Setting Up Accounts Receivable for Multicurrency Processing

Before you can process accounts receivable transactions in multiple currencies, you must assign currency codes to customer records, set up multicurrency AAIs, and assign currency codes to the credit and collection policies.

This chapter gives an overview of multicurrency processing for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Customer Records for Multicurrency Processing

This section provides an overview of currency codes and customer records and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForm Used to Assign Currency Codes to a Customer Record

Form Name




Customer Master Revision


Multi-Currency Setup (G1141), Designate A/R Currency.

Select a customer on Work With Customer Master.

Select the Invoices tab.

Assign currency codes to a customer record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Multicurrency Processing Options for the Customer Master Information Program (P03013)

This section discusses processing options that are specific to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Multicurrency Processing.


2. Amount Currency Code

Specify the currency code to use as the default value for the A/B Amount field. If you leave this processing option blank and the A/B Amount field on the Customer Master Revision form is blank, the system uses the currency code of the company assigned to the Business Unit field on the Address Book Revision form.

Note. The A/B Amount field appears on the Customer Master Revision form only if multicurrency is activated in the General Accounting Constants program.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAssigning Currency Codes to a Customer Record

Access the Customer Master Revision form.

Currency code information for customers is stored in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012).

Note. After you assign an address book amount code to a customer, do not change the currency code in the A/B Amount Code field. If you do change the currency code, you will have meaningless amounts in the F03012 table because of mixed currencies.


Select the Invoices tab.

Currency Code

Enter the code that identifies the default currency that the system will assign when you enter invoices for the customer. You can override this value when you enter the invoice, or you can leave this field blank and assign the currency code for each transaction.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the currency of the company assigned to the customer record as the default. The Currency Code field is CRCD in the F03012 table.

A/B Amount Codes

Enter the currency in which you want amounts stored in the address book. The address book system stores amounts such as the credit limit, invoiced this year, invoiced this year, invoiced prior year, and so on. The currency that you specify is used to record and store transaction history.

If you leave this field blank, the system uses the currency code specified in the Amount Currency Code processing option. If that processing option is blank, the system uses the currency code of the company assigned to the Business Unit field on the Address Book Revision form. The A/B Amount Codes field is CRCA in the F03012 table.

Click to jump to parent topicConverting Customer Master Currency Codes

This section provides overviews of customer currency conversions and the address book conversion programs, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Customer Currency Conversions

You might need to convert customer currency codes or address book amounts for any number of reasons, including:

For example, assume that you work for a U.S. company that was recently purchased by a Japanese company. The corporate office wants to view statistical amounts for all customers in the Japanese yen (JPY). You can run the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program (R8903012E) to convert the customer address book currency and amounts for all customers from USD to JPY.

The R8903012E program converts these currency code and amount fields in the Customer Master by Line of Business table (F03012) at the same time or independently of one another:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Address Book Conversion Programs

You use the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program to convert default currency codes, address book currency codes and amounts, or both for multiple customers. To do so, you must set these processing options for the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program:

You can set up different versions of the R8903012E program if you want to convert different currency codes for specific customers. For example, you might set up one version of the program to convert default currency codes only, another version to convert address book currency codes and amounts only, and still another to convert both.

Use the data selection to select only those customers that you want to convert to another currency. If you do not specify address book numbers, the conversion program converts all customers. To convert amounts for all customers that are assigned a certain category code, specify the category code.

Exceptions Report

When you run the R8903012E conversion program, the system prints an exceptions report. Review the report for any of these messages, and rerun the conversion program if necessary:

Example: Converting Customer Amounts from Canadian Dollars to the Euro

This example shows customer amounts before and after conversion from Canadian dollars (CAD) to the euro (EUR).

Before Converting Customer Amounts

The Currency Code and A/B Amount Codes fields on the customer master record is CAD.

You set the processing options for the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program as follows:

The exchange rate in the F0015 table is 1 CAD = 0.71097 EUR.

After Converting Customer Amounts

After running the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program, the customer address book amounts are in EUR; however, their invoices remain in CAD, as shown in this table:

F03012 Field


Before Conversion

After Conversion

Rounded From


Currency Code - A/R



Not applicable


Currency Code - A/B



Not applicable


Amount Due

100.00 CAD

71.10 EUR

Not applicable


Prior Year Finance Charges

200.00 CAD

142.19 EUR

Not applicable


YTD Finance Charges

300.00 CAD

213.29 EUR

Not applicable


Invoiced This Year

400.00 CAD

284.39 EUR

Not applicable


Invoiced Prior Year

500.00 CAD

355.48 EUR

Not applicable


High Balance

600.00 CAD

426.58 EUR

Not applicable


Last Paid Amount

700.00 CAD

497.68 EUR

Not applicable


Address Book Amount

Not used

Not used

Not applicable


Address Book Amount

Not used

Not used

Not applicable


Open Order Amount

1,000 CAD

710.97 EUR

Not applicable


Minimum Order Amount

1,000 CAD

700 EUR

710.97 EUR


Maximum Order Amount

50,000 CAD

35,550 EUR

35,548.30 EUR


Credit Limit

10,000 CAD

7,100 EUR

7,109.66 EUR

Important! In the F03012 table, the field A5ABAM stores a user-defined fixed amount, and the field A5ABA1 is not functional. If you use either of these fields, be aware that the R8903012E program converts the amounts, regardless of whether they are monetary amounts.

Example: Converting Parent/Child Structure with Different Currencies

If you have a parent/child structure with different default and address book currency codes, you can use the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program to convert the parent independently from its children or vice versa. With this flexibility, you can continue to track address book amounts in the currency of the parent company while issuing invoices or submitting payments to some of its subsidiaries in another currency. This flexibility also enables you to convert address book amounts at the subsidiary level, to convert the currencies of a parent and its children at the same time, and so on.

Before Converting Currency Codes

This example shows a parent/child relationship with different currencies before the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program has been run to convert customer currency codes:


Address Book Currency

Default Currency




Child 1



Child 2



Child 3



Child 1 and Child 3 have requested that you issue their invoices in CAD. You run the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program to convert their default currency from USD and (EUR), respectively, to CAD.

Note. You can convert the currency codes of a parent and its children at the same time, if applicable.

After Converting Currency Codes

This example shows the results after running the Address Book Conversion - F03012 program:


Address Book Currency

Default Currency




Child 1



Child 2



Child 3



This example shows that you can track address book amounts in the currency of the parent company (JPY) while issuing invoices to its subsidiaries in different currencies (CAD and GBP).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Address Book Conversion Program - F03012

The Address Book Conversion Program - F03012 is not set up on a menu.

Access the Batch Versions form and enter the program number R8903012E in the Batch Application field.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Processing Options for Address Book Conversion - F03012 (R8903012E)

Processing options enable you to specify the default processing for programs and reports.


1. Update Customer Master Balances

Specify whether to update the statistical information for the customer master record, such as the invoiced year-to-date and invoiced prior year. Values are:

Blank: Do not update the statistical information.

1: Update the statistical information.

2. Exchange Rate Date

Specify the date to use to retrieve the exchange rate from the F0015 table. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses today's date to retrieve the exchange rate.


3. Address Book Currency Code

Specify the currency code to use to update the A/B Amount Codes field on the Customer Master Revision form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not update the A/B Amount Codes field.

4. Currency Code

Specify the currency code to use to update the Currency Code field on the Customer Master Revision form. If you leave this processing option blank, the system does not update the Currency Code field.


5. Rounding Factor

Specify the factor by which to round amounts for the Minimum Order Value and Maximum Order Value fields.

For example, if you enter 100, the system rounds the amount to the nearest 100, if you enter 50, the system rounds to the nearest 50, and so on.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Multicurrency AAIs for Accounts Receivable

This section provides an overview of the multicurrency AAIs for JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multicurrency AAIs for Accounts Receivable

You set up AAI items to calculate currency gains and losses. The system uses the AAIs to distribute the gain or loss amount to the correct general ledger account. The potential for a currency gain or loss is due to exchange rate fluctuations that occur between:

For receipts and open invoices in a foreign currency, the gain or loss is calculated between the domestic and foreign currencies. For receipts in an alternate currency, the gain or loss is calculated between the domestic, foreign, and alternate currencies.

You also set up AAI items to define trade accounts for foreign currency invoices and bank accounts for foreign and alternate currency receipts.

Some AAI items have a suffix of xxx, which is optional, to accommodate a three-character currency code. You use the xxx suffix to set up currency-specific AAI items for each company.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Receivable Bank Accounts in Foreign Currencies

AAI item RB (receivables bank) specifies the default bank account to use for receipts if one is not assigned to the receipt record. The system retrieves the bank account to use based on the company number entered on the receipt and debits the bank account for the amount entered on the receipt. A business unit is required for AAI item RB.

The bank account can be either a monetary account, which has a currency designation, or a non-monetary account, which has no currency designation. If the account associated with AAI item RB is a monetary account, the currency of the account must be the same as the transaction currency of the receipt.

This table shows the sequence in which the system searches for the account associated with AAI item RB.

AAI Item


AAI Hierarchy


Receivables Bank Account

  • RBxxx. The system uses RBxxx that is associated with the company that is entered on the receipt, where xxx is the transaction currency of the receipt.

  • RBxxx. The system uses RBxxx for company 00000, where xxx is the transaction currency of the receipt.

  • RB. The system uses RB that is associated with the company that is entered on the receipt.

  • RB. The system uses RB for company 00000.

If the item does not exist, the system issues an error message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Receivable Trade Accounts in Foreign Currencies

AAI item RC (receivables trade) specifies the trade account that serves as a holding or clearing account until invoices are paid. The system retrieves the AR trade account to use based on the company number entered on the invoice. The system debits the trade account for the invoice amount when the invoice is posted and credits the AR trade account for the receipt amount when the receipt is posted.

This table shows the sequence in which the system searches for the account associated with AAI item RC with and without a general ledger offset code.

AAI Item


AAI Hierarchy

RC (GL offset = xxxx)

Accounts receivable trade account with GL offset

  1. RCxxx. The system uses RCxxx that is associated with the company entered on the invoice, where xxx is the transaction currency of the invoice.

  2. RCxxxx. The system uses RCxxxx that is associated with the company entered on the invoice, where xxxxis the GL offset on the invoice.

  3. RCxxxx. The system uses RCxxxxfor company 00000, where xxxxis the GL offset on the invoice.

If the AAI item does not exist, the system issues an error message.

RC (GL offset = blank)

AR Trade Account without GL offset

  1. RCxxx. The system uses RCxxx that is associated with the company entered on the invoice, where xxx is the transaction currency of the invoice.

  2. RCxxx. The system uses RCxxx for company 00000, where xxx is the transaction currency of the invoice.

  3. RC. The system uses RC that is associated with the company entered on the invoice.

  4. RC. The system uses RC for company 00000.

If the AAI item does not exist, the system issues an error message.

These examples show the search sequence and the relationships among the Currency, GL Offset, and Company fields on an invoice.

Example: AAI Search Sequence with a GL Offset

A U.S. company (company 00001) enters a foreign invoice in CAD with a GL offset code TRAD.

  1. The system searches for AAI item RCCAD for company 00001. If the item does not exist, then:

  2. The system searches for AAI item RCCAD for company 00000. If the item does not exist, then:

  3. The system searches for AAI item RCTRAD for company 00001. If the item does not exist, then:

  4. The system searches for AAI item RCTRAD for company 00000. If the item does not exist, the system issues the error message.

Example: AAI Search Sequence without a GL Offset

A U.S. company (company 00001) enters a foreign invoice in CAD without a GL offset (that is, the GL offset code is blank).

The system searches for the AR trade account based on this hierarchy:

  1. The system searches for AAI item RCCAD for company 00001. If the item does not exist, then:

  2. The system searches for AAI item RCCAD for company 00000. If the item does not exist, then:

  3. The system searches for item RC for company 00001. If the item does not exist, then:

  4. The system searches for item RC for company 00000. If the item does not exist, the system issues an error message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Unrealized Gains and Losses on Foreign Currency Invoices

If you want the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Receivable system to calculate unrealized gains and losses, you must set up AAIs. These AAI items define the accounts that the system uses for unrealized gains and losses on foreign currency invoices that are open at the end of a period:

When you run the A/R Unrealized Gain/Loss Report (R03B426), the system uses the account number assigned to RV and RW to create foreign currency unrealized gains and losses and the account number assigned to RR to create foreign currency unrealized gain or loss offsets. To create an unrealized gain or loss amount, the system compares the amount of the original invoice to the amount of the open invoice (which is revalued based on the exchange rate at the end of the period) and creates a gain or loss for the difference.

The hierarchy for AAI items RV, RW, and RR is the same. This example shows the sequence in which the system searches for AAI item RV:

  1. RVxxx. The system uses RVxxx that is associated with the company entered on the invoice, where xxx is the transaction currency of the invoice.

  2. RVxxx. The system uses RVxxx for company 00000, where xxx is the transaction currency of the invoice.

  3. RVxxxx. The system uses RVxxxx that is associated with the company entered on the invoice, where xxxx is the GL offset on the invoice.

  4. RVxxxx. The system uses RVxxxxfor company 00000 where xxxx is the GL offset on the invoice.

  5. RV. The system uses RV that is associated with the company entered on the invoice.

  6. RV. The system uses RV for company 00000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Realized Gains and Losses on Foreign Currency Receipts

These AAI items define the accounts that the system uses for realized gains and losses on foreign currency receipts:

The system uses the account number assigned to RG and RL to create foreign currency gain or loss amounts when receipts are posted. To create a gain or loss amount, the system multiplies the invoice amount by the difference in the exchange rate between the original invoice and the foreign currency receipt.

The hierarchy for AAI items RG and RL is the same. This example shows the sequence in which the system searches for AAI item RG:

  1. RGxxx. The system uses RGxxx that is associated with the company entered on the receipt, where xxx is the transaction currency of the receipt.

  2. RGxxx. The system uses RGxxx for company 00000, where xxx is the transaction currency of the receipt.

  3. RGxxxx. The system uses RGxxxx that is associated with the company entered on the receipt, where xxxx is the GL offset on the invoice that is paid.

  4. RGxxxx. The system uses RGxxxx for company 00000, where xxxx is the GL offset on the invoice that is paid.

  5. RG. The system uses RG that is associated with the company entered on the receipt.

  6. RG. The system uses RG for company 00000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for Realized Gains and Losses on Alternate Currency Receipts

The gains and losses for alternate currency receipts are recorded separately from standard gains and losses and are handled by using different accounts and AAIs.

These AAI items define the accounts that the system uses for realized gains and losses on alternate currency receipts:

The system creates an alternate currency gain or loss entry as follows:

The hierarchy for AAI items RY and RZ is the same. This example shows the sequence in which the system searches for AAI item RY:

  1. RYxxx. The system uses RYxxx that is associated with the company entered on the receipt, where xxx is the transaction currency of the receipt.

  2. RYxxx. The system uses RYxxx for company 00000, where xxx is the transaction currency of the receipt.

  3. RYxxxx. The system uses RYxxxx that is associated with the company entered on the receipt, where xxxx is the GL offset on the invoice.

  4. RYxxxx. The system uses RYxxxx for company 00000, where xxxx is the GL offset on the invoice.

  5. RY. The system uses RY that is associated with the company entered on the receipt.

  6. RY. The system uses RY for company 00000.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for the Rounding Account for Foreign and Alternate Currency Receipts

AAI item R8 defines the foreign and alternate currency receipt account used for rounding when you post foreign and alternate currency receipts.

When you apply a foreign or alternate currency receipt to an invoice, the potential exists for a slight rounding difference. A rounding difference can occur when the system is converting amounts between a foreign and a domestic currency or between an alternate and a domestic currency. The rounding difference, which is immaterial, occurs when the domestic currency amount applied to an invoice is not the same as the domestic currency amount of the receipt.

To record rounding differences, the system creates an offset journal entry in the rounding account when you post the foreign or alternate currency receipt.

The sequence in which the system searches for AAI item R8 is:

  1. The system uses R8 that is associated with the company entered on the receipt.

  2. The system uses R8 for company 00000.

See Also

Understanding the Post Process for Foreign and Alternate Currency Receipts

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up AAIs for the Clearing Account for Alternate Currency Receipts

AAI item R7 defines the alternate currency clearing account used when you post alternate currency receipts. The alternate currency clearing account tracks the conversion from the receipt amount to the original invoice amount and provides an audit trail of the offset amounts for:

The alternate currency clearing account will balance on the domestic side but not on the foreign side. This is because the foreign side contains different currencies, which will never balance.

These rules apply to AAI item R7:

The sequence in which the system searches for AAI item R7 is:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Credit and Collection Policies for Multicurrency Processing

This section provides an overview of multicurrency credit and collections setup, lists a prerequisite discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Up Credit and Collections Management

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multicurrency Credit and Collections Setup

When you set up credit and collection policies in a multicurrency environment, the system displays a Currency Code field on each of these forms:

The purpose of this currency code is to indicate the currency of an amount.

On Credit Insurance Definition, the Currency Code fields are used to specify:

On Notification Instructions and Fee Instructions, the Currency Code field is used to specify the currency associated with the minimum amount that the system uses to determine whether to generate a delinquency notice or fee. The currency code does not indicate the currency in which the fee or delinquency notice is generate

See Also

Generating Delinquency Fees

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Ensure that you are familiar with setting up notification policies and fee instructions.

See Set Up Notification Instructions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicForms Used to Set Up Credit and Collection Policies by Currency Code

Form Name




Credit Insurance Definition


Credit & Collections Setup (G03B411), Work With Credit Insurance

Set up insurance currency codes.

Notification Instructions


Credit & Collections Setup (G03B411), Define Delinquency Policies

On the Work With Delinquency Policies form, select a policy and select Notification from the Row menu.

Click Add on the Work With Notification Instructions form.

Set up notification instructions.

Fee Instructions


Credit & Collections Setup (G03B411), Define Delinquency Policies

Select a policy and select Fees from the Row menu on the Work With Delinquency Policies form.

Click Add on the Work With Fee Instructions form.

Set up fee instructions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Currency Codes for Insurance Premiums

Access the Credit Insurance Definition form.

Specify the currency of the insured amount and insurance premium by either the customer (for a single policy) or by the policy (for a general policy that covers multiple customers).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Notification Instructions

Set up notification instructions for each aging category or by severity level. Assign the currency code to represent the currency of the minimum amount, if any, that you enter. The system does not generate delinquency notices for invoice pay items with an amount that is less than or equal to the minimum amount specified for the currency entered.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Fee Instructions

Set up fee instructions for each range of aging days that you require. Assign the currency code to represent the currency of the minimum amount, if any, that you enter. The system does not generate fee records for fee amounts that are less than or equal to the minimum amount specified for the currency entered.