Appendix: Understanding Formula Elements

This appendix discusses formula elements.

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The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Fixed Assets system includes these elements that you can include in the depreciation formulas:

This table describes each element:




Asset Cost - Inception to Date Through Current Year

Source: F1202 (FLAPYC plus period buckets)

Element 01 adds the beginning balance field with all of the current year posting amounts for Fixed Assets cost accounts. A cost record in the Fixed Assets Balances table (F1202) has a balance character code (FLCHCD) of 1.


Accumulated Depreciation - Balance Forward (Primary)

Source: F1202 (FLAPYC)

Element 02 uses the beginning balance field for the accumulated depreciation expense accounts to calculate the prior year-ending balance amounts. A primary accumulated depreciation expense account in the Fixed Assets Balances table (F1202) has a balance character code (FLCHCD) of 2.


Asset Life in Periods

Source: F1202 (FLADLM)

Application: Depreciation Information (P1202)

Element 03 uses the number of life months as it is stored in table F1202 for an asset.


Asset Life in Periods Elapsed at Beginning of Current Year

Calculated: (Element 3 (Asset Life in Periods)) - (Element 05 (Asset Life Periods Remaining at Beginning of Current Year))

Use this element to determine the number of periods that have already elapsed for an asset.

For example, the asset life in periods is 60 months. The remaining periods at the beginning of the year is 36 months. (60 months) - (36 months) = (24 periods) that have elapsed at the beginning of the year.


Asset Life Periods Remaining at Beginning of Current Year

Calculated: (Element 15. (Asset Life Days Remaining at Beginning of Current Year)) / 365.25 * (Element 49 (Normal Number of Periods))

Use this element to determine the number of periods remaining for an asset at the beginning of the year.

For example, a 5-year asset has 1,096 days remaining at the beginning of the current fiscal year. This element calculates (the number of days remaining at the beginning of the year) / 365.25 * (the normal number of periods). (1096/365.25) * 12 = (36 months)


Asset Life Periods Current Year

Calculated: (Element 18 (Asset Life Days Percent in Current Year)) * (Element 03 (Asset Life Periods))

Use this element to determine an asset's life in periods for the current year.

For example, a 5-year asset has a life of 1826.25 days, or (365.25 days) * (5 years). If the asset is in year 2 of its life, then the number of days that the asset is depreciable is 365.25 for the entire second year. The number of periods is calculated as (365.25/1826.25) * 60 = (12 periods).


Salvage Value

Source: F12852 (LVFORS)

Application: Depreciation Rule Revisions (P12851)

Calculated: (Element 03 (Asset Life Periods)) - (Element 05 (Assets Life Periods Remaining at Beginning of Current Year)).

Calculate results from the formula that is associated with the Salvage Value formula defined in the current life year rule. Use this element in any formula for Upper/Lower Limits, Basis, or depreciation formulas. The default value is zero.

Note. Element 07 has precedence if both Element 07 and Element 46 are defined.


Annual Depreciation Base Amount

Source: F12852 (LVFORL)

Application: Depreciation Rule Revisions (P12851)

Calculate results from the formula that is associated with the Lower Limit formula defined in the current life year rule. Use the Lower Limit value (Element 08) in any formula for Basis, or Depreciation formulas. The default value is zero.

Runtime Processing after Depreciation Formula calculation:

Example 1: Annual Depreciation = 800, Lower Limit = 1000, Adjust Annual Depreciation = 1000

Example 2: Annual Depreciation = 1000, Lower Limit = 800, No Adjustment


Annual Depreciation Limit

Source: F12852 (LVFORU)

Application: Depreciation Rule Revisions (P12851)

Calculate results from the formula that is associated with the Upper Limit formula defined in the current life year rule. Use the Upper Limit value (Element 09) in any formula for Basis, or Depreciation formulas. The default value is zero.

Runtime Processing after Depreciation Formula calculation:

Example 1: Annual Depreciation = 1000, Upper Limit = 800, Adjust Annual Depreciation = 800

Example 2: Annual Depreciation = 800, Upper Limit = 1000, No Adjustment



Source: F12852 (LVFORB)

Application: Depreciation Rule Revisions (P12851)

Calculate results from the formula that is associated with the Basis formula defined in the current life year rule. Use the Basis value (Element 10) in Depreciation formulas. Default Value is Element 01 (Inception to Date Cost).


Annual Rule Multiplier

Source: F12852 (LVANMP)

Application: Depreciation Rule Revisions (P12851) Annual Rule Formula. Use this element as a constant multiplier for a life year rule.

Calculated: (Element 10 (Basis)) * (Element 11 (Annual Rule Multiplier)). For example, MACRS methods 12 and 13.

This element is derived from the percent amount that you specify in the Annual Multiplier field on the Life Year Rules form (W12851E). Use this element to establish a fixed percentage that can be used in a formula for a specific period of time in an asset's life. If a depreciation formula is not defined, the system automatically uses depreciation formula 95.



Source: F12853 (LWDFAM)

Application: Depreciation Formulas (P12853)

This element is derived from the value that is specified in the Multiplier/Constant field in the depreciation formula. To define a constant for Upper/Lower limits, the formula is defined as 12 with the appropriate constant value in the Multiplier/Constant field.


Asset Life in Days

Calculated: (Element 03 (Asset Life Periods)) / (Element 49 (Normal Number of Periods)) * 365.25)

For example, if a 5-year asset's life is 60 periods and 12 periods are in a year, then (60/12) * 365.25 = 1826. This element does not use rounding or zero decimals.


Asset Life in Days Expired at Beginning of Current Year

Calculated: (Element 13 (Asset Life in Days)) - Element 15 (Asset Life in Days Remaining at Beginning of Current Year)).


Asset Life in Days Remaining at Beginning of Current Year

Calculated: If (Modified Start Date Fiscal Year < F0008 Start PO Through Date Fiscal Year) Element 13 - F0008 Start PO Through Date - Modified Start Date, else Element 13


Asset Life in Days to Depreciate Current Year

Calculated: If (Modified Start Date Fiscal Year = F0008 Start PO Through Date Fiscal Year) F0008 Last Period - Modified Start Date, else if (Fully Depreciated Date Fiscal Year = F0008 Start PO Through Date Fiscal Year) Fully Depreciated Date - F0008 Start PO Through Date, else if (Disposal Date Fiscal Year = F0008 Start PO Through Date Fiscal Year) Disposal Date - F0008 Start PO Through Date, else F0008 Last Period - F0008 Start PO Through Date


Asset Life Days Percent Expired at Beginning of Current Year

Calculated: (Element 14 (Asset Life Days Expired at Beginning of Current Year)) / (Element 13 (Asset Life in Days)).


Asset Life Days Percent in Current Year

Calculated: (Element 16 (Asset Life in Days to Depreciate Current Year) / (Element 13 (Asset Life in Days)).

For example, if a 5-year asset is in year 2 of its life, then the number of days that the asset is depreciable is 365.25. The percentage is calculated as 365.25/1826.25 = 20 percent.


Asset Life Days Percent Remaining at Beginning of Current Year

Calculated: (Element 15 (Asset Life Days Remaining at Beginning of Current Year)) / (Element 13 (Asset Life in Days)).

For example, if an asset had 1096 days remaining at the beginning of the year and its life was 1826 days, then the calculation is 1096/1826 = 60 percent.


Asset Life Days Percent Inception Through End of Current Year

Calculated: ((Element 14 (Asset Life Days Expired at Beginning of Current Year)) + (Element 16 (Asset Life in Days to Depreciate Current Year))) / (Element 13 (Asset Life in Days)).


Asset Life Days Percent in First Year

Calculated: If ((Disposal Date Blank) and (Disposal Date Fiscal Year < Modified Depreciation Start Date Fiscal Year)), ((Disposal Date) - (Modified Depreciation Start Date) + 1) / (Element 13)

Else ((End of Fiscal Year Date for the modified start fiscal year) - (Modified Depreciation Start Date) + 1) / (Element 13)


Year-to-Date Accumulated Depreciation Primary

Source: F1202 (sum of period buckets)

This element uses the sum of all the prior current period posting fields from the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202) for an asset, ledger type, subledger, or subledger type. The account type of 2 should be used for retrieval. (CHCD = 2 in F1202)


Accumulated Depreciation Balance Forward Secondary

Source: F1202 (FLAPYC)

The prior year balance from the Asset Account Balances File table (F1202) for an asset, ledger type, subledger, or subledger type that is related to secondary depreciation accounts. The SDA AAI identifies the secondary accumulated depreciation accounts. The account type of 3 should be used to retrieve the secondary depreciation. (CHCD = 3 in F1202)


Year-To-Date Accumulated Depreciation Secondary

Source: F1202 (sum of period buckets)

This element uses the sum of all of the prior current period posting fields from the Asset Accounts Balances File table (F1202) for an asset, ledger type, subledger, or subledger type. The account type of 3 should be used for retrieval. (CHCD = 3 in F1202)


Statistic Percent Inception to Date Through Current Year

Calculated: (Element 28 (Statistic Year to Date DS1xxx)) / (Element 30 (Statistic Unit Inception To Date Base DS3xxx)).

Ledger Type: AU from F1202


Statistic Percent Current Period

Calculated: (Element 27 (Statistic Unit Current Period DS1xxx)) / (Element 30 (Statistic Unit Inception To Date Base DS3xxx)).

Ledger Type: AU from F1202


Statistic Unit Current Period DS1xxx

Source: Concatenate the category number that is defined from Fixed Asset Constants (F1200.LNDPCC) with DS1, and validate the DS1xxx AAI with company 00000.

Ledger Type: AU from F1202

If the DS1xxx AAI fails, validate the DS1 with company 00000.

If the AAI is successful, use the F1202 Key: FLNUMB = F1201.FANUMB (Asset Number), FLCTRY = F1202.FLCTRY (Century), FLFY = F1202.FLFY (Fiscal Year), FLLT = AU (Actual Units) from F1202, FLMCU = F1201.FAMCU or F0012.KGMCU (Business Unit), FLOBJ = F0012.KGOBJ (Object Account), FLSUB = F0012.KGSUB (Subsidiary)

The DS1 AAI is used with DS1xxx (category code) or DS1, company = 00000, MCU is optional, OBJ is required, and SUB is optional.

If the table F1202 fetch is successful, use the Current Period for the Result (Period) else default value is zero.


Statistic Year to Date DS1xxx

Source: Concatenate the category number that is defined from Fixed Asset Constants (F1200.LNDPCC) with DS1, and validate the DS1xxx AAI with company 00000.

Ledger Type: AU from F1202

If the DS1xxx AAI fails, validate the DSI with company 00000.

If the AAI is successful, use the F1202 Key: FLNUMB = F1201.FANUMB (Asset Number), FLCTRY = F1202.FLCTRY (Century), FLFY = F1202.FLFY (Fiscal Year), FLLT = AU (Actual Units) from F1202, FLMCU = F1201.FAMCU or F0012.KGMCU (Business Unit), FLOBJ = F0012.KGOBJ (Object Account), FLSUB = F0012.KGSUB (Subsidiary)

The DS1 AAI is used with DS1xxx (category code) or DS1, company = 00000, MCU is optional, OBJ is required, and SUB is optional. If the table F1202 fetch is successful, use Balance Forward with Balance Up to Current Period (FLAPYC + (sum of period buckets)) else default value is zero.


Statistic Unit Inception to Date Original DS2xxx

Source: Concatenate the category number that is defined from Fixed Asset Constants (F1200.LNDPCC) with DS2, and validate the DS2xxx AAI with company 00000.

Ledger Type: AU from F1202

If the DS2xxx AAI fails, validate the DS2 with company 00000.

If the AAI is successful, use the F1202 Key: FLNUMB = F1201.FANUMB (Asset Number), FLCTRY = F1202.FLCTRY (Century), FLFY = F1202.FLFY (Fiscal Year), FLLT = AU (Actual Units) from F1202, FLMCU = F1201.FAMCU or F0012.KGMCU (Business Unit), FLOBJ = F0012.KGOBJ (Object Account), FLSUB = F0012.KGSUB (Subsidiary)

The DS2 AAI is used with DS2xxx (category code) or DS2, company = 00000, MCU is optional, OBJ is required, and SUB is optional. If the F1202 fetch is successful, use Balance Forward with Balance Up to Current Period (FLAPYC + (sum of period buckets)) else default value is zero.


Statistic Unit Inception to Date Base DS3xxx

Source: Concatenate the category number that is defined from Fixed Asset Constants (F1200.LNDPCC) with DS3, and validate the DS3xxx AAI with company 00000.

Ledger Type: AU from F1202

If the DS3xxx AAI fails, validate the DS3 with company 00000.

If the AAI is successful, use the F1202 Key: FLNUMB = F1201.FANUMB (Asset Number), FLCTRY = F1202.FLCTRY (Century), FLFY = F1202.FLFY (Fiscal Year), FLLT = AU (Actual Units) from F1202, FLMCU = F1201.FAMCU or F0012.KGMCU (Business Unit), FLOBJ = F0012.KGOBJ (Object Account), FLSUB = F0012.KGSUB (Subsidiary)

The DS3 AAI is used with DS3xxx (category code) or DS3, company = 00000, MCU is optional, OBJ is required, and SUB is optional. If the F1202 fetch is successful, use Balance Forward with Balance Up to Current Period (FLAPYC + (sum of period buckets)) else default value is zero.


Statistic General Ledger Unit Inception to Date DS4xxx

Source: Concatenate the category number defined from Fixed Asset Constants (F1200.LNDPCC) with DS4, and validate the DS4xxx AAI with company 00000.

Ledger Type: AU from F0902

If the DS4xxx AAI fails, validate the DS4 with Company 00000.

If the AAI is successful, use the F1202 Key: GBCTRY = F1202.FLCTRY (Century), GBFY = F1202.FLFY (Fiscal Year), GBLT = AU (Actual Units) from F0902, GBMCU = F1201.FAMCU or F0012.KGMCU (Business Unit), GBOBJ = F0012.KGOBJ (Object Account), GBSUB = F0012.KGSUB (Subsidiary)

The DS4 AAI is used with DS4xxx (category code) or DS4, company = 00000, MCU is optional, OBJ is required, and SUB is optional. If the F0902 fetch is successful, use Balance Forward with Balance Up to Current Period (FLAPYC + (sum of period buckets)) else default value is zero.


Statistic General Ledger Percent

Calculated: (Element 31 (Statistic General Ledger Unit Inception to Date DS4xxx)) / 100.


Units of Production Current Year Percent

Calculated: (Element 34 (Units of Production Current Year)) / (Element 36 (Units of Production Total)) - (Element 35 (Units of Production Prior Year)).


Units of Production Current Year

Source: Retrieve Units of Production Current Year based on Schedule Number and Ledger Type. Fetch F1208 where F1208.FPADSN = F1202.FLADSN and F1208.FLLT = F1202.FLLT Units of Production Current Year (F1208.FPUPY)

Application: Units of Production Schedule (P1208)


Units of Production Prior Year

Source: Retrieve Units of Production Prior Year based on Schedule Number and Ledger Type.

Fetch F1208 where F1208.FPADSN = F1202.FLADSN and F1208.FLLT = F1202.FLLT Units of Production Prior Year (F1208.FPUPP).

Application: Units of Production Schedule (P1208)


Units of Production Total

Source: Retrieve Units of Production Total based on (Original units) + (Prior Year Revisions) + (Current Year Revisions).

Fetch F1208 where F1208.FPADSN = F1202.FLADSN and F1208.FLLT = F1202.FLLT Units of Production Total Revisions = (Original (F1208.FPTOU)) + (Prior Year Revisions (F1208.FPPRV)) + (Current Year Revisions (F1208.FPCRV)).

Application: Units of Production Schedule (P1208)


Sum of the Years Digits Denominator

Calculated: Sum of the Asset's Life Years

Example 1: 4 yr. = 4+3+2+1=10

Example 2: 5 yr. = 5+4+3+2+1=15


Sum of the Years Digits Numerator

Calculated: ((Element 03 (Asset Life Periods)) / (Element 49 (Normal Number of Periods))) - (Current Life Year) +1.


Sum of the Years Digits Inverse of Years Digit

Calculated: (Element 38 (Sum of Years Digits Numerator)) + 1.


Sum of the Years Digits First Year Percent

Calculated: Element 50 (Initial Year Apportionment Percent).

Note. Elements 40 and 50 are the same answer.


Sum of the Years Digits Last Year Percent

Calculated: 1 - (Element 50 (Initial Year Apportionment Percent)).


Asset Master Investment Tax Credit Amount

Source: F1201 (FAAITY)

Application: Asset Master Information (P1201)

Use the Asset Master Investment Tax Credit Amount.


Replacement Cost

Source: F1201 (FAARPC)

Application: Insurance Information (P12012)

Use the replacement cost from the Asset Master, which is generally updated through Asset Revaluations.


Replacement Cost Last Year

Source: F1201 (FAALRC)

Application: Insurance Information (P12012)

Use the replacement cost from last year in the Asset Master, which is generally updated through Asset Revaluations.


Insurance Value

Source: F1201 (FAAIV)

Application: Insurance Information (P12012)

Use the Insurance value stored in the Asset Master.


Salvage Value From Asset Balances

Source: F1202 (FLTKER)

Application: Depreciation Information (P1202)

Use the salvage value that is stored in the Asset Balances.

Note. Element 07 has precedence if both Element 07 and Element 46 are defined.


Asset Method Percent

Source: F1202 (FLADMP)

Application: Depreciation Information (P1202)

Use the asset method percent from the Asset Balances.


Company/LT Method Percent

Source: F12003 (FFADMP) Fetch F12003 based on Key: FFCO = F1201.FACO (Company), FFDAOB = F1201.FAAOBJ (Object Account), FFDASB = F1201.FAASUB (Subsidiary), FFLT = F1202.FLLT (Ledger Type)

Application: Depreciation Default Coding (P12002)

Use the Asset Method Percent from the Depreciation Defaults.


Normal Number of Periods

Source: F0010 (CCCALD)

Application: Companies (P0010)

This element uses the Normal Number of Periods value from the Company Master.


Initial Year Apportionment Percent

Calculated: The number of life days in the initial year calculated as a percentage of all the days in that year. This element must be included in the first year calculation because it adjusts the calculation for the modified start date in regards to the fiscal date pattern.

Note. Most rules require a Year 1 through Year 1 rule that multiplies the rule * this element with I, C and R compute directions that are annual.


Intermediate Accumulated Depreciation - Primary Rule

Calculated: Inception to date computation methods I or F only. The sum of yearly accumulated depreciation amounts calculated from inception through the Element 53 (Life Year in Process) for a primary life year rule.


Intermediate Accumulated Depreciation - Secondary Rule

Calculated: Inception to date computation methods I or F only. The sum of yearly accumulated depreciation amounts calculated from inception through the Element 53 (Life Year in Process) for a secondary life year rule.


Life Year In Process

Calculated: The current Life Year in Process is calculated from the modified start date to the current through date. It counts the life year in the depreciation calculation process. Used only with computation methods I (depreciation calculated from inception through each life year in process) or F (inception to date for the primary rule). These computation methods calculate every life year to catch up any lost depreciation.


Intermediate Accumulated Depreciation - Best Rule

Calculated: The best result of accumulated depreciation from Element 51 (Intermediate Accumulated Depreciation - Primary Rule ) and Element 52 (Intermediate Accumulated Depreciation - Secondary Rule).


Asset Life Periods Current Year (Rounded to Half Periods)

Calculated: Element 06 (Asset Life Periods Current Year) rounded to the nearest half period.


Disposal Year Apportionment Percentage

Calculated: The number of life days in the disposal year as a percentage of all the days in that year.

This calculation is based on one of these formulas:

  • (Disposal Date - Start of Through Date Fiscal Year) / Number of days in Current Fiscal Year

  • Disposal Year Apportionment = 1.0 - Element 50 (Apportionment percent - Initial Year)

    Note. This element is recommended on 999 rules, final year From and Through rules, and secondary percent continuation of 9 as the rule * this element.


Amount One (Asset Balances)

Source: F1202 (FLAPYC + (Period Buckets))

Retrieve from DSA1 AAI. Default company is used (company 00000). Fetch the AA ledger type only. If Business Unit is left blank in AAI, use Responsible Business Unit from F1201 of the asset.


Amount Two (Asset Balances)

Source: F1202 (FLAPYC + (Period Buckets))

Retrieve from DSA2 AAI. Default company is used (company 00000). Fetch the current ledger type only. If Business Unit is left blank in the AAI, use Responsible Business Unit from F1201 of the asset.


Amount Three (Asset Balances)

Source: F1202 (FLAPYC + (Period Buckets))

Retrieve from DSA3 AAI. Fetch the ledger type definition line 4 of the AAI description. If Business Unit is left blank in the AAI, use Responsible Business Unit from F1201 of the asset.


Amount One (General Ledger)

Source: F0902 (FLAPYC + (Period Buckets))

Retrieve from DSA4 AAI. Default company is used (company 00000). Fetch the AA ledger type only. If Business Unit is left blank in the AAI, use Responsible Business Unit from F1201 of the asset.

AAI Line 5 = LT


Amount Two (General Ledger)

Source: F0902 (FLAPYC + (Period Buckets))

Retrieve from DSA5 AAI. Default company is used (company 00000). Fetch the current ledger type only. If Business Unit is left blank in the AAI, use Responsible Business Unit from F1201 of the asset.


Amount Three (General Ledger)

Source: F0902 (FLAPYC + (Period Buckets))

Retrieve form DSA6 AAI. Fetch the ledger type from AAI description line 4. If Business Unit is left blank in the AAI, use Responsible Business Unit from F1201 of the asset.

AAI Line 5 = LT


Initial Period Apportionment Percent

Calculated: (Number of days elapsed) / (the number of actual days in a period)

If the modified start date is not the start of or end of the period, this element calculates the apportionment percentage to us. Mid-Month or Actual Start Dates are examples of number of days that do not match full period results.

Note. For ITAC = P (Middle of Period) processing only. Recommend for use in Year 1 of assets that start during a period and use period depreciation.