiple open orders for a connection, the number of open orders is correctly updated when the user completes an order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

Both the Connection Design Search and Connection Hierarchy windows do not retrieve connections, when the Network Locations and ECCKT information are given as search criteria.
The code was modified and now the Connection Design Search and Connection Hierarchy windows will retrieve the connections when the Network Locations and ECCKT information are given as search criteria.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to add/modify User Data in the Connection Design window, a prompt message for cascade reconcile appears: ''Assignment modifications made for circuits associated with this order will affect 16 child circuits/assignments. Not initiating the Cascading Reconciliation process will result in mismatch assignment information on the child circuit design. Do you want to continue?''
The code was modified and now the user can add/modify User Data in the Connection Design window without getting a prompt message for cascade reconcile.


Issue ID:
CR00245734 CR00252751
Internal CR:

On an ISR order, the response time for the disconnect process of a trunk group through the Group Disconnect option is too slow.
The code was modified and now the user can perform Group Disconnect for a trunk group much faster.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user assigns a facility to another facility having an Equipment Assignment using the
Assign Range To option, and clicks 'Yes' on the Cascading Reconciliation prompt message, the application terminates.
The code was modified and now the Cascading Reconciliation process will be completed successfully, when the user assigns a facility to another facility having an Equipment Assignment, using the
Assign Range To option.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user assigns a T1 facility to a T3 facility (having a Desired Due date later than T1) to n circuit positions (e.g. 10 positions) through the Assign Range To option, the following warning message appears repeatedly for each of the circuit positions: ''The circuit you are assigning to will not be completed when this order's due date is completed. Continue?''
The code was modified and now when the user assigns a T1 facility to a T3 facility, the warning message will get displayed only once.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to change a SONET Equipment Assignment from one port to another port, the following error message appears: ''This port address is in a 'pending' status. As a result, the assignment cannot be made''.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to change a SONET Equipment Assignment from one port to another port without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

In MSS 6.0.7 b99, in Connection Design>Maintain Design Notes>Design Notes, 
the user is unable to enter the letter A in the N (notes indicator) column and the following  error message appears: ''This is not a valid note indicator. Please use one of the characters in the following string: 123456789BCEFGHJKLMNPQSTUVWXYZ''.
The code was modified and now the user can enter the letter A in the N (notes indicator) column in Connection Design>Maintain Design Notes>Design Notes without getting an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On an ISR order, under the Locations tab, when entering a Contact Name with more than 15 characters for a SECLOC Location Type, the user is unable to open the order through the Connection Design Search window.
The code was modified to allow up to 25 characters in the Contact Name field, and the ISR order can now be successfully opened through the Connection Design Search window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order with an ATM/FRATM product, when the user tries to complete a DD task, the following error occurs: ''Error occurred fetching ASAP.SP_TASK_COMPLETE stored procedure in f_complete_task''.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete the DD task on the PSR order with an ATM/FRATM product without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user is unable to view the complete LSO Location description from the LSO dropdown field on the Circuit Identification window.
A horizontal scrollbar was added to the LSO field on the Circuit Identification window, thereby enabling the user to view the complete LSO Location description.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a SONET Network System, the user is unable to delete an Equipment associated to a Node.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete the Equipment associated to a Node.

Engineering Work Order

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When creating a new EWO, the user is not able to access the Trunk Group Info from the Connection Identification window to add the TCICs and User Data. The following validation message, ''You must add trunk number ranges on this order before saving the ECCKT. Use the 'Trunk Nbr's'' button.'' appears on clicking the Trk Grp Info button, even after the trunk number ranges have already been assigned. This also occurs for Disconnect Connection or Change Connection.
The code was modified and now the user can enter the Trunk Group information like TCICs and User Data without getting any validation message.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When selecting the Group Assign option
, the user is unable to perform group assignment of a Bandwidth circuit on two or more telephone numbers.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform group assignment of a Bandwidth circuit on two or more telephone numbers successfully.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Connection Design window, the user is unable to make network port assignments through Network>Provisioning Assistant, because the application does not respond.
The code was modified and now the application will allow the user to make network port assignments through the Provisioning Assistant window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Equipment Inventory window, the user is unable to view the Port VC Limit Report for an Equipment installed on a specific Network Location.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to  view the Port VC Limit Report for the Equipment installed on a specific Network Location.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

In Equipment Inventory>Find Equipment, the Equipment Must Have field displays Unassigned as the default value instead of None.
The code was modified and now the Equipment Must Have field in Equipment Inventory> Find Equipment will display None as the default value instead of Unassigned.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Equipment Inventory window, when the place holders of an equipment are cross-connected, and the user tries to delete an equipment after copying it to another slot, the following error message appears: ''There are one or more cross-connects defined for this equipment''.
The code was modified and now when the place holders of an equipment are cross-connected, the user will be able to delete an equipment after copying it to another slot, and an error will not occur.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Equipment Inventory window, when the user assigns an equipment having TX Port Address to a connection, the response time is very slow.
Also, a second equipment with another TX Port Address, when assigned to the connection, does not get displayed in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign an equipment having TX Port Address to a connection much faster. Also, any additional equipment with another TX Port Address will get displayed in Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when assigned to the connection.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Equipment Assignment window, when connections are unassigned first and then re-assigned, their mapping positions are not displayed correctly on the Position Mappings window.
The code was modified and now the mapping positions will be correctly displayed on the Position Mappings window, when connections are unassigned and then reassigned.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user is unable to enter both positive (+) and negative (-) signs in the Transmit Loss or Gain field under Equipment Inventory>Equipment>Configuration.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter both positive (+) and negative (-) signs in the Transmit Loss or Gain field under Equipment Inventory>Equipment> Configuration.


Issue ID:

Internal CR:

On a Network Location window, under the Location Data tab, the Location Type and Location Category fields for an existing Network Location do not display the correct information, when the user configures any LERG information on the Location And Routing Gateway window.
The code was modified and now the Location Type and Location Category information will get displayed correctly when the user configures the LERG information.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the End User Location Search window, when the user deletes a duplicate End User Location, an End User Location not associated to a Service Request, or a newly created End User Location, the following errors occur:
1.Data-related error: ''java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: localhost; nested exception is: Connection refused
Error invoking business object: java.lang.NullPointerException''.
2. N&SP error:
''Error deleting End User Location. Update of N&SP server failed''.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete a duplicate End User Location, an End User Location not associated to a Service Request, or a newly created End User Location without getting any errors.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Product Specifications window under the Values tab, when the user selects the Drop Down option for the Value Data Type field, the Min and Max Value Length fields get enabled, indicating that they are mandatory, when they are not.
The code was modified and now when the user selects the Drop Down option for the Value Data Type field, the Min and Max Value Length fields will be disabled.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user is able to delete an End User Location that has been associated to a Terminal Location.
The code was modified and an appropriate warning message will be displayed when the user tries to delete an End User Location that has been associated to a Terminal Location.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user performs Supp Cancel on a Change Order to roll back the ECCKTs for the connections assigned on a new order as well as a supplement order, the rollback does not happen for all the ECCKTs.
The code was modified and now the rollback will happen correctly for all the ECCKTs (New Order and Supplement Order), when the Change Order is Supp Cancelled.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When creating a new ISR order, the Desired Due Date field under the Order Detail tab displays an incorrect date.
The code was modified and now the Desired Due Date will be displayed correctly on the ISR order based on the international date format set in the Control Panel.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On an ISR order, under the Multipoint Service Legs tab, when the user selects a newly created form, the following error occurs:
''Error Number 6. Error text= Invalid Datawindow row/column specified. Window/Menu/Object=w_Iso_mps_maint. Error Object/Control= w_Iso_mps_maint.
Script= we_postopenprocess.
Line in Script=67''.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to select a newly created form under the Multipoint Service Legs tab without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the PSR to LSR Mapping window, when the user selects the LSR Template Name from the drop down, and clicks on the Next button, the following error occurs:
"Error: ORA-01843: not a valid month ORA-06512: at "ASAP.SP_CREATE_LSR_NEW_FROM", line 3158 ORA-06512: at line 1". The user is unable to proceed further and complete the mapping.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete the mapping on the PSR to LSR Mapping window without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When an Exception occurs, the XML-API throws an EJB Exception instead of an Application Exception to the calling workflow, causing the WLI Transaction to move to the Rolled Back status.
The code was modified and now the XML API will throw an Application Exception, so that the WLI Transaction remains Active and only a portion will be rolled back. 

PSR Issue ID:
Internal CR:


When the user initiates a request (for opening an item, saving changes, retrieving data, etc), there are no visible signs to indicate that the system is processing the request.


The code was modified and now when the user clicks on any link on Customer Profile or on the Ordering Dialogue window of a Template Based product, a progress bar with racing green lights will indicate that the system is processing the request.


PSR Issue ID:

Internal CR:


On Customer Summary>List of Customer Orders>Order Summary>Order Notes, when the user tries to add a New Note by clicking on the Add New link, the following error occurs:


MetaSolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException: JDSCStatementManager: A required parameter is null and must be specified.”


The code was modified and now the user will be able to add a New Note by clicking on the Add New link without an error.



Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to configure a Template Based Product on a PSR order, the customer locations are duplicated.
The code was modified and now the customer locations will not be duplicated when configuring a Template Based Product on a PSR order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a new PSR order for an existing customer, when the user enters the information in the required fields and tries to navigate to another tab, the following error occurs: "Required value missing". On clicking OK on this error message, the entered data gets wiped out.
The code was modified and now the user can create a new PSR order for an existing customer without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR View Only order, the user selects the connections under Global>Frame Relay Product - In Service>Summary Info, and clicks on the Access Information link to open the PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment window. The user is able to edit the PRILOC/SECLOC information in this window, though view-only.
The code was modified and now the user will not be able to edit the PRILOC/SECLOC information on a View Only PSR order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

After disconnecting a Physical or Virtual circuit on a PSR order, when the user opens the DLRD task and selects the Group Disconnect option on the Service Request Connections window, the application terminates.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to group disconnect the Physical or Virtual circuits successfully.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

In 5.2.16 and 5.2.18, when the user assigns a TN Switch to an End User Location, the appropriate Network Area gets selected but does not get assigned automatically.
The code was modified and now when the user assigns a TN Switch to an End User Location, the appropriate Network Area will get selected and assigned automatically.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, when the user tries to update the CNAM and LIDB information for an InService product and reopen the CNAM window, the updated information is not saved.
The code was modified and now the CNAM and LIDB information for an InService product will be updated when the user sets the following Preferences  to 'Y':
 "Collect CNAM Information" and "Collect LIDB Information".


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to create a block of telephone numbers in the Telephone
Number Inventory, duplicate instances of telephone numbers are created.
The code was modified and now the retrieval query for the telephone numbers will check for the To Effective Date of the NPA/NXX location in order to avoid duplicate instances of the telephone numbers being created.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When creating a PSR order for an NGN product, the system displays duplicate locations.
The code was modified and now the system will not display duplicate service locations, when a PSR order for an NGN product is created.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The Copy to Branch functionality on the createOrderbyValueRequest in does not copy all the InService items under a Level 1 product.
A new preference has been added to Preferences under API>PSR Order Entry API. The preference with default N is titled, 'Use Copy Item when importing PSR Order'. When this preference is set to Y, the Copy Item operation will be performed. When this preference is set to N, the Copy Branch operation will be performed.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the MSAG Validation screen, when the user selects the state
Indiana from the STATE/PROVINCE drop down, the MSAG Address Range window does not retrieve any data for this state.
The code was modified and now the MSAG
Address Range window retrieves the data for all states including Indiana .


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Service Request Search window, it is difficult to search for a PSR order using the Project field (that allows both upper and lower case characters), for the user is not sure how the project name was entered when created (i.e. in upper or lower case).
The code was modified and now the project name will automatically be displayed in upper case when the user enters the same in the Project field on the Service Request Search window. A script was also given to convert all existing project names to upper case in the database.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, when the user right clicks on the Service Location and selects the Update Service Location option, the Location Name field is blank on the End User Location Maintenance window. On clicking the OK button, the Service Location name changes to the preloaded End User on the PSR order.
The code was modified and now the Location Name field will display the location name on the End User Location Maintenance window. On clicking the OK button, the Service Location name will also be correctly displayed on the PSR order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The Item Values Report on a PSR order is printed in the portrait format, which runs to 2 pages. Also, to preview the report, the user has to scroll to view the entire information. 
The code was modified and the Item Values Report can now be previewed and printed in the landscape format in 1 page.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, the user right clicks on a Line product and selects Duplicate Line to create a duplicate line. When assigning a reserved telephone number to the duplicate line, the following error appears:
"Error assigning telephone number".
On clicking OK on the error message, the duplicate line gets deleted from both the Telephone Numbers Assignment window and the PSR order.
The code was modified and now the Duplicate Line will not get deleted on both the Telephone Numbers Assignment window and the PSR order.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, under Add Service Locations>End User Service Location Search window>Existing Locations tab, when the user opens a Service Location to edit it, the application terminates.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to edit an existing Service Location successfully.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a new PSR order, the user clicks on Copy Existing Services, right-clicks on Dedicated Access Trunk Group to select Copy Branch to Order. When trying to expand the tree view of the Dedicated Access Trunk Group, the application terminates.
The code was modified and now the application will not terminate when the user expands the tree view of the Dedicated Access Trunk Group on a new PSR order.


Issue ID:
CR00246492  CR00247782
Internal CR:

On a PSR order for a Template Based Product, when the user tries to assign a Network Location to a circuit under the PRILOC/SECLOC Info tab, the application terminates.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign a Network Location to a circuit on a PSR order for a Template Based Product.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, when the user adds a value in the Label and Value Info tab of a new connection and then tries to delete the connection, the following error occurs:
"{ASAP.FK_SE_RE_SI_VA_SE_RE_SI} violated - parent key not found "
and the application terminates.
The code was modified and now when the user adds a value in the Label and Value Info tab of a new connection and then tries to delete the connection, the application will not terminate.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, when the user selects the Label and Value Info tab of a circuit product, and tries to go the Security Permissions window by pressing the F2 key, the  following error message appears:
"A duplicate item already exists. Item was not added".  
Only when the user clicks OK on the error message, the Security Permissions window opens.
The code was modified and now when the user selects the Label and Value Info tab of a circuit product and then presses the F2 key, the Security Permissions window will open without an error.

Technical Framework

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Work Queue Manager window, when clicking on the CID task of an ASR order, the CABS Billing Navigator window opens as Read Only. When the user selects Options>Print All Circuits on Order, or clicks on the Print All icon from the toolbar, the details of all the circuits in the order do not get printed. 
The code was modified and now the details of all the circuits will get printed when the user selects Options>Print All Circuits on Order, or clicks on the Print All icon from the toolbar.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Edit Ticket window of a Trouble Ticket of Billing Inquiry type, the user is unable to save the changes made on the ticket and the following data-related error occurs:
"[Fatal Error]:15:239: An invalid XML character [Unicode: 0x1c] was found in the CDATA section."
The code was modified and now the user will be able to save the changes made on the ticket without an error.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the New Ticket window or the Edit Ticket window, in the Trouble Description field under the Trouble Information tab, when the user presses the Enter key, the cursor does not move to the next line. Instead, the ticket gets saved.
The code was modified and now the cursor will move to the next line when the user presses the Enter key in the Trouble Description field.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, under the Print option, when the user selects the Trouble Ticket Status Report or Trouble Ticket Summary Report or Trouble Ticket List Report, only one ticket gets printed per page for a report leading to unnecessary wastage of paper.
The code was modified and now multiple tickets will get printed per page for a report, when the user chooses the Print option.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Trouble Ticket Queue window, when the user tries to create/edit/clear/close/link/unlink tickets with the state Open Active, the performance time is very slow.
The code was modified and now the performance time will be faster when the user creates/edits/clears/closes/links/ unlinks tickets with the state Open Active.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user reopens a Trouble Ticket and clicks on the entered data in Trouble Description Detail>Trouble Description, or on the entered data in Trouble Ticket Queue>Log Views>Event Log, the data entered in multiple lines is now displayed as a single line with junk characters.
The code was modified and now the data in the Trouble Description as well as Event Log fields will be displayed in the same way as it was entered, and the junk characters will not appear.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user first enters a note in the Log Entry window>Note field and clicks on the OK button for an Externally Referred ticket in the Open Active state. Then, the user enters another new note and clicks on the Apply button. The application generates multiple Log Notes for each note, instead of generating a single Log Note for all the notes together in the Log View tab of the Trouble Ticket window.
The code was modified and now only one Log Note will be generated in the Trouble Ticket window for an Externally Referred ticket in the Open
Active State.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The Log Entry window of a Trouble Ticket has only the Note field. The user requires the following fields to be added, to view additional Trouble Ticket information:
1. Service Item Type
2. Service Item Description
3. Customer
4. Trouble Description
5. Last Log Entry
The following fields are now added to the Log Entry window of a Trouble Ticket:
1. Service Item Type
2. Service Item Description
3. Customer
4. Trouble Description
5. Last Log Entry

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user is unable to set permissions for the following: ''w_eng_work_order'', w_equip_structure_type'' and ''w_equipinstall_maint'', for these window names are missing from the Assign Permissions window under Security Permissions.
The code was modified and now the window names ''w_eng_work_order'', w_equip_structure_type'' and ''w_equipinstall_maint'' will be displayed on the Assign Permissions window under Security Permissions.

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Geographic Areas window, newly created Cities under any State are sorted by upper case and lower case, and not by alphabetical order.
The code was modified and now the newly created Cities under any State will be sorted only by alphabetical order.

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Connection Design window, when a user with Read Only permission clicks on CLR/DLR Design and then double clicks on a design line to view the details, the corresponding window does not open.
The code was modified and now when a user with Read Only permission clicks on CLR/DLR Design and then double clicks on a design line, the corresponding window will open.

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

For a User ID created using the ''New From'' Option on the Security Users and Groups window, the ''Password Expires On'' field on the Edit User pop up window does not display the default value.
The code was modified and now the default value will be displayed in the ''Password Expires On'' field for a User ID created using the ''New From'' Option.

User Setup

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Internet Services window, the user is unable to retrieve the Internet Services (Domain, WebHost, IP address, and Email address) associated to a customer.
The code was modified and now the user will be able to retrieve all the Internet Services associated to a customer on the Internet Services window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When a connection with Pending Disconnect status is associated to a USO, the ACT (Activity) field under the Identification tab is not disabled.
The code was modified and now the ACT (Activity) field under the Identification tab will be disabled when a connection with Pending Disconnect status is associated to a USO.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On supplementing a USO, for which the connection has been added previously, the user selects the Service and Equipment tab and reopens the connection. On the Circuit Assignment window, the IntraLATA option is not available in the Srv (Service) Type Category dropdown.
The code was modified and now the IntraLATA option will be available in the Srv (Service) Type Category dropdown on the Circuit Assignment window.


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Custom Attribute window, under the Valid Values tab, when the user selects the Range option for a Valid Value, the Custom Attribute Rules window does not display the Valid Value under the Available Valid Values List.
The code was modified and now the Valid Value will be displayed under the Available Valid Values List on the Custom Attribute Rules window, when the user selects the Range option for a Valid Value. 


Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When there are two LERG13 records, the LERG application loads both the records and throws an OCN exception on 812-501 to change the OCN from 5719 to 8986.
The code was modified and now when there are two LERG13 records, the LERG application will not load both the records, but will select and load only the change record (with status 'M' or 'E').

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

The user wants to delete some records from the SERVER_LOG table, since the table has become too large causing a problem with one of the backup jobs.
The code was modified and a Server Log Purge functionality was added to the MSS Utility application, which will allow the user to delete records from the SERVER_LOG table.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Provisioning Plan Assignment window of a PSR order, the child work queues are not populated in the Work Queue dropdown when the parent work queue is selected for the first time.
The code was modified and now when the parent work queue is selected for the first time in the Work Queue dropdown, the child work queues will be populated.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Provisioning Plan Assignment window of a PSR order, the child work queues are not populated in the Work Queue dropdown when the parent work queue is selected for the first time.
The code was modified and now when the parent work queue is selected for the first time in the Work Queue dropdown, the child work queues will be populated.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Work Queue Manager window, when the user selects a child work queue from the Work Queue dropdown, and then selects Next Task from the Options menu, the response time to execute the next task from the parent work queue is very slow.
The code was modified and now when the user selects Next Task from the Options menu after selecting a child work queue, the response time to execute the next task is much faster.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Provisioning Plan window, under the Task Assignment tab, when the user tries to modify the duration of a Task Dependency to less than a full working day, the duration view for all the tasks changes from DAYS to HOURS, even when a few Task Dependencies exist with a duration of one or more days.
The code was modified and now the duration view for all the tasks will be displayed only as DAYS, even when a Task Dependency exists with a duration of less than a full working day.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

When the user tries to supplement an order with the DLRD task completed, and opens the Task Assignment window, the DLRD task is checked automatically in the Reopen column, even when the supplement type is New Due Date/Other/Correction. The user is unable to uncheck the reopened task.
The code was modified and now the DLRD task will not be checked automatically in the Reopen column for the supplement type New Due Date/Other/Correction.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On the Service Request Search window, when the orders are listed after a search, the user resizes (minimizes) the window to capture a portion of the Order Detail tab. On maximizing the window, the system fails to restore the Order Details in full. In order to view the Service Request Search window along with the complete order details, the user has to close and reopen the window. 
The code was modified and now when the user maximizes the Service Request Search window, the system will restore the Order Details in full.

Work Management

Issue ID:
Internal CR:

On a PSR order, the user is able to complete the DD task for a new PVC product while the Port and Network System are still pending on another PSR order within the same Network System, or between two different Network Systems.
The code was modified and now the user will not be able to complete the DD task for a new PVC product while the Port and Network System are still pending on another PSR order.


                                                              MSS 6.0.12                                                       


Fixed Issue


Application Server

Issue ID: CR00258277

Internal CR#: CR00258634

Problem: On Navbar>Reports, when the user selects the Service Order Tracking option from the Selected Report drop down, and tries to retrieve data without specifying a range, the application hangs.

Resolution: The code was modified and when the user selects the Service Order Tracking option and tries to retrieve data without specifying a range, the first 50000 reports will be retrieved and the application will not hang.


Application Server

Issue ID: CR00255622

Internal CR#: CR00256127

Problem: When the user gives the stop server scripts to shut down the server, the scripts fail.

Resolution: The code was modified and now the stop server scripts will not fail.



Issue ID: CR00247246

Internal CR#: CR00250772

Problem: On the Trunking-Service Detail 1 window of an ASR Trunking Disconnect Order, when the user enters a value under the TTT field and tries to validate the order as per the OBF rules, the following error occurs: "TTT is otherwise prohibited".

Resolution: The code was modified and now the application will allow the user to validate an ASR Trunking Disconnect Order without an error.



Issue ID: CR00208694

Internal CR#: CR00262853

Problem: When the user searches for an ASR Order with Location as the search criteria, the search results contain duplicate records.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user searches for an ASR Order with Location as the search criteria, the search result will contain only the required order and will not display duplicate records.



Issue ID: CR00242180

Internal CR#: CR00242678

Problem: When the Translation Questionnaire Trunking Section of an ASR order is only partially filled, and the user tries to delete the ASR order, the following error occurs:"sqlerror:1 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (ASAP.FK_TQACICI_TQ) violated - child record found".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to delete an ASR order without an error, when the Translation Questionnaire Trunking Section is partially filled.



Issue ID: CR00260919

Internal CR#: CR00262968

Problem: On the Circuit Identification window of an ASR Trunking Disconnect Order, when the user clicks on the Disconnect tool, and subsequently clicks the Trunk Nbr button on the Connection Identification window, the Change icon also gets enabled on the Trunk Number Assignment window in addition to the Disconnect icon.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Trunk Nbr button on the Connection Identification window, the Change icon will not get enabled on the Trunk Number Assignment window.



Issue ID: CR00259564

Internal CR#: CR00259582

Problem: When upgrading to, the prodfixsql script CR244231.sql fails and the following exception error occurs:''ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allows for this column''.  

Resolution: The prodfixsql script CR244231.sql was modified and now the upgrade to can be performed successfully without an exception error.


Issue ID: CR00244599

Internal CR#: CR00244707

Problem: When the Oracle Listener setup is down and the user tries to log into the application, the application hangs.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to log into the application when the Oracle Listener setup is down, and the application will not hang.



Issue ID: CR00233128

Internal CR#: CR00236897

Problem: On the Equipment Specification window, a Reconciliation process is initiated for an Equipment assignment. When the user toggles to another application before the Reconciliation is complete and returns, the Print window does not appear, instead the application hangs.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the application will not hang when the user initiates a Reconciliation process and toggles to another window before the Reconciliation process is complete. Also, after the process, the application will prompt the user to use the Print window. If the user clicks 'Yes', the Print window will appear. If 'No', the Print window will not appear.



Issue ID: CR00255853

Internal CR#: CR00256572

Problem: On Connection Design>Schematic Design, when the user clicks on the Redesign Connection option to redesign an existing connection, the Terminating Network and  Element fields on Connection Summary>Network System display the values instead of None.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Redesign Connection option, the Terminating Network and Element fields on Connection Summary>Network System display None.



Issue ID: CR00235783

Internal CR#: CR00236063

Problem: On the Provisioning Assistant window, when the user enters values in Entry Drop Node>Element Name, and Exit Drop Node>Element Name, and selects a connection from the search results, no channel is displayed under Provisioning Assistant: Select Channel Assignments>FacDesg (Channel).  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects a connection, all the channels will be displayed on Provisioning Assistant: Select Channel Assignments>FacDesg (Channel).



Issue ID: CR00240591

Internal CR#: CR00249448

Problem: On the Network System Design window, the Network Element does not get removed from the Network System canvas, when the user right clicks that Element and selects the Remove From Drawing option.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to remove a Network Element from the Network System canvas successfully.



Issue ID: CR00259248

Internal CR#: CR00263741

Problem: On SONET Maintenance>Network Drawing, the user is unable to insert a Node between two Nodes in a virtual ring.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to insert a Node between two Nodes in a virtual ring on SONET Maintenance>Network Drawing.



Issue ID: CR00259407

Internal CR#: CR00259445

Problem: On the Connection Design window, under Connection Summary, the user is unable to modify the Originating and Terminating Location fields when the Connection Format is CLT.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to modify the Originating and Terminating Location fields when the Connection Format is CLT.



Issue ID: CR00259492

Internal CR#: CR00260445

Problem: On Connection Design> Schematic Design>Network System canvas, when the user right clicks a Customer Site to select the Add Hard Connection option to add an Equipment, then again right clicks the new Equipment on the Network canvas to select the Add Hard Connection option, a Type mismatch error occurs.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks and selects the Add Hard Connection option on the new Equipment, the Type mismatch error will not occur.



Issue ID: CR00246800

Internal CR#: CR00255585

Problem: When the user tries to copy a Cable Pair through a PSR Order in Design Lines>Actions> Copy Design, the cable pair does not get displayed on the Cable Pair Connection Assignment window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Cable Pair copied in Design Lines>Actions>Copy Design will get displayed on the Cable Pair Connection Assignment window.



Issue ID: CR00251098

Internal CR#: CR00255765

Problem: On Trunk Group Information>TGN and Member Assignment>Loc A TGN, when the user tries to enter an TGN number already in use, a warning message appears, but the location of the Trunk Group specified in the message is incorrect.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user tries to enter a TGN number already in use, the warning message will display the correct location of the Trunk Group.



Issue ID: CR00252090

Internal CR#: CR00259149

Problem: 1. On an ASR Order, the City and State field information entered in Connection Design>Additional Detail>PRILOC/SECLOC Location is not displayed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window.

2. On an ASR Order having multiple connections, the contact information of the connections (except the first) is not displayed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now all the required information of an ASR Order can be viewed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window.



Issue ID: CR00255683

Internal CR#: CR00255700

Problem: On the Reservation window, the user is able to reserve a Circuit Position of a Cancelled Facility.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will not be able to reserve a Circuit Position of a Cancelled Facility.



Issue ID: CR00256215

Internal CR#: CR00256234

Problem: On Connection Design>Provisioning>Additional Detail, a value entered on the Circuit Layout Order field does not get saved.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the value entered on the Circuit Layout Order field will get saved.



Issue ID: CR00201385

Internal CR#: CR00258669

Problem: When the user creates an USO Order with Multipoint Service Leg information and associates a new connection to the order, the End User Information is not displayed on the Special Circuit Design window of the order under the Design and End User Termination tabs.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the End User Information of the USO Order will get displayed on the Special Circuit Design window under the Design and End User Termination tabs.



Issue ID: CR00254917

Internal CR#: CR00255417

Problem: On the Connection Hierarchy window, when the number of Connection Positions of a circuit is changed, the status of all circuit assignments, including the In Service circuit assignments changes to Unassigned.  

Resolution: The code was modified, and now the status of all the In Service circuit assignments will not change to Unassigned when the number of Connection Positions is changed.



Issue ID: CR00231966

Internal CR#: CR00242935

Problem: On Trunk Group Information>TCIC, when the user selects the Print TCO option for a Trunk Group with a large number of  connections, the Print window takes a long time to appear.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects the Print TCO option for a Trunk Group with a large number of connections, the Print window will appear much faster.



Issue ID: CR00255837

Internal CR#: CR00255849

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window of a Network Location BTRGLAWN, the user is unable to generate an Assembly Cross Connect Report on right clicking an installed Equipment and selecting the X-con Report option.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to generate an Assembly Cross Connect Report of an installed Equipment successfully on selecting the X-con Report option.



Issue ID: CR00263641

Internal CR#: CR00258485

Problem: The Node Address of an Equipment (e.g., SONET block) on Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>MISC gets truncated to display only 16 characters, even though the address was created with more than 16 characters.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now a Node Address with more than 16 characters will get wrapped to the next line on Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design>MISC.


Issue ID: CR00259435

Internal CR#: CR00259443

Problem: On Connection Design>Connection Reference, when the user selects any Connection Reference of a connection and clicks either the Add to Design button or Remove from Design button, the  first entry on the Connection Reference window also gets highlighted in addition to the required entry.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects any Connection Reference, the first entry will also not get highlighted on the Connection Reference window. 



Issue ID: CR00240126

Internal CR#: CR00260465

Problem: On CLR/DLR Design, when the user double clicks on a connection for which Copy Design has been performed from a Disconnect order, the Connection Reference window does not get displayed. However the window gets displayed when the user clicks on Cross-Reference under Connection Design>Actions.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Connection Reference window will be displayed when the user double clicks on a connection for which Copy Design has been performed from a Disconnect order.



Issue ID: CR00251893

Internal CR#: CR00263660

Problem: On a PSR Order, under Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user tries to add a Cable Pair to a connection which was created without entering the Terminating/Z Location, a message prompts the user to enter the Terminating/Z Location.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the prompt message will not appear when the user tries to add a Cable Pair to a connection without entering the Terminating/Z Location.



Issue ID: CR00245736

Internal CR#: CR00249999

Problem: On a PSR Order, the PRILOC/SECLOC information is not displayed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window, when the user double clicks on the Location Name on the End User Location Search window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the PRILOC/SECLOC information will be displayed under the CLR Notes tab of the Print Preview window, when the user double clicks on the Location Name on the End User Location Search Window.



Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00261338

Problem: On a PSR Order having a Bandwidth connection and a Virtual connection, when the user creates a Change Order to remove the Bandwidth connection, the following warning message is displayed: "There are Virtual connections allocated to this connection, cannot be removed". After redesigning the Virtual connection, when the user again tries to remove the Bandwidth connection, the same message is displayed.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to remove a Bandwidth connection without a warning message.



Issue ID: CR00251744

Internal CR#: CR00253093

Problem: On the Network System Design window, when the user associates an existing connection to a Network System, the following error occurs: ‘’ sqlerror:1 MetaSolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException:

JDSCStatementManager: A required parameter is null and must be specified’’.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to associate an existing connection to a Network System on the Network System Design window without an error.


Issue ID: CR00257605

Internal CR#: CR00257664

Problem: When creating a new Template in a Network System using the Add Template option, the user is unable to save the same and is forced to close the application.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to save a newly added Template in a Network System successfully.



Issue ID: CR00257116

Internal CR#: CR00259001

Problem: On the Network System Design window, when the number of connections is more than 800 and the user tries to perform an AutoBuild process, an "Out of Memory" error occurs and the application finally terminates.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to perform an AutoBuild process even when the number of connections is more than 800.



Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00261672

Problem: On Network System Design>Managing a Connection>Network Connection Specs, when the user tries to associate a Facility connection after unassociating it, the following error occurs: "No rows were found matching search criteria".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to associate a Facility connection after unassociating it without an error.



Issue ID: CR00260027

Internal CR#: CR00260114

Problem: In 6.0.7, on the Connection Design window, the presence of the horizontal scroll bar makes it difficult for the user to view the complete Design Line section.  

Resolution: The code was modified, and now the horizontal scroll bar has been removed making it possible for the user to view the complete Design Line section on the Connection Design window.



Issue ID: CR00251116

Internal CR#: CR00253744

Problem: On Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, when the user adds an External DLR to a connection and tries to save the same, the following error occurs: ''Save Processing Failed''.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to save a newly added External DLR to a connection without an error.



Issue ID: CR00257952

Internal CR#: CR00258901

Problem: On Connection Design>Connection Summary, the user tries to edit a connection with disconnect lines which results in a Reconciliation process. After the Reconciliation, when the user tries to close the CLR/DLR Design window, the application hangs.  

Resolution: The code was modified and the application will not hang when the user tries to close the CLR/DLR Design window after the Reconciliation process.


Engineering Work Order

Issue ID: CR00253995

Internal CR#: CR00254244

Problem: The user creates a Change Order through an EWO to remove In Progress Trunks. However, the Circuit Id status of the removed Trunks is incorrectly displayed as Cancelled on the Trunk Group Information window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Circuit Id status of the removed Trunks will not display as Cancelled on the Trunk Group Information window.



Issue ID: CR00256122

Internal CR#: CR00257278

Problem: On Equipment>Port Addresses, when the user enters a value on the VC Limit column for an Equipment and tries to add a Hard Connection between that Equipment and a Terminating Element, the application terminates.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to add a Hard Connection between an Equipment and a Terminating Element, when the Preference 'Enable VC Limit Validation' under My Preferences>Connection Hierarchy is set to N.



Issue ID: CR00253267

Internal CR#: CR00259231

Problem: The user is unable to insert a new node between two adjacent nodes that exist on se para te Optical Networks. Also, the user is not able to groom the provisioned connections of the new node to the base connections.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to insert a new node between two adjacent nodes that exist on se para te Optical Networks, and also groom the provisioned connections to the base connections.



Issue ID: CR00254026

Internal CR#: CR00263049

Problem: On the Network System Design graphical canvas, the user is able to create a connection between the Network Elements within an embedded network when accessing through the parent network.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will not be able to create a connection between the Network Elements within an embedded network when accessing through the parent network.



Issue ID: CR00202209

Internal CR#: CR00254525

Problem: On the Equipment Install window, the user is unable to assign IP addresses from different subnets to a Router having a Virtual IP port.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to assign IP addresses from different subnets to a Router having a Virtual IP port.



Issue ID: CR00256691

Internal CR#: CR00256731

Problem: In Connection Design>CLR/DLR Design, the user enters a value less than 20 characters under the Connection Reference field and saves it. However, on reopening CLR/DLR Design and adding more characters to the previously saved Connection Reference value, the following error occurs: ''sqlerror:1java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01401: inserted value too large for column''.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to enter a Connection Reference value of more than 20 characters without an error.



Issue ID: CR00260036

Internal CR#: CR00260065

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, the Print option under the File main menu is disabled.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Print option will be enabled on the Equipment Inventory window.



Issue ID: CR00253776

Internal CR#: CR00253822

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory Search window, there is a display error when the user selects a particular Network Location from the Net Loc (Equip/NE) drop down.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the display error will not occur when the user selects a particular Network Location from the Net Loc (Equip/NE) drop down.



Issue ID: CR00253922

Internal CR#: CR00254933

Problem: In MSS 6.0.8, on the Network System Design window, when the user tries to perform the AutoBuild process on a connection present on a Network Template, the AutoBuild wizard lists all the connections present on the Template, making it difficult for the user to select the required connection.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now only the connection that is selected for AutoBuild will be listed in the the AutoBuild wizard.



Issue ID: CR00248858

Internal CR#: CR00251238

Problem: On the Equipment Inventory window, when the user tries to add a Card LEY8AE, the following error occurs:"sqlerror: 1

java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-02291: integrity constraint (ASAP.REF_737705) violated - parent key not found".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to add the Card LEY8AE on the Equipment Inventory window without an error.



Issue ID: CR00255376

Internal CR#: CR00256034

Problem: On Equipment Spec>Mounting Positions>Slot Node Address, when the user changes the Slot Node Address of an Equipment, the following error occurs during the Reconcile Design Assignments process:"sqlerror: 1

java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (ASAP.PK_DLR_NOTES) violated".

Also, the application hangs after displaying the following warning message: "A duplicate item already exists. Item was not added".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to change the Slot Node Address of an Equipment without an error and the application will not hang.



Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00258834

Problem: On the End User Location Search window, when the user adds a New Network Location and clicks the OK button without entering or selecting the required values, the wrong error message "Required value missing for end_ user_location_party_id" is displayed.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user adds a New Network Location and clicks the OK button without entering or selecting the required values, the following error message will be displayed: "Required value missing for 'Service Provider'. 



Issue ID: CR00253429

Internal CR#: CR00253450

Problem: On the Network Location Search window, the user is unable to perform delete of a new Network Location that is not used in any order or associated with any circuit.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to successfully delete a new Network Location that is not used in any order or associated with any circuit.



Issue ID: CR00256006

Internal CR#: CR00256265

Problem: On the Number Inventory Reservation Search window, when the user searches for a number by entering values in the Received Date and/or NPA and Reservation Number fields, the following error gets displayed: "No matches were found for your search".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user can search for a number by entering values in the Received Date and/or NPA and Reservation Number fields without getting an error.



Issue ID: CR00256132

Internal CR#: CR00260896

Problem: On the End User Location Search window, the user is not able to delete an End User Location even though no Network Location or/and Terminal Location is associated to it.  

Resolution: The code is modified and now the user will be able to delete the End User Location when no Network Location or/and Terminal Location is associated to it.



Issue ID: CR00253303

Internal CR#: CR00260457

Problem: When the user modifies a Network Location on the Connection Design window, duplicate Network Location rows are displayed on the Location Search window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now duplicate Network Location rows will not be displayed on the Location Search window, when the user modifies a Network Location on the Connection Design window.



Issue ID: CR00257291

Internal CR#: CR00260459

Problem: When the user creates a Change order for an ISR order to change the Circuit Id of a parent circuit, and the Cascading Reconciliation process is subsequently performed through the Background Processor, the Circuit Ids of the child circuits do not get updated correctly.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Circuit Ids of the child circuits will get updated correctly when the Circuit Id of a parent circuit is changed and the Cascading Reconciliation process is done through the Background Processor.



Issue ID: CR00243922

Internal CR#: CR00244109

Problem: On an ISR Special Order, when the user specifies SECLOC as CLLI, only the Multipoint button is displayed instead of SECLOC information fields on the Service Request Detail window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when SECLOC is specified as CLLI, the SECLOC information fields will be displayed on the Service Request Detail window.



Issue ID: CR00255697

Internal CR#: CR00256777

Problem: On an LSR Order, the Window drop down main menu is disabled, because of which the user is unable to navigate to other parts of the application.    

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Window drop down main menu is enabled on an LSR order.



Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00262313

Problem: On a PSR Order having a PVC or DSL item, when the user enters an invalid value in the ACT field through a third party software, an exception error “activity code not set” occurs in the XML API.  

Resolution: The Activity code “iactnone” was added and now when the user enters an invalid value in the ACT field, an exception error will not occur in the XML API.



Issue ID: CR00245461

Internal CR#: CR00246961

Problem: On the XMLSPY window, the custAcctparentId element is missing.  

Resolution: The custAcctparentId element has been added to the XMLSPY window.



Issue ID: CR00257286

Internal CR#: CR00263301

Problem: A telephone number placed on a Non Premise product gives the following error: "Null pointer exception", as the Location Id is NULL.  

Resolution: The code was modified in such a way that the telephone number validation is bypassed. A telephone number can now be placed on a Non Premise product based on the value of the Location Id.



Issue ID: CR00249918

Internal CR#: CR00256805

Problem: On the Service Request Search window, when the user previews a PSR Order and selects the Item Values option from the Product Service Request Print pop up, the nested header information is not displayed on all the pages of the Item values window. Also, the values in the Previous Value column are truncated and not displayed completely. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now the nested header information will be displayed on all the pages of the Item Values window. Also, the values in the Previous Value column will be displayed completely.     



Issue ID: CR00251827

Internal CR#: CR00254644

Problem: On the Create or Select a Customer for a New Product Service Request window, when the user enters or selects a Customer from the Customer Acct Nbr field, the Order Information window opens after a time delay of one minute.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user enters or selects a Customer from Customer Acct Number field, the Order Information window will open without any delay. 



Issue ID: CR00257129

Internal CR#: CR00257130

Problem: On Inventory Management>Telephone Numbers, in the Search By field, the Geographic Area option gets selected by default instead of Telephone Number.  

Resolution: A new preference has been added to Preferences under Service Request>Product Service Request. The preference with default N is titled, "Default Search to Telephone Numbers in TN Search to N". When this preference is set to Y, the default Search By option in the Telephone Numbers window will be Telephone Number. When the preference is set to N, the default Search By option will be Geographic Area.



Issue ID: CR00235271

Internal CR#: CR00260005

Problem: The user is able to delete a Reserve Group with only a single delete confirmation message even when Telephone Numbers are associated with that Group.  

Resolution: A new preference with default Y, "Delete Reserve Group only if No Telephone Numbers are in the group" has been added to Preferences under Inventory Management>Number Inventory Reservation. When this preference is set to N, the confirmation message for delete will be displayed.



Issue ID: CR00260074

Internal CR#: CR00260212

Problem: On the Customer Account Search window, when the user right clicks on a Customer Account having User Data and selects Delete, the following error occurs: "SP_PSR_DEL_CUSTOMER CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ORA-02292:integrity constraint (ASAP.PFXFK_CU_AC_US_DA_CU_AC) violated - child record found."  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user right clicks on a Customer Account and selects Delete, the Customer Account will be deleted without an error.



Issue ID: CR00248885

Internal CR#: CR00260564

Problem: On the Valid Values Search window, the value 'Reason the order was supplemented' is missing from the Valid Value Category drop down. 

Resolution: The code was modified and now the value 'Reason the order was supplemented' will be available in the Valid Value Category drop down on the Valid Values Search window. 



Issue ID: CR00255009

Internal CR#: CR00255727

Problem: In Customer Summary>Services>Customer Services of a Customer Account, when the user selects ALL from the In Service Values drop down of a DVA circuit, the following error occurs: "SP_WRITE_PSR_ORDER_HISTORY ORA-06502:PL/SQL:numeric or value error: character string buffer too small. Error occurred, do you wish to continue retrieving History Data?"  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to select ALL from the In Service Values drop down of a DVA circuit without getting an error.



Issue ID: CR00256782

Internal CR#: CR00256905

Problem: On a PSR Order of a Line Product, the user is not able to modify the name in the Calling Name field in the CNAM/LIDB section.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to modify the name in the Calling Name field in the CNAM/LIDB section.



Issue ID: CR00254348

Internal CR#: CR00258885

Problem: On a PSR Order, the user is not able to disconnect an ISP/PRI Trunk Product-In Service Trunk Product without getting timed out and the trunk product still remains In Service.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will able to disconnect an ISP/PRI Trunk Product-In Service successfully without getting timed out.



Issue ID: CR00253615

Internal CR#: CR00259087

Problem: On the Telephone Numbers window, the user is not able to assign the Telephone Numbers 225-282-0688, 225-282-0671 and 225-282-0650 having conflicting status.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user can assign the Telephone Numbers 225-282-0688, 225-282-0671 and 225-282-0650 having conflicting status.  



Issue ID: CR00253646

Internal CR#: CR00259526

Problem: On the PRILOC/SECLOC Assignment window of a PSR Order, when the user selects the Network Location option and selects a Network Location from the drop down, the complete address of the Network Location does not get displayed.   

Resolution: The code was modified to increase the width of the Network Location drop down field so that the complete address of the Network Location is displayed. 



Issue ID: CR00247959

Internal CR#: CR00260006

Problem: On a PSR Order of a Trunk Product, when the user assigns more than one child circuit to a parent circuit and enters the Circuit Details on the Circuit Identification-CLS format window, the Serial Number is not generated automatically for more than one child circuit.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Serial Number will be generated automatically for more than one child circuit.



Issue ID: CR00251287

Internal CR#: CR00251438

Problem: On a PSR Order>Order Info, under User Data Information, the Affiliate Telco drop down does not display the complete name of the value, SOUTHWESTERN BELL LONG DISTANCE, although once selected the complete name appears in the field.  

Resolution: The code was modified to increase the width of the Affiliate Telco drop down field and therefore the complete name of the value SOUTHWESTERN BELL LONG DISTANCE will now be displayed in the drop down.    



Issue ID: CR00266752

Internal CR#: CR00261152

Problem: On the Inventory tab of the Telephone Numbers window, when the user tries to retrieve a Telephone number, multiple locations are displayed for the same number.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user tries to retrieve a Telephone number, only a single location will be displayed for the number.



Issue ID: CR00252193

Internal CR#: CR00252714

Problem: When the user selects the Change option from the Activity drop down for a Network Location on the Create an Order window, the following error gets displayed: "Error -1 SF_COPY_SR:srsi_sr_loc:ORA-02291:integrity constraint(ASAP.FK_SR_LO_TY_SE_RE_SI) violated- parent key not found occurred attempting to copy service item SYSTEM Customer Network System MEDSTAR-BALTIMORE (83219) for document number 25725.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to select the Change option from the Activity drop down on the Create an Order window without an error.



Issue ID: CR00252621

Internal CR#: CR00254954

Problem: On the Internal Service Request window, under the Links tab, the user is not able to remove/edit an existing link.  

Resolution: The code was modified and a new user preference with the key value set to 'Y' has been added in the SQL Navigator window to remove/edit an existing link. When set to 'N', the user will not be able to remove/edit the link.



Issue ID: CR00255381

Internal CR#: CR00255507

Problem: In Order Management>Customer Accounts, the user is not able to transfer a Customer Account to another Customer Account.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to transfer a Customer Account to another Customer Account.



Issue ID: CR00256533


Internal CR#: CR00256574

Problem: On a PSR order of a Business Line Product, when the user moves a number from the Telephone Numbers list to the Assignment list on the Telephone Numbers search results window, the number gets duplicated on the Assignment window.    

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user moves a number from the Telephone Numbers list to the Assignment list on the Telephone Numbers search results window, the number will be displayed only once on the Assignment window.



Issue ID: CR00255561

Internal CR#: CR00257277

Problem: On a PSR Order of a Local Trunk Product-In Service-New, when the user tries to assign Toll Free Telephone Numbers, the following error occurs:"SP_CREATE_TEL-NUM_INV:ORA-02290:check constraint (ASAP.CK_FK_TE_NU_IN_LRN) violated."  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be assign Toll Free Telephone Numbers without an error.



Issue ID: CR00256836

Internal CR#: CR00257445

Problem: In Product Catalog>Special Access Circuit Product>Spc Access Ckt>Offnet Vendor  Information, under the Value Label of the Default Values tab, when the user right clicks on VENDOR and selects Add Value, the existing values get incorrectly displayed in the Valid Value drop down on the Label and Value Maintenance: VENDOR pop up.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the existing values will not be displayed when the user adds a new value to the Valid Value drop down on the Label and Value Maintenance: VENDOR pop up. 



Issue ID: CR00256696

Internal CR#: CR00257630

Problem: On a PSR Order of a Customer Account, when the user clicks on the Copy Existing Services link, the address is not appended to the name of the Service Location on the PSR Order window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the address will be appended to the name of the Service Location on the PSR Order window.



Issue ID: CR00248476

Internal CR#: CR00259812

Problem: When the user updates the Service Location in a PSR Order, the Location Name field on the End User Location Maintenance window does not get updated and is blank. Also, the Service Location on the PSR Order displays the following: 'Preloaded End User'.   

Resolution:  The code was modified and now when the user updates the Service Location, the Location Name field will get updated with the new name. The Service Location will also display the updated Location.



Issue ID: CR00254974

Internal CR#: CR00259825

Problem: On a PSR Order, under the Order Info tab, when the User Data is set as invisible, and the user invokes the GetPSROrderSync.jpd, a Null Pointer Exception error occurs.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user invokes the GetPSROrderSync.jpd, the Null Pointer Exception error will not occur when the User Data is set as invisible on a PSR Order.   



Issue ID: CR00260771

Internal CR#: CR00261002

Problem: On a PSR Order in Pending State, the user is not able to move the Telephone Numbers with Pending Status from the Assignment List back to the Telephone Numbers list on the Telephone Numbers search results window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user can move the Telephone Numbers with Pending Status from the Assignment List back to the Telephone Numbers list on the Telephone Numbers search results window.



Issue ID: CR00237974

Internal CR#: CR00238140

Problem: On a PSR Preview window, the Header information in the Service Order Notes Report is not displayed on all the pages of the report.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Header information in the Service Order Notes Report will be displayed on all the pages of the report.



Issue ID: CR00253032

Internal CR#: CR00259581

Problem: When the user creates an ISR Order as a parent order with two PSR Orders as child orders, the auto dependency of tasks is not generated on Internal Service Request>Tasks>PERT Chart.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user creates an ISR Order as a parent order with two PSR Orders as child orders, the auto dependency of tasks will be generated.



Issue ID: CR00258084

Internal CR#: CR00258176

Problem: In Preferences>System Information>Configure External Weblinks- Configure Links, the user is unable to type or paste the complete URL in the URL field of the Maintenance window, if the number of characters is greater than 100.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the character length for the URL field in the Maintenance window of Preferences>System Information>Configure External Weblinks- Configure Links has been increased to 150.



Issue ID: CR00251004

Internal CR#: CR00254360

Problem: In Trouble Ticket Queue>Service Item>View Design, when the user clicks on the View Design button from the Issues for Circuit pop up, the Design window opens after a time delay of at least 2-3 minutes.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the View Design button from the Issues for Circuit pop up, the Design window will open without any time delay. 



Issue ID: CR00256548

Internal CR#: CR00256583

Problem: In Customer Summary>List of Customer Trouble Tickets of a Customer Account, the user clicks on Add New to go to the Search Ticket Template Search window and clicks on the Create Ticket Without Template button. On the New Ticket window, under Billing Customer Information, the Address drop down field displays None by default instead of the address of the Billing Customer.     

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Address drop down field will display the address of the Billing Customer by default instead of None.



Issue ID: CR00248864


Internal CR#: CR00252255

Problem: In Order Management>Trouble Ticket Queue, when the user switches back and forth to the Trouble Ticket Queue from another application, the queue displays 0 tickets, even though there are several tickets in the queue.   

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user switches to the Trouble Ticket Queue from another application, the queue will display the tickets that are available in that queue.


User Setup

Issue ID: CR00202010

Internal CR#: CR00175559

Problem: On Inventory Management>IP Addresses-Internal, when trying to view the Number Inventory Report of an IP Address, the user finds that the Report does not generate any data.  

Resolution: The code was modified and the now the Report will generate data when the user tries to view the Number Inventory Report of an IP Address.


User Setup

Issue ID: CR00254170

Internal CR#: CR00255350

Problem: The Customer Account window does not display 'Read Only' when a user with Read Only permission (as set in Security Permissions>Assign Permissions) views the account. Also, the Save option is enabled in the Read Only window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Customer Account window will display 'Read Only' when a user with Read Only permission views the account.  The Save option is also now disabled.  


User Setup

Issue ID: CR00257579

Internal CR#: CR00257600

Problem: The user with Read Only access is able to add a Value Label to the Default Values tab of the Product Catalog window. The label gets added and saved even though the Product Catalog window displays 'Read Only' and the user receives the following warning message: "User is authorized read only access".  

Resolution: The code was modified and the user with Read Only access will now be restricted from adding/modifying/deleting Value Labels from the Default Values tab of the Product Catalog window. 


User Setup

Issue ID: CR00258851

Internal CR#: CR00258920

Problem: In Inventory Management>IP Addresses-External, the user with Read Only Access is able to create a Basenet from the IP Address Management window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user with Read Only Access will be restricted from creating a Basenet from the IP Address Management window.



Issue ID: CR00249911

Internal CR#: CR00256426

Problem: On the Service Request Detail window of an USO order, the Sec. NCI field is incorrectly displayed under the PRILOC section instead of NCI.    

Resolution: The code was modified and now the PRILOC section of an USO order will correctly display the NCI field.


Work Management

Issue ID:

Internal CR#: CR00258691

Problem: When using an associated Provisioning Plan in a child order, the child order does not get saved when the user clicks the OK or Apply button on the Provisioning Plan Assignment window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to save the child order when using an associated Provisioning Plan.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00252037

Internal CR#: CR00253872

Problem: On the Task Maintenance window of an order, when the user assigns a Provisioning Plan with Gateway Events, and assigns the same Provisioning Plan to a new ASR Order without closing the window, the Gateway Events are not reflected on the ASR Order.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user assigns a Provisioning Plan with Gateway Events of an order to a new ASR Order, the Gateway Events will be reflected on the ASR Order.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00256199

Internal CR#: CR00258035

Problem: On the Connection Design window, when the user selects the Print CLR/DLR option from the Outputs tab, the CLR Report displays incorrect dates on the  DLRD, CDLRD, WOT and PTD date fields.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the DLRD, CDLRD, WOT and PTD date fields will display the correct dates on the CLR Report as displayed on the Task Window. 


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00259244

Internal CR#: CR00259418

Problem: On an ASR Order, when the user tries to complete a RCONF task on the Work Queue Manager window, and tries to adjust the due dates of the follower tasks,  the following error occurs:"Error invoking business object: java.lang .NullPointerException".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to adjust the due dates of the follower tasks and complete the RCONF task without an error.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00259679

Internal CR#: CR00259909

Problem: On Rules and Behaviors>Rule Summary>Expression, when the user clicks on the Find icon after entering search criteria, the same value gets repeated multiple times in the Value drop down field.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user clicks on the Find icon after entering search criteria, the same value will not get repeated in the Value drop down field.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00201393

Internal CR#: CR00250547

Problem: On an ISR Order, under Tasks>Task List, when the user checks the Close of Business check box, the Task Due Date and Task Due Time fields display incorrect values.

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user checks the Close of Business check box, the Task Due Date and Task Due Time fields will display the correct values.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00256631

Internal CR#: CR00256711

Problem: On the Rules and Behaviors window, under the Actions column, the user clicks on the New From link to create a new rule from an existing rule. On clicking the Cancel button on the Rule window to cancel the new rule, the following error occurs:''Error 500- Internal Server Error From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer protocol - HTTP/1.1 :10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error''.  

Resolution: The code was modified, and now the user will be able to click on the Cancel button on the Rule window without an error.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00259329

Internal CR#: CR00259513

Problem: On IP Address Assignment>Related Pages, the Go to Order link is not available.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Go To Order link will be available in IP Address Assignment>Related Pages.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00249658

Internal CR#: CR00254560

Problem: When performing Supplement Cancel of an ASR Order, the user is able to right click on the DLRD task and uncheck the Task Required option under Service Request Supplement Cancel>Task List.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will not be able to right click on the DLRD task and uncheck the Task Required option under Service Request Supplement -Cancel>Task List because the option is disabled.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00205032

Internal CR#: CR00260086

Problem: On the Tasks window of a PSR Order, when the task dependency between a parent and child plan is deleted, the user is able to assign multiple Due Date tasks to the same order.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user deletes the task dependency between a parent and child plan and tries to assign multiple Due Date tasks to the same order, a message will be displayed as follows: "This Order has a DD task. An Order cannot have more than one DD task". And when the user tries to assign multiple Due Date tasks to an order without deleting the task dependency, a message will be displayed as follows: "This task has already generated a child plan".


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00257666

Internal CR#: CR00261640

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager of a new order created from a PSR Order, when the user tries to complete a DD task for which the Cascading Reconciliation process is complete, the application hangs on the Print window with the following error: "Unsuccessful retrieve of circuit product data for Administration section of DLR, circuit 1485411, document 59059".  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete a DD task on an order that was newly created from a PSR Order.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00255287

Internal CR#: CR00255516

Problem: On an LSR Order, when the user tries to complete a DD task on the Work Queue Manager window, the following error occurs: "sqlerror: 1Metasolv.persistent.jdbc.JDSCException: JDSCStatementManager: A required para meter is null and must be specified". However, the user can click on the OK button on the error message window and complete the DD task.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the user will be able to complete a DD task on an LSR Order without an error.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00251300

Internal CR#: CR00255847

Problem: On the Work Management window of a PSR Order with pricing information, the response time for completion of a DD task is very slow.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the response time for completion of a DD task is much faster in a PSR Order with pricing information.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00256689

Internal CR#: CR00257078

Problem: On the Work Queue Manager window, the Print Circuit Design option is not available for all the tasks, but only available for a task that behaves as a DLRD task.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Print Circuit Design option will be available for all the tasks on the Work Queue Manager window.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00258088

Internal CR#: CR00258334

Problem: The Supp History tab should also be available on the Service Request Search Result window in addition to the Work Queue Manager window.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the Supp History tab will be available on both the Service Request Search Result window and the Work Queue Manager window.


Work Management

Issue ID: CR00258850

Internal CR#: CR00258906

Problem: On the Domain Name and Servers Search window, a User/Group with Read Only permission is able to click Add New and go to the Domain Maintenance window for creating a new Domain Type.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now a User/Group with Read Only permission will be restricted from adding a new Domain Type.

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00247197

Internal CR#: CR00250340

Problem: On the Provisioning Plan Assignment window of a PSR order, when the user selects a non working day as a Desired Due Date, an appropriate warning message stating that a non working day is chosen as the Desired Due Date, fails to appear.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now when the user selects a non working day as a Desired Due Date and the preference 'Allow user to schedule tasks on non-work days' is set to N, an appropriate warning message will be displayed. 

Work Management

Issue ID: CR00244905

Internal CR#: CR00254489

Problem: The TimesInitiated count on the Gateway Event Error list window increments in odd numbers instead of consecutive numbers.  

Resolution: The code was modified and now the TimesInitiated count will increment consecutively on the Gateway Event Error list window.