Synchronizing Address Book Records with Personal Information Management Systems

This chapter provides an overview of personal information management synchronization (PIM Synch), lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PIM Synch

You use PIM Synch to pass information about customers, contacts, and activities between the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system and your own personal information management (PIM) system, such as MicroSoft Outlook or Lotus Notes. PIM Synch enables bidirectional data sharing between systems. This means that you can enter a contact record in your PIM system, and that information will be processed and imported into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Similarly, you can update records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, and the PIM Synch process updates the records in your PIM system.

When you enter customer and contact records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, users can subscribe to those records. After the subscription is set up, the system automatically updates the PIM system with information from those records. Bidirectional updates then occur when a change is made on either the PIM system or the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

Note. After you have been set up as a PIM Synch user, the system automatically subscribes you to any customer or contact records that you enter. You need to manually subscribe to a customer or contact record only if that customer or contact was entered into the system before you were set up as a PIM Synch user, or if you want to subscribe to a customer or contact record that was entered into the system by another user.

You can also enter contact records in your PIM system initially, and have those records imported into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. You specify that you want the contact record synchronized with the EnterpriseOne system, and the synchronization process imports the record into a temporary table in the EnterpriseOne system. After the contact records are imported into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, you associate those records with an existing address book record and then complete the upload process using the Who's Who Batch Upload program (R011110Z).

Note. The Who's Who Batch Upload program is used to import contact records only. This program does not import customer records into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. You must enter customer records in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system before bidirectional synchronization of customer address information occurs.

For example, if you enter a customer record in your PIM system, and that customer does not yet exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, the synchronization process does not create a new customer record in the EnterpriseOne system. If the customer record exists in EnterpriseOne, then updates that are made in the PIM system will be synchronized to the EnterpriseOne customer record.

You can also use PIM Synch to synchronize information about activities, such as meetings, appointments, and tasks. For example, if you enter a meeting in your PIM calendar, such as MicroSoft Outlook, you can specify that you want the system to synchronize that information to your JD Edwards EnterpriseOne calendar. The synchronization process updates your calendar in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system with the meeting information. Similarly, if you are set up as a PIM Synch user, each activity that you enter in the EnterpriseOne calendar is automatically set up to synchronize to your PIM system calendar.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you can use PIM Synch functionality, you must:

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools 8.98 System Administration Guide

Click to jump to parent topicUploading Contact Information from a PIM System

This section provides an overview of inbound contact records and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Inbound Contact Records

When you enter a contact record in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system, that contact is stored as a Who's Who record in the F0111 table. That record must be associated with an address book record. For example, you might have a customer record whose address book number is 123456. You can then create multiple contact records for that customer. Each contact record for that customer is stored in the F0111 table and is associated with address book number 123456.

When you create new contact records in your PIM system, you can specify that you want them to be synchronized into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. To mark a contact record for synchronization into the EnterpriseOne system, you must complete the Category field in the PIM system with the appropriate value. This value must be the same as the value in Description 1 of item PIMSG in UDC table 01/SG. Typically, the system administrator is responsible for setting up the values that are used in this field. Therefore, contact your internal system administrator for information about what fields and values to complete to ensure synchronization.

The Intellisync and the PIM Synch servers transfer all records that are marked for synchronization into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Those records are initially stored in the F0111Z1 table, which is a temporary table. The records are stored here because they are incomplete when they are initially brought into the EnterpriseOne system. To complete the records, you use the Who's Who Batch Revision program (P0111Z1) to assign an address book number to each contact record.

After you have assigned an address book number to each record, you can then run the Who's Who Batch Upload program (R011110Z). This program moves the completed contact records from the F0111Z1 table to the F0111 table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before you can successfully process inbound contact records, you must enter into the JD Edwards system the address book number with which you want to associate those contact records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Upload Contact Information from a PIM System

Form Name




Work With Who's Who Batch Information


A/B Advanced & Technical Operations (G0131), Who's Who Batch Revision

Access forms to assign address book numbers to inbound contact records.

Who's Who Address Book Number Assignment Revision


From the Work With Who's Who Batch Information form, select A/B Assignment from the Form menu.

Assign address book numbers to inbound contact records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Address Book Numbers to Inbound Contact Records

Access the Who's Who Address Book Number Assignment Revision form.

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the entity with which each contact record is associated. For example, if you are working with contacts from customer ABC, enter the address book number of customer ABC in this field. Click OK when you have entered an address book number for all of the contacts on the form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Who's Who Batch Upload Program (R011110Z)

These processing options provide default information for processing inbound contact records.


1. Upload Child Tables

Use this processing option to specify whether to upload records from the PIM system into the child tables, which include:

Batch - Alternative Address (F01161Z1)

Batch - Related Person (F01112Z1)

Batch - Electronic Address (F01151Z1)

Phones - Interoperability (F0115Z1)

If you choose not to upload child tables, the system updates only the F0111Z1 and F0111 tables. Values are:

Blank: Do not upload child tables.

1: Upload child tables.

2. Synchronize Address (future)

Leave this processing option blank. This processing option is reserved for future use.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Who's Who Batch Upload Program (R011110Z)

Access the Who's Who Address Book Number Assignment Revision form, and then select Batch Upload from the Form menu.

Alternatively, select Who's Who Batch Upload from the A/B Advanced & Technical Operations menu (G0131).

Click to jump to parent topicSubscribing to Customer and Contact Records

This section provides an overview of customer and contact subscriptions and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer and Contact Subscriptions

You can subscribe to customers and contacts that exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne address book so that you can add their contact information to your PIM system.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne enables you to synchronize data between third-party PIM systems and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. With this synchronization, you can share and manage personal information such as customer and contact information, which is stored in IBM Domino or Microsoft Exchange PIM system servers.

Using the PIM Subscription option, you can automatically add a customer record to their personal contacts in Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook. When you subscribe to a customer, corresponding objects are created in the PIM system database. If users update or delete items in either the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne or PIM system, the changes are synchronized in both locations. For example, if you change the phone number or address for a customer in the PIM system, the system reflects that change in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customer record. The system makes inbound customer changes to the F01161 table.

Before you can subscribe to a customer or contact record, you must be set up as a PIM user. Each PIM user can subscribe to any customer record in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. The PIM Subscription option is selected or deselected based on the logged-in user who is viewing the customer record. For example, if User A subscribes to Customer 123, the PIM Subscription option is selected each time User A views Customer 123's record. However, if User B has not yet subscribed to Customer 123, the PIM Subscription option is not selected when User B views Customer 123's record. User B can select the option to subscribe to Customer 123.

You can manage subscriptions using the Manage Subscriptions program (P011901) in the Address Book system, or you can access subscription information from the customer and contact records that are stored in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Regardless of which system you use to manage your subscriptions, the system processes data synchronization in the same way.

Note. After you are set up as a PIM Synch user, the system automatically subscribes you to any customer or contact records that you enter into the system. You use the manual subscription process to subscribe to customer and contact records that existed in the system before you were set up as a PIM Synch user, or to subscribe to customers or contacts that were entered by other EnterpriseOne users.

Subscribing to Customers

Though data transfer is bidirectional, customers must exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system before bidirectional synchronization occurs. You cannot add a customer in the PIM system and synchronize the customer record into the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. Bidirectional synchronization is supported only after the customer exists in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system.

Note. The customer address information from the PIM system is updated to the F01161 table (which is the alternate address table), and is not updated in the F0116 (which is the primary address table). Most JD Edwards EnterpriseOne processes use the address in the F0116 table. Therefore, be aware that any changes that you make to a customer's address in the PIM system must also be made in the F0116 table.

You can use these two methods to subscribe to a customer:

Subscribing to Contacts

You can use these methods to subscribe to a contact:

See Also

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Customer Relationship Management Application Fundamentals 9.0 Implementation Guide: Managing Contacts and Managing Customers

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Subscribe to Customer and Contact Records

Form Name




Search for Customer


CRM Foundation Daily Processing (G90C01), Customer

Select a customer.

Customer - Manage <Customer Name>


Select a customer on the Search for Customer form.

Subscribe to a single customer.

Search for Contacts


CRM Foundation Daily Processing (G90C01), Contact

Access forms to subscribe to multiple contacts.

PIM Subscription


Click the PIM Subscription link on Contact - Search for Contact.

Add or delete subscriptions to contact records with which you are already associated.

Work With Subscriptions


Use either of these methods to access the form:

  • Enter P011901 in the Fast Path field.

  • Click PIM Subscription on the Search for Customer form.

Delete subscriptions and access forms to subscribe to multiple customers and contacts.

Subscribe to Contacts


Click Add on Work With Subscriptions.

Subscribe to multiple customers and contacts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubscribing to a Single Customer

Access the Customer - Manage <Customer Name> form.

PIM Subscription (personal information management subscription)

Select to add the customer record to the personal information management (PIM) system address book. PIM systems include Microsoft Outlook (Exchange server) and Lotus Notes (Domino server). This option appears only if the logged-in user is set up as a PIM user. When you select this option, the system automatically adds the customer to the PIM system contacts.

The system automatically selects this option when a PIM user enters a new customer record.

Note. You must use this method or the Manage Subscriptions program (P011901) to subscribe to a customer with whom you are not associated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubscribing to Multiple Customers and Contacts

Access the Subscribe to Contacts form.

To narrow your search, complete these fields and then click Find. Select the records to which you want to subscribe, and then click OK.

Address Book

Specify the identification number of the customer to which you want to subscribe. If you are subscribing to contacts, you can still specify the address book number of the customer with which the contacts are associated.

Who's Who Line

Enter 0 (zero) to search for customer records only. If you want to search for and subscribe to contact records, leave this field blank. Contact records always have a Who's Who line value that is greater than zero. For example, if you want to subscribe to customer 123456 and not the contacts that are associated with that customer, enter 123456 in the Address Book field, enter 0 in this field, and then click Find. The system displays only the main customer record for customer 12345, which has a Who's Who line number of 0. If you leave this field blank, the system displays the main customer record along with any associated contact records.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSubscribing to Associated Contacts

Access the PIM Subscription form.

Note. This method displays only the contact records with which the logged-on user is associated.

  1. Select one of these options to determine which customers the system displays:

  2. Select the customers to which you want to subscribe, or deselect the customers to which you want to unsubscribe.

  3. Click OK to save the subscription changes, and then click Cancel to return to the Search for Contacts form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDeleting Subscriptions

Access the Work With Subscriptions form.

Search for and select the subscriptions that you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.

Click to jump to parent topicSynchronizing Activities

This section provides an overview of activity synchronization, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to set up an activity for synchronization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Activity Synchronization

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system enables users to manage tasks, events, and calendars in the EnterpriseOne system. However, many users also maintain calendar information in a PIM system, such as MicroSoft Outlook or Lotus Notes. Using PIM Synch functionality, users can synchronize calendar information between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and their PIM system.

Tasks and events are stored in the EnterpriseOne system as activities. When a user creates an activity in the EnterpriseOne system, he or she can specify that the activity should be synchronized with his or her PIM system. The PIM Synch process then creates a record for that activity in the PIM system calendar. To specify that an activity should be synchronized into the PIM system, you must select the Synch to PIM Server option on the Edit Activity form.

Note. The system automatically selects the Synch to PIM Server option when a PIM Synch user creates an activity record in EnterpriseOne. You manually select this option when you want to synchronize activities that were entered into the system before you were set up as a PIM Synch user, or to synchronize activity records that were entered by other EnterpriseOne users.

Alternatively, a user can create an activity in his or her PIM system and specify that the activity should be synchronized with the EnterpriseOne system. To specify that you want the activity from the PIM system to be synchronized into the EnterpriseOne system, the user must enter the appropriate value in the Category Code field in the PIM system. This value must be the same as the value in Description 1 of item PIMSG in UDC 01/SG. Typically, this information is set up by a system administrator. Therefore, contact your system administrator to determine what values to enter for PIM Synch to function correctly.

Note. If you create an activity in your PIM system, and specify that the activity should be synchronized into the EnterpriseOne system, the system creates a record in your EnterpriseOne calendar. If a calendar does not exist in EnterpriseOne already, the system creates a calendar automatically, using the default calendar type, which is located in Description 1 of UDC 01/SG, value CALTY.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 8.98 System Administration Guide

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisiste

You must set up calendar and activity information before you can synchronize activity information between JD Edwards EnterpriseOne and your PIM system.

See JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book 9.0 Implementation Guide, Using Foundation Calendar

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Synchronize Activities

Form Name




Search for Activities



Foundation Calendar (G01A), Activity View.

Select an activity.

Edit Activity


You can access this form using any of these navigations:

  • Select an activity on Search for Activities.

  • From Foundation Calendar (G01A), select Calendar View and then double-click an activity.

  • From Foundation Calendar (G01A), select Activity Home Page and then double-click an activity.

Set up an activity for synchronization.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up an Activity for Synchronization

Access the Edit Activity form and select the Settings tab.

Synch to PIM Server (Synchronize to Personal Information Management Server)

Select this option if you want the system to synchronize this activity with your PIM system, such as MicroSoft Outlook or Lotus Notes. After you select this option and the activity is synchronized, all changes that are made to this activity in the future, whether the changes occur in the PIM system or in the JD Edwards system, will be bidirectionally synchronized.

The system automatically selects this option when a PIM user creates a new activity record. You must manually select this option if you want to synchronize activities that were entered before you were set up as a PIM user, or to synchronize activities that were entered by another user.