Setting Up Budget Forecasting and Planning

This chapter provides an overview of budget forecasting and planning and discusses how to set up growth patterns.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Budget Forecasting and Planning Setup

You can forecast revenue and expense budget amounts up to 15 years in the future with the forecasting and planning programs. Before you can forecast budget amounts for profit and loss accounts, you must complete these setup requirements:

To forecast budget amounts, the system applies a growth pattern to the basis amounts that it retrieves from the net posting amounts in the Account Balances table (F0902).

See Also

Forecasting and Planning Budgets

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Growth Patterns

This section provides an overview of growth patterns and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Growth Patterns

You use growth patterns to specify the amount or percent of increase that you want the system to apply to revenue and expense accounts when it calculates budget amounts.

You assign growth pattern types (UDC table 14/GP) to growth pattern codes to identify budget amounts as fixed amounts or percentages. For example, if you enter a growth amount of 1.00, the system:

You can specify different fixed amounts or percentage amounts for each year for up to 15 years for a growth pattern. The system compounds the growth amounts that you enter for each year. For example, if you enter a percentage growth pattern and specify 1.0 for year 1 and 2.0 for year 2, the system multiplies the account balance by 1.01 the first year and then multiples that amount by 1.02 the following year (for a total of 3.02 percent).

After you set up growth pattern codes, you assign them to business units and specify a revision number. Using a revision number enables you to generate multiple budgets for the same business unit.

Growth pattern information is stored in the Forecast Growth Patterns table (F1406).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Growth Patterns

Form Name




Work With Forecast Growth Patterns


Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Forecast Growth Patterns

Review existing growth patterns.

Revise Forecast Growth Patterns


On the Work With Forecast Growth Patterns form, click Add.

Add and revise growth patterns.

Work With Business Unit Growth Patterns


Forecasting and Planning (G1411), Business Unit Growth Patterns

Review growth patterns assigned to business units.

Revise Business Unit Growth Patterns


On the Work With Business Unit Growth Patterns form, click Add.

Assign growth pattern codes and revision numbers to business units, and revise them.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up a Growth Pattern

Access the Revise Forecast Growth Patterns form.

Growth Pattern Code

Enter a code to specify the amount or percent of increase that you want the system to apply to revenue and expense accounts when it calculates budget amounts.

Growth Pattern Type

Assign a user-defined code from UDC table 14/GP to specify whether the budget amounts that you forecast are fixed amounts (FIX) or percentages (PCT).

Forecast Amount - Year 1 through Forecast Amount - Year 15

Enter the anticipated growth rate for each year in which you want to forecast budget amounts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning a Growth Pattern to Business Units

Access the Revise Business Unit Growth Patterns form.

Revise Business Unit

Select the Revise Business Unit tab.

Revision Number

Enter a number that identifies the budget revision. You can create an unlimited number of budget revisions for different what-if scenarios in which to forecast budgets.

Growth Pattern Type

Displays the code (PCT or FIX) that is assigned to the growth pattern code.

Growth Patterns

Select the Growth Patterns tab.

Forecast Amount - Year 1 through Forecast Amount - Year 15

Displays the amounts that were set up for the budget pattern.

Budget Codes

The Budget Codes tab and corresponding fields are reserved for future use.