Oracle® IStream Publisher 4.2

ReadMe File – January, 2009


This ReadMe file contains general information about IStream Publisher 4.2.

Please see the Release Notes for general product information, product enhancements and new features, supported platforms and third-party software, assorted considerations, and known issues and limitations.

Please see the installation chapter in the IStream Publisher Administrator’s Reference Guide for detailed installation and configuration information.

ReadMe File Contents

•       Contents of the Installation Package

•       Oracle Customer Support

Contents of the Installation Package

The IStream Publisher 4.2 installation package contains the following files and folders:

1. IStream Publisher_4.2_Release_Notes.pdf

The IStream Publisher 4.2 Release Notes.

2. IStream_Publisher_4.2_ReadMe.html

This ReadMe file.

3. IStream Document Manager

This folder contains the IStream Document Manager installation files and guides for the IStream Publisher Worker components.

4. IStream Publisher

This folder contains the IStream Publisher 4.2 installation files, including the following subfolders:

•       console – contains the WAR file required to deploy the IStream Publisher Console

•       database-drivers – contains the database drivers required by IStream Publisher

•       java – contains the JDK files required by IStream Publisher

•       lapi – contains lapi_CALLIGO.jar, which provides IDM-specific APIs that enable IStream Document Manager clients to work with the DMS

•       manuals – This folder contains the PDF documentation files. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files. You can download the free Acrobat Reader from

The manuals folder includes the schema reference documentation as a set of linked HTML files, similar to an online help system.

To view the schema reference documentation:

1. Unzip the IStream Publisher schema reference .zip file into an empty folder.

2. Double-click index.htm. The schema reference documentation opens in Internet Explorer.

•       reports – contains four IStream Publisher status reports

•       web-services – contains the WAR file required to deploy Web Services

The IStream Publisher folder also contains the following files:

•       EDInstaller.exe and setup.jar – additional installation files

•       install.bat – the setup file for IStream Publisher. For installation instructions, see the installation chapter of the Administrator’s Reference Guide.

•       OpenJMS.txt – the license and copyright information for OpenJMS

• – contains the IStream Publisher Software Development Kit (SDK). Extract this .zip file on your development machine, making sure the folder structure in the .zip file is preserved.

• – contains the IStream Publisher Web Services Interface client examples. Extract this zip file on your development machine, making sure the folder structure in the zip file is preserved.

Oracle Customer Support

If you have any questions about the installation or use of our products, please visit the Oracle Customer Support website:

Copyright © 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.