Managing Quality

This chapter provides an overview of quality management, lists common fields, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Quality Management

After you set up quality management for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Blend Management, you create quality assurance (QA) configured operations from base QA operations. You can associate default tests with configured operation. You can add tests or test panels when you enter Quality operations. You can also delete tests from QA operations.

For each test that you enter on the quality operation you can also generate a sample. Each test can have only one sample. For each sample you can enter sample size and the sample container that you want to use. The system calculates the number of required sample containers based on the sample size and the volume of the sample container.

After you perform QA tests, you enter or revise the test results and result comments for the QA operations. As necessary, you can review tests results and process a report with the test results. You can also print a tasting sheet for use in the testing lab.

The system retains all test results until you purge them. Occasionally, you might need to purge test results to free up space on the system.

See Setting Up Configured Operations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Fields Used in this Chapter

Comment Option

Enter a UDC (31B/LC) to identify if the comment carries forward.


Enter text for comments or click Select List to select a predefined comment.

Date Tested

Enter the test date.

Entry Status

Indicates if a result has been entered for a test value.

Lot Comment Code

Enter a UDC (31B/CM) to identify the type of comment.

Previous Test Value

Displays the previous result for the test. In some cases, it may be a blended result.

Result Value

The system displays the test value that was converted to the result name definition. If the test definition did not require a conversion, then the result and test value will be the same.

Result UOM (result unit of measure)

The system displays the result unit of measure.


Enter the tester name or ID.

Test Value

Enter the result of the test.

Click to jump to parent topicEntering Test Results

This section provides an overview of entering test results and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Test Results Entry

After you perform QA tests on a blend lot, you can enter test results for individual operations or for multiple operations using speed result entry. When you select operations, the system reserves those operations. If the operation is currently reserved, an error message displays on the Edit Quality Results form. Additionally, the system reserves all vessels on the operation you select and those operations that relate to the selected operation. If the vessel is currently reserved, an error message appears. You must cancel the reserved operation or vessel selection.

You enter the tester for the operation and vessel. You can enter the date or use the system date.

You can enter or revise test results at any status of the operation. Test results that you enter at the active or actual status carry forward with each operation on the blend lot. The system cannot carry forward test results that you enter or change on a closed operation.

Note. To enter or change test results for closed operations, you must use the Speed Result Entry program (P31B98).

When you enter test results, you can set a processing option to validate results either against the test definition or the test result name. If the results do not meet test specifications and fall within acceptable ranges, the system issues a warning. If the test definition has a conversion ID, the system converts the test value to the result name value.

The system validates the test results that you enter for a QA operation against the test results from the Before lot. If the change exceeds the change threshold percentage you set up in the test definition, the system issues a warning. For example, if the previous result was 100 and you defined a change threshold of 10 percent, the system issues a warning if the new result is above 110 or below 90.

The system stores test results in the Test Results table (F3711).

Retaining Quality Test Results

To ensure that the test results that you enter are not overwritten in the blending process, use an administrative configured operation that is based on the ADJQA base operation. If you enter test results using this configured operation, the system considers the result values that you enter as actual results and does not override them through blending. If you change test results, the system removes the Result Pending status. If you reset the result, the system sets the status back to Result Pending. To remove an actual result, delete the test and result from the administrative operation.

For virtual lots, you use the After Quality area of the Instruct Lot Attributes form to enter or update test results. You cannot use this area to update real lots. The After Quality area displays all results for a lot, but does not display the Previous Result column for virtual lots.

See Also

Performing Trial Blending

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Enter Test Results

Form Name




Edit Operation Detail


Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), Operation Search

Select a QA operation on the Search for Operations form and click the Edit button.

Click the Continue button on the Operations header form.

Enter test results for the selected operation in the Quality area.

Edit Quality Results


Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), Operation Search

Select operations and select Speed Quality Results from the Action field on the Search for Operations form.

Enter and revise test results for multiple QA operations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Test Results

Access the Edit Operation Detail form.

Complete the test results fields in the Quality area. You can also enter test results from the sample workbench.

Select Panel

Click to access the Search & Select for Specification form. On this form, select a panel to retrieve tests for this QA operation. Enter the test results in the grid.

If you add a test panel that contains tests that are already on the list, the system does not display the duplicate test.

Remove Test

Click to delete a test from the selected test panel. Deleting a test deletes it from all vessels used in the operation. You can delete a test even though you have entered results for it.

Note. If you delete a vessel from the operation, the system deletes all associated tests.

Reset Results

Click to reset the values for a test that the system copies forward from the previous operation.

Test ID

Displays the identifiers for the tests in the selected test panel. For failed tests, the system highlights the test ID.

Request Samples

Select to create a sample for the selected test. When you select this option, the system creates a sample and displays the sample information on the Samples tab. The system generates or recalculates samples for all tests on all vessel on an operation. The sample request date by default is the instructed started date of the operation. You can enter the sample volume, the sample container and other information related to the sample.

A test can only have one sample. If the size of the sample container is smaller than the sample size, the system calculates and displays the number of needed sample containers. If the units of measure of the sample and the sample container are different, the system uses the standard unit of measure conversion to convert the sample into the unit of measure of the sample container.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Speed Result Entry - Blend Management (P31B98)

This processing option controls default processing for the Speed Result Entry program.


This processing option controls which version the system uses when you call other programs from the Speed Result Entry program. The following table lists the programs in the order that they appear on the Versions tab, along with the default version. If you leave the processing option blank, the system uses this default version. You can define different versions in accordance with business processes.

1. Quality Results (P31B67K)


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnter Test Results Using Speed Entry

Access the Edit Quality Results form.

Add or delete tests. Add or revise test results.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Test Samples

This section provides an overview of sample management and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Sample Management

When you enter QA operations, you can create a sample for the tests that you specify for the QA operation. When you request the sample, the system creates sample data on the Samples tab, based on the information that you have set up in the test definition, for example, lab and sample container information. When you create a sample, the system sets the sample status to Created. This is any status in the Sample Status UDC table (31B/QA) with a special handling code of Y. You can only create one sample per test. If the volume of the sample is larger than that of the sample container, the system calculates how many additional sample containers are needed. If the units of measure of the sample and the sample container differ, the system uses standard unit of measure conversion to convert the sample into the sample container unit of measure.

Note. You cannot create samples for administrative operations that are defined as QA operations. For these types of operations, the Request Sample button in the Quality area of the Edit Operations form is disabled.

You can use the sample workbench to edit samples. The system displays the same Samples area as on the Sample tab on the Edit Operation Detail form.

You can also enter test results from the sample workbench. The system displays the quality area on the workbench to enable you to select a test to enter result, tester and test date. If you add another test, you must enter a sample number for this test to enable the system to associate the sample with a lot. The system assumes the consolidation method for this sample is reuse and therefore does not change the existing sample. If you do not enter a sample number, the system issues an error.

If you cancel a QA operation that includes samples, the system sets the sample status to Cancelled as well. If you delete a QA operation or a test, the system deletes the associated samples as well. If you delete a vessel from a QA operation, the system deletes the sample as well, if the sample is at a status that can be changed.

Blending the lots from which samples are taken does not affect the samples. Samples are not copied forward to future blend lots.

If you perform a QA operation with samples on a virtual barrel tank (VBT), you can add sample information on the VBT Movement Detail form. For each barrel in the VBT, you can specify whether to take a sample from the barrel and in what sequence. You can also indicate changes to the barrel location. The setting of the Sample Flag field and the sample sequence applies to all samples for the operation and blend lot.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Manage Test Samples

Form Name




Search for Samples form


Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), Sample Workbench

Manage test samples.

Edit Samples


Click the Edit Samples button on the Search for Samples form.

Manage test samples.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Search for Samples (P31B62)

These processing options control default processing for entering quality test results.


The Sample Request Date filter default range will begin this number of days in the past and end today

Enter the default date range for sample requests. The system subtracts the value that you enter from the current date to determine the start date for this date range. The default value is 30 days. The system uses this date range as the default date range for sample searches on the Search for Samples form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging Test Samples

Access the Search for Samples form.

Search for samples by winery, lab, work order number, test status and ID, vessel number and class, date ranges and other criteria.

Edit Samples

Click to access the Edit Samples form. Revise sample information on this form. You cannot add new samples or delete samples on this form. However, you can set a sample status to Cancelled.

Edit Samples and Results

Click to access the Edit Samples and Results form. You can revise sample information on this form. You can also enter test results in the Quality area.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Sample Information

Access the Edit Samples form.

Sampled By

Specify who is taking the sample. This is a free-form text field that is not validated by the system.

Date Sampled

Select the date and time for taking the sample.

Apply Defaults

Click after completing the Sampled by and the Date Sampled field, to update the sample records with this information.

Sample Status

Enter the appropriate status for the sample. Values are



Checked in



Completed after close


Sent to lab

You set up sample statuses in the Sample Status UDC table (31B/QA). When you create a sample on the Sample tab on the Edit Operation Detail form, the system sets the sample status to one of the statuses with a special handling code value of Y.

Change Status

Click after selecting the sample status. The system updates all sample lines that you select with this status.

Sample Volume

Specify the volume of the sample.

Sample Container

You can enter a sample container. If you specify a sample container in the test definition, the system displays this information here, including closure information.

Number of Containers

The system calculates the number of sample containers by dividing the sample volume by the size of the sample container.


The system displays the address book number of the testing lab that you specified in the test definition. If the test definition does not include a lab number, the system uses the address book number of the winery for which you create the operations as the default value.


The system displays the container closure that you specified in the sample container record.

Sample Method

Select a method for taking the sample from the Sample Method UDC table (31B/SM). for example, you can specify that the sample should be taken from the upper part of the tank.

Alternate Sample Number

If you import samples from a third-party source, the system stores the third-party sample number as the alternate sample number

Consolidated Sample

Depending on the sample consolidation method that you specified in the test definition, the system can consolidate samples. If the consolidation method is defined as cumulative, the samples for different test can be added together. If the consolidation method of the test specifies reuse, the sample is reused for another test.

If the sample is consolidated, the system displays a value of Y in this field. Reuse and consolidation are not possible if the tests are conducted in different labs.

VBT Sample Detail

Select to access the Edit VBT Sample Detail form. On this form you can change sampling information, such as the Sampled field, the sampling sequence, and the rack number. Any changes that you make here are displayed in the Operation - VBT Move Details program (P31B66).

Note. You must select a VBT sample record to display this button. If you do not select a record, the system does not display the button.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Comments to Tests

This section provides an overview of comments for blend lots on QA operations and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Comments for Blend Lots on QA Operations

When you enter test results, you might want to enter comments for a blend lot on the QA operation. You can use the Advanced Comments form to enter comments manually. Additionally, you can select multiple operations using the Edit Comment List form. On either form, you can enter comments, select comments from a predefined list, or delete comments for any operation.

Use the Edit Comment List form to enter comments for multiple operations on one form. When you select operations, the system reserves those operations. If the operation is currently reserved, an error message appears. Additionally, the system reserves all vessels on the operation that you select and those operations that relate to the selected operation. If the vessel is currently reserved, an error message appears.

The system displays only those comments for the operation in the Comment Lists section of the form that match the Comment Option. If you change the Comment Option, the comments in the Comment Lists section of the form change. The system uses the values that you enter in the Product and User Defined Codes fields to determine the selections that appear in the predefined list. When you change the codes, the predefined list changes. You set the processing options for the comment code and user-defined code (UDC) table.

The system stores test results in the Test Results table (F3711).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Add Comments to Blend Lots on QA Operations

Form Name




Advanced Comments


Blend Operations (G31B03), Operation Search

Select a QA operation on the Search for Operations form and click the Edit button.

Click the Continue button on the Operation Header form.

Select View Advanced Comments from the Action drop-down list box on the Edit Operation Detail form.

Add comments to blend lots on QA operations.

Edit Advanced Lists


Select multiple operations on the Search for Operations form and select the Advanced Comments option from the Action drop-down list box.

Add comments to multiple operations.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSet Processing Options for Speed Advanced Comments (P31B317A)

These processing options control default processing for the Speed Advanced Comments program.


These processing options control default values for entering advanced comments.

Product Code and User Defined Codes

Specify a user-defined code table to use for lot comments.

Lot Comment Option

Specify the default lot comment option. Values are:

A: No Carry Forward.

B: Carry Forward to all Lots.

C: Carry Forward if contributes greater than specified %.

Lot Comment Code

Enter a default user-defined comment code from the UDC table you specified in the first two processing options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Comments to Blend Lots on QA Operations

Access the Advanced Comments form.

Note. You can access the Advanced Comments form from the Edit Operation Details form and the Instruct Lot Attributes form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing Speed Entry

Access the Edit Advanced Lists form.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Test Results

This section provides an overview of viewing test results, lists forms used to view test results and discusses how to print the Product Test report (R37450) for blend lots.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Viewing Test Results

You can view test results in two ways:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to View Test Results

Form Name




View Wine Lot Details


Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), Operation Search

Select an operation on Search for Operations.

Click Instruct Lot Attributes on the Edit Operation Detail form.

Select View Lot Detail on the Instruct Lot Attributes form.

Select the Quality Results tab on the View Wine Lot Details form.

Select the Summary Attributes tab on the View Wine Lot Details form.

Review all quality test results for a blend lot.

Review summary attributes.

View Results


Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), View Results.

Review quality test results based on selection criteria.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting the Product Test Report for Blend Lots

Select Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), Product Test Report.

Use the Product Test report (R37901) to print quality results for blend lots. This report is a customized version of the standard Product Test report available in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Quality Management system. In this version, you have the ability to print test results by blend lot, operation, result name information, and date or date range.

See Also

R37901 - Product Test Report

Click to jump to parent topicPrinting Tasting Sheets

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Set up named calculations for test results, styles, and additives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Tasting Sheet Report (R31B100)

These processing options control default processing for the Tasting Sheet report.


These processing options control default values to be used for generating the report.

Lot Comment Code

To print lot comments on the tasting sheet, select the lot comment code that points to the comment you want to print.

Named Calculation Format 1, 2, 3

Specify up to three named calculation formats that you want to print on the tasting sheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Tasting Sheets

Select Quality Management Daily Operations (G31B11), Tasting Comments Report.

Note. You generate this report by running the Select Vessel program (R31B86). Use the processing options of this program to determine the data selection for the Tasting Sheet report.

See Processing Options for Select Vessels (R31B86).

Testers use tasting sheets to evaluate bulk product. You can print a tasting sheet to enable the testing lab to record comments for the blend that is being tested. The tasting sheet includes the following information:

You can print a tasting sheet for a work order. If you have set up sample information for the test you want to perform, the tasting sheet displays this information. You can sort the information that the report displays by work order and sample number.

Note. If you want to print harvest results, ensure that harvest and blend tests have different test IDs and different result names. For example, you must distinguish a Brix test for wine from a Brix test for a harvest.

See Also

Defining Configured Grid Columns

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Test Results

If you use blending rules, the system stores a significant number of test result records in the F3711 table. Occasionally, you might need to purge test results. You use the data selection to select the records that you want to delete from the system.

This section discusses how to purge test results.

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Select Quality Management Advanced Operations (G3731), Purge of Test Result Transactions.