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Oracle® Beehive Installation Guide
Release 1 (1.5) for Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-Bit)

Part Number E14832-05
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29 Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

This module describes how to install and configure Oracle Beehive Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.

Oracle recommends that you install and deploy Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using Oracle Beehive's Device Management Service (DMS). This installation method is recommended for almost all desktops with standard environments and administrative privileges. A desktop based, non-DMS installation, deployment, and configuration method is available for custom environments and lockdown systems with limited administrative privileges. Locked down users may also install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using an Active Directory group policy.

The following topics are covered:

System Requirements

This section describes the software and hardware requirements for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.

Operating System


You need administrative privileges to install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook on Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, and Windows Vista.

You must install Windows XP Service Pack 2 on Windows XP computers if you intend to use non-English locales with Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. Attempting to run Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook with a non-English locale on a computer with Windows XP Service Pack 1 (or earlier) may result in the computer failing to operate normally.

Disk Space


Refer to the RAM requirements of your Microsoft Outlook client.

Microsoft Outlook


Oracle certifies and recommends the latest service pack version for Microsoft Outlook. However, other service packs may also work with Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.

You must install a native language version or Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) for non-English version localization.

Device Management Service (DMS) Based Installation

Oracle recommends that you install and deploy Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using Oracle Beehive's Device Management Service (DMS). This installation method is recommended for almost all desktops with standard environments and administrative privileges. It is designed for centralized installation, configuration, management of auto-updates, and deployment.

This section covers the following topics:

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Using Remote Downloader

You may install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook by distributing a remote downloader to end users. The remote downloader enables end users to download and install the provisioned Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook application from the Device Management Service (DMS) repository. By default, the DMS contains a pre-seeded Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook application that is provisioned for all end users.

For more information on how to provision applications for specific users or groups of users, refer to "Managing the Device Management Service" in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide. You may do this in silent mode. Refer to "Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Using Remote Downloader Using Silent Mode" for more information.

Obtaining Remote Downloader

Obtain the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook remote downloader, outlook_extensions_downloader.exe in the directory <Oracle Beehive home>\beehive\bootstrap\obio\downloader.

You may also obtain the remote downloader from Oracle Beehive Central, a Web-based client that provides users a central location to download supported clients and set their preferences for Oracle Beehive functionality.

Pre-Seeding Server Name in Remote Downloader

The remote downloader prompts the end user to provide a server name, account name, and password to initiate download and installation. If you want to pre-seed a server name to prevent end users from having to specify a server name on their own, rename the remote downloader to <fully qualified server name>.exe. For example, if your server name is, your remote downloader name would be

Pre-Seeding Port Number and Secure Connection

You may pre-seed the port number that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook uses to connect to the server, as well as whether a secure connection should be used, by using commas to delimit the additional information.

For example, if your remote downloader name is and you want to pre-seed the port number and secure connection in the downloader, rename the file to,5223,SSL.exe, where 5223 is your port number and SSL means that you want to use a secure connection.

If you want to use a non-secure connection, replace SSL with the string NOSSL in the file name. For example, to use a non-secure connection, rename the file to,5223,NOSSL.exe.


You may only pre-seed port number and connection type when using the direct connection method for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Using Remote Downloader Using Silent Mode

You may also use the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook downloader to provide a full, non-interactive deployment option. To do so, use the silent switch, /s.

Specify the required connection parameters through the command line or in an initialization file.

Specifying Connection Parameters Through Command Line

The following is an example of specifying connection parameters through the command line (line breaks have been added for clarity):

  /user OracleBeehiveUserName
  /pass Welcome1
  /direct port=5224 secure=true
  /https port=443 secure=true

The following table describes the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook downloader's command line options:

Table 29-1 Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Downloader Options

Option Description


Oracle Beehive server address


Oracle Beehive user account


User's password

/direct port=<port number> secure=<true/false>

Specifies the following for direct connection:

  • port: Valid port number to be used to establish a direct connection

  • secure: Boolean value; if true, then use a secure connection

/https port=<port number> secure=<true/false>

Specifies the following for HTTPS connection:

  • port: Valid port number to be used to establish an HTTPS connection

  • secure: Boolean value; if true, then use a secure connection


Available in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( or later.

Determines if an Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile should be created on the user's computer during installation. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: Do not create a profile

  • 1: Always create a profile (either for a new install or an upgrade)

  • 2: Only create a profile for a new install (default value)

  • 3: Only create a profile if there is no profile with the exact name that exists on the user's computer (either for a new install or upgrade)


Available in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( or later.

Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Explorer. The default profile name is Beehive.


Available in Oracle Beehive Release 1 ( or later.

Downloads and reinstalls the MSI package from the DMS if the installed version on the user's computer is the same version as the MSI package.

If /create_profile option has a value of 1 or 3, then the /repair option is used even if it is not specified.


Use silent mode

Specifying Connection Parameters in Initialization File

Specify the full path of the initialization file you want to use as follows. In this example, C:\testSilentDownloader.ini is the full path of the initialization file:

outlook_extensions_downloader.exe /s C:\testSilentDownloader.ini

If you use the silent switch with a UI=1 parameter, the connection dialog will be presented in which all the controls are disabled and only the password field is enabled:

outlook_extensions_downloader.exe /s UI=1 C:\testSilentDownloader.ini

The downloader will return a value of 1 or 0, which indicates whether the operations performed by it failed (1) or were successful (0). You may use this returned value in a script to determine whether or not the remote downloader was successful.

Use the following template to create a silent initialization file:

Example 29-1 Template for Silent Initialization File


The following table describes the silent initialization file's parameters:

Table 29-2 Initialization FIle Parameters

Initialization File Parameter Description


Oracle Beehive server address


Oracle Beehive user account


User's password


Valid port number to be used to establish a direct connection


Boolean value; specifies whether to use a direct connection (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Valid port number to be used to establish an HTTPS connection


Boolean value; specifies whether to use an HTTPS connection (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Specifies the proxy type. It may have a value of 0, 1, or 2:

  • 0: Automatic proxy setting

  • 1: Use Web browser's proxy settings

  • 2: Manual proxy configuration as specified in the Proxy parameter


Manual proxy configuration (for example,

Updating and Configuring Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Through DMS

You may update the version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in the DMS repository. Afterwards, if Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is running on an end user's computer, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates from the DMS repository.

In addition, end users may also manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from the Help menu and clicking Check for Updates.

You may also apply customized configuration settings to end users' computers from the DMS.

The following topics are covered in this section:

Updating Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in DMS Repository

Follow these steps to update the version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in the DMS repository:

  1. Make sure the application package for the updated version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is accessible to the Oracle Beehive server.

  2. Upload the updated version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook to the DMS repository by running the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application
      --file <Path to Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook zip file>


    This command will upload the new version of the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook application to the DMS repository and will make it available for those who are already provisioned to it.

    If you have not provisioned Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook, run the provisioning commands (such as beectl add_client_application_provisioning). Refer to "Managing the Device Management Service" in Oracle Beehive Administrator's Guide for more information.

If Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is running on an end user's computer, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates from the DMS repository. End users may also manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from the Help menu and clicking Check for Updates.

Updating Language Pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

You may localize the user interface of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook to match Microsoft Outlook languages by updating the language pack with the one found at <Oracle Beehive home>\beehive\bootstrap\obio\languagepack. The following languages are currently supported in the language pack:

  • French

  • German

  • Italian

  • Spanish

  • Brazilian Portuguese

  • Japanese

  • Korean

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Traditional Chinese

To update the language pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook, upload it to the DMS repository using the beectl upload_client_application command. By default, the language pack is uploaded and provisioned to all users. Follow these steps to update the language pack:

  1. Make sure the language pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is accessible to the Oracle Beehive server.

  2. Upload the language pack for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook to the DMS repository by running the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application
      --file <Path to Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook language pack>

If Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is running on an end user's computer, it will automatically prompt the end user to download and install updates (including language packs) from the DMS repository. End users also may manually search for updates by selecting About Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from the Help menu and clicking Check for Updates.


The language installed by the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook language pack will automatically match the Outlook language installed by the end user, provided that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook supports the language. If the end user has installed Microsoft Outlook in an unsupported language, Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook will default to English.

Applying Configuration Settings from DMS

When deploying Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from DMS, you may apply customized configuration settings to end users' computers. You may associate the configuration settings to a specific version or all versions of the provisioned Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook software. Configuration settings associated with all versions are persistent and are always available regardless of the version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook provisioned to the user. However, configuration settings associated with a specific version are only applied when users are provisioned to that specific version of the software. Note that when settings are applied to the specific version level, if the user is later provisioned to a newer software release, the configurations settings are no longer applied.

This section covers the following topics:

Associating Configuration Settings to All Versions of Application

Follow these steps to apply configuration settings at the application level from the DMS:

  1. Create an application package. This is a zip file that contains the following two files:

  2. Upload the application package into the DMS repository with the following command:

    beectl upload_client_application --file <path to application package zip file>
  3. Obtain your enterprise EID by running the following command:

    beectl list_enterprises --entity_format id
  4. Obtain your application ID by running the command beectl list_client_applications and looking for "Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook" in the generated list.

  5. Provision the new application by running the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_provisioning
      --community <enterprise EID obtained in step 4>
      --application <application ID obtained in step 5>

Example 29-2 Sample metadata.xml XML Provisioning File

The following is a sample XML provision file. It sets the parameter FILE:profile.ini:GENERAL:GAL-DOWNLOAD-UDS-ON-DEMAND-CACHING-ONLY to FALSE:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <name>Application Settings for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook </name>
    Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Package Settings
  <param name="FILE:profile.ini:GENERAL:GAL-DOWNLOAD-UDS-ON-DEMAND-CACHING-ONLY" value="FALSE"></param>

Associating Configuration Settings to Specific Version of Application

Follow these steps to apply configuration settings at the specific version level from the DMS:

  1. Create an XML provisioning file that includes all the setting parameters you want to apply. For more information, refer to "Customizing Installation Settings".

  2. Obtain your Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook identifier by running the beectl list_client_applications command and locating the identifier from the generated list.

  3. Obtain your Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook version identifier by running the following command:

    beectl list_client_application_versions --application <identifier>

    <identifier> is the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook identifier you obtained in the previous step.

  4. Include the obtained Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook version identifier in your XML provisioning file. For more information on beectl commands, see the module "Oracle Beehive Command-Line Utility" in the Oracle Beehive Administrator's Reference Guide.

  5. Upload your XML provisioning file to the server by running the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_configuration
      --file <path to XML provisioning file>
  6. Provision end users for the uploaded application configuration object by running the following command:

    beectl add_client_application_provisioning
      --community <enterprise ID>
      --configuration <application configuration ID>
Customizing Installation Settings

To customize installation settings, create an XML provisioning file with your customized settings as described in "Creating XML Provisioning File to Customize Installation Settings". Once you have uploaded the provisioning file to DMS, you may apply your customized settings to your end users' computers as described in "Applying Configuration Settings from DMS".

This section describes how to create an XML provisioning file and the configuration settings you may customize. It covers the following topics:

Creating XML Provisioning File to Customize Installation Settings

You may control general installation settings by creating an XML provisioning file and adding or modifying Property nodes in the config section of the file. Each Property node should contain two parameters: name and value.

You may modify the default public properties in your provisioning file by changing the value parameter associated with any of the INSTALL:<X> Property nodes.

The following is a sample XML provisioning file. To upload a provisioning file to DMS and then apply its settings to end users' computers, refer to "Applying Configuration Settings from DMS".

Example 29-3 Sample XML Provisioning File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Name>Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook-test2</Name>

    <!--Install Company name-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:COMPANYNAME" value="TestCompany"></Property>

    <!--Install user name -->
    <Property name="INSTALL:USERNAME" value="Edith Wharton"></Property>

    <!--Install directory-->
       value="C:\Program Files\Oracle\myinstall"></Property>

    <!--Allow Downgrade-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:AllowDowngrade" value="TRUE"></Property>

    <!--Install Create Profile-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:CREATE_PROFILE" value="2"></Property>

    <!--Install Profile Name-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:PROFILE_NAME" value="OracleBeehive"></Property>

    <!--Install ForceUpgrade-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:ForceClientVersion:Larger" value="20201"></Property>

    <!--Install Grace Period for ForceUpgrade-->
    <Property name="INSTALL:graceperioddate" value="20080215"></Property>
    <Property name="INSTALL:graceperioditerations" value="3"></Property>

    <!--ini File Modification-->

    <!--Registry Modification-->
    <!--ADD Section-->
    <!--ADD Key-->
    <Property name="REG:ADD:HKCU\Software\1\2\3:" value=""></Property>
    <!--ADD String Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter) -->
    <Property name=
      Outlook Setup Extension1:String"
    <!--ADD DWORD Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter) -->
    <Property name="REG:ADD:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions:
      Outlook Setup Extension2:DWORD" value="50"></Property>
    <!--ADD Binary Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter) -->
    <Property name="REG:ADD:HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Client\Extensions:
      Outlook Setup Extension3:Binary" value="1234567890ABCDEF"></Property>

    <!--Delete Section-->
    <!--Delete Key-->
    <Property name="REG:DELETE:HKCU\Software\1\2" value=""></Property>
    <!--Delete Value (remove line breaks from the
        value of the name parameter)-->
    <Property name=
      Outlook Setup Extension1" value=""></Property>



The following table describes the public properties you may specify in your XML provisioning file:

Table 29-3 Public Properties

Property Function


Sets the name of the registered Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook end user that appears in the About box.


Sets the name of the registered company that appears in the About box.


Sets the location of the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook installation.


Determines if an Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile should be created on the user's computer during installation. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: No profile is created.

  • 1: Force-add a profile with the specified name.

  • 2: Create a profile only if the end user is running a fresh install of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. This is the default value for the parameter.

  • 3: Create a profile only if no profile with the same name exists on the end user's computer.


Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. The default profile name is Beehive.


The values you set for the first three parameters in the table only apply when you are installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook for the first time and do not apply to product upgrades.
Controlling New Global Address List Settings from DNS

A new feature has been introduced in Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook that controls what is initially downloaded in the Global Address List. By default, the Global Address List of any user with a new or migrated profile initially contains only the logged in user's manager, peers, direct reports, and groups. Additional contacts are downloaded and added to the local Global Address List on an ad-hoc basis whenever the user performs an action that requires a contact lookup against the server (for example, creating or receiving e-mail and creating or receiving meetings). To disable this behavior, the administrator can push the following configuration parameter through the DMS:


  • Value: FALSE

Provision this parameter to users by following the steps described in "Applying Configuration Settings from DMS".

Modifying Registry Settings

You may modify the registry information on end-user computers by changing the values for certain Property nodes in your provisioning file. Modifying registry information enables you to control end user settings from the server side.


If you modify the registry incorrectly, serious problems may occur that could require you to reinstall your operating system. Modify the registry at your own risk.

  • Adding Key or Registry Value: To add a key or registry value, use the following in your provisioning file:

      name="REG:ADD:{HIVE}\{keypath}:{Value Name}:{DataType}"
      value="{Value Data}">
    • The value for {HIVE} may be either HKLM or HKCU, which are the two locations where user registry information may be stored and which correspond to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER in the registry.

    • The value for {DataType} may be String, Binary, or Dword.

    • If you are adding a key, you do not need to provide values for {Value Name}, {DataType}, or {Value Data}.

  • Deleting Key or Registry Value: To delete a key or registry value, use the following in your provisioning file:

    <Property name="REG:Delete:{HIVE}\{keypath}:{Value Name}" value=""></Property>

    If you are deleting a key, do not provide a value for {Value Name}. Additionally, the key must reside at least two levels under the user hive.

Modifying INI File Settings

Modify Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook INI settings by including a property with the following structure:

  name="FILE:Beehive.ini:{Section Name}:{Property Name}"
  value="{Value Data}">
Enforcing Upgrades

You may force end users to upgrade to a new version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook that you have uploaded to the DMS. End users will not be able to use Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook until they upgrade.

  • Forcing End Users to Upgrade to New Version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook: In your XML provisioning file, add a property with the following structure:

      name="INSTALL:ForceClientVersion:{comparison operation}"
      value="{build number}">

    {build number} is the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook build number, which will be used for the comparison operation.

  • Allowing End Users to Use Older Version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Until Certain Date:: Optionally, you may allow end users to continue using their old version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook for a specific period of time or for a fixed number of logins to Oracle Beehive.

    In your XML provisioning file, add a property with the following structure:

      value="{number of logins}">

    {number of logins} is the number of times end users are allowed to login to Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook before they are forced to upgrade.

Uninstalling and Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook (DMS Process)

Use the following methods to uninstall or downgrade Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

End users may remove Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from their computers by selecting Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel, selecting Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from the list, and clicking Remove.

Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

By default, Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook will only detect updates if the server version is newer than the currently installed version. If you want to allow end users to install downgraded versions of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook as updates, set the value of the INSTALL:AllowDowngrade Property node to TRUE in your provisioning file.

Desktop Based Installation (Non-DMS Process)

It is recommended to install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using Oracle's Device Management Service (DMS). However, custom environments and lockdown systems with limited administrative privileges may require custom or alternative methods of installation, deployment, and configuration that is non-DMS based.

This section covers the following topics:

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Using Executable File

You may give end users direct access to the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook installer. End users install the product by double-clicking the installer and following the on-screen instructions.

Retrieve the installer outlook_extensions_setup.exe from <Oracle Beehive home>/beehive/bootstrap/obio/setup.

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in Silent Mode

To install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in silent mode, run the following command:

outlook_extensions_setup.exe /s UI=<installer UI option>

<installer UI option> is one of values in the following table:

Table 29-4 Installer UI Options

Value Function


No user interface during install


Displays only a progress bar during install


Presents an install screen with different dialog boxes but does not require user input to run


Runs a fully interactive installer requiring user input

To uninstall Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in silent mode, use the msiexec.exe utility and specify the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook MSI product code as follows:

msiexec.exe /x {A634A2AF-2495-4F36-B88F-0B24B84A183C} /qn

Configuring Profile for Lockdown Systems Using MSI Package

You may create customized Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profiles for locked down users. This involves running the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook MSI installer package and specifying the profile parameters as in the command line as public properties. This method assumes that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook was previously installed by an administrator. It does not reinstall Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook; it only recreates the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile for the locked down user.

Ideally, run the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook MSI installation package on the lockdown system in the locked down user's Windows login script or add an entry to run it in the runOnce key in the registry.

Run the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook MSI installation package with the following command line options (line breaks have been inserted for clarity):

  PROFILE_NAME=MyProfileName {List of public properties with their values}

The following is an example of running the MSI package:

msiexec -i {A634A2AF-2495-4F36-B88F-0B24B84A183C}

The following table describes the public properties you may specify:

Table 29-5 MSI Package Public Properties

Property Description


Determines if an Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile should be created on the user's computer during installation. This parameter may be assigned one of the following values:

  • 0: No profile is created

  • 1: Force-add a profile with the specified name

  • 2: Default value; create a profile only if the end user is running a fresh install of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

  • 3: Create a profile only if no profile with the same name exists on the end user's computer


Changes the name of the profile created during installation of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. The default profile name is Beehive.


Oracle Beehive server address.


Oracle Beehive user account.


Valid port number to be used to establish a direct connection.


Valid port number to be used to establish an HTTPS connection.


The Timeout duration before reporting failure to connect. (milliseconds)


Specifies the proxy type:

  • 1: Automatic proxy setting

  • 2: Manual proxy configuration


  • 256: Disable the direct connection

  • 65536: Enable the Direct connection/ No SSL

  • 65792: Enable the Direct connection/ With SSL


  • 257: Disable the secure HTTP connection

  • 65537: Enable the secure HTTP connection / No secure redirection

  • 65793: Enable the HTTP connection/ With secure redirection

Configuring Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Using Configuration Wizard

The obioprofwiz.exe utility, or configuration wizard, is a standalone application that is useful for both administrators and end users because it integrates the creation and configuration of PRF files and profiles. (A PRF file is a text file that Microsoft Outlook uses to generate a profile.) The configuration wizard reads information from an existing PRF file and creates a new profile or modifies an existing profile with the appropriate settings. Start this utility from the command prompt or Windows Explorer. Find obioprofwiz.exe in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Outlook Extensions.

You may perform the following with the configuration wizard:

  • Start the configuration wizard in interactive mode

  • Start the configuration wizard in silent mode; you may use an existing PRF file with all the required settings to create and configure the first profile for users

  • As an administrator, generate the PRF files to save updated settings

  • As an administrator, back up Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook settings from an existing profile and restore these settings later.

  • As an administrator, modify profile settings in the PRF file generated by the configuration wizard.

Refer to "Configuration Wizard Modes" for more detailed information about the different modes of the configuration wizard.


While configuring a profile, it only configures Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook settings. You may run only one instance of the configuration wizard at a time. If you try to launch the configuration wizard a second time, the instance previously started will be displayed in the foreground.

Command Syntax

  • obioprofwiz.exe /s <full path to PRF file>

  • obioprofwiz /d

  • obioprofwiz /p


Table 29-6 Configuration WIzard Command Line Options

Option Description


Specifies that the Set as Default Profile option should be selected by default on the final screen of the configuration wizard.


Runs the configuration wizard in interactive profile creation mode and creates a PRF file.

/s <full path to PRF file>

Runs the configuration wizard in silent profile creation mode. Specify the full path to the PRF file after this option.


Although the options in the preceding table are shown as lower-case letters, these command-line options are not case-sensitive.

You may enter a slash (/) or a minus sign (-) before an option at the command line.


  • Create a profile interactively:

    obioprofwiz.exe /p
  • Run the configuration wizard in silent profile creation mode:

    obioprofwiz.exe /s "C:\Program Files\Oracle\Outlook Extentions\source.prf"
  • Ensure that the Set as Default Profile option is selected in the Congratulations screen of the configuration wizard.

    obioprofwiz.exe /d

Configuration Wizard Modes

This section describes the following ways you may run the configuration wizard:

Interactive Profile Creation and Configuration Mode

The interactive profile creation and configuration mode is the default mode. Use this mode to specify settings and create or modify a profile. Configure an existing profile or create a new profile by using the Profile Settings screen of the configuration wizard. However, you may configure only one profile in one session. You may also remove an existing profile on the Profile Settings screen.

  1. Close Microsoft Outlook before starting the configuration wizard.

  2. Launch the wizard by double-clicking the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook configuration wizard, obioprofwiz.exe, from the installation directory.

  3. From the Welcome screen, click Next.

  4. If you want to create a new profile, select New and enter a name for the new profile. If you want to configure an existing profile, select it from the Profiles list. Click Next.

  5. You may view or modify settings for the selected user profile in the Service Settings screen. You must fill all non-password fields to proceed to the next screen. To configure advanced settings, such as resetting your local mailbox cache, setting a folder refresh rate for incoming mail, or selecting a refresh option for the Global Address Book, click More Settings. Click Next to proceed.


    If Microsoft Outlook is open and you are using the same profile while you are configuring profile settings, the fields on the Service Settings screen are disabled.
  6. When the Congratulations screen is displayed, verify that Set as Default Profile is selected. The Outlook Address Book service is added to a new profile by default.

Interactive PRF File Creation Mode

As an administrator, you may run the obioprofwiz.exe utility in interactive PRF file creation mode. In this mode, you may create a PRF file by starting with a blank template or by importing information from an existing profile or PRF file.

By default, the PRF file created is a blank template. For security reasons, password fields are not saved in the resulting PRF file if information is imported from an existing profile. The final PRF file contains user profile information and settings information, which may be used by the configuration wizard or by the NewProf.exe utility.

  1. Close Microsoft Outlook before starting the configuration wizard.

  2. Run the configuration wizard with the /p option at the command line. For example:

    obioprofwiz.exe /p
  3. In the Source Template in the PRF Configuration Settings screen, select one of the following options for the PRF file:

    • Empty PRF File: If you select this option as the source template, you must manually specify the settings.

    • Existing PRF File: If you select this option as the source template, initial settings information is imported from the source PRF file.

    • MAPI Profile: If you select this option as the source template, initial settings information is imported from the source profile.


    If you import information from an existing PRF file or MAPI profile, Microsoft Outlook address book information is added to the Service List section of the output PRF file if the existing PRF file or MAPI profile already contains address book information or the Outlook Address Book service, respectively.
  4. Enter the name and location of the new PRF file in the Destination File field.

  5. In the Profile Options screen, configure the settings for the General section of the new PRF file. The following table shows the relationship between the fields in the Profile Options screen and the parameters in the General section of the PRF file:

    Table 29-7 Relationship Between Fields in the Profile Options Screen and Settings in the General Section of the PRF File

    Field in Profile Options Screen Parameter in General Section of PRF File

    Profile Name


    Default Store


    Use this profile as the default MAPI profile


    Overwrite existing profile with the same name


  6. View or modify Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook settings for the selected user profile in the Service Settings screen. All non-password fields must be filled to proceed to the next screen. Click Next to proceed.

    To configure advanced settings, such as resetting your local mailbox cache, setting a folder refresh rate for incoming mail, or selecting a refresh option for the Global Address Book, click More Settings. The Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook settings information will be saved to the new PRF file.

  7. If View PRF File is selected when the Congratulations screen is displayed, the wizard displays the newly created PRF file. You may then verify the information or modify parameters in the PRF file.

Silent Profile Creation Mode

In this mode, you may use an existing PRF file as a template to create a corresponding profile. When installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in silent mode, you may start the configuration wizard after the installation is complete. The configuration wizard reads information from an existing PRF file and creates a new profile or modifies an existing profile with the appropriate settings.


Oracle recommends that you use a PRF file generated by the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook configuration wizard. You may configure most of the parameters in the PRF file with the configuration wizard in the interactive PRF file creation mode. If you modify a value manually, then you must verify that the new value falls within the valid range of values. To verify that you are within the valid range of values, consult the PRF file distributed with the installation package.

The Outlook Address Book service is imported into the profile if it is listed in the Service List section. Limited support is also available for some other types of message services.

When Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is configured in silent mode, a log file is created to record success and error information. This log file is stored in a temporary folder on the computer with a path and file name similar to C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\obioConfigWizardLog\obioConfigWizard.log, where user is the login name of the currently logged in Windows user.


If you are configuring Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in silent mode, then you must check the log file to verify the results. The log file contains a record of errors, as well as successful imports of information into the profile.

The configuration wizard may write some information to the log file in interactive profile creation and configuration mode and interactive PRF file creation mode. Usually, high-level warning messages are displayed on the screen, while low-level technical information is recorded in the log file.

Upgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Installation

When you provision a new version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in the DMS repository, end users will be notified about the new update and will be able to download and install it.

If administrators prefer to upgrade to a newer version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook on end users' systems without relying on the DMS upgrade process (because, for example, the computers they want to upgrade are lockdown systems), then they need to deploy the new version of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook before performing any server updates.

Alternatively, you may remove any Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook packages from the DMS repository so that end users are never prompted to upgrade to newer versions. Perform the following steps to remove Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook packages:

  1. Run the following command:

    beectl list_client_applications
  2. The previous command should list the following two Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook application packages and their identifiers:

    • Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

    • Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Language Pack

    Remove both client applications by running the following command (for each application):

    beectl delete_client_application
      --application <identifier of client application>

Uninstalling and Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook (Non-DMS Process)

Use the following methods to uninstall or downgrade Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.

Uninstalling Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

End users may remove Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from their computers by selecting Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel, selecting Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook from the list, and clicking Remove.

Downgrading Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

If you want to install downgraded versions of Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook on end users' systems, then simply run the installer older Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook version.

Installing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Using Active Directory

If your end users are running systems on Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Vista that are locked down, they may install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using an Active Directory group policy. To perform an Active Directory installation, the domain administrator must create a package for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook in the Active Directory Administrative Tool and then assign the package to the organization units that contain the intended end users. The software will then be installed on end users' computers during startup.

This section covers the following topics:

Creating MSI installation package for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook

Active Directory only recognizes software packaged in the MSI file format, which contains information about the application setup and installation. Follow these steps to create an MSI installation package for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook:

  1. Extract the outlook_extensions_application.msi file from the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook package using the outlook_extensions_setup.exe /export type=client <extracted folder path> command.

  2. Extract the prerequisite.msi file from the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook package using the outlook_extensions_setup.exe /export type=system <extracted folder path> command.

Deploying Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using Active Directory Group Policy

Before proceeding, make sure you have extracted the MSI files for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook to an accessible location. Follow these steps to deploy Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook using an Active Directory group policy:

  1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel, then Administrative Tools.

  2. Click Active Directory Users and Computers.

  3. Create an organization unit that includes all the computers on which you want to install Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook. Alternatively, select an existing organization unit.

  4. Right-click your chosen organization unit in the Active Directory Users and Computers tree.

  5. From the Shortcut menu, click Properties.

  6. In the Properties dialog box, click the Group Policy tab.

  7. Click Edit if you are modifying an existing group policy, or Add if you are creating a group policy.


    The following steps will ensure that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is installed on all computers in your chosen organization unit. It also ensures that all users of a given computer have access to Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.
  8. Select and expand the Computer Configuration node.

  9. Under the Computer Configuration node, expand the Software Settings folder.

  10. Right-click Software Installation and select New.

  11. From the Shortcut menu, click Package.

  12. Enter the path to your extracted prerequisite.msi file.

  13. Selected Assigned and click OK.

  14. Repeat steps 10-13 for your extracted outlook_extensions_application.msi file.


    For more information on how to obtain MSI files for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook, see Creating MSI installation package for Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook.
  15. In the Properties dialog box, click OK.

  16. Exit the Active Directory Users and Computers console.

Verifying that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook Is Available for Installation

To verify that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook is available to end users for installation, restart any computer in the domain and make sure that Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook installation starts when the computer restarts.

Using Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook as Profile Migration Tool

You may also use the Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook downloader as a tool to migrate and integrate some configurations settings into an Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile. This includes the following options:

Use the /migrate switch as follows:

outlook_extensions_downloader.exe /migrate C:\migrateinifile.ini

If you do not provide an initialization file (such as C:\migrateinifile.ini in the previous example), you will be presented with an interactive user interface that enables you to choose the personal folders data files and the LDAP settings from previous profiles to migrate.

Use the following template to create a migration initialization file:

Example 29-4 Template for Migration Initialization File



Table 29-8 Migration Initialization File Parameters

Section Name Parameter Name Description



Migrates existing personal folder data files (files with a .pst extension) from the specified profile or profiles. It may have one of the following values:

  • Name of existing profile

  • \OCFO\ (Migrates from all Oracle Connector for Outlook profiles that already exist in the system)

  • \ALL\ (Migrates from all profiles that already exist in the system)


Existing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile to which the migrated settings should be added. This may be the Oracle Beehive profile created with the downloader.


One of the following values:

  • TRUE (The migrated PST file will be copied to the offline storage of the destination profile and added to it from the new location)

  • FALSE (The destination profile will only have a link to the existing PST file)



Migrates LDAP settings from the specified profile or profiles. It may have one of the following values:

  • Name of existing profile

  • \OCFO\ (Migrates from all Oracle Connector for Outlook profiles that already exist in the system)

  • \ALL\ (Migrates from all profiles that already exist in the system)


Existing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile to which the migrated settings should be added. This may be the Oracle Beehive profile created with the downloader.



Adds the settings from a specified PST file. It may have one of the following values:

  • Absolute path to PST file

  • Name of a PST file (its location is determined from the offline storage of the destination profile)


Existing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile to which the settings should be added. This may be the Oracle Beehive profile created with the downloader.



Display name of LDAP


LDAP host name


LDAP port number


LDAP base distinguished name (DN)


Boolean value; specifies whether SSL is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE)


Existing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profile to which the settings should be added. This may be the Oracle Beehive profile created with the downloader.



Migrates nickname cache from specified profile or profiles. It may have one of the following values:

  • Name of existing profile

  • \OCFO\ (Migrates from all Oracle Connector for Outlook profiles that already exist in the system)

  • \ALL\ (Migrates from all Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook profiles that already exist in the system


Existing Oracle Beehive Extensions for Outlook to which the migrated settings should be added. This may be the Oracle Beehive profile created with the downloader.