Running the Capital Asset Management Global Updates

This chapter provides an overview of JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Capital Asset Management (CAM) global updates and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding CAM Global Updates

Use global update programs to make system-wide changes that affect a variety of information within JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM. For example, you can:

See Also

Updating Phase and Equipment Numbers

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Equipment Numbers

If you change the unit number or serial number for a piece of equipment, the system updates only the Equipment Master in the Asset Master File table (F1201). The system does not automatically update other tables that store equipment numbers. Therefore, you must run the Update Unit/Serial # from F1201 program (R12804) to update the numbers in these tables:

When you update equipment numbers, the system submits the job directly to a batch update process.

Ensure that you have backed up any of the tables that you plan to update. Also, verify that no one accesses the equipment tables while you run this program. The program is unable to update records that are locked by other system applications. Any equipment information that a user accesses elsewhere in the system is not affected by the update.

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Update Unit/Serial # from F1201.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Asset Information

You can update certain asset information globally to reduce the amount of processing time that is needed to maintain the fixed assets information throughout the organization.

See Also

Updating Asset Information

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Meter Schedules Flag

The Allow Meter Schedule option enables you to define preventive maintenance schedules (PM) using meter intervals. The system will then process meter calculations when updating the PM status.

You can update the Allow Meter Schedule option globally to reduce the amount of time required to update the equipment records manually. You run the Update Allow Meter Schedule program (R131217) to update selected equipment records in the Equipment Master Extension table (F1217). The system checks for the current PM Schedules on the equipment and determines if there are any meter intervals defined. If meter intervals are defined, the Allow Meter Schedules option shall be set on the equipment master.

You can also select the Allow Meter Schedule option manually when creating the equipment record or populate the field by setting the appropriate processing option for the Equipment Master Revisions program (P1702).

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Update Allow Meter Schedules Flag.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Work Order Information

You can update certain work order information globally to reduce the amount of processing time that is needed to maintain current information throughout the organization. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Work Order Actual Amounts

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Update WO Actual Amounts.

Run the Update Work Order Actual Amounts program (R13800) to replace the actual hours in the Work Order Routing table (F3112) with the total hours for each operation sequence from the Employee Transaction History table (F0618). The program also reads the Account Ledger table (F0911) for material and subcontract amounts. The program then updates this information in the Work Order Master File table (F4801):

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating Work Order Status Based on Purchase Order Receipt

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Update WO Status/PO Receipt.

You can update the status of work orders based on whether parts ordered from associated purchase orders have been received. This action is especially useful when scheduling work orders based on the arrival of ordered parts. You can specify the status at which the system updates work orders based on both partial and full receipt of the items on the associated purchase order. You can also specify the recipient of an email message informing that person of the change in work order status.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Update WO Status Based on PO Receipt Program (R48810)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.

PO Receipt Status

1. Purchase Order Receipt Status

Specify the purchase order status which the system indicates that the purchase order has been received.

The system checks for a status that is greater than or equal to the status that you specify in this processing option.

WO Status

1. Full Receipt Status

Specify the status to which the system updates a work order when all parts have been received.

Blank: Do not update work order status.

2. Partial Receipt Status

Specify the status to which the system updates a work order when some of the parts have been received.

Blank: Do not update work order status.

E-Mail Address

1. Message Recipient

Specify the address book record (on the work order) to which the system sends email regarding a change in work order status. Values are:

1: Originator (ANO)

2: Assigned To (ANP)

3: Supervisor (ANPA)

4: Manager (ANSA)

5: Customer (AN8)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating the Standard Parts List

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Standard Parts List Update.

When you change a work order parts list that is based on a standard parts list, you can update the Bill of Material Master File table (F3002) to ensure that all future work orders that use the same standard parts list contains the revised information.

When you add a part to a work order parts list, the Standard Parts List Update program adds the part to the standard parts list. When you change the quantity of a part on the work order parts list, the program updates the quantity on the work order parts list. The system compares the transaction quantity on the work order part to the quantity that is indicated on the standard parts lists when it updates the standard parts list.

You can also use the Standard Parts List Update program to update the equipment parts list. The update program works in the same way as the standard parts list, except that it updates the standard parts list from the Asset Master File table (F1201) as well as the standard parts list from the Work Order Master File table (F4801).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the Standard Parts List Update Program (R13802)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Proof or Final Mode

Specify whether the system runs the program in proof mode or final mode.

In proof mode, the system generates a report, but does not update the standard parts list. In final mode, the system generates a report and updates the standard parts list. Values are:

Blank: Proof mode

1: Final mode

2. Standard Parts List Required Quantity

Update the value of the required quantity on the standard parts list when the transaction quantity is zero. Values are:

Blank: Use a zero quantity.

1: Use the original quantity.

3. Equipment Standard Parts List

Specify whether the system updates the standard parts list for only the work order or for the work order and the piece of equipment on the work order. Values are:

Blank: Update the standard parts list for only the work order.

1: Update the standard parts lists for both the work order and the equipment.

Click to jump to parent topicUpdating Preventive Maintenance Schedule Information

This section discusses how to:

You can update PM schedule information to make global changes to PM services types and create PM schedules for multiple pieces of similar equipment.

See Also

Updating Company Numbers and Accounts

Running the Repost Ledger Program

Updating the Asset Number in the Account Ledger

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Update and Create PM Schedules

Form Name




Work with Global PM Schedule


  • For Capital Asset Management: Advanced Operations (G1331), Global PM Schedule Update

  • For Condition-Based Maintenance: Advanced & Technical Operations (G13CBM31), Global PM Schedule Update

Locate the equipment that you want to update.

Add a schedule and specify the class of equipment for which you want the service type to apply.

Before completing an update, you can review all of the equipment that would be updated by entering a service type and leaving the category code fields blank.

To review all of the service types that apply to a particular class of equipment, complete the category code fields and leave the Service Type field blank.

Global PM Schedule


Select Revision from the Form menu on the Work with Global PM Schedule form.

Click Add on the Work with Global PM Schedule form.

Update schedule types, service interval information, and PM generation and planning information.

Enter schedule types, service interval information, and PM generation and planning information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUpdating PM Schedules Globally

You can globally add, change, or delete PM schedules. You specify the service type that you want to change and enter information about the equipment for which you want the changes to apply.

You can also make global revisions to a group of PM service types. You narrow the list of equipment for which you want the revisions to apply by using any combination of the first ten equipment category codes. For example, for any service type, you can:

You also can create PM schedules for multiple pieces of equipment with similar maintenance requirements that you place in service.

The Global PM Schedule Update program immediately updates the Maintenance Schedule File table (F1207), depending on the information that you change. Consider these guidelines when you update PM schedule information:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating PM Schedules for Multiple Pieces of Equipment

You can create PM schedules for multiple pieces of equipment. This feature is particularly useful when you initially set up the system or when you add multiple pieces of identical equipment to the operation. You create PM schedules for multiple pieces of equipment by assigning a service type to equipment that matches specific selection criteria on Work with Global PM Schedule. You use the first ten equipment category codes to select the equipment for which the PM schedule applies.

Important! When you create PM schedules for multiple pieces of equipment, the system updates the PM schedules for all of the equipment that matches the equipment category codes which you specify. If you are uncertain whether the process affects equipment for which you previously created PM schedules and you do not want the new PM information to apply, you should not use Work with Global PM Schedule to create the PM schedules. Instead, create individual PM schedules using Equipment PM Schedule.

Click to jump to parent topicAdding Extension Records

Certain JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM programs require additional tables. To use these programs, you must complete the tasks-one time only-to add extension records. You must add extension records for the equipment master before you add them for work orders. This section discusses how to:

Note. If you currently use JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Plant and Equipment Management and are upgrading to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM, or you have fixed asset records that you want to manage through JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM, you must complete the tasks in this topic.

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Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Equipment Extension Batch Update.

For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM, the Equipment Master Revisions program (P1702) requires both the Asset Master File table (F1201) and the Equipment Master Extension table (F1217). Therefore, you must run a new batch process to add equipment master extension records.

Use data selection to select equipment that corresponds with the defaults that are defined in the processing options and then run the version. The program creates a record in table F1217, which enables you to use the equipment master program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Work Order Extension Records

Select Advanced Operations (G1331), Work Order Tag File Batch Update.

For JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM, the Work Order Revisions program (P17714) requires both the Work Order Master File table (F4801) and the Work Order Master Tag File table (F4801T). Therefore, you must run a new batch process to add work order extension records.

Note. Do not run this batch process unless you have first added the equipment master extension records.

Use data selection to select only the appropriate work orders, and then run the version. The program creates a record in table F4801T, which enables you to use the Work Order Revisions program. If parts or routings are attached to the selected work orders, the program also creates the Parts Extension table (F31171) and the Routing Instruction - Extension table (F31172) for these work orders.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Conversion Programs

The system previously identified preventive maintenance schedules that did not have service intervals as unscheduled maintenance.

The system requires a value in the Schedule Type field (PDFG) in the Maintenance Schedule File table (F1207) and the Equipment PM Schedule (Model) table (F12071) to identify the type of maintenance. Therefore, you must run two new batch programs, Update PDFG in F1207 for 8.10 (R891207B) and Update PDFG in F12071 for 8.10 (R8912071B), to update the Schedule Type field for existing preventive maintenance schedules that do not have service intervals. The batch programs update the Schedule Type records in tables F1207 and F12071 with a value of 1 (unscheduled maintenance).

After you run the batch program, verify that the Schedule Type field is set to a value of 1 for all PM schedules in tables F1207 and F12071 that are not set up as condition-based (Schedule Type value of 2) or that do not have service intervals (such as hours, miles, fuel, days, or scheduled date).

This section discusses how to:

Note. You can run the update programs multiple times with no adverse affects; but typically, you should only need to run them once.

If you currently use Plant Management and are upgrading to CAM, or you have fixed asset records that you want to manage through CAM, you must complete the tasks in this topic.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Update PDFG in F1207 for 8.10 Program (R891207B)

Select Update PDFG in F1207 for 8.10 from the Convert 8.9 to 8.11 menu (GH9619A2).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Update PDFG in F12071 for 8.10 Program (R8912071B)

Select Update PDFG in F12071 for 8.10 from the Convert 8.9 to 8.11 menu (GH9619A2).

Click to jump to parent topicPurging Closed Work Orders

This section discusses how to purge closed work orders.

Select Shop Floor Management Advanced (G3131), Purge Orders.

You can increase the processing speed of the system and create more storage space for current data by deleting old or inaccurate information from the system. When you use the purge programs in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne CAM, you can purge entire tables or specific data within tables. You can also archive the information that you purge.

You can purge work orders from the system to free space and make the system operate more efficiently. After you purge a work order, it no longer exists in the system.

The Work Order Purge program (R4801P) deletes the work order records that you specify, including any associated record types and approval records. The program does not create a purge table or a report.

When you run the Work Order Purge program, you use data selection to specify which work orders to purge from the Work Order Master File table (F4801). In addition, the system purges related information from these tables for the work orders that you select:

You can use a processing option to save purged work order information in a special purge library.