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Oracle® Beehive Release Notes
Release 1 (1.5)

Part Number E14829-08
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12 Oracle Beehive Zimbra Notes

This module contains the following types of information regarding Oracle Beehive Zimbra:


As of Oracle Beehive Release 1 (1.5), the product name "Oracle Beehive Integration for Zimbra" has been changed to "Oracle Beehive Zimbra".

General Notes About Oracle Beehive Zimbra

This section includes general information about Oracle Beehive Zimbra, and includes the following topic:

Sort Functionality in Oracle Beehive Zimbra

The sorting functionality provided by Oracle Beehive Zimbra may differ from users' expectations, therefore please keep the following in mind:

  • In the Inbox folder and any user-created folders, Oracle Beehive Zimbra supports sorting on the From, Subject, and Received (date) columns only. In the Sent folder, Oracle Beehive Zimbra supports sorting on the To, Subject, and Sent (date) columns only

  • Sorting on the To column in the Sent folder may not appear as expected (as described in Bug 7167877).

  • When users sort by Subject, Oracle Beehive Zimbra ignores common prefixes, such as "Re:" and "Fwd:".

  • Received messages may sort inconsistently if the name of the sender that appears in an e-mail message is different from the name for that user that is stored in the Oracle Beehive user directory.

  • Results for searches on e-mail content are sorted by relevance, not by date (as described in Bug 7183452).

Users Accessing Oracle Beehive Zimbra Through Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Over SSL May Experience Issues if Oracle Beehive Test Certificate is Used

Bugs 7322022 and 7324254. If your deployment uses the test certificate provided by Oracle Beehive, users accessing Oracle Beehive Zimbra through Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 over SSL may experience issues. This can include not being able to log in to the Oracle Beehive Zimbra.

In some cases, a message appears that states:

A network error has occurred. Please correct any errors and retry. If the problem persists, please contact your System Administrator.

In other cases, users can log in but receive a network error message ("detail - Empty HTTP response") immediately thereafter.

This issue is related to digital certificates and how Microsoft Internet Explorer handles them. To resolve this issue, please contact Oracle Support.

Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Zimbra

This section contains the following known limitations and workarounds with Oracle Beehive Zimbra:

Oracle Beehive Zimbra Does Not Automatically Refresh User-Created Calendars

Bug 7168320. Oracle Beehive Zimbra automatically refreshes each user's default calendar at regular intervals (typically every five minutes), however it does not automatically refresh any user-created calendars. To refresh a user-created calendar, use your browser's Refresh function or log out and back in to Oracle Beehive Zimbra.

Oracle Beehive Zimbra Does Not Support Option for Return Receipt on E-mail Messages

Bug 7226230. Oracle Beehive Zimbra does not provide users the option to request a "return receipt" on e-mail messages that they create and send.

Attachment File Names with Non-English and NLS Characters May Appear Corrupted

Bugs 7658779, 7658780, 7668023, and 7668056. If files with file names that contain non-English and NLS characters are attached to e-mail messages and calendar events, those file names may appear corrupted when viewed in Oracle Beehive Zimbra. In other words, Oracle Beehive Zimbra may replace non-English and NLS characters in the file names with other characters. Despite this, users can still open and work with attachments where the file names appear to be corrupted.

Revoking Sharing Privileges Through Oracle Beehive Zimbra May Not Take Effect Immediately

Bug 7692030. If a user revokes sharing privileges previously granted to another user through Oracle Beehive Zimbra, the revocation may not take effect immediately. In these cases, the user who is granted sharing privileges will still have access to the granter's folders and may be able to send e-mail on the granter's behalf during the current user session. Oracle Beehive revokes these privileges after the user who is granted sharing privileges logs out of the system.

Searching on E-mail Folders May Return Unexpected Search Results

Bugs 7551179, 7563840, 7669970, 7669974, and 8439501. Due to a server-side delay in refreshing users' e-mail folder indexes, searching for e-mail messages in folders may return unexpected search results if messages were moved into or out of the folders being searched shortly before executing the searches. For example, if messages were moved out of a folder minutes before searching on that folder, the messages that were moved may appear in the search results even though they no longer exist in the folder being searched. Or, if messages were moved into a folder, those messages may not appear even if they technically match the search query. This issue does not occur after the e-mail folder indexes are refreshed (approximately every 30 minutes).

Clicking the Find Attendees Tab While Creating a Meeting May Result in Error Message

Bug 8448667. Clicking the Find Attendees tab in Oracle Beehive Zimbra while creating a meeting entry may result in an error message. The error message varies depending on the Web browser that is used for Oracle Beehive Zimbra. For example, Mozilla Firefox users may see a "Service Failure" message, while Microsoft Internet Explorer users may see an "Invalid at the top level of the document" message. In either case, close the error message dialog window and try again.

Error Message Appears When Delegated Users Modify Events with GAL-based Group Attendees


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 8448506. The following network service error message appears whenever a delegated Oracle Beehive Zimbra user modifies an event that contains one or more group attendees that were previously selected from the delegator's Global Address List (GAL):

Network service error popper up: msg:system failure Failure in Calendar delegation


This issue does not occur if the granter or the delegated user typed in the Attendees list the e-mail address of each group attendee.

When presented with the network service error message, the delegated user should click OK to return to the delegator's calendar. If the delegated user changed the start or end time of the event, the event appears in its original time slot. However, if the user clicks Refresh on the Oracle Beehive Zimbra toolbar, the event appears in the new time slot.

Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Zimbra

This section contains the following known issues with Oracle Beehive Zimbra:

Modifying Tag Properties Through Oracle Beehive Zimbra May Result in Errors

Bug 7247457. Modifying the property for a tag through Oracle Beehive Zimbra may result in the following error:

A network service error has occurred.

Oracle Beehive Zimbra Only Displays Names and E-mail Addresses in Global Address Lists

Bug 7198205. Oracle Beehive Zimbra only displays names and e-mail addresses for contacts that appear in the Global Address List. No other contact information, such as phone number, company, and address, appears in the Global Address List even if that information is available.

Oracle Beehive Zimbra Does Not Allow Changes to Individual Instances of Recurring Meetings

Bug 7321371. Oracle Beehive Zimbra does not allow users to change the details of individual instances of recurring meetings.

Changing the Day and Editing an Individual Instance of a Recurring Meeting May Change Entire Recurring Meeting Series

Bug 7325842. If a user changes the day on which an individual instance of a recurring meeting occurs, and then attempts to edit that instance, the entire series for the recurring meeting may change. This may include the series moving to a day on which neither it nor the modified instance originally occurred.

Viewing Details of Monthly Recurring Meetings May Change Series Patterns

Bug 7339855. Viewing the details of a meeting that occurs every month may change the recurrence pattern for the entire series.

Emptying Trash Folder May Fail Due to Errors


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bugs 8429265 and 8440766. Emptying the Trash folder in Oracle Beehive Zimbra may fail due to network and platform errors. This issue, which occurs intermittently, has been known to produce the following error messages for the ZimbraConnectorService, the details of which appear in system log files:

  • "Resource is busy" exceptions

  • NullPointerExceptions

Using Oracle Beehive Zimbra to Search on Dates Will Fail for Some Locales

Bug 8416716. Attempts to execute date-based search queries through Oracle Beehive Zimbra will fail for the following locales:

  • Chinese (simplified)

  • Danish

  • German

  • Korean

  • Polish

  • Russian

Users who are configured for these locales and who attempt to execute date-based search queries will receive an error message that indicates that there was a failure on an input string. Also, this issue only affects date-based searches. All other search types function normally when executed through Oracle Beehive Zimbra.

Users Unable to Open E-mail Messages Attached to Events as .eml Files


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 8452224. Oracle Beehive Zimbra does not allow users to open e-mail messages that are attached to calendar events or appointments as .eml files. If a user attempts toopen such an attachment in Oracle Beehive Zimbra, another Web page that contains a link to the attachment opens instead. Clicking that link opens another Web page with another link to the attachment, and so on. This issue does not affect e-mail messages that are attached to other e-mail messages as .eml files.