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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 1 (1.5) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit)

Part Number E14832-05
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24 Configuring E-Mail with SSL

You may add and configure multiple sending SMTP and receiving IMAP endpoints. As a result, you may configure Oracle Beehive e-mail so that SMTP and IMAP both listen on multiple ports; in particular, you may have SMTP and IMAP ports secured with Secure Socket Layer (SSL), and other ports with SSL not enabled.

The following topics are covered in this module:


The steps in this module involve changing the property AssumeSingleEndpoint to false in SMTPProperty and IMAPProperty, properties that store e-mail ports and endpoints.

If AssumeSingleEndpoint is true, then it will use the port number defined in SMTPProperty or IMAPProperty.

SMTPProperty and IMAPProperty contain a property named EndpointPropertiesList that contains a list of endpoints. If AssumeSingleEndpoint is false, then the port number defined in SMTPProperty or IMAPProperty will be ignored. Instead, the port numbers defined in the endpoints contained in EndpointPropertiesList will be used.

If you use the command beectl modify_port to change an e-mail port, the command assumes you want to use only one e-mail port. As a result, the command sets AssumeSingleEndpoint to true and modifies the port number defined in SMTPProperty or IMAPProperty.

Securing E-Mail with SSL

To secure Oracle Beehive e-mail with SSL, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the endpoint in SMTP so that it uses an SSL-enabled port. Follow the directions in "Modifying an Endpoint in SMTP".

  2. Modify the endpoint in IMAP so that it uses an SSL-enabled port. Follow the directions in "Modifying an Endpoint in SMTP" except use the property IMAPProperty in place of SMTP property.


You may call the command beectl activate_configuration after modifying the endpoints in SMTP and IMAP, instead of calling it twice (once after modifying SMTP and again after modifying IMAP.)

Enabling Both Non-SSL and SSL Ports

  1. Add or modify the endpoints in SMTP so that there are two endpoints: one endpoint that has an SSL-secured port, and one endpoint that has a non-SSL port. To add an endpoint to SMTP, refer to "Adding an Endpoint to SMTP". To modify an endpoint in SMTP, refer to "Modifying an Endpoint in SMTP".

  2. Add or modify the endpoints in IMAP so that there are two endpoints: one endpoint that has an SSL-secured port, and one endpoint that has a non-SSL port. To add or modify an endpoint in IMAP, refer to "Modifying or Adding an Endpoint in IMAP".


    You may call the command beectl activate_configuration after making all your modifications in SMTP and IMAP instead of calling the command every time you make a change to either SMTP or IMAP.

Modifying an Endpoint in SMTP

  1. If you want to modify the endpoint so that its port is SSL-enabled, follow the directions described in "Configuring TLS with Oracle Wallet" (if you have not already done so.)

  2. Set AssumeSingleEndpoint to false in SMTPProperty by calling the following beectl commands.


    Setting AssumeSingleEndpoint to false in SMTPProperty disables the non-SSL port specified in SMTPProperty. (In the following example, the non-SSL port number is 25.) Instead, the configuration specified in the property EndpointPropertiesList (of SMTPProperty) is used.

    The property EndpointPropertiesList contains endpoint objects. Each endpoint specifies a port that SMTPProperty uses (if AssumeSingleEndpoint is false). For each endpoint object, you may also specify whether the port is SSL-enabled or not.

    beectl list_properties --component _EmailService:SMTPProperties
    Property name            | Property value                                       
    Alias                    |                                                      
    AssumeSingleEndpoint     | true                                                 
    beectl modify_property --component _EmailService:SMTPProperties
      --name AssumeSingleEndpoint
      --value false
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
    Successfully stored the property for component id
  3. Choose an endpoint to modify from EndpointProperties list. Set EndpointScheme to MX:\*:<port number> or MXS:\*:<port number>, where <port number> is any port number not being used. Use MX if you do not want the port to be SSL-enabled, MXS otherwise. The following example sets EndpointScheme to MXS:\*:2226:

    beectl list_properties --component _EmailService:SMTPProperties
    | EndpointPropertiesList | 4aa9767b-5110-4392-8717-a3c57724986b , |
    |                         | f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293   |
    beectl list_properties --component 4aa9767b-5110-4392-8717-a3c57724986b
    | EndpointScheme       | MX:*:25              |
    beectl modify_property --component 4aa9767b-5110-4392-8717-a3c57724986b
      --name EndpointScheme
      --value MXS:\*:2226
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
    Successfully stored the property for component id
  4. Commit configuration changes by calling the following beectl commands:

    beectl activate_configuration


    If the beectl activate_configuration command asks you to run the beectl modify_local_configuration_files command, run this command.

    The beectl modify_local_configuration_files command will ask you to run this command on all your other instances.

Adding an Endpoint to SMTP

  1. If you want to add an endpoint with an SSL-enabled port, follow the directions described in "Configuring TLS with Oracle Wallet".

  2. Set AssumeSingleEndpoint to false in SMTPProperty by calling the following beectl commands.


    Setting AssumeSingleEndpoint to false in SMTPProperty disables the non-SSL port specified in SMTPProperty. (In the following example, the non-SSL port number is 25.) Instead, the configuration specified in the property EndpointPropertiesList (of SMTPProperty) is used.

    The property EndpointPropertiesList contains endpoint objects. Each endpoint specifies a port that SMTPProperty uses (if AssumeSingleEndpoint is false). For each endpoint object, you may also specify whether the port is SSL-enabled or not.

    beectl modify_property --component _EmailService:SMTPProperties
      --name AssumeSingleEndpoint
      --value false
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
    Successfully stored the property for component id
  3. Create and configure a new endpoint object as described in "Creating and Configuring an Endpoint". You will need the object ID of this endpoint object for the next step.

  4. Add the new endpoint to the EndpointPropertiesList of SMTPProperties. Specify the new endpoint's object ID in the --component option:

    beectl append_value --component bf429057-98d4-4990-928d-a90dd6466832
      --name EndpointPropertiesList
      --value f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
    Successfully appended the value(s) to property EndpointPropertiesList.
    beectl list_properties --component bf429057-98d4-4990-928d-a90dd6466832
    | Property Name           | Property Value                         |
    | Port                    | 25                                     |
    | *AssumeSingleEndpoint   | false                                  |
    | *EndpointPropertiesList | 4aa9767b-5110-4392-8717-a3c57724986b , |
    |                         | f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293   |
    NOTE:- * indicates that property value is changed and change is not yet activated.
  5. Commit configuration changes by calling the following beectl commands:

    beectl activate_configuration


    If the beectl activate_configuration command asks you to run the beectl modify_local_configuration_files command, run this command.

    The beectl modify_local_configuration_files command will ask you to run this command on all your other instances.

Modifying or Adding an Endpoint in IMAP

Perform the steps described in or "Modifying an Endpoint in SMTP" or "Adding an Endpoint to SMTP" except use the property IMAPProperty in place of SMTPProperty.

Creating and Configuring an Endpoint

  1. Create a new endpoint object with the beectl add_configuration_object command. This command will return the endpoint object's ID. use this ID to configure the endpoint and view its properties:

    beectl add_configuration_object
      --type ''
    Successfully created configuration object of type This object
      can be referenced by the object-id displayed below.
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.


    Use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") for the --type option. Some command line shells may interpret strings enclosed in double quotes as variables.
  2. Modify the values of the new endpoint object: The following example sets the property EndpointName to My New Endpoint, and EndpointScheme to MX:\*:2227, where 2227 is a random port that is not being used.


    To secure this endpoint with SSL, set EndpointScheme to MXS:\*:<port number>. Use MX instead of MXS if you do not want it SSL-secured.

    For example, if you want your endpoint to listen on port 2227 and secure it with SSL, you would set EndpointScheme to MXS:\*:2227

    beectl list_properties --component f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293 
    | Property Name        | Property Value       |
    | EndpointName         | default              |
    | EndpointScheme       | default              |
    | Alias                |                      |
    beectl modify_property --component f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293
      --name EndpointName --value "My New Endpoint" 
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
    Successfully stored the property for component id
    beectl modify_property  --component f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293 
      --name EndpointScheme --value MX:\*:2227 
    Changes to configuration repository are not activated.
    Successfully stored the property for component id
    beectl list_properties --component f477dfe5-400d-41a2-b2a5-394ebba67293 
    | Property Name        | Property Value       |
    | EndpointName         | My New Endpoint      |
    | EndpointScheme       | MX:*:2227            |
    | Alias                |                      |

Configuring E-Mail Client

In your e-mail client, configure your Oracle Beehive e-mail account so that the SMTP and IMAP servers use SSL and the new port numbers you specified. If you are using Outlook Express, follow these steps:

  1. From the menu bar, click Tools, then Accounts....

  2. In the Internet Accounts window, select your Oracle Beehive e-mail account and click Properties.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

    For Outgoing mail (SMTP), enter the port number of your SSL-enabled SMTP endpoint. For example, if the EndpointScheme of your SSL-enabled SMTP endpoint is MXS:*:2226, you would enter 2226. Select the check box This server requires a secure connection (SSL).

    For Incoming Mail (IMAP), enter the port number of your SSL-enabled IMAP endpoint. 5144. For example, if the EndpointScheme of your SSL-enabled IMAP endpoint is MXS:*:5144, you would enter 5144. Select the check box This server requires a secure connection (SSL).

    Click OK.