(ECU) Setting Up Country-Specific Functionality for Ecuador

This chapter provides an overview of tax withholding certificates, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

See Also

Understanding Common Latin American Functionality

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Withholding Certificates for Ecuador

When processing payments for Ecuador, you must produce a withholding certificate that lists the withholdings for rent and value-added tax (VAT). The system launches the Withholding Certificate - EC (R76E4010) program to produce the withholding certificate when you post payments.

The system uses the first line in the tax area to determine rent withholding.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before processing payments for Ecuador:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs for Ecuador

Setting up Ecuadoran-specific UDCs enables you to use Ecuadoran-specific functionality. You also set up some base software UDCs with Ecuadoran-specific values.

Record Identification Type Codes (H00/TA)

Record identification type codes specify the entity for which you are creating an address book record. This UDC table includes hard-coded values. You can also add your own values.

This table shows the hard-coded values, and examples of soft-coded values:


Description 01

Hard Coded


Corporate entity



No validation






Corporate entity



Both individual and corporate






Customs entity


When you set up the values in this UDC table, enter the number of characters for the tax identification number in the Special Handling Code field.

Person/Corporation Code 76C/PC

Set up this UDC table with values to specify the type of tax payer. Examples include:

E: Special

N: Non-special

P: Person

Z: Foreigner

Tax Person Code (76E/TC)

Use this UDC to set up codes for person types.

Fiscal ID Size (76E/TL)

Use this UDC to set up values for the character length of fiscal identification numbers. Enter a code in the Codes field, and enter the character length in the Description 02 field.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Ecuador

You must set up next numbering schemes by company for system 76E (Ecuador) to process withholding certificates for rent and VAT withholding. Set up a next numbering scheme for document type U2 to process rent withholding, and set up a next numbering scheme for document type U3 to process rent withholding.

See Setting Up Next Numbers by Company and Fiscal Year.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up the Payment Format for Ecuador

This section provides an overview of the payment format for Ecuador and discusses how to set processing options for Print Automatic Payments Check (R76E0001).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Payment Format for Ecuador

When you enter P76E0001 as the print program when writing payments, the system prints a document that includes a check and information about the voucher for which the payment is generated. The information about the voucher includes:



Company Name, Tax ID, and Fiscal ID

The system uses the values that exist in the Address Book Master table (F0101).


The system uses the address that exists in the Address Line 1 and Address Line 2 fields of the F0101 table.

City, Country

The system uses the values that exists in the County and Country fields of the F0101 table.

Check Format Number

The system uses the next number by company setup for the document type @O.


The system uses the value from the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411).

Document Payment Number

The system prints the payment sequence by payment method and bank account.


The system prints the date entered during the write process.

Exchange Rate

The system prints a value from the Currency Exchange Rates (F0015) table for the exchange rate if the voucher has been processed in a foreign currency. The system prints the currency value as of the date that you generate the payment group.


The system prints the bank account description

Account Number

The system prints the bank account number from the bank account information.


The system prints the voucher account values from the account master information.

Invoice, Description, Document Type, Document Number, Invoice Date

The system uses the values that exist in the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411)


The system prints the value from the A/P Payment Processing - Detail (F04573) table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Print Automatic Payments Check (R76E0001)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Translation Program

Specify the translation program to use to translate the payment amount into words. The value that you enter must exist in the Check Translation (98/CT) UDC table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the translation program associated with the payment currency.


1. Address Format (FUTURE)

This processing option is not used.


1. Company Information

Enter 1 to print the company name and address on the payment stub.

2. Payee Information

Enter 1 to print the payee name and number on the payment stub.

3. Purchase Order

Enter 1 to print the purchase order number. Leave this processing option blank to print the supplier invoice number.

4. Alternate Stub Information

Enter 1 to print the supplier name. Enter 2 to print the supplier invoice number. Leave this processing option blank to print the remark.


1. Form Type (FUTURE)

This processing option is not used.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Tax Rate Areas for Ecuador

This section provides overviews of tax rate areas for Ecuador and discusses how to set up additional tax rate area information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Tax Rate Areas for Ecuador

After you set up tax rate/areas for Ecuador, use the Additional Pair Tax (P76E0002) program to further define tax areas. This program specifies the company, supplier, row number (from the Tax Rate/Area Revisions form), and whether the tax is applicable to accounts payable and accounts receivable transactions.

See Also

(ECU, PER, and VEN) Tax Rate/Areas for Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela

(COL and ECU) Tax Explanation Codes for Columbia and Ecuador

Setting Up Tax Rate Areas

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Set Up Additional Tax Rate Information

Form Name




Tax Setup - Ecuador


Ecuadorian Localizations (G76E), Additional Pair Tax.

Enter additional pair tax on the first available blank detail row.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Additional Tax Rate Information

Access the Additional Pair Tax form.

T/C Company and Supplier (user defined code (KY))

Specify the Person/Corporation code (76C/PC).