(BRA) Filtering Records for IN86 and IN89 Tax Reporting

This chapter provides overviews of IN86 and IN89 tax reporting, filter programs, and tables, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Tax Reporting for Brazil

IN86 and IN89 refer to legal reporting requirements in Brazil. These requirements requires businesses to report all of their business transactions that occur over a period of time using magnetic media. The government defines the period of time, the required information, and the magnetic media layout. The government also allows businesses to submit additional information with their transaction data.

Typically, the government informs a company that it has been selected for audit and that the company is required to make an IN86 or IN89 submission for the business transactions that occurred within a reporting date range. The company then has 20 work days in which to remit the required submission to the government.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides a solution for and supports IN86 and IN89 tax reporting only for data that is stored in JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables. For example, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables for Brazil do not store payroll data, so the system does not support IN86 or IN89 data for payroll data.

Brazilian government specifications allow companies to include additional fields in the text files for reporting or to modify the length of fields. To include additional fields or modify the length of the fields, you must customize the programs that are provided by the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software does not support changes that you make to the programs that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides.

Terms and Concepts for IN86 and IN89 Tax Reporting

Become familiar with the terms and concepts shown in this table before you process data for IN86 or IN89 tax reporting:



Source Tables

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne tables from which the system filters data to populate the work and complementary tables. For example, the system filters data from the Nota Fiscal - Detail (Fiscal Books) table (F76111B) to populate the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities table (F76B8601).

Work Tables

The tables that the IN86 and IN89 filter programs populate with transaction data from the source tables.

Complementary Tables

The shared tables that the IN86 and IN89 filter programs populate with auxiliary data from the source tables.

IN86 and IN89 Filter programs

The IN86 and IN89 programs that you run to populate the work tables and complementary tables. Running the filter programs is the first step in preparing data for IN86 and IN89 tax reporting.

IN86 and IN89 Generate programs

The programs that you run to produce the data and text files that you send to the government for IN86 and IN89 tax reporting. Running the generate program is the final step in preparing the data that is contained in source tables for reporting.

Leiame.txt File

The Portuguese name for the Readme.txt file that you submit to the government for IN86 and IN89 tax reporting. This text file must be submitted in Portuguese. The system produces a Leiame.txt file when you run a generate program.

Data Sample

An Adobe Acrobat file (PDF) that contains the first and last 30 records from the data file. The data sample consists of the text file data-strings in the same format as they appear in the data file; the system does not format the data sample with column headings. You must submit a printed copy of the PDF to the government. The system produces a data sample when you run a generate program.

Cover Letter

A printed copy of the Leiame.txt file that you submit for IN86 and IN89 reporting.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Filter Programs

Running the filter programs is the first step in producing the data for IN86 and IN89 tax reporting. A filter program reads the appropriate source tables and populates the associated work tables and complementary tables. If the filter program completes its run without errors, the report displays a message that it completed successfully. If the system encounters an error, the report displays a message stating that it did not complete successfully. In some cases, such as when you do not complete the processing options with valid values, the report also displays an error message.

Filter programs populate both work tables and complementary tables. The system populates tables according to the rules shown in this table:

Table Type


Work Table

When populating a work table, the system writes to the table according to the rules for that particular table. Additionally, if you run a filter program over the same source tables without first purging the records in the work table, the system updates the records in the work table with any changed data from the source table.

For example, when you run the IN86-Filter Supplier Vouchers and Payments program (R76B8601), the system populates the IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers (F76B8602) with one record for each transaction. If you change a voucher's gross amount in the source table and then rerun the IN86-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments program, the system updates the voucher amount in table F76B8602.

Complementary Table

When populating a complementary table, the system writes one record for the first occurrence of the auxiliary information that is contained in the complementary table. If the auxiliary information appears more than once in the source table, the Update Date field reflects the earliest date. If you run more than one filter program that populates a complementary table, the system updates the Update Date field to reflect the earliest date if a record for the auxiliary information already exists in the Complementary Table. The system does not update any other fields.

For example, when you run the IN86-Filter for Mdse NF Issued by Supplier program (R76B100E), the system populates the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601) table.

If you have not purged table F76B8601 before running another filter program that populates the table, the system appends records to the table for auxiliary information, or it updates the Update Date field in existing records to the earliest date.

Several filter programs might populate the same table. For example, both the IN86-Filter for Mdse NF Issued by Supplier (R76B100E) and the IN86-Filter for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal (R76B100C) programs populate the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601). You should run all of the programs that are needed for reporting purposes before you run the programs to generate the data and text files for shared tables.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How the System Populates the IN86-Work Table for Business Unit Table

The system populates the IN86-Work Table for Business Unit table (F76B006) when you run one of these filter programs:

After you have processed all of the relevant records, table F76B006 contains each business unit name and description for the journal entry and account balance records.

When the system populates table F76B006, it creates records according to these rules:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How the System Populates the IN86-Work Table for Account Master Table

The IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901) captures data about the date of the first occurrence of an account.

The system populates table F76B901 when you run one of these filter programs:

After you have processed all of the relevant records, table F76B901 contains the date of the first occurrence of an account.

When the system populates table F76B901, it creates records according to these rules:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How the System Populates the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities Table

The IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601) captures data about the individuals and legal entities for which you capture transaction data.

The system populates table F76B8601 when you run one of these filter programs:

After you have processed all of the relevant records, table F76B8601 contains the date of the first occurrence of an individual or legal entity.

When the system populates table F76B8601, it creates records according to these rules:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How the System Populates the IN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature Table

The system populates the IN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature table (F76B400F) when you run one of these filter programs:

After you have processed all of the relevant records, table F76B400F contains the date of the first occurrence of the nature of the operation. The nature of the operation is a combination of a transaction nature code (data item BNOP) and a transaction nature suffix (data item BSOP).

When the system populates table F76B400F, it creates records according to these rules:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How the System Populates the IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code Table

The system populates the IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code table (F76B400G) when you run one of these filter programs:

After you have processed all of the relevant records, table F76B400G contains the date of the first occurrence of the item number (data item LITM).

When the system populates table F76B400G, it creates records according to these rules:

Click to jump to parent topicPurging IN86 and IN89 Work Tables

This section provides an overview of the purge programs and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Purge Program

You use the IN86-Purge Work Tables program (R76B8610) or the INSS/IN89 Purge Work Tables program (R76B8610) to delete all of the records from the specified IN86 and IN89 work tables and complementary tables. You specify the tables to purge in the processing options. You typically run program R76B8610 before you begin processing records for a new reporting period.

Additionally, you might run program R76B8610 to clear the records from a specific work table or complementary table prior to a re-running a filter program that populates the work table or complementary table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Purge Programs

Use one of these navigations to access the R76B8610 program:

Select Brazil IN86 (G76BIN86), IN86-Purge Work Tables.

Select Brazil INSS/IN89 (G76BINSS), INSS/IN89 Purge Work Tables.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for IN86-Purge Work Table (R76B8610) and INSS/IN89-Purge Work Table (R76B8610)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


For each processing option, enter 1 to clear the table, or leave the processing option blank to retain the records in the table.

Processing options are:

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Journal Entries for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for journal entries and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Journal Entries

To generate journal entry records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Journal Entries program (R76B911) or the INSS/IN89-Filter for Journal Entries program (R76B911). Program R76B911 reads these source tables:

This table shows the tables that the system populates when you run program R76B911:

Work Table

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Journal Entries (F76B911)

IN86-Work Table for Business Unit (F76B006)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Program R76B911 processes journal entry transactions at the lowest level of detail that is available. The system processes only the transactions that meet these criteria:

The transactions were posted within the date range that you specify in the processing options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Journal Entries (R76B911) and the INSS/IN89- Filter for Journal Entries (R76B911) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filter (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Journal Entries.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filter (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter for Journal Entries.

Both navigations access the R76B911 program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Journal Entries (R76B911) and the INSS/IN89- Filter for Journal Entries (R76B911) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or end of the reporting date range. Blank is not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Account Balances for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for account balances and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Work and Complementary Tables for Account Balances

To generate account balances records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Account Balance program (R76B902) or the INSS/IN89-Filter for Account Balance program (R76B902). Program R76B902 reads these source tables:

This table show the tables that the system populates when you run program R76B902:

Work Tables

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Account Balance (F76B902)

IN86-Work Table for Business Unit (F76B006)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Program R76B902 does these process steps:

The system processes only the accounts that meet these criteria:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Account Balance (R76B902) and the INSS/IN89-Filter for Account Balance (R76B902) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Account Balance.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter for Account Balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Account Balance (R76B902) and the INSS/IN89-Filter for Account Balance (R76B902) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Fiscal Year

Specify the fiscal year of the reporting period. Enter a two-digit value. For example, for the year 2003, enter 03. Blank is not a value.

2. From Period and 3. Thru Period

Specify the first period or the last period for which you want to process records. Blank is not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Supplier Vouchers and Payments for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for supplier vouchers and payments and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Work and Complementary Tables for Supplier Vouchers and Payments

To generate supplier voucher and payment records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments program (R76B8601) or the INSS/IN89-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments program (R76B8601). This program reads these source tables:

This table shows the tables that the system populates when you run program R76B8601:

Work Table

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers (F76B8602)

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)


IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Program R76B8901 processes accounts payable transactions that were posted within the date range that you specify in the processing options and applies these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Verify that the correct special handling codes are associated with the appropriate codes in the Document Type - All Documents UDC table (00/DT).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments (R76B8601) and INSS/IN89- Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments (R76B8601) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments (R76B8601) and the INSS/IN89- Filter Supplier Vouchers/Payments (R76B8601) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range. You must complete this processing option.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Customer Receipts for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for customer receipts and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Customer Receipts

To generate customer receipts records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter Customer Receipts program (R76B8605) or the INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Receipts program (R76B8605). Program R76B8605 reads the A/R Check Detail File (F03B14) table.

This table shows the tables that the system populates when you run the R76B8605 program:

Work Tables

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers (F76B8602)

IN86-Work Table for Individuals/Legal Entities (F76B8601)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Program R76B8605 writes one record to table F76B8602 for each record in table F03B14 and applies these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter Customer Receipts (R76B8605) and INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Receipts (R76B8605) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter Customer Receipts.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Receipts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter Customer Receipts (R76B8605) and the INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Receipts (R76B8605) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range. Blank is an not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Customer Invoices for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for customer invoices and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Customer Invoices

To generate customer ledger records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter Customer Invoices program (R76B8604) or the INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Invoices program (R76B8604). Program R76B8604 reads the Customer Ledger (F03B11) table:

Program R76B8604 populates these tables:

Work Table

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers (F76B8602)

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)

Program R76B8604 writes one record to table F768602 for each record in table F03B11 and applies these rules:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter Customer Invoices (R76B8604) and INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Invoices (R76B8604) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter Customer Invoices.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter Customer Invoices (R76B8604) and the INSS/IN89-Filter Customer Invoices (R76B8604) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range. Blank is not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Fixed Assets for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for fixed assets and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Fixed Assets

You run the IN86-Filter Fixed Assets program (R76B5200) or the INSS/IN89-Filter Fixed Assets program (R76B5200) to generate fixed assets records for IN86 or IN89. Program R76B5200 reads these source tables:

This table shows the tables that the system populates when you run the R76B5200 program:

Work Table

Complementary Table

IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets (F76B8200)

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Program R76B5200 applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B8200:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter Fixed Assets (R76B5200) and INSS/IN89- Filter Fixed Assets (R76B5200) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter Fixed Assets.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter Fixed Assets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter Fixed Assets (R76B5200) and the INSS/IN89- Filter Fixed Assets (R76B5200) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range. You must complete these processing options.

3. Supplemental Data Type

Specify the code for the supplemental data table that associates fixed asset numbers with purchase order numbers. If a supplemental data table that associates fixed asset numbers with purchase order numbers exists, the system updates the Acquisition Document Type, Document Series, and Acquisition Document Number fields in the IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets table (F76B8200) with data from the supplemental data table. If no supplemental data table exists, the system leaves the Acquisition Document Type, Document Series, and Acquisition Document Number fields blank.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Storage Control for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for storage control and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Storage Control

To generate storage control records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Storage Control program (R76B100A) or the INSS/IN89-Filter for Storage Control program (R76B100A). This program reads the Item Ledger File (F4111) table.

The R76B100A program populates these work and complementary tables:

Work Table

Complementary Table

IN86-Work Table for Storage Control (F76B400A)

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

The R76B100A program processes item ledger transactions and applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B400A:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Storage Control (R76B100A) and INSS/IN89-Filter for Storage Control (R76B100A) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Storage Control.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter for Storage Control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Storage Control (R76B100A) and the INSS/IN89-Filter for Storage Control (R76B100A) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work Tables for IN86-Filter for Inventory Records (R76B100B) and INSS/IN89-Filter for Inventory Records (R76B100B) for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work tables for inventory records and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work Tables for Inventory Records

To generate inventory records for IN86, you run the IN86-Filter for Inventory Records program (R76B100B) or the INSS/IN89-Filter for Inventory Records program (R76B100B). This program reads these source tables:

Program R76B100B populates these work tables:

Program R76B100B processes inventory records and applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B400B:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Inventory Records (R76B100B) and INSS/IN89-Filter for Inventory Records (R76B100B) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Inventory Records.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter for Inventory Records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Inventory Records (R76B100B) and the INSS/IN89-Filter for Inventory Records (R76B100B)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Century

Specify the calendar century associated with the year. The century is the first two digits of a four-digit year. For example, for the year 1998, enter 19. For the year 2001, enter 20.

2. Fiscal Year

Specify a two-digit fiscal year. For example, for the year 1998, enter 98. For the year 2001, enter 01.

3. Month

Specify the month for which the quantities in the Item ASOF File (F41112) are accumulated. Enter the month in a two-digit format. For example, enter 01 for January.

4. Inventory Date

Specify the last day of the month for which the quantities in the Item ASOF File (F41112) are accumulated. Blank is not a value.

5. Branch Plant (Business Unit) Category Code

Specify the user-defined code table that contains the category code that you set up to hold the inventory status ownership codes, and that you associate with the business unit. If you do not complete this processing option, the system uses the values that you set up in the 00/30 UDC table.

6. Company From

Specify the company whose data you want to work with.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Notas Fiscais for Services for IN86 or IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for notas fiscais for services and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Notas Fiscais for Services

To generate notas fiscais for services records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Services Outbound NF program (R76B100C) or INSS/IN89-Fltr -Services Outbound NF (R76B100C). Program R76B100C reads these source tables:

This table shows the work and complementary tables that the system populates when you run the R76B100C program:

Work Tables

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Header (F76B410C)

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)

IN86-Work Table for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Detail (F76B411C)

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

The system applies these rules as it writes records to tables F76B410C and F76B411C:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Services Outbound NF (R76B100C) and INSS/IN89-Fltr -Services Outbound NF (R76B100C) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Services Outbound NF.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Fltr -Services Outbound NF.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Services Outbound NF (R76B100C) and the INSS/IN89-Fltr -Services Outbound NF (R76B100C) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


From Date and Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by CO for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by CO and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by CO

To generate notas fiscais for merchandise records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Mdse NF CO program (R76B100D) or INSS/IN89-Fltr -Mdse NF issued by CO program (R76B100D). This program reads these source tables:

This table shows the work and complementary tables that the system populates when you run the R76B100D program:

Work Tables

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise Nota Fiscal Issued by CO Hdr (F76B410D)

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise Nota Fiscal Issued by CO Dtl (F76B411D)

IN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature (F76B400F)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

Program R76B100D processes nota fiscal records and applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B410D:

The system applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B411D:

When it writes records to table F76B8601, the system writes records for both the Participant Address Book Number (data item AN8 from table F76B410D) and the Carrier Address Book Number (data item ANCR from table F76B410D).

Data Selection

Program R76B100D processes transactions for merchandise notas fiscais that were issued by the company. The company might issue both outbound notas fiscais that are based on sales orders and inbound notas fiscais that are based on purchase returns and ship-to returns. You must set the data selection for program R76B100D to encompass all of the relevant notas fiscais. For example, you might create separate versions of program R76B100D and set the data selection for the Document Type and Transaction Nature Suffix to different values to process the various types of transactions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Mdse Nota Fiscal by CO (R76B100D) and INSS/IN89-Filter for Mdse Nota Fiscal by CO (R76B100D) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Mdse NF by CO.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Fltr -Mdse NF issued by CO.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Mdse Nota Fiscal by CO (R76B100D) and the INSS/IN89-Filter for Mdse Nota Fiscal by CO (R76B100D) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range.


1. Invoice Type

Specify a default Invoice Type. The value that you enter must exist in the Invoice Type UDC table (76B/IT). The system assigns the invoice type that you enter to the records for all of the transactions which are included in the date range that you specify in the processing options. Because the transactions in the date range might include transactions that should have an invoice type other than the one you enter, the invoice type that you enter might not be valid for all of the transactions. You must use the IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by CO program (P76B200D) on the G76BIN8602 menu and the INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF issued by CO program (P76B200D) on the G76BINSS02 menu to review all of the records that are produced by program R76B100D and correct the invoice type as necessary. Values are:

1: Cash transactions

2: Installment transactions

2. Merchandise Movement

Enter a default Merchandise Movement code. The value that you enter for the invoice type must exist in the Movement Indicator UDC table (76B/MM). The system assigns the movement indicator that you enter to the records for all of the transactions that are included in the date range that you specify in the processing options. Because the transactions in the date range might include transactions that should have a movement indicator other than the one you enter, the movement indicator that you enter might not be valid for all of the transactions. You must use the IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by CO program (P76B200D) on the G76BIN8602 menu and the INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF issued by CO program (P76B200D) on the G76BINSS02 menu to review all of the records that are produced by program R76B100D and correct the movement indicator as necessary. Values are:

N: No

S: Yes

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Supplier for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for merchandise notas fiscais issued by suppliers and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Supplier

To generate merchandise notas fiscais issued by suppliers records for IN86 and IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Mdse NF by Supplier program (R76B100E) or the INSS/IN89-Fltr-Msde NF issued by Supplier (R76B100E). This program reads these source tables:

Program R76B100E populates these work and complementary tables:

Work Tables

Complementary Tables

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier Header (F76B410E)

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier Detail (F76B411E)

IN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature (F76B400F)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

Program R76B100E processes nota fiscal records and applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B410E:

The system applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B411E:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Mdse NF by Supplier (R76B100E) and INSS/IN89-Fltr-Msde NF issued by Supplier (R76B100E) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Mdse NF by Supplier.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Fltr-Mdse NF issued by Supplier.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Mdse NF by Supplier (R76B100E) and the INSS/IN89-Fltr-Msde NF issued by Supplier (R76B100E) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. From Date and 2. Thru Date

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range.


1. Invoice Type

Specify a default Invoice Type. The value that you enter must exist in the Invoice Type UDC table (76B/IT). Values are:

1: Cash transactions

2: Installment transactions

2. Merchandise Movement

Enter a default Merchandise Movement code. The value that you enter must exist in the Merchandise Movement UDC table (76B/MM). Values are:

N: No

S: Yes

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Inbound Service Nota Fiscal Third Parties for IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for inbound service notas fiscais for third parties and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Inbound Service Nota Fiscal Third Parties

To generate service notas fiscais issued by third parties records for IN89, you run the Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF program (R76B100H). This program reads these source tables:

The Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF program populates these work and complementary tables:

Work Table

Complementary Tables

INSS-Work Table for Services Third Party Inbound NF Header (F76B410H)

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

Not applicable

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)

The Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF program retrieves INSS values only if these conditions are met:

The Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF program does not populate the INSS values in table F76B410H for transactions for which you perform these actions:

The Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF program processes nota fiscal records and applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B410H:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the INSS/IN89-Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF (R76B100H) Program

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the INSS/IN89-Fltr-3rd Party Srvs-Inbound NF Program (R76B100H)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Date From and Date Thru

Specify the beginning or the end of the reporting date range.

Blank is an not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicPopulating the Work and Complementary Tables for Bills of Material for IN86 and IN89

This section provides an overview of the work and complementary tables for bills of material and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Work and Complementary Tables for Bills of Material

To generate item and parts records for IN86 or IN89, you run the IN86-Filter for Bill of Material program (R76B3000) or the INSS/IN89-Filter for Bill of Material program (R76B3000). This program reads the Bill of Material Master File (F3002) table.

The system populates these work and complementary tables when you run program R76B3000:

Work Table

Complementary Table

Work Table for Item/Part List (F76B3010)

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

Program R76B3000 processes end item and component item records to populate table F76B3010 with the bill of material structure for each finished product and all of the components that are required to build a unit of the finished product. The system applies these rules as it writes records to table F76B3010:

Data Selection

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software sets the Data Selection as indicated in this table:


Left Operand


Right Operand


BC Units - Batch Quantity (F3002)

Is equal to



BC Co-Products/By-Products/Intermediate (F3002)

Is not equal to



BC Units- Batch Quantity (F3002)

Is not equal to



BC Quantity - Standard Required Quantity (F3002)

Is equal to


If you modify the data selection from the settings that are provided, these results might occur:

What You Should Know About Processing Options for Program R76B3000

The values that you specify in some of the processing options for the IN86-Filter for Bill of Material program (R76B3000) or the INSS/IN89-Filter for Bill of Material program (R76B3000) affect the way that the other processing options work. The system applies these rules for the processing options:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Create a zero-batch bill of material.

See Generating MPS for Batch Bills.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the IN86-Filter for Bill of Material (R76B3000) and INSS/IN89-Filter for Bill of Material (R76B3000) Programs

Select IN86 Data Filters (G76BIN8601), IN86-Filter for Bill of Material.

Select INSS/IN89 Data Filters (G76BINSS01), INSS/IN89-Filter for Bill of Material.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for the IN86-Filter for Bill of Material (R76B3000) and the INSS/IN89-Filter for Bill of Material (R76B3000) Programs

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


Type Bill of Material

Specify the type of bill of material for which the system produces the report. The type of bill of material that you specify must exist in the Bill Type UDC table (40/TB). The report includes all components that are assigned the bill type that you specify. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses M for manufacturing bill of material.


Reporting Period Flag

Specify the reporting period. If you do not complete this option, the system does not produce the report. Values are:

1: The system includes in the report all of the components that have an Effective Thru Date (data item EFFT) which is greater than or equal to the date in the From Date processing option. If you set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 1, you must enter a value in the From Date processing option. If you do not enter a value, the system does not process any records and displays an error message.

2: The system includes in the report all of the components that have an Effective From Date (data item EFFF) which is less than or equal to the date in the Thru Date processing option. If you set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 2, you must enter a value in the Thru Date processing option. If you do not enter a value, the system does not process any records and displays an error message.

3: The system includes in the report all of the components that have an Effective From Date (data item EFFF) that is less than or equal to the date that you specify in the Thru Date processing option and that have an Effective Thru Date (data item EFFT) that is greater than or equal to the date that you specify in the From Date processing option. If you set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 3, you must enter values in the From Date and Thru Date processing options. If you do not enter values, the system does not process any records and displays an error message.

From Date and Thru Date

Specify the date or dates that the system uses to determine the components to include in the report.

When you enter a valid date in the From Date processing option and set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 1, the system includes in the report all of the components that have an Effective Thru Date (data item EFFT) which is greater than or equal to the date in the From Date processing option. If you do not enter a valid date in the From Date processing option when you set the Reporting Period processing option to 1, the system does not process any records.

When you enter a valid date in the Thru Date processing option and set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 2, the system includes in the report all of the components that have an Effective From Date (data item EFFF) which is less than or equal to the date in the Thru Date processing option. If you do not enter a valid date in the Thru Date processing option when you set the Reporting Period processing option to 2, the system does not process any records.

When you enter valid dates in both the From Date and Thru Date processing options and set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 3, the system includes in the report all of the components that have an Effective From Date (data item EFFF) that is less than or equal to the date that you specify in the Thru Date processing option and all of the components that have an Effective Thru Date (data item EFFT) that is greater than or equal to the date that you specify in the From Date processing option. If you do not enter valid dates in both the From Date and Thru Date processing options when you set the Reporting Period Flag processing option to 3, the system does not process any records.