Setting Up Detailed Currency Restatement

This chapter provides an overview of the Detailed Currency Setup program and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Detailed Currency Setup Program

Before you can use detailed currency restatement, you must set up certain information that the system uses during processing. Unlike other setup programs, which you access using different menu options, you can perform all of the setup for detailed currency restatement from one interactive form called Detailed Currency Setup. This form has buttons that you can select to access the programs that you need to set up or revise information.

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This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Detailed Currency Restatement

Form Name




Detailed Currency Setup


Financial Restatement (G1122), Detailed Currency Setup

Set up constants for detailed currency restatement.

Company Setup


Financial Restatement (G1122), Detailed Currency Setup

Click Company Setup. On the Work With Companies form, select a company and then select the Currency form.

Specify whether a company performs detailed currency restatement.

Revise Currency Exchange Rates


Financial Restatement (G1122), Detailed Currency Setup

Click Exchange Rate Setup. On the Work With Currency Exchange form, click Add.

Enter exchange rates to convert domestic currency amounts in the AA ledger to alternate currency amounts in the XA ledger. If you do not set up exchange rates with a specific effective date, the Detailed Currency Restatement program uses the exchange rate of the last effective date.

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Access the Detailed Currency Setup form.

Intercompany Settlements

Enter 2 (detail) or 3 (configured hub) for detailed currency restatement. No other methods are valid.

A/P Offset Method and A/R Offset Method

Enter Y (one offset per transaction) for detailed currency restatement. This is the method by which the system generates the offset entry for trade accounts. No other methods are valid.

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Access the Company Setup form.

Detailed Currency Restatement

Specify whether a company allows detailed currency restatement processing. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow detailed currency restatement processing.

1, Y, or Z: Allow detailed currency restatement processing.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Ledger Types for Detailed Currency Restatement

This section provides an overview of the ledger types used for detailed currency restatement, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set up the ledger types rules for detailed currency restatement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Ledger Types Used for Detailed Currency Restatement

When you work with multiple currencies, the system uses ledger types AA (actual amounts) and CA (foreign currency amounts). To perform detailed currency restatement, the system uses the XA, YA, and ZA ledger types. You must set up the alternate currency (XA) ledger for detailed currency restatement and, optionally, the domestic origin (YA) and foreign origin (ZA) ledgers. The detailed currency restatement program is designed to use only these ledgers.

This diagram shows the XA ledger and the tables used for detailed currency restatement:

Tables used for detailed currency restatement

This table describes the XA, YA, and ZA ledgers, which are hard coded:

Ledger Type


XA (alternate currency)

This ledger is required and contains a partial or complete chart of accounts with transactions in the alternate currency. The alternate currency of the XA ledger is typically a currency that does not fluctuate as compared with the domestic currency of a company. Each transaction in the AA ledger is restated into its alternate currency (XA) equivalent by using the exchange rate that is effective on the date of the transaction. The exception to this is when amounts in the foreign currency ledger (CA) are in the same currency as the XA ledger. In this case, the program copies the CA ledger amounts to the XA ledger; it does not restate the AA amounts.

Assign the currency code of the alternate (stable) currency to ledger type XA. This must be the same currency code as company 00000.

If you do not set up this ledger and run the Detailed Currency Restatement program (R11411), the system exits the program without processing records.

YA (domestic origin)

This ledger is optional and contains a partial chart of accounts with transactions that originated in the domestic currency (AA ledger), restated into the alternate ledger (XA).

Do not assign a currency code to this ledger type. The system uses the domestic currency of the company on the transaction.

This ledger is typically used for analysis purposes and shows the amount of the XA ledger that was created by original domestic transactions.

ZA (foreign origin)

This ledger is optional and contains a partial chart of accounts with transactions that originated in the foreign currency (CA ledger), restated into the alternate ledger (XA).

Assign the currency code of the alternate currency to ledger type YA. (This must be the same currency code assigned to the XA ledger.)

This ledger is typically used for analysis purposes and displays the amount of the XA ledger that was created by original foreign transactions.

You set up these ledgers in UDC table 09/LT and on the Ledger Type Rules Setup form.

If you use the Detailed Currency Restatement program to record transactions by domestic origin and foreign origin, the system updates the YA and ZA ledgers based on the original entry. If the original entry was a domestic transaction, the system updates the YA ledger. If the original entry was a foreign transaction, the system updates the ZA ledger

The information in this table shows how the system updates certain transactions for detailed currency restatement:

Original Transaction

Alternate Ledger Updated

Domestic transaction in the AA currency

No foreign currency (CA) amount exists. The system:

  • Restates the AA amount in the XA ledger.

  • Copies the AA amount to the YA ledger.

Foreign transaction in the XA currency

The system copies the foreign currency (CA) amount to both the XA and ZA ledgers.

Foreign transaction in a currency other than the XA currency

The system:

  • Restates the AA amount in the XA ledger.

  • Copies the XA amount to the ZA ledger.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you complete the tasks in this section:

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Form Name




Ledger Type Rules Setup


Financial Restatement (G1122), Detailed Currency Setup

Click Ledger Type Setup.

Select the appropriate ledger type on the Work With Ledger Types form.

Set up the rules for the detailed currency restatement ledger types.

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Access the Ledger Type Rules Setup form.

Close to Retained Earnings Account and Ledger is Required to Balance

Select these check boxes for ledger type XA only if you restate the entire chart of accounts.

Use as Restatement To Ledger

This check box does not apply to ledger types XA, YA, and ZA. The detailed currency restatement program is hard-coded for ledger types XA, YA, and ZA; therefore, this option is ignored by the system.

Denominated Currency Code

Enter the currency code in which to restate the domestic AA ledger. Complete this field for ledger types XA and ZA only.

Enter the currency in which you restate amounts in this field for ledger type XA and, if applicable, ZA. A currency code designation for a ledger type applies to all companies using that ledger.

If you use ledger type ZA, you must assign it the same currency code as ledger type XA. Ledger type ZA contains the foreign entries that were restated into the XA ledger; therefore the currency code must be the same.

Important! To maintain the integrity of the ledgers, do not change the currency code that you assign to them after you begin using detailed currency restatement.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Detailed Currency Restatement

This section provides an overview of the automatic accounting instructions (AAIs) for detailed currency restatement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding AAIs for Detailed Currency Restatement

AAI item CRxx defines the account ranges that the system uses for detailed currency restatement. You restate amounts from the AA ledger to the XA ledger and, optionally, the YA and ZA ledgers.

AAI item CR, which is optional, defines the balancing offset account.

AAI Item CRxx (Required)

These rules apply to AAI items CRxx:

AAI Item CR (Optional)

These rules apply to AAI item CR: