(CZE, HUN, POL, and RUS) Setting Up Legal Numbering for Legal Documents

This chapter provides an overview of legal numbering for legal documents and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Legal Numbering for Legal Documents

You set up legal numbering so that invoices that you print from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management systems contain information that is required for tax reporting. You follow the process to set up legal numbering for each type of document that uses a legal numbering scheme.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up UDCs to Number Legal Documents

Set up these UDCs to work with legal documents.

(CZE and HUN) Generate Contact Information (70/CI)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you set up document types in the Legal Document Types program (P7400002). Verify that these values exist in your system:




Do not generate Contact Information


Generate from Transaction Orig


Generate from User ID

Legal Document Type Group (74/DG)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne provides hard-coded values for this UDC. You use these values when you set up document types in the Legal Document Types program. Verify that these values exist in your system:




Not Applicable/Other




Credit Note/ Debit Note


Shipment Note


Exchange Rate Difference

Discriminate Taxes (74/DL)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. Select a value from this UDC table when you set up legal document types in the Legal Document Types program. Values are:




Do not discriminate


Discriminate by detail line


Discriminate by Tax Code


Total Taxes by Tax Code / Rate


Discr by Tax Code and Total

Number of Copies Source (74/NC)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC table. If you select L (legal document type) when you set up legal document types, you must provide additional information for the legal document type. Values are:




Billing information


Legal Document Type

Print Line Types for Legal Documents (74/PL)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC that the system uses to specify the types of lines that the system can print on legal documents. You use the values in this UDC when you set up print templates for legal documents in the Print Template Def Legal Doc program (P7430021).

Note. Values exist in this UDC table that are used only in India localization.

Verify that these values exist in the system:




Internal Text Code 1 Line


Invoice Line AR


India Dealer 1st Stage Details


India Manufacturer Details


Invoice Line SOP


Price Adjustment Type 2


Price Adjustment Type 6


Shipment Guide Line


Tax Line by Tax Rate


Text Message Coded




Assessable Value






Tax Line

Legal Document Title Print (74/PT)

Set up values in this UDC to use when you print legal documents. Use the legal document type that you set up using the Legal Document Types program as the value in the Codes field, and enter the name of the document, as you want it to print, in the Description field.

Examples of values include:




Correction invoice


Tax invoice


VAT invoice

Supplier Address Source (74/SC)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC that you assign when you set up legal document types using the Legal Document Type program. Values are:




Legal Company


Business unit





VAT Condition (74/VC)

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software provides hard-coded values for this UDC. The system uses the values in this UDC to associate legal document types with document types when you use the Legal Documents Types/Document Types Relationships program (P7400003). Verify that these values exist in the system:






Not registered

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Legal Document Types

This section provides an overview of legal document types and discusses how to enter legal document types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Legal Document Types

You set up legal document types to specify how the system handles taxes for a type of document, whether the system must print the document on one page, and whether multiple payment terms are allowed for a document. You use the Legal Document Types program (P7400002) to associate the legal document types that you create with the legal document type groups that exist in the Legal Document Type Group (74/DG) UDC table.

When you create legal document types, you assign a legal document type group to each document type by selecting a value from the Legal Document Type Group UDC table.

Set up legal document types for:

The system stores the legal document types that you create in the Legal Document Types table (F7400002).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Enter Legal Document Types

Form Name




Work With Legal Document Types


  • (CZE and HUN) Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Legal Document Type

  • (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74PDOC), Legal Document Type

  • (RUS) Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Legal Document Type

Review or select an existing legal document type.

Legal Document Type Revision


On the Work With Legal Document Types form, click Add.

Enter legal document types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Legal Document Types

Access the Legal Document Type Revision form.

Legal Document Type

Enter the name that you assign to a legal document type.

Legal Document Type Group

Enter a value that exists in the Legal Document Type Group (74/DG) UDC table to specify the group to which the legal document type belongs. Values are:

Blank: Not Applicable /Other

CD: Credit note / Debit note

CI: Correction Invoice

ED: Exchange Rate Difference

IN: Invoice

SN: Shipment Note.

(CZE) Use IN for invoices, prepayment invoices, and VAT accounting invoices. Use CD for credit and debit notes.

(HUN) Use IN for invoices, CI for correction invoices, and CD for reverse invoices (storno).

(RUS) Use IN for tax invoices and SN for the Goods Dispatch Note and Stock Delivery Note.

(POL) Use IN for invoices, prepayment invoices, and VAT accounting invoices. Use CD for credit and debit notes.

Calculate Taxes

Select to have the system calculate taxes. The system enables the Discriminate Taxes field when you select this option.

(CZE) Select this option when processing invoices, prepayment invoices, VAT accounting invoices, and credit and debit notes.

(HUN) Select this option when processing correction invoices.

(RUS) Select this option when processing tax invoices, goods dispatch notes, and stock delivery notes.

(POL) Select this option when processing invoices and correction invoices.

Discriminate Taxes

Enter a value that exists in the Discriminate Taxes (74/DL) UDC table to specify whether the system prints the value of the goods or services and the tax amounts separately (discriminates the taxes). The system enables the Discriminate Taxes field only when you select the Calculate Taxes option.

Values are:

0: Do not discriminate. The taxes are included in the unit and extended prices.

1: Discriminate by detail line. The taxes are not included in the price. The total tax rate and total tax amount of a line are printed in each detail line.

2: Discriminate by tax code. The taxes are not included in the price; they are printed separately below each detail line. This option is not applicable when you select the One Page Document check box.

3: Total taxes by tax code and rate. The taxes are not included in the price; they are grouped by tax rate at the end of the document. This option is not applicable when you select the One Page Document check box.

4: Discriminate by tax code and total. The taxes are not included in the price; they are printed separately below each detail line and also grouped by tax rate at the end of the document. This option is not applicable when you select the One Page Document check box.

(HUN) Enter 3 when working with invoices, correction invoices, and reverse (storno) invoices.

(POL) Enter 1 when working with invoices and correction invoices.

(RUS) Enter 1 when working with tax invoices, goods dispatch notes, and stock delivery notes.

One Page Document

Select to have the system print the legal document on one page.

(CZE and HUN) Do not select this check box for invoices, credit and debit notes, or correction invoices.

Break on Payment Term

Select to have the system print the detail lines for only one payment term. If you do not select this check box, the system does not create a page break based on payment terms.

(CZE) Select this check box for invoices, prepayment invoices, VAT accounting invoices, and credit and debit notes.

(HUN) Select this check box for invoices, correction invoices, and reverse invoices.

(RUS) Do not select this check box for goods dispatch notes and stock delivery notes.

Number of Copies Source

Enter a value that exists in the Number of Copies Source (74/NC) UDC table. Values are:

Blank: Use the customer billing instructions that exist in the Customer Master Information (P03013) program to specify the number of copies.

L: Legal document. The system prints the number of copies that you specify in the Number of Legal Document Copies field.

Number of Legal Document Copies

Enter the number of copies to print. The system enables this field only when the value in Number of Copies Source field is L.

Supplier Address Source

Enter a value that exists in the Supplier Address Source (74/SC) UDC table to specify the source that the system uses for the entity that prints the document. Values are:

Blank: Legal company

B: Business Unit C: Company

S: Country-Specific

(CZE and HUN) Leave this field blank to specify that the system uses the legal company.

Generate Bank Connection Information

(POL and RUS) The system does not print banking information on legal documents for India, Poland, or Russia, so you can leave this field blank. The system ignores any value that you enter in this field when you print Indian, Polish, or Russian legal documents.

(CZE, HUN) Select this check box to have the system include banking information on the legal document. You specify the details of the banking information in the Bank Connections for Legal Document program (P700050).

Generate Contact Information

(POL and RUS) The system does not print contact information on the legal documents for Poland and Russia, so you can leave this field blank. The system ignores any value that you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents.

(CZE and HUN) Enter a value that exists in the Generate Contact Information (70/CI) UDC table to specify whether the system includes contact information in the footer of the legal document. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate contact information

1: Generate from transaction originator. The system uses the address number of the user who generates the transaction to generate the contact information.

2: Generate from user ID. The system uses the address number of the user who prints the transaction to generate the contact information. The system prints the mailing name, professional title, phone number, and mailing address used from the Who’s Who table (F0111) for the address number used for the contact information.

The system uses information in the Contact Information Address Number processing option in the P7420565 program as well as the value in this field to determine the contact information to print.

If you complete the Contact Information Address Number processing option in the P7420565 program or the Invoice Print – PO (R7430030) program, the system uses the specified address number to generate the contact information of the legal documents, even if you leave the Generate Contact Information field blank in the legal document setup. The processing option value overrides the value in the Generate Contract Information field of the setup.

Click to jump to parent topicAssociating Legal Document Types with Document Types

This section provides an overview of the association of legal document types with document types and discusses how to associate legal document types with document types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Associate Legal Document Types with Document Types

Before you can generate legal documents, you must set up document types (internal document types) in the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table for each legal document that you use. You associate the values in the 00/DT UDC table with the values that you create for legal document types.

You use the Legal Document Types program to create legal document types, then use the Legal Doc. Type / Doc Type Relation program (P7400003) to create the relationships between legal document types and internal document types. When you create the relationships, you also specify the company for which the relationship applies and the VAT Register VAT Condition for which the relationship applies.

The system stores the relationships in the Legal Document Types / Document Types Relationship (F7400003) table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Associate Legal Document Types with Document Types

Form Name




Work with Legal Document Types/Document Types Relationship


  • (CZE and HUN) Legal Document Setup (G70LD00), Legal Doc. Type / Doc Type Relation

  • (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74PDOC), Legal Doc. Type / Doc Type Relation

  • (RUS) Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Legal Doc. Type / Doc Type Relation

Select an existing record.

Legal Document Types/Document Types Relationship Revision


Click Add on the Work with Legal Document Types/Document Types Relationship form.

Associate legal document types with document types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Legal Document Types with Document Types

Access the Legal Document Types/Document Types Relationship Revision form.

Legal Company

Enter the company for which the association applies.

Document Type

Enter the document type that you want to associate with the legal document type. You must enter a value that exists in the Document Type (00/DT) UDC table and the Document Types - Invoices Only (00/DI) UDC table.

VAT Condition

Enter a VAT condition code that exists in the VAT Condition (74/VC) UDC table. The system associates this code with the legal document type.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type that you want to associate with the document type. The legal document type that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Legal Documents Issue Places

This section provides an overview of legal-document issue-places and discusses how to enter legal document issue places.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Issue Places

You use the Issue Place (P7400004) program to set up codes to represent the locations where legal documents are issued. For example, if the company issues documents from a general office and from a warehouse, you set up codes to represent each of these locations. You do not need to set up issue places unless you issue legal documents from more than one location.

The system stores the codes that you set up in the Legal Document Issue Places table (F7400004).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Legal Document Issue Places

Form Name




Work With Legal Documents Issue Places


  • (CZE and HUN) Legal Document Setup (G70LD00), Issue Places

  • (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74PDOC), Issue Places

  • (RUS) Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Issue Places

Review or select an existing record.

Legal Documents Issue Places Revision


On the Work With Legal Documents Issue Places form, click Add.

Enter issue places.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Issue Places

Access the Legal Documents Issue Places Revision form.

Issue Place

Enter a code that represents the location where the document is issued.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Legal Documents

This section provides an overview of next numbers for legal documents and discusses how to set up next numbers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Next Numbers for Legal Documents

The numbering for each type of legal document must be consecutive. Because you can print some of the legal documents from more than one JD Edwards EnterpriseOne program, you set up next numbers for legal documents so that the system assigns a valid next number no matter which program you use to print a document.

You use the Legal Document Next Number program (P7400001) to set up different next numbering schemes for each type of legal document. For example, you might set up a next numbering scheme for standard invoices and a different next numbering scheme for VAT invoices.

The system stores the next numbering schemes in the Legal Document Next Numbers table (F7400001).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Next Numbers for Legal Documents

Form Name




Work with Next Legal Document Numbers


Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Legal Document Next Number

Review or select an existing numbering scheme.

Next Legal Document Numbers Revision


On the Work with Next Legal Document Numbers form, click Add.

Set up next numbers for legal documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Next Numbers for Legal Documents

Access the Next Legal Document Numbers Revision form.

Legal Company

Enter the company for which you set up the next numbers.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type for which you set up next numbers. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Issue Place

Enter the code that represents the place of issue for the legal document. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400004 table.

Legal Document Type Same As

Enter the legal document types that share the same next numbering scheme. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Next Legal Number

Enter the number that precedes the number that the system uses as the first number in the next numbering scheme. For example, if you enter 99, the system uses 100 as the first number in the next numbering scheme for the legal document type that you specify.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Print Template Definitions for Legal Documents

This section provides an overview of print template definitions and discusses how to set up print template definitions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Print Template Definitions

You use the Print Template Definition program (P7430021) to set up print templates to define the number of rows and the types of information that print in the detail section of legal documents. After you set up the print template definitions, you assign legal document types to the definitions so that the system uses the correct template for each legal document type.

The system stores information about print templates in the Print Template Definition of Legal Documents table (F7430021), the Print Line Types Definition for Legal Documents table (F7430022), and the Legal Document Types / Print Templates Relationship table (F7430023).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Print Template Definitions

Form Name




Work With Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents


Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Print Template Definition

Review or select an existing print template.

Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents Revision


On the Work With Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents form, click Add.

Set up print template definitions for legal documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Print Template Definitions

Access the Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents Revision form.

Print Template

Enter a code that you assign to the print template. You must complete this field.

Detail Section Total Number of Rows

Enter the total number of rows that fit in the detail section of a document page, assuming that every page of the document has the same quantity of rows available for printing or the document has just one page. You enter the number of rows so that the system can calculate the total number of pages used to print a document.

(CZE and HUN) Enter 7 if you use the R7430040 program to print legal documents.

(POL and RUS) The system does not print the total number of pages on the legal documents for Poland and Russia, so you can leave this field blank. The system ignores any value that you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents.

Print SO Attachments in Detail Section (print sales order attachments in detail section)

Select to have the system print the sales order header attachment in the detail section of the document.

Nbr of Rows for SO Attachments (number of rows for sales order attachments)

This field is enabled only when you select the Print SO Attachments in Detail Section check box.

Enter the maximum number of rows that are available to print the sales order header attachment. If the document is defined as a one-page document, then the value that you enter here must be less than the value entered in the Detail Section Total Number of Rows field.

Print Line Attachments

Select to have the system print the sales order line attachments in the detail section of the document.

Nbr of Rows for Line Attachments (number of rows for line attachments)

This field is enabled only when you select the Print Line Attachments check box.

Enter the maximum number of rows that are available to print the sales order detail attachment. If the document is defined as a one-page document, then the value that you enter here must be less than the value entered in the Detail Section Total Number of Rows field.

Attachment Line Length

Enter the maximum number of characters to print in an attachment line. If the attachment line has fewer characters than the value that you enter, the system prints the attachment text on one line. If the attachment line has more characters than the value that you enter, the system prints the attachments on multiple lines, up to the number of lines that you specify in the Nbr of Rows for SO Attachments field or the Nbr of Rows for Line Attachments field.

Detail Section Total Number of Rows on First Page

Enter the total number of rows that fit in the detail section of the document’s first page when you print a multipage document. You specify this value so that the system calculates the total number of pages used to print a document. If you do not complete this field, the system uses the value that you enter in the Detail Section Total Number of Rows field as the number of rows for the first page.

(CZE and HUN) Enter 7 if you use the R7430040 program to print the legal document.

(POL and RUS) The system ignores any value that you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents. You do not need to complete this field for Polish or Russian transactions.

Detail Section Total Number of Rows on Middle Pages

Enter the total number of rows that fit in the detail section of the document’s middle pages when you print a document with more than two pages. You specify this value so that the system calculates the total number of pages used to print a document. If you do not complete this field, the system uses the value that you enter in the Detail Section Total Number of Rows field as the number of rows for the first page.

(CZE and HUN) Enter 34 if you use the R7430040 program to print the legal document.

(POL and RUS) The system ignores any value that you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents. You do not need to complete this field for Polish or Russian transactions.

Detail Section Total Number of Rows on Last Page

Enter the total number of rows that fit in the detail section of the document’s final page when you print a multipage document. You specify this value so that the system calculates the total number of pages used to print a document. If you do not complete this field, the system uses the value that you enter in the Detail Section Total Number of Rows field as the number of rows for the first page.

(CZE and HUN) Enter 34 if you use the R7430040 program to print the legal document.

(POL and RUS) The system ignores any value that you enter in this field when you print Polish or Russian legal documents. You do not need to complete this field for Polish or Russian transactions.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Rows for Print Template Line Types

This section discusses how to define the number of rows for print template line types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Specify Rows for Print Template Line Types

Form Name




Work With Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents


  • (CZE and HUN) Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Print Template Definition

  • (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74PDOC), Print Template Def. Legal Doc.

  • (RUS) Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Print Template Def. Legal Doc.

Select an existing print template.

Print Line Types Definition for Legal Documents


On the Work With Print Templates Definition for Legal Documents Revisions form, select Line Types Definition from the Form menu.

Define the number of rows for line types that print on legal documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Number of Rows

Access the Print Line Types Definition for Legal Documents form.

Print Template Line Type

Enter the line type for which you want to specify the number of allowed rows. The value that you enter must exist in the Print Line Types for Legal Docs (74/PL) UDC table.

No Rows for Line Type

Enter the maximum number of rows on which the system prints the line type that you specify. The maximum number is 999.

Note. (CZE) The value for line type ISO must be 4.

Click to jump to parent topicAssociating Legal Document Types with Print Templates

You use the Print Template/Legal Doc. Type Relation program (P7430023) to associate a legal document type with a print template.

This section discusses how to associate legal document types with print templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Associate Legal Document Types with Print Templates

Form Name




Work with Legal Document Types / Print Templates


  • (CZE and HUN) Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Print Template/Legal Doc. Type Relation

  • (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74PDOC), Print Template Def. Relationship

  • (RUS) (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Print Template Def. Relationship

Review or select an existing record.

Legal Document Types / Print Templates Relationship Revision


On the Work with Legal Document Types / Print Templates form, click Add.

Associate legal document types with print templates.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssociating Legal Document Types with Print Templates

Access the Legal Document Types / Print Templates Relationship Revision form.

Legal Company

Enter the company for which you set up the association between a legal document type and a print template.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type with which you associate a print template. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Print Template

Enter the print template that you associate with the legal document type. The value that you enter must exist in the F7430021 table.

Click to jump to parent topicSpecifying Programs and Versions to Print Legal Documents

This section provides overviews of versions for legal documents and corresponding versions and discusses how to specify versions and print programs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Versions for Legal Documents

You use the Legal Document / Print UBEs Relation program (P7430024) to associate legal document types with versions of print programs that generate legal documents. For example, to set up a version for invoices:

The system stores the information for versions and programs in the F7430024 table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Set Up Corresponding Versions

For legal documents that are printed from the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Sales Order Management system, you must set up corresponding versions for the legal documents in the country-specific programs for the legal documents, and in the Print Invoices (R42565) program. You do this in addition to completing the steps to set up legal numbering and associate print templates with legal document types.

(CZE) You use the P7420565 program to set up versions for:

(HUN) You use the P7420565 program to set up versions for:

(POL) You use the P7420565 program to set up versions for:

(RUS) You use the P7420565 program to set up versions for:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Specify Versions and Print Programs

Form Name




Work With Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions


  • (CZE and HUN) Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Legal Document / Print UBEs Relation

  • (POL) Set Up Legal Documents (G74PDOC), Legal Document / UBE Relationship

  • (RUS) Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Legal Document / UBE Relationship

Select an existing record.

Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions Revision


On the Work With Legal Documents Print UBEs & Version form, click Add.

Specify the versions and print programs that the system uses to print legal documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Versions and Print Programs

Access the Legal Documents Print UBEs & Versions Revision form.

Legal Company

Enter the company for which you set up the association between a print program and a version for the print program.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type for which you associate a print program and a version of the print program. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Issue Place

Enter the place of issue of the legal document. This field is optional. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400004 table.

User ID

Enter a user ID to confine permission to print the document to the specified person. This field is optional.

UBE (universal batch engine)

Enter the print program to which you want to associate a version.


Enter the version of the program that you specified in the UBE field that you want the system to use when you run the specified program.

Click to jump to parent topic(CZE and HUN) Setting Up Bank Information for Legal Documents

This section discusses how to set up bank information for legal documents.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Bank Information for Legal Documents

Form Name




Work With Bank Connection


Legal Document Set Up (G70LD00), Bank Connections for Legal Document

Review and select existing records.

Bank Connection for Legal Documents


Click Add on the Work With Bank Connection form.

Enter information about the currency, company, and bank.

View bank account information by selecting Select Account from the Form menu.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Bank Information for Legal Documents

Access the Bank Connection for Legal Documents form.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code to use for the transactions.


Enter the company for which you set up the bank information.

Business Unit

Enter the business unit for the company.

Address Book

Enter the address book number of the customer or supplier for whom you generate the legal document.

Bank Description

The system completes this field with the information for the company's bank account from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table when you select to add bank information to the record.

Bank Acct #

The system completes this field with the information from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table when you select to add bank information to the record.

IBAN (International Bank Account Number)

The system completes this field with the information from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table when you select to add bank information to the record.

SWIFT Code (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications)

The system completes this field with the information from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table when you select to add bank information to the record.

Bank Transit

The system completes this field with the information from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table when you select to add bank information to the record.

Address Number - Bank

The system completes this field with the information from the Bank Transit Master (F0030) table when you select to add bank information to the record.

Click to jump to parent topic(RUS) Setting Up Legal Document Footer Signatures

This section provides an overview of footer signatures and discusses how to set up footer signatures.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Legal Document Footer

You set up legal document footers to specify the persons who are responsible for issuing or reviewing legal documents. You set up specific information for each legal document type.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Footer Signatures

Form Name




Work With Legal Document Footer Signature


Set Up Legal Documents (G74RDOC), Set Up - Legal Document Footer Signature

Select an existing record.

Legal Document Footer Signature Setup


On the Work With Legal Document Footer Signature form, click Add.

Add information to create a footer section for a signature on a legal document.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Footer Signatures

Access the Legal Document Footer Signature Setup form.

Legal Company

Enter the company for which you want to set up the signature footer.

Program ID

Enter the program ID of the print program that generates the legal document.

Legal Document Type

Enter the legal document type for which you create the signature footer. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400002 table.

Issue Place

Enter the place of issue of the legal document. The value that you enter must exist in the F7400004 table.


Enter the version of the print program that generates the legal document.

Signature Role

Enter the role of the person who will sign the legal document. The value that you enter must exist in the Signature Role (74R/RL) UDC table. You must complete this field.

Sequence Number

Enter the sequence number of the signature line that you want to print. You assign sequence numbers when you set up report formats.

Address Number

Enter the address book number of the person who will sign the legal document.

Alpha Name

Enter the name of the chief accountant or company CEO that appears on the invoice or legal document.


Enter the position of the person issuing the legal document.

Signature Status

Enter a value to specify the status of the person signing the legal document. The value that you enter must exist in the Signature Status (74R/FS) UDC table.