(HUN) Printing VAT and Other EU Reports for Hungary

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the VAT Declaration Report

This section provides an overview of how to populate the Hungarian VAT table, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding How to Populate the Hungarian VAT Table

Companies in Hungary are entitled to reclaim value-added tax (VAT) for paid invoices in certain circumstances. You include in the VAT recoverable report only those vouchers that are paid in the reporting period. You run the VAT Table Build program to identify the paid vouchers and populate the VAT Declaration Detail table (F74H1004). After you populate the F74H1004 table, you run the Hungarian VAT Declaration program (R74H1003) to generate the VAT report that you use to reclaim VAT.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRequirements

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the VAT Table Build Program

Select Tax Reports (G74H00), VAT Table Build.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for VAT Table Build (R74H1002)

Processing options enable you to set default processing values.


From Date

Enter the beginning of a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

Thru Date

Enter the end of a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

Proof (0) / Final (1) Mode:

Enter 1 to run the VAT table build process in final mode. In final mode, the system creates entries in the F74H1004 table for each selected voucher that is paid in full, and creates a header record in the VAT Table Build Header table (F74H1002). You do not use data selection when running this process in final mode.

When you leave this processing option blank to run the process in proof mode, the system does not update the tables.

Title Text

Enter the text that the system prints as the report title. You can enter up to 30 characters.

Payment Date (-to):

Specify a payment date through which you want to process payments. For example, to process payments consisting of vouchers with payment dates through March 15, 2007, enter 03/15/07. The system verifies that the payments were made on or before March 15, 2007.

Note. If you leave the Payment Date (-to) processing option blank and the voucher is not assigned the code that is entered in the Payment Handling Code processing option, the system does not process the voucher.


Pay Status

Enter 1 to specify that the system uses the value in the Vendor Invoice Numbers (VINV) field to determine whether all invoices with that number are paid. When you enter 1, the system includes for processing only those vouchers for which all invoices are paid.

Leave this processing option blank to use the document number to select records to process.

Exclude Documents

Enter 1 to exclude from processing the documents that have the special handling code specified in the Payment Handling Code processing option.

Payment Handling Code

Enter a value that exists in the Special Handling Code-A/P Pymt (00/HC) to exclude documents that have the special handling code assigned.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Hungarian VAT Declaration Program

Select Tax Reports (G74H00), Hungarian VAT Declaration.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Hungarian VAT Declaration (R74H1003)

Processing options enable you to set default processing values.


Proof (0) / Final (1) Mode:

Enter 1 to run the report in final mode. In final mode, the system updates the VAT Declaration Status from CRE (created) to DEC (declared) in the F74H1003 and F74H1004 tables, assigns the next number as set up in the second row of the system 74H next numbers as the VAT declaration ID number, and prints a report.

Title Text:

Enter the text that the system prints as the report title. You can enter up to 30 characters.

Hungarian VAT Decl Status

Enter a value that exists in the VAT Reclamation Status (74H/VS) UDC table. The system selects nonprocessed records when you enter CRE, and selects processed records when you enter DEC. If you enter DEC, the system runs the report in proof mode and does not update tables.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the Hungarian VAT Report

This section provides an overview of the Hungarian value-added tax (VAT) report and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Hungarian VAT Report

If you are a VAT registered entity, you must submit a monthly VAT report to the tax authorities. The VAT report includes the taxable amount and the tax amount according to the tax rates and nature of the transactions. The report that is generated by the Hungarian VAT Report program (R74H1007) lists VAT taxes grouped by the VAT summary code. You set up the VAT summary code for your transaction in the Tax Rate Summary Setup program (P74H1007). Use data selection to specify the tax summary codes to include in the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Hungarian VAT Report Program

Select Tax Reports (G74H00), Hungarian VAT Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Hungarian VAT Report (R74H1007)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


Date - Service/Tax - From

Enter the beginning of the range of services tax dates from which the system selects transactions.

Date - Service/Tax - To

Enter the end of the range of service tax dates from which the system selects transactions.

Address Number of National Bank

Enter the address book number of the National Bank. The report uses the address book number to retrieve the current conversion rate for the National Bank during the currency conversion process.


Level of Detail Option

Specify the level of detail of the report. Values are:

1: Invoice/Voucher level

2: Tax Rate/Area Group level

3: Tax Summary Code level

Print Option

Specify whether the system selects all vouchers for processing. Values are:

1: Print records for all vouchers.

2: Print only records for vouchers with reclaimable VAT.

3: Exclude records for vouchers with reclaimable VAT.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating the Hungarian EU Reports

This section provides an overview of the Hungarian European Union (EU) reports and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Hungarian EU Reports

In Hungary, VAT registered entities must submit monthly VAT returns to tax authorities that summarize the taxable and tax amounts according to the tax rates and nature of the transaction. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne software for Hungary provides two EU sales reports. The Hungarian EU Sales Report program reports on records in the Customer Ledger table (F03B11). The EU Transaction Summary Report program reports on records in the Taxes Table (F0018). These reports list the sales transactions in a detailed or summarized mode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Hungarian EU Sales Report Program

Select Tax Reports (G74H00), Hungarian EU Sales Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Hungarian EU Sales Report (R74H1051)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


1. Date From

Enter the beginning of a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

2. Date To

Enter the end of a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

3. Select Date:

Specify the date type that the system uses when selecting records to process. Values are:

1: GL date

2: Tax service date

3: Invoice date

4. Company

Enter the company number for which you process records.


1. Print detail:

Enter 1 to print a detailed report. Leave this processing option blank to print a summarized report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Hungarian EU Transaction Summary Report Program

Select Tax Reports (G74H00), Hungarian EU Transaction Summary Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Hungarian EU Transaction Summary Report (R74H1052)

Processing options enable you to specify default processing values.


1. Date From

Enter the beginning of a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

2. Date To

Enter the end of a range of dates that the system uses to select records to process.

3. Select Date:

Specify the date type that the system uses when selecting records to process. Values are:

1: GL date

2: Tax service date



Enter the company number for which you process records.

Print detail:

Enter 1 to print a detailed report. Leave this processing option blank to print a summarized report.