Appendix: JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Country-Specific Reports for Asia and Australia

This appendix includes reports for these countries:

Click to jump to parent topic(AUS) Reports for Australia

In addition to the reports specified as part of a process in other sections of this implementation guide, these reports exist for Australia.

Report ID and Report Name




Print Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note

Use this program to print a tax invoice in the approved format that corresponds to a customer's purchase, or a statement of adjustments made to the payment of an invoice (such as discounts).

Australian GST (G75A031), Print Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note


Print Withholding Tax Summary Report

Use this program to print a summary of tax withheld from a supplier who has not provided an ABN number.

Australian GST (G75A031), Print Withholding Tax Summary Report


Print Recipient Created Tax Invoice

Use this program to print a tax invoice in the approved format that is produced by the recipient of goods or services, rather than by the supplier, as the result of an agreement between the customer and the supplier.

Australian GST (G75A031), Print Recipient Created Tax Invoice


Print RCTI Adjustment Notes

Use this program to print statement of adjustments made to the payment of a recipient-created tax invoice (such as short-supply).

Australian GST (G75A031), Print RCTI Adjustment Notes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75A0210 - Print Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note

Use the Print Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note program (R75A0210) to print tax invoices or adjustments to tax invoices that you send to the customers.

When you adjust an original tax invoice that you have sent to a customer, you must create an adjustment note to reflect the change. You might adjust invoices because the customer has underpaid the invoice, or has claimed a discount when paying the invoice, or has some similar event. You must assign a unique identifier to each adjustment note that you produce.

The program prints adjustment notes for changes to invoices that arise from discounts, minor adjustments, or write-offs. These adjustments arise from AR cash receipts transactions with batch type RB and include:

The program excludes adjustments that were entered as either sales orders or credit orders in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system.

The report includes this, as required by the Australian Tax Office:

You run the Print Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note program after you process customer receipts. The Tax Invoice / Adjustment Note program can produce either tax invoices or tax invoice adjustment notes. These two output forms cannot be produced concurrently.

You use the processing options to indicate whether you are printing a proof copy, a final (update) copy, or reprinting tax invoices or adjustment notes. To reprint specific adjustments, you must specify the print control number from the original adjustment note. You can use the Enquire Tax/Adjustment Print Control program (P75A0200) to locate the print control number of previously printed adjustment notes. To print a tax invoice, you must specify a document type in at least one of the processing option fields for document type, and enter blank or zero in the Adjustments processing option field.

The Print Tax Invoice/Adjustment Note program retrieves information from the F03B11 table and the F03B14 table. The program retrieves only posted invoices and receipts.

Note. When you reprint an adjustment note, you must specify the print control number of the original adjustment note. The print control number of the original adjustment note appears in the Print Ref. field on the Find/Browse Adjustment Note Print Control form of the Enquire Tax/Adjustment Print Control program (P75A0200).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Tax Invoice / Adjustment Note (R75A0210)

Use these processing options to specify how the system prints and reprints tax invoices and adjustment notes. The processing options that you complete determine the information that you print.

To print tax invoices in proof or update mode:

To reprint tax invoices:

To print adjustment notes in proof or update mode:

To reprint adjustment notes:


Use these processing options to specify how the system prints and reprints tax invoices and adjustment notes.

1. Report Mode

Specify whether you want to run the report in proof mode, update mode, or reprint mode. Running the report in proof mode does not update the F75A200 table. Values are:

Blank: Run the report in proof mode.

1: Update mode.

2: Reprint mode.

Note. When you run the report in reprint mode, you must enter the print control reference number of the original adjustment note in the Print Control Reference processing option.

2. Print Control Reference.

Specify the print control reference number of the original GST tax invoice or adjustment note that you are reprinting if you are reprinting an adjustment note.

3. Invoice Selection

Specify the types of invoices that you want to create. Values are:

1: Create sales invoices and AR invoices.

2: Create AR invoices only.

4. Document Type 1 , 5. Document Type 2, 6. Document Type 3, 7. Document Type 4, and 8. Document Type 5

Specify the document type that you want to use to select the transactions for which you are creating GST tax invoices.

9. Adjustments

Specify whether to create adjustment notes for tax invoices. When you pay an invoice, you should create an adjustment record if a discount is taken or if the invoice is underpaid. These adjustments necessitate a write-off and must be reported to the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as adjustments to the original invoice.

Values are:

Blank: Do not create.

1: Create.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print Withholding Tax Summary Report (R75A0220)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Payment Summary

Enter 1 to print payment summary forms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75A0230 - Print Recipient-Created Tax Invoices

A recipient-created tax invoice (RCTI) is required when an arrangement exists between the customer and the supplier, specifying that the customer will produce the tax invoice when the goods or services are received. This customer-produced tax invoice is considered a legal document that complies with the Australian Tax Reform requirements. A copy of the RCTI must be sent to the supplier. The customer retains a copy of the RCTI, which must be available on request to validate tax input credits.

You use the Print Recipient-Created Tax Invoices program (R75A0230) to print RCTIs for the suppliers.

You can match RCTIs to purchase orders based on any of these scenarios:

The Recipient Created Tax Invoice program retrieves information from the F0411 table. The program retrieves only posted vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Recipient Created Tax Invoice (R75A0230)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Specify whether to run the report in proof mode, update mode, or reprint mode.

1. Report Mode.

Specify whether to run the report in proof mode, update mode, or reprint mode. Running the report in proof mode does not update the F75A0201 table. Values are:

Blank: Run the report in proof mode.

1: Update mode.

2: Reprint mode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75A0240 - Print RCTI Adjustment Notes

When you adjust an original receipt-created tax invoice (RCTI) that you have sent to a supplier, you must create an adjustment note to reflect the change. For example, you might adjust an RCTI when a shipping note indicates that goods have been short-supplied. The Australian Tax Office requires an adjustment note to document the invoice process.

You use the Print RCTI Adjustment Notes program (R75A0240) to print RCTI adjustment notes for the suppliers.

The Print RCTI Adjustment Notes program retrieves information from the F0414 table. The program retrieves only posted payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print RCTI Adjustment Notes (R75A0240)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Specify whether to run the report in proof mode, update mode, or reprint mode.

1. Report Mode.

Specify whether to run the report in proof mode, update mode, or reprint mode. Running the report in proof mode does not update the F75A0202 table. Values are:

Blank: Run the report in proof mode.

1: Update mode.

2: Reprint mode.

Click to jump to parent topic(IND) Reports for India

In addition to the reports specified as part of a process in other sections of this implementation guide, these reports exist for India for these tax types:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for Excise Tax

These reports exist for India for excise tax:

Report ID and Report Name



Excise Manufacturer - Deferred CENVAT (R75I304)

Run this report to print tax-deferred information. This report also enables you to review the deferred tax amount.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121) and the Purchase Order Receiver Tag table (F75I008).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Excise Manufacturer - Deferred CENVAT

Dealer - RG23D Register (R75I307)

Run this report to review information about the association between purchase receipts and sales orders. The system prints information for the item based on the branch/plant, location, lot number, and tax type.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver Tag File (F75I008), Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121), and the RG23D Register - Issues (F75I385) tables.

RG23D (G75IEXC5H), Dealer - RG23D Register

Annexure 19 (R75I319)

Run this report to print the Annexure- 19 that you must submit to the Central Excise department.

This report reads from the Print ARE -1/ARE -3 Bond register table (F75I344Y).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Annexure 19

Record of Receipts of Inputs under Bond (R75I323)

Run this report to print information about the item receipts for 100 percent export-oriented units and ARE 3 receipts.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121), Purchase Order Receiver ARE3 Information (F75I323), and Purchase Order Receiver Tag File (F75I008) tables.

Excise daily processing (G75IEXC1H), Record of Receipts of Inputs under Bond

Print ARE1 Exception Report (R75I344)

Run this report to print the nonstatutory ARE 1 document.

This report reads from the Print ARE-1/ARE-3 Bond Register table (F75I344Y).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Print ARE1 Exception Report

Print ARE1 Bond/LOU Master (R75I344S)

Run this report to review the ARE 1 bond or LOU (letter of understanding) details for an excise unit.

This report reads from the Print ARE-1/ARE-3 Bond Register table (F75I344Y).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Print ARE1 Bond/LOU Master

Print ARE3 Exception Report (R75I345)

Run this report to print the nonstatutory ARE 3 document.

This report reads from the Excise - ARE3 Form Header table (F75I345).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Print ARE3 Exception Report

Print ARE3 CT2/CT3/Annexure (R75I345A)

Run this report to print a consolidated report for all CT2, CT3, or Annexure transactions for ARE 3.

This report reads from the Certificate Master table (F75I345Y).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Print ARE3 CT2/CT3/Annexure

Print ARE1 (R75I346)

Run this report to print the statutory ARE 1 form.

This report reads from the Print ARE-1/ARE-3 Bond Register (F75I344Y), Excise Payment Details (F75I320Y), and the Sales Order Detail File (F4211) or Sales Order History File (F42119) tables.

Excise Daily Processing (G75IEXC1H), Print ARE1

Print ARE–3 (R75I347))

Run this report to print the statutory ARE 3 form.

This report reads from the Print ARE-1/ARE-3 Bond Register (F75I344Y), Excise Payment Details (F75I320Y), and the Sales Order Detail File (F4211) or Sales Order History File (F42119) tables.

Excise Daily Processing (G75IEXC1H), Print ARE-3

Print Unclaimed CENVAT Report (R75I351S)

Run this report to print a list of purchase order records with unclaimed central value-added tax (CENVAT) for a specific period for the selected business units.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) and Excise - Cross Reference File (F75I304) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), print Unclaimed CENVAT Report

Overdue Consignment (R75I352)

Run this report to review the consignments that are older than 180 days.

Note. Consignments older than 180 days are considered as a sale and are liable to tax.

This report reads from the Excise - Consignment/Adjustment Detail File - ItemWise table (F75I312).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Overdue Consignment

RG-1 Build (R75I380)

Run this report to calculate excise tax when you move items. The system updates the Excise RG1 Transaction table (F75I380) for all adjustments associated with a particular movement of an item.

This report uses the opening balance for an item from the F75I380 table. Therefore, you need to run the RG 1 - Upload Balances program (P75I380) before generating this report.

This report reads from the Item Ledger File (F4111), Bulk Product Transaction File (F41511), Excise - Period Master (F75I302), Excise - Cross Reference File (F75I304), Excise RG1 Transaction (F75I380) tables and writes to the F75I380 table.

Reports (G75IEXC7), RG-1 Build

RG-1 Print (R75I381)

Run this report to print data about the stock of finished goods for the packed or bulk items based on the selection of the processing option. This report also prints the data from the Excise RG1 Transaction table (F75I380) for the excise period that you specify in the data selection. You must run the RG-1 Build report (R75I380) before you run the RG-1 Print report (R75I381).

This report reads from the Excise RG1 Transaction table (F75I380)

Reports (G75IEXC7), RG-1 Print

Print PLA Form (R75I383)

Run this report to print the Annexure 8 that you must submit to the Central Excise department. This report is a statutory requirement.

This report reads from the Excise - PLA Chapter Wise Transaction File for Yarn Industry (F75I315Y) and Excise - MODVAT / PLA Summary File YARN SPECIFIC (F75I310Y) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), Print PLA Form

Record Uncaptured RG-1 From Item Card (R75I387)

Run this report to print the RG1 records in the Item Ledger File table (F4111) that were not included during the RG1 build. This report also prints the reason for the omission of the records.

You must run the RG-1 Build report (R75I380) to upload the RG1 details to the Excise RG1 Transaction table (F75I380) before you run the Record Uncaptured RG-1 From Item Card report (R75I387).

This report reads from the Item Ledger File (F4111), Excise RG1 transaction File (F75I380), and Excise Cross Reference File (F75I304) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), Record not captured from RG-1 Item Card

Excise Return Master (R75I390)

Use this program to print any of these reports:

  • ER-1 (monthly)

  • ER-3 (quarterly)

  • ER-5 (annual)

  • ER-6 (monthly)

You set processing options to specify the report and the time period for the report.

This report reads from the Tax Registration Details table (F75I210).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Excise Return Master

ER-1 Report Print (R75I391)

Run this report to print the details of duty paid on excisable goods, CENVAT credit claimed, and interest payments for the business unit. The report is printed monthly.

You run this report by setting a processing option and running the Excise Master Report program. Use the Batch Versions program to set the processing options for the ER-1 program before you print the report from the Excise Return Master program.

This report reads from the Excise - RG-1 - Transaction File (F75I380), Tax Registration Details (F75I210), and Excise - MODVAT / PLA Summary (F75I310Y) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), ER-1 Report Print

ER-3 (R75I391)

Run this report to print the details of duty paid on excisable goods, CENVAT credit claimed, and interest payments for the business unit. The report is printed quarterly.

You run this report by setting a processing option and running the Excise Master Report program. Use the Batch Versions program to set the processing options for the ER-3 program before you print the report from the Excise Return Master program.

This report reads from the Excise - RG-1 - Transaction File (F75I380), Tax Registration Details (F75I210), and Excise - MODVAT / PLA Summary (F75I310Y) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), ER-3

Annexure 10 (R75I392)

Run this report to review the purchase order details for raw materials and capital goods.

This report reads from the Excise - MODVAT / PLA Summary (F75I310Y), Excise - RG23A-II Chapter Wise Transaction (F75I313Y), and Excise - RG23C-II Chapter Wise Transaction File (F75I317Y) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), Annexure 10

ER-5 (R75I395)

Run this report to print the details of the type and quantity of principal inputs used in the manufacture of the finished goods. The report is printed annually.

You run this report by setting a processing option and running the Excise Master Report program. Use the Batch Versions program to set the processing options for the ER-5 program before you print the report from the Excise Return Master program.

This report reads from the Bill of Material Master File (F3002), Item Cost File (F4105), Work Order Master File (F4801), Work Order Master Tag File (F4801T), Excise - Cross Reference File (F75I304), ER-5 (1) (F75I395A), ER-5 (2) (F75I395B), and ER-5 (temp) (F75I395T) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), Excise Return Master

ER-6 (R75I396)

Run this report to print the details of the principal inputs used in the manufacture of the finished goods and the quantity of goods manufactured. The report is printed monthly.

You run this report by setting a processing option and running the Excise Return Master program. Use the Batch Versions program to set the processing options for the ER-6 program before you print the report from the Excise Return Master program.

This report reads from the Bill of Material Master File (F3002), Work Order Parts List (F3111), Item Cost File (F4105), Item Ledger File (F4111), Work Order Master File (F4801), Work Order Master Tag File (F4801T), Excise - Cross Reference File (F75I304), ER-6 - List of Finished goods manufactured (F75I396A), ER-6 (F75I396B), and ER-6 Temp (F75I396T) tables.

Reports (G75IEXC7), Excise Return Master

Print 57F(4) Challan (R75I3906)

Run this report to print the details of raw materials sent to the supplier for processing.

This report reads the details from the Consignment Header table (F75I357) and reads and updates from the Work With Consignment - Ind - 43 table (F75I3901).

Subcontracting process (G75I57F4), Print 57F(4) Challan

Print 57F4 Register (R75I3907)

Run this report to print the material issued to and received from the processor with the consignment number.

This report reads the details from the Work With Consignmen - Ind - 43 table (F75I3901).

Subcontracting process (G75I57F4), Print 57F4 Register

Print Sub Contract Challan (R75I3908)

Run this report to display the details of raw materials sent to the supplier for processing.

This report reads the details from the Purchase Order Detail File (F4311) and Consignment Header (F75I357) tables and reads from and updates the Work With Consignmen - Ind - 43 table (F75I3901).

Subcontracting process (G75I57F4), Print Sub Contract Challan

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for Service Tax

These reports exist for India for service tax:

Report ID and Report Name



Service Tax Credit Detail (R75I450)

Run this report to print detailed information about the tax credits for service taxes.

This report reads from the Account Payable Matching Document table (F0413), Account Payable Matching Document Detail table (F0414), Service Tax A/P File table (F57I741), and Service Tax Payment File table (F57I744).

Periodic Processing (G75ISVT2), Service Tax Credit Detail

Credit Distribution (R75I720)

This report prints the distribution transactions that generate the CENVAT credit. You must group the data by the operating unit, tax type, and service tax category before you run this report.

This report reads from the Credit Distribution table (F75I013).

Reports (G75IEXC7), Credit Distribution

Form ST-3 (R75I790)

Run this report to print the semi-annual returns. You must print the report for each service type and submit it to the service tax department once in a half year according to the statutory requirement.

This report reads from the Service Tax A/R File table (F75I731), Service Tax A/P File table (F75I741), Service Tax Received File table (F75I734), Service Tax Payment File table (F75I744), and the Service Tax Cenvat File table (F75I750).

Periodic Processing (G75ISVT2), Form ST-3

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for VAT

These reports exist for India for VAT:

Report ID and Report Name



Stock Transfer Details (R75I213)

Run this report to print stock transfer transactions by business unit.

This report reads from the Stock Transfer Details table (F75I403) and the Sales Order History File (F42119).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Stock Transfer Details

VAT -O2C - Detail/Summary Report (R75I2212)

Run this report lists of the sales orders for which VAT is applicable for a specific date range.

This report reads from the Sales Order History File (F42119) and Sales Form Information table (F75I401).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), VAT -O2C - Detail/Summary Report

VAT - Setoff Report - Unregistered Customers (R75I2213R)

Run this report to print the offset details for VAT for the sales and purchase transactions for all unregistered customers. This report lists information for each business unit by tax type and document number.

Note. You offset the VAT payable on sales with the VAT paid on purchases and, therefore, pay VAT only on the value-added portions.

This report reads from the Setoff Temp Table (F75I2213), Sales Form Information table (F75I401), and the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402), and writes to the Setoff Temp Table (F75I2213).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), VAT - Setoff Report - Unregistered Customers

Customer / Supplier Registration Number (R75I2217)

Run this report to print the registration numbers for customers and suppliers.

This report reads from the Tax Registration Details table (F75I210).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Customer / Supplier Registration Number

Reversed Sale Orders Detail (R75I2218)

Run this report to list sales orders that were created and later reversed.

This report reads from the Sales Form Information table (F75I401).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Reversed Sale Orders Detail

Exempted Item Details for Sales (R75I2219)

Run this report to print the sales and invoice details for items that are exempted from VAT. You run this report for a specific business unit and state.

This report reads from the Sales Order Detail File (F4211) or Sales Order History File (F42119) and the State / Branch Plant Cross Reference table (F75I406).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Exempted Item Details for Sales

Trading Item Sales (R75I2221)

Run this report to print the total sales amount of the trading transactions. These transactions do not involve VAT.

This report reads from the Item Branch File (F4102) and the Sales Order Detail File (F4211).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Trading Item Sales

Void Voucher Report (R75I2222)

Run this report to print voided transactions, including the total voided amounts.

This report reads from the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402).

Purchase tax (G75I2222), Void Voucher Report

VAT -Purchase Tax Summary / Details (R75I2231)

Run this report to print purchase orders in summary or detail format for companies and business units for a specific date range.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121).

Purchase tax (G75I2222), VAT -Purchase Tax Summary / Details

Reversed Purchase Orders Details (R75I2236)

Run this report to list purchase orders for which you have reversed the vouchers. The report shows purchase orders with a Match Type of 3 in the F43121 table.

This report reads from the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402) and Purchase Order Receiver table (F43121).

Purchase tax (G75I2222), Reversed Purchase Orders Details

Exempted Items Details (R75I2237)

Run this report to print exempted items and voucher amounts for a specific business unit and state.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121) and the State / Branch Plant Cross Reference table (F75I406).

Purchase tax (G75I2222), Exempted Items Details

Purchase against Trading Items (R75I2240)

Run this report to print the purchase details of the trading items.

This report reads from the Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) and the State / Branch Plant Cross Reference table (F75I406).

Purchase tax (G75I2222), Purchase against Trading Items

Reconcillation Report - VAT/CST Receivables (R75I2242)

Run this report to compare the VAT amount in localization tables to the tax amounts written to the general ledger accounts for VAT and Central Sales Tax (CST).

This report reads from the Account Ledger table (F0911), WorkFile for VAT/CST Receivables table (F75I2241), and Sales Form Information table (F75I401).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Reconcillation Report - VAT/CST Receivables

See Also

(IND) Setting Up the System for VAT

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for Sales Tax

These reports exist for India for sales tax:

Report ID and Report Name



Sales Tax - Concessional Form Status (With Form Code) (R75I4214)

Run this report to print the details of the invoices received with concession forms or received without concession forms, for the selected business unit. You use this report to produce a list of the customers from whom you have not received the concession forms so that you can send a reminder that the form is due.

This report prints only those invoices that contain the sales tax component.

Note. Select a value in the Form Type processing option to print the details of the invoices received with the specified concession forms. If you leave the Form Type processing option blank, the system prints the details of those invoices for which you have not received the concession forms.

This report reads from the Business Unit Master table (F0006) and Sales Form Information table (F75I401).

Sales Tax Reports (G75I421), Sales Tax - Concessional Form Status (With Form Code)

Sales Register (R75I4220)

Run this report to print a list of invoices with details of the adjustment types and sales taxes that are applicable to all the business units.

This report reads from the Business Unit Master table (F0006), Price Adjustment Ledger File table (F4074), and the Sales Order History table (F42119).

The navigations for this program are:

  • Sales Tax Reports (G75I421), Sales Register

  • Sales Tax Reports (G75I422), Sales Register

Follow Up Letter to Customer - With Form Code (R75I4216)

Run this report to print letters to customers with invoices for which the Form C has not been received.

This report reads from the Business Unit Master table (F0006) and Sales Form Information table (F75I401).

Sales Tax Reports (G75I421), Follow Up Letter to Customer - With Form Code

Sales Tax Summary/Detail (R75I4223)

Run this report to print the summary or details of the sales taxes that are applicable to the business units.

Note. Set the processing option to select either the summary report or the detail report.

This report reads from the Business Unit Master table (F0006), Sales Order History table (F42119), and the Sales Tax Summary/Detail table (F75I4223).

Sales Tax (G75I2221), Sales Tax Summary/Detail

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for Purchase Tax

These reports exist for India for purchase tax:

Report ID and Report Name



Print Purchase Orders (R43500)

Run this report to print a new purchase order. When you run this report for India, the system also runs the Loc. Purchase Order Print - IN report (R75I010) to print the layout with the specific tax registration numbers associated with the company and the corresponding taxes (landed cost components for each purchased item).

This report reads from the Purchase Order Header table (F4301), Purchase Order Detail table (F4311), and P.O. Detail Ledger - Flexible Version table (F43199).

Purchase Order Processing (G43A11), Print Purchase Orders

Loc. Purchase Order Print - IN (R75I010)

The system runs this program when you run the Print Purchase Order program for India.

This report reads from the Tax Work table (F40UI00T), PO Print Detail Work table (F43UI50D), and PO Print Header Work table (F43UI50H).

The system runs the Loc. Purchase Order Print - IN program when you run the Print Purchase Order program.

Purchase Tax Exception Report (R75I4232)

Run this report to compare the purchase order records in the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402) to the reversed or deleted voucher records in the Purchase Order Receiver File table (F43121). The system identifies records with a status of 3 in the Match Type field in the F43121 table as reversed or deleted voucher records.

Note. Run the report in proof mode to print a list of the purchase order records that exist in the F75I402 table for which the corresponding voucher in the F43121 table is reversed or deleted. Run this report in final mode to delete the purchase order records in the F75I402 table for which the voucher was reversed or deleted.

This report reads from the F75I402 table.

Purchase tax reports (G75I423), Purchase Tax Exception Report

Vouchers for which Form issued (R75I4233)

Run this report to print a summary of vouchers for which forms are issued.

This report reads from the Business Unit Master table (F0006) and the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402).

Purchase tax reports (G75I423), Vouchers for which Form issued

Forms outstanding - Detail (R75I4234)

Run this report to print a summary of the vouchers with pending forms.

This report reads from the Business Unit Master table (F0006) and the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402).

Purchase tax reports (G75I423), Forms outstanding - Detail

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for TCS

These reports exist for India for TCS:

Report ID and Report Name



Form 27D- Certificate for collection of TCS (R75I627)

Run this report to generate the Form 27D after you have paid tax to the tax authority. You can generate this report for one specific record or for a selected set of records for a period. Generate this report for the customers who purchase goods with TCS.

This report reads from the TCS Prepayment to Tax authority (F75I612) and TCS Payment Details (F75I604) tables.

The navigations for this report are:

  • Tax Collected At Source (G75ITCS), Form 27D- Certificate for collection of TCS

  • Periodic Processing (2/G75ITCS), Form 27D- Certificate for collection of TCS

Annual Return of TCS (R75I628)

Run this report to print the statutory form (Form 27E) and a flat file in an ASCII format.

The flat file contains all of the information that exists in the report but is in the format prescribed by the government, so that you can run it through the File Validation Utility (FVU) application. This application is owned by the government and validates the e-TCS report submitted by you. Oracle does not provide the FVU application.

Submit Form 27E as the annual return of the tax collected by the seller.

Form 27E displays the details of the TCS collected from the buyer and paid to the tax authority.

This report reads from the TCS Details table (F75I604) and the TCS Prepayment to Tax Authority table (F75I612).

Periodic Processing (2/G75ITCS), Annual Return of TCS

Form 27EQ - Quarterly Return of TCS (R75I629)

Run this report to print the statutory form (Form 27EQ) and a flat file in an ASCII format.

The flat file contains all of the information that exists in the report but is in the format prescribed by the government so that you can run it through the File Validation Utility (FVU) application. This application is owned by the government and validates the e-TCS report submitted by you. Oracle does not provide the FVU application.

This form is used to submit the quarterly returns for the tax collected by the seller.

Form 27EQ displays the TCS collected and paid to the tax authority.

This report reads from the TCS Details table (F75I604) and the TCS Prepayment to Tax Authority table (F75I612).

Periodic Processing (2/G75ITCS), Form 27EQ - Quarterly Return of TCS

Form 27B - Summery of Annual eTCS Return (R75I630)

Run this report to print the statutory form, Form 27B. Form 27B is a summary of the e-TCS return (Form 27E) that contains the details of the amount paid and the income tax collected at the source. You must submit Form 27B to the tax authorities on an annual basis to report the tax collected by the seller. You must separately submit a Form 27B for each TCS return (Form 27E) that you file.

This report reads from the TCS Details table (F75I604) and the TCS Prepayment to Tax Authority table (F75I612).

Periodic Processing (2/G75ITCS), Form 27B - Summery of Annual eTCS Return

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for TDS

These reports exist for India for TDS:

Report ID and Report Name



TDS Statement (R75I102)

Run this report to determine the TDS amount and surcharge amount to be paid to the tax authorities.

This report reads from the TDS Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100).

Periodic Processing (G75ITDS2), TDS Statement

Form 26Q - P2P - IND (R75I122EQ)

Run this report to print a list of tax challans and deductions for a particular quarter.

This report reads from the TDS Document Company table (F75I20A) and the Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100).

ETDS Quarterly/Yearly Special Closing (G75ITDS23), Form 26Q - P2P - IND

Form 26 & Form 27 (R75I126)

Run this report to print PDF and text version reports of:

  • Form 26

  • Form 27

This report reads from TDS Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100) and TDS Document Company table (F75I20A)

Periodic Processing (G75ITDS2), Form 26 & Form 27

Form 27A (R75I127)

Run this report to print an annual report of the Form 27A.

This report reads from the TDS Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100) and TDS Document Company table (F75I20A)

Periodic Processing (G75ITDS2), Form 27A

Quarterly Deduction Of Tax (Form No 27Q) (R75I128)

Run this report to print Form 27Q to submit the TDS deduction details to the income tax department on a quarterly basis. You run this report for a tax deduction account number (TAN) for a specified quarter.

When you run this report, the system prints a PDF and a text file for Form 27Q.

This report reads from the TDS Document Company table (F75I20A) and the Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100).

Periodic Processing (G75ITDS2), Quarterly Deduction Of Tax (Form No 27Q)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIndia Reports for WCT

These reports exist for India for WCT:

Report ID and Report Name



Certificate of tax (R75I119)

Run this report after you complete the challan update, certificate number generation, and month end process.

This report reads from and writes to the TDS Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100).

Periodic Processing (G75IWCTDS2), Certificate of tax

Register to be maintained (R75I120)

Run this report to submit a register to the authorities, under the WCT Act, for the taxes deducted from payments issued to contractors.

This report reads from the TDS Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100).

Periodic Processing (G75IWCTDS2), Register to be maintained

Monthly statement of tax (R75I121)

Run this report to submit a monthly return to the authorities, under the WCT Act, for the taxes deducted from the payments issued to contractors.

This report reads from the TDS Certificate Master Maintenance table (F75I100).

Periodic Processing (G75IWCTDS2), Monthly statement of tax

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I010 – Loc. Purchase Order Print - IN

When you run the Print Purchase Orders (R43500) program for Indian transactions, the system runs the Loc. Purchase Order Print - IN report (R75I010) to print the layout in an India-specific format if you set a processing option to do so. The India-specific format includes the specific tax registration numbers associated with the company and the corresponding taxes (landed cost components for each purchased item).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Loc. Purchase Order Print - IN (R75I010)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.

Report Display

1. Enter a '1' to print the Exchange Rate.

Enter 1 to print the exchange rate on the purchase order.

2. Enter the Global Print Message to print on each order.

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 40/PM to print a message on the purchase order.

3. Enter a '1' to print Purchase Order Note.

Enter 1 to print the purchase order in the India-specific format. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the purchase order in the standard format.

4. Enter a '1' to suppress the report title and company name from printing.

Enter 1 to suppress the printing of the report title and company name.

5. Enter a '1' to print the Purchasing Agent on the Purchase Order.

Enter 1 to print the name of the purchasing agent on the purchase order.

6. Enter a '1' to exclude Tax Registration Details and Tax Components from Landed Cost (leave blanks to print them)

Enter 1 to suppress the printing of the tax registration details and the tax components from the landed cost setup.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I102 – TDS Statement

Run this report to determine the TDS amount and surcharge amount to be paid to the tax authorities. Run this report before performing the challan detail update process.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for TDS Statement (R75I102)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


CompanyandDocument Company

Specify a number that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

Note. You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use Company 00000 for transaction entries.

TDS Group(Tax Deducted at Source Group)

Enter a value from UDC table 75I/TG (TDS Group) that designates the TDS group. TDS groups are stored in the TDS Rate Maintenance table (F75I10A). Examples are:

B: Brokerage

C: Contractor

D: Dividend

I: Interest

R: Rent

Beginning DateandEnd Date

Specify a date range for which the tax rate is effective.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I119 – Certificate of Tax

Run this report after you complete the challan update, certificate number generation, and month end process. You must submit this report to dealers and contractors to enable them to claim the credit on their income tax returns.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for the Certificate of Tax (R75I119)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Beginning Date and End Date

Specify the date range for which the tax rate is effective.

CompanyandDocument Company

Specify a number that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

Note. You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use Company 00000 for transaction entries.

Work Contract Tax Type

Specify a user-defined code from the TDS Type UDC table (75I/TY) that identifies the tax type for the work contract. The law specifies different tax types. Examples are:

1: Include in 1099 Processing

A: Interest Dividends to NRI

B: Advertising Contract

C: Contractor

D: Dividend

Date to be printed at the bottom as a Date of Issue of Certificate. If left blank, System Date will be printed.

Specify the date that the system prints as the issue date at the bottom of the certificate. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current date.

Amount Paid

Specify the code that indicates which amount you pay. Values are:

Blank: Amount on the contractor's bill

1: Challan amount you pay to the government.

Print Report Heading

Specify whether to print the heading of the Certificate of Tax report.

Y: Yes

N: No

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I120 – Register to be Maintained

This report prints a register that you submit to the authorities for the taxes deducted from payments issued to contractors. This report consolidates TDS details from the tax certificates submitted by suppliers. You need to submit this report to the Income Tax Department.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Register to be Maintained (R75I120)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Contract Type

Specify a user-defined code from the TDS Type UDC table (75I/TY) that identifies the tax type for the work contract. The law specifies different tax types. Examples are:

1: Include in 1099 Processing

A: Interest Dividends to NRI

B: Advertising Contract

C: Contractor

D: Dividend

TDS Certificate Issue Date

Specify the date that the TDS certificate was issued by the tax authorities.

CompanyandDocument Company

Specify a number that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

Note. You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use Company 00000 for transaction entries.

Print Report Header

Specify whether to print the header of the Register to be Maintained report. Values are:

Y: Yes

N: No

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I121 – Monthly Statement of Tax

Run this report to consolidate the tax deducted for the suppliers every month. This report must be submitted to the income tax department by the companies.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Monthly Statement of Tax (R75I121)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Beginning Date and End Date

Specify the date range for which the tax rate is effective.

CompanyandDocument Company

Specify a number that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company must exist in the Company Constants table (F0010) and must identify a reporting entity that has a complete balance sheet. At this level, you can have intercompany transactions.

Note. You can use company 00000 for default values such as dates and automatic accounting instructions. You cannot use Company 00000 for transaction entries.

TDS Type

Specify a user-defined code from the TDS Type UDC table (75I/TY) that identifies the tax type for the work contract. The law specifies different tax types. Examples are:

1: Include in 1099 Processing

A: Interest Dividends to NRI

B: Advertising Contract

C: Contractor

D: Dividend

Print Report Header

Specify whether to print the header of the Monthly Statement of Tax report. Values are:

Y: Yes

N: No

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I122EQ – Form 26Q - P2P - IND

This report prints a list of tax challans and deductions for a particular quarter. You must run this report every quarter to submit it to the tax authorities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Form 26Q Quarterly Returns (New Format) (R75I122EQ)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Company of the Deductor (CO)

Specify company of the deductor responsible for deducting TDS. This is the parent company that has the permanent account number.

Document Company of the Deductor (KCO)

Specify the document company of the person who is responsible for deducting TDS. The document company designates a child company that usually has a separate Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) and is associated with a parent company. The system generates the eTDS report for this child company.

Note. TAN is a 10-digit alphanumeric number obtained by all persons who are responsible for deducting or collecting taxes. You must include the TAN in TDS and TCS returns, TDS and TCS payment challan, and TDS and TCS certificates.

Year for which eTDS Report are printed

Specify the year for which you want to generate an eTDS report. For example, enter 2006 for fiscal year 2005-2006.

Quarter for which eTDs Report are printed

Specify a value that designates the fiscal year quarter. Values are:

1: Display the data from 1st April to 31st June for the fiscal year.

2: Display the data from 1st July to 31st September for the fiscal year.

3: Display the data from 1st October to 31st December for the fiscal year.

4: Display the data from 1st January to 31st March for the fiscal year.

Address Book Number for person responsible for deducting Tax at Source

Specify the address book number of the person who is responsible for deducting taxes at source.

Path for Flat File (TXT File)

Specify the path for the flat file. For example, you might enter C:\TDS\File\. The system saves the flat file to the specified location.

Has any statement been filed earlier for this quarter

Specify whether a statement was filed earlier for this quarter. Values are:

Y: A statement was filed earlier.

N: No statement was filed earlier.

Designation of Person Responsible for deducting tax at source

Specify the designation of the person who is responsible for deducting tax at source, for example, a manager or financial officer.

Additional Info

Paid by Book Entry

Specify the status of the Paid by Book entry. Values are:

Y: Paid by Book entry is applicable.

N : Paid by Book entry is not applicable.

When the TDS amount is paid by the government companies to the government, entries are made in journals. Paid by book entries refer to the transfer of records from one journal to the other.

Provisional receipt Number (for Corrected returns)

Specify the provisional receipt number that you want to use if income tax returns need to be corrected.

Status of deductor

Specify whether the person responsible for deducting taxes is a government representative. Values are:

C: Government deductor

O: Nongovernment deductor

Address Change Flag for Deductor

Specify if there is a change of address of the tax-deducting authority. Values are:

Y: Address has changed

N: Address has not changed

Address Change Flag for Person Responsible for making deduction

Specify whether the address of the person who is responsible for collecting taxes has changed. Values are:

Y: Address has changed

N: Address has not changed

The person that is responsible for tax collection can be a manager or a financial officer or any individual in charge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I126 – Form 26 & Form 27

This report prints a PDF and text version reports of forms 26 and 27. This report must be generated annually to submit to the tax authorities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Form 26 & Form 27 (R75I126)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Company of the Deductor (CO)

Specify the company of the person who is responsible for deducting TDS. This is the parent company that has the permanent account number.

Document Company of the Deductor (KCO)

Specify the document company of the person who is responsible for deducting TDS. The document company designates a child company that usually has a separate Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) and is associated with a parent company. The system generates the eTDS report for this child company.

Note. TAN is a 10-digit alphanumeric number obtained by all persons who are responsible for deducting or collecting taxes. You must include the TAN in TDS and TCS returns, TDS and TCS payment challan, and TDS and TCS certificates.

Year for which eTDS Report are printed

Specify the year for which you want to generate an eTDS report. Example, enter 2006 for fiscal year 2005-2006.

Type of Form (Form 26 and Form 27)

Specify a code that designates the type of form. Values are:

1: Form 26

0: Form 27

Address Book Number for person responsible for deducting Tax at Source

Specify the address book number of the person who is responsible for deducting the tax at source.

Path for Flat File (TXT File)

Specify the path for the flat file. For example, you might enter C:\TDS\File\. The system saves the flat file to the specified location.

Address Change Flag

Specify whether the address of the person who is deducting taxes at source has changed. Values are:

Y: The address has changed

N: The address has not changed

Designation of Person Responsible for deducting tax at source

Specify the designation of the person who is responsible for deducting tax at source, for example manager or financial officer or any individual in charge.

Additional Info

Paid by Book Entry

Specify the status of the Paid by Book entry. Values are:

Y: Paid by Book entry is applicable.

N: Paid by Book entry is not applicable.

When the TDS amount is paid by the government companies to the government, entries are made in journals. Paid by Book entries refer to the transfer of records from one journal to the other.

Type of Form (R,C)

Specify the code that designates the form type. Values are:

R: Regular

C: Corrected

Provisional receipt Number (for Corrected returns)

Specify the provisional receipt number that you want to use if income tax returns need to be corrected.

Status of deductor

Specify whether the person responsible for deducting taxes is a government representative. Values are:

C: Government deductor

O: Nongovernment deductor

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I127 – Form 27A

This report prints an annual, consolidated report of the Form 27A. .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Form 27A (R75I127)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Company of the Deductor (CO)

Specify the company of the person who is responsible for deducting TDS. This is the parent company that has the permanent account number.

Document Company of the Deductor (KCO)

Specify the document company of the person who is responsible for deducting TDS. The document company designates a child company that usually has a separate Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) and is associated with a parent company. The system generates the eTDS report for this child company.

Note. TAN is a 10-digit alphanumeric number obtained by all persons who are responsible for deducting or collecting taxes. You must include the TAN in TDS and TCS returns, TDS and TCS payment challan, and TDS and TCS certificates.


Specify the year for which you want to generate an eTDS report. For example, you might enter 2006 for fiscal year 2005-2006.

Type of Form for which Form 27A is Printed

Specify which form you want to print. Values are:

1: Form 26

0: Form 27

Previous receipt Number

Specify the provisional receipt number that you want to use if income tax returns need to be corrected.

Address Book Number for person responsible for deducting Tax at Source

Specify an address book number for the person responsible for deducting tax at source.

Designation of Person Responsible for deducting tax at source

Specify the designation of the person who is responsible for deducting the tax at source, for example, manager or financial officer.

Status of deductor

Specify whether the person responsible for deducting taxes is a government representative. Values are:

C: Government deductor

0: Others

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I128 — Quarterly Deduction of Tax (Form 27Q)

This report prints Form 27Q to submit the TDS deduction details to the income tax department on a quarterly basis. This report shows the deductee's and challan details for the specific quarter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Quarterly Deduction of Tax (Form 27Q)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Company of the Deductor (CO)

Specify the company of the person responsible for deducting TDS. This is the parent company with a permanent account number

Document Company of the Deductor (KCO)

Specify the document company of the person who is responsible for deducting TDS. The document company designates a child company that usually has a separate Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) and is associated with a parent company. The system generates the eTDS report for this child company.

Note. TAN is a 10-digit alphanumeric number obtained by all persons who are responsible for deducting or collecting taxes. You must include the TAN in TDS and TCS returns, TDS and TCS payment challan, and TDS and TCS certificates.

Year for which eTDS Report are printed

Specify the year for which the eTDS Reports are to be printed. For example, you might enter 2006 for fiscal year 2005-2006 or 2007 for fiscal year 2006-2007.

Quarter for which eTDs Report are printed

Specify a value that designates the fiscal year quarter. Values are:

1: Display the data from 1st April to 31st June for the fiscal year.

2: Display the data from 1st July to 31st September for the fiscal year.

3: Display the data from 1st October to 31st December for the fiscal year.

4: Display the data from 1st January to 31st March for the fiscal year.

Address Book Number for person responsible for deducting Tax at Source

Specify the address book number of the person who is responsible for deducting taxes at source.

Path for Flat File (TXT File)

Specify the path for the flat file. For example, you might enter C:\TDS\File\. The system saves the flat file to the specified location.

Has any statement been filed earlier for this quarter

Specify whether a statement was filed earlier for this quarter. Values are:

Y: A statement was filed earlier.

N: No statement was filed earlier.

Designation of Person Responsible for deducting tax at source

Specify the designation of the person who responsible for deducting tax at source, for example, manager or financial officer.

Paid by Book Entry

Specify the status of the Paid by Book entry. Values are

Y: Paid by Book entry is applicable.

N : Paid by Book entry is not applicable.

When the TDS amount is paid by the government companies to the government, entries are made in journals. Paid by book entries refer to the transfer of records from one journal to the other.

Provisional receipt Number (for Corrected returns)

Specify the provisional receipt number that you want to use if income tax returns need to be corrected.

Status of deductor

Specify whether the person responsible for deducting taxes is a government representative. Values are:

C: Government deductor

O: Nongovernment deductor

Address Change Flag for Deductor

Specify if there is a change of address of the tax-deducting authority. Values are:

Y: Address has changed

N: Address has not changed

Address Change Flag for Person Responsible for making deduction

Specify whether the address of the person who is responsible for collecting taxes has changed. Values are:

Y: Address has changed

N: Address has not changed

The person that is responsible for tax collection can be a manager or a financial officer or any individual in charge.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I213 – Stock Transfer Details

This report prints information about the stock transfer transactions for a specific business unit, company, item number, lot number, document number and location for a specific period.

Typically, VAT is not charged on the transfer of goods within an organization when there is no sale involved. However, VAT is charged on the transfer of goods between two divisions of an organization when the divisions are in different states.

See Also

Working with Transactions for Sales Tax

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Stock Transfer Details (R75I213)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify the number of the month for which you want to run the report. For example, enter 01 for January.


Specify the applicable year.

Business Unit

Specify the number of the business unit for which you want to run the report.

Proof or Final Mode

Specify the processing mode for the program. Values are:

0or blank: proof mode (we don't italicize the value blank)

1: final mode

In proof mode, the report prints the details of the stock transfer transactions and in the final mode it also updates Consolidated tax payment table (F75I404).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I304 – Excise Manufacturer - Deferred CENVAT

This report prints the tax-deferred information. This report also enables you to review the deferred tax amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Excise Manufacturer - Deferred CENVAT (R75I304)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


1 - Date From

Specify the start date from which the deferred CENVAT amount is available.

Date To

Specify the end date through which the deferred CENVAT amount is available.

2 - Excise Unit Blank = All

Specify the address book number of the excise unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I307 – Dealer - RG23D Register

This report prints information about the purchase receipt and sales order. This report maps the information on the purchase receipt to the sales order by item, branch/plant, location, lot number and tax type. The report retrieves the purchase receipt information from the Purchase Order Receiver Tag File (F75I008) and Purchase Order Receiver File (F43121) tables and the sales order information from the RG23D Register - Issues table (F75I385).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Dealer - RG23D Register (R75I307)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


1 - Excise Unit

Specify the address book number of the excise unit.

2 - Date From

Specify the start date for which you want to run the report. If you do not specify a beginning date, the system uses the current date.

Date To

Specify the end date for which you want to run the report. If you do not specify a beginning date, the report uses the current date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I319 – Annexure 19

This report prints the Annexure- 19 form that you must submit to the Central Excise department. This report is used to keep track of all exports for which excise duty is adjusted with ARE 1 bond. This report shows the export of excisable goods for which the excise duty has not been paid. The report also calculates and shows the total amount of credit taken by the exporter in the running bond account.

This report consists of these parts:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Annexure 19 (R75I319)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify the number of the month for which you want to print the Annexure 19 report. For example, enter 01 for January.


Specify the year for which you want to print the Annexure 19 report. For example, enter 2010.

Excise Unit

Specify the excise unit for which you want to print the Annexure 19 report.

Statutory Time Limit

Specify the number of days in which you must submit the proof of export to the government. The government specifies the statutory time limit. For example, the government might specify 180 days.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I323 – Record of Receipts of Inputs under Bond

This report enables you to review information by company, date range, and excise unit for the item receipts for export-oriented units. You run this report after you enter the ARE 3 information in the Purchase Order Receiver ARE3 Information program (P75I323).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Record of Receipts under Bond (R75I323)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


1 - Enter From Date

Specify a date on which one of these events occur:

A component part becomes effective on a bill of material.

A routing step becomes effective as a sequence on the routing for an item.

A rate schedule is in effect.

Note. The system uses the current system date as the default date. You can enter future dates to plan for upcoming changes. Items that are no longer effective can still be recorded and recognized in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Product Costing, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Shop Floor Management, and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capacity Requirements Planning. The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Material Requirements Planning system determines valid components by effectivity dates, not by the bill of material revision level. Some forms display data based on the effectivity dates that you enter.

2 - Enter To Date

Specify a date on which one of these events occur:

A component part is no longer in effect on a bill of material.

A routing step is no longer in effect as a sequence on the routing for an item.

A rate schedule is no longer active.

Note. The system uses December 31 of the year defined in the Data Dictionary as the default year. You can enter future effective dates so that the system plans for upcoming changes. Items that are no longer effective in the future can still be recorded and recognized in Product Costing, Shop Floor Management, and Capacity Requirements Planning. The Material Requirements Planning system determines valid components by effectivity dates, not by the bill of material revision level. Some forms display data based on the effectivity dates you enter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I344 – Print ARE1 Exception Report

This report prints the nonstatutory ARE 1 document. You use this report to review details about the ARE 1 exceptions; that is, the entries for which proof of exports have not been received.

You must use the Excise Bond/LOU Master Maintenance program (P75I303) to set up the bond master details for ARE 1 bonds.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print ARE1 Exception Report (R75I344)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


From Date

Specify the date from which you want to print the entries for which you have not received the proof of exports. You must receive the proof of export for the excise duty adjusted against the ARE 1 bond.

To Date

Specify the date to which you want to print the entries for which you have not received the proof of exports . You must receive the proof of export for the excise duty adjusted against the ARE 1 bond.

Number of Days

Specify the number of days prior to the current date for which you want to print details for receipt of the proof of exports. You must receive the proof for the orders on which the excise duty was adjusted against the ARE 1 bonds. For example, if the current date is February 20 and you give the number of days as 4, the system prints the proof of exports records that you received from February 16 to February 20.

If you leave this processing option blank, the report does not print records for which you received the proof of exports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I344S – Print ARE1 Bond/LOU Master

This report enables you to review the expiration period and the bond amount for the specified excise period. If you set the processing option to generate the report for LOU, the system shows the expiration period and the quantity for the LOU for the excise unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print ARE1 Bond/LOU Master (R75I344S)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.

Bond Info

Excise Unit

Specify the address number of the excise unit for which you want to print the ARE1 bond or LOU details.

B = With Bond L = LOU

Specify whether to print ARE 1 bond or LOU details for an excise unit. Values are:

B: ARE 1 bond details

L: LOU details

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I345 – Print ARE3 Exception Report

You use this nonstatutory report to review the status of the ARE 3 exceptions; that is, the entries for which proof of exports have not been received.

You must use the Excise CT2-3/Annexure Master Maintenance program (P75I348) to set up the CT2 and CT3 details for ARE 3 certificates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print ARE3 Exception Report (R75I345)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


From Date

Specify the date from which you want to print the entries for which you have not received the proof of exports. You must receive the proof of export for the excise duty adjusted against the ARE 3 certificate.

To Date

Specify the date to which you want to print the entries for which you have not received the proof of exports. You must receive the proof of export for the excise duty adjusted against the ARE 3 certificate.

Number of Days

Specify the number of days prior to the current date for which you want to print details for receipt of the proof of exports for the orders on which the excise duty was adjusted against the ARE 3 forms. For example, if the current date is February 20, and you give the number of days as 4, the system will print the records for which you received the proof of exports from February 16 to February 20.

If you leave this processing option blank, the report does not print any records for which you received the proof of exports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I345A – Print ARE3 CT2/CT3/Annexure

This report prints information about all CT2, CT3, or Annexure transactions for ARE 3. You use this report to review the quantity issued and quantity available for each excise unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print ARE3 CT2/CT3/Annexure (R75I345A)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


CT2-CT3/Annexure A=Annexure C=CT2–CT3

Specify whether to print details for CT2 or CT3 certificates or Annexures for each excise unit. Values are:

A: Annexure

C: CT2 or CT3

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I346 – Print ARE1

This report prints the statutory ARE 1 form that is required when you export goods from an excise-registered location. You use this form when you ship goods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print ARE1 (R75I346)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


1. Print Excise Rate

Specify whether to print excise rates on the ARE 1 form. Values are:

Y: Print excise rates.

N: Do not print excise rates.

Specify Y to Print Bond Details at the bottom of page

Specify whether to print the ARE 1 bond details on the ARE 1 form. Values are:

Y: Print bond details.

N: Do not print bond details.

Start Part A printing on new page (Y/N)

Specify whether to print Part A of the ARE 1 form on a new page. Values are:

Y: Print Part A on a new page.

N: Do not print Part A on a new page. (default)


Remark 1, Remark 2, and Remark 3

Specify remarks to print on the ARE 1 form.

Description of Good and Chapter Number

Specify the description of goods and chapter number to print on the ARE 1 form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I347 – Print ARE-3

This report prints the statutory ARE 3 form that is required when you dispatch goods to the export warehouse.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print ARE-3 (R75I347)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify the year for which you want to print the ARE 3 form. For example, 2010.


Specify the numerical month for which you want to print the ARE 3 form. For example, 01 for January.

Enter From AR3 Number

Specify the start number of the number range of ARE 3 forms that you want to print.

Enter To AR3 Number

Specify the end number of the number range of ARE 3 forms that you want to print.

Excise Unit

Specify the address book number of the excise unit for which you want to print the ARE 3 form.

Print Excise Rates

Specify whether to print excise rates in the ARE 3 form. Values are:

Y: Print excise rates.

N: Do not print excise rates.

Start Part 2 printing on new Page (Y/N

Specify whether to print Part 2 of the ARE 3 form on a new page. Values are:

Y: Print Part 2 on a new page.

N: Do not print Part 2 on a new page. (default)

Annexure Heading

Specify the header for the Annexure. Values are:

Blank: Annexure-25 (default)

1: Annexure-A


Remark 1, Remark 2, Remark 3, and Remark 4

Specify remarks to print on the ARE 3 form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I351S – print Unclaimed CENVAT Report

This report prints a list of purchase order records with unclaimed CENVAT for the selected business units for a specific period.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for print Unclaimed CENVAT (R75I351S)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

Data Selection

Enter the Excise Unit

Specify the address number of the excise unit for which the system prints the unclaimed central value-added taxes (CENVAT) report.

Business Unit

Specify the business unit of the excise unit for which you print the unclaimed CENVAT report.

Enter the Period From

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which the system prints the unclaimed CENVAT report.

Enter the Period To

Specify the end of the range of dates from which the system prints the unclaimed CENVAT report.

Allow Negative Excise Amounts

Specify whether to display the negative excise amounts in the unclaimed CENVAT report. Values are:

N: The system does not display negative amounts in CENVAT report.

Y: The system allows negative amounts in CENVAT report.

Transaction Types

Transaction Type 1

Specify the transaction types for selecting the purchase orders to calculate the CENVAT credit amount.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I352 – Overdue Consignment

This report enables you to review the consignments that are older than 180 days. This report displays the consignments for which the excise tax is levied. For a particular excise unit, excise tax is levied on the consignments if they do not return to the factory within 180 days.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Overdue Consignments (R75I352)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.

Data Selection

Enter the Excise Unit

Specify the address number of the excise unit.

Enter the Comparison Date

Specify a date which must be compared with the consignment date. The system does not process the consignment if it is overdue.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I381 – RG-1 Print

This report prints information about the movement of any item from a manufacturer's premises. This report prints the data about the stock of finished goods for the packed or bulk items based on the selection of the processing option. You also use this program to print the data from the Excise RG1 Transaction table (F75I380) for the excise period that you specify in the data selection.

You must run the RG-1 Build report (R75I380) before you run the RG-1 report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for RG-1 Print (R75I381)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Start Date

Specify the start date for the report that the system uses when building the work table. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format.

End Date

Specify the end date for the report that the system uses when building the work table. You must enter the date in the MM/DD/YY format.

Bulk/Packed Items

Specify the a user-defined code from UDC table 41B/BF that indicates whether the item is a packaged or a bulk liquid product. Values are:

B: Bulk Item

P: Packaged Item

If the item is a bulk product, you must perform temperature and density/gravity conversions. To record the movement of bulk products, you must use forms designed specifically for bulk products. If you try to record movement using standard inventory forms, the system prevents the movement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I383 – Print PLA Form

This report prints the Annexure 8 form that you must submit to the Central Excise department. This report shows the credit and debit balances of the personal ledger account (PLA) for all excise duty components. This report also shows the opening PLA balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Print PLA Form (R75I383)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Excise Unit

Specify the excise unit for which to print the Annexure 8 form.


Specify the number of the month for which to print the Annexure 8. For example, enter 01 for January.


Specify the year for which to print the Annexure 8. Enter the year using four digits. For example, enter 2010.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I387 – Record Uncaptured RG-1 From Item Card

This report prints the RG1 records for the transactions that were included in the Item Ledger File table (F4111), but not included by the Excise RG1 Transaction table (F75I380). This report also prints the reason for the omission of the records.

You must run the RG-1 Build report (R75I380) to upload the RG1 details to the F75I380 table before you run the Record Uncaptured RG-1 From Item Card report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Record Uncaptured RG-1 From Item Card (R75I387)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Start Date:

Specify the start date of the period when you entered an order. The system uses this date to determine the effective level for inventory pricing.

End Date:

Specify the start date of the period when you entered an order. The system uses this date to determine the effective level for inventory pricing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I390 – Excise Return Master

This report displays the details of raw materials sent to the supplier for processing. This report prints the details of the excise return for the work orders. You can print ER -1, ER -3, ER -5 and ER -6 reports.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Excise Return Master (R75I390)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


ER -1 (Monthly Report), ER -3 (Quarterly Report), ER -5 (Annual Report), and ER -6 (Monthly Report)

Specify the version of the report to run.


For ER - 1 and ER - 3

Specify the period for which the report is generated. Values are:

M: Monthly.

Q: Quarterly.

Input Month/Quarter

Specify a numerical value for the month or quarter.

If you entered M in the For ER - 1 and ER - 3 processing option, enter a number that corresponds to the month. For example, enter 1 for January or 3 or March.

If you entered Q in the For ER - 1 and ER - 3 processing option, enter a number that corresponds to the quarter. Values for quarters are:

1: April - June.

2: July - September.

3: October - December.

4: January - March.


Specify the year for which you run the ER-1 or ER-3 report.

Date Period Begin

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which the system prints the report.

If running the ER-5 report, specify the start date of the year for which you run the report.

If running the ER-6 report, specify the start date of the month for which you run the report.

Date Period End

Specify the end of the range of dates from which the system prints the report.

If running the ER-5 report, specify the end date of the year for which you run the report.

If running the ER-6 report, specify the end date of the month for which you run the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I391 – ER-1 Report Print and ER-3 Report Print

This report prints the details of duty paid on excisable goods, CENVAT credit claimed, and interest payments for the business unit. Print the ER-1 report monthly. Print the ER-3 report every quarter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for ER-1 Report Print and ER-3 Report Print (R75I391)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Excise Unit

Specify the address number of the Excise unit

Enter the appropriate value:

Specify the type of processing for the excise return reports. Values are:

M: The system generates monthly excise return report (ER-1).

Q: The system generates quarterly excise return report (ER-3).

Input Month/Quarter

Specify a numerical value for the month or quarter.

If you entered M in the For ER - 1 and ER - 3 processing option, enter a number that corresponds to the month. For example, enter 1 for January or 3 or March.

If you entered Q in the For ER - 1 and ER - 3 processing option, enter a number that corresponds to the quarter. Values for quarters are:

1: April - June.

2: July - September.

3: October - December.

4: January - March.


Specify the year for which the system processes excise return records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I392 – Annexure 10

This report enables you to review the purchase order details for raw materials and capital goods. This report prints details of the opening and the closing balances for raw materials and capital goods in addition to the details of the credit claimed and utilized for different tax types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Annexure 10 (R75I392)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.

Data Selection

Excise Unit

Specify the address number of the excise unit for which to print the Annexure 10.


Specify the year for which to print the Annexure 10. Enter the year using four digits. For example, enter 2010.


Specify the number of the month for which to print the Annexure 10. For example, enter 01 for January.

To be printed:

Specify the type of report to print. Values are:

1: Original

2: Duplicate

3: Triplicate

4: Quadruplicate

Entry Type

Specify the type of journal entry to print on the report. Values are:

D: Only debit

C: Only credit

B: Both entries

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I395 – ER-5

This report prints the details of the type and quantity of principal inputs used in the manufacture of the finished goods. Print the report annually.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for ER-5 (R75I395)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Selected Period - From Date

Specify the beginning of the range of dates for work orders from which the system prints the ER - 5 report.

Selected Period - To Date

Specify the end of the range of dates for work orders from which the system prints the ER - 5 report.

Transaction Type for completed Work Orders

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type assigned to completed work orders.

Partially/Fully Completed Work Order Status

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/SS that identifies the status of fully or partially completed work orders. Examples are:

50: Partial Completion.

65: Work in Progress.

Stocking Type of Manufactured Item

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/I that identifies the stocking code of manufactured items. Examples are:

C: Configured items.

M: Manufactured Items.

Stocking Type of Purchased Item

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/I that identifies the stocking type of purchased items. Examples are:

N: Non-stock items.

M: Purchase raw materials.

Stocking Type of phantom item

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/I that identifies the stocking type of phantom items. Examples are:

0:Phantom items.

Principle Input Details

Cost Method

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 40/CM that specifies the basis for calculating the cost of items in a work order. Values are:

01: Last In.

02: Weighted Average.

03: Memo.

04: Current.

05: Future.

06: Lot.

07: Standard.

08: Purchasing-Base Cost No Adds.

09: Manufacturing Last Cost.

Percentage above which input will be Principle

Specify the percentage of the principal inputs used in the manufacture of finished goods. Enter the decimal number of the value. For example, if the value is 42.5% enter 42.5.

Category Code for FG

Category Code for Finished Good

Specify the category codes that you set up to identify finished goods.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I396 – ER-6

This report prints the details of the principal inputs used in the manufacture of the finished goods and the quantity of goods manufactured. The report is printed monthly.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for ER-6 (R75I396)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Selected Period - From date

Specify the beginning of the range of dates of the credit and collection pattern from which the system prints the ER - 6 report.

Note. The beginning date and end date should belong to same month

Selected Period - To date

Specify the end of the range of dates of the credit and collection pattern from which the system prints the ER - 6 report.

Note. The beginning date and end date should belong to same month.

Status Code W/O (status code for work order)

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/SS that identifies the status of fully or partially completed work orders. Examples are:

50: Partial Completion.

65: Work in Progress.

Transaction Type of Completed Work Order.

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type assigned to completed work orders.

Stocking Type of Phantom Item

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/I that identifies the stocking type of phantom items. Example is:

0: Phantom item.

Stocking Type of Manufactured Item

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/I that identifies the stocking code of manufactured items. Examples are:

C: Configured item.

M: Manufactured item.

Stocking Type of Purchased item

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/I that identifies the stocking type of purchased items. Examples are:

N: Non-stock item.

P: Purchased raw material.

Category Code of FG

Category Code of finished goods

Specify the category codes that you set up to identify finished goods.

Principle Inputs

Percentage above which Input will be Principle Input

Specify the percentage of the principal inputs used in the manufacture of finished goods. Enter the decimal number of the value. For example, if the value is 42.5% enter 42.5.

Transaction type 1 for Principle inputs receipt

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type assigned to receipts for the principal inputs.

Cost Method

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 40/CM that specifies the basis for calculating the cost of items in the work order. Values are:

01: Last In.

02:Weighted Average.

03: Memo.

04: Current.

05: Future.

06: Lot.

07: Standard.

08: Purchasing-Base Cost No Adds.

09: Manufacturing Last Cost.

Consumed Quantity

Transaction Type for Consumed quantity of Principle Input

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type assigned to the quantity of principal inputs consumed.

Transaction Type for Component Scrap if used

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type assigned to scrap components in the principal inputs used for the manufacture of finished goods.

Home Consumption

Transaction Type for Home Consumption or Export

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type assigned to principal inputs that are used internally or for export.

Scrap Quantity for Manufactured Items

Transaction Type for Scrap

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type that is assigned to scrap items in the manufacture of finished goods.

Sub - assemblies Cleared/Destroyed

Specify whether the scrap items from manufactured goods in subassemblies were cleared. The system calculates and displays the value of the scrap items in the report. Values are:

C: Cleared.

D: Destroyed.

FG Item Cleared/Destroyed

Specify whether the scrap items from finished goods were cleared. The system calculates and displays the value of the scrap items in the report. Values are:

C: Cleared.

D: Destroyed.

Scrap Quantity for Part List

Percent Scrap Cleared/Destroyed

Specify whether the scrap items from the parts list were cleared. The system calculates and displays the value of the scrap items in the report. Values are:

C: Cleared.

D: Destroyed.

Operational Scrap Percent Cleared/Destroyed

Specify whether the operational scrap items from the parts list were cleared or destroyed. Values are:

C: Cleared.

D: Destroyed.

Quantity for Component Scrap

Transaction Type for Component Scrap

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 00/DT that identifies the document type that is assigned to scrap component items.

Component Scrap Cleared/Destroyed

Specify whether the component scrap items were cleared. The system calculates and displays the value of the scrap items in the report. Values are:

C: Cleared.

D: Destroyed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I450 – Service Tax Credit Detail

This report prints detailed information about the tax credits for service tax such as payment date, document number, document type, tax type, and service category. You must group the data by address number, tax type, and service category before you run this report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Service Tax Credit Detail (R75I450)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Date - From

Specify the date on which a payment or a receipt was entered. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system, the system uses the manual payment date and the general ledger date to post the payments. The system also uses this date to retrieve the exchange rate for foreign payments from the Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015). In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system, the system uses the receipt date for information or reporting purposes only.

Note. Receipt date is the date on the check or the date the you enter the receipt into the system.

Date - Thru

Specify the date on which a payment or a receipt was entered. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system, the system uses the manual payment date and the general ledger date to post the payments. The system also uses this date to retrieve the exchange rate for foreign payments from the Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015). In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system, the system uses the receipt date for information or reporting purposes only.

Note. Receipt date is the date on the check or the date the you enter the receipt into the system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I627 – Form 27D- Certificate for collection of TCS

This report prints the statutory form, Form 27D, for the customers who purchase goods with TCS. The seller must submit the Form 27D to the buyer after collecting the tax on various transactions. Form 27D must be issued within 10 days from the date of debit or receipt of the amount. If the buyer provides an exemption certificate given by the tax authorities, then the TCS on that transaction is exempted.

Note. Form 27D is generally valid for a year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Form 27D- Certificate for collection of TCS (R75I627)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify a value that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code exists in the Company Constants table (F0010).

Customer Number

Specify an address book number for a customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I628 – Annual Return of TCS

This report prints the statutory forms Form 27E and Form 27B. These forms display the TCS collected from the buyer and paid to the tax authority. The Form 27E is a detailed form and Form 27B is a summary form. You must submit these forms to the tax authorities on an annual basis to report the tax collected by the seller. This program prints the Form 27B in a PDF format and produces a flat file in an ASCII format that contains all the information that exists in the Form 27E. You must submit the Form 27B in a hardcopy format and the flat file for Form 27E through the File Validation Utility (FVU) application, which is owned by the government. The FVU application also validates the e-TCS report.

Note. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software does not provide the FVU application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Annual Return of TCS (R75I628)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


1. Enter Company (seller) which is responsible for collection of tax.

Specify a value that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code exists in the Company Constants table (F0010).

2. Address Number of the person responsible for collection of tax.

Specify the address book number of the person responsible for the tax collection. The address book number that you enter must exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. Examples include employee, participant, customer, supplier.

3. Designation of person responsible for collection of tax.

Specify the designation of the tax authority officer authenticating the document. For example, enter finance manager.

4. Has address of seller changed since last return.

Specify whether the address of the seller has changed since the submission of the last return to the tax authority. Values are:

Y: Yes

N: No

5. Other Information for Form 27B

Specify any additional information to be printed on Form 27B.


Date of Furnishing Tax Collection Certificate (Form 27D).

Specify the date on which the tax collection certificate (Form 27D) must be submitted to the tax authorities. For example, enter 03/01/2006.

Financial Year Ending Date

Specify the end date of the financial year. For example, enter 03/31/2007.

Flat File

1. Enter Flat file path.

Specify the path that identifies the target location of a file set. For example, enter C:\abc.txt.

2. Enter Upload Type

Specify the type of return submitted to the tax authority. Values are:

R: Regular return (default value)

C: Revised return

The regular return is a statutory document that must be submitted to the tax authority on an annual basis. If you make any changes to the regular return, you must submit a revised return to the tax authority as a statutory requirement.

Enter Provisional Receipt number of regular return. (If entered 'C' in the upload type)

Specify the provisional receipt number. You must enter a provisional receipt number if you submit a revised return; that is, if you have entered a C in the Upload Type processing option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I629 – Form 27EQ - Quarterly Return of TCS

This report prints the statutory form (Form 27EQ). You must submit Form 27EQ to the tax authorities on an quarterly basis to report the tax collected by the seller. This report displays the details of the TCS collected and paid to the tax authority for the amount received from the customer. This program generates a report in a PDF format and a flat file in the ASCII format that contains all of the information that exists in the report. You can submit this flat file through the File Validation Utility (FVU) application, which is owned by the government. The FVU application also validates the e-TCS report.

Note. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software does not provide the FVU application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Form 27EQ - Quarterly Return of TCS (R75I629)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


1. Enter Company (collector) which is responsible for collection of tax.

Specify a value that identifies a specific organization, fund, or other reporting entity. The company code exists in the Company Constants table (F0010).

2. Address Number of the person responsible for collection of tax.

Specify the address book number of the person responsible for the collection of tax. The address book number that you enter must exist in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system. Examples include employee, participant, customer, and supplier.

3. Designation of person responsible for collection of tax.

Specify the designation of the tax authority officer authenticating the document. For example, enter finance manager.

4. Has Address of collector changed since last return.

Specify whether the address of the collector has changed since the submission of the last return to the tax authority. Values are:

Y: Yes

N: No

5. Has Address of Person Responsible for collection of tax changed since last return.

Specify whether the address of the person responsible for the collection of tax has changed since the submission of the last return to the tax authority. Values are:

Y: Yes

N: No


Financial Year

Specify the financial year for which you want to run the report. If you enter the financial year as 2006, then the report takes the data starting from 1st April 2005 to 31st March 2006.

Fiscal Quarter Number

Specify the fiscal year quarter number. Values are:

1: Displays data from 1st April to 31st June for the financial year entered

2: Displays data from 1st July to 31st September for the financial year entered

3: Displays data from 1st October to 31st December for the financial year entered

4: Displays data from 1st January to 31st March for the financial year entered

If you enter the financial year as 2006 and select the quarter number as 1, then report displays records from 1st April 2005 to 31st June 2005. Similarly, to display records for the last quarter of fiscal year 2005-2006, you must enter 2006 in the Financial Year processing option and 4 in the Fiscal Quarter Number processing option.

Flat File

1. Enter Flat file path.

Specify the path that identifies the target location of a file set. For example, enter C:\abc.txt.

2. Enter Upload Type

Specify the type of return submitted to the tax authority. Values are:

R: Regular return (default value)

C: Revised return

The regular return is a statutory document that must be submitted to the tax authority on an annual basis. If you make any changes to the regular return, you must submit a revised return to the tax authority as a statutory requirement.

Enter Provisional Receipt number of regular return. (If entered 'C' in the upload type)

Specify the provisional receipt number. You must enter a provisional receipt number if you submit a revised return; that is, if you have entered a C in the Upload Type processing option.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I790 – Form ST-3

This report prints the semi-annual returns that must be submitted to the service tax department once in a half year according to the statutory requirement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Form ST-3 (R75I790)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Process Period

Specify the process period to use when generating Form ST-3. Values are:

Blank: April - September

1: October - March

Operating Unit

Specify a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

Year (yyyy)

Specify the year for which you run the report. Enter the year in the YYYY format.

Tax Type (Service Tax)

Specify the user-defined code ST (Service Tax) from UDC table 75I/GT to generate Form ST-3.

Tax Type (Education CESS)

Specify the user-defined code Cess (Education Cess) from UDC table 75I/GT to generate Form ST-3.



Specify the date that the service provider submits the Form ST-3 to the tax authority.


Specify the name of the physical location where the service provider signs the Form ST -3 to submit to the tax authority.

Self Assessment Memo


Specify the date that the service provider submits the Form ST-3 to the tax authority.


Specify the name of the physical location where the service provider signs the Form ST -3 to submit to the tax authority.



Specify the amount payable but not paid as of the last day of the period for which the return is filed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2212 – VAT -O2C - Detail/Summary Report

This report prints a list of the sales orders applicable for VAT. It prints the sales tax for a specific business unit and customer number.

You can run this report in the detail format or the summary format by setting the processing option. The detail report prints the extended price and the tax details for a specific business unit, customer number and item. The summary report prints the total extended price and tax summary of a business unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for VAT -O2C - Detail/Summary Report (R75I2212)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Date Period Begin

Specify the start date of the period for which to run the report.

Date Period End

Specify the end date of the period for which to run the report.


Specify whether the system prints the report in summary or detail format. Values are:

Blank: Print the report in summary format.

1: Print the report in detail format

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2218 – Reversed Sale Orders Detail

This report prints a list of sales orders that have been reversed. The report prints orders for which the document type is either CO or a value defined by the user when creating the credit orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Reversed Sale Orders Detail (R75I2218)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Document Type for Credit Sales Orders

Specify the document type to use for credit sales orders from UDC table 00/DT. The document type identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. Examples are:

P: Accounts payable

R: Accounts receivable


Specify whether to print VAT sales orders or CST sales orders. Values are:

0: VAT sales orders

1: CST sales orders

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2219 – Exempted Item Details for Sales

This report prints the sales details for items that are exempt from VAT.

Before you run this report, you must use the Item Category Relationship program (P75I2140) to specify the category code for items that are exempted from VAT.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Exempted Item Details for Sales (R75I2219)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.

Exempted Item Details

Enter 1 to view Exempted Item Details For Sales from F4211 - IND

Specify whether to process the report for current sales order transactions or for closed sales order transactions. Values are:

0: List the current sales order details from the F4211 table.

1: List the closed sales order details from the F42119 table.

Begining Invoice Date

Specify the start date of the period for which to print a list of invoices.

Ending Invoice Date

Specify the end date of the period for which to print a list of invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2221 – Trading Item Sales

This report prints the total sales amount of the trading transactions. VAT is not charged on trading items. You must set the VAT category code to T (trading item) in the Item Category Relationship program (P75I2140).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Trading Item Sales (R75I2221)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Sales Order History Data

Specify whether to print the current sales order transactions or the closed sales order transactions. Values are:

0: Print current sales order transactions from the F4211 table.

1: Print closed sales order transactions from the F42119 table.

Date Period Begin

Specify the start date of the period for which to print a list of invoices.

Date Period End

Specify the end date of the period for which to print a list of invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2222 – Void Voucher Report

This report prints information about voided transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Void Voucher Report (R75I2222)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Date Period Begin

Specify the start date of the period for which to print the list of vouchers.

Date Period End

Specify the end date of the period for which to print the list of vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2231 – VAT -Purchase Tax Summary / Details

This report prints a list of the purchase orders for companies and business units for a specific period. The summary report prints the price and the tax amounts based on the VAT percentage. The detail report prints the invoice and tax details for each purchase order for which VAT is applicable. You can combine this sentence with the previous sentence (into one para).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for VAT -Purchase Tax Summary / Details (R75I2231)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify whether to print the report in detail or summary format. Values are:

Blank: Print the report in summary format. The system prints the price and the tax amounts based on the VAT percentage.

1: Print the report in detail format. The system prints invoice and tax details for each purchase order that is applicable for VAT.

Date Period Begin

Specify the start date of the period for which to print the list of vouchers.

Date Period End

Specify the end date of the period for which to print the list of vouchers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2236 – Reversed Purchase Orders Details

This report prints a list of purchase orders with reversed vouchers. For business reasons, you might have to reverse a purchase order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Reversed Purchase Orders Details (R75I2236)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify whether to print the reversed purchase orders of either VAT or CST. Values are:

0: Print the reversed purchase orders of VAT.

1: Print the reversed purchase orders of CST.

PO Reversed - From Date

Specify the start date of the period for which to print the reversed purchase orders.

PO Reversed - To Date

Specify the end date of the period for which to print the reversed purchase orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2237 – Exempted Items Details

This report prints a list of purchase orders for items that are exempted from VAT. You must set the VAT category code to X (exempted items) in the Item Category Relationship program (P75I2140).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Exempted Items Details (R75I2237)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


From Date

Specify the start date of the period for which to print the purchase orders.

To Date

Specify the end date of the period for which to print the purchase orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2240 – Purchase against Trading Items

This report prints a list of purchase orders for items used for trade. The trading items are not liable for tax.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Purchase against Trading Items (R75I2240)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


From Date

Specify the start date of the period to print the list of purchase orders.

To Date

Specify the end date of the period to print the list of purchase orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I2242 – Reconcillation Report - VAT/CST Receivables

Print this report to compare the VAT details in the WorkFile for VAT/CST Receivables table (F75I2241) and Sales Form Information table (F75I401) with the tax details in the F0911 table.

When a sales order is created and the sales update processed for an item applicable for VAT or CST, the VAT or CST is calculated and updated in the general ledger. The Reconcillation Report - VAT/CST Receivables report displays the tax amount from the general ledger, and the VAT details from JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivables system.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Reconcillation Report - VAT/CST Receivables (R75I2242)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Date Period Begin

Specify the start date of the period to run the batch program.

Date Period End

Specify the end date of the period to run the batch program.


Specify whether to compare the VAT or the CST information. Values are:

0: VAT

1: CST

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I3906 — Print 57F(4) Challan

This report prints the 57F(4) challan details of a particular business unit which is a statutory requirement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print 57F(4) Challan (R75I3906)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Challan Number Form 57F (4)

Specify the challan number for form 57F(4).

Business Unit

Specify a code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible department. Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.


Specify the location of the authorized signatory.


Specify the date to print the 57F(4) challan. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the challan for the current date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I3907 — Print 57F4 Register

This report prints the details of partially processed goods that are required to be reported on the challan under rule 57F(4) for a particular excise unit.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print 57F4 Register (R75I3907)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Excise Unit

Specify the address number of the excise unit.

Business Unit

Specify a code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible department. Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

From Date and To Date

Specify the date range to print the 57F(4) register. Enter the date in the dd/mm/yy format.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I3908 — Print Sub Contract Challan

This report prints the same information as the Print 57F(4) Challan (R75I3906), but prints it in a different format

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print Sub Contract Challan (R75I3908)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Challan Number Form 57F (4)

Specify the challan number for form 57F(4).

Business Unit

Specify a code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible department. Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.


Specify the location of the authorized signatory.


Specify a date for printing the 57F(4) challan. If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints the challan using the current date.

Order Company (Order Number)-4311

Enter the company number of the order company which generates the purchase order.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4214 – Sales Tax - Concessional Form Status (With Form Code) Report

This report prints the details of invoices received with concession forms and without concession forms, for the selected business unit. You use this report to produce a list of the customers from whom you have not received the concession forms so that you can send a reminder that the form is due.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Sales Tax - Concessional Form Status (With Form Code) Report (R75I4214)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Form Type

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 75I/FS that identifies the form type for sales tax concession. Examples are:

C: Form C.

D: Form D.

E I: Form E I.

E II: Form E II.

F: Form F.

H: Form H.

From Date

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which the system prints the invoices received with forms.

To Date

Specify the end of the range of dates from which the system prints the invoices received with forms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4216 - Follow Up Letter to Customer - With Form Code

This report prints the follow-up letters for invoices received without concession forms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Follow Up Letter to Customer - With Form Code (R75I4216)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Letter Date

Specify the date on which the letter is issued.

From Date

Specify the beginning of the range of dates of invoices for which you want to print the follow-up letter.

To Date

Specify the end of the range of dates of invoices for which you want to print the follow-up letter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4220 – Sales Register

This report prints a list of invoices with details of the sales tax and adjustment types that are applicable to all the business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Sales Register (R75I4220)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.


Date Period Begin

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which the system prints the invoices.

Date Period End

Specify the end of the range of dates from which the system prints the invoices.

Report Title

Specify the title for report heading.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4223 – Sales Tax Summary/Detail

This report prints the details of sales tax for the item and business unit for a specific period.

The summary report prints the total extended price and tax summary and the detailed report prints the total extended price and tax summary, and invoice details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Sales Tax Summary/Detail (R75I4223)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing for programs and reports.



Specify whether the system prints the report in detail or summary format. Values are:

Blank: Prints in summary format. The system prints the total extended price and tax summary for a business unit.

1: Prints in detail format. The system prints the total extended price, tax details, and invoice details for a business unit.

Report Title

Specify the title for report heading.

Date Period Begin

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which system prints the sales tax details.

Date Period End

Specify the end of the range of dates from which system prints the sales tax details.

SalesReportingCode that is to be considered as Item Group

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 41/CC that indicates the item group. Examples are:

PRP0: Item Pool.

PRP1: Commodity Class.

PRP2: Commodity Sub Class.

PRP3: Supplier Rebate Code.

SRP3: Sales Category 3

SRP4: Sales Category 4

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4232 – Purchase Tax Exception Report

This report prints purchase orders with reversed vouchers. You run this report to compare the purchase order records in the Purchase Tax Form Details table (F75I402) table to the reversed or deleted voucher records in the F43121 table. The system identifies records with a status of 3 in the Match Type field in the F43121 table as reversed or deleted voucher records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Purchase Tax Exception Report (R75I4232)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Proof / Final mode

Specify the mode to print the list of purchase orders with reversed vouchers. Values are:

0: Proof mode. The system prints a list of purchase order records that have reversed vouchers in the F43121 table.

1: Final mode. The system prints the report and deletes the purchase order records in the F75I402 table when the corresponding vouchers are reversed in the F43121 table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4233 – Vouchers for which Form issued

This report prints vouchers received with concession forms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Vouchers for which Form issued (R75I4233)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Form Type

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 75I/FS that identifies the form type for purchase tax concession. Examples are:

C: Form C.

D: Form D.

E I: Form E I.

E II: Form E II.

F: Form F.

H: Form H.

Date Period Begin

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which the system prints the vouchers received with forms.

Date Period End

Specify the end of the range of dates from which the system prints the vouchers received with forms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicR75I4234 – Forms outstanding - Detail

This report prints vouchers with pending concession forms.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicProcessing Options for Forms outstanding - Detail (R75I4234)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Form Type

Specify a user-defined code from the UDC table 75I/FS that identifies the form type for purchase tax concession. Examples are:

C: Form C.

D: Form D.

E I: Form E I.

E II: Form E II.

F: Form F.

H: Form H.

Date Period Begin

Specify the beginning of the range of dates from which the system prints the vouchers with pending forms.

Date Period End

Specify the end of the range of dates from which the system prints the vouchers with pending forms.

Click to jump to parent topic(JPN) Reports for Japan

In addition to the reports specified as part of a process in other sections of this implementation guide, these reports exist for Japan.

Report ID and Report Name




Draft Receivable Report

Prints a list of processed drafts, including the bank-assigned draft number.

No processing options exist for this report.

Japanese Localization (G75J), Draft Receivable Report


A/P Draft Payable List

Use this report to list all of the outstanding draft payables, including the bank name and value date.

No processing options exist for this report.

Japanese Localization (G75J), A/P Draft Payable List