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Oracle® Beehive Release Notes
Release 1 (1.5)

Part Number E14829-08
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7 Oracle Beehive Service Notes

This module contains the following types of information regarding Oracle Beehive services:

Known Limitations and Workarounds with Oracle Beehive Services

This section contains information about known limitations and workarounds related to Oracle Beehive services, and includes the following topics:

Server-side Rules Based on E-mail Subject Field May Fail When Virus Exists

If Oracle Beehive identifies a virus in an incoming e-mail message, the E-mail Service will automatically modify the value of the Subject field to indicate that the message has been altered as a preventive measure. However, this may prevent Oracle Beehive from correctly enforcing any server-side rules that are based on the Subject field of the e-mail message.

Mozilla Lightning Prevents Users from Adding Attendees to Tasks

Bug 6845472. Due to a limitation of Mozilla Lightning, users of that product are unable to add attendees to tasks if they do not specify a start date and end date. To overcome this limitation, users must specify a start date and end date for the tasks that they create and want to assign to attendees.

For more information, please refer to following Web page provided at Mozilla's website:

CalDAV Does Not Support Non-ASCII Characters in Credentials

Bugs 7009025 and 6997672. The CalDAV standard does not support non-ASCII credentials in user credentials. If your organization plans to leverage the CalDAV Service, please ensure that your users have or create credentials that contain ASCII characters only.

Attempts to Download Files Over FTP in Active Mode May Fail

Bug 7321883. Attempts to download files over FTP while in active mode may fail. To avoid this issue, configure FTP to use passive mode.

Creating Custom Template to Audit Subscription Event Results in Error

Bug 7408738. Creating a custom audit template that audits the event TM_SUBSCRIPTION_OCCURRENCE_RESOURCE_PARTICIPANT_INDIRECTLY_UPDATED results in an error. The workaround for this issue is to create a custom template that instead audits the event's parent (TM_SUBSCRIPTION_OCCURENCE_ASYNC_EVENT).

Search Service Does Not Index Documents in Some Cases

Bug 7429968. In some cases, the Search Service does not index certain documents. This issue may render some search results as incomplete, that is, documents that are not indexed will not appear in search results. To resolve this issue, users should either view such documents or open them with a supported WebDAV client. This will cause the documents to be indexed and they will appear in future search results.

IMAP Service Does Not Support Non-ASCII Characters in E-mail Body Searches

Bug 7174724. The Oracle Beehive IMAP Service does not support searches for non-ASCII characters in the bodies of e-mails. For example, using an IMAP-based client to search for a non-ASCII string in the body of an e-mail will result in an error.

Non-ASCII File and Folder Names May Become Corrupted Through WebDAV

Due to a limitation with Microsoft's implementation of WebDAV, non-ASCII file and folder names may become corrupted. This issue is resolved by Software Update for Web Folders: January 25, 2005, provided at Microsoft's website.

If your deployment leverages WebDAV, Oracle recommends that you verify that this update is installed on your WebDAV servers and users' computers. If it is not already installed, Oracle recommends that you download and install this update.

To verify whether or not this update is already installed, or to download and install this update, follow the instructions provided at the following link:

Instant Messaging Service Does Not Support Trillian Connection on XmppPort

Bug 7455397. The Oracle Beehive Instant Messaging service does not support connections with Trillian on the standard XMPP port (XmppPort). This limitation does not apply to the other instant messaging clients that Oracle Beehive supports.

To avoid this limitation, do one of the following:

  • Use another supported instant messaging client and configure it to connect on the standard XMPP port (XmppPort).

  • Use Trillian and configure it to connect on the SSL-enabled XMPP port (XmppSslPort).

Removing Approver from One Resource Removes Approver From All Resources


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 8422319. Removing an approver from one resource removes the approver from all resources to which the approver was assigned. To correct this, you must manually add the approver back to each resource to which he or she should be assigned.

Attempting to Restart the Audit Service May Fail if Oracle Beekeeper is Installed


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 8294034. Attempting to restart the Audit Service after stopping it may fail if Oracle Beekeeper is installed. If this occurs, restart your BEECORE OC4J instances using beectl. Or, in the case where only a single Audit Service instance was stopped and must be restarted, restart the associated BEECORE OC4J instance only, again, with beectl.

To determine the status of an Audit Service instance, use Oracle Beekeeper by navigating to the Services tab of the Topology module. If the Audit Service is currently stopped and unable to restart, it will remain in the "Stopping" state.

Oracle Beehive Displays Reminders for Day Events in Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Only

Bug 6345545. Oracle Beehive displays reminders for day events (events that occur for an entire day, such as holidays) in Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook only. Oracle Beehive does not display reminders for day events in any other supported clients, even if users enable the Reminder option.

CalDAV Client Users Cannot Set Series-level Reminders for Recurring Events with Multiple Attendees

Bug 7387438. Although CalDAV clients allow users to select and apply reminders at the series level (all occurrences of an event combined) for recurring events, Oracle Beehive does not retain these settings for recurring events that have more than one attendee. To set reminders for recurring events that have multiple attendees, users must instead set a reminder for each individual occurrence of the recurring events.

Syndication Service Generates Extraneous Message Details in Log Files


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 8372599. The Oracle Beehive Syndication Service generates extraneous message details, similar to the following examples, in BEEAPP log files:

  • In getType at SyndicationCacheKey!!!

  • value of m_collabId: <collab_id>

    where <collab_id> is the value of the m_collabID.

  • value of m_type: SyndicationCacheKeyType:OrganizationUser

The extraneous message details do not impact the normal functioning of Oracle Beehive nor do they indicate any abnormal functioning. Therefore, the details can be ignored.

The BEEAPP log file (log.txt) exists in the following location:


Known Issues with Oracle Beehive Services

This section contains information on known issues with Oracle Beehive services, and includes the following topics:

Search Requires Recent Archive Logs

Bug 6245357. After the installation of Oracle Beehive, if the entire database archive log file is deleted or moved, the Oracle Beehive search function returns zero results for all searches. Archive log files are located on the computer that hosts the Oracle Beehive database, in a location indicated in table V$archive_dest.

To avoid this problem, use the following procedure to determine which is the oldest archive log file still in use by the search indexer. You can safely delete or move archive log files older than that one.

To determine which log file is still being used by the search indexer (and, therefore, should not be deleted):

  1. Using SQL*Plus, connect to the Oracle Beehive database:

    connect / as sysdba
  2. Run the following SQL query:

    select from v$log_history a, v$archived_log b
    where a.first_change# <= (select least(required_checkpoint_scn) from dba_capture where capture_name like 'CDC%')
    and a.next_change# > (select least(required_checkpoint_scn) from dba_capture where capture_name like 'CDC%')
    and a.sequence# = b.sequence#(+);

This query returns a filename. Logs that were archived before that file can be deleted without affecting Oracle Beehive search.

Changes to Tasks Made in Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Do Not Immediately Appear in Mozilla Lightning

Changes to tasks made in Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook do not immediately appear in Mozilla Lightning. To force a refresh, toggle (uncheck and re-check) the Show completed tasks option in the Mozilla Lightning Todo panel.

WebDAV Web Folders Login Fails on Windows XP

Bug 6707419. Login may fail when Microsoft Web Folders is set up for a WebDAV instance. The login dialog pops up repeatedly despite entering valid credentials. This error occurs when both HTTP and HTTPS access is enabled, and access is attempted via HTTP. To correct this problem, you will need to stop and restart the WebClient service on the computer of the affected user.

To stop and restart the WebClient service, complete the following steps:

  1. On the user's computer, open the Services utility. You can access the Services utility through the Administrative Tools option in the Control Panel.

  2. From the list of services, click WebClient and do one of the following:

    • On the toolbar, click Stop Service.

    • Right-click WebClient and select Stop from the menu that appears.

  3. Connect through Microsoft Web Folders to the WebDAV URL:

    http://<your beehive server>:<port>/content/dav

  4. Restart the WebClient service.

Oracle Beehive May Log Warnings Caused by Proprietary Client Extension Packets from XMPP Clients

Bug 6951913. If Oracle Beehive detects or receives proprietary or unsupported client extension packets from XMPP client, it may log warnings in its log files even if the packets have no negative effects on the system or clients in question. Therefore, such warnings can be ignored.

Brackets in Folders and File Names May Result in Errors for Browser-based WebDAV Operations

Web-browser based users of the WebDAV Service may experience issues, such as HTTP 404 errors, when attempting to access folders and file names that contain left ([) or right brackets (]).

Configuring the LightweightThreadCount Property May Result in Null Pointer Exception

Bug 7521354. Configuring the LightweightThreadCount property (provided by the OWC Streaming Service) may result in a null pointer exception. In addition, the exception may prevent you from restarting the OWC Streaming Service, thereby disabling voice conferencing capabilities. Therefore, Oracle strongly recommends that you do not configure the LightweightThreadCount property.

Incorrect Message Appears When Moving Folders with Microsoft Windows XP Web Folders

Bug 8326201. If a user attempts to move a folder into another folder using the Folder View of Microsoft Windows XP Web Folders, the following message appears:

Are sure you want to delete <folder_name>?

where <folder_name> is the name of the folder that the user is attempting to move.

If the user clicks No, the system appears to take no action. If the user clicks Yes, another message appears indicating that the system was unable to delete the folder. Despite these messages, the system completes the move folder operation successfully.

Dynamic Group Creation Results in Error if Query Returns Multiple Hits for a User


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 7658387. If the query used to create a dynamic group returns multiple hits for a user, the system will display an error message (DuplicateEntityFound) and the dynamic group will not be created.

For example, if a user has the same value in her personal phone number and business phone number fields, and an administrator uses that phone number (or a substring of that number) as the criteria for creating the dynamic group, the query will return multiple hits for the user, or one hit for each phone number. In these cases, the system will display the DuplicateEntityFound error message and the dynamic group will not be created.

Attempting to View Details of Meetings with Group Participants in Oracle Beehive Central May Result in Error Message

Bug 8481546. Users of Oracle Beehive Central who attempt to view the details of meetings that have group participants, such as team workspaces or team workspace participant groups, may receive the following error message:

The requested conference does not exist or is unavailable.

Oracle recommends that, if possible, users leverage other supported clients to view the details of meetings that have group participants.

Oracle Beehive Does Not Transmit Formatting in Chat Room Messages


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bugs 8273433 and 8362457. Oracle Beehive does not transmit any formatting that is applied to text in chat room messages. In other words, if one user in a chat room applies bold and italic formatting to text and then sends that message to another user in the chat room, the recipient's instant messaging client displays the message without any formatting. This issue also applies to hyperlinks that are sent in chat rooms. That is, when users send hyperlinks in chat room messages, recipients receive only the text of the hyperlinks and the hyperlinks appear inactive.

Oracle Beehive Central Displays Blank Page After Logout if Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO) is Enabled

Bug 7829126. Oracle Beehive Central displays a blank page to users when they log out if Oracle Single Sign-On (OSSO) is enabled for their deployment.

Oracle Beehive Allows Users to Rename Workspaces Despite Conflicts with Organization Names


This issue is resolved in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( and later.

Bug 8374419. During the workspace creation process, Oracle Beehive correctly prevents users from creating workspace names that match their organizations' names. However, Oracle Beehive does not provide a similar check when users rename existing workspaces. That is, users can rename workspaces even if the new names match their organizations' names. This should not be allowed as workspaces with name conflicts will become inaccessible.