(BRA) Maintaining Records for IN86 and IN89 Tax Reporting

This chapter provides an overview of maintaining records and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Maintaining IN86 and IN89 Records

Maintaining records is the second step in producing data for IN86 or IN89 tax reporting. After you populate the work and complementary tables, you can use the appropriate maintenance programs to view the data in the tables. You can also make limited changes to the data in the work and complementary tables, such as adding data that is not stored in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne source tables.

Generally, for records that you generated by using a filter program and for records that you manually entered, you can change only the data that you entered. You can change the Update Date field in some records so that you can maintain the integrity between system-generated and user-generated records. Additionally, some work and complementary tables require data that JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software does not store in source tables; the fields for these data are enabled so that you can enter the required data. You can determine which records are system-generated by viewing the date in the Record Origin field (data item RDOR). The Record Origin field contains a 1 if the record is system-generated and contains a 2 if the record is user-generated.

When you use the IN86 and IN89 maintenance programs, you can add, change, and delete data only from the work or complementary table; you cannot change the data in the source tables from these programs. If you need to change the source data, you must use the application that is designed to modify the source table.

If you must correct data in IN86 or IN89 records for data that originated in a source table, you can maintain data integrity between the IN86 or IN89 records and the source table by using one of these methods to correct the data.

Repopulate IN86 or IN89 Tables Method

When you use this method, you change the data in the source table, and then repopulate the IN86 or IN89 tables. To maintain data integrity using this method, perform these steps:

  1. Modify the data in the appropriate source tables.

  2. Run the IN86-Purge Work Tables program (R76B8610) or INSS/IN89-Purge Work Tables program (R76B8610), and specify the tables that you want to purge in the processing options.

  3. Repopulate the work table or complementary table by running one of the filter programs that populate the table.

    Note. Several filter programs might populate the same work or complementary table. To ensure that you create records with all of the relevant data, you must rerun all of the filter programs that you ran before you purged the work or complementary table.

Delete and Add IN86 or IN89 Records Method

When you use this method, you delete and add records in the IN86 or IN89 tables, and correct the data in the source tables. To maintain data integrity using this method, perform these steps in this order:

  1. Use the appropriate IN86 or IN89 maintenance application to delete the record that contains the incorrect data.

  2. Use the appropriate IN86 or IN89 maintenance application to add a record with the correct data.

  3. Correct the data in the source tables by using the application or process that is designed to modify records in the source table.

This table lists the maintenance programs that you use to modify each table:


Maintenance Program

IN86-Work Table for Journal Entries (F76B911)

IN86-Maintain Journal Entries (P76B911) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Journal Entries (P76B911)

IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

IN86-Maintain Account Master (P76B901) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Account Master (P76B901)

IN86-Work Table for Business Unit (F76B006)

IN86-Maintain Business Unit (P76B006) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Business Unit (P76B006)

IN86-Work Table for Account Balance (F76B902)

IN86-Maintain Account Balances (P76B902) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Account Balances (P76B902)

IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers (F76B8602)

IN86-Maintain Suppliers and Customers (P76B8602) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Suppliers & Customers (P76B8602)

IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601)

IN86-Maintain Individuals/ Legal Entities (P76B8601) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Indivl and Lgl Entity (P76B8601)

IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets (F76B8200)

IN86-Maintain Fixed Assets (P76B6200) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Fixed Assets (P76B6200)

IN86-Work Table for Storage Control (F76B400A)

IN86-Maintain Storage Control (P76B200A) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Storage Control (P76B200A)

IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G)

IN86-Maintain Item Number / Service Code (P76B200G) and INSS/IN89- Maintain Item Num and Srv Code (P76B200G)

IN86-Work Table for Inventory Records (F76B400B)

IN86-Maintain Inventory Control (P76B200B) and INSS/IN89- Maintain Inventory Records (P76B200B)

IN86-Work Table for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Header (F76B410C)

IN86-Maintain Services Outbound NF (P76B200C) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Services Outbound NF (P76B200C)

IN86-Work Table for Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Detail (F76B411C)

IN86-Maintain Services Outbound NF (P76B200C) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Services Outbound NF (P76B200C)

IN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature (F76B400F)

IN86-Maintain Transaction Nature (P76B200F) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Transaction Nature (P76B200F)

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise Nota Fiscal Issued by CO Hdr (F76B410D)

IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by CO (P76B200D) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF issued by CO (P76B200D)

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise Nota Fiscal Issued by CO Dtl (F76B411D)

IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by CO (P76B200D) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF issued by CO (P76B200D)

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier Header (F76B410E)

IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier (P76B200E) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier (P76B200E)

IN86-Work Table for Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier Detail (F76B411E)

IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier (P76B200E) and INSS/IN89- IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier (P76B200E)

IN86-Work Table for Item/Part List (F76B3010)

IN86-Maintain Item/Part List (P76B3010) and INSS/IN89-Maintain Item/Part List (P76B3010)

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Journal Entries

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for journal entries and discusses how to maintain records for journal entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Maintain IN86 and IN89 Records for Journal Entries

You use the IN86-Maintain Journal Entries program (P76B911) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Journal Entries program (P76B911) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Journal Entries table (F76B911).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B911. However, the only field that you can modify for system-generated records is the Balancing Account (data item OFAC). When the system creates table F76B911, it populates it with data from the Account Ledger table (F0911). Because table F0911 does not store the Balancing Account, you must manually enter the data for this field for every record in table F76B911.

When you add a record to table F76B911, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not use next-numbering or provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B911, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901) and the IN86-Work Table for Business Unit (F76B006). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B911, F76B901, and F76B006 when you add or delete records.

Except as noted above, fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program R76B911. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

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Work with Journal Entries


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Journal Entries

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Journal Entries

Locate records.

Journal Entry Revisions


On the Work with Journal Entries form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for journal entries.

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Access the Journal Entry Revisions form.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets.

Document Number

Enter a number that identifies the original document, such as a voucher, invoice, or journal entry. On entry forms, you can assign the document number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program (P0002). Matching document numbers (DOCM) identify related documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system and the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system.

Document Company

Enter a number that, with the document number, document type and general ledger date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher, or journal entry.

If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year feature, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to locate the desired document.

JE Date (journal entry date)

Enter a date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction will be posted. You define financial periods for a date pattern code that you assign to the company record. The system compares the date that you enter on the transaction to the fiscal date pattern assigned to the company to retrieve the appropriate fiscal period number, as well as to perform date validations.

Journal Entry Line Number

Enter a number that designates a line within a journal entry. The system uses this field to sequence the journal entry lines for inquiry purposes.

Filing Number

Enter a number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program.

Balancing Account

Enter the account number for the offset side of the journal entry. This account is also known as Automatic Entry Account.


Enter a number that identifies the amount that the system will add to the account balance of the associated account number. Enter credits with a minus sign (-) either before or after the amount.

Debit /Credit Indicator

Enter a code that indicates whether an amount is less than zero (Credit) or greater than zero (Debit). Values are:

C: Credit

D: Debit


Enter a description, remark, explanation, name, or address.


Enter a name or remark that describes the purpose for using an account or conveys any other information that the user wants about the transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Account Balances

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for account balances and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Maintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Account Balances

You use the IN86-Maintain Account Balances program (P76B902) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Account Balances program (P76B902) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Account Balance (F76B902).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B902. When you add a record to table F76B902, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not use next-numbering or provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B902, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901) and the IN86-Work Table for Business Unit (F76B006). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B902, F76B901, and F76B006 when you add or delete records.

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B902. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

What You Should Know About the IN86-Work Table for Account Balance

These rules apply to IN86-Work Table for Account Balance (F76B902):

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Form Name




Work with Account Balances


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Account Balances

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Account Balances

Locate records.

Account Balances Revisions


On the Work with Account Balances form, choose a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for account balances.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Account Balances

Access the Account Balances Revisions form.

Beg Balance Date (beginning balance date)

Enter a date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction will be posted. You define financial periods for a date pattern code that you assign to the company record. The system compares the date that you enter on the transaction to the fiscal date pattern assigned to the company to retrieve the appropriate fiscal period number, as well as to perform date validations.

Beg Month Bal Amount (beginning month balance amount)

Enter the balance amount at the beginning of the month.

Debit/Credit Indicator

Enter a code that indicates whether an amount is less than zero (Credit) or greater than zero (Debit). Values are:

C: Credit

D: Debit

Total Debit Amount and Total Credit Amount

Enter the total of the debits or the credits for the records.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Suppliers and Customers

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for suppliers and customers and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Suppliers and Customers

You use the IN86-Maintain Suppliers and Customers program (P76B8602) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Suppliers & Customers program (P76B8602) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Suppliers and Customers (F76B8602).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B8602. When you add a record to table F76B8602, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B8602, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901) and the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B8602, F76B901, and F76B8601 when you add or delete records.

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B8602. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

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Form Name




Work with Suppliers and Customers


INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Suppliers & Customers

Locate records.

Supplier and Customer Revision


On the Work with Suppliers and Customers form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for suppliers and customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Supplier and Customer Records

Access the Supplier and Customer Revisions form.


Enter an option that indicates whether a record originated within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable or JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable systems. Records from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system are supplier records. Records from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system are customer records. Values are:

1: Accounts Payable (F0411 and F0414)

2: Accounts Receivable (F03B11 and F03B14)


Enter an option that indicates whether a record originated within the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable or the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system. Records from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system are supplier records. Records from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system are customer records. Values are:

1: Accounts Payable (F0411 and F0414)

2: Accounts Receivable (F03B11 and F03B14)

Document Number

Enter a number that identifies the original document, such as a voucher, invoice, or journal entry. On entry forms, you can assign the document number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program (P0002). Matching document numbers (DOCM) identify related documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems. Examples of original and matching documents are:

Accounts Payable

Original document - voucher

Matching document - payment

Accounts Receivable

Original document - invoice

Matching document - receipt

Note. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system, these transactions simultaneously generate original and matching documents: deductions, unapplied receipts, chargebacks, and drafts.

Batch Number

Enter a number that identifies a group of transactions that the system processes and balances as a unit. When you enter a batch, you can either assign a batch number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program.

Document Company

Enter a number that, with the document number, document type and general ledger date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher, or journal entry.

If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year feature, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to locate the desired document.

Payment ID

Enter a number that the system assigns from Next Numbers to identify and track payment records.

Operation Type

Enter the operation type that you report for supplier and customer transactions for IN86 tax reporting for Brazil. The system completes this field with the first character of the Special Handling Code (SPHD) assigned to the transaction's document type in the Document Type UDC table (00/DT). If a special handling code is not assigned to the document type, the system writes C as the value for Accounts Payable vouchers and Accounts Receivable invoices, and it writes P for Accounts Payable payments and Accounts Receivable receipts.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets. The reserved document type prefixes for codes are:

P: Accounts payable

R: Accounts receivable

T: Time and Pay

I: Inventory

O: Purchase order

S: Sales order

File Line Identifier

Creates a unique key within a file with a next number approach.

Pay Item

Enter a number that identifies the pay item for a voucher or an invoice. The system assigns the pay item number. If the voucher or invoice has multiple pay items, the numbers are sequential.

Invoice Number

Enter the supplier's invoice number that is used for voucher entry. Voucher entry allows only one invoice per voucher number. If multiple invoice numbers exist on a voucher, you must set them up as multiple vouchers or combine the invoices and enter them as one voucher.

Depending on how you have the accounts payable constants set, the system can do one of these processes:

Accept a duplicate invoice number without warning or error

Generate a warning message in which the duplicate invoice number can still be accepted

Generate an error message

Blank values are treated in the same manner as any other invoice number. Two blank invoice numbers are treated as duplicates.

To test for duplicate invoice numbers that might have been entered in error, run the Suspected Duplicate Payments report (R04601).

Note. The duplicate invoice number validation is not run for vouchers with document type NO. These vouchers are created by the Generate Reimbursements program (R03B610).

DocType - Brazil

Enter the document type that you report for supplier and customer transactions for IN86 tax reporting for Brazil. The system completes this field with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th characters of the Special Handling Code (SPHD) assigned to the transaction's document type in the Document Type UDC table (00/DT). If a special handling code is not assigned to the document type, the system writes DUP as the value for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions.


Enter a generic field that you use for a remark, description, name, or address.

Operation Date

Enter a date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction will be posted. You define financial periods for a date pattern code that you assign to the company record. The system compares the date that you enter on the transaction to the fiscal date pattern assigned to the company to retrieve the appropriate fiscal period number, as well as to perform date validations.

Operation Amount

Enter the amount of the payment in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system .

Enter the amount of the receipt in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Account Receivable system. This amount must balance to the total amount applied to the invoice pay items.

Document Date Issue

Enter the date that either you or the system assigns to an invoice or voucher. This can be either the date of the supplier's invoice to you or the date of the invoice to the customer.

Amount Receivable

Enter a value that specifies the total amount of the invoice or voucher pay item. The gross amount might include the tax amount, depending on the tax explanation code. The system does not decrease the gross amount when payments are applied. When you void a transaction, the system clears the gross amount field.

Expiration Date

Enter the date that the net payment is due in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system.

Enter the date that the payment is due to receive a discount in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system; or, if no discount is offered, the net due date.

The system calculates the due date based on the payment term entered, or you can enter it manually. If you enter a negative voucher or invoice (debit or credit memo), the system might use the general ledger date as the due date regardless of the payment term entered. A processing option in the master business function (P0400047 for vouchers and P03B0011 for invoices) controls how the system calculates the due date for debit and credit memos.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Fixed Assets

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for fixed assets and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Fixed Assets

You use the IN86-Maintain Fixed Assets program (P76B6200) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Fixed Assets program (P76B6200) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets (F76B8200).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B8200. However, the only fields that you can modify for system-generated records are the Acquisition Document Type, Document Series, and Acquisition Document Number fields. If a supplemental data table that associates fixed asset numbers to purchase order numbers exists when you run the filter program for fixed assets, the system populates these fields with data from the supplemental data tables. If no supplemental data table exists, you must manually complete these fields.

When you add a record to table F76B8200, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B8200, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B8200 and F76B901 when you add or delete records.

Except as noted above, fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in the IN86-Maintain Fixed Assets program. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

What You Should Know About the IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets

The system populates the IN86-Work Table for Fixed Assets table (F76B8200) with data from the Asset Master File (F1201) and the Asset Account Balances File (F1202) tables. These tables do not store data that associates fixed asset numbers with purchase order numbers. To link fixed asset numbers with purchase order numbers, you must set up and maintain a supplemental data table by using supplemental database code AM (Asset Management). You enter the Data Type for the supplemental data table in the processing options of the IN86-Filter Fixed Assets program (R76B5200) or the INSS/IN89-Filter Fixed Assets program (R76B5200). You determine the Data Type when you set up the supplemental data table.

If you set up a supplemental data table to associate the fixed asset number to a purchase order number, the system populates the Acquisition Document Type, Document Series, and Acquisition Document Number fields when you run program R76B5200. If you do not set up a supplemental data table, you must manually complete the Acquisition Document Type, Document Series, and Acquisition Document Number fields.

The system includes the Company field in table F76B8200 when it filters records. The system does not include data from the Company field in the data and text files that you send to the government.

See Also

Understanding Supplemental Data

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Work With Fixed Assets Work Files


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Fixed Assets

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Fixed Assets

Locate records.

Revise Fixed Assets Work Files


On the Work With Fixed Assets Work File form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for fixed assets.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Fixed Assets

Access the Revise Fixed Assets Work Files form.

Asset Number

Enter an 8-digit number that uniquely identifies an asset.

Parent Number

Enter a parent number groups related components together. You can associate each item of property and piece of equipment with a parent item. For example, you can associate a mobile telephone with a specific automobile (the parent), a printer with a computer (the parent), or a flat bed with a specific truck chassis (the parent).

Note. If this is a data entry field, the default value is the asset number. For example, if the asset number is 123, the system assigns 123 as the default parent number.

Description 2

Enter additional text that further describes or clarifies a field in the system.

Description 3

Enter additional text that further describes or clarifies an element.

Asset Cost BU (asset cost business unit)

Enter the business unit to which the system charges original acquisition cost and any supplemental capital additions. The system uses a default value for this field based on the business unit that you specify on the Asset Master Revisions form when you create a new asset master record. You can change this default value on the Depreciation Information form only if you have not entered any transactions for the account.

Asset Cost Object

Enter the object account to which the original acquisition cost and any supplemental capital additions have been charged.

If the asset is a non-capitalized lease, this should be the expense account that lease payments are charged to. This expense account should have default coding instructions set up for method 00 (no depreciation method used).

Asset Cost Subsidiary

Enter the subsidiary account to which the original acquisition cost and any supplemental capital additions have been charged.

Accum Depr Acct BU

Enter the business unit to which the system charges accumulated depreciation amounts.

Accum Depr Acct OBJ

Enter the object account number to which the accumulated depreciation amount is to be charged.

Accum Depr Acct SUB

Enter the subsidiary account to which the accumulated depreciation amount is to be charged.

Acquisition Document Number/Type

Enter a number that identifies the original document, such as a voucher, invoice, or journal entry. On entry forms, you can assign the document number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program (P0002). Matching document numbers (DOCM) identify related documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems.

Examples of original and matching documents are:

Accounts Payable

Original document - voucher

Matching document - payment

Accounts Receivable

Original document - invoice

Matching document - receipt

Note. In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system, these transactions simultaneously generate original and matching documents: deductions, unapplied receipts, chargebacks, and drafts.

PO Do Ty (purchase order document type)

Enter a value that is hard-coded in the originating programs and passed to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system.

In the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system, the document type on the purchase order issued by the customer can be entered directly into the Accounts Receivable Ledger (F03B11)

Document Series

Enter the document series and sub-series of a nota fiscal.

Tracking Number

Enter a value that represents the Acquisition Type plus the Document Number. You use this field to track purchasing information for fixed assets.

Date Acquired

Enter the date the asset was acquired. This date is typically the start depreciation date, but you can specify a different start depreciation date on the Depreciation Information form.

If you are using the half-year convention, you must adjust the start depreciation date manually.

Depr Start Date (depreciation start date)

Enter the date when the depreciation computations start for an asset. This date can be different from the date the asset was acquired.

Date Disposed

Enter the date the asset was disposed.

Acquisition Amount

Fixed Asset column for amounts. The editing of this column, for example, including or excluding commas, can be performed through data dictionary edits.

Acquisition Amt in Real

Enter the initial cost of an asset in Brazilian reais.

Initial Accum Depr

Enter the cumulative prior year-end balance. The system uses this amount as the beginning balance for balance sheet and job cost accounts.

Note. Do not confuse this amount with the prior year-end net posting amount.

The prior year-end net posting amount includes only the postings from the prior year. It does not include the ending balance of the previous year. The prior year-end net postings are typically used for profit and loss statement comparisons.

Depr during period

Enter the net amount from the week-to-date postings for an account.

New or Used

Enter a user-defined code (H12/NO) that specifies whether an asset is new or used for tax purposes. Values are:

N: New.

U: Used. This code is used in computing the ITC limitation on the acquisition of used assets.

Annual Depr Rate (annual depreciation rate)

Enter the rate of depreciation for an asset for each life year.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Storage Control

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for storage control and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Storage Control

You use the IN86-Maintain Storage Control program (P76B200A) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Storage Control program (P76B200A) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Storage Control (F76B400A).

You can modify most of the fields in records that you add to table F76B400A. When you add a record to table F76B400A, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B400A, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B400A and F76B400G when you add or delete records.

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200A. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

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Work with Storage Control


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Storage Control

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89- Maintain Storage Control

Locate records.

Storage Control Revisions


On the Work with Storage Control form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for storage control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Storage Control

Access the Storage Control Revisions form.

Document Company

Enter a number that, with the document number, document type and general ledger date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher, or journal entry.

If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year feature, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to locate the desired document.

Fiscal Company

Enter the company whose data you want to work with.

Ship From

Enter the address number of the supplier from which you want to ship this order. The system determines the address of the supplier, including street, city, state, zip code, and country based on the record that you enter for the supplier in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system.

Inventory Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets.

Nature of Document Type - Brazil

Enter a code that indicates whether the item is associated with a fiscal document or an internal document. The Brazilian government determines the values. Values must exist in the Nature of Document Type - BR UDC table (76B/ND) and include these values:

I: Internal document

F: Fiscal document

Note. Blank is not a value.

Storage Control Document Type

Enter a code that indicates whether the type of operation is a nota fiscal, service order, or requisition. The value that you enter must exist in the Storage Control Document Type - BR UDC table (76B/SD). Values are:

NF: Nota fiscal

OS: Service order

REQ: Requisition

Note. Blank is not a value.

NF Series (nota fiscal series)

Enter a two-character number that along with the nota fiscal number, identifies a nota fiscal. The Nota Fiscal Series field is the second key that the system uses to access a specific nota fiscal.

Document Number

Enter a storage control number that identifies an item. This number is either the nota fiscal number or the CARDEX number, depending on the item's source. Blank is not a value.

Inventory Transaction Date

Enter a date that identifies the financial period to which the transaction is to be posted.

The company constants specify the date range for each financial period. You can have as many as 14 periods. Generally, period 14 is used for audit adjustments. The system validates this field for PBCO (posted before cutoff), PYEB (prior year ending balance), PACO (post after cutoff), and WACO (post way after cutoff) messages.


Enter text to identify the reason that a transaction occurred.

Unit of Measure

Enter the unit of measure you used when you entered this transaction into the system.


Enter a value that represents the available quantity, which might consist of the on-hand balance minus commitments, reservations, and backorders. You enter this value in the Branch/Plant Constants program (P41001).

Transaction Type

Enter a code that indicates whether the item was received on an inbound transaction or was shipped on an outbound transaction. The value that you enter must exist in the Movement Indicator UDC table (76B/MI). Valid values are determined by the Brazilian government and include these values:

E: Inbound

S: Outbound

Note. Blank is not a valid value.

Unit Cost

Enter the amount per unit, derived by dividing the total cost by the unit quantity.

Total Value

Enter the extended cost or price value of an inventory transaction for an inventory item.

Branch Plant

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies a separate entity within a business for which you want to track costs. For example, a business unit might be a warehouse location, job, project, work center, branch, or plant.

You can assign a business unit to a document, entity, or person for purposes of responsibility reporting. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track equipment by responsible department.

Business unit security might prevent you from viewing information about business units for which you have no authority.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Inventory Control

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for inventory control and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Inventory Control

You use the IN86-Maintain Inventory Control program (P76B200B) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Inventory Records program (P76B200B) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Inventory Records (F76B400B).

You can modify most of the fields in records that you add to table F76B400B. When you add a record to table F76B400B, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B400B, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B400B and F76B400G when you add or delete records.

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200B. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

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Work with Inventory Control


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Inventory Control

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Inventory Records

Locate records.

Inventory Records Revisions


On the Work with Inventory Control form, choose a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for inventory control.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Inventory Control

Access the Inventory Records Revisions form.

Fiscal Company

Enter the company whose data you want to work with.

Inventory Date

Enter a storage control date that is the base date for the inventory balance you report to the government. Specifically, this date is the last day of the month for the year and month of the specified period. Blank is not a value.

Inventory Status

Enter a code that specifies the ownership status of items within the branch / plant. The value that you enter must exist in the Inventory Status UDC table (76B/IV). Values, which are determined by the Brazilian government, are:

1: Company stock held by company

2: Company stock held by others

3: Stock owned by others but held by company

Primary Unit of Measure

Enter a user-defined code (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measure that the system uses to express the quantity of an item, for example, EA (each) or KG (kilogram).

Cumulative Quantity

Enter the cumulative total quantity from all transactions in the Item Ledger for an item.

Total Value

Enter the total amount of all transactions in the Item Ledger for an Item.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Notas Fiscais for Services

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for notas fiscais for services and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Notas Fiscais for Services

You use the IN86-Maintain Services Outbound NF program (P76B200C) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Services Outbound NF program (P76B200C) to review, add, and delete records in these tables:

Modifying Records

You can modify most of the fields in any record that you add to tables F76B410C or F76B411C. This table shows the only fields that you can modify for system-generated:

Data Item


IRRF Tax Rate (data item BRXIR)

The system calculates a value and populates the field in table F76B410C, but you can override the system-generated value.

Amount IR Taxable (data item BBCR)

The system does not calculate a value. You must enter a value for every record in table F76B410C.

Amount IR Tax (data item BIRT)

The system does not calculate a value. You must enter a value for every record in table F76B410C.

When you add data to table F76B410C, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200C except as noted in the above table. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Adding and Deleting Records

When you use program P76B200C to add or delete records, the system updates both the header and detail work tables (F76B410C and F76B411C). These rules apply to adding and deleting records using program P76B200C:

When you add records to tables F76B410C and F76B411C, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Note. You can modify all fields for user-generated records. For system-generated records, you can modify only the IRRF Tax Rate, Amount IR Taxable, and Amount IR Tax fields. To locate records that are user-generated enter 2 in the Record Origin field in the QBE line, and then click Find.

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Form Name




Work With Services Outbound Nota Fiscal


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Services Outbound NF

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Services Outbound NF

Locate records.

Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Revisions


On the Work With Services Outbound Nota Fiscal form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for suppliers and customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Notas Fiscais for Services

Access the Services Outbound Nota Fiscal Revisions form.

NF Number (nota fiscal number)

Enter a six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. The number consists of the nota fiscal number and the nota fiscal series.

NF Series (nota fiscal series)

Enter a two-character number that along with the nota fiscal number, identifies a nota fiscal. The Nota Fiscal Series field is the second key that the system uses to access a specific nota fiscal.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets.

NF Issue Date (nota fiscalissue date)

Enter a date that indicates when the nota fiscal was issued. For outbound transactions, the date is usually the nota fiscal print date. For inbound transactions, the date is typically the date that is printed on the supplier's nota fiscal.

Note. Blank is not a value.


Enter the IR tax amount that is printed on the nota fiscal.

IRRF Basis

Enter the amount on which IR taxes are assessed.

N.F Discount

Enter the amount of the discount amount available for the nota fiscal.

IRRF Tax Rate

Enter the tax rate for IRRF tax expressed as a percentage.

Ship To

Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

Nota Fiscal Item Value

Enter the sum of the item amount on the nota fiscal.

Cancel Situation - Brazil

Enter a code that indicates the cancellation status. The value that you enter must exist in the Cancel Situation UDC table (76B/CS). Values are:

S: Canceled

N: Not canceled

Note. Blank is not a value.

Line Number

Enter a number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number, but in some cases you can override it.

Complementary Description

Enter an additional description of the item. You might use this description to more clearly identify the item that is included in the report to the Brazilian government.

Extended Price

Enter the number of units multiplied by the unit price.

ISS Rate

Enter the tax rate for ISS tax expressed as a percentage.

ISS Basis

Enter the amount on which ISS taxes are assessed.


Enter the ISS tax amount that is printed on the nota fiscal.

Transaction Originator

Enter the person who originally entered the transaction.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Company

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for merchandise notas fiscais issued by the Company and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Company

You use the IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by CO program (P76B200D) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Msde NF issued by CO program (P76B200D) to review, add, and delete records in these tables:

Modifying Records

You can modify any field in any record that you add to tables F76B410D or F76B411D. This table shows the fields that you can modify for system-generated records in table F76B410D:

Data Item


Transportation Type (data item BRTT)

The system writes a value to this field if a value exists in the source table, but you can modify the value in table F76B410D.

Carrier Number (data item ANCR)

The system writes a value to this field if a value exists in the source table, but you can modify the value in table F76B410D.

Volume Quantity (data item BRVQ)

The system writes a value to this field if a value exists in the source table, but you can modify the value in table F76B410D.

Volume Type (data item BRVT)

The source table does not contain a value for this data item. You must enter a value for every record in table F76B410D.

Gross Weight (data item (BRGW)

The system writes a value to this field if a value exists in the source table, but you can modify the value in table F76B410D.

Net Weight (data item BRNW)

The system writes a value to this field if a value exists in the source table, but you can modify the value in table F76B410D.

Freight Mode (data item BRFM)

The system writes FOB if a value for freight, insurance, or expenses exists in table F76B101B. Otherwise, the system writes CIF to the Freight Mode field.

License Plate Number (data item LICP)

The system writes a value to this field if a value exists in the source table, but you can modify the value in table F76B410D.

Invoice Type (data item BRIT)

The Invoice Type processing option lets you enter an invoice type that the system assigns to all of the records that it writes to table F76B410D. Because the records that the system writes to the table might include transactions which should have an invoice type other than the one that you specify in the Invoice Type processing option, the invoice type which the system writes to table F76B410D might not be valid for all of the transactions. You must review all of the records which are produced by program R76B100D and correct the invoice type as necessary.

Remarks (data item REMBR)

The source table does not contain a value for this data item. You can enter a value for any record in table F76B410D.

When you modify data in table F76B410D, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Besides the fields listed in the above table, fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200D. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Adding and Deleting Records

When you use program P76B200D to add or delete records, the system updates both the header and detail work tables (F76B410D and F76B411D). These rules apply to adding and deleting records using program P76B200D:

When you add records to work and complementary tables, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Maintain Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Company Records

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Work With Merchandise NF Issued by CO


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by CO

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF issued by CO

Locate records.

Merchandise NF Issued by CO Revisions


On the Work With Merchandise NF Issued by CO form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for merchandise notas fiscais issued by Company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Company

Access the Merchandise NF Issued by CO Revisions form.

NF Number (nota fiscalnumber)

Enter a six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. The number consists of the nota fiscal number and the nota fiscal series.

NF Sr (nota fiscal series)

Enter a two-character number that along with the nota fiscal number, identifies a nota fiscal. The Nota Fiscal Series field is the second key that the system uses to access a specific nota fiscal.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets. The reserved document type prefixes for codes are:

P: Accounts payable

R: Accounts receivable

T: Time and Pay

I: Inventory

O: Purchase order

S: Sales order

NF Issue Date (nota fiscalissue date)

Enter a date that indicates when the nota fiscal was issued. For outbound transactions, the date is usually the nota fiscal print date. For inbound transactions, the date is typically the date that is printed on the supplier's nota fiscal.

Note. Blank is not a value.

NF Discount (nota fiscal discount)

Enter the amount of the discount amount available for the nota fiscal.

NF Freight (nota fiscal freight)

Enter a complementary expense to the customer. The system prorates this expense amount among each of the notas fiscais listed and adds the prorated amount to the ICMS taxable amount for each document.

NF Insurance (nota fiscalinsurance)

Enter the insurance amount that you charge the client as complementary expense. This amount must be included on the nota fiscal.

NF Expenses (nota fiscalexpenses)

Enter the amount of the total financial expenses that is printed on the nota fiscal.


Enter the IPI tax amount that is printed on the nota fiscal.

Substitution Tax

Enter the ICMS Substitute amount that the customer must remit in advance if they are subject to Tax Substitution Mark-up.

NF Total (nota fiscal total)

Enter the total amount of the nota fiscal. The system calculates the total as follows:

Merchandise + IPI tax amount + ICMS Substitute tax amount + Complementary Expenses - Discounts

NF Class (nota fiscal class)

Enter a code that indicates whether the item was received on an inbound transaction or was shipped on an outbound transaction. The value that you enter must exist in the Movement Indicator UDC table (76B/MI). Valid values are determined by the Brazilian government and include these values:

E: Inbound

S: Outbound

Note. Blank is not a value.

NF Model (nota fiscal model)

Enter a code that identifies the model of the nota fiscal. The value that you enter must exist in the Nota Fiscal Document Model UDC table (76B/MD). Additionally, values also appear in the Description 01 field of the Sintegra CFOP Cross Reference UDC table (76B/TN). Values include:

01: Normal nota fiscal

07: Transportation nota fiscal

08: Freight note - road

Note. Blank is not a value.

Issuer Number

Enter a number that identifies an entry in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system, such as employee, applicant, participant, customer, supplier, tenant, or location.

NF Issue / Receipt Date (nota fiscal issue / receipt date)

Enter a date that indicates when the nota fiscal was issued or received. For outbound transactions, this date is usually the nota fiscal print date. For inbound transactions, the date is typically the receipt date.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Nota Fiscal Item Value

Enter the sum of the item amount on the nota fiscal.

State Tax ID

Enter a state identification number that identifies a company for the state government.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Transportation Type

Enter a code that identifies the mode of transit of an item. The mode might include transportation by air, railway, highway, and so on.

Carrier Number

Enter the address book number of the carrier, which is specified by the customer or by the organization. You might use this carrier because of route requirements or special handling requirements.

Volume Quantity

Enter a value that indicates the quantity of items that is shipped on a nota fiscal, based on volume packaging.

Volume Type

Enter a code that indicates the volume unit-of-measure of items that are shipped on a nota fiscal.

Gross Weight

Enter the total weight of the goods that is reported on the nota fiscal.

Net Weight

Enter the weight of the goods, minus packaging and so on, that is reported on the nota fiscal.

Freight Mode

Enter a code that indicates who is responsible for paying the freight charges. The value that you enter must exist in the Freight Mode UDC table (76B/FM). Values are:

CIF: Cost, Insurance, Freight

FOB: Free on Board

Note. Blank is not a value.

Vehicle Identification

Enter the license plate number of a given truck in the truck assignment system.

Cancel Situation - Brazil

Enter a code that indicates the cancellation status. The value that you enter must exist in the Cancel Situation UDC table (76B/CS). Values are:

S: Canceled

N: Not canceled

Note. Blank is not a value.

Invoice Type - Brazil

Enter a code that indicates the type of invoice. The value that you enter must exist in the Invoice Type UDC table (76B/IT). Values are:

1: Cash transactions

2; Installment transactions

Note. Blank is not a value.


Enter a general remark of up to 45 characters.

Line Number

Enter a number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number, but in some cases you can override it.

Complementary Description

Enter an additional description of the item. You might use this description to more clearly identify the item that is included in the report to the Brazilian government.

Transportation Nat

Enter a code that identifies the transaction for fiscal reporting purposes. The structure of this code indicates whether the transaction was inbound or outbound, intrastate or interstate, and so on.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Nature of the Operation

Enter an internal code that is the concatenation of the Transaction Nature Code and Transaction Nature Suffix, and is in a format that is reported to the Brazilian government.

Note. Blank is not a value; you must complete this field.

Fiscal Classification

Enter a code that specifies groups of products, as defined by the local tax authorities. The product groups are based on taxing conventions and other national statistics. The system uses this code to determine the applicable tax rate for a product.


Enter the quantity of units affected by this transaction.

U/M (unit of measure)

Enter a user-defined code (00/UM) that indicates the quantity in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

Unit Price

Enter a base or default price that is used with multipliers from the pricing rules to develop discounted prices. If no formula applies to an item or no discounts apply to a customer, the system uses this price without adjustments.

Extended Price

Enter the number of units multiplied by the unit price.

IPI Tribute

Enter a code that indicates how IPI tax is assessed. The value that you enter must exist in the Fiscal Value Codes - IPI UDC table (76B/CW). Values include:

1: Taxable

2: Not taxable

3: Other

Note. Blank is not a value.

IPI Rate

Enter the tax rate for IPI tax expressed as a percentage.

IPI Basis

Enter the amount on which IPI taxes are assessed.


Enter the IPI tax amount that is printed on the nota fiscal.

State Tax Situation

Enter a three-digit code that indicates the product origin and the method that is used to assess ICMS tax. The first digit indicates the origin. The second and third digits identify how the ICMS is taxed.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Values for the first digit are:

0: Domestic goods

1: Foreign product, direct import

2: Foreign product, purchased in local market

Values for the second and third digits are:

10: Taxed, with ICMS collection by tax substitution

20: Taxed, with taxable amount reduction

30: Exempt or non-taxable, with ICMS collection by tax substitution

40: Exempt or non-taxable

50: Suspended and deferred

60: ICMS previously charged by tax substitution

70: Reduced taxable amount, with ICMS collection by tax substitution

90: Other

ICMS Tribute

Enter a code that specifies how ICMS tax is assessed. The value that you enter must exist in the Fiscal Amount Codes - ICMS UDC table (76B/CV). Values include:

1: Taxable

2: Not taxable

3: Other

Note. Blank is not a value.


Enter the tax rate for ICMS tax expressed as a percentage.

ICMS Basis

Enter the amount on which ICMS taxes are assessed.


Enter the amount of ICMS tax that is assessed.

Substitution Basis

Enter the amount on which ICMS Substitute tax is assessed. Products that are eligible for ICMS Substitute tax are listed in ICMS government directive 14.

Substitution Tax

Enter the ICMS Substitute amount that the customer must remit in advance if they are subject to Tax Substitution Mark-up.

Merchandise Movement

Enter a code that indicates whether the merchandise moved from one location to another. The value that you enter must exist in the Merchandise Movement UDC table (76B/MM). Values are:

S: Yes

N: No

Note. Blank is not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Suppliers

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for merchandise notas fiscais issued by suppliers and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Suppliers

You use the IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier program (P76B200E) and the INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier program (P76B200E) to review, add, and delete records in these tables:

Modifying Records

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B410E or F76B411E. This table shows the fields that you can modify for system-generated records in tables F76B410E and F76B411E:

Data Item


Invoice Type (data item BRIT)

The Invoice Type processing option lets you enter an invoice type that the system assigns to all of the records that it writes to table F76B410E. Because the records that the system writes to the table might include transactions that should have an invoice type other than the one that you specify in the Invoice Type processing option, the invoice type that the system writes to table F76B410E might not be valid for all of the transactions. You must review all of the records that are produced by program R76B100E and correct the invoice type as necessary.

Remark (date item REMBR)

The source table does not contain a value for this data item. You can enter a value for any record in table F76B410E.

Nature of Operation (data item BRNO)

The system populates the Nature of Operation - Brazil field (data item BRNO) with a concatenation of the value in the Transaction Nature field (data item BNOP) and the value in the Transaction Suffix field (data item BSOP) from the Nota Fiscal - Detail (Fiscal Books) table (F76111B) if the record in table F76111B was generated by a JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program. If the record in table F76111B was manually entered by using the Maintenance of Fiscal Books program (P76B1001), the system concatenates a value for BNOP or BRNOP from the Table for BNOP Conversion (Fiscal Books only) table (F76B200) and the value in the Transaction Suffix field (data item BSOP) from table F76111B. You can modify the value that the system writes to this field.

Merchandise Movement (data item BRMM)

The system populates the Merchandise Movement field (data item BRMM) with the value that you specify in the processing options. You can modify the value that the system writes to this field.

When you modify fields in tables F76B410E and F76B411E, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Other than the fields listed in the above table, fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200E. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Adding and Deleting Records

When you use program P76B200E to add or delete records, the system updates both the header and detail work tables (F76B410E and F76B411E). These rules apply to adding and deleting records using program P76B200E:

When you add records to tables F76B410E and F76B411B, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Maintain Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Suppliers Records

Form Name




Work With NF Issued by Supplier


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Mdse NF by Supplier

Locate records.

Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier Revisions


On the Work With Merchandise NF Issued by CO form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for merchandise notas fiscais issued by supplier.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Merchandise Notas Fiscais Issued by Suppliers

Access the Merchandise NF Issued by Supplier Revisions form.

NF Number (nota fiscal number)

Enter a six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. The number consists of the nota fiscal number and the nota fiscal series.

NF Series (nota fiscal series)

Enter a two-character number that along with the nota fiscal number, identifies a nota fiscal. The Nota Fiscal Series field is the second key that the system uses to access a specific nota fiscal.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined code (00/DT) that identifies the origin and purpose of the transaction. The system reserves several prefixes for document types, such as vouchers, invoices, receipts, and timesheets. The reserved document type prefixes for codes are:

P: Accounts payable

R: Accounts receivable

T: Time and Pay

I: Inventory

O: Purchase order

S: Sales order

NF Issue Date (nota fiscal issue date)

Enter a date that indicates when the nota fiscal was issued. For outbound transactions, the date is usually the nota fiscal print date. For inbound transactions, the date is typically the date that is printed on the supplier's nota fiscal.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Company From

Enter the company whose data you want to work with.

Ship From

Enter the address number of the supplier from which you want to ship this order. The system determines the address of the supplier, including street, city, state, zip code, and country based on the record that you enter for the supplier in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system.

NF Discount (nota fiscal discount)

Enter the amount of the discount amount available for the nota fiscal.

NF Expenses (nota fiscal expenses)

Enter the amount of the total financial expenses that is printed on the nota fiscal.

NF Freight (nota fiscal freight)

Enter a complementary expense to the customer. The system prorates this expense amount among each of the notas fiscais listed and adds the prorated amount to the ICMS taxable amount for each document.

NF Total (nota fiscal total)

Enter the total amount of the nota fiscal. The system calculates the total as follows:

Merchandise + IPI tax amount + ICMS Substitute tax amount + Complementary Expenses - Discounts


Enter the IPI tax amount that is printed on the nota fiscal.

NF Insurance (nota fiscal insurance)

Enter the insurance amount that you charge the client as complementary expense. This amount must be included on the nota fiscal.

Substitution Tax

Enter the ICMS Substitute amount that the customer must remit in advance if they are subject to Tax Substitution Mark-up.

NF Model (nota fiscal model)

Enter a code that identifies the model of the nota fiscal. The value that you enter must exist in the Nota Fiscal Document Model UDC table (76B/MD). Additionally, the values also appear in the Description 1 field of the Sintegra CFOP Cross Reference UDC table (76B/TN). Values include:

01: Normal nota fiscal

07: Transportation nota fiscal

08: Freight note - road

Note. Blank is not a value.

NF Receipt Date (nota fiscal receipt date)

Enter a date that indicates when the nota fiscal was issued or received. For outbound transactions, this date is usually the nota fiscal print date. For inbound transactions, the date is typically the receipt date.

Note. Blank is not a value.

State Tax ID

Enter a state identification number that identifies a company for the state government.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Nota Fiscal Item Value

Enter the sum of the item amount on the nota fiscal.

Invoice Type - Brazil

Enter a code that indicates the type of invoice. The value that you enter must exist in the Invoice Type UDC table (76B/IT). Values are:

1: Cash transactions

2: Installment transactions

Note. Blank is not a value.


Enter a general remark of up to 45 characters.

Line Number

Enter a number that identifies multiple occurrences, such as line numbers on a purchase order or other document. Generally, the system assigns this number, but in some cases you can override it.

Complementary Description

Enter an additional description of the item. You might use this description to more clearly identify the item that is included in the report to the Brazilian government.

Transaction Nature

Enter a code that identifies the transaction for fiscal reporting purposes. The structure of this code indicates whether the transaction was inbound or outbound, intrastate or interstate, and so on.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Nature of Operation

Enter an internal code that is the concatenation of the Transaction Nature Code and Transaction Nature Suffix, and is in a format that is reported to the Brazilian government.

Note. Blank is not a value; you must complete this field.

Fiscal Classification

Enter a code that specifies groups of products, as defined by the local tax authorities. The product groups are based on taxing conventions and other national statistics. The system uses this code to determine the applicable tax rate for a product.


Enter the quantity of units affected by this transaction.

U/M (unit of measure)

Enter a user-defined code (00/UM) that indicates the quantity in which to express an inventory item, for example, CS (case) or BX (box).

Unit Price

Enter a base or default price that is used with multipliers from the pricing rules to develop discounted prices. If no formula applies to an item or no discounts apply to a customer, the system uses this price without adjustments.

Extended Price

Enter the number of units multiplied by the unit price.

IPI Tribute Indicator

Enter a code that indicates how IPI tax is assessed. The value that you enter must exist in the Fiscal Value Codes - IPI UDC table (76B/CW). Values include:

1: Taxable

2: Not taxable

3: Other

Note. Blank is not a value.

IPI Rate

Enter the tax rate for IPI tax expressed as a percentage.

IPI Basis

Enter the amount on which IPI taxes are assessed.

Tax Situation

Enter a three-digit code that indicates the product origin and the method that is used to assess ICMS tax. The first digit indicates the origin. The second and third digits identify how the ICMS is taxed.

Note. Blank is not a value.

Values for the first digit are:

0: Domestic goods

1: Foreign product, direct import

2: Foreign product, purchased in local market

Values for the second and third digits are:

10: Taxed, with ICMS collection by tax substitution

20: Taxed, with taxable amount reduction

30: Exempt or non-taxable, with ICMS collection by tax substitution

40: Exempt or non-taxable

50: Suspended and deferred

60: ICMS previously charged by tax substitution

70: Reduced taxable amount, with ICMS collection by tax substitution

90: Other

ICMS Tribute Indicator

Enter a code that specifies how ICMS tax is assessed. The value that you enter must exist in the Fiscal Amount Codes - ICMS UDC table (76B/CV). Values include:

1: Taxable

2: Not taxable

3: Other

Note. Blank is not a value.


Enter the amount of ICMS tax that is assessed.

ICMS Basis

Enter the amount on which ICMS taxes are assessed.


Enter the tax rate for ICMS tax expressed as a percentage.

Substitution Basis

The amount on which ICMS Substitute tax is assessed. Products that are eligible for ICMS Substitute tax are listed in ICMS government directive 14.

Merchandise Movement

Enter a code that indicates whether the merchandise moved from one location to another. The value that you enter must exist in the Merchandise Movement UDC table (76B/MM). Values are:

S: Yes

N: No

Note. Blank is not a value.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN89 Records for Third Party Services for Inbound Nota Fiscais

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for third-party services for inbound nota fiscais and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Third Party Services for Inbound Nota Fiscais

You use the INSS-Mntn 3rd Party Svcs Inbound NF program (P76B200H) to review, add, and delete records from the INSS-Work Table for Services Third Party Inbound NF Header table (F76B410H).

You can modify most of the fields in records that you add to table F76B410H. When you add a record to table F76B410H, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B410H, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the complementary tables to which the INSS-Mntn 3rd Party Svcs Inbound NF program writes. The system does not maintain the integrity between table F76B410H and these complementary tables:

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200H. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Maintain Third Party Services for Inbound Nota Fiscais Records

Form Name




Work With Inbound Entries


INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), Maintain 3rd Party Svcs Inbound NF

Locate records.

Inbound Entries Revisions


On the Work With Inbound Entries form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for third-party services for inbound notas fiscais.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Third Party Services for Inbound Notas Fiscais

Access the Inbound Entries Revisions form.


Enter the company whose data you want to work with.

Ship From

Enter the address number of the supplier from which you want to ship this order. The system determines the address of the supplier, including street, city, state, zip code, and country based on the record that you enter for the supplier in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Address Book system.

NF Issue Date (nota fiscal issue date)

Enter a date that indicates when the nota fiscal was issued. For outbound transactions, the date is usually the nota fiscal print date. For inbound transactions, the date is typically the date that is printed on the supplier's nota fiscal.

Note. Blank is not a value.

N.F. Number

Enter a six-character number that identifies a nota fiscal. The number consists of the nota fiscal number and the nota fiscal series.

Document Type INSS

Enter a code that specifies the document type to be reported as part of Brazil's INSS process. The system updates this field with the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th characters of the special handling code (SPHD) assigned to the transaction's document type in the Document Type UDC table (00/DT). If a special handling code is not associated with the document type assigned to the transaction's document type, the system uses the transaction record's document type. When you add a record manually, the value that you enter must exist in the Document Type INSS Brazil UDC table (76B/DT). Government mandated values are:

DUP: Duplicata

REC: Recibo

NP: Nota Promissória

Complementary Description - Brazil

Enter an additional description of the item. You might use this description to more clearly identify the item that is included in the report to the Brazilian government.

N.F. Total

Enter the total amount of the nota fiscal. The system calculates the total as follows:

Merchandise + IPI tax amount + ICMS Substitute tax amount + Complementary Expenses - Discounts

INSS Basis

Enter the amount on which INSS taxes are assessed.


Enter the amount of INSS tax assessed.

Extended Amount

Enter the sum of the item amount on the nota fiscal.

Document Company

Enter a number that, with the document number, document type and general ledger date, uniquely identifies an original document, such as invoice, voucher, or journal entry.

If you use the Next Numbers by Company/Fiscal Year feature, the Automatic Next Numbers program (X0010) uses the document company to retrieve the correct next number for that company.

If two or more original documents have the same document number and document type, you can use the document company to locate the desired document.

Document Number

Enter a number that identifies the original document, such as a voucher, invoice, or journal entry. On entry forms, you can assign the document number or let the system assign it using the Next Numbers program (P0002). Matching document numbers (DOCM) identify related documents in the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable systems. Examples of original and matching documents are:

Accounts Payable

Original document - voucher

Matching document - payment

Accounts Receivable

Original document - invoice

Matching document - receipt

Note. In Accounts Receivable, these transactions simultaneously generate original and matching documents: deductions, unapplied receipts, chargebacks, and drafts.

Pay Item

Enter a number that identifies the pay item for a voucher or an invoice. The system assigns the pay item number. If the voucher or invoice has multiple pay items, the numbers are sequential.

Pay Item Extension Number

Enter a code to designate an adjusting entry to a pay item on a voucher or invoice. This field is required so that each record is unique.

Document Type

Enter a user-defined (system 00, type DV) document type for voucher entry. Any document type set up for voucher-only entry should begin with the letter P (payables). Reserved document types have been defined for vouchers, invoices, receipts, and time sheets.

The reserved document types are:

P_ Accounts Payable Documents

R_ Accounts Receivable Documents

T_ Payroll Documents

I_ Inventory Documents

O_ Order Processing Documents

Note. For voucher entry, if you are using document type DV, you must also set up document type DT in user-defined codes.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 or IN89 Records for Bills of Material

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for bills of material and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Bills of Material

You use the IN86-Maintain Item/Part List program (P76B3010) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Item/Part List program (P76B3010) to review, add, and delete records in the Work Table for Item/Part List (F76B3010).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B3010. When you add or modify a record in table F76B3010, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

If you add or delete records from table F76B3010, you must make the corresponding adjustment to the records in the IN86-Work Table for Item Number and Service Code (F76B400G). The system does not maintain the integrity between tables F76B3010 and F76B400G when you add or delete records.

Fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B3010. If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Maintain Bills of Material Records

Form Name




Work With Item/Part List


INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Item/Part List

Locate records.

Item/Part List Revisions


On Work With Item/Part List, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to add a record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for bills of material.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Bills of Material

Access the Item/Part List Revisions form.

Type of Bill

Enter a user-defined code (40/TB) that designates the type of bill of material. You can define different types of bills of material for different uses. For example:

M: Standard manufacturing bill

RWK: Rework bill

SPR: Spare parts bill

The system enters bill type M in the work order header when you create a work order, unless you specify another bill type. The system reads the bill type code on the work order header to know which bill of material to use to create the work order parts list. MRP uses the bill type code to identify the bill of material to use when it attaches MRP messages. Batch bills of material must be type M for shop floor management, product costing, and MRP processing.


Enter a code that represents a high-level business unit. Use this code to refer to a branch or plant that might have departments or jobs, which represent lower-level business units, subordinate to it. For example:

Branch/Plant (MMCU)

Dept A (MCU)

Dept B (MCU)

Job 123 (MCU)

Business unit security is based on the higher-level business unit.

Batch Quantity

Enter the quantity of finished units that you expect this bill of material or routing to produce. You can specify varying quantities of components based on the amount of finished goods produced. For example, 1 ounce of solvent is required per unit up to 100 units of finished product. However, if 200 units of finished product is produced, 2 ounces of solvent are required per finished unit. In this example, you would set up batch quantities for 100 and 200 units of finished product, specifying the proper amount of solvent per unit.


Enter the number of units that the system applies to the transaction.

UM (unit of measure)

Enter a user-defined code (00/UM) that identifies the unit of measurement for an amount or quantity. For example, it can represent a barrel, box, cubic meter, liter, hour, and so on.

Line No.

Enter a number that specifies how the system displays the sequence of components on a single-level bill of material. This number initially indicates the sequence in which a component was added to the bill of material. You can modify this number to change the sequence in which the components appear.

Oper Seq#

Enter a number used to indicate an order of succession.

In routing instructions, a number that sequences the fabrication or assembly steps in the manufacture of an item. You can track costs and charge time by operation.

In bills of material, a number that designates the routing step in the fabrication or assembly process that requires a specified component part. You define the operation sequence after you create the routing instructions for the item. Shop Floor Management uses this number in the backflush/preflush by operation process.

In engineering change orders, a number that sequences the assembly steps for the engineering change.

For repetitive manufacturing, a number that identifies the sequence in which an item is scheduled to be produced.

Skip To fields allow you to enter an operation sequence that you want to begin the display of information.

You can use decimals to add steps between existing steps. For example, use 12.5 to add a step between steps 12 and 13.

Percent Scrap

Enter the percentage of unusable component material that is created during the manufacture of a particular parent item. During DRP/MPS/MRP generation, the system increases gross requirements for the component item to compensate for the loss. Enter percentages as whole numbers, for example, 5 percent as 5.0.

Note. Inventory shrink and scrap are compounded to calculate the total loss in the manufacture of a particular item. Accurate shrink and scrap factors support more accurate planning calculations.

Effective From

Enter a date that indicates the beginning effective date for a range of dates.

Effective Thru

Enter a date that indicates the ending effective date for a range of dates.

Component Branch

Enter a secondary or lower-level business unit. The system uses the value that you enter to indicate that a branch or plant contains several subordinate departments or jobs. For example, assume that the component branch is named MMCU. The structure of MMCU might be as follows:

Branch/Plant - (MMCU)

Dept A - (MCU)

Dept B - (MCU)

Job 123 - (MCU)

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Business Units

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for business units and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Business Units

You use the IN86-Maintain Business Unit program (P76B006) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Business Unit program (P76B006) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Business Unit (F76B006).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B006. When you add or modify a record in table F76B006, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Most fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B006. You can change the Update Date field so that you can maintain the integrity between records in table F76B006 and the other tables that are created by the filter programs that populate table F76B006.

If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Maintaining Data Integrity

When you run one of the filter programs listed above, the system populates table F76B006 according to these rules:

When you manually add, delete, or modify a record in table F76B006, you must compare the date in the Update Date field to the date in the general ledger Date field (data item DGJ) and enter the appropriate date.

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Form Name




Work With Business Unit


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Business Unit

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Business Unit

Locate records.

Business Unit Revisions


On the Work With Business Unit form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Business Units

Access the Business Unit Revisions form.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Account Master Information

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for account master information and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Account Master Information

You use the IN86-Maintain Account Master program (P76B901) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Account Master program (P76B901) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B901. When you add or modify a record in table F76B901, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Most fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B901. You can change the Update Date field so that you can maintain the integrity between records in table F76B901 and the other tables that are created by the filter programs that populate table F76B901.

If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Note. To capture all relevant records, you must run all of the filter programs that you ran before you purged table F76B901.

Maintaining Data Integrity

When you run one of the filter programs listed above, the system populates table F76B901 according to these rules:

When you manually add, delete, or modify a record in table F76B901, you must compare the date in the Update Date field to the date in the General Ledger Date field (data item DGJ) and enter the appropriate date.

What You Should Know About the IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901)

The system applies these rules as it writes records to IN86-Work Table for Account Master (F76B901):

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Form Name




Work With Account Master


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Account Master

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Account Master

Locate records.

Account Master Revisions


On the Work With Account Master form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for account master information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Account Master Information

Access the Account Master Revisions form.

Account Type

Enter a code that specifies the type of account included in the report. The only value is A (Posting Account).

Non-Posting Obj Acct (non-posting object account)

Enter the object account parent

Non-Posting Subsidiary

Enter the subsidiary parent

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Individuals and Legal Entities

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records individuals and legal entities and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Individuals and Legal Entities

You use the IN86-Maintain Individuals and Legal Entities program (P76B8601) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Indivl and Lgl Entity program (P76B8601) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities (F76B8601).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B8601. When you add a record to table F76B8601, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Most fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B8601. You can change the Update Date field so that you can maintain the integrity between records in table F76B8601 and the other tables that are created by the filter programs that populate table F76B8601. You can also enter data in the Neighborhood field (data item NBHD). JD Edwards EnterpriseOne source tables do not contain the data that is required for the Neighborhood field, so you must complete the field for each record in table F76B8601.

If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Maintaining Data Integrity

When you run one of the filter programs listed above, the system populates table F768601 according to these rules:

When you manually add, delete, or modify a record in table F76B8601, you must compare the date in the Update Date field to the date in the G/L Date field (data item DGJ) and enter the appropriate date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Maintain Records for Individuals and Legal Entities

Form Name




Work With Individuals and Legal Entities


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Individuals/Legal Entities

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Indivl and Lgl Entity

Locate records.

Individuals and Legal Entity Revisions


On the Work With Individuals and Legal Entities form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for individual and legal entities.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Individuals and Legal Entities

Access the Individuals and Legal Entity Revisions form.

Mailing Name

Enter the company or person to whom billing or correspondence is addressed.

Mailing Address

Enter the mailing address of the individual or legal entity that you report for IN86 tax reporting for Brazil. The system completes this field with the concatenation of values from the Address Line 1 (ADD1) and Address Line 2 (ADD2) fields as stored in the Address by Date table (F0116) for the Address Number (AN8) of the individual or legal entity.


Enter the neighborhood of the individual or legal entity that you report for IN86 tax reporting for Brazil. You enter the neighborhood in the IN86-Maintain Individuals and Legal Entities program (P76B8601), and the system stores the value in the IN86-Work Table for Individuals and Legal Entities table (F76B8601).


Enter a name that indicates the city associated with the address.


Enter a user-defined code (00/S) that specifies the state or province. This code is usually a postal service abbreviation.


Enter the country of the individual or legal entity that is reported as part of Brazil's IN86 process. The system completes this field with the description from the Country Codes UDC table (00/CN) for the Country (CTR) stored in the Address by Date table (F0116) for the Address Number (AN8) of the individual or legal entity.

Postal Code

Enter the United States ZIP code or the postal code that specifies where a letter is to be routed. Attach this code to the address for delivery in other countries. This code is used as the low end value when doing Postal Code Transaction range processing.


Enter the identification code required by various tax authorities. This can be a social security number, federal or state corporate tax ID, sales tax number, and so on. The system verifies the number and prints the separators in their correct format, according to the value of TAXC (Person/Corporation Code). If no value exists for TAXC, the system uses the Corporate Entity.

State Tax ID

Enter an identification number assigned by a tax authority to an individual, in addition to the primary Tax ID number (TX1).

Municipal Tax ID

Enter the identification number used by the county to identify a taxpayer. In Brazil, this information is mandatory on notas fiscais and all legal reports.

Person/Corporation Code

Enter a code that designates the type of taxpayer. For 1099 reporting for U.S. suppliers and foreign suppliers, the system selects only records with a code of P or N.

Values for U.S. entities are:

Blank: Corporate entity (the Tax ID prints as 12-3456789)

C: Corporate entity (the Tax ID prints as 12-3456789)

P: Individual (the Tax ID prints as 123-45-6789)

N: Noncorporate entity (the Tax ID prints as 12-3456789)

Values for non-U.S. entities are:

1: Individual

2: Corporate entity

3: Both an individual and a corporate entity

4: Noncorporate entity

5: Customs authority

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Transaction Nature Records

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 transaction nature records and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Transaction Nature Records

You use the IN86-Maintain Transaction Nature program (P76B200F) or the INSS/IN89-Maintain Transaction Nature program (P76B200F) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Transaction Nature table (F76B400F).

You can modify any field in records that you add to table F76B400F, except for the Nature of the Operation field. When you add or modify a record in table F76B400F, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Most fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200F. You can change the Update Date field so that you can maintain the integrity between records in table F76B400F and the other tables that are created by the filter programs that populate table F76B400F.

If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Maintaining Data Integrity

When you run one of the filter programs listed above, the system populates table F76B006 according to these rules:

When you manually add, delete, or modify a record in table F76400F, you must compare the date in the Update Date field to the date in the Fiscal Issue Date field (data item BRADLJ) and enter the appropriate date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Maintain Transaction Nature Records

Form Name




Work with Transaction Nature


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Transaction Nature

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Transaction Nature

Locate records.

Transaction Nature Revisions


On the Work with Transaction Nature form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 transaction nature records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Transaction Nature Records

Access the Transaction Nature Revisions form.

Nature of the Operation - Brazil

Enter an internal code that is the concatenation of the Transaction Nature Code and Transaction Nature Suffix, and is in a format that is reported to the Brazilian government.

Note. Blank is not a value; you must complete this field.

Click to jump to parent topicMaintaining IN86 and IN89 Records for Item Numbers and Service Codes

This section provides an overview of maintaining IN86 and IN89 records for item numbers and service codes and discusses how to maintain records.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding IN86 and IN89 Records for Item Numbers and Service Codes

You use the IN86-Maintain Item Number/Service Code program (P76B200G) or the INSS/IN89- Maintain Item Num and Srv Code program (P76B200G) to review, add, and delete records in the IN86-Work Table for Item Number / Service Code (F76B400G).

You can modify any field in any record that you add to table F76B400G, except for the 2nd Item Number field. When you add or modify a record in table F76B400G, you must ensure that the data is valid; the system does not provide any validation for user-entered data.

Most fields for system-generated records cannot be changed in program P76B200G. You can change the Update Date field so that you can maintain the integrity between records in table F76B400G and the other tables that are created by the filter programs that populate table F76B400G.

If you must change the data in a non-editable field in a record, you must do one of these tasks:

Maintaining Data Integrity

When the system populates table F76B400G, it creates records according to these rules:

When you manually add, delete, or modify a record in table F76400G, you must compare the date in the Update Date field to the date in the Effective From Date (data item IXEFFF) and enter the appropriate date.

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Work With Item Number and Service Code


  • IN86 Maintenance Applications (G76BIN8602), IN86-Maintain Item Number/Service Code

  • INSS/IN89 Maintenance Applications (G76BINSS02), INSS/IN89-Maintain Item Num and Srv Code

Locate records.

Item Number and Service Code Revisions


On the Work With Item Number and Service Code form, select a record and click Select to modify a record, or click Add to create a new record.

Modify or add IN86 or IN89 records for item numbers and service codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding or Revising Records for Item Numbers and Service Codes

Access the Item Number and Service Code Revisions form.