Working With Employee Self Service Performance Appraisals

This chapter provides an overview of employee self service performance appraisals and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Self Service Performance Appraisals

You can use employee self service (ESS) to manage performance appraisals. When a performance appraisal is due, either a human resources representative or a manager creates an employee performance appraisal and notifies you when it is ready for the review. If the company also uses performance self appraisals, you receive a message indicating that you are required to prepare and submit a performance self appraisal.

A performance self appraisal evaluates the job performance and provides historic examples of activities that you completed. After you submit the self appraisal, the system sends a message to the manager indicating that the appraisal is ready for review. If you need to make additional changes to the self appraisal after you submit it,ther manager can reset the appraisal status so that you can enter changes and resubmit it.

After you submit the performance self appraisal to The manager, the manager reviews it and prepares an employee performance appraisal. The manager submits the appraisal for approval using a predefined approval hierarchy. When all approvals are complete, the manager sends a message to you indicating that the appraisal is ready for thereview. You then review the appraisal, and either accept or contest it. The manager then schedules a meeting with you to review the appraisal and obtain feedback. You are normally the final step of the approval process.

Depending on the system settings, you can use one of two types of performance self appraisals: competency based or traditional (text based). A competency based performance self appraisal generates an appraisal that compares required job competencies to the demonstrated employee competencies. To complete a traditional performance self appraisal, you manually complete an appraisal template. You then review the performance self appraisal and make appropriate changes. You can also attach appropriate diary entries that provide examples of performance activities.

If you are not using ESS, you can still utilize the automated performance management system by performing pieces of the review process outside of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne system. You then can set up the system to allow managers or human resources representatives to approve or contest the appraisals online on behalf of an employee.

See Also

Maintaining a Performance Diary

Understanding Performance Management

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing a Competency Based Performance Self Appraisal

This section provides an overview of competency based performance self appraisals.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Competency Based Performance Self Appraisal Reviews

Either a human resources representative or a manager creates the competency based performance appraisal. The appraisal is a system generated comparison of job competencies and demonstrated employee competencies. When you receive an email message indicating that a performance self appraisal is due, you use the Complete My Self Appraisal program (P087712) to:

When you enter the Complete My Self Appraisal program, the system automatically recognizes the address book number and displays the currently active appraisal. When the processing options are set appropriately, you can change the system generated ratings for each job and employee competency. You can also change the overall performance rating and enable the system to change the ratings for each of the job and employee competencies.

See Also

Reviewing a Competency Based Performance Appraisal

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing a Traditional Performance Self Appraisal

This section provides an overview of traditional performance self appraisal reviews.

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Either a human resources representative or a manager initiates the traditional performance appraisal. The appraisal is a template that is stored as text in the software. When you receive an email message that a performance self appraisal is due, use the Complete My Self Appraisal program (P087712) to:

When you enter the Complete My Self Appraisal program, the system automatically recognizes the address book number and displays the appropriate appraisal template.

See Also

Completing Traditional Performance Appraisals

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing a Performance Appraisal From The Manager

This section provides an overview of performance appraisal from the manager reviews.

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Select Employee Self Service menu (G05BESS1), Current Performance Appraisal.

When you receive a message indicating that an employee performance appraisal is ready for the review, you use the Current Performance Appraisal program (P087712) to select the appraisal and review it.

Performance reviews can be either competency based or traditional. You can add notes and attach performance diary entries to either type of performance appraisal to document the views of the ratings that appear in the appraisal.

See Also

Maintaining a Performance Diary

Reviewing a Competency Based Performance Appraisal

Completing Traditional Performance Appraisals

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Employee Goals Using Employee Self Service

This section provides an overview of employee goal definitions using employee self service and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Goal Definitions Using Employee Self Service

You can create and track personal goals as part of the performance appraisal process. Working closely with the manager, you use the employee goals feature to create an action plan for achieving higher levels of performance. You can also use this feature to track personal objectives that are not related to the organization. If the organization uses only a performance appraisal that the manager creates for you, you can work with the manager to create and track the goals. If you also complete a self appraisal, you can create and track goals for Theself.

Employee goals are linked to a current appraisal. Although the system locks the appraisal after you approve the information that the manager enters, you can still create and change the goals and goal actions throughout the year.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Define Goals for Competency Based Appraisals

Form Name




Goal Action Plans


Employee Self Service (G05BESS1), Complete My Self Appraisal

On the Employee Work With Performance Appraisals form, select an appraisal record and then click Select.

Select an employee competency and select the link to Create a Development Plan for the Selected Competency.

Define employee goals for competency based appraisals

Goal Action Plans


Employee Self Service menu (G05BESS1), Complete My Self Appraisal

On the Employee Work With Performance Appraisals form, select an appraisal record and then click Select.

Create a career development plan.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Employee Goals for Competency Based Appraisals

Access the Goal Action Plans form.

To define goals for competency based appraisals :

  1. Complete these fields to create a new employee goal:

  2. To create a new goal action suggestion, complete these fields:

  3. If you are updating an existing action suggestion, complete these fields:

  4. To move the current goal action suggestion to the Actions list, click the arrow.

  5. To add additional goal action suggestions to the Actions list for the currently selected employee competency, repeat steps 2 through 4.

  6. When the list of goal action suggestions is complete, click Submit to save, and then click Cancel to return to the appraisal form.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating a Career Development Plan

Access the Goal Action Plans form.

To create a career development plan:

  1. Complete these fields:

  2. Select the Free Form option for the Suggestion Type field.

  3. To create a new goal action suggestion, complete these fields:

  4. If you are updating an existing action suggestion, complete these fields:

  5. To move the current goal action suggestion to the Actions list, click the arrow.

  6. To add additional goal action suggestions to the Actions list for the currently selected employee competency, repeat steps 3 through 5.

  7. When the list of goal action suggestions is complete, click Submit to save. Then click Cancel to return to the appraisal form.

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Employee Performance Appraisals

This section provides an overview of self service employee performance appraisals creation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Self Service Creation of Employee Performance Appraisals

Human resources representatives and managers can use the performance appraisal management system to create, manage, and print performance appraisals. You use the Create Performance Appraisals program (P087711) to generate appraisals and evaluate employee job performance. These appraisals provide historic examples of activities that employees complete. Depending on the system settings, employees might be able to create performance self appraisals. After the employee submits the performance self appraisal to the manager, the manager reviews the self evaluation and prepares the manager performance appraisal.

See Also

Generating Employee Performance Appraisals

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Employee Goals Using Manager Self Service

This section provides an overview of defining employee goals using Manager Self Service.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Employee Goals Using Manager Self Service

Human resources specialists know that when organizations treat employees who contribute to the success of an organization as valuable assets, the organization and the employees mutually benefit. Employees benefit from establishing specific goals that help increase their skills, perform their jobs at a higher level, and advance their careers.

The employee goals system is linked to the performance management system so that managers have a concise method of measuring employee performance and improvement. You can create employee goals for either competency based or traditional performance appraisals. When you create a competency based appraisal, you can create employee goals for each employee competency. You can also create a separate, personalized career development plan. Using either appraisal approach, the employee goals feature is a tool that you can use to help the employees reach personal and corporate objectives.

You use the Current Performance Appraisals program (P087712) to review an employee appraisal and add employee goals. Although you normally create goals at the same time that you are reviewing an appraisal, you can add and revise them after you finish the appraisal process. After you submit the appraisal and the system locks it to prevent changes to the appraisal, you can still review and change employee goal suggestions.

The human resources department defines the competency information that is used in competency based performance appraisals and employee goals. You can use existing goal suggestions that might already exist, or you can use the Work With Competency Information form (W05104A) to add new ones. You can also create additional items in the UDC tables to support employee goals.

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Before you complete the tasks in this section: